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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2023 2:00am-2:31am EET

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documents for court proceedings, became one of the initiators of a petition from the wives of the dead about the legal distribution of such state benefits for children born after the death of a soldier. this child is not considered a family member of the deceased. the doves have created a community in social networks. there are more than fifty women in total, and new ones are added every week. the breath of a child's life. and there are all mothers who are either pregnant, or women, or mothers who have already given birth to children and are refusing children. this payment, and grief united together, we feel the injustice, because, for example, i feel it in two versions, that adult children do not receive this assistance in the same way, and these children are not born, the payment for their children must be proved and won through the court in the same way for common-law wives, such as maryana, and officially, in the maternal community of widows, the majority are legal wives who are outraged by the fact that their children are deprived of their share of the payment, my child was born 2 after the death
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of my husband, he was waiting for her, we were in an official marriage, the reason for the refusal, well, i did not understand , we, for example, all wives do not ask for anything additional, three, two older and this youngest, the husband was waiting for him a lot, he did not wait, the parliament responded to the petition of the widows of the fallen soldiers, the deputies have already developed amendments to the law to correct the imperfections, they will expand the list of one-time compensation, the ministry of defense agreed with this. the relevant committee of the verkhovna rada has already approved the changes. children born after the death of a soldier and adult children should be added to the list of relatives, however the law will not be retroactive - the deputies emphasize. the effect of the specified law cannot be used in such a way when certain funds have already been paid. therefore, if they have already been paid and distributed, and the commission determined that it. there is a certain circle of people who have the right
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to support, to include anyone there , including, i'm sorry, probably also the children who were born, it will be wrong, therefore, those, if no share was paid, this distribution of these shares is not intended at all , then it will work, the law, as a primary yet must be approved by parliament, but for widows and their children, the changes, even if approved later, will be an additional argument in their favor in court, to receive benefits from the family. zakharchyk is three years old from the date of his father's death. svitlana berzitska, andrii romanok, viktoriya pismenna tsn. 1.1 marathon, single news. there are many situations that ukraine faced for the first time during the long russian-ukrainian war, many laws and rules of our life need to be revised or revised? i remain hopeful that this problem faced by the widow of our heroes seen in the parliament. i hope that the adoption of changes to the law will not take long. so that each of our soldiers, risking
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his life at the front, is sure that his love , his children, even those just conceived , will not be left without help, let us stick together, because this is our strength, help the front as much as we can, and day by day bring victory closer , glory to ukraine and see you soon. one of the biggest battles since the second world war on the territory of europe, there was an impression that there would be a week or two, and ours would not be able to hold back. they had a very large advantage in number personnel, the minimum was one to 10, for the occupiers, it was...
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death road, corpses there, they threw them into pits, because they were not taken out, they were simply raked into one place, for the defenders of bakhmut, it was road of life the battle of bakhmot is probably, well, one of the largest battles since the second world war on the territory of europe, in reality it is constant continuous enemy artillery bombardment, constant work of their aviation, constant assaults of regular troops and the so-called meat assaults of firemen
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on the 12th road of life yes called, like us we call the road. between the city of chasiv and between the city of bahmud, it is the main logistical artery in that direction, through which, in fact , our defense forces receive bek, fuel bridges, food products, rescue troops and so on. along with this, our defense forces did everything possible and impossible to really hold our bakhmul fortress, including among those defense forces , our special center, known to all , alpha, was active and working. our units of the defense forces fought for every house, fought for every part of the terrain. works for us, for windows
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collectors, at that moment it was clear that the enemy wanted to cut off the main logistics road, well, the so-called dear life and leave the defenders of bakhmut surrounded, to force them to either surrender or destroy them, and holding it was very important, moreover, we had to to hold it in order not to give the opportunity to take the ring city of bakhmut and to prevent the enemy from advancing further to... druzhkovka, kramator, sloviansky and so on. the occupying forces concentrated the most, the most combat-capable,
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the most successful, from their point of view , units, such as pvk wagner. number means, the number of enemy manpower, looked like a rush. the situation was already catastrophic, and they almost managed to take this last road, and at that moment a decision was made to transfer the forces of the csoa precisely to the road of life. the most active, most effective means at that time in that territory were sniper pairs and operators of firearms. and means of intelligence, the center of special operations a, he has been fighting since the 14th year, and since the 14th year our snipers are the best, in worldly life our cossacks were
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world champions in the so-called sniping, and during of a full-fledged full-scale war, it is clear that they are in the hottest locations alone on difficult tasks, just as doctors have surgeons who are the most trained, the most complex operations, so the military has surgeons, snipers who are trained for extreme special operations, and this is a sniper, the center of special operations, the security service of ukraine , these are those who stab a needle straight into the heart, this is a unique job, filigree work, why they are also very actively hunted by russians, because they are the ones who get the top scoundrels out of realistically from long distances, and they do it constantly, it has become effective, these people
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have hardened themselves for years, they are ready not to eat, not to sleep, they are ready to sacrifice everything to make one decisive well- shot, in mid-february we arrived as part of a sniper unit for a while the city of bahn. directly where the so-called road of life was and is, they worked as part of small tactical groups, side by side with other defense forces and essentially covered our soldiers in those directions. the task was set quite clearly, to destroy the maximum number of the enemy in those places where we can show our greatest effectiveness, enter where we are not expected, do something as effective as possible and leave.
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there was a section on the road of life near khromov, where the wagnerites came closest to the road, the positions of the voroshes allowed... to fire on the road of life with a machine gun, the boys on the broser right trench, right trench. drozil honor held a landing that ran directly to the road of life, as well as the road of life itself, these young men are mostly very cool, all with the character that, this is ours, this is our landing, they were the last rubicon that prevented the enemy from cutting this road and destroying the logistics connection of the city of baku, the enemy is also... located in this landing, and in principle, every day and even at night they
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tried to make such runs, to storm their landings with the aim of knocking out the boys. at night, we tried to destroy the enemies in that area, we can say that it was right there in front of the boys, in front of their advanced positions, the distances between the positions were very small, was rapid... the advance of the enemy, prigozhin called it a clinch, yes, and he promised that now he would take bakhmut into the ring, and it was this little clinch, if you can call it that, that closed on the landing where we stood , the guys on the character really cut down just for one landing, on which the enemy concentrated, well, just huge forces, every day stormed several rolls per day of assaults, just an unreal amount of artillery, i used a bunch of other firepower there,
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loha, how are you? loha, dear life, it was still there immediately and the height, and if at that moment her orcs managed to capture it, our troops would be surrounded in bakhmut. there would be very heavy losses, of very combat-ready units. it was the first priority to push the thief away. it was from this landing that i received , you warn them that we are there, and let someone come, please, fine, that's it, then i'm waiting for someone to come to me, one of the leaders of the csoa sniper groups was an employee with a land bank, banka is a person who is a symbol, a person who is known by most people who have been fighting since the 14th year, these are people who really holds the front, perty
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, climbs where one should not always climb, when outside fighters who did not know him in the banks asked why you have the call sign bank, he always said that in his childhood he saw his head in a three-liter jar, although everything was not so, the call sign rather depended on his physical form, the bank. given our training and means, we could be most effective precisely at night, the enemy feels more secure and if in this way he placed himself under attack, they would approach at night, accumulate. in some place where it was possible to hide and wait until morning, we discovered these places and tried
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to destroy the enemy who moved in these places as much as possible, for a sniper, it was a little, if so, so many shots in one night are a lot, and usually a sniper goes to a position, he can there until five days to observe and do one or two there. and here during the night, we fired 30 shots from one rifle, and by the third magazine we were already thinking of going for cartridges, because we did not expect that there would be so many enemies and such saturation. at night, i saw, with my scope, that on the enemy positions you can see how the head lowers and rises, well, after looking closely, we realized that it
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was one of the vagnelev soldiers digging a trench, i decided to wait until he rested, it probably took 20 minutes, but at one point he still got tired, got up, raised his head , at that moment i fired a shot, the head disappeared, silence, after some time we hear a shout, den, den, where are you, den, everything is fine, in response. .. luden, as you understand, is no longer there, a shooting range begins in our direction, and in one moment, a grenade launcher runs out from the positions of the wagnerites, the bank says that i see him, takes aim at him, manages to fire a shot, the charge passes over our heads, and at the same moment, the bank fires a shot and kills him, silence and again such a cry, san, san, how are you, san, alive , well, no answer again, that is, the confirmation of the results is so nice when you can just hear it online, after
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a couple of nights we asked the local unit to come in the afternoon when everything is visible . by copter flew in and saw, in general , what was happening there, after we had worked there for a couple of nights, and then they showed us that there were corpses lying there, some corpses there , they simply threw them into the pits there, because they were not taken out, they were simply were raked into one place, groups of snipers went out every day and every day being in extremely difficult conditions, the temperature there was down to -20. the enemy periodically shelled their positions, but they treated it very calmly, measuredly, every morning i had reports from the banks about the completed task and the quality of the completed tasks. in the field snipers are engaged not only in sniper work, this is also counter-sniper
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work, this is sabotage work, this is work in small tactical groups, quite often this core of fire, it is clear that these are real universal soldiers. one night, we saw an opportunity to hit an enemy bmp, we didn't have it, but the bank turned to a unit of the armed forces of ukraine that was stationed there, invited javelin, and the javlin operator, under our correction, hit this bmp. literally in a few days. in the same positions, we are again in tuntyvky they saw the enemy danitsa, this time it was a kamaz that was transporting personnel, and the javelin operator also fired a shot and hit, everyone was happy, after we hit the javelin bmp ikmas, the enemy was already on this road, did not move with any equipment and they were forced to walk. the position with which
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the snipers worked, it was dangerous because it was fired from absolutely all positions. there was no time to set up positions at all, we had to act quickly, we allowed ourselves to do things that are not typical for snipers. if before the average distance sniper work in the oos zone it was 2,000 m there, then here the closest enemy positions were 150 m. the biggest danger when you work at such a short distance for a sniper is that you can be hit, by random bugs, even, well, but it allows you
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to complete the task better and more likely. i constantly and regularly visit my colleagues from the center of special operations in various hottest locations, including where we met in bakhmut. at that stage , a decision was made to strengthen there at the expense corresponding fighters. groups with f-drones crews. for a long time, we worked in the avdiyiv direction, and one of the rotations we immediately got into the bakhmut direction, where the enemy was very active, an
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infantry group of about 10 men, wagner tried. move to our positions, you see someone, he was there for a while, for a while, for a while, an unpleasant situation happened, right on the position, he worked very accurately, the enemy tank, guys, we are holding trench 12, сейчас будет работать horta, phew, were able to jump right into the landing and were already approaching so close to the dugout that we could really practice... the artillery was dangerous for our boys, boys, standing, and at that moment the alpha group also helped us a lot, because they had...' we eliminated one infantryman from the vanguard with the first launch, he used a half-lark cape with which
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he tried to cover himself from our drone, but it did not help him, someone had a sleeping bag in his hands, fil eto dimon, with the comedian , it only worked, he was seriously injured, and another group that was with him, there was already a target. not for the assault, for the evacuation of the wounded, some important wagner soldier was wounded, in principle, the wagner never evacuated their wounded, and this was just one moment when they were dragging someone important to them, one of the following launches was directed at this evacuation group, used the tactics of exhausting the enemy, that is, we were above them, circling, while they were shooting at you, and here it is. it sucks, take it off, at first they thought of somehow escaping, then at some point they started shooting from automatic weapons at fpv drone, and then it hit directly inside
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this group, the enemy did not conduct any further offensives, then we already worked on the logistics roads, provided them with logistics, we managed to destroy about 100 units of tunneling equipment. and about 200 hit in the direction of attack drones. the security service of ukraine takes the honorable first place in terms of the number of destroyed armored vehicles. on klishchivka , we have one group for four combat sorties, 79 units were burned by equipment, i do not take into account damaged, it is completely destroyed, and this is all according to the video confirmation. on in many videos you can see a metal wire on the front so that our drone explodes at the right moment, we
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invented our detonation sensor, which is made of metal wire that closes the electrical circuit, as soon as the drone flies to the target, the whiskers close and an explosion occurs, the way of using these... was not easy, we constantly improved it, constantly changed the thickness of this wire, constantly selected, and the very method of their formation and so on, this all happened for a long time, and so far we have reached a result of about 95% coping a drone that costs 450 - 2,000 dollars, depending on the type of bach and from, and other tactical and technical characteristics, and it burns a multi-million dollar tank, already understood the arithmetic and automatically understood its effectiveness. recently, we managed to hit
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the tols-1 asson siok, which is worth about 15 million dollars together with a stray and such. in addition to the fpv direction, we also improve quadcopters, drop ammunition, airplanes, and minecraft, we are developing all this, because the future lies in technological approaches in war, and we today we are trying to be the first in this direction, and we are really succeeding in this, and it should be said, today in the ranks of the service we have raised a whole generation of simply unique operators of combat drones, some of them heroes of ukraine. therefore, in the ranks of the sbu, we are improving and scaling it all, but we also transfer all this experience to other defense forces, because there are also many very
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powerful guys and powerful combat groups growing up there today, who effectively use this variety of strike combat drones. after several nights of work, the guys from the company honor were able to occupy the positions for which we directly worked. thanks to the bank group , we could perform our task very efficiently and we could protect our people from deaths. throw a grenade, yes, i will throw it, we were going through the repulse of the position by our fighters.
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where wagners used to stand and there were frozen corpses, enemies, with their arms and legs, frozen, with ammunition lying around, really you look around and there is a nose everywhere, i'm sorry, there's a piece of ass hanging on that, on a tree , and that's it the sniper guys also contributed, yes, they killed those who either went to the dugout or got out of the dugout, after that, when there was artillery training, it all got mixed with the ground, these bodies, and then we had little difficulty digging it all up and setting up new positions , for the defenders of bakhmut, it was the road of life, for the occupiers
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and the enemy, it was the road of death, i am the first, you are the second, vanya is the third, this is how the loan will stand, there was a day when we also planned night work, with bank, that day the bank left for the settlement of orikhova vasylivka to carry out reconnaissance, everything was chased away, after 5 minutes, he always went first in reconnaissance, he thought that he was in charge of people, there were some such hot locations, they were beaconing, sashko arrived and he came very close to the enemy, risked unfortunately, on that day, the unit that was performing the tour, this task, came under non-combat shelling. vanka was seriously wounded, the guys reacted very quickly and after 10 minutes, they flew
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to the hospital, the guys said that they were taking him to kramatorsk and they are trying to save him, at first they called that it was serious 300, we still kept our fists, but there a head-splitter went in, well, there was no chance, so they put him in an ambulance to hospitalize him, but he was essentially dead, that's why. i will allow him to say his last name is the widow's name oleksandr, he is a full knight of the order of marriage, he is a hero of ukraine who conducted simply extremely difficult operations, and you know, behind him, well, there are hundreds of extremely difficult operations, including behind enemy lines, and it is very - a very large cemetery of scoundrels who
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not really... it deserved it. still, i am obliged to mention others, including hero of ukraine volochaev and hero of ukraine kaplunov, they died even before the start of a full-scale war while performing a difficult, including combat, task. these were those who were also at the origin of the formation of that unit as such. it is often said that it is better to die in war, but... in this case, it can be said that not only the best people die, but the best soldiers die, the loss of such a promising bank, commander, authority, fighter is simply of extremely high level, with extraordinary experience, this is a very strong powerful blow, a heavy loss for the unit, we held on for dear life, on the one hand, this is a great victory for us, and on the other hand, we
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paid a great price for it. heroes do not die, they go to heaven and regroup there, so they will always be with us. i have very, very many friends in the csua, and those who work on 120 mortars, and those who work on drones, and those who work on fpv drones, and snipers, and i can say for sure that these are the guys who made it really big contribution to the defense of bakhmut, these people made a great contribution to the defense of ukraine and they are really the best specialists we have in many issues, maintaining the road of life made it possible to hold the fortress of bakhmud, made it possible not to advance the enemy deep into the donetsk region and ukraine as a whole , and not to go further to the cities of chasivyar and so on, and all this, along with other important operations, are components
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of our joint dynamic movement to victory together with other forces about


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