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tv   [untitled]    December 2, 2023 6:30pm-7:01pm EET

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the entire investment in the power of siberia-2 gas pipeline, and secondly, it wants very large discounts from the russian federation, this is very similar to blackmail, that is, the feeling that china felt russia's weakness, at least economic, financial weakness, and it says no , and we won't, you want, you need to supply gas, okay, it's not our interest, we have a lot of diversification, we can get gas from there, from there, from there, from there, oil from there, from there. from there, and therefore, if you need, then build, and by the way, keep in mind that we will, for the price you offer, we, we will not to buy, but if you give us such a lower price, we may and will buy, what do you say, mr. igor, i will tell you that china has already set a couple of precedents, well, first of all, as far as we are concerned, it has already started, as we have already said , discussed, or rather, to buy
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oil in iran, secondly, last year china already refused to invest in russian projects within the framework of the one train one track initiative, which concerns this siberia 2, then this plan became relevant, since moscow aims to double its gas exports to energy-dependent, as it considers china to to compensate for the fall in its exports to europe after this bloody war which. in ukraine, but it is still impossible to reach an agreement on key issues, including pricing. when putin was in beijing in october, the head of the people's republic of china pinen told him that he hoped that the construction of the china-mongolia russia gas pipeline would make significant progress as soon as possible, but nothing was officially agreed upon between these countries. so it was. and the provisions in the joint
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statement based on the results of svidzinpin's march visit to moscow, it was said that this, so the gas pipeline, would be a very good tool in the field of cooperation between china and the russian federation, but... nothing happened after that, experts say that since china is not expected to need additional gas supplies until the 30th year, then beijing can make a hard deal on the prices of the second pipeline through siberia, which we have now, or let's lower the price, and that's always the general thing that separates the chinese businessmen from everyone else... you say let us such
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a price, but you better give it to us, as i already commented its way, it means that it is better for the chinese, it means to give it for free, and also to add a little, but then china will take it up and do it as a socer, especially since moscow has not announced how much this will cost, so the pipeline of the power of siberia 2, it is somewhere around 2600 km , and have not announced how they will be financed, some analysts estimate... the cost up to 13 billion dollars, if the plans for the power of siberia 2 are implemented, then of course moscow can increase its gas exports to china by the 30th year, somewhere to the mark of 100 billion cubic meters per year, but it should be a two-way street if china refuses it. he will take energy carriers from other
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countries, as you have already clearly stated, especially since china is very active in developing gas fields in kazakhstan, and there are a lot of them there, and they are quite fertile, i would say so, so manipulate here maybe china, not russia, and there is also help from russia, russia, that's it. will you confirm it or not, i just want to check my understanding with your expert, russia is helping china a lot in cars, i read it so big an intellectual, as if such an economic article , that china is transferring car manufacturing to electricity, and they have huge warehouses of gasoline-powered cars, and russia...
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there are no gasoline-powered cars, except for chinese ones, and the chinese car manufacturers say what class, we are now here everything we don't need, which is on internal combustion engines, we sent everything. to russia and and and for and and we will already have electric cars in our warehouses, which we will sell to normal countries, where they do not want to buy any, no engines except electric ones, and they say that it is very timely for automobile manufacturers, this is the whole story with the war, well, who cares about the war, whose mother is happy, yes, that now they have a huge market in russia, they send all their junk to russia, and they have everything... okay, this will be, if they were to produce cars in the next decades or centuries, what would you say? i will say that this is absolutely true , especially since china is increasing the production, the volume of production of electric cars, and now it has already mastered like, if i am not mistaken, 60% of
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the world market of electric cars, they really have accumulated a lot of a-a traditional, means the designs of cars, and of course , if you drop what is called, it means the same best country, which everyone is jealous of, which means, ah, who can't with their own car, never could, now they can't, they will never be able to , aa to the russian market, then of course they will get rid of such a burden. or it has to be sold somewhere else, and who but russia will buy it, of course there will be people, people, so, well, first of all, this, large, large-scale, means the production process established in china over the years of reforms, regarding
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i will build a car, it was designed primarily for domestic use, so i don't think it will happen that way, that they will dump everything on russia. and will get rid of everything that moves due to gasoline, that is because it is necessary to clearly, well, really approach this problem, there is a lot of population in china, which can calmly be, that is, customers, of the automobile industry of china, and efforts and all that are made, that is, in the field of electric vehicle construction, it seems to me... it seems that now it is directed primarily on export capacity, er, and they are successfully using it, all of europe is now interested in buying electric cars and building even, that is, including eastern europe, ah, enterprises
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for the production of electric cars, the corresponding brands in their own, my the opinion is this, so we don't have to wait for russia to be, that china will attack russia with its, that is, traditional cars, but most likely, at first, the domestic market will be satisfied, until then they will already master all their, that is, large-scale plans , mr. igor, let's go let's move on to sino-chinese relations, i mean china is against, well, if i were to speak again about taiwan, there are elections coming up there, and in the elections there are forces that are against improving relations with mainland china, i would like to remind you that taiwan is the island
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of formosa, once was called, such a beautiful name , but now, it means that there are those who want warming, and there are those who do not want warming, and if... such and such a statement by the official beijing, saying, if, such a hint, what, if those against warming will win, then, in short, independence is a war, at least world agencies chose just such an option, this is the slogan of china's hint that if there is independence, why, why, taiwan continues to say, at least officially, that we are not part of china, well, we just live differently. and if someone says no, we are not part of china, then china will attack taiwan, how likely is that, the probability is pretty high to me, but there are a lot of factors to consider,
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the recent war games regarding taiwan, indicates devastating losses for both sides. significant risk escalation, including to the nuclear level, and only pyrrhic winners. the implication is that all-out conflict is...the least favorable path for beijing, in my view, china could use a range of non-kinetic coercion tools, from economic, political, technical means, to naval blockades, to achieve unification without consent, forcing the united states to escalate, and xi jinping, on november 15, at a meeting with biden, practically promised him that china ... will not use, therefore, military force to
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to unite with taiwan, but it will definitely happen, the fact is that we have several speeches by one pin at the congress, the 20th congress of the communist party of china, we have relevant documents, beijing believes, based on them speech from their documents, beijing considers unification with taiwan necessary to realize the chinese dream of xi jinping, the great rejuvenation of the chinese nation. the communist party aims to achieve this goal by 2049, that is, by the centenary of the founding of the people's republic of china. thus, the communist party of china regards taiwan as existential a problem similar to how hutler considers ukraine. if beijing started a war over taiwan, it could not afford to lose. and, of course, there are forecasts of military analysts who
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say china, i mean, first of all, the american military, they estimated that china will invade taiwan by the 25th or 27th, but for some reason i do not believe that china will choose, military the way, of course, that he will now try to influence the presidential race in taiwan in order to convince the population of taiwan, taiwan, at the expense of propaganda, for the account of the corresponding intervention, that is, in these technological elections, so that the citizens of taiwan speak for the corresponding, that is, the party, the corresponding candidate, who has, say. yes, about chinese views, of course, we mean one simple thing, that is, one simple
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truth, taiwan is china, taiwan was in china, it was from the 12th century, so it was a part of hujiang province. and ah, the formosa that you mentioned, it is the portuguese, when they were there somewhere in 1600, some year there , they passed there, they called it beautiful, means the beautiful name of formosa, and this island, there were others there, there were also the austin company of ho-dutchmen, and there was a lot of things that made everyone else think that taiwan is something that does not belong to china, but i let me remind you that both mauttung
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and chiang kai-shek, when chiang kai-shek took away his kuomintang government and they went to taiwan, they both considered taiwan an integral part of china, of course, thank you, sorry, mr. igor, well, in short, we understood that i well, such a controversy, some believe that there may be a war, and some believe that it is unlikely to happen, but i want to thank you, sorry, we will definitely return, china will not disappear from the world map anywhere, so with ihor lytvyn, the extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the people's republic of china 99- 2001 , co-chairman of the ukrainian chinese business council, we will definitely meet again, i just want to remind the audience that what can stop such an embrace of taiwan in the direction of... china is the indisputable destiny of hong kong, which was also promised that you will have a separate, a separate arrangement,
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everything will be fine, you will have it as per the british one empire, and we don't climb up to you, well, now we climb up, and now such an example is very unpleasant, now advertising, and after advertising we return to ukraine again, but anyway, first advertising, a feeling of waiting. and crawling ants arise spontaneously and disturb you. the dolgit anti-neuralgia complex helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to the usual without tingling and numbness in the limbs capsulitis antineuralgia help your nervous system. for black friday, eeva is stocking up on cosmetics and stocking up impressions from megago, minus 50% on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. megogo, enable discounts. agency vinil represents.
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meetings agreed in advance meetings with various people in the united states and in europe, and various... reasons for this, on this occasion, sorry for the taftology were found, rostislav pavlenko, the people's deputy from european solidarity, will now tell us his point of view on why not released to your colleagues abroad, you have the floor, mr. rossislav, congratulations, mr. mykola, i am very glad to be on the air with you, you know, it seems that there is a competition in the government for the most ridiculous explanation of these actions, yesterday we also heard vice-speaker kornienko, who , by a letter from himself, he himself canceled the decision of his superior, the chairman of the verkhovna rada, then we heard three different explanations from the security service of ukraine in a day, which is very unfortunate, because
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the security service now knows exactly what it has to do, except serve some such political... misunderstandings, and the fact that these political understandings are now doing to petro poroshenko and to my other colleagues from the european solidarity faction, they remind me, i read, they remind me of the words of teleiran , known that this is worse than a crime, this is a mistake, and this mistake, unfortunately , will cost the country very dearly, this morning we heard the statement of the international diplomatic union, to the event of which... in fact, petro poroshenko and other colleagues went, this statement was formulated in very sharp terms, they also call this decision is absurd, they demand to cancel any obstacles to contact with ukrainian politicians, well, unfortunately, we only saw this third attempt
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by the security service to explain something, just as not enough, and unfortunately, instead of... continue the policy of unity , instead of using all resources now, indifferent to any political positions, instead of understanding that abroad we all speak with one voice, indifferent to political flags, because we have one task to survive and win, and here certainly not to party flags, especially abroad, well, unfortunately, someone probably really wants to be the only winner, the only seed of good news, but i'm afraid that such actions, god forbid, of course, can reduce the chances of this good news. mr. rossislava, you1, well , they mention, at least your name, in relation to the committee on freedom of speech, there is an opportunity to head it, and as if they say that you are among those who can lead it, ukraine needs ukraine
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in the verkhovna rada committee on freedom of speech, or it is possible to combine it with someone else, but... doesn't need it, and if it needs it, then what are you will do there, he is so strange, as far as i remember, there are generally three people working there, is it or is it a committee, is it not, because i don't know if three people, it is already a committee, i know that before, in order to write a statement to the kgb, you need two witnesses , so i am roughly the same now, so one chief and two witnesses who have to monitor whether he is doing everything correctly or not, what do you say, you know, there was one chief and three witnesses, yes, but the boss was shufrych, and as in the famous proverb, he already means a lot, and those three so, wait for the harvest. i think that representatives of other factions will be involved in the work of this committee, in the end, i think that those factions that nominated different candidates for
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the post of chairman, i really hope that political consultations will be held there and it will be clear how it will be filled the composition of this committee, because freedom of speech is one of the main issues during ukraine's accession to the european union and to nato, if god willing they will start the official ones with us. speak, and we will have to consider these step by step the so-called volumes, chapters, conditions for joining the european union, in particular, the issue of freedom of speech is prominent there, and the task of this committee is actually to guarantee that journalists and politicians will have an effective platform for negotiations, you remember how in previous convocations, this committee has always been active, always... acted as such a point for various negotiations, agreement of position, consideration of various controversial bills, and it seems to me that this is exactly how it should be in the future, because in this
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convocation, how it got lost, unfortunately, the attitude of the current government towards freedom of speech, well, at least not, it cannot be called civilized and proper, and actually the main task will be to return freedom of speech as a way of relations in the country, and this committee, as an opportunity for dialogue between the media, journalists, experts and politicians to develop common positions, and concluding the last literal thing, you know, you always have to start from the simple, but it is definitely worth asking the question of opening the opportunity for journalists to visit verkhovna rada, it is definitely safe to work there, it definitely serves only one issue: the comfort of those who do not want journalists to see what is happening there, but these things will have to be changed, you raised an important issue, mr. rostyslav, i i mean that on the one hand freedom of speech is definitely
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necessary, i would even say a fundamental moment in the advancement to civilization, on the other hand there is a war, during the war, i have not heard that there was such a country where there was no censorship, and it seems to me that this moment is very important, no one anywhere systematically... approached this issue, what exactly is censorship , what can be, what can’t be, just step by step, and we have a lot of generalities, this is not possible, this is possible, no, no, no, you need to clearly understand what, i'm just curious, why during the war, now in the middle east, journalists, bbc, reuters, abc, travel, look, on their own. rise, as they say, the russians, climb where they shouldn't, make mistakes, yes, but because of their mistakes no one forbids, today they made a mistake, that's it, tomorrow no one is going anywhere
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does not go, that is, this moment, as you say , the verkhovna rada, and why is it not allowed, and what happened, and why, that is, life then, it turns out, journalists are protected more than your lives of deputies, or who is more precious here, who, me i can't understand, it's the same at the front. how not to let it to the front, make some restrictions, i understand it, have a conversation, ask, listen, there are western correspondents in kyiv now, ask them, and what do you have, and why can you be here, and why can't you be here you can, but what are they, everything is regulated, everywhere, all this is, your word, mr. rosyslav, is absolutely correct, why am i saying, mr. mykola, that it is very nice to work with you on the air, you always ask questions, that's the point. and to the point, because precisely in ukraine these issues , the issue of censorship, so-called, the issue of restrictions in times of war, are actually regulated, quite
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specifically and comprehensively, firstly, censorship is prohibited, it is a constitutional norm, moreover, the effect of this norm cannot be suspended neither during a state of war nor a state of emergency, but there is another provision of the constitution that says that freedom of speech can be limited on the basis of... the law for reasons of security, public health, public peace, somehow it is written there, and you know, there is this law, this law provides for criminal liability for the distribution of, no, agreed data on the deployment of troops, the movement of troops, combat work and the like, and this is such a functional analogue of such military censorship, which you are absolutely right, operates in all countries where there is a war or a conflict, and here is exactly what you said about foreign journalists, all the media have corresponding protocols of action, who know how to work with
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the military, how they like...' these or other things, where and what they can give out, what they can't give out, moreover, again, you know better than me, ukrainians journalists who have been to hot spots in different countries of the world, and the war has been going on in ukraine for about 10 years, it was in a different stage there, of course, until february 24, but nevertheless, ukrainian foreign journalists have accumulated enough experience to work and correctly cover everything without creating no threats to the armed forces of ukraine. no , an excessive threat to ourselves, but all this talk that the verkhovna rada should be hiding there, or that something will fly in, or that somehow additional measures are needed there, that's all, i repeat again, it seems to me that this is for the sake of doing more comfortable work of the so-called monomajority, and those who vote for it there, first of all, former regionalists, former opposition bloc or platform there, so that you do not see what
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exactly and what... methods and votes the majority is obtained, and i think it is it is necessary to change as soon as possible, we see that the president works almost live, the cabinet of ministers is not afraid to work live, all committees also hold their meetings live in the committee of the verkhovna rada, it is implied, so it would be absolutely logical to expect more openness and plenary meetings, well, if someone is very afraid, you know, you can publish materials there with a certain time interval, but not at night. as it is happening now, after all , at a time when it would be convenient for most citizens familiarize yourself with this information , thank you, thank you, the last question is very important , it's called the question, you won't believe it, the russian language, for some reason the cabinet of ministers wants to direct the bill on distribution already, if you narrowed it down, but now
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we have to expand it. the use of the russian language, how likely is it that you will say, is it, will it reach the floor , is it some kind of scarecrow, i think, no, unfortunately it is not scarecrow, because that bill, yes, while you were talking, threw in the number, and it is 1028 or 28, as it is called, there are norms that can, can be manipulated, but it is very good that it is now starting to work, after all , a working group that must bring this issue to the point that this draft law meets european norms and standards, but he did not give the russian yazyg a chance, and in the end , russia no longer works in the council of europe , all references, any references there by supporters of the russian world to what they say the venice commission wants to return the rights of the russian language, they can now not take into account therefore, i really hope that the specialized
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committee, the working... group will still come up with such a text of the bill that we will be able to vote as a law and that will allow us to start negotiations on membership in the european union. i thank rosyslav pavlenko. to the people from european solidarity, i will say a few words from myself, literally about this law, when i looked at these venetian commissions and all these conclusions and all these wishes of the cabinet of ministers, i thought, well, go to baltica. the baltic countries are full members of the european union community and the north atlantic alliance, there were also a huge number of bills and laws that restricted the use of the russian language, because we all left the soviet union, and they and we, and somehow there were no complaints against these people at all, and it all somehow it's going, it's going, moreover, now the baltic countries are saying that we
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will, if someone doesn't know... let's start, you can ask them to leave like this, and you can ask me to leave, and i will agree to leave, because my part of the evening is over, thank you all for your attention, see you soon certainly tomorrow, for all good, russian krasnodar was flooded by drones, hostilities resumed in the gas strip, and how european solidarity commented on the sbu's statement. the espresso team will tell you the details of these and other news. anna eva melnyk is with you. greetings to all viewers. the russians continue to terrorize dnipropetrovsk region. in the morning, the occupiers
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struck. in the dnipro district on the day of


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