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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2023 12:30am-1:00am EET

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this is just stupid. in fact, the cars were duplicated in two languages. ukrainian and russian. but the results of the ukrainian distribution showed that the audience liked the native language version more. however, russia continued to involve ukrainians in its contexts, and began to use humor for this. then on ukrainian tv. there were practically no high-quality domestic comedy shows, but there were enough russian ones, such as anshlag, kvk and comedy club. in 2006 , the ukrainian comedy club did appear on television, but in the ukrainian language in the project only a third of the comedians spoke. good evening, ladies and gentlemen, good evening, congratulations to club ua. however, things did not
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calm down in the kremlin. in 2009, the then president of russia, dmytro medvedev, sent an open letter to the president of ukraine accusing him of wanting to supplant the russian language. and already in 2010, viktor yanukovych in his pre-election program promised to give the russian language the status of the second state language. the same yanukovych, who in 2004, while filling out the questionnaire for a candidate for the post of president of ukraine, made 12 gross mistakes in a text of 90 words. my my son speaks half of the words in ukrainian , half in russian, it is not at all clear what language he will learn after kindergarten, everything is in russian at home, so he will never become literate, why can’t i take my son to a russian kindergarten, i have the right to speak in our native language, we defended the right.
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after the party of regions came to power, rapid russification began in ukraine. the then minister of education and science of ukraine, known today as a collaborator and state councilor dmytro tabachnyk, sought to cancel the mandatory dubbing of films in ukrainian. by that time, the kremiv authorities were already in power. well protested humor as a tool of propaganda and actively financed the russian entertainment tv channel tnt. and it was watched in ukraine. at that time , domestic channels often broadcast tv products of russian production. local pro-russian comedians also started promoting propaganda messages in ukraine. everyone was defeated, everyone. and why? because we were together. and was it on the drum then? sotuzla,
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come on, come on, because every time i sit in the cinema and see bruce willis pull out such a gun, approach to the main bandit, he puts his head down and says , "you fool, for me, this serious film immediately turns into a comedy, now there are more global examples, look at our prime minister, and better listen, well, you see how difficult it is for a person, well, let's collect everything the ukrainian referendum and we will let him speak in russian, please, people, we are interfering ourselves, it is clear that a person comes out, wants to say something important, and it turns out somehow with a joke, somehow with humor, and the president, guys, stop making fun of the president, well, it is so hard for him to work,
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can you imagine how a person takes every day and sits and thinks about the improvement of ukraine in russian, and then everything is translated into ukrainian, it seems to me, it seems to me that it is precisely during this translation that everything and it’s lost, so maybe you don’t need to translate it, but guys, maybe we’ll understand everything anyway, maybe the ukrainian language is not suitable for documentation, for laws, we... for songs, maybe it ’s only for poems and literature, maybe it’s only for to convey that great sorrow of the ukrainian people, the longing and insurmountable desire for freedom, already in 2012 the pro-russian forces in the verkhovna rada adopted a scandalous language law with numerous violations. in the people, the author is known by his last name.
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this law allowed the free introduction of regional languages, in particular russian. local government bodies, educational institutions and other spheres of public life, i.e. actually equated this language with ukrainian in the regions, under the guise of such a phrase as a regional language, they wanted to raise the official status of the russian language and thereby supplant the state language of the respective regions, in fact throughout ukraine, and six years later, constitutions... the court recognized kivalov kolesnichenko's law as unconstitutional and invalid. and in 2019, a new law was adopted on ensuring the functioning of the ukrainian language as a state language. the issue of ukrainian became acute again after
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february 24, 2022, when, under the guise of the language issue in particular, putin began to seize new territories of ukraine. for many ukrainians, it is there was an impulse to finally abandon the russian language as a rejection of the enemy. if you look at the situation cynically, not from the ukrainian position, but from a detached one, then in order to strengthen the authority of the ukrainian language, the president of the russian federation made a colossal contribution to strengthening prestige and power. power, the desire to switch to the ukrainian language, if you look at it cynically , you have to pay dearly for it, we too were once ukrainians, what do you say, but now and now we ourselves do not know, well, who are russians or
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ukrainians, and i do not know , i think this is the case that's how it went for that, for an independent kuban. you understand, when these red people were expelled in the 18th year, the cossacks began to fight for the fact that this is your russia, now you defend yourselves, and we ourselves, we expelled and we will not fight for you, and that's it, we returned , how beautiful, yes, you can do it on your own, oops. in the meadow, the red viburnum bent down, our glorious ukraine was upset about something, and we
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will raise that red viburnum, and we will raise our glorious ukraine, hehe! let's have fun, someone gave up russian completely, and someone is on social networks, playlists or communication at work. if even two years ago there were single songs in ukrainian in the ukrainian music charts, then in 2000, on the contrary , tracks in russian became single. in 2022 , we have a new trend. we started to remember old songs in ukrainian and make them popular again. ukrainian musicians began
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to willingly translate their russian-language hits into ukrainian. time. 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 7 sometimes the songs are translated and re-sung by the listeners themselves, and like those nights in the crimea, now to whom, you are not alone, and you belong to the crowd. russia for decades has convinced us in every possible way that ukrainian is a funny language of ignorant peasants, and popular ukrainian comedians, who were once formed under the influence of the russian kavyk, reinforced these stereotypes for a long time, and it seems strange, something completely illogical, that ukrainians themselves go on stage and make fun of this some kind of godfather, the surjis joke, support this stereotype of some kind of bad uncle,
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but well, as it seems to me and as i see it, this discriminatory practice leads to this, it is as if, it is as if it even exists a marker of a discriminated group, that is, this is a confirmation, because we are a discriminated group, which, well, is a type of internal rejection. to himself, relatively speaking, but after the full-scale invasion, the humor changed, today in ukrainian stand-up clubs you cannot find a successful well-known comedian who would perform in russian. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives. of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, you need to understand it. antin borkovskyi and invited experts are sober evaluate by action, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m., with a repeat on
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sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso. kanal espresso and ukrainian pen present a project of their own name with myroslava barchuk. a series of conversations with ukrainian and western intellectuals who analyze and comment on the most relevant social debates. what news will be analyzed by the guests of the project. this week and actually, who will be the guest of the studio? we will find out this sunday. undoubtedly, the topics will be relevant, the guests will be special. proper names from myroslava barchuk. sunday, 17:10 at espresso. my name is andriy, i am from the city of bila tserkva , in the kyiv region, i and my comrades went voluntarily, initially a full-scale... a full-scale invasion, we wanted to
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contribute to the overall victory and not just, well, we were involved during these one and a half years and in the dftg, and in the volunteer, let's say so, business, recently we even took courses on air reconnaissance, control of air defense systems and drones, and even flew a certain number of hours. er, let's say so, on mavics, everyone knows, and well, they voluntarily entered the ranks with their two tours, now in the lavaz, i don’t have such a feeling of fear, i used to work there, as a climber, i always worked at a height, and over time this feeling of fear, it somehow atrophies, yes, of course, many of my friends are in hot places, they probably inspired her with their actions and so on, it's not even that
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i have a family, i have friends, i don't have any more children, my friends have children, i want them to live in a free, independent country, and taking into account the fact that i did not have such a, let's say, relationship of arms, i did not have such, for me it is very important, in principle , i was very familiar with this course, i emphasized something for myself. took a new one, literally , there really won’t be too much, on the contrary, it’s a big plus, well, the full understanding that ukrainian is a top for me personally came after the 24th, when, like, my ukrainianization became, well, like, large-scale, that is, in in all aspects, even then it became clear that ukrainian is the top and ukraine is the top, it was already a kind of rethinking of not just a language. as a tool, but such a full-scale familiarity with our with such layers
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of culture. the stand-up comedian, now known as nastya zukhvala, grew up in the transdnieper region, in an environment where they spoke mostly surzhik. it is sewn somewhere in the subcortex, that yes, the feeling of inferiority of ukrainian, it was there from the youngest age, well, this is a banal example, that your barbies speak russian, because your barbies... so, when nastya started doing stand-up, she switched to russian and took a russian pseudonym. that's when i started speaking russian, because everyone absolutely everyone absolutely spoke russian, mm , firstly, secondly, i decided for myself in which language i would start performing, that was the moment of fatal mistakes, i considered ukrainian and russian, but what a stereotype i had, i decided, that i will not be taken seriously by ukraine. i will explain how i came to such a deep conclusion, and because
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at that time there were not many comedians who performed in ukrainian, but they seemed to have ridden this horse, so a little universal or i don’t know, that is, it was somehow surji and then it still seemed to me that it was somehow less tight -knit, it’s me now, well, the ambassador of surge and the mound aggregate, we are idols, and i had some other stereotypes, that the ukrainian language is alive, it’s like speaking like an announcer or a tv presenter, well , that is, this is such a layering of cognitive distortions , that is now i think that i just wanted not to be different and to somehow be accepted, and i guess it seemed to me that i would be better accepted in the environment. in ukrainian, nastya began performing on stage even before the full-scale invasion, and after it she decided to finally end the symbolic
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connection with russia, ukrainianized her pseudonym and completely switched to ukrainian in everyday life. and when ... this realization came, then there is no way back, you can't solve it, so i understood that this is the enemy, and i don't want to have anything in common, and i understood that no, i definitely i will no longer speak russian, for sure i will no longer make any content in russian, for sure i will no longer work with any russians, goodbye, did i have such an argument, what if i will write jokes in ukrainian, because this different logic of the language and something else, then it’s wild game , it’s great when i got fired up, it’s great, i performed in ukrainian and there were none, well, that is, in principle, all my stereotypes, well, not so, all my fears, which i saw as a problem, none i didn't live up to it, it's a very exciting evening for me, you see, i 'm trying to speak in ukrainian, but i'm afraid that this recording will smoothly transition into the revival
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of azarivka in ukraine, that convergence, you know, it's going on. behind me like a shadow all these peace enterprises, the corridor, it's all, oh, one factor - that's what i began to be attracted to attention to this at the legislative level, there were already the first resolutions about it, and i can't say that i had any kind of rejection, well, that is, it was actually very important just to draw people's attention to this, to the fact that at some point you such, yes, wait, i'm in ukraine, i'm speaking in russian. it’s somehow , well, somehow, well, that is, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it, i didn’t find it. serhiy cherkov, yehor shatataylo and serhiy lipko performed. when serhiy decided that he
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would now perform only in ukrainian, it was even a little bit of a surprise for me, he. well, he didn’t tell me how something was evolving there, but when i questioned him, when i questioned him, and said, well, explain to me, well, well, well, well, share, he says, it’s kind of his own way, and it will come the day when you won't be able to speak russian, the day will come when you, well, like, well, that day has come, these comedians were the first to show how you can to use the modern living ukrainian language in performances, and at the same time remain yourself. and my favorite schizoid fantasy is that it was done for the sake of money, because they give you everything at once, if you switch to ukrainian, there is such a thing that, oh, what, you should switch to ukrainian, how everyone adores you, and such, well, ukrainian comedians were faced with a choice, either to try
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to please the russian audience, which constantly compared them with russians, or to form a vlass. here he lost completely weakness, he realized that he had moved to a market that is not busy there at all, this is capitulation, comedian anton tymoshenko in 2021 conducted an experiment and released two identical solo concerts in different languages. i am a political scientist by education, but i went to stand-up because stand-up is in ukraine. this is a shorter path to politics, you know , you can jump faster, much higher, my friends ask me, anton, you are a political scientist, i say, yes, what do you think, i say about what, well, politics in general, i when i talk about politics with friends, it's sometimes like playing with them into the game, elias, where they have only one
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available description, and i always have to guess some different meanings, different people, they are like that, well, he understands, this one stole, like his yanukovych, so-so, so, and this one is also a thief i was, ohvaryuga, i realized who poroshenko is, so-and-so, and this one is also stealing now, it’s a varyuga, who is zelskyi, yes, i think, what did they steal from you, all the other words, dude, like, the results of views on youtube underground standup channels showed that the ukrainian version received three times more views than the russian version. in fact, i can't at all to give any argument, that something bad happened to me during ukrainization , you know, it's like going to the gym, what's wrong with going to the gym, oh, i don't know, you'll get less tired. you will have a good physique , well, horror, horror, well, like, okay, like, with ukrainian, as well as with the hall, well, you have to make an effort, make an effort, well,
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yes, well, if you do something, it is a drawback, well, i guess, then , in this logic, this is a flaw, ukrainian business also rapidly abandoned russian, the founder of the monobank, oleg horokhovsky , abandoned russian when he saw how the russians change the sign with the name of the city in the temporarily occupied and bombed mariupol. then he realized how strange it is that language is so principled for russians and so unprincipled for us. when we were one of the first to switch and abandon russian interfaces, we were very worried about how clients would perceive it, we conducted a very interesting, i think, experiment in support, when clients wrote to us for support in russian. a support colleague asked them whether or not they denied that they would answer in ukrainian, and when we saw
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that 97.5% of customers answer that we don't care, answer in the language that is convenient for you, we understood that we understood that the issue of language in ukraine, understanding the ukrainian language, is an artificial issue that was simply imposed on us for years what we we need this language in the interfaces, but no, one of the largest investment companies of ukraine, dragon capital, abandoned russian, and the ceo of the czech company, tomasz fiala , began to speak ukrainian instead of russian in everyday life. yes, you need to practice more, then i use it at home, well, well, with the children i communicate with a czech, yes, with a ukrainian wife, at first. well, here at work and somewhere, well, probably more than half of my colleagues communicate with me in ukrainian, a certain
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percentage, which, unfortunately, has not yet passed, today in any region of ukraine , the public language of business is an indicator of the civil position of the owner, oh, cool , i take this, i take everything. some give up russian gradually, some, like nikita virchenko from kharkiv, suddenly. i refused because, in my understanding, in my actual philosophy, it cannot be in the life of a ukrainian nothing russian at all, it doesn't matter if it is good or bad, nikita grew up in a mixed environment, did not understand the events of the revolution of dignity and studied in st. petersburg for a while, but since the beginning of the full-scale invasion of russia. volunteer kitchen in kharkiv, and later opened a restaurant of ukrainian cuisine tripicha. the best advice was for me, and now the best advice
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from me, for those people who procrastinate and think that it is difficult to switch to the ukrainian language, when you have been communicating in russian all your life, i, on my example, as a person, who studied at a russian school , studied and studied in st. petersburg, then worked in bilhorshchyna, and read a hell of a lot of russian literature and the like, it's not difficult, the main thing is to start, and you need to start radically, you need to completely give up everything russian, from russian content, from youtube, from books, and start communicating exclusively in ukrainian and two more books in ukrainian that you must read, some modern and relevant topics, not just books in ukrainian, but you need to pick up it is advisable for it to be so that your vocabulary is formed at the moment about the relevance of what surrounds you, that is why you need to choose the appropriate books, many ukrainian speakers
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are familiar with the situation when they had to switch to russian in conversation. kharkiv is a completely different city, a completely different city, straight, well , i can’t compare, it has become very ukrainianized, a lot of people have switched to the ukrainian language, people react normally to the ukrainian language, they used to make fun of it, except for jokes, before that in kharkiv, well, like in kharkiv was considered it is absolutely normal when you go to a public catering establishment and they address you in ukrainian, you are like this, you are tortured here, you were forced, that's what you are, and what, well, in short, kharkiv was like that before that, that's what in kharkov, they used to shake things up, well, when guests came to the institution and asked to communicate with him in ukrainian , a real scandal began, well, there was a kind of anger, now there is no such thing, i can say yes, it depends on awareness, i do not have an aggressive policy towards ukrainian language, because a person can afford to communicate in the language he prefers
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to speak. i am of the opinion that it is the language of the invader, and i do not communicate with her, because it is the language of the invader and i cannot afford it. how many theaters were there in krasnodar, one ukrainian, one theater, and a russian theater, two theaters, that's how it is. viewers, in russian or in ukrainian, in ukrainian, ukrainian, ukrainian e, kuban ukrainizirovannye loved it as their family ukraine.
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i listened to them a little bit, i called you too i went further with them, that one more time, that i listened a little bit, and i said, i went to write more, well, what was there, there was ukrainian language about the neck, what? then the men chattered among themselves, it is unclear, not amateurs , maybe they are amateurs, maybe they are not amateurs, but it is unclear, the fact that language is important, we realized in a new way back in the 14th year, during a full-scale war, this thought only strengthened, it is about 12 km from shtepivka there are two tanks, but who they are and what they are doing is not clear, the tank is in the well. whether drying or
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tank, damn it is not clear, until i see it, no i understand that, glory to ukraine, yes, everything is clear, if you don't say hello, say the word polyanitsa, our famous polyanitsa is a real barrier for russians, all because of this soft, such words that foreigners cannot pronounce are called shibboleths, and many have them. languages ​​of the world it was not easy for our citizens to learn ukrainian either. what is worth only the notorious blunders of politicians. the territory of our state must be made dangerous. a layer of bloodshed has formed in the country. i ask everyone to prepare for a large-scale study of the main provisions of this systemic law and their explanation to tax travelers. because
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cats and kittens or. today, when the language has become a clear marker, such ignorance of ukrainian has become a problem. before, everyone said what a difference, but now, after photos appeared on the internet, how little men in such orange capes of workers change the name of ukrainian mariupol to russian mariupol, this little letter goes away, and the russian i appears. then we understand, it seems, even indifferent people who say, well, it's clear, and yes and yes, they already realize that language matters, artur is an immigrant from the east of ukraine, and he also used russian before, at that time it was not a certain political position, but it was just so important, the fact that we speak ukrainian, we know ukrainian, and i will not idealize here, ukrainian we they didn't talk at home, i talked there, read good works. i could
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speak and write works there in the lessons of the ukrainian language and literature, but i liked the ukrainian language itself, i always talk about the fact that i liked to listen to football broadcasts, ukrainian-language football commentators, i loved ukrainian music, okay respect, for example, for me they were the heroes of my student youth, and ukrainian literature, modern ukrainian literature, all this had a great influence on me, and thanks to this i wanted to... speak, speak ukrainian language and he didn't just want to. in 2023, for the first time in ukrainian history, he was among the ten best teachers in the world. now among his students are not only children, but also adults. since the beginning of the full-scale russian invasion of ukraine, artur began teaching in kolomyia, ukraine.


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