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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EET

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at one time during the second world war, the beginning of the second world war, the right-wing republicans were in favor of hitler's appeasement, and now they basically hold the same theses, have some conclusions been drawn from the miscalculations already made? well, i would say that the parties that existed in the 1930s have changed a lot, that is, i would not draw such direct analogies, but i would say yes, that the isolationism of america in the 1930s is a little reminiscent of today, well , somewhere half of the republican party. in the republican party is having a kind of civil war between the trump wing and it can be more centrist, if you can say that, although unfortunately, they are all afraid of trump to one degree or another. and these isolationist positions dominate the trumpist wing of the republican party. well, i don't know how... i don't they don't think
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they're making a mistake, they don't look at it in a historical context, they engage in maybe populism, they maybe follow what trump says, and the idea in that why should we spend money, efforts abroad, somewhere far away, when we have enough of our own problems, they are most concerned about, for example, the problems on our southern border, that is, the flow of illegal immigrants or the flow of refugees, which they are trying to stop , that it should be more important for america, for the american president, for the american government, and what are some of the international issues that need to be solved, too, and unfortunately, this is their ideology today, and from here in problems in general. mr. dmitry, i know what i wanted to ask about, this is information that periodically appears in the columns of the western media, experts say about it, if this happens, and trump wins the next election, there is a certain expectation that he
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will become one of one of the most powerful people in the world and one of the most powerful presidents of the united states of america, his powers will be unlimited because he will make certain changes, is there such a risk and what is it ? so, reports appeared in our media that trump is preparing for a second term, in the form of revenge, in the form of a more authoritarian one, so to speak. seizure of power , he had these authoritarian creeps during his entire first term, but he just partially, around him, he partially put professionals who restrained him, he will not make this mistake, from his point of view, in the second term, then that is, he will put people around him who will do exactly what he wants, and well, as an example, he can put a prosecutor general who will make political decisions, prosecute his political opponents, in general , he will turn... the ministry of justice into
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a personal trump organization, which will pursue his political interests, not the constitution. and unfortunately, here in america , there is very little protection against this, we always counted on the fact that the voters would not vote for an authoritarian personality, for a populist like trump, but it turned out that in our time the age of social networks... in the age of disinformation, propaganda, including that coming to america from abroad, in including from russia, it turned out that this is possible, therefore, yes, he represents a very big threat, our institutions are the worst ones to contain him, so creeping in the first term, and i honestly doubt very much that for another 4 years, america is will endure, and therefore for us, first of all, it is clear that this is important for the whole world, but for us, first of all, this is the next choice, i think it is difficult to imagine something.
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more importantly, we are at a crossroad, the future depends on them, where america will go, will this be a democratic state and will democracy , so to speak, prevail around the world, or on the contrary, we will go the other way along the authoritarian path with consequences for the whole world, mr. dmitry, with your permission, i would like to draw your attention to a number of statements by another republican , to whom there were also many questions at one time, i mean the speaker of the house of representatives , mr. johnson. he recently made several interesting theses, i will quote them: ukraine is another priority, and for the first time he called ukraine a priority , together with israel, of course we cannot allow putin to march through europe, and here our observers, in any case, say that this is an interesting emphasis, not about the territorial
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integrity of ukraine, but about the fact that we we are protecting europe, and this, they say , is closer to the republican voter than the territorial integrity of ukraine. we've got some serious talks going on with the democrats, that's all, observers say, and ultimately, as far as aid goes, i'm confident and optimistic that we can do it to do, that is, to approve the support project before the new year holidays, mr. dmytro, this is the clarity that appeared in mr. johnson, it shows something, unfortunately, i... must say that everything he says must be to be taken in context, not literally , please explain if the politician, in this case, johnson, but not only, if the politician says that ukraine is very important to me, and i am ready to vote for the financing of the next aid package for ukraine, if
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the democrats agree accept my terms on financing, changes to immigration laws, to financing the southern border , changes to immigration laws, he practically says that immigration laws are important to him, the southern border is important to him, and as a favor, he will then agree to vote for help for ukraine, if he wanted to really help ukraine, he would have put to a vote today a separate bill to help ukraine, no questions asked, he would have received 3/4 of the votes in the house of representatives, more than enough, 3/4, i am almost sure 3/4 more in the senate and the question would be removed when a politician says: i am for help to ukraine, but, then we need to listen to what is not, what, what, what comes after this, but then we understand, really, what does he mean, our speaker johnson is an ally of trump, he , i'll just give you an example, when trump
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shouted that his election was stolen, right before january 6, before the storming of the capitol, johnson was collecting signatures from his colleagues on for them to support absolutely... crazy, well, from a legal point of view, a lawsuit from texas, which demanded to cancel the election results in several other states, that is, texas wanted to cancel the elections in other states, of course, this is this lawsuit, it ended very quickly, the courts simply threw it out, but johnson collected signatures for and he in many ways it follows that what trump wants, what trump wants, we knew, he has stated this repeatedly, in my opinion, if i am not mistaken, for a year and a half, every time he has it. against aid to ukraine, whether it was a draft law or an amendment to the draft law, he voted against, so we need to talk, we need to follow what he does, not what he says, the only positive thing i can say is that when he became the speaker, he really tried to enter the role of speaker, that is, he understood, now i can't do everything that i used to do, i have
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to listen to all my colleagues, so to speak, and represent their interests to everyone, and maybe, maybe, it will have some effect on him, because half of the republican party is really wants to help mr. dmytro, when we talk about the united states of america, each of us involuntarily has some associations, and one of them is that the united states is a democratic country, and democracy prevails for many centuries, so in your country. how can this happen if trump comes and chooses a more authoritarian way of governing. why voters need trump. this way and are they ready to lose democratic values, which are a model for many citizens from other countries? очень правильный вопрос, there are two questions here, yes, then the problem is with any democratic one we build in that it works only if
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the citizens of this country want to live in a democracy. democracy gives them a chance to choose a government that will represent their interests, but it... democracy does not guarantee that they will make the right choice, so any democracy can be, can be destroyed from within and no rules, no laws, no constitution will help, if the overwhelming majority of people, or perhaps a critical mass of people , want to refuse all of this, and that is just theoretically, yes trump can say, as for me, i don’t care what the laws are, my minister will deal with what i tell them, and maybe that will be the end of everything, as he might just, well, no, of course, democracy will resist, but simply it will be very, very complex and very and as for people, why do they want to give up democracy, the second part of your question, but there are people who are inclined to democracy understand that we want, for example, to help ukraine, help israel, and maybe protect lgbt rights, we want to allow
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abortions, they have some positions, but they go to vote, if they lose in the vote, they say: well, we lost, we will return in 2 years, in 4 years and we will defend our positions again o there are people who do not want admit defeat, this is a fundamentally important issue for them, they are ready not to admit defeat and ready to elect a dictator if he pursues their interests at this moment, and this is... the fundamental difference between people who want an authoritarian regime, even alive in democracy, and people who understand that we must take into account the interests of other people, because we are all citizens of the same country, are there so many of them, well, to my surprise, as it turned out, you know, if you asked me this question, i i know, 8 years ago, i would have said that there were very few of them, but today, since trump won the elections in the sixteenth year, i have to say, yes, probably, their percentage, at least 40 percent, maybe 45 unfortunately , it can be sufficient, it can be enough to be that critical mass that can
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lead us in the direction of authoritarianism, and not in the direction of democrats. mr. dmitry, in your opinion, the best example of an authoritarian management style for trump is the management style of putin, who can he compare to? you know, we kind of observed that he constantly compliments putin, kim in north korea, all the people he considers strong or dictators or strong leaders from his point of view, that is, in his opinion, a strong leader is a dictator, to a greater or lesser extent, even in democratic countries, well, let's say, if you take orbán in hungary, yes, that is, these are the people whom he constantly compliments, and it seems to me, not only to me, that he envies them, that he wants to get the same type of power in america, and well, i can’t say exactly how it will look, that is, it will be putin’s style or someone else’s style... i really don’t think that trump, he even, he would have me it seems that there is no desire to start any kind of
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wars, as if there were any imperial ones i have used some of these, but like putin, but he is primarily interested in himself , he is interested in his personal interest, he wants to get rich, he wants to make money, he is a thief in law, i think he was and wants to be to return to power, that is, he really earned money for his positions as president, and we know for sure that he earned at least a few million, most likely more, because he forced, for example , to stay in his hotels, for example, while in office president, and therefore, it seems to me that he has more transactions, he is more interested in his personal interests, his personal ego than in any international politics, wars of aggression, and so on, that is, he has more precisely in this sense, well, where what we started talking about, he has more isolationism in this sense, mr. dmytro, well , your opinion is also very interesting, that is... on what occasion exactly now, well, if not now, some time ago,
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the democrats, part of the republicans, there was information that they are working on that, to level this mechanism by which the president of the united states of america can single-handedly remove the country from the north atlantic alliance, your opinion is very interesting, to what extent this proposal before the presidential elections can somehow be translated into something concrete, and do you believe that trump , at least theoretically, as they say, they can go crazy and withdraw the united states of america from nato, well, i can say that this is what he himself said, that is, he, again, he does not understand, he has no concept of history, he has no concept of geopolitics of some interests, he... thinks from the point of view of transactions, he believes that we pay a lot of money to help nato, yes, that is, we
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spend a lot on weapons, on our bases, on what we promise to protect nato , and nato countries seem to pay less than we do, which means that it is not profitable for us, and this idea, by the way, as far as we can judge, he got this idea for him back in the eighties, when he went to - i'm going to moscow, if i'm not mistaken, and where did he get this idea... they threw it at that time, the kgb also threw it, about it wrote, by the way, yury shvets, and i personally saw, he made such an advertisement, bought the times even at the time when he proved that we have no special interests there, we should not participate so actively in international politics there, and this the idea is with him, perhaps, as if he has been sitting with him for 40 years, it turns out to be almost 40 years old, yes 35, and that is what he said, and he, he is the adviser on international security and bolton, he said that he is sure that if trump returns to power again, he will leave the country, this is what he was going to do, so to speak
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100%, i don’t know what’s wrong with him, how would it be, if god forbid, he will come to power, that he’s there, really, how will this all happen, i ’m having a hard time, and the problem is with the congress, that yes, of course they , we could try to limit him somehow, but we can now observe that half of the republican party in congress follows his instructions, and this is enough to block a very... well, very important bill, we are talking now about israel, about ukraine, and therefore, i am afraid that if he comes to power, he will be in the congress enough ego allies who will be able to block any others in the same way. mr. dmytro, we have less than two minutes left, i want to ask one last thing about this, the war is going on in ukraine, the war is going on in israel, some call these wars the third world war, some predict it in the next three or four years, are
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the americans aware of such a risk, and are they not afraid that with trump the third world is... so close that it cannot be avoided in any way, or do they believe that, on the contrary, he can restrain it and prevent it from happening? that means, with us, i can't, me it seems that we are not talking about the fact that there may be a third world war, the conversation is about the fact that the war in israel may, iran, hezbollah, some others may join it, syria may be involved, and we are asking how would stop it, restrain them , so that they do not enter into this conflict, but about the fact that this can lead to the third world war, the war does not go any way, and of course, there are threats with china, with taiwan, and that is all it is present, but in such a way that we say that we are afraid of tomorrow some kind of global war will start , there is no such conversation as far as trump is concerned , you know, again, if we are talking about isolationism that he wants
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to come to an agreement with everyone, then from the point of view of the people who support him, they can argue the opposite, they can say that, on the contrary, under trump there are less... chances that america will enter into some kind of war, because he will negotiate with putin, he will negotiate with everyone, and somewhere he might be feared, because that he is so unpredictable, and therefore, you know, it’s difficult for me, it seems to me that trump is dangerous because he is not, well, he is not balanced and he does not understand what he is doing, that is, he does not understand all these questions of international politics, what is happening, and the people who were in his office... whom he himself hired, they say that under no circumstances should he be allowed in power , including because it is not clear what he, what he can do in the international arena. when they did to him, when they did to him, well , briefing, how to say, in russian, reports to to the president, every morning there are reports, they understood that they can't give him a dollar, he doesn't, he can't listen to them for more than a minute, they need to put in a minute, because he, he
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loses interest, so he is more dangerous from the point of view его своей непредсказуемости и того что он не разбирается, mr. dmytro, we thank you for an interesting conversation, for your comments, to the audience, we would like to remind you that dmytro abramson, blogger, political commentator of the united states of america, was with us, we will return to international politics, but not now, i agree a little, now it's about money, time, the dollar has become cheaper by 35 kopecks over the past month, the national bank of ukraine has reported this for the second month in a row, they are refusing the fixed rate of the evergreen and so on. to the regime of managed flexibility and according to the national bank, almost 2.5 billion dollars were sold there in november. the purchase of foreign currency by the national bank remained meager, 4 million dollars, but in october this indicator was 14 million dollars. the situation in the ukrainian service sector is currently not the best,
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it has been negative for months in a row evaluate the results of their activities, businessmen complain of weak demand: problems with logistics, the constant increase in fuel, however, they somewhat weakened their pessimistic assessments regarding the results of their activities, this is evidenced by the national bank's research on the business expectations of enterprises and regions in general. in the industrial sector, the situation is a little better, although there is no particular growth in business activity there, but they are positive about the volumes of manufactured products and new orders, the only ones who can be happy about good prospects. you entrepreneurs engaged in trade, they expect an increase in turnover and the volume of purchases of goods for sale, there is currently good domestic demand, the slowdown in inflation and a sufficient supply of goods also played a role. hryhoriy kukuruza, economist economic outlook, is now in direct contact with us. mr. grigory, good morning,
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congratulations, good morning, thank you for waking up so early for our conversation. mr. grigory, so the situation on the currency market in ukraine, which we are currently observing, has given up on the fixed exchange rate of the vnbu. please tell me, for these few weeks, when we are observing this free course, what are the results and whether there are more positives or less negatives, and in particular, you know, i would like to understand for ordinary consumers, not only for the state, but also for the citizens of ukraine ? well, look, i’ll say the most obvious, just pay attention to the fact that the cash rate already seems to be 37.40, 37.50 there, it is completely affordable, and on december 1 the restrictions on the purchase of cash currency were completely lifted, well, of course, they left it on withdrawal of cash hryvnias, that is, in order to buy cash currency without restrictions, somewhere you need to have a large stock of cash hryvnias, there are still restrictions, of course, that remain, in general, well yes,
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in general, of course, that the currency market, its entire infrastructure, it is being restored, at the expense of the managed there the interbank exchange rate just saw a movement there, which did not allow the exchange rate to strengthen on certain days below 36. and the volume of interventions there, in principle, returned to uah 2.5 to 3 billion, sorry, dollars, this is more than there, yes, in the summer period, there were periods when it was possible to nail it to to one, 1.5, 1.7 billion, so now it is higher, in general, in general, to be honest, i do not communicate with anyone with economists, especially the situation has not changed, that is, is he 36, was he 50, is the estimate well fluctuations 36, 0, there are 36, 40 , in fact, this is the same level, well , without any particular changes, that is, if we recall there, there were certain devaluation
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expectations, ah, what is there, yes, controlled swimming, it is clear that we are letting go a little exchange rate, we are reducing the volume of intervention, because there is no certainty in terms of currency receipts, and somehow we are gradually moving the exchange rate there by 38.5, 39.5, there are also these quarterly surveys of the national bank, financial... analysts of enterprises, how do they see exchange rate expectations, precisely these exchange rates, they are significantly improving there, at first they expected 41, now 39.5, well, this is approximately the situation, and mr. grigory, forgive me for perhaps asking a question, but it is heard, well, among my acquaintances, in particular, maybe the hryvnia exchange rate has nothing to do with it, but i still wanted to ask if it is so calm. the hryvnia feels like an average ukrainian goes to a store there and understands that there are other goods, with some periodicity the price
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increases by a hryvnia, by two, well, and the price increases, let's say, not as fast as wages, how is this explained, is it explained by the exchange rate, see. of course, a lot of imports, a lot, well, all imports are tied to the currency, and we talked about this on the air of your tv channel many times, that at a certain, at a certain moment, the price of all food products simply rose, it was restrained by that we have actually reached the level of the neighboring countries in the currency equivalent of food there, there is no possibility to sell to a ukrainian milk producer, milk is more expensive than to a polish producer, even if it had a higher cost price in some periods. he simply won't sell it, that is, in any case , you are competing with the equivalent of a competitor from poland, romania, slovakia, you cannot sell this product, sell it more expensively, but
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no, now the situation is the opposite, now salaries are still rising , even the private sector, they grow faster than than inflation, we have enough this year, we have now slowed down in terms of consumer inflation to to almost 5% by the end of the year, on average, the average seems to be an increase. there is a 13% average annual consumer price index , and this is really consumer inflation, it has really, really slowed down, there is such, such, such a moment, mr. grigory, and there is a war going on, but nevertheless, ukraine relies a lot on western investments and to the fact that the investor will come here, please tell me this year, how the situation has changed, it is already december, can we sum up the interim results and talk about the fact that the funds came in during... this year and in which industry? well, look, it is clear that war is not the time, not that for investments, it is not the time for the development of the private sector, ah,
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if we, well, in general , let's look at some more polls, there are other groups, about there 30% of the business they expect to grow, but 35% they are in the zone of uncertainty, their situation there is either worse than in 2022, or there the managers of the company expect the situation to worsen. in the next year, ah, despite the fact that the economy as a whole, the wages and salaries, the situation really not bad, a good situation with a slowdown in inflation, stability, stability of the exchange rate, i.e. the general macrofield , it is stable, the business situation is very, very difficult, and well, nothing can be done about it, the share of the state in the economy during the war grows exponentially, in any period in any country, in great britain it was there during the world war, and more than 70% in our country now, according to the results of the year, the share of public spending in the economy is approximately 74%. and the role of business, of course, is significantly minimized and reduced in fact only there
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to the maintenance of some, rather than large , small functions, there is reitel, well, some, some there is agriculture, yes, that is, with business, with business of course, which is more difficult, there is a significant shortage of personnel, on the positive side, please note that the increasing the emphasis is on the need for localization , the production of military equipment in ukraine, in that, well, it is no longer moving from our side, it is moving more by american partners, private arms manufacturers, they are really interested in placing a certain production here, including certain technologies have already been handed over to us, that is , there is this factory of armored vehicles in zhytomyr , there are certain, roughly speaking, stages: first you did not learn to repair yourself, then you still know how to assemble it, then you can, roughly speaking , produce it, and we learned a lot ourselves
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repair, and well, for now, we can move on to the next stages, try to assemble something ourselves, produce it in ukraine, and this is a weapon that has passed tests, a weapon that is fully recognized at the international level, plus right here, well, the border with the european union, which increases the military spending from gdp, if i'm not mistaken, is now about 15%, and there is an expectation that it will increase there to 2.5 to three times, that is , two, almost two times, and all this for us, potentially, is a huge arms market , and have no illusions that we are such a militarized country for decades to come and this is our market, including the market for weapons supplies. mr. grigoriy, thank you for joining us for commenting, let us remind you that we were contacted by grigoriy kukuruza, an economist at economic outlook, who spoke in particular about the situation on the currency market and the investment attractiveness of ukraine, despite
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the war in our country. we will talk about the foreign policy aspect and the security aspect in the next hour, stay with us. chevrons approaching victory. this year's winter promises to be difficult again. the enemy is targeting critical infrastructure facilities. so we have to prepare for the most difficult scenarios. keep the heat, insulate the houses, it will be difficult, but the fighting spirit cannot be borrowed from the ukrainians. think extra safe heat source everyone should be responsible this winter. invite your relatives who you know from the regions that have been destroyed.
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together is warmer and more fun. the best way to warm up is to engage in light sports, because our energy is enough to overcome any cold. stock up on flashlights and power banks, charge them and stock up on food, water and warm clothes. warm up deliciously. fragrant tea or a hot meal gives warmth from the inside, and calories are not superfluous in winter. make friends with your neighbors. it is easier to beat the enemy in a group, and even more so to hibernate. and most importantly, support the armed forces, thanks to them we have the opportunity to face this winter, and as long as we are united, we are not afraid of either enemies or the cold, we hold on to each other, we will overcome the winter together, a warm country, from now on, goodies under
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the pillow. will appear on time. on december 6 , we celebrate saint nicholas day. good morning, we say to those who are awake at this time. good morning, country, if you are with us, we thank you for waking up to the telethon single news. the we ukraine channel team is working for you now, we will be here as soon as possible. hours, and in particular during an hour in studio we are kostyantyn linchevskyi. olena chabak, and here is the first topic for discussion. please. president volodymyr zelenskyy held a meeting of the stake on december 1. in his video message, the head of state said that commanders from the front and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine reported to him about the situation on the front line. in addition, zelensky also heard reports on the supply of ammunition and weapons. he is for


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