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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2023 5:00am-5:30am EET

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now goodies under the pillow will appear on time. on december 6, we celebrate saint nicholas day. good morning, we say to those who are awake at this time. good morning, country, if you're with us, we thank you for waking up to the telethon single news. now working for you. the team of the mykrain channel and we will be here for the next few hours, and in particular , for an hour in the studio, we are kostyantyn linchevskyi. olena chabak and here is the first topic for discussion. please, on december 1, president volodymyr zelenskyi held a meeting of the stake. in his video address, the head of state reported that commanders from the front and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine reported to him about the situation on the front line. in addition, zelsky also heard reports on the supply of ammunition and weapons. he
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noted that actions related to the conduct of war should be specific, in particular, this also applies to issues of mobilization. i listened to reports on the supply of ammunition and weapons, we are preparing updated requests for communication with partners. ahead is an important week precisely from the point of view of such communication, we are analyzing all possible scenarios, and it should be ours, the ukrainian the scenario for the 24th year, specific operations quite... specific rationale that will give ukraine also quite specific results, everything that is necessary for our state, our brigades, in particular, this also applies to issues of mobilization, all in ukraine, they understand that changes are needed in this area, and this is not just a question of the number of those who can be mobilized, it is a question of terms for everyone who is currently in the army, for demobilization, and for those who... will come to
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the army, and this is a question of conditions. the next one the plant of the german concern rain metal may start operating in ukraine in 2018, and the first armored personnel carriers, in particular the fuchs, are planned to be released six months after launch. it is possible that this may happen in the summer, lingx infantry fighting vehicles will also be produced, they will have to wait until the summer of the 25th year, while about the production of tanks, panther. there is no such thing yet, said the general director of the rein metal concern. whether or not to recognize the legitimacy of the dictator vladimir putin after the elections in russia, this is what western leaders have to decide, about said president volodymyr zelenskyi in an interview with the associated press, because after 2014 there were no such powerful attacks on the isolation of russia, even despite the occupation of it, parts of the donetsk and luhanka regions,
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as well as crimea, and putin's supporters will not actually be in the presidential elections , zelensky believes. we understand that the elections there are not held undemocratically, and they are held, no matter how they are held, everyone knows what the result will be, the question is for the world, these may be elections that will be illegitimate, if putin, putin will go to the elections, and probably a high percentage of this. and a very high percentage that he will win this election, because he is competing with himself and everything, and therefore the game here will already be on the side of the western leaders, the civilized world, admit it or not? oleksiy buryachenko, executive director of the international association of small communities, joins the live broadcast. mr. oleksiy, good morning and thank you for being with us. elena, kostya,
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always glad to see you, good morning, to each other, mr. oleksiy, so what zelensky said, he understands, so does the whole country, that the elections in russia will not take place in a democratic way, and we will not see anything new, but do our western partners have such an awareness of what they expect from the upcoming presidential elections in russia? we perfectly understand how everything will happen there, we understand who you elected there and even remember your time, piskov, even noted there the approximate percentages with which putin should win there, well, the first number there should be exactly eight, here so that putin can even boast of increased legitimization, like before lukashenko, that is, i think that it will be somewhere for 80%, most likely, and that's it absolutely. normality for a totalitarian
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regime, for a dictatorship, yes, that's it, and how, and how it already reacts, to a dictatorship, to a dictator, the same europe has already become absolutely obvious after the decision of the relevant party that russia was officially recognized as a dictatorship, and putin as a dictator , this decision is actually, it does not just have such a fixing character, yes, a factual character, it actually has such a preventive meaning, for what, in order that, and his environment and anyone who thinks that by way of there formal , restarting putin in his position, he gets some kind of, there, new legitimacy, so that everyone understands that this will not be the case, since europe
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no longer recognizes, in fact, such a decision from the re-election results at the end of march in the russian federation, i think that of course the united states... also supports such non-recognition, this indicates another maybe they overthrew putin, maybe they gave some alternative agenda, realizing that even if putin wins the elections again, it will not end well for the russian federation itself, because it will not be about new negotiating positions, let's say, with new legitimacy , and i think, that one does not need to be a super expert to predict that putin, on the contrary, most likely, in my opinion, at least, will increase the degree and
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in the territories temporarily occupied by him, i think, will show generally sky-high indicators, here in these so-called elections mr. oleksiyu, maybe, in fact, in fact , bone, it does not matter at all, which under the compulsion of machine guns in the temporarily occupied territories, and hence my question, he will bring the situation to an absurdity, on what specific examples, mr. oleksiyu, please explain , how the west will react , what it will not do... what it has not done before, or has done, how the states will react, in the end, china, well, with even greater political isolation, well, that is, actually, one question when there the election process is criticized, but our association is already there
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five political cycles are engaged in monitoring and observation and we are at all these processes, so to speak, cooking, yes, and one question, when in some country... there are simply critics, yes, regarding the election process, regarding the involvement of international observers and international organizations , to this process, to the provision of human rights, to the provision of the right to choose and be elected, yes, well, that is, some such absolutely objective things, and the other, when just countries, given that this is a dictate, that this is a state that is an aggressor, a terrorist, a sponsor of terrorism , do not recognize the results elections this is in fact, what i have already repeated, which already calls for re-doing , about which the corresponding decision has already been made, and this will be, in fact, an extremely powerful result of the civilized world's response
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to the elections that are currently being prepared, respectively, in the russian federation, i.e. what does this mean, it means that any political actions, any political affiliations... let's say, as it was recently at the g20, yes, it will be impossible from putin, because he will be an illegitimate president, any signatures under any agreements will also be impossible, after all, he will be an illegitimate president , that is, this will actually greatly strengthen the international isolation of the russian federation itself, what consequences will the russian federation have, let's say, after the elections, that is, they will be even more, in fact, russia will fall into this abyss of totalitarianism, lawlessness and listlessness. mr. oleksiyu, the institute for the study of war, an american institute, from time to time shares
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with us information from the battlefield, and now they have information about the mood of the russians on the eve of the upcoming presidential elections russia, what do they say? they say that the kremlin is worried. a change in the perception of the war in ukraine by russians, and based on that, they are now trying to make such a distance between putin and the war, although earlier putin was positioned as a so-called mobiliser. russian lands, and now they want putin separately, the war separately, rather a sorter, a sorter, and why so, what happened, why did they decide to separate these two images, subjects? well, i think that, in fact, it is necessary to look for the roots here not in the russians, yes, because, unfortunately, they have so many for years, decades, they have been pouring crap into their ears through the propaganda tv channels of the skabievs and fireflies. that in fact it is already very difficult for them to distinguish these things here, what they
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will be told on tv, what they will be told from an official position, but in fact they will believe that, unfortunately again, they will be needed later after putin, there will be detoxification, let's say, probably not one more year, but in relation to what will be changed , the position, this position, this history is purely technological, because putin has nothing to sell on the ukrainian fronts, on the eve of his election campaign, it is absolutely logical that he will sell, friends, well , let's think together, the capture of bakhmut, when they simply wiped him off the face of the earth, well, where is the ambition, there is putin, and where is bakhmud, you understand , that is, he simply has absolutely nothing to sell, they are in a strategic hot spot, and in fact they have already lost this war, that is why putin wants
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to transfer his main, say technological efforts, of course ukraine will be in his campaign, but this plan, internally destabilization of ukraine, which has already been announced, yes, maidan crimea , but the main emphasis will be placed on it, to show, let's say, yes, how, what there is not, not... the decision is not yet frivolous in ukraine this summer, as we we gnaw at each other even during the war, that is exactly what the emphasis will be on, and not on what happens on the battlefield, therefore deliberately, and in rhetoric, political technologies, these two trends, these two histories will naturally be separated, and to see during the election campaign, he will not talk about the war, talk about eyelashes well, most likely there will be a shooter, who already, when wagner is gone, will become
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, let's say, such a military spoiler and collect, then he was a collector of lands, yes once, and this one will be a collector of these distraught patriots, well, whoever collects, he will be, i.e. that's all, but it's absolutely obvious that there aren't that many ultra-strong russians, so they'll just divide everyone. votes in electoral niches, and putin, most likely in such a controlled absolutely election administrator of history, take something to count on. sir mr. oleksiy, we have a minute left, and probably there will be such a call, not a question, i understand that right now, a lot of sensitive issues will be discussed in the information space, the issue of mobilization, demobilization, and again , you don't need to be a super-pro to
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to predict that the russians will increase all kinds of ipso and spread fakes, try to enter our information space, a very short advice to our viewers, how to protect yourself from fakes and all such psychological operations, special? friends, it's really simple , we have to remember how we are led at the beginning of a full-scale attack, to what extent we had the issue of information hygiene at a serious level, to what extent we understood that the enemy would put pressure on us through any tools and on the battlefield and in the information space, we must necessarily sift through, check all primary sources , and if any information triggers us and evokes an emotion in us, let's say it is either very positive, or... we are depressed, it brings us to tears, then we must
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calm down and calmly digest any - what information to talk to relatives, talk to relatives, because friends, we are entering a very serious winter, and the enemy is stockpiling missiles, the enemy is stockpiling drones, most likely we will have some problems with electricity and how many hits there will be. and just imagine, against the background of this, our very difficult situation, we will still be bombarded by the russians, through ipso, through mobile phones, so now every family should talk to each other, agree on what to communicate, first of all it is necessary to exchange information in a narrow circle and be sure to check all, dubious initiatives, especially those that involve going to some kind of peaceful rallies there, especially during the winter, because
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it could very well be an inspired story... on the part of the russian special services. mr. oleksiy, we thank you very much for the answers and for the advice, also oleksiy buryachenko, executive director of the international association of small communities. thank you very much, mr. oleksiy. and we cannot help but talk about what is happening on the front lines, because courageous ukrainian soldiers continue to defend us, and there are snowfalls, winds, rains, storms, another military winter. because of blizzards, traffic had to be restricted, almost in the entire south, in chorny morist. there , a storm unseen for decades, a terrible cyclone with blizzards caught the inhabitants of almost all regions, and above all, it was felt at the front, in the trenches and dugouts. darina dobrovolska will tell us how such weather conditions will affect the nature of hostilities and what winter will be like in the rear. abundant snowfalls, gusty winds, rain and
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a super-powerful storm for ukraine. another military winter is already felt at the front, first of all, our military, who maintain the defense despite the challenges of the weather, that karman d2, a lot depends on night observation, ah, thermal imagers, night, night visions should be with additional power, because the batteries go down much faster, radio communication is the same depends on the battery. lands faster, the change in weather also affects reconnaissance capabilities from the air, the operation of drones. a huge role on the front is played by household drones, the same mavics, unfortunately, such drones, they are not protected from the wind, they are not protected from moisture, rain and snowfall have turned the land into mud lines, the sticky and soft soil makes it difficult to attack from both sides, the military says,
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and hinders heavy equipment, water and soil, respectively, bind. the movements of military personnel, but this is also what happens with the russian occupation troops, the occupation technique of the vrasists is used less, respectively, because the ground is soft and not such a number of attacks are organized, well, together with the technique, when it is difficult to move on the front line with armored vehicles, it is not so easy for the infantry to work , then emphasis on artillery. now the so-called artillery duels, i.e. counter-battery fighting, will prevail. well, now the weather is such that you can't drive heavy equipment. the situation at the front will more or less stabilize with the arrival of permanent frosts, when the ground will become hard. the roads are becoming more passable, they freeze even where it was impossible to pass, even in gutnytsia, in principle the road becomes passable even for automobile
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transport. weather changes also affect the health of our soldiers, who are forced to survive not only under enemy fire, but also in flooded damp dugouts and trenches, it leads to the fact that people often get sick, people are out for a certain time, people need more time to rest, we need to make more, well, more changes of personnel in positions. the winter will not be easy even in the rear cities, this was repeatedly emphasized by the higher military leadership of our country, the president and intelligence. the enemy's stockpile of missiles now amounts to about 900 units, according to gurk, this is less than a year, so the russians are saving them and increasingly they launch shahedis, but the enemy will cause so much less damage. regarding air defense, we created a system, a combined system, a multi-layered, echeloned system , which includes long-range systems,
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such as the patriot there s300, yes, samft, the european analogue of the patriot, and we got enough, well, not enough, but enough significant sumpt, arist and hock complexes, although the hock is an old complex, but it has an infinite amount of ammunition, an infinite number of missiles, and although all these means are not capable of completely closing the sky over ukraine, they are much more than last winter during this year, not only weapons were strengthened, but also the experience of our military, which daily faces the challenges of russian terror and successfully overcomes them, has been enriched. daryna dobropelska we are ukraine marathon one news. in his traditional evening address, president volodymyr zelenskyy called on ukrainians not to ignore air warning signals, he also thanked for this week all those who perform combat tasks, as well as help, train and treat, all those who work at our
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ukrainian defense industries, all, all, whose job it is to help ukraine, take care of the interests of our state, everyone, everyone who defends ukraine on the international arena. i thank everyone for making this week also productive for our country. to achieve our goals, do not forget to consider air alert signals, especially these days, especially, not worth it, lightly, and the armed forces of ukraine confirmed the information about the shooting of ukrainian prisoners of war and called it another confirmation of the cynical violation of the custom of the introduction of war by the russians, in the footage that published service card deep the soldiers who had nothing to shoot back left the dugout, they lay down on the ground and surrendered, while the russians opened fire and killed the men.
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the armed forces of ukraine called on the international community to react and hold russia's military leadership accountable. the representative of the verkhovna rada of ukraine on human rights, dmytro lubinets , will appeal to the red cross and the united nations and called it a violation of international law. and manifestation of terrorism. germany handed over a new one to ukraine package of military aid, this is evidenced by updated data on the website of the german government. the package included artillery shells, sniper rifles, trucks and tractors. the new aid also includes systems for detecting enemy drones. and now we are in direct contact. oleksiy hetman, military observer, reserve major. mr. oleksiu, good morning. congratulations good morning, mr. oleksiy, i would like to start with this sad news, when the enemy defiantly shoots ukrainian prisoners, which is prohibited by the international
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rules of warfare, please tell me but appeals to international bodies, appeals by the leadership of the armed forces, the ukrainian ombudsman, will they somehow restrain russia, and unfortunately, such situations are not being observed for the first time during this war. well, no one is being held back, and most likely , the reaction, especially of the red cross, will be kind of, you know, as incomprehensible as always, we already see that during this war, many international organizations that we, that we trusted and hoped for, that their actions will somehow affect what happens on war, well, at least in the sense that the russians will not commit war crimes, but it does not work, i am sure that after... victory in this war, which will definitely happen, no matter what, such organizations, obs' yes, the red cross will be , well, at least, if they are not reformed, then
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their work will be fundamentally improved, because now, let's put it simply, there is not much point , will the russians continue this, well , of course they will, not everyone remembers that said strilkov girkin, who was arrested in russia. such a terrorist who fought in ukraine in 2014, he just called on the russian servicemen not to be taken prisoner, that is, to do what the russians have done now, not to take our servicemen prisoner, because when he argued this in such a way that if when our servicemen are taken prisoner, then they fall into the exchange fund and return back to ukraine and again return to the armed forces and have the opportunity to conduct these combat operations again, and it seems that this motivates the people of our servicemen from the point of view of the shooting bittern, of course so, it is so desperate to conduct hostilities that they are not afraid that they will run out of ammunition, then
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they surrendered, the exchange took place and they come back again, this is his, his proposal, to do exactly as they are doing now, in these terrible videos of the russians, you see , they listened to the gunner's gin and will not listen to a couple of the red cross or to any decisions, well, the red cross will write some kind of cross stating that it is impossible to do so, and that nothing will change further, unfortunately, for now, mr. oleksiy, did i understand correctly, except for the shooting one of course girkin, who is not a high-ranking official in russia , the russians at the front, they got a kind of carte blanche, they have the right to kill, to break the laws, the customs of war, and the leadership made it clear to them, you will not get anything for it, go ahead, of course, this no, they are not doing it because strelkov girkin said it, but because this is one, one of those people who said about it in a voice, that he
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urged that it should be done that way. sheigu, gerasimov, the leadership of the russian federation, of course, the military of the russian military, they will deny it, they will say that there was no such thing, nothing like that happened, that it was all staged, and so on, so what they will tell, of course officially, they will not say in their voice that they received carte blanche for exactly such crimes, but so unofficially , in publicity, not particularly for... international media, they issued an order inside the unit that, you know, as they say, take no prisoners, and so on, i am sure that this, well, i think that it will be, they will be able to confirm those conscripts russian, russian, who are in we are in captivity that they received such orders, but this is again something that the military-political leadership of russia will not influence, it is unlikely to recognize such crimes, it will prevent everything as usual, and that's it. and
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there will be the same strange, slightly worried, incomprehensible reaction of such once-respectable organizations as the osce and the red cross, well, what can you do, well, it 's good that they showed themselves in such organizations, they are forgiving, so i'm sure that they will be changed, because the international society sees that they receive large funding, international funding, but sense of one so far there is not much, although these sites still need to be used, our bluesman has to apply, that is, we have to work out the procedure, this is correct, but to hope that it will somehow have a significant effect, or at least somehow affect the actions of the russians, well, it should not be, mr. oleksiy, well, i will also remind our viewers that you are not just a military observer, you are actually a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war and these laws and
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customs. war, they were violated by the russians even before a large-scale invasion, yes, well that is, well, it's not because they , you know, i'm sorry, suddenly went crazy, well, listen , well, i'm a russian, yes, yes, that 's how it happened, and i remember how it happened, how they drove, what are the photos of the car from obsie, how they are such white jeeps, very beautiful, we watched how they drove. so that everything was as if there was no shelling, and only the sun was setting, everyone knows about it, these cars drove in, hid somewhere and shelling began, and even when, well, where we were in luhansk region, our unit was divided when we even they called obje, because she flew in, arrived near the schools where the children were studying, well, they were near the parish in komyshevakh, both arrived, and they did not see anything, the projectile arrived in the morning, thank god that
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none of the children... only the buildings were damaged, well, a little earlier , than the children had to come to school, and the reaction was very weak, and the russians did it constantly, starting from the time of ato, 16, 17, well and so on, well, what happened already with the beginning of the full-scale tuesday, well , we also saw what happened in kyiv region, these videos are terrible, so nothing has changed there, it is us they didn't do that, i'll tell you honestly, it never occurred to me to choose to somehow attack cities where civilians might be, well, we didn't do that, they did, well, we knew that, we they tried to take this into account, mr. oleksiy, that the russians can shell civilians, civilian cities, civilian quarters, civilian buildings, and so on.


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