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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2023 5:30am-6:01am EET

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thank god that none of the children were hurt , only the buildings, a little earlier than the children were supposed to come to school, and the reaction was very weak, and the russians did this constantly, starting from the time of the anti-terrorist operation in 16-17, and so on, well, what happened already at the beginning of the full -scale tuesday, well, we saw what happened in the kyiv region, these videos are terrible, that's why nothing has changed there, it's... we, we didn't do that, i'll tell you honestly, we, well , it never occurred to us to somehow attack cities where civilians might be, well, we did, yes, no they didn't do it, they did it, well, we knew that, we tried to take it into account, mr. oleksiy, that the russians can fire at civilians, civilian cities, civilian quarters, civilian buildings, and so on. this is also a violation of the rules,
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the custom of launching a war, they know about it, but they so defiantly ignore these rules. mr. oleksiy, you know what else i wanted to ask about, we quoted the president, and among what he said in one of his last addresses, that the turning point in the war could come as early as march. please tell me how this turning point can manifest itself, how you see it and from whose point of view. well, i think in our favor , of course, because the president would hardly say that the overfishing moment could be in favor of the russians, what could it be related to, well now the russians, after our our offensive actions, as far as they were successful, this is a separate conversation, but it can be assumed that they should be suspended now, because, as the president said, we need to build fortifications, we can already expect what can be
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called counteroffensive actions by the russians the entire eastern front, so we now need to focus on restraining the advance of russian troops, and also put our units in order, because we have suffered losses, we need to fill the staffing schedule of our units, well, brigades, battalions, we need to put in order the equipment that was also is it tattered or damaged during hostilities, i.e. bring it to order, this is a normal situation, and in the spring, why, says the president, that there may be a fracture, well, maybe it is because we are already receiving longer-range missiles, and may this is due to the fact that we will receive aircraft, maybe it will be more heavy equipment, let's see, our task now is to withstand the russian counter-attack, not to surrender positions and continue cooperation with our more
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fruitful cooperation with our partners, because we, catastrophically, we simply do not have enough equipment, weapons to carry out powerful offensive actions, we are physically less than the russians, so we just have to have more weapons and more modern weapons, then the quality will be able to beat the quantity, and if the weapons are not enough, then, of course, our offensive the actions will be, well, not as we all expect, well, it’s obvious, it’s impossible... to fight with a smaller number and with even fewer weapons, it’s possible with a smaller number of people, yes, it’s possible to fight whenever you have, well, let’s say yes, many modern assemblies , and when, when not, then, then, sorry, no, mr. oleksiy, regarding the equipment and help of our western partners, we, before introducing you, including, provided information about of this announcement that next year in ukraine it may work...
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the german zavodal was also featured there fuxs armored personnel carriers, as well as lingks infantry fighting vehicles, in your opinion, how obvious is the choice of these models for you, which will, well, open production? well, you know, i think that these models are related to the fact that they are the most, well , the most successful, the fastest. we will be able to build the technological lines that these models will produce, here and, most likely, this is the reason, not that someone likes, someone does not like, any heavy equipment is armored, it will come in handy, and you know this is why this is very good news, because we see how in germany itself, not all people 100% support aid to ukraine, there are certain movements there that may not be necessary, that this will lead to german support will lead to... conflict,
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maybe they are still living in such strange dreams, not dreams, in a strange worldview, and so on, and that this could lead to the involvement of germany in the war, and therefore, in addition, they say that it somehow negatively affects the budget, and so on, i.e. all these narratives are largely russian, but there they find grounds for working there, but investments, our partners like this, the germans, americans, other european countries, but they don't like selling a little bit of weapons, but investing, so that later you can get more from this to make money, they like it very much, therefore... these investments, they will be supported mainly in the greater part of germany, and in our country, well, we produce our own equipment quite well, our cossacks and sportans, they are definitely better, the russian ones, if it will still be german, german production on our already on our capacities with ours
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we don't need it, capacity can be built quickly, well relatively quickly, technical personnel, engineering technical, well, it has to be prepared for many years, they have to study to be able to be, everything is fine with us. we have such people, well, look, i will tell you for sure that our cossack sportans are, well, definitely better than these armored vehicles, and maybe better than a lot of the equipment that we receive from our partners, a very, very comfortable machine, so if together with the germans, and our engineer, engineering and technical staff will start it to produce, i think that it will be, firstly , there will be a lot of them, and secondly, they will be, well, well , well, god forbid that it would be at least not worse than sports. mr. oleksiy, finally , literally briefly, now we talked about the equipment that ukraine will need, which will be made here, and about the potential of the enemy in terms of human resources, will we see an increased mobilization in the near future in order to attract new manpower that will
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be sent to the front, i mean in russia, well, putin said there that no, not putin , the military and political leadership, what do they want add another 170,000, at least, but they won’t be conscripts and they won’t be mobilized people, that is, but anyway they are going to find these 170,000 somewhere, well, they are the ones who breathe, well, it’s true, yes, they will not be mobilized and not conscripts, but these will really be people who will sign the contract, but what kind of people will they be, the russians, of course, those people whom the conscripts called up are already directly in the barracks, where they will offer them a deal, or it will be very difficult for them to serve, it is almost impossible, or they sign a contract, this is such a whip that either you will be bad, or they will sign a contract, as if you voluntarily agreed, well, to become a contract worker, well, the trick is
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that different people are affected differently by a button press, they say that the leak will perform the same actions militarily, but still for is to receive a salary, and if, that is, if you sign... if you do not sign, then you will serve in the same way, but without money, and these two, with the cult of tapryagniks, they can force or persuade people who were mobilized, not mobilized, who there were conscripts who were called to sign the contract, on paper, but really, there will be such a large number of people who voluntarily , as it were, signed the contract and volunteered to fight, well, at the hands of russia, well, in this war. well, they will be able to, well, mr. oleksiy , unfortunately, but they have this potential and it is limitless, thank you, it is always interesting to be with you and thank you for your professional comments, we will remind the audience, it was oleksiy hetman, a military observer major of the reserve, we move on, the leadership of russia loudly declares
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the alleged active defense of avdiyivka, in fact just wants to hide the absence of any significant russian progress in this direction, according to the american institute for the study of war. according to analysts, russian defense minister serhii shaigu continues to falsely characterize the so-called offensive of the invaders and tries to reduce expectations about the achievement of operationally important goals by the russians. in turn, putin , apparently concerned about the decline in russian support for the war, especially on the eve of the 2024 presidential election, probably decided to downplay the scale of the russians. operations for its public. and now , dmytro lazutkin, head of the public relations service of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, is in touch with us. good morning to you, mr. dmytro. congratulations good morning everyone, i wish you good health. each other mr. dmitry,
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may i ask your opinion, the active defense of avdiivka from the point of view of the russian leadership, what do they mean? well, again, i can't. in the head of the russian leadership, but our military is now counterattacking, repelling quite important areas, although... the enemy continues pressure, however, due to significant losses and partly due to weather conditions, apparently the intensity of their assaults is decreasing, however , the shelling has not disappeared anywhere in the avdiivsk industrial zone, and in koksokhim, and in the northern suburbs, something is also constantly flying in, mr. dmytro, if you look there messengers, one of the edges... yes, let's say a video from your brothers, i will quote, fighters of the 47th separate
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mechanized brigade destroy enemy infantry columns near the railway, east of the typical, quite vivid video was filed by your brothers, here are these infantry columns, yes , i think that our viewers remember perfectly well, these stories with small groups, now they are already on... avdiivskoe vitink whole columns are allowed, because well, in your video, they are there in such order, you crushed? well, in fact, this video is not from today, not from yesterday , some time has passed here, secondly, now they still prefer attacks in small mobile groups, 8, 10, 12 to 15 people, mostly they go forward in this number, sometimes they use equipment, but again... the weather is like this now and the land is like this viscous, that it is very difficult to do, by
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and large, the rain does not stop, only the intensity of the rain changes, in some places wet snow is added. mr. dmytro, and here's more about the difficulties of conducting military operations in winter conditions, in addition to the fact that the ground is wet, the equipment in it is heavy, and these natural phenomena change like rain and frost. what are the prevailing rules, so in war, now more artillery is used, it is shooting contact battles, which is primarily happening now, a lot of er, really clashes at medium, close range, there are a lot of them, including shooting gods, and this is again evidenced even by the statistics of injuries, if you turn to the checkpoint, you can hear that there are a lot of bullet wounds now, this indicates that the relationship is becoming more dense,
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contact with the enemy becomes denser, and accordingly the struggle for landings and positions becomes tougher, they often change hands several times a day, and this trend is sure to persist in the near future, if we talk about some rules, then we notice practically every day that our enemy does not have any rules, and the laws and customs of war are absolutely empty sound for them. mr. dmytro, can we, with your help , find out the latest news of this aspect there, so we understand that after the 6th there will be an official assembly of the general staff in all directions, please tell me, actually, how was the night , on the avdiiv district? now is really such a period when reports are received, when they are formed and
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all data is checked, there were also attacks today, attacks by small infantry groups, again, there were fewer of them, up to 10, but the mob does not forget about its main goal, to surround the car and capture this city, and no matter how much their intensity decreases, we understand. that they accumulate strength from time to time, we track these strength accumulations and try to destroy the concentration of equipment and manpower. mr. dmitry, we thank you and your colleagues very much for what you are doing. dmytro lazutkin, head of the public relations service of the 47th separate mechanized brigade, found out how things are now in avdiivka, we will continue. but for in different directions, because almost 9,000 russian soldiers were eliminated by our defenders in
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the bakhmut direction, volodymyr fityo, the head of the public relations service of the ground forces command of the armed forces of ukraine, informed about this. and this is only since the beginning of november. he also added that the aggressor country is trying to replenish the army by conducting a covert mobilization, but among the so-called newcomers there are many deserters and defectors. ukrainian military. they are actively defending in the bakhmut direction, moving to attacks, improving their tactics position, at the same time the russian occupying forces are trying to recapture previously lost positions, but they cannot achieve success. now with us is oleksiy tarasenko, deputy commander of the battalion of the fifth cream assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. mr. oleksiy, welcome to the broadcast. thank you for finding time for us. good morning. good. mr. oleksiy, how the night passed in the direction of bakhmut, from the data of the general staff, we know that for
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the previous day, day, bakhmud, for the number. only avdiivtsi was inferior in repulsed attacks. how was the night? directly in the direction of the fifth of a separate assault brigade, the night passed relatively calmly. the weather was quite bad, so aerology was only partially carried out. they have already focused on conducting surveillance and observation posts on reports from firing positions. but the past days were very hot. the enemy attacks in different directions almost every day, so really everyone is constantly on alert, our artillery is constantly working to prevent the approach of enemy assault groups, and the intensity has simply increased by an order of magnitude compared to , for example, the summer of this year, so really
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the direction is very hot, traditionally, currently it is possible... only with an audio player. mr. oleksiy, did i understand correctly, and the enemy is not hindered by the weather, and artillery shelling continues, regardless of what is happening in the air, in the sky. the enemy has a large enough number of shells to cover with squares, let's say, not to worry about the fact that there is no possibility of aiming... fire at single targets, they can afford to just work on some square, but of course that the effectiveness of such shelling is extremely high low, that is, when there is no correction from the air, it is more of a disturbing fire than a really effective impression, mr. oleksiy, well , if you look at the map, then here is a bahamian
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shade, there are a lot of settlements, such a question, and there are still peaceful places in these settlements population, do you meet him? in fact, the outermost city, where there is still a civilian population, is chasivyar and further to the rear of the ukrainian troops, what is directly near the front line does not look like a populated place at all, it looks like just some kind of dump. construction waste, so obviously that there is no longer any local population, not even a few dogs, you won’t meet there at all, but this happened there, i don’t know that the enemy there somehow disguises itself as civilians, or resorts to some other tricks, which which
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, of course, you can share on the air with our viewers, the gunpowder, of course, tries to... use everything possible, put a smoke screen there , use, for example, raincoats against thermal imaging drones, use the same banal timers for hidden movement, but now disguise themselves as civilians ineffective, because it all looks very untrue, ugh, unnatural, to say the least. and so, mr. oleksiy, on the eve of social networks, the internet, terrible footage of the enemy defiantly shooting our brave defenders, who came out with their hands raised and surrendered as prisoners, was such a forced step, because we do not know the circumstances in which they found themselves, you as a person who is at the front, under what
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circumstances, a ukrainian military man can surrender, yes. the circumstances are only one, when people accepted the battle in firing positions, for when the enemy storms, i just these are isolated cases, i have observed such a picture several times when the fighters simply fight to the last charge and then there are simply no means left to continue the fight, this is so far from what i have seen, in principle, the only reason , it is objective, so that, well, it is possible. make such a decision for yourself. mr. oleksiy, we thank you for your courage, for being in touch with us and for the fact that you and your brothers defend us every day.
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we thank you. oleksiy tarasenko, deputy the commander of the battalion of the fifth separate assault brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. kostya, i would just like to add that when the guys from the front line go live, you want to hug them, yes through the monitor screen, but it is impossible to do, and we sincerely thank you. them for what they do and for finding the opportunity to communicate with us. one person was killed and two others were injured during another shelling of the donetsk region. russian troops opened fire on peaceful settlements, as a result of the enemy attack, 25 residential buildings were damaged and industrial building. in particular, in the lysychensk direction, a house was damaged in serybenko of the siver community, and torske zarichne of the liman community was shelled. in turkey. community, 14 houses were damaged , one person was injured, one person died in the city of chasivyar, six private houses, three high-rise buildings and
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an industrial building were damaged. stanislav krasnov, the platoon commander, is now in direct contact with us, mr. stanislav, good morning to you, thank you for joining, congratulations, i wish you health, good morning. mr. stanislav, made such a small roll call, guys from the avdiiv direction , the bakhmut direction came to us in the morning, this is how the country woke up, please tell us, as of this moment, what is the situation in the donetsk region, what can you tell us from what you can to tell the audience publicly, in the direction where our brigade is located, the situation is stable, tense, difficult , for a long time, not the first day and not the first week, in fact, the russian occupiers... are muttering almost without a break, most likely they have received a task, the nearest time to break through somewhere our border, our line of defense, to go to
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some strategic points, to capture probably big cities, they storm without a break , regardless of the time of day, regardless of the weather, and their storms are quite harsh, suicidal, you know, well, it is obvious that they are forced to do this beat, regardless of their desire, and they are forced to rush to our line of defense. mr. stanislav, are they pulling up the reserves there, are they fully equipped technically, this one there, with the shells in them, is enough for the branch for which you are responsible, yes, on the branch where we we are standing, as far as i can judge, they have no problems with shells, because the shelling, they do not stop, literally not for a minute, in general, there is constant shelling, both day and night, regarding technical support, well, of course, it is difficult to judge, because our forces
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operate quite effectively, our artillery, our anti-tank guns, our strike uavs, they do not let their equipment near them, so they are forced to resort to the strategy of exclusively infantry assaults, that is, they reach where they can. we can't get to them there, but then in large groups they constantly try to reach our positions on foot, somehow hiding in the forest, using the natural landscape to hide and constantly trying to attack. mr. stanislav, the enemy's artillery is working, please tell me, and the enemy's drones are pestering in your direction, how often and does the weather hinder them? well, it goes without saying that weather conditions are impossible. to win, when it rains heavily or snows heavily, the drones do not work, it is technically impossible, and when the weather permits, then yes, both our drones and the enemy's
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russian drones also work constantly, 24/7 and day and night, and so they are really annoying, mr. stanislav, and what can you say about enemy drones, their weaknesses and strengths? well, technologies are, so to speak, the same for everyone, and they are the same as ours, it’s just that there are a very large number of them, that is, they also use standard so-called reconnaissance mavics for skids constantly 24 hours a day and use fpv, attack drones, also constantly , well, so far they don't use fpv at night, but yes, that's it a serious problem, sir, on your network , russian attacks are carried out with some systematicity, and can you trace
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a certain dynamic there, that there, for example, the peak of attacks is the greatest, there during the day, at night there is the least, like in the morning, like in the evening, is it constantly, like a tear, as they say, well , as far as i can observe, then of course they try to attack in the daylight, because it is easier for the infantry, and there is no such definite system, well, i think that they don't have it...' are obtained so that we don't have it could figure out, they try to attack at the most unexpected moment for us, but thanks to our intelligence, in particular, and intelligence, we always see that they are preparing for an attack and always successfully repel them. and the enemy resorts to some tricks, well , since yes, as far as i understand, mostly if they try to attack during the day,
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maybe they resort to some... creats or not? well, of course they try to constantly change tactics, that is, they can first inflict, inflict very strong fire damage with artillery, for a few hours simply repaint everything, drop winged air bombs , use their sunspots when the weather permits the use of jet artillery, and after very powerful artillery training they can go on the offensive, as you know, in the wake of the second world war, or they can unexpectedly just silence, silence and they can go to the field again. some snipers can try to climb up there, too , with a special silent weapon, try to shoot after that, go on the offensive, they constantly change, and they also have teams here that change constantly, and units periodically change, because some units are completely destroyed, they are replaced by other units with different tactics, such a situation, but the tension does not decrease from this. mr. stanislav, thank you for what you do and
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for communicating. what you defend. take care of yourself as much as possible where you are. stanislav krasnov, the platoon commander, was just in direct contact with us, talking about the situation on the front line, in particular in the donetsk region. you will learn more news from our colleague vera sverdlyk, it is ready, the time has come for us to say, we will definitely see each other. may this day be peaceful for all of us. chevorons approaching victory, through the wild whistle, under the explosions of mines, gathering all the will, let's go to ours, let's liberate our lands together, join our fighters, the national police brigade of the people, the application form can be filled out on the nab npgoa website,
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health. we will win together, i am a russian warship, i propose to lay down our weapons and surrender, a russian warship, mereva, ukraine, and i promise, fate will smile at us, the youth, our little ones will die like dew on the sun, under the lord of the month.


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