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tv   [untitled]    December 3, 2023 7:00am-7:31am EET

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congratulations, kateryna shirokpoyas works for espresso news in... russia attacked ukraine with drones and missiles last night. the enemy launched shahedi from the south. the alarm was announced in kherson oblast, mykolaiv oblast, kirovohrad oblast, and vinnytsia oblast. pppo worked in khmelnytskyi. there were no casualties and no damage to the infrastructure, said first deputy head of the regional military administration serhiy churin. the air force also reported the launch of missiles in the direction of chernihiv oblast.
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meanwhile, ukrainian president volodymyr zelenskyy called on ukrainians not to ignore the signals air alarm the head of state emphasized that danger is possible, especially in the coming days. he told about this in his evening video message. it is important that everyone remains committed to the common cause, it is important that every week you can say, i added something of my own. common defense and it is important that the actions, specific actions of millions of ukrainian men and women every day, every week further strengthen ukrainian strength, together, we will overcome everything, and please do not forget to heed the air warning signals, especially these days, especially, it should not be taken lightly, the armed forces have confirmed information about the shooting
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of ukrainian servicemen by the russians, reports the center for strategic communications of the armed forces of ukraine. russia repeatedly violated the laws and customs of war, norms of international law, the enemy vilely executed unarmed soldiers. the armed forces called on the international community to react and hold russia's military leadership accountable. ombudsman dmytro lubinets will address the international committee of the red cross. of the united nations, regarding the fixation of the war crime of the russian federation, because the execution of ukrainian defenders is another violation of the geneva conventions. yesterday, specialists of the deeppstate project published a video of how russians shot ukrainian soldiers who surrendered as prisoners, it happened near the steppe in the avdiyiv direction. the united states maintains. his leadership in supporting
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ukraine. the usa will not allow russia to win the war against ukraine and will not help kyiv in the future. this was stated by pentagon chief lloyd austin at a forum on issues of national defense in california. he added that the us is capable of fulfilling its obligations to its allies and providing aid to israel and ukraine at the same time. the leadership of the usa and the international efforts of partners should not stop - he emphasized. lloyd austinin one person died, two others were injured as a result of a man's attack on tourists in the center of paris. the police quickly detained a 26-year-old man, a french citizen. the attacker attacked a couple of tourists with a knife on the grenelle embankment and fatally wounded a german citizen. after him the police gave chase and he attacked two other people with a hammer before being arrested. vin' allah akar told the police that
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he was saddened by how many muslims were dying in afghanistan and palestine, as well as the situation in gaza. support talented students. for the 16th year in a row, the ukrainian catholic university gathers a community of politicians, businessmen and public figures who are involved in the development of quality education in ukraine. this year, my inspiration for the charity evening was the question: how to make ukraine grow wings. also, during the event held a silent and loud auction of artists and live lots and a raffle with gifts from embassies and partners to raise funds to support the talented youth of the university. it is important for us to gather our society of benefactors here, because we want to be present and global for the whole of ukraine. as in kui.
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is a non-profit university, it is the one that does not receive state funding, we are obliged to seek support and funds from people of good will in ukraine and the whole world, that is why we gathered here today to support talented students of our university and teachers, this is an institution, a university that creates a new elite of ukraine, a new intellectual elite, by the way, my colleagues from novaya poshta study at the business school, always, so for us this is a university of our values , and it is very important that there is help and support, eu fobusiness provides grants to entrepreneurs for innovation or export needs. applying is very easy, just open the diya portal, after several selection stages, €4,000 in your
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pocket for the development of your business, more details my colleagues will tell. oleksandr, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war. february 25, 2022 man. he himself joined the army , fought in the east and south of the country, this year in may he resigned from the service in order to take care of his mother, who has a disability and could not sit idle, so he helps the front with what he can, namely , he repairs cars, for these hundred cars are repaired exclusively for the military and volunteers, motivation, motivation, and drive them out of here as quickly as possible, some kind of investment to put a car here, i know that these cars, they would, well, it is for every car. of course unarmored, there for a short time, well , they will still bring some help. oleksandr works at a service station opened by a group of volunteers. since the beginning of the great war, they brought cars for the armed forces of ukraine, before sending
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the cars to the front, they underwent more than one repair. several times we encountered poor-quality repairs and decided that we should control the quality of the repairs ourselves. only our cars, which we drive. but there were so many cars that the volunteers decided to expand, money it was enough for repairs and premises, but special equipment was still needed, which was helped by a grant from the european union. we went through training and also won a grant, spent it on lifts, and a few more. equipment, we focus on military vehicles in particular, sometimes we can take a volunteer car, for example, there is a volunteer car that transports help to the military to the front, that is, we are now exclusively engaged
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in what is needed for the front at hot spots, the main purpose of grants from yes is to support the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises business in ukraine, primarily for the victims in the occupied territories, as well as to strengthen the stability of small and medium-sized enterprises in war conditions and their potential for reconstruction. there are many small and medium-sized businesses in ukraine, and we believe that they are the basis of the economy. some of them suffered a lot due to the russian invasion and were forced to relocate. so we provided immediate direct support, and that's why small grants of various sizes, so that businesses could adapt to the new realities of war. we allocated 7 million euros for grants from beginning of a full-scale invasion, have repurposed some of our direct support programs through grants or equipment purchases. in addition to grant funds, volunteers also use their own resources, soldiers from the front hand over pieces of russian equipment,
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make souvenirs from them and sell them at auctions. the stolen funds, which are already more than uah 5 million, are sent to purchase new cars, and the repair of cars for the military is free of charge. we have a separate bank where donors drop money specifically for car repairs. if other volunteers bring us machines for the front, we ask to pay, because we have to pay the salaries of the mechanics, but we set the most affordable prices, that is, we do not have spare parts with such a markup as sto, and in general, the price of work is lower than that of others. sto plans to create its own. office and additional places for renovation, for this they want to get another grant, and for now they are investing all their money and efforts in the victory of ukraine. dmytro didora and oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. and i will remind you that the espresso tv channel and the human and law charitable foundation
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announced a new collection. together with you, our viewers, we are collecting funds for powerful portable battery stations with solar panels, this is for the 108th vsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine. in order to effectively destroy the enemy, military equipment must be systematically charged. stations can replace generators. and also provide soldiers with energy even in field conditions. our goal is uah 1.22000. the account already has almost uah 370,000. now you see the necessary details on your screens, so scan and donate for now, this is all the news for this hour, you can find more interesting and relevant information on our website, as well as on our social networks. and then on to you in the tether. my colleagues lesya vakulyuk and andriy saichuk are waiting, and i am finishing my graduation with this.
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innovation for victory, representatives of large and small businesses. enterprises that develop and implement artificial intelligence for ukrainian and international companies gathered under one roof at the large-scale mine 2023 event . mind ua business was the organizer. more than 700 participants of the forum discussed how ukrainian business adapted to the war and continues to develop. at the same time, it demonstrates a high level of innovation implementation, competing with global ones. during the war, all investments are very careful, because
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companies had to rebuild a lot of things in terms of logistics, sales fell, but we can see that they still plan their development in the long term for many years, even despite the fact that the war, companies still they still invest in new technologies because they believe in victory in ukraine, regardless of how quickly it will happen will come, they still think on a large scale , think strategically, and at this summit we wanted to show not about the survival and reconstruction of ukraine, but about what the business is doing now, taking into account international trends, one of the companies that is not simply adapted to the war, and continues to invest in ukrainian assets and implement large-scale expo projects, it has been engaged in the extraction and beneficiation of iron ore and the production of high-quality and premium-grade ore pellets for the world metallurgical industry for more than 50 years,
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the company can boast of large and complex projects. the perexpo team in 2023 rebuilt the tube furnace using a new maintenance work management process. this unique work costing $1,700, during which parts of the furnace weighing 275 tons were replaced, allowed to ensure maximum quality . above all, transparent communication with everyone is important participants first of all, i want to say that this is communication, as always the achilles heel of any team. the second is communications. with the lower levels of people, in order to clearly understand whether everything is succeeding or not succeeding and
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what needs to be changed, well also, well, i will still say that the main thing is that there is a bonus system, in which everyone is interested team members, in order for the stage, each stage of the project to be effective, and most importantly, to encourage the nacha to start the next one, yes. she continued the discussion about the importance of communications. olena plakhova, representative of nova poshta company. she added that thanks to technical innovations, ukrainians today can receive high-quality services from the company, both in our country and abroad, because another current trend is accessibility. in general, everything we do inside the company, the client knows for sure, because all the changes we make internally, they are precisely aimed at making the client more comfortable. just what we do inside, yes there, it is of course 99%, and only 1% is seen by the client, conventionally, the former
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needed to make three clicks, the company three killed for a month, yes, so that a person would then in one click do what we did for three months. mindwin tech summit 2023 became another proof that ukrainian business today is ready not only to cope with challenges, but also to conquer new and new peaks. good morning, dear friends, we wake up, turn on espresso, brew espresso, or who prefers that drink in the morning, the main thing is that this drink is healthy, because we need you healthy, we need health in order to defeat the muscovites,
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andriy saichuk and leysya vakulyuk, in this studio we will work for you today... throughout the day, our first part will last until 10 in the morning, and then we will return at 2 p.m. and continue, we have a lot of interesting topics for you, and we will definitely inform you about them in order, we will involve you in our geterru, write to us in the chat, from where you are watching us, we will send greetings as well, because today is sunday why, why not make greetings, but listen, that's all i will say that if they are looking at us from the occupied, then please keep it like this caution, so to speak , so that you do not become a target for the fsb and russian special services, if you are in enemy territory, the territory is currently temporarily occupied, please take care of your safety, we do not want to get you into trouble , but we also know that
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the viewers from the occupied territories , from the crimea, for example, are looking at us the same way, so it is very important for us and but we, we, we, we must take care of our safety, be careful, they already write, they are already writing to us that they are watching us in chernivtsi, this nice, chernivtsi, greetings, dear friends , listen, well, today, of course, we will have a roll call, traditionally, we will talk with the territories that are close to the front, well , we will also talk about the situation, of course, at the front, we will also talk a little about the economy , but unfortunately let's talk about politics, because once again our politicians throw us many topics that are simply impossible to ignore, because they are dangerous, they split society, unity, and this is a problem, of these, either, or they point to some real problems, which are obviously not possible in the same way, about which it is no longer possible to remain silent,
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the reaction, by the way, to yesterday's story with the fact that petro poroshenko and several other deputies from european solidarity, who had to go to poland, had meetings there, and then were supposed to go to the united states, where poroshenko, as far as i understand, was supposed to meet with the speaker of the american congress, mike johnson, so the sbu, so to speak, claims that they have information that poroshenko had to go to meet with orban, and they were preparing and preparing anti-ukrainian provocations that the enemy was supposed to use, well, to be honest , a very... serious statement and in any other country it would actually mean a huge scandal and some very serious investigations and so on and so forth similar, well, unfortunately, we live in a country with a rather unconscious democracy very often and in principle we understand the trust in the sbbu ourselves, well, what has now been added, i don’t know if it
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will add trust, i read the comment one from the deputies of european solidarity, whom i personally know very well and respect very well, this is the ukrainian historian volodymyr petrovych, the former head of the institute of national memory, who commented on it like this, statements in the style of the kgb from the secret service of the sbu are the most effective russian ipso, actually arguing with that , because in the text of the statement of this sbu it is said that among the plans of the enemy to involve under ipso, i.e. psychological information operations, special operations of individual ukrainian politicians during their departure... from third countries, that is, if a person goes absolutely incompetent , but it is not known by whom she was appointed there to talk to the highest-ranking politicians, our main ally , and it is not known what to carry there, then everything is okay, if a responsible pro-ukrainian political force and its representatives go there, who have enormous,
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well, the largest experience in the country, and diplomatic work, and public administration, then they find out... we have some fools who are manipulated by the police in the interests of russia, you know, just to be honest, if you think that you can manipulate everything, then you think that others do they do, that's how they deal with it, each person measures another person by himself, klitschko, the mayor of kyiv gave an interview to german journalists from the publication de schpiegel and said that ukraine is moving towards authoritarianism, and i already saw it. how some so-called court political scientists, courtiers at the president's office are starting to talk about the fact that, yes, klitschko has presidential ambitions, he was also asked about it from another publication, he said that, the swiss publication, and he also said there that it is wrong answered what he had
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presidential ambitions, klitschko, here, said that he was not surprised by the drop in popularity of president zelenskyi in contrast to the army, said that people are asking themselves why we were not better prepared for this war, why zelenskyi denied until the last that this will be enough, or why the russians yes... to reach kyiv so quickly, but at the same time adds that and in the end that our president nevertheless plays an important role today and we must support him until the end of the war, but at the end of this war every politician will pay for his success or failure, said klitschko, my god, our former boxer is speaking today in the words of some mature politician in that situation, well, here the reality is like this, there is a reality like this in us, and what can you say here, the only thing i want to add, you know, maybe to to this whole story, to this whole story, i really, well, no, i did not
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like the reaction of the security service of ukraine, she, she, she is not yet, well, okay, i, i will just say nothing, but in principle volodymyrovych said very well, no what to add, we will discuss all this one way or another, but now you know what they wanted to tell us, now we wanted to remember... actually the revolution of dignity, because we would not want to spoil everything that it achieved, and i will remind you that this year is the 10th anniversary of how the revolution took place, which changed the course of the country, which did not allow yanukovych to lead it in the direction of russia, and actually now various measures are being taken to honor all those people who, unfortunately, paid with their lives for ... ukraine to move towards europe, actually to the 10th anniversary in the lviv historical museum, an exhibition was opened there,
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the heroes of the maidan, they, it is called , relatives of activists who also died during the revolution of dignity came to see this exhibition and left with such, you know, not a very good impression, because among the various exhibits that were there, for example i was surprised how among the faces of the heroes of the maidan there was a face of a regional woman, our colleague natalka starepravo saw this exhibition, let's take a look. he was on the square for three months, despite the rain, snow, frost, yes, he didn't go home, he didn't hide, he was there for some business. for the fact that there is a job, a family and even a comfortable couch with a tv, he was on the maidan, defending his position, and in general he, i think, defended the position of all ukrainians.
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natalia's husband mykhailo degdalovich died during the revolution of dignity from a sniper's bullet, at that moment he tried to save his friend, but he was already dead. on october 18, 2023, the svyatoshyn court of kyiv recognized pavel abroskin of berkutiv, wine. in the murder of andriy dogdalovych and other maidan residents, he was sentenced to 15 years in prison, and brossk he is now in the territory of russia, he was released from prison in december 2019, as part of the exchange of prisoners from the russian federation. in addition to the fact that those involved in the murder of activists are now at large, natalya and her daughter are also outraged by others. as at the exhibition of heroes of the heavenly hundred in the lviv historical museum, a photo of an office worker appeared. indeed, this person died on february 18, but in mariinsky park in the office of the regionals, this is the
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person who was either a computer technician or held some other position, but he is a member of the party of regionals and in the headquarters there he is something was doing the work, and when the fire started in this headquarters, he ran to the safe, pulled out large... money there, shoved it into his pockets, and maybe that's why he didn't have time to get out. in between, there are other inaccuracies. instead of hundreds of photos of the heroes of the heavenly hundred , 104 are shown, and the captions to some photos do not match the photos of the dead. there was a photo showing two young people and a caption that said it was ostym holodnyuk. and my daughter's work colleague, a scientist at the museum of dignity in lviv, says: "i know clearly what it looks like ustim the hungry boy, he is definitely not here. on the 23rd, i wrote an appeal to the head of the culture department to find the culprit and punish such mistakes.
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natalya degdalovych also left her reaction under a post on the page of the department and in the lviv regional military administration. after that, the woman says, she receives angry messages and calls. the author of the exhibition is svitlana kochergina, an employee of the lviv historical museum. it has not been the first year that she has been working on the archives of the heroes of heaven hundreds and the russian-ukrainian war. instead, the curator of the project transferred all responsibility for the preparation of exhibits to the young man. employee, the guy publicly apologized to natalya degdalovych, for your blunder, i turn to him, to my employee who prepared that stand and made it, ugh, we have such a problem now, i said, i apologize, to the remarks of the relatives of the deceased activists, those stands from the exhibition were replaced, the director of the lviv historical museum roman shmelyk assures that the exhibition posters about the heroes of the maidan were made
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for photolithop. revolution of dignity, which was created on the initiative of stepan kubev. it is probably necessary to contact the members of the heavenly hundred, perhaps the media who took an active position, the compilers of this album, or even their colleagues, because the error is replicated if it is an error. for natali degdalovych, it is important that on the tenth anniversary of the revolution of dignity, there should be no such neglect of heroes, somewhere such... such a feeling of despair, but did our relatives deserve it, because it is the tenth anniversary, and to put them in the same row with the regional ones, but we know , which is heavenly a hundred, this is something else, these are not just the dead, these are people who gave, sacrificially gave their lives. on black friday, eva buys a stock
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of cosmetics, and also a stock of experiences from megago, minus 50% on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. mego, enable discounts. every day, every hour, every minute, we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield. how the international community evaluates our successes and what moscow is lying about. from the flow of news that come from everywhere, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what are the russian occupiers whispering about behind the commanders' backs?
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news, summaries. of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant, reliable events, this is analytics, fact-checking, professional comments, about this and much more in today's issue, about important things in simple language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. events, events that are happening right now and affect our lives, of course, the news feed reports about them, but it is not enough to know what is happening, it is necessary to understand. antin borkovskii and invited experts soberly assess events, analyze them, modeling our future, every saturday at 1:10 p.m. with a repeat on sunday at 10:10 a.m. studio zahid with anton borkovsky at espresso.
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