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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 3:00am-3:31am EET

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warm up deliciously, fragrant tea or a hot dish gives warmth from the inside, and calories are not superfluous in winter, make friends with neighbors, it is easier to beat the enemy in a group, and to winter, even more so, and most importantly, support the armed forces, thanks to them we have the opportunity this winter to meet, and as long as we are united, we are not afraid of either enemies or cold weather. we hold each other. let's beat the winter together. warm country. fortify the borders of ukraine with drones, join the border guards. congratulations ukrainians, with you marathon, single news. a team is working for you rada tv channel. we keep our finger on the pulse and summarize for you. the main thing: together we are a force.
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the only news, in the center of events. on the tv channel rada chas noviny, we work for you around the clock to keep you up to date with all the main events in ukraine and the world. my name is svitlana osenko, congratulations. russia involves far-right biker communities in the kidnapping of ukrainian children. this information was made public by us ambassador bethvan skaak. he says: the occupiers are taking away children from temporarily occupied cities. to russia, and then to belarus. the diplomat emphasized that the united states and will continue to help ukraine punish all criminals. let me remind you that earlier the authorities declared that russia illegally deported 20,000 of our children. two people died, seven more were injured. the russians shelled kherson again. the local authorities say that the occupiers hit a residential building and the area nearby. an elderly woman was standing at the bus stop, she
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was taken to the hospital with light and moderate injuries for all the victims. eyewitnesses told about the very moment of being hit, my hands shook so much from the phone, there was such a huge explosion , the smoke rang, we got out, sated, knocked out full frame, full glass and doors. the window was knocked out of the room. russians killed a resident of kostyantynivka and wounded two civilians in donetsk region, the regional prosecutor's office reports. they say the enemy fired artillery. at the time of the attack, the 604-year-old man was in his own yard, so he received a penetrating shrapnel wound. a 70-year-old woman was also injured. another woman could not be saved. intense battles.
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continue in dozens of points along the entire front line. the most difficult are the mariinsky direction, avdiivsky and bakhmudsky, as well as south and kharkiv region. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, said this during his address at the end of the 648th day of the war. at the same time, he said, the battle continues for the entire state and for every ukrainian. everyone should remember that the battle for the fate of ukraine continues, it continues not in social networks. not in disputes with each other about something political, not in clarifying relations, this battle is where every day, ukrainian men and women need support, concrete things that strengthen ukraine, that add strength to our positions of our state, that allow us to respond saved the enemy from their blows, with our actions, active actions, courageous actions, during the battle
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in bakhmut, and even when it was already impossible to reach the position by car, the border guard serhiy took out his wounded comrades on foot under fire despite his injury. both border guards told this dramatic story to our correspondent oleksandr kryvokulskyi. border guard ivan has been in rehabilitation for six months, he was wounded in the spring in bakhmut, when he and his unit were defending the city. from small arms, a machine gun. worked and worked for us the rpg worked, worked and the artillery worked, well, as much as they could, they wanted to knock us out, it was hot, it was hard, but we held on, during the period of time that we were on the site, we did not retreat even a meter, then, says ivan, he held on to the position with a crippled leg for two days, they couldn't get out, because the russians were intensively covering
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their positions with artillery... sergei helped his comrades to get out of enemy fire. this moment, well, i remember very well, with the fact that the load of bulletproof vest was all i had on me, it was difficult for me to go out, i take my backpack, my weapon, i take it under my arm, the two of us walk across the field, and then you will guide me , serhiy says, it was difficult to get out, i had to hide from shelling on the road, i thought that i would never see my mother or my girlfriend there , you understand, well, such thoughts came to my head a little, my leg was a little swollen. it was hard to walk, in short, he got his willpower and dragged his comrade along with him, plus these machine guns, that bag, they did save themselves and both got out of the shelling, i only found out about the fact that serhiy was also wounded in the hospital, he tells them with ivan they took him to different hospitals
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, he was taken in some other direction , they took me to another hospital, and that's how i found out that i had injuries, i already found out already in the hospital, and so i thought that i was just killed, because of the injuries ivan and serhiy did not return to the front line and did not leave the service. both work at one of the border points of the lviv region. oleksandr kryvokulskyi ihor kovalchuk, tv channel rada nationwide single news marathon. the ministry of defense of ukraine does not have an anonymous chatbot. this was announced in the department, they say that unknown people created an account in telegram to collect information from citizens of ukraine. at the same time, the name and surname of the minister of defense are used. rostem is emphasized in the ministry. mierov does not have a telegram account and is asked to file a complaint against the author upon receiving such a message. the curfew will not be canceled, there will be no mass celebrations. the kyiv city military administration talked about the peculiarities of the christmas and new year period.
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the main christmas tree on sofiyivska square will be opened on st. nicholas day, december 6. she will be installed with the money of patrons, without expenses from the budget of the capital. curfew. will operate as usual from midnight to 5 am. today, the checkpoint at hrynyi dolgobuchy on the border with poland should open for the passage of empty trucks. this is reported by the state border service. there they assured that heavy vehicles with a total weight of more than 7.5 tons will be allowed through. the opening of ogriniyev is the first item on the list of measures aimed at unblocking the border and reducing queues. and increased bandwidth the ukrainian-polish border, the department emphasized. us intelligence did not know about the intentions of the militants of the palestinian group hamas to attack israel. this was stated by the coordinator of the national security council of the white house, john
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kirby. let me remind you that on the eve of the new york times edition, an article was published in which it was said that israeli officials had received information about the plans of hamas more than a year before the events of october 7. but they underestimated the warning. tales, forms, chevrons and documents. it is from these things that the chests of memory are made in the white church dead soldiers they are kept in the transfiguration cathedral, because it is here that the families of the fallen soldiers set up a memorial exhibition. schoolchildren are invited to the excursion so that young people remember the name of each of their heroes. our correspondent kateryna lebedintseva also visited the exhibition. ammunition boxes, photos and personal belongings, all this became the basis of the exhibition in memory of a hundred fallen soldiers of the white church. the families of the soldiers arranged the exhibition with their own hands. it was necessary to preserve not only the memory of the defenders of ukraine who were
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originally from bilostrikivska territorial community, but to preserve the memory of this war in general. ammunition boxes were collected by volunteers and soldiers along the entire front line. in each of them , what the serviceman used. in the war zone, or before the war, in civilian life. here are fairy tales in which heroes died, here are chevrons, here are knee pads, here are documents. participated in the creation of the memorial and maryna kolonyuk, her 9-year-old son oleksandr, died in may of this year, while performing a combat mission near bakhmut. marina says he wants the memory of his son to live on. we have his uniform in which he trained. uh , on hockey and in his box there, his award, uh , helmet, when i gave it here, i didn’t just give it away, yes, but i wanted everyone to see, everyone
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to hear, because they deserve this, other families who also experienced a heavy loss are trying to create such memorial boxes, so far they have placed the exhibition in the transfiguration cathedral, and later the exposition is planned to be transferred to the local history museum. kateryna lebedyntseva, ihor sulii, tv channel rada. national marathon the only news. he is every morning. anthem of ukraine in memory of the soldiers who died in the war. valentyn dutkin, a kyivan, is a trombonist who performs the national anthem and the red viburnum every day at 9:00 a.m. after a minute of silence. recently , colleagues from america visited the musician, who learned about his initiative and decided to support the musician. artem derkachev will tell the details of this story. here they bomb, shoot, and we play, here a rocket flies, and we play. all the same, and that's why
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we lift up this internal mood. valentin tells how came up with the idea of ​​going to the yard, he says: he has a musical education, but before the war he did not even play an instrument, and at the beginning of the full-scale invasion he never missed a performance. so, i found melodies and words on the internet, painted them, sketched them. the wife supported the husband's idea. always with me , always with him, wherever i go, wherever i do , right, wrong, i know i have to be with him, i love, i need something very much, i enter, you see, i leave here with joy, neighbors say that at first valentine's game caused surprise, now they are sure that he is doing the right thing, friend in winter, i walk every day, when it snows , when it rains, when it's cold, when it's warm, in general , i... support valentin, his wife, with this
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we bring victory closer, we still send some emotions, because it's one thing when we we hear there on television, there is someone somewhere, but it is completely different when we are here together, and we create this , and we will talk about such an atmosphere, but many more people take part there, someone... weaves nets, someone makes candles , well , my humanitarian center is about a musician who plays at the doors of high-rise buildings every morning on the slavonic trombone, heard abroad, so two americans, ex-armymen, dared to come to kyiv to meet valentin, one of the men was also a musician from the us military band, and took a bagpipe with him. i'm from
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the great state of alaska, and i came here today with my friend michael edison from wyoming to show our love and support and our faith in the ukrainian people, and especially in the military who are fighting on the battlefield. we spent yesterday with the relatives of the fallen heroes, and it was very, very good movingly. it is very important that ukrainians retain their courage and resilience. and continued to live a full life, go to concerts, to football matches, it is very important to maintain fighting spirit and mood, and this is how we will win, this is how we will win this war. during the trial in ukraine, the comrades also visited the hospital to support the wounded ukrainian servicemen. my heart breaks for your soldiers, this is someone's husband, someone's father, i still think about them, we must remember the families of those who gave everything and remember them always. and we will tell
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at home about a ukrainian who, every day in any weather, goes out into the yard with his trombone and plays the national anthem to pay tribute to the fallen soldiers and to charge everyone who hears him with a patriotic spirit. our part of the mission is to return home and tell what is really happening in ukraine, how ordinary people live, with whom we communicate every day, we had the opportunity to sit down and have dinner with them. to find out how everyone's life has changed, artem derkachev, serhii azarrenko, tv channel rada, the nationwide marathon, edyni news, this was the last information in the issue, then our broadcast will be continued by my colleagues in the conversation studio hanna khomane and. maksym sborovsky, and i will return to this studio already at four in the morning, so i thank everyone who
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stays with us at this time. chevrons approaching victory, i, the bpp operator. i save lives and teach others, i destroy enemy shaheds during airstrikes. i am a driver, i am an infantryman. our tasks are different, the goal is the same. choose your specialty and fill out the questionnaire on the website of the national guard. we will win together. from now on, goodies under
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the pillow will appear on time. december 6 we celebrate saint nicholas day. anything that can work at night must work at night. boiler heating, charging gadgets, warm floor and heater, dry laundry in the washing machine, unload the power grid in the morning and evening, use the simple rules of a warm country. let's beat the winter together. congratulations to all the viewers of the nationwide marathon only news in the rada tv channel studio . hanna gommana and i, maksym sborovskyi, are working for you at this time. thank you for your trust. one of putin's main associates adopted a daughter kidnapped ukrainian girl from kherson and changed her name. the relevant documents
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were at the disposal of bbc panorama. in the protocol of the adoption of a two-year-old girl, the journalists note. appears serhiy mironov, 70-year-old leader of the russian just russia party, his current wife took margarita prokopenko out of the orphanage in kherson during the occupation of the city by the russian army. the girl was the youngest among 48 pupils of the house. her mother gave her up immediately after birth, her father is unknown. in the adoption records it seems that the child's name and patronymic have been changed in russia. the bbc asked mironov for comment. but did not receive an answer, already after the release of the material , a russian deputy called it a fake, according to the ukrainian government, russian troops , since the beginning of the full-scale invasion in 2022, killed about 2,000 of our children, this year the international criminal court in gaza issued a warrant for the arrest of the president of russia putin and the children's ombudsman of russia, maria levova
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bilovova, are accused of illegally deporting children from the occupied territories ukraine to russia. oleksandr pavlyuchenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, is now joining our broadcast. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you, from a legal point of view, how complicated is this process and how far can we now legally punish the perpetrators of these terrible crimes against ukrainian children. criminal cases can be brought and they are brought at the national level, respectively by the office of the attorney general and those. the national investigation is carried out directly the police, or the security service of ukraine , depending on the category of cases, ah, with the expectation that the culprits, in fact, to date, accused or suspected in these cases, will be on the dock, and then this process, which is currently the day can
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happen with the majority, absenteeism will have realistic consequences, well, we also have an international direction, this is the international criminal court, which initiated the actual case based on the fact of the deportation of ukrainian children, and you mentioned the arrest warrant issued on march 17 for putin and lviv and bilova in this particular case, and such cases somehow effectively transferred margarita prokopenko from ukrainian citizenship. here you just made a message and changed her surname and nationality in accordance with the legislation created in the russian federation in order to actually destroy the ukrainian identity of these children, who are in fact kidnapped, and actually this is also
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a very clear fact of confirmation of this, from a criminal act... on the part of both individuals and the russian federation, as a state that actually commits this war crime, as it can be investigated and when the perpetrators are brought to justice, the answer to this lies in the end of the war, here i can quote the words of philippe sens, a classic, in fact, who said that the one and only condition, the prosecution of the russian federation is its undisputed defeat, that is, russia must lose and then it will stand on the dock, sit on the dock. through their representatives, and then we will have the opportunity to see the unfolding of these processes, which are currently accumulating in type of initiated criminal cases. well
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, in any case, we also need an international reaction at the moment, the reaction of the international community to this precedent, to this case, in any case, it is in the center of our attention, the day before, mr. oleksandr, it became known that russia was visited 119 ukrainian... defenders who are now in captivity, and representatives of the ukrainian obbutsmen visited the same number of russian soldiers who are in captivity here in ukraine, and what can be said about the treatment of prisoners, ukrainian prisoners in the russian federation, can we trust the words of the russians in this case? the situation with ukrainian prisoners of war is actually very bad and the first issue is generally the creation of a complete register in which the places of their detention, the conditions of their stay, and
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the possibility of contacts between them and their relatives in ukraine, relatives and relatives in ukraine were indicated , er, the fact that 119 people were visited, well, this is a good example, but er, i am afraid that they showed precisely those who were in the worst conditions, because those who are in detention centers in kursk , bryansk, and other places, they are subjected to torture and ill-treatment, and no national observers are allowed there, let me remind you that it was mrs. moskalkova, the russian commissioner, the ombudsman commissioner for human rights, and her representatives, neither do they allow international observers, the same ones. representatives of the international committee of the red cross, un observation missions, other international organizations that could, at least without
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physical, say, direct contact with those persons who are in these places of deprivation of liberty and in fact are ukrainian prisoners of war, and here i will mention one such case, maksym butkevich, who is also a prisoner of war and was also subjected to... the procedure of prosecution with an approved sentence. to date, his whereabouts are not even known since august 22 , 2023, when he appeared on a video conference, that is, during the appeal session of the court in moscow, and actually then he was in luhansk sizo, where he is now , currently unknown to the lawyer, no to his relatives, and his parents, who are concerned about this issue, and this is one clear example of how russia respects the rights of ukrainian prisoners of war, whom it, in fact
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, disposes of as its hostages, allowing them to be forcibly accessed, as in this case, when it came to 119 visited ukrainian prisoners of war. mr. oleksandr, we wanted to discuss one more topic with you, in short, the international red cross has suspended its membership. in the organization, please tell me how exceptional it is a similar precedent and what does it indicate? yes, in fact we are talking about the demand, the non-admission of the leadership of the belarusian red cross committee, and these are the national divisions of the international committee of the red cross, mr. shevtsov, who was noticed in the fact that he facilitated the movement of the same ukrainian children. from the occupied territories of ukraine from the russian federation through the russian federation to belarus and, accordingly, he himself visited the luhansk and donetsk regions and
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this served the fact that he was expressed, to put it mildly, distrust and a demand arose from on the part of the international committee of the red cross, so that he is not the local head of it. division of the belarusian red cross committee, during the re-election conference the belarusian side did not comply with this requirement, he remained in this position and , accordingly, this became the reason for the suspension of virtually all the powers of the relevant funding of the same belarusian red cross committee. this is a unique case in fact, because it shows how a state influences an international institution, in fact, subordinating it to its policy and to its practices, which are connected
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, among other things, with the transfer of ukrainian children, in fact a violation of the norms of the same international humanitarian law, let us remind you that the international committee of the red cross was the creator of the system of international humanitarian law, and when with the hands of the branch in belarus , this international humanitarian law is obviously violated, so in fact, it should have certain consequences, but when these consequences are tried to be applied and applied... in relation to the belarusian red cross committee, then at the level of belarus it causes there, well, let's say so, there is a certain assessment, as pressure from the outside and misunderstanding that they are in fact accomplices of the crime committed by the russian federation, they supported it. so, this is a unique case, we will see how it will end, unfolding in time, but for
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today, it is also a confirmation that, after all, international organizations are trying to stand on certain standards without violating them, and in case, when there are such violations on the part of those they created on the national local levels, they are trying to act to correct the situation, of course, thank you for joining oleksandr pavlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian helsinki union for human rights, was with us on the air, on another topic, due to the blockade by polish carriers of several border... in ukraine the prices of some products may rise, first deputy minister of agricultural policy taras vysotskyi said, this applies in particular to imported fruits, oranges, tangerines and bananas, which are not grown in ukraine. they also risk growing up seafood, in particular hake, since there is no opportunity to fully catch fish in the sea of ​​ukraine at the moment. the price of salt may also increase, as the company that produced ukrainian salt
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is temporarily under russian control. by occupation, this product is now imported from abroad. we are joined by oleksandr levchenko, diplomat, ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary of ukraine to the republic of croatia, 2010-2017. we congratulate you, mr. oleksan, in our sincere greetings studio. so, ukraine has started preparations for the evacuation of our truckers and blocked border. mr. oleksandr, in your opinion, what opportunities are there today to resolve things diplomatically? this difficult situation, and could we have prevented such a development? well, of course, the predictability of some actions on the part of the polish side is very important and it is very bad that, unfortunately, we have such a situation that exists, it is very unfortunate, it does not allow us, a normal supply of goods. medicines,
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and it is not excluded that even weapons, of course, which makes it very difficult to supply our front-line units as well, and makes it difficult the supply of both diesel and gasoline for ukrainian gas stations, that is , the situation is very, very bad, the question of whether it could have been prevented, well , something can always be prevented if you act in advance and so on. you remember that before that we had a conflict regarding the supply of grain through the territory of poland, and the ukrainian side made certain claims that there were abuses in transit and so on, now there are some accusations that our transit vehicles are also involved in transportation of some additional cargo. and
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the polish ones are like uh the drivers are out of a job but actually i think the political context in all of this is you remember the election in poland recently and i think the polish side that didn't quite win these elections, but is still in power, very offended by the official kyiv, studio, mr. oleksandr, in your opinion, who exactly can solve this problem, there are several, several and, you can point out moments, and this is the creation of your own government in poland, in december the prime minister will be donald tusk, who actually speaks against blocking the border, but the council of the european union will meet on december 4, and it will be considered right here.


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