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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 4:30am-5:01am EET

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to work with the patriot air defense system, this is already the second group of military graduates, the commander of the multinational training command, lieutenant general andreas marlow, said. the training course lasted six weeks and was attended by experienced ukrainian officers with many years of service in air defense units. we will remind you that ukraine received the first patriot complex from germany in april this year, and handed over two more installations and missiles to them in august, with us in connection with the games romanenko, lieutenant general, founder of the charity fund we will close the sky of ukraine , mr. igor, congratulations, thank you for joining, good evening, let's start our conversation with the warning of the president of ukraine , volodymyr zelenskyi, who called on ukrainians not to live lightly, to listen to the air warning signals of the nearest the other day, this is not just a reminder to ukrainians of what is needed, it is the duty of vovo to protect itself
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when the air alarm signal sounds, the president drew attention to the fact that it is necessary to be extremely attentive in the coming days, why in the coming days, in your opinion? we can see from these airstrikes carried out by the enemy, dozens of munitions were used, i.e. shaheds, drones, in addition, it is necessary to clearly show... that the enemy has recently accumulated up to 9 hundred missiles of various types of winged ballistic e-e, which can be launched from ground, surface, underwater means , as well as from an air platform, that is, the danger is there for us, this is not new, but the question is how it can be applied, that is, we
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are looking for an increase in the efficiency of conducting airstrikes, therefore, one must be vigilant, one must clearly listen to the relevant signals and act in accordance with the requirements, i.e. hide in shelters, in addition, one can help our military from anti-hail defense, install eppo, datok and if low-altitude targets are hidden , then with one click to identify them, type, and with a second click to transmit information to our unit of counter-defense to the closest ones, that is, to approach this comprehensively and to be ready for action, mr. igor, well , taking into account this statement of the president, of course, we must also mention the protection of our
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skies, as we reported that 70 of our military personnel who will work with the systems have completed training courses in berlin, patriot, in your opinion, how much can such a number provide today, the protection of our air defense? of course, there is one hundred percent defense, anti-hail, anti-missile defense... in no country in the world, but the question is to raise their potential to the maximum, and this is being done by countries that themselves produce means of anti-hail anti-missile defense, which have to do, several tiers in height and range, well, such countries, for example, israel, but we know that in this case too, it was not possible at the beginning of the month there.
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so to resist airstrikes by the hamas terrorist organization in this country, so we are working with our allies in terms of strengthening that capability, you led by example very important patriot battery, it's medium and long range , anti-aircraft complex, primarily is characterized by the fact that it has capabilities to destroy ballistic targets and this is important and basically in addition, the allies are adding anti-aircraft missile complexes, the germans are adding cheetahs, but the proposals and developments that are taking place in our military-industrial complex are also interesting, well, an example of this is the work of scientists, itishnyk.
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from lviv, who made an analogue automated by a cheetah , german, at a much cheaper price, and invested 30 million more and already have 10 such machines on the way out and are going to expand to 45, that is, our wine industrial complex also has the capacity, including on the production of anti-aircraft missile systems, although it takes a lot of time, which means the average radius of action. far from combat systems, which we need in the first place, but i would like to remind you that we also need means for mobile weapons, in that air strike that took place 75 shahils up to 20% destroyed the soldiers of mobile groups, that is,
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they are armed with firearms , but they can be helped by purchasing and supplying devices that have increased efficiency, i.e. searchlights, thermal imagers, laser pointers, and devices that would allow faster identification of targets accompany and then destroy the firearms of these mobile groups, that is, there is a lot of work from every citizen to the state structures as a whole, which must ensure in working with our allies, as well as: the supply of domestic weapons, recently the ministry of defense of ukraine stated that together with the ministry of strategic industries will increase the production of missiles, ammunition, weapons and military equipment, also then there was a statement that ukraine will produce pppo systems with
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a range of more than 100 km. how do you rate? such are our capabilities in developing such air defense systems? this is very important. the step and the need for this kind of complex is very high in our country, that is, this kind of complex, which is being produced now, immediately lays down capabilities in the fight against ballistic missiles, that is, anti-missile capability, but it must be clearly understood that this requires money, time and heavy scientific organizational work, in we have enterprises that are engaged in, we remember that back in the 16th year, the luch enterprise offered and presented the corresponding complex and in the 21st last year, they already showed the complex, the missile , and so on, there are tricks, there are other enterprises, that is, if it is the case of karal, such a system,
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for example, then the range is 30-40 km, that is, short -range, at a height of 10, then other enterprises are really average and long-range actions by complexes , but it definitely takes time , and we need the means now, and that is why, and that is why we are doing joint projects with the americans, for example, integrated frankins, as they are called, that is, components from old soviet anti-aircraft missile complexes are used, common with american missiles. there are such short-range, but anti-aircraft missile systems that are capable of hitting low-altitude targets, such as shahed, winged, rockets, helicopters, as well as low -altitude aircraft, and this is very fundamental, for example,
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beeches, there is a potential , in order to additionally develop and deliver up to 600 such... systems, moreover, not only old missiles, the americans , together with our scientists, are working on complexes, zraketmyot, that is, their most modern complex, and this is also very important, there different areas of work, allies to us are providing anti-aircraft missile complexes for the winter, that is, the so-called lease, and we are preparing for, countering the fight against thank you, mr. igor, for joining our broadcast, answering our questions, igor romanenko, lieutenant general, founder of the charitable fund we will close the sky of ukraine , was in touch with us, we are moving on. a social wardrobe has been set up on
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the territory of the temple in kropyvnytskyi, there the displaced persons can take clothes, shoes, other humanitarian aid, and also, there is an indomitable point at the premises, where even for... in the event of an emergency power outage, there will be light, heat and the internet. our colleague lilia kocherga will tell us what people need most. the social wardrobe in kropyvnytskyi has been operating for more than a year. things , shoes, children's toys and other humanitarian aid are sent by communities from abroad, there are more than 20,000 in the city, but they do not refuse other people in need here either, i have three boys, the eldest has a disability, the middle one goes to school until the first grade, he went here, and we walk with the smaller one, i left in what i was wearing, it was one a tracksuit, i'm wearing a jacket and everything, i'm here for the first time, but the little one has collected toys for himself. so i took my purse and took bedding , which is expensive, and renting an apartment
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is expensive now, well, you don’t buy a lot of such things there, during the work, the volunteers gave out 300 tons of aid, we are sorting it, by brands, or how to say it correctly, here at we have a children's department, this is a women's department, there is a men's department, now it's getting cold, so there is a greater demand for winter clothing. jackets, hats, scarves, shoes, so much it is used, because it is expensive and not to take a bed, because it is also in the other points, if they can take more clothes, then there is a problem with the bed, the room in which the social wardrobe was arranged is also used as a point of inviolability, more now, maybe we did such an emphasis on the social wardrobe, but if, god forbid, such moments begin when there is no light, then we will have here, we have a generator to
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provide electricity here, people can come to warm themselves, drink tea, and we also have starling, the internet, if necessary , we can start it so that people can use it, the social wardrobe in kropyvnytskyi works every day. boryspil airport will soon receive and send planes again, i am convinced of this... andrii yermak, the head of the office of the president of ukraine, because now he insists that ukraine is capable of ensuring airport security. he announced this at the boryspil airport building while meeting with diplomats accredited in ukraine. when exactly they can open the resort, they do not say, at the same time mykhailo podolyak, councilor the head of the president's office, said that the boryspil airport will be opened only when the ukrainian sky is completely closed from russian drones and missiles. and now konstantin kryvolap , an aviation expert, joins our broadcast, congratulations, congratulations
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, please tell us when, in your opinion , this event, which we are very much waiting for, can happen, when our skies will be completely closed from russian drones and missiles, we will be able to again as free people to fly around the world, maybe mr. yermak, mr. podeliak, others know something, not what we know. but i believe that as long as the drones fly, as long as there are 46 otrka along our northern border, which can easily reach this boryspil airfield and make a major attack, then i am not sure that they will be able to get there, but i would not risk our citizens and our tourists and diplomats with such security , i still, maybe if... to do this, it might be better to do it there in the same uzhhorod or in lviv, there is more, it is easier to organize
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security there, if our partners give us an additional two or three patriots or sumpty mamba there , then i think it is possible to organize there, there are enough other means there, so it is possible, but as for boryspil airport, well, i really don't want to play like that here. in general, in your opinion, you mentioned the airports that are located on the western part of the border, how realistic is it that they can work during the war, well, that is, it is clear to us that we will probably have to choose the leadership, and that to close another city, with the same patriots or the same team, or to open airports, but... well, one way or another, the discussion has not yet gained such scope
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that it is extremely vitally necessary for ukrainians to now? well, this is probably such a good picture of the future, and to which we must go, we must think about it, in our thoughts, materialize these events, but we do not forget that there is no air defense system that can ensure one hundred percent non-injury, one hundred percent protection. that's why i'm talking about those western airfields, because the airports , because, let's say, cruise missiles and shekheds, as long as they can get there... they will probably be beaten, it can be organized, and it is being organized , and it is done, yes, we see all the attacks of the latter time, and what concerns ballistics, well , this is a serious issue, and we do not have so many means of defeating ballistics, and these are primarily patriot and samti, then if our partners
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give it to us, then i think that it is possible there with a high degree of probability for...' these airports in our west. mr. konstantin, we talk a lot about the fact that the f-16 can change the course of the war and, in particular, push back russian planes to a greater distance and help in the deoccupation of crimea. in your opinion, at what stage of this war will the presence of the f16 be decisive? well, if we had them now f16, then i think that even with the most perfect radars that are in this configuration, which are given to us and what our specialists say about them, then even now, even with these radars of a not very great radio judge, we would be able to do very seriously a threat to the same 130th, 34th, 35th lanes, which
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throw these cabs, of which there are 100 pieces, we hear, yesterday, for example, it was in the kherson region, yes, and, well, i think that when , some specific conditions of rebu means, means of tactical anti-aircraft systems, we would be able to improve the situation together with the f-16, regarding inflicting damage on the contact line. the f-16 would be capable of this right now. and what concerns crimea, well, let's wait for the f-16s to appear, let's look at the situation that will be now and then with the means of the russian pppo in crimea, our capabilities and those weapons and tilokators that will stand on f-16, then we will be able to talk more concretely about what the f-16 will be able to do to liberate crimea,
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they will be able to do it unequivocally, and the scope of this should already be known specifically, what we will have. mr. konstantin, thank you for your expert opinion, konstantin kryvolap, an aviation expert, was in touch with us. well, we continue, first the theory and the simulator, then working out the maneuverability and passing the track on the training ground, about a hundred operators of strike drones, in four months of work, the volunteer academy vikhor, based in the dnipropetrovsk region, graduated. the two-week express course in fpv piloting can be completed by both military personnel and civilians who are just about to join the ranks of the armed forces. forces of ukraine. training for cadets at the whirlwind academy is free, it takes place in a specially developed program, the training period is two weeks, it is both theory and practice, the chief instructor is a combat pilot with extensive experience. if ordinary drones have a limited angle of inclination, then fpv drones have, firstly , a speed of up to 150 km/h and unlimited angles
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of inclination, that is, you can cover the enemy from any angle, cover the blind... cover the equipment, it is simply incredible, during the theoretical during the first week, fighters learn on simulators and receive comprehensive knowledge about the use of drones and maintenance, in the second week already will practice piloting fpv drones at a specialized training ground. training and, well , theoretical and practical training on simulators and theoretical training on equipment, military affairs, work with maps, topography, organization... own training of groups that will perform tasks, all this is actually 120%, future fighters acquire key skills for working in combat conditions, after completing training , cadets receive certificates, the authenticity of which can be confirmed on the website of the academy, now it is the most modern and the most technological let's say so, the direction, i believe,
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half-bucket - this is what can really change the course of the war. bpp operators, they are needed , constantly needed, and that is why we started this school, after training , cadets join the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, and since july 2023, the vortex academy has graduated almost a hundred pilots of attack drones. joining our broadcast is anatoly khrapchynskyi, aviation expert, mr. anatoly, congratulations, congratulations, congratulations, the spokesman for the air force of the armed forces of ukraine, yuriy ignat, said that this winter russia will... to use drones many times more than missiles, please tell me what this is related to, is it practical economy, or is it strategic, the desire, let's say, to hit... some specific objects that shoot down drones and hit them better than rockets? if we talk directly about shakhet, then it is actually
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, yes, it is much cheaper and it is more economically profitable to use it, if we talk directly about the use of missiles, such as x-101 x555, which are used by russia for strategic aviation, then in fact there are certain problems with russia's strategic aviation , in fact, why, because aircraft that are not used by the t-95 or t-160 have a limited resource for use. in fact, in the t-95, for example, the same nk12 engine that they have has 33,000 hours, and actually, if we talk about the service life of these aircraft since the 80s, it is quite clear that these 33,000 hours are almost at the final stage of production , we can also, for example, give an example that they used the tu-160 much less during the shelling of ukraine, why, because the tu-160 has an nk-32 engine, which has the ability to work in such 3000 hours, that is, it is many times less.
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therefore, most likely, russia, understanding the problems that they have with strategic aviation, tries to cover up these issues at the expense of the shaheds, which actually perform the same functions in terms of their functions, burden our air defense, create certain... difficulties and even make them a little more difficult detect. mr. anatoly, what do you say about the terms of operation of the russian strategic aviation, they also have their own deadline, but we see that the russians continue to conduct training flights, they can be long lasting or not so much , what information do you have about these planes that the russians now have at their far airfields, the strategic aviation is actually a remnant of that nuclear triad
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that was left over from the soviet union, that is, something new from the time after the collapse of the soviet union , russia was not created, everything that was created was created by certain messages in the information space, and these are false messages, because there are certain difficulties with... directly with the implementation of those developments that were in russia, in the soviet union, again, returning to the same engines of the nk-32, tu-160s, they have been completely lost, all the working design documentation since soviet times, so we can actually say that this and the part that may be the most vulnerable for them from the side, from the loss side, so they are trying as much as possible ... to reduce its use now, and in fact, the same can be said about the tu-95, which have some difficulties with the engines, at the beginning since the great
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war, we have repeatedly seen certain difficulties with obtaining tools for repairing these engines and these, even for replacing propellers, so there are actually problems, they are trying to somehow solve them and we actually see them. it is possible to reduce the exploitation, less firing and sorties of these aircraft due to the fact that they are looking for a solution in order to somehow renew them and continue their service. mr. anatoly, i wanted to ask you about the means of radio-electronic warfare, please tell me what ukraine needs today in order to have an advantage over the russians in this regard, to increase production, in fact, we have very good developments that are currently either undergoing testing and access to service, or are already in service with the military. if we talk about
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electronic warfare, then it is not only the fight against uavs, the so-called multicopter type or wing, which have recently become a big crowd, or the same fpvs. this is also the creation of certain, the suppression of certain radio communication signals between units, this is the suppression of russian relts, which are outside the front line, in order to make it difficult to detect our equipment, this creating certain false goals for the russians , therefore, in fact, in order for us to be more powerful than russia in this direction, we need to increase the volume of production and probably make some certain state programs that would make life easier for the producers of this industry in this direction . we can counter hostile rep systems only from a distance, what can be our response here?
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well, we are. we see that our fighters very accurately hit some means of radio-electronic warfare that suppress navigation signals there, as well as other stations that are used by the russians at the expense of missiles and other weapons, so actually the list of possibilities is large, again, these solutions should be increased at the expense of ukrainian own production. sir anatoli, how much should we be worried today by the fact that the russians are very quickly reorienting their production to military rails , and in particular, there is already information that they are producing much more drones than we are? well, it was really to be expected that russia would go on the military rails due to the size of its population they can let you. at the expense
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of certain financial capabilities, therefore, against their influx against their number, we need to put more tactical solutions that could knock out directly the same production, the same engineers who work in those factories or companies that produce these means , and it is also necessary to connect the international community so that, after all, they are much more actively involved in these problems. finally, mr. anatoly, the russian military has recently been bragging on social media the destruction of a ukrainian plane at the dovhintseve airfield in the kryvyi rih region, which, according to our analysts, experts, military, osinters, turned out to be a fake, did you manage to analyze these footage, did you see them?
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well, russians, a very large number of good mock-ups were destroyed during this period, and by the way, this helps to understand certain actions on the part of the russians , and as for that plane, it was actually a very well-made mock-up, of course , thank you for your answers for joining our broadcast, anatoly khrapchynskyi, aviation expert, was with us. and ours the broadcast continues, stay with us on rada tv channel. chevrons approaching victory. this
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year's winter promises to be difficult again. the enemy is targeting critical infrastructure facilities. so we have to prepare for the most difficult scenarios. keep warm, insulate the houses, it will be difficult, but the fighting spirit cannot be borrowed from the ukrainians. consider an additional safe source of heat. everyone should be responsible this winter. invite your relatives, acquaintances from the regions, who are for ale destructions, together it is warmer and more fun, the best way to warm up is to engage in light sports, because our energy is enough to overcome any cold, stock up on flashlights and power banks, charge them and stock up on food, water and warm clothes. warm up deliciously, fragrant tea or a hot dish gives warmth from the inside, and calories are not superfluous in winter. make friends with your neighbors, it is easier to beat the enemy in a group, and
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to winter. moreover, and most importantly, support the armed forces, thanks to them we have the opportunity to meet this winter, and as long as we are united, we are not afraid of enemies, no cold, we hold each other, we will overcome the winter together, a warm country, from now on it will be delicious. under the pillow will appear in time. on december 6, we celebrate saint nicholas day. fortify the borders of ukraine with drones, join the border guards. congratulations ukrainians, you are with marrafon single news. works for you.


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