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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 8:30am-9:01am EET

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and another hotspot of the donetsk front. oleg kalashnikov, the press officer of the 26th detachment named after general khrunzhovo roma dashkevich, is in touch with us. mr. oleg, glory to ukraine, congratulations. glory to the heroes, good morning ukraine. mr. oleg, the bakhmut direction, the south and the north, the flanks, what is happening there now, and we want to ask about khromov in particular. he remains hot with us so directly for the past, for the past day, we have observed 16 combat encounters directly with the enemy, he constantly uses the arcta also very, very actively uses air, guided and guided bomb, it is high-explosive 250 km, direct artillery also works, well, and
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tries to storm in small such assault groups, since the weather is so unstable, rainy, then in general this, in general, infantry without the support of heavy equipment, counterattacks, but at the same time, these counterattacks give results or do not give results, i mean, do they manage to push and expand the gray area or even pass certain lines of our about why i ask this, because we have alarming information, for example, by several settlements around avdiyivka, it is south of you, and like you, it is also very difficult for us, how, if anyone is interested, you can watch deep state, there is indeed movement there, but i want to say that the situation is very dynamic, the enemy really got replenishment, and in the landing units, he is now very active, both in the semi' and on the southern
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flank, positions can change hands several times during the day, in some areas he is really successful, in some areas we continue the assault actions of our counterattackers . when officially reported from of the general staff, that under bakhmut the armed forces of ukraine went into active defense, well, this is such a term that - in the rear, few people decipher what it means in practice in the form of battles, if you yourself say that the weather conditions allow the russians to go exclusively on infantry offensives? well, active defense is when it is not just such a positional defense, when we only restrain the enemy and do not take any active actions in response, active defense is when we defend and
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at the same time take offensive actions, if we take the beginning of the summer, when we started to advance , both in the north and in the south, liberating klyshchyvka, andrivka, this was our active defense, i.e. we were in fact on the defensive, but at the same time we carried out counter-attacking offensives, i.e. we advanced and liberated our territory, this is active counter active defense, the enemy mainly hits on, and is trying to bombard and shell the line of contact and the settlements around it, does he also have the inspiration to strike further there for a long time and even further into the depth, no, he has the opportunity to shoot at our tactical , in the depth of the tactical defense, he really shoots in our peaceful cities, for a while
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it goes without saying, but he also shoots druzhkivka, konstantinivka, and slavyansk, and reaches kramatorsk, that is, he tries to sow such panic among the local population and cause us losses even in our infrastructure civilian, that is , he did not leave his practice of war with the civilian population, this is how he manages to sow that panic , no, but according to your estimates, well, let 's say according to personal estimates, i have to visit these cities that i named to you, i am in i visit them because i have such a job i have a mobile phone, i go out, i go in and there is a place to drink coffee, and i can watch our people , they are used to war, they understand the trouble we are all in, and there is no need to panic, they have
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enough of themselves already adequately, and with this , realizing what is happening around, and those people who are now in this front-line zone, they understand what is happening and what their actions should be in case of danger, well, this is my personal, yes. and what do you mean when you talk about actions in case of danger, we understand that about some shelter, it is probably difficult to say now, when it is already flying here in a few seconds, and actually, the more often those settlements are shelled , which are along the front line and a little further there to kramatorsk, even, well, if you take this... you say shelter, then now we can observe, let's take the same kramatorsk, right now on the streets where there are public transport stops, there are such peculiar concrete shelters that you can go into and hide, that is, if there is no direct
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hit, then the people who are there they will be protected from the same debris immediate explosive devices, also from all kinds of debris, if... it will be some houses, that is, there are such possibilities, when there is an alarm, then indeed, you can hide, after all, but i agree with you that in this case, if the same rszzo works in them, there is the same tornado s, so of course there will be no alarm here, because it is unexpected, and in this case a person must act on reflexes, just like a soldier, just fall to the ground in this case , they are very densely shelled near-front settlements, it is not only the cities that we are with you were called, as well as our ordinary villages, ordinary villages that are in the range of their artillery, like the szo, they
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constantly carry out some there, well, first of all , they have bepala scouts working there, if they think that there is some target there, then they carry out fire damage and if you take the local residents who are still in these settlements, they are so philosophically calm about it, they don't have such hysteria, some kind of commotion there, and what are they most often fired at, from what? well, if take directly front -line settlements, which are not far from the first line of contact, then the rszo... will be involved, uh, but actually, i wanted to ask you about this, about this too, to the north of you, in the kupyansk direction, we were confirmed by the officers , that the occupier has no projectile hunger, they have enough anti-tank missiles with the same
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intensity as always, but how do you feel in your direction that they have enough anti-tank missiles, they do not spare artillery, has something changed? well, if you take the quantity, when they started their actions quite so actively, it is we could already observe, it was october, september, then they simply did not have any, there was a general lack of shots on the front, but on such, in such a direction, the same as our bakhmutovsky, they still tried to make reserves direct shots and use as much as they could , of course, it also depended on logistics, since combat operations, they, their infantry do not really want to go on a counterattack, if the artillery does not work, so we could constantly observe such a
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dense fire damage, of course that, not that one the level that they had last year, when they were better both with artillery and directly with pos, however , their ahta worked quite actively and it is also working actively today, 24/7, we can really see it, and with from our side, whether, well, because someone is always dispersing information somewhere on the internet that we are lacking in certain directions, including artriads and bc. as you have, this is one of the most important areas where actually there was. the general staff announced an active defense with counterattacks, how about you with bc? well, if you take my brigade, i will be responsible for my responsibility directly behind it, then we have shots, we can work and support our infantry, and
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support not only our infantry, but also hit targets behind the first line of defense, where the range of our guns, however, of course, it was desired that there was a greater number, and that it was possible to destroy the enemy more densely. thank you, mr. olezh, oleg kalashnikov, press officer of the 26th brigade named after general khorun. romana dashkevycha was with us, i want to thank you, because in fact very much so our collection for batteries is very active, so a few thousand more have flown in, so we remind you that we are collecting uah 122,000 together with the charity fund man and law, we need to collect to buy powerful portable battery systems for our defenders, we will send them... to the dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the terrodefense of the armed forces of ukraine, at this moment
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, uah 454,278 is already available, you can see the qr code and card number on the screen, this information will help you support warmth and light for our defenders. now we're going on a short break, then we'll come back let's summarize everything related to the front and the war with serhiy zgurets. stay with us. attention is an incredible novelty. unpacking super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color, so they will suit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once, for yourself and yours. for a man, eternal zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg.
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we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut, we tell you the main thing, on weekdays at 9:00 a.m., vasyl zima's big broadcast, two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, two hours to learn about the war and what the world is like, two hours to keep up with economic and sports news. two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like family to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. good morning to those who join the espresso broadcast, we are very happy to welcome you, we will be right now summarize. in fact, the information that has been made public in the last two days, because here,
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even from the officers, what we learned is that there are active counterattacks, there are defensive positions, all the places are already well known to us and, unfortunately, they have been shot in the literal sense, this is an action and bahmud, now we will ask the director of the information end about these areas of the front and not only. mr. serhiy, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory, good morning, i congratulate you, we are looking at the deep state map on the one hand, the press officers have just confirmed to us about certain advances in in some areas around avdiyivka, in particular , some new ways of exiting to the highway, to the industrial zone of avdiyivka, somewhere we advanced 3 km north of avdiyivka, we just talked about bakhmut, there are also attempts to counterattack and advance somewhere in the area of ​​khromovoy, this is
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the maximum that we gathered , as of this moment, in and accordingly we ask you, that is , the russian counterattack has started, they are having partial success and pushing through our defense line? it remains, in all areas, the two areas are the most active, it is really bahmud avdivka, although we are dropping cremin, and when we if we are talking about the prague offensive, then we can actually start the countdown from there on october 9, when the russians began the first massive attacks on avdiivka, and since then they have been trying to penetrate the entire line, mr. sergey, i apologize for interrupting, but in fact, now our viewers at most, we did not hear very important information,
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the connection is worse than with the front line, let 's try to re-establish it, because it's just... there is a breakdown of words and we are redialing serhii azurets on digital in order to establish a stable connection, after all i will return to what i asked about, so that it would be clearer to you, is about yesterday, writes , in particular, the institute for the study of war, 3 km northwest of avdiyivka, the occupiers advanced, that is, west of the railway and north of stepovoy, those who can open a deep state map. i.e., the map can see it, also for december 2, for the previous day, they show that the russians advanced to the southwest of pervomaiskyi, and this is 10 km south of avdiivka, that is, from two sides, yes, in fact, all these maps now and the entire this analysis confirm that in the avdiiv and
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bakhmut directions, the occupiers have become more active and are trying at any cost, communication has been re-established. mr. serhiu. yes, try it, tapestry question, now for all to hear you. in fact, when we talk about the attempts of the russian counterattack, i think that it is possible to count down from october 9, when these mass attacks on avdiivka began. since then, in fact, if you look at the advance there, then the cruelty of the war says that the maximum advance of 2 km is just north of avdiivka, where the enemy is trying to move along the railway, and right now the situation around that railway remains the most tense, and when we talk about a certain advance of the enemy there, it refers to the fact that the enemy is trying to attack
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drivers for mr. serhiy in those houses i'm sorry, but unfortunately it's happened again... it's a little harder to hear, you're telling me important things, so we'll dial you now, let's get back in touch, in the meantime, what i want to tell you is a bit of optimism, the ministry of defense of ukraine has come up with something like this the military advent calendar, yes , the ministry of defense, because what else can they do, in the western tradition there is such a thing as an advent calendar, that is, a calendar for the 24 days of december, from december 1 to the holiday. in the evening, because christmas eve is december 24, not january 6, as we are used to, so every day one cell of this calendar is opened, if it is a calendar for children, then some kind of candy or toy happens there, so that this expectation of christmas is as sweet as possible, and the military came up with their own, and actually today there is already a fourth number, so, in the previous three days, three
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pictures were opened, and in this advent calendar , the technika itself is depicted, those military surprises that await the occupiers, actually what they help us with, in particular from the west. so, in the first three days, the m-142 haimars mlrs was opened, the first surprise, then there was the saw crab and one of the best modern tanks challengenger 2, on december 3, we are waiting for what picture, what surprise will be opened today, and in the meantime we return to conversations with serhii from gurtsi. mr. serhiy, god loves the trinity, so what, we have stable connection, do we need to call elon musk so that starling will transfer , let's try, really, we have a bad one again, it seems to me that musk himself is doing something,
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that we do not have that stable connection, let's try again to re-recruit, as i understand it, or maybe the fourth attempt, we, as we learn from our armed forces of ukraine, persevere, if the first attempt does not work, we will slap on the second, and we will obey , i will also remind you of what we we ask, this is what the institute for the study of war usually writes about, us very often military, non-military experts , specifically military, warn that take into account that they have to work on the other side of the ocean quite often with information collected from various sources, so from time to time the information of the institute for the study of war may not coincide with that which our intelligence and general staff have, since they also use it. from the enemy in order to verify certain data, this comparison does not always give useful answers, attempt number four, mr. sergey, sergey sgorets,
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director of the information company defense, or you hear us well, and do we hear you well, that now the communication has improved, the situation on the front line will also improve soon, readable now, well, also with digital explosions. yes , let's try, yes, oh , no, we won't try, we won't try while we restore communication, there is information from prykarpattia, therefore, i will remind you that 23 shaheds on a59 missiles flew from the russians, mainly from the central and western regions of our country, and therefore one of the goals was the object of critical infrastructure in prykarpattia, reports the chairman. ova svitlana of ivano-frankivsk onyshchuk so it's dawn. we remember that during the air raid, it was in the carpathian region that the red color on
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the map was preserved for the longest time. there, pppo forces destroyed enemy drones, without casualties and significant destruction. now, at the place where the ulamki fell, where the ppo used to work, the appropriate services are working, so that all this will be delayed. well, but we understand that if they aimed at a critical infrastructure object, then in the future you have to be especially careful, because they may not change their targets for a long time, and remember that to neglect, air an alarm, an air alarm signal is definitely not worth it. we still don't know if we have a direct connection, but let's remind you that actually three days ago, vladimir putin, the dictator. of a temporary entity called the russian federation, signed the decree, they are afraid to play mobilization openly, and this is a decree that from december 1
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, 2023, the number of russian armed forces was increased by 170,000 soldiers, in fact it is about two million army and 2,000, of which 1,3000 are military, that is, soldiers, well, that's the first thing. and about the sizes of the armed forces also says about the confirmed loss of more than 300,000 killed and wounded on the russian-ukrainian front. so we decided to switch to a telephone format with mr. serhii, i hope we will at least hear, yes, we may not see mr. serhii, but we will hear. mr. serhiy, unfortunately we have less time, i want to ask about the patriots and in general about the ukrainian air defense forces. the ministry of defense has been hinting for a few days now. because such an anti-aircraft system koral has appeared, which can be a competitor of the patriot, and which is very important, will be able to intercept ballistics, what do you say about this
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these hints, these statements? well, indeed, the development of air defense remains an extremely important direction, and when we talk about our own capabilities to create missile complexes, this is the main initiative from the state-owned cable. which in the 21st year the ministry of defense offered three complexes, one complex there up to 10 km, the second complex there up to 30 km, in terms of range, and the third there up to about 100 km, so relatively speaking, all these complexes, in particular the second, third , there medium high-capacity, they could be ready within two years, and at financing about 40 million dollars for these projects, this was said by the general director of kb luch, oleg petrovych korosel, but then the ministry of defense did not find money for these projects,
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now as we see, the ministry of defense is finally returning to these projects, but when we talk about the koral complex , which the new deputy minister of defense mentions, is actually a complex with a range of up to 30 km with a new missile, and a complex of greater power up to 100 km, it has a different name, and there are actually variations of combating the enemy's ballistic targets, but we understand that two years... from the 21st year and two years in the conditions when the enemy attacks our facilities, then these are certainly different time indicators, and now we need to concentrate on that, or ensure the security of the creation of these drcs and new cooperation, and here i will remind you that on december 6 there will be a meeting in the united states , where our defense companies are going, in order to hold a second format meeting with partners from the united states to establish and strengthen
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defense-industrial cooperation, i hope , that will help... the usa in certain areas will now be extremely useful for speeding up , including national projects for the creation of anti-aircraft missile complexes. mr. serhiy, in one of the downed shaheds, with which russia attacks the ukrainian rear and cities regularly, almost every night , a 40-gram thermobaric warhead was found, it is equated, they say, to the sontsepiok charge, how much is it here is an isolated case, do they put it on the conveyor, and in general with such a charge, does it still fly, or how did our defenders find it and shoot it down, yes, we wrote about this munition on the defense express website, in fact it is a replacement of a high-explosive fragmentation munition with a thermobaric one, which has a greater power when hitting a building,
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because the thermometric mixture. it is usually more effective precisely in closed rooms, but this is not a mass application, because i talked with other specialists there, they say that this is an isolated case, and so far, there are no signs of a transition to mass use of the thermobar, in any case it , says only that the enemy is trying to experiment with this type of weaponry, and on the other hand, he again raises the issue of more active work of our air defense, so that in any case it will not change the situation in general in the confrontation with the shahedids, although we see that the enemy is making a certain dynamic in the finalization of these samples, if they put on stream, these are such improved shaheds, will we have something to shoot them down, will we have enough of these means to fight drones, and on the other hand, if even
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if we shoot down, then the destruction from the fall... of the wreckage of such drones can be more powerful, we have one minute, mr. sergey, well, in fact , we see that the enemy uses martyrs almost every night, but today we say that from the 23rd there were 18 shot down, the combat effectiveness of this unit is, well, partially greater in comparison with the high-explosive weapon, the expansion of means of destruction is really increasing, we recall the work of our mobile units, the transfer of cheetahs from the german side, the bet on the winter package, which provides for air defense equipment, so in any in case of strengthening pppo, well, it minimizes any changes in the tactics of the enemy's use of shaheds. mr. serhiy, thank you for analyzing the situation, serhiy zgorets, director of information and consulting at defense express, was in touch with us. it is almost nine o'clock now, it is the time when we remember all those who died in
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the russian-ukrainian war and the defenders and those who also died far from the front line, because, unfortunately, this is a new type of war, although it is traditional for ukraine second russian-ukrainian, minute of silence. let's observe a moment of silence in memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia.


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