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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 9:30am-10:01am EET

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this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha , and further in this stream we talk about important topics. the leader of the eu opposition faction petro poroshenko and his colleagues were not given permission to leave ukraine. the opposition claims that the disruption of the visit harms the country and its international image. the chairman of the verkhovna rada claims that representatives of the eu faction with one of the leaders is one of the leaders on a business trip. therefore , says ruslan stepanchuk, there is no question of any restrictions for individuals. we will tell the arguments of both sides further. allies have and continue to support ukraine in the war. this is in the interests of nato itself - stated the secretary general of the alliance jen stoltenberg. he noted that in case of victory - quote, putin. tragedy awaits putin's victory in ukraine. what do such statements of the head of nato indicate and how is the support of western partners for ukraine changing? we discuss all this on our broadcasts on weekdays from 9:00 a.m. on youtube on the radio liberty channel. and on the air
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of the tv channel, join. statements about the capture of maryinka are lies, there are ongoing battles, this is on the air of the telethon, said the spokesman of the forces of the defense of the tavria direction oleksandr shtupun, thereby refuting the statement of russian military bloggers that the city came under the control of russian forces. such statements in the russian public appeared on december 1, as proof that the city is under the control of the russian federation, russian bloggers showed the hanging soviet flag on the supposedly western outskirts. maryinka, the russian ministry of defense did not officially inform about the capture of the city. dps project analysts and the american institute for the study of war did not confirm the capture of the marines. in in the report for the last day, dibstate writes that the russian forces have partial success in marients, but on the northern flank of the city , the armed forces of ukraine repulsed them. the american institute for the study of war says that the day before, russian troops advanced to the west and southwest of donetsk, i.e. towards marinka, but they did not have any confirmed successes in this direction... the ukrainian general staff
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was informed about repulsed attacks in the marinka area. and so oleksandr stupun, the spokesman of the unified defense forces of the tavria direction, joins our broadcast. congratulations you, mr. alexander. thank you for joining, i want to ask you right away what is happening in marientsa, you said that it is under the control of the armed forces of ukraine, however, tell me what the russian forces are aiming for, they want to capture this city. good afternoon, yes they have been trying to capture him for a long time. but there are very tough battles going on there, the enemy is suffering very heavy losses, active infantry attacks of the occupiers are going on there, and in general , not only marines, but also near avdiyivka, in total, in a day , 37 combat clashes took place in the operational zone of osuftavria, and during the day, the enemy lost 429 people, forces and 21
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units of military equipment, several more occupiers also surrendered as prisoners, it should be noted that in the last three weeks , about 80 enemy servicemen have already made such a choice in the tavri direction, the activity of enemy aviation is currently low, for seven airstrikes were recorded during the day, but the invaders significantly increased the number of artillery attacks to 955, in the direction of vdiiv, our defenders continue to hold back the enemy, who does not leave, despite heavy losses abandons attempts to sharpen avdivka, successfully repelled 21 attacks, it was east of novokalynovo and novobakhmutivka, as well as in the areas of the steppe, avdi... only northern and
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pervomaisky, near marinka, in the areas of marinka and novomykhailivka, eight enemy attacks were repelled. mr. oleksandr, how intense are the battles near marinka, what territory is controlled by russian forces, and what weapons are most often used? most of the time, well, the enemy there uses aviation, artillery, and fpv strike drones, by the way, i would like to. to say that he used about 100 drones per day for well, in the operational zone of osovri for the past day, before that, this number was much smaller, and if we talk about the control of district officers in maryanka, then can you tell us in more detail what the situation is, we cannot say how many districts, who controls and so on further, and please do not ask such questions live. mr. oleksandr, what is the situation in the avdiyiv direction. over the past day, about the fact that
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the russian military advanced in several places near avdiivka, say analysts of the institute for the study of war, they analyze the footage was published on november 28 and is geological. december and show that russian troops advanced west of the railway, north of the steppe, what can you tell us? also about the positions of our soldiers , the only thing i can say is that koksokhim is under our control and near the railway, and to the west , or rather to the east, fierce battles are going on, the enemy is always advancing, sometimes he jumps into our positions somewhere, but he is knocked out or destroyed , that the russian forces have again increased the activity of the infantry in the taurian direction, the commander said of the operational-strategic grouping of tavria troops, general oleksandr ternavskyi in a telegram, tell me the details about this, why this
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is happening and whether it is possible, in what other ways the russian forces are increasing their presence in the tavria direction, well, first of all, they have a task until a certain... deadline to take, or to take an audio unit, or at least to sharpen it, and the same, the same task the enemy faces with regard to the marines, so he throws everything there, everything he can, everything he has, uses a lot of artillery, uses aviation, fpv, drones, that is, they have a task, any, at any cost, to take... action by some deadline that they set for themselves, and what does it mean to increase activity, infantry? nothing, the enemy has always actively, actively used infantry , we knocked out a lot of equipment for him and continue
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to fire if he tries to use it, so the enemy will feel sorry for the equipment, but for some reason the people in russia will not... mr. alexander, how does the weather affect the course of combat actions? it varies depending on the region, where it rains, well enough, quite heavy, quite dirty everywhere, quite wet, therefore, it requires additional strength, as well as in the delivery of ammunition, as well as being in the same trenches, in the positions, that is , cold and dirty, thank you for telling us about the situation in the tavriz direction before our broadcast. oleksandr shtupun, spokesman of the joint press center of the defense forces of the tavriz region, was a guest of svoboda ranok. the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, ruslan stefanchuk, reacted on facebook to the complaints of deputies from european solidarity regarding
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permits for business trips abroad. so stepanchuk writes that representatives of the eu faction are one of the leaders in terms of business trips. so about no restrictions for individual people's deputies, says the speaker of the parliament. not in question thus, according to the latest statistical data, since the full-scale invasion , the servant of the people faction, which consists of 235 people's deputies, which is more than 52% of the composition of the parliament, has received approval for more than 53% of business trips out of the total number, which is 4.23 business trips per one people's deputy for its part , the european solidarity faction, which constantly complains about alleged political persecution, and makes up 27 people's of deputies, which is 6% of the composition of the parliament , received approval for the total number of business trips, which is 6.7 business trips per one deputy. such a discussion arose against the background of the non-release abroad of the fifth president of ukraine and current people's deputy from yes , petro poroshenko. in social networks, the politician stated that he was not released from
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ukraine on the morning of december 1, although there was an order of the speaker of the parliament, which clearly stated that there is an international business trip from december 1 to 8. according to poroshenko, in the coming days he was scheduled to have meetings at the highest level equal to representatives of the us congress and the polish diet. in my hands, and he saw it. there is an order of the chairman of the verkhovna rada for a business trip. on the basis of this order, i have planned the implementation of state measures in the form of bilateral and multilateral. in the official statement of the party , it was noted that the disruption of the visit does not harm poroshenko, but the country and its international image, and with such actions, i quote: the authorities are undermining internal unity, which today, on the contrary, needs to be strengthened. they also added that allegedly people's deputies from the european solidarity members who are permanent members of the parliamentary assemblies are systematically not allowed to attend important international events, and
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thus on december 2, mp from european solidarity ivanna klynptynsadze wrote on facebook that she and two colleagues from the faction were not allowed to go on business trips abroad. responding to the non-release of poroshenko , the state border service noted that the border guards had confirmed the cancellation of the business trip regarding poroshenko's departure abroad. later , the first deputy explained this situation. head of the council oleksandr kornienko, who canceled poroshenko's business trip, according to him, the reason for this was a letter with a seal for official use, the content of which he cannot disclose. later , the security service of ukraine explained that they allegedly received information together with ukrainian intelligence agencies that the russian federation intended to use in its informational and psychological operations, the meeting of the head of the european solidarity party, petro poroshenko, with the prime minister of hungary , viktor or. planned as part of a ukrainian politician's trip abroad. in european solidarity was answered by
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what i am quoting: the authorities' attempts to justify the actual disruption of the opposition leader petro poroshenko's visit to washington, the sbu's counterintelligence information are frankly surprising. the hungarian government also reacted to the sbu data. the representative of the government of hungary, zoltan ković, wrote about this in the social network, which is the former twitter. the response to the statement was published on the website of the sbu. hungary does not want to play any role in the internal political struggle of president zelski. such news and such political purges are another indication that ukraine is not ready for membership in the european union. oleksandr demchenko joins our broadcast, and then we will talk about the situation at the border in general, but i would like to ask you first about the situation with petro poroshenko, if you can comment on why he did not leave. andrew. good early. i apologize, yes. it must be understood that
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the border guards are clearly guided by the legal norms during the registration and passage of people across the border, in particular , the border crossing rules for citizens of ukraine who operate, in particular, during martial law. as you know, already at the beginning of this year , changes were made to these rules, which provided that officials or civil servants, as well as people's deputies, can travel abroad, exclusively on a business trip, in the presence of relevant documents, or well, if they go abroad to visit their children or accompany such children up to the age of 18 abroad, this actually concerns more women or single parents, or for treatment, during the implementation border control measures
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regarding the people's deputy you are interested in, the border guards found out that his business trip was canceled, and accordingly, on the basis of this, he was issued a decision not to allow him to cross the border, well , he was not actually allowed to cross the border. mr. andrii, if we talk about trends, so to speak, how often are there cases when people's deputies are already... at the border, thinking that they have permission to leave, but they are turned back, because not all the necessary documents are there for this well, it must be understood that it is not possible to single out only people's deputies here, but in general to talk about clause 2:14 of the rules for crossing the border, which clearly defines the list of all officials who fall under this restriction, that they can follow the border only on official business. border guards strictly follow the rules. i can note that during the period of validity of this norm, in total , more than 2,200 people who
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fall under these positions were not allowed to pass at the border, i would like to remind you that the government also obliged all state bodies to provide to the state border border service , lists of these persons who fall under such positions, that is, we do not even think of whether a person is in this position or not, there is... there is data that is provided to us in order for us to enter information into our databases regarding these persons and actually only allowed them to go on business trips, so there are still more than 2,200 people who did not fall under the condition of being allowed to go, that is, they did not go on business trips, they did not follow their children or did not accompany their children abroad, were refused to cross the border, precisely because they did not have the proper documents that confirmed the possibility of their crossing the border outside of ukraine,
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during martial law. mr. andrii, let's talk about the situation at the border in general , about the fact that the border crossing point of ughriniv, dolgo dolgobych should be operational starting today for the departure of empty trucks stuck on the ukrainian-polish border due to the blockade of polish carriers from ukraine, and about that said the vice-premier-minister for reconstruction of ukraine, minister of community development territories and infrastructure oleksandr kurbakov, and the ambassador of ukraine to poland , vasyl zvarych, said in a comment to ukrinforma that kyiv and warsaw have found common points of contact and compromises, and he hopes that these proposals will be enough, because they are polish. the carriers stopped their protest , he told ukrinform, and according to the ambassador, there is no reason to block the border now, but in the meantime, it is also important that the slovak carriers started a blockade on the border with ukraine on december 1 and say that they are doing it, so as not to lose his job, and with slovakia only lets four trucks per hour into ukraine, this was reported in the state border service of ukraine, but
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all vehicles are allowed to pass through ukraine, at the weekend... there was also a report about the alleged blockade of the border by hungary, but no there are no reports on this at the moment, the hungarian police said that queues at the border with ukraine were formed due to the blockade of the border by slovakia, they say, ukrainian truckers are trying to get to ukraine through hungary, and therefore the load on checkpoints has substantially increased. i also noted that the protest at the border by polish and slovak transporters demands the cancellation of special conditions for road transport for ukraine, the ministers of... transport of the eu countries should consider the issue of border blockades today. earlier in brussels it was announced that they could punish poland for blocking the border with ukraine. so what is the current situation on the ukrainian-polish border, on the ukrainian-slovak border. mr. andriy, we will ask you, andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service of ukraine with us remains in touch. so tell me, perhaps, how much money is there, or has the situation changed somehow after political
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agreements? well, it is necessary to understand that - the negotiations are for the purpose of unblocking the movement, making it intense, as it was before, the work continues constantly. the ministry of infrastructure noted the other day that they held regular negotiations with the polish side, reached certain agreements regarding separate lanes in the queue for empty trucks, this is in the direction of the jagodyna and krakow checkpoints, as well as through the checkpoint ughryna in dolgoba from today will be allowed to pass... empty cargo vehicles weighing more than 7.5 tons to leave ukraine, this is actually the first step already taken, because starting tonight from one o'clock outside of kyiv, at the checkpoint in hryniv dolgobychiv, empty trucks weighing more than
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7.5 have already started to move out of ukraine, i note that as of seven in the morning , about 30 trucks were processed that proceeded through this direction, it should also be understood that there are no queues for this category of transport means, in fact, drivers can arrive at the border and wait for the opportunity to cross in a general queue, again, as of seven in the morning, there were already about 60 vehicles in the queues , waiting for the opportunity to cross the border in this direction and the actual capacity for cargo by weight more than 7.5 tons at this checkpoint will be about 100 loaded vehicles per day, a separate traffic lane is allocated for this category of transport at
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the checkpoint, let me remind you that this checkpoint is located in poland, there a joint, joint control is being carried out, both on the polish and ukrainian sides, well, this is the implementation, as well as further steps, what the ministry of infrastructure of ukraine managed to agree with the relevant state bodies of poland, we hope that in the near future will allow to unblock all directions, where traffic is blocked for trucks on the border with poland, let me remind you that there are four directions where the blocking is taking place, these are the checkpoints of jagodyn, dorohuc, krakowiec, korchovo, ravaruska, hrebene, and since november 23, the direction of sheghini medica checkpoint was also added, as of this morning, according to the information we have from polish colleagues, there are about 2,500 freight
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vehicles in queues on the territory of poland in the direction of ukraine, the largest of which is opposite the ravarusk checkpoint, more than 800 loads . mr. andriy, i thank you for telling in detail what the situation is at the border, andriy demchenko, the spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, was a guest of our morning broadcast. and then we will talk about nato support, about what nato is should support ukraine both in good times and in bad times, - said the secretary general of the alliance jen stoltenberg. he reportedly made such a statement in an interview with the german tv channel ard. the secretary general of the alliance noted. that supporting ukraine is in the interests of nato itself, because putin's victory will pose a threat to the alliance itself. stoltenberg stated the need to produce more ammunition and weapons for kyiv and suggested that bad news could come from ukraine. it is necessary to understand that in case of victory of the president a tragedy awaits putin in ukraine, but it will also be dangerous for us. so it is in our
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own interests that ukraine endures. we must also be prepared for bad news. the course of wars is not a constant, but a changing process. we must support ukraine in good and bad times. the current war is a war of attrition, it is a battle for efficiency, a battle for logistics. taras zahorodniy, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group. joined our broadcast, congratulations, taras, thank you for joining, good day, what bad news could i talk about and what should you mean stoltenberg, well, war of attrition , russia has drawn conclusions from the first stages of the war, you can see it with the naked eye, they are rebuilding their economy on a military economy, they started doing it as early as the summer of last year, by the way, they took into account all the mistakes that are , are actively modernizing soviet weapons, actively , filling in the gaps that they would have, regarding
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the production of drones and their use, plus the demographic resource, they, it has not gone anywhere, they are actively now, most likely , training a new army, and also using new types of weapons, and this means that simply by mathematics they may have an advantage in some directions, and that this statement was aimed at the consolidation of western society there in order to make it clear that things are serious and a war of attrition is serious, and what is this for, well, that is, nato is somehow able to help there more, for this we need a political decision there or the coherence of the countries of the west? well, in my opinion, in my... opinion, what i see in the western countries, you know, they don't understand a little bit that reality has changed, unfortunately, the western elites
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are not ready to tell their people, voters and everyone else that the times of such a good life, when everything was good and so on, are over, yes, now resources should be invested in the army, in rearmament. army and to understand that the conflict, with the same russia in general with the authoritarian world, is still in the medium-term perspective, well, with a high probability, and because, of course, this is the most important thing here, because unlike the west, russia , china, iran and other countries, in they have their own picture of the future, they have a picture where they win, where they mobilize... the resource and begin to win with their values ​​that they see, and the western elites, unfortunately, so far i see, do not
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understand this, i i see that there is already an understanding of one thing, that the next, the next is the nato countries, it may even be parallel, because if we talk about the war in ukraine, because now russia is actively modernizing its army, according to new tactics, an army that still learns to fight, should not be underestimated russians, they are not idiots, they know how to learn from their own mistakes, and yet they have a global task - to break up the nato bloc, and will there be, for example, the same reaction of the nato bloc if russia goes, including by hybrid methods, using new methods of waging war, which do not yet exist, by the way... in nato protocols, well, for example, after all, the capture will dare to capture estonia and latvia, for example, what will be the reaction of the nato bloc and how
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will it be able to react to it, and that is for now great question, mr. taras, this is oleksandr mosienko, a military expert, was on this broadcast a little earlier, and he said that there are trends for such a long war, but it can still be changed, but politicians can change it primarily for that. so that the military potential is already moving in this direction, so to speak, well , we know that a lot depends on joseph biden, for example, in the decision to supply this or that weapon, here the decision of the politicians is the most important, look, this is a complex issue, well, you know, seklauzovits in the 19th century said that war is a continuation of diplomacy, now is the time for guns, until guns, until weapons are made in the first place, including sanctions. on the part of the western countries , the russian political elite is not broken by evil , there are no preconditions that there will be any political solution, which is, yes, these are just the time
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of the guns, this is the first, second, we must understand that ukraine must actively exert itself here, that the transfer to a military economy is not a rhetorical question, but a question of the survival of the nation, because the western military industry will not always keep up with all the novelties that appeared on the battlefield, it should be produced by ukraine, the western military-industrial complex will not give ukraine weapons that will allow the war to be postponed. on the territory of russia, and this is also a question of our survival, because russia is simply objectively stronger, ukraine needs new technological breakthroughs, the transfer of the war to the territory of russia, and the destruction of its economy, including, well, look, there are problematic points for them enough, well, look, the sbu recently blew up two bridges on bama or there on
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the transiba. yes, as soon as they appeared in russia, there were problems with logistics, that's why that there are not so many railways, for example, between the asian and european parts, yes, but what will happen if ukraine destroys the partinov russian, for example, through which a third of the trade turnover of the russian federation passes , and this will deal a rather painful blow to the russian economy, and what to do you can only use your own. because biden and all the other politicians, i don't think they will change their position on nuclear powers and give permission to ukraine to strike on russian territory, so only their own weapons, their own missiles, their own drones, which will make it possible to transfer the war there , for this ukraine, for this, ukraine needs to solve many things systematically, because you know, in our country, even until now, due to bureaucratic ... or
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bureaucratic problems and the government's reluctance to change something, it has not yet been resolved, for example, the issue of by taxing the profits of enterprises that provide, safe, secure contracts, due to the tonnage in due to the dam in the regulations, we are at risk of enterprises of both state and private forms of ownership, which are currently performing defense order , they met three weeks ago, and the ministry of defense has already gathered the manufacturers, they have already developed a government resolution, what it should look like in order to remove these obstacles, but it still hasn't been removed, what is it, who is going here, is the government going to win the war at all, so these should be internal and external issues, we also have to understand that the west, the west are the people who...
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well, what is at the core of the west, why has the west become so big and flourishing, because it's still a help-yourself mentality they will help, work hard, so transparent and so on, as you mentioned, mr. taras, that for the strikes necessary there for the defense forces on the territory of russia, the weapons must be manufactured by ourselves, because according to your assessment, such approval from western partners to strike western weapons on there will be no russia. thank you, mr. taras, for your analysis. taras zagornik, managing partner of the national anti-crisis group, was a guest of our morning broadcast. svoboda mornings with you, let me remind you, every weekday from 9:00 to 9:00, to be more precise, and we are here on youtube, on the radio svoboda channel, as well as in on the air of the tv channel, join in the comments, share these videos, it is very important that even more people learn about what
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is happening, my name is. nekrecha, i and the entire svoboda ranok team wish you a peaceful day, see you soon. it's 10 o'clock on the clock, it's time to find out what 's happening in ukraine and the world at this time, khrystyna parubiy is working in the studio. the russians killed two people in the kherson region, and injured eight others. the region was shelled 117 times per day, almost 700 shells were fired, including 43 at kherson. the occupiers fired mortars, artillery, hails, tanks, aviation and drones - said the head of the region
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oleksandr prokudin. russia. medical institutions were not allowed to enter residential areas.


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