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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 8:30pm-9:00pm EET

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lies on the surface, zaluzhny can become president, although zaluzhny never said in any way that he wants to enter politics, that he wants to be the president of ukraine, that he is going to run for office, ratings have already appeared here in this article, ratings have been closed there, who goes to the second round of the elections, before those elections, for heaven's sake, i'm sorry, and here a lot of questions arise, whether this divorce is on time at all. a big srach, sorry, in the information field, and putting the head of the armed forces in an awkward position, forcing him to say something or justify something, when he is in charge of the army that is fighting against russia, this is the case, you know, as for the zaluzhny, they married me without me, but the zaluzhny may not have gathered there, he didn’t even think about those elections there either, well, he thinks,
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how to fight back under the coalface, how to step on the takmak, well, once there are some, these, ratings, once there are some measurements, and we understand that the office of the president, who has nothing to do, he is, well, not like that dog , and measures, measures some, measures some, some these, and the ratings relentlessly say that, the rating, well, more accurately, love for zelensky is already less than love for zaluzhnyi, and volodymyr oleksandrovich during the past year, got used to being adored everywhere , wherever he went, applause, all around, all around, and he thinks that it is he who is adored, in fact adore ukraine.
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but here is the first thing that zelensky tries himself on ukraine, just like ludovik, the 13th, like him, france is me, so is this, ukraine is me, although in fact, it is not so at all, now we have to very clearly understand that zelenskyi is very dependent on applause, zelenskyi a narcissist, and like every narcissist, he cannot understand that someone else can be like that, that the sun can shine on someone else, like him, only he, and we have such a paradigm, when ukraine is like some theater of the absurd, where, we all in the hall, on the stage, well, like in a soufflé booth, booths, a fair, then there is an orchestra that makes some sounds, there is a choir of ropes in... with
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this wife of koshevym, who sing along somewhere there, somewhere someone dances, somewhere someone is there, in secondary roles, but the main actor is zelenskyi, and he is not can even assume that someone else , maybe, not even in the roles of the second or third plan, in general someone leaves the stage, only he, and this is his disease, this is a disease, narcissism is a disease, and this disease drags us all into the abyss, because this is the reason for all these attacks, it is clear that in the state , where there is a narcissist, and favorites who have, well, have or do not have access to ears, yes, they all, everyone is trying to control zelensky through access to ears, yes , so to speak, you are on... tell me,
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tell the whole truth, and here you go, light up the mirror, he says, well, the light of the mirror is sociological research, that you are not the light of all the loveliest of all, and he is your division, and begins, as in that fairy tale by pushkin, and some, well , he returns, not he, but his oprichniks, start some movements and already issued in this case. for us, bezugla, it is just a tool, it is a torpedo, well, as they say in political technology, they released a torpedo, against the industrious, but the reason is that simply volodymyr oleksandrovich, the point here is not in industrious, he is very equal to everyone, it can be only him, only him, no one else if someone else appears, hard-working,
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by the way, arristovych was written off somewhere, yes, because somewhere he was running along the front edge, somewhere someone there thought that aristovych was a good guy, yes, he is equal to... everyone who can join him, and this, this is somewhere in the school, maybe, well, we all met such a situation at school, when this, children's pursuit of social status, yes, when your social status is less than something, yes, that zelenskyi is hard-working, he has more love there, and the best option is to raise his own social status, it will lower the net and release, release. but look , mr. viktor, but look, but look , this is, well, what we are saying, trust in the brave is trust in the armed forces of ukraine, and that is, if, if we are talking about the fact that there are 42%
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is there 40% of zelenskyi against 42% of zelenskyi , then it’s the same, well, they have completely different values ​​of trust, and bolenskyi is evaluated as, as a president, good for 42%, well, if there is a second round, yes, as the online publication ukrainian pravda writes, and 40% of merit is a rating of trust in the armed forces, so, well but conditionally speaking, it corresponds with this , right, that is, you as a political expert , what do you say, should these ratings be compiled and shown at all now, despite the fact that there is no election campaign, it will be soon, and these presidential elections are also not soon there will be, but they simply add up different numbers that have no relevance, that is, you can’t say that if there is a second round now, then they will vote for luzhuj there, because it is the rating of the confidence of the armed forces of ukraine, and not luzhuj there personally, luzhuj is beautiful general, but
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well, after all, trust in society is higher in the armed forces, well, yes, you can't compare crimson color with crimson color, yes, they are different things. color, and this is cooked, yes, of course, no, not only that, as a political technologist, i will tell you that it very often happens that when we measure there, well, i trust this and that, and that and that, but i will vote , maybe for a person with a lower degree of trust, even my personality, personally, if i say a certain degree there, there is a type, well, here i am, for example, i trust a lot, well, for example, the captain there of the national team of ukraine, and my trust in him is, well, 100% in general, this does not mean that i will vote for him in the next elections, i will vote for some politician, yes, but meanwhile, meanwhile, in the office of the president, they are measuring
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everything is so, and so, and so, and, somewhere, they see that, and trust is, over time , it is converted somewhere, well, as they say, there like in political technology, a desirable, desirable politician, and her zelensky himself well, he began to throw it into the masses when he said that well, you know how bad it is when this is the military, thinking for politics, they should be there like, i wouldn't recommend military people to go into politics, oh, and i wouldn't recommend artists and clowns to go. politics, because there are some historical precedents, yes, we understand that there is merry kjavik, who was a successful political clown, there is an artist reagan, who was successful in politics, but we know many, many military men who were successful
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administrators, there is caesar, pompey, napoleon, er, yes, there, well, and then there , ending already in the 20th century, eisenhower, and so on, that is, we have examples of how bad, as well as good, but in the military , as a rule, a good military man, a good administrator, again not always, that is , there are no universal examples here, yes there, but in the meantime, zelensky threw it in, and they are starting to evaluate, now, so that we understand how it turned out when they lost the office of the president, again, let's repeat the office of the president, who manages both the verkhovna rada and the government of ukraine, well, in general, everything, that is, the only real institution, which, by the way, is not constitutional, but in the meantime, the president's office is trying to steer there,
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will build policies in order to further and further receive and continue power, yes, but where they made a mistake, they made a mistake, we have professional yet... gradations, and if we are journalists there, or we are military there, or we are volunteers, or we are somebody, we, well, for our own, for our profession. we still worry a little there, and it turned out that when the bezuzla, and therefore the office of the president of ukraine, was attacked , the armed forces of ukraine understand very clearly that it was not a bezuzla that attacked, it was just a torpedo launched from the president’s office, so in armed forces of ukraine assessed the attack on the zelushki from the side of zelskyi and begin, begin to assess, and who will they be for... the military will be for their own, as one of mine told me
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, well, one of my classmates, who is now a colonel of the zsu, said very well , he said, epaulettes always they will be behind the scenes, and they will attack the president’s office, ermak , they understand very clearly, the attack on the president’s office, i just made some, well, i don’t want to say it directly... hatred, hatred, but let’s say, well, not love for the president’s office from the side military, and the military will come now home, they will tell their families, their friends about this situation, well, my friend, the colonel, came and told me about what the armed forces of the soviet union is thinking now, so the president's office has made itself worse with this ruthless attack, now instead of ... the rating is bad, they lowered the world even more. thank you, mr. viktor, for the conversation, it was
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viktor boberenko, a political expert, a political technologist, friends, we are working live on tv channel uso, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are now watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video, subscribe to our youtube and facebook pages and vote in our on our platforms: you are now seeing the question we are asking you in the survey, do you see attempts to usurp power in ukraine, if you sit in front of the tv, pick up the phone and vote, it's quite simple, if you see it, vote 0.800 211, 381, if you don't see it, then vote, 0800 211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, we talk about international voting results, 88% of those who are now looks at us, sees an attempt to usurp power,
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12% say that there are no such attempts. next, we should be in touch with the people's deputy of ukraine, oleksiy goncharenko. mr. oleksiy, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i am glad to see you on our television. on loan mr. oleksiy, today we are asking our viewers whether or not. they see signs of usurpation of power in ukraine, attempts to usurp power, and this is connected with several facts that happened, and the interview that vitaliy klitschko gave to the german weekly spiegel, where he said that there are signs of authoritarianism and reacted in this way to the situation in ukraine. how do you assess the current situation, what can be said about ukraine, we are in a state of war, maybe this... is the concentration of power necessary, is this concentration too great, are there
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already attempts at authoritarianism, when one person tries to rule, or a group of people in the name of one person are starting to rule ukraine, we have, unfortunately , absolutely clear self-critical tendencies in ukraine, this is a fact, there is no point in arguing with it, yes , wartime, martial law, they... yes or not otherwise, they lead to a very serious concentration of power in the hands of the commander-in-chief, and this is normal, but the fact that in fact the cabinet of ministers, the verkhovna rada of ukraine has lost all subjectivity, and in fact all power in the country is in the hands of two people, zelenskyi and andriy yermak , it's definitely a fact, and it's definitely a threat. by the way , there is also a comment in the same spiegel article. i say basically the same thing, because it's a fact, it's pointless to argue with it, and unfortunately, these
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trends are intensifying, well, what can i say, there if a week ago, an employee of the sbu came to my apartment under the guise of repairing the internet and tried to install a listening device, i am a people's deputy of ukraine, but at the same time, what are our parts of our special services busy with, in fact, pressure, monitoring the opposition, that's why i turned to the prosecutor general , of course everything, but these are absolutely, absolutely blatant things, or this whole story with the non-release of parliamentarians abroad, which i personally encountered, the last high-profile case, in fact , the whole... world is connected with poroshenko, it is not the question of loving poroshenko or not loving poroshenko, the fifth president of ukraine and an acting people's deputy, well, they signed the decree, canceled the signed decree, disgraced the whole world, well, that's all, everyone is watching it, everyone is watching it, everyone is seeing it, and this, and this is a huge problem, the pressure on local self-government, chernihiv,
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rivne, well, we see it too, in fact, when the authorities try to seize here as well... well , everything that is possible, it is all very dangerous, and i will repeat, whether martial law and military time is a certain undermining in this, of course there is, but the question is how to take advantage of this when, for example, that churchill, well that real cherchen, who was also in may 1940, when he became prime minister with colossal power caused by wartime, but he consciously, personally shared with the opposition. in order to work together, to have joint responsibility for the country and to work, invited the leader of the opposition attlee to become his deputy, united the entire parliament, in israel after the attack of hamas in netanyahu, despite the fact that there is simply a huge mutual hatred between politicians , but invited the opposition to the government, and they went to form a government of national
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unity, despite the fact that you and i understand that hamas does not pose such a danger to the existence of israel as russia poses to the existence of ukraine. therefore, this would be the right way. unfortunately, zelskyi is taking a completely different path, the establishment of absolutely such personal power, well, two people, himself and andriy yermak, is dangerous, it is a problem, it is already being noticed in the world, it will be reflected very substantially in all sectors and support of ukraine, and our european integration, euro-atlantic integration, well, this is already a serious challenge. well. by the way, president zelenskyi says that the war with russia is now at a new stage, let’s listen to what zelenskyi said, we have a new phase of war, and this is a fact, war is difficult, winter in general is a new phase of war, or war , winter, it occurs
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not only on the front line and in the middle. bridges, due to the large number of enemy uses of drones, due to the large number of missile uses, including ballistics, etc., and therefore the winter war is complicated, well, the winter war is taking place, to paraphrase zelenskyi, not only on the front line, but also between the civilian and military leadership of ukraine, why, entering a new phase of the war, did the president's office... go to war with the hard-working? oh, this is a very painful topic, look , the country needs unity, that ’s what they said to you, unity between political forces is needed, and for this unity to exist, there must be some step and an outstretched hand from the president, well, i can say for sure, that’s why he one can do it, no one else can do it, c he has all the power, i can say for sure
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that the majority of the opposition will respond responsibly to everything, call and work for the country, we also need the unity of the military and political leadership of ukraine. it is obvious that she at least gave a crack. and, you know, i really want to be careful in my comments, ah, i call on the president of ukraine, the supreme commander-in-chief, and the commander-in-chief luzhny, to find a common language, to come out with a common position, because it weakens. us both inside and outside, about it causes, about this is what the world is saying today, it raises questions, well, this is another minus for us , there is no plus in this, this i can say for sure, so whatever the reasons for all this, but, well, we have to, well, in the end, well, two men, close the door, sit down, talk, go out and work, well, here
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is too much the day before to be able to because of emotions. there was, we can lose so much that, well, god forbid, that's why i'm very careful, it's the responsibility of two people, they have to do it, all these recent statements of the office of the president, the reaction of the office of the president to the article the economist, when the deputy yurmak was released to comment on it with some kind of claims to the hard-working, statements of the people's deputies. from the servant of the people, who are already thinking about who to exchange the slave for, well , this, well, this, well, just stupid, dangerous stupid, and it definitely shouldn't be like that. mr. oleksiy, you meet with foreign diplomats and foreigners and talk about how they assess this situation, how it affects the perception that ukraine
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is united in its desire to defeat russia, that all, as you say, misunderstandings are postponed in side, as it was from october 7, 23, when hamas attacked israel and the government of national unity was formed, it is clear that there is now a message about this memorandum, which was signed somewhere in the carpathians by the leaders of the parliamentary factions and the leaders of the parliamentary parties that before the end of the war, before our victory, there will be no elections, but there will be elections six months after the end of martial law in ukraine, these steps are there, but in general, what is preventing this whole organism, which we call ukrainian politics, from being the only ones, because everything that is happening, it shows that again someone is divided into their own and someone else's, someone is allowed to participate in parliamentary diplomacy, someone is not allowed to go abroad, someone can go to
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the united states of america and convince senators and congressmen, to give aid to ukraine, and someone is stopped at ravaruska or somewhere in kraków, at our border points, why does it still exist in your opinion, and someone should... be smarter in this situation in the end, look, well, why is it all, it's a pity, well, it's zelenskyi, well, i'm not wrong because it's there the opposition, or am i something, well, it’s just the president , well, without his team, there wouldn’t be all this shame with non-releases, without the team from irmak, no one would come to me to install listening devices in the apartment, and when they do it, well, somehow it's difficult with unity, well, agree, that's why...' unity will be when the president invites and says: we're working, here's your section, here's your section, here's your section ahead, i want to see
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who will refuse, well, show me a ukrainian politician, who will say: no, that's it for sure, then zelensky will have the right as president to come out and say, look, i stretched out my hands, and he said i won't, well then i think it will be a political verdict and a sentence for such a politician, no one will ever do that. therefore, the responsibility of one person here, the person who has all this power, controls all this power, and without his decision, absolutely nothing will happen, how do you think the first part of your question was, how does the world react to this? well , they react very badly to it, nothing good, nothing good, everyone they see, the unity of ukraine was a great reason for supporting ukraine, and when they see what is happening between the political forces, when they see and read all these materials about the relationship between the political and military leadership, all this is extremely harmful for us, extremely,
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all this only emphasizes, i was already silent about right away, you need not only the dignity of the word, therefore there must be actions, we need a real fight against corruption, a real fight, and not anyone, we ask the whole world to help us, who will help the country, what money can be embezzled, well, you and i... intelligent and mature people, this is a huge pass to all our enemies, every such scandal, every such situation, and that's why we just have to put an end to it, there really should be zero tolerance for corruption, there should really be a fight against it, really not with words, and the heads of those close to you should fly if they are guilty of it, and then the world will believe, otherwise everything is very difficult ahead of us, in everything is very difficult ahead, and therefore we, now you need to, you know, somehow come to our senses, shake off, unite, understand and
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remember that we are united much more than what divides us, and together achieve the result by gritting our teeth, and then figure it all out , if we do not do this, but the situation will unfortunately only worsen, we, mr. oleksiy, witnessed how on friday petro poroshenko, the leader of your political... party and the fifth president of ukraine, was not released border, then some explanation appeared from the sbu that he wanted to meet viktor morban there and something will be discussed there, and russian propaganda wanted to use it, well, here is the explanation that the leader of a political force, one of the political forces in ukraine, the fifth president of ukraine, wanted to meet with the current prime minister of a european country that is part of to the european union, and with which we, nato, and we, in principle, will have to negotiate with them, because it will depend on orbán whether we will go to the european union or not, and to nato, whether we
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will or not, 50 billion euros, what kind of credit, or the help that the european union promises us, too depends on orban, because orban has 900 million euros, it seems, if i 'm not mistaken, that he is waiting, and the question is whether this explanation is enough, that poroshenko wanted to meet with the country's leader, we don't like him, orban, we understand , that he probably has some kind of contact with putin there, but he is in charge... the states, he, his political power was elected to the parliament, the parliament appointed him prime minister, and what exactly was the claim in this situation, you understood or not, well, somewhere, somewhere you can understand, it's some kind of complete absurdity, well first of all, let's do this one, if there are meetings, now there are such means of communication, you can meet anyone via zoom, secondly, well, okay, poroshenko met with orban, they
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speak russian. propaganda will use it, like, every time someone met, the fifth president of ukraine with the current prime minister of hungary and so on, how zelskyi met orbán at meetings of european institutions repeatedly and spoke with him, so what and what is the claim here, well, really, well, this is absurd, well , we need to communicate, we need to find something in common language, even by orban himself, what i don't like, i speak directly about orban and what i think in the parliamentary assembly of the council of europe, but what's the difference? we will have to talk to him, we will have to cooperate with him in some way, and in general, well, look, this is where we live in general, this is that the kgb, the ssr, that decide with whom a parliamentarian meets or not, well, this is wildness for the whole world , well, how can we explain here, let’s not do it for nothing, we know, as always, we just poured water on the mill of russia and orban, but it already came out, and hungary said, look, this whole story shows that ukraine
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is not ready to be a european. a european can have the right, he has the right to meet with anyone, well, it is obvious, if he behaved incorrectly somewhere, well, he will have political responsibility, people will no longer elect him, that's the end of it, and how come the special service sits and says, this a deputy can meet with someone, and that's why you can't, and with this you can, and with that you can't, yes and that, and well, then what about the deputy, who, well, what kind of employee is this? services or what, or who is a people's deputy? on sorry, the connection is lost, we can't hear you, mr. oleksiy, apparently there are problems with the connection, dear tv viewers, thank you oleksiy goncharenko for the conversation, it was oleksiy goncharenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we work live on the tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms. during the program, we conduct surveys. we
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ask you. so, do you see attempts to usurp power in ukraine, so at this moment, more than 1,300 people have already voted, 90% believe that there is an attempt to usurp power in ukraine, 10 no, this is a poll of those who are watching our tv broadcast now, those who are watching us now on youtube, we continue the survey, and we see that the situation here is also somewhat similar, yes 89%, 11. what no, we continue to conduct the survey, dear viewers, and ask you about is, do you see attempts to usurp power in ukraine, in the second part of the program, this poll will continue, and at the end of the second hour we will sum up the results of this vote, then in 15 minutes through the bbc news, there will be people's deputies of ukraine, volodymyrovych, vitaly betsgin and solomiya bobrovska, wait, no
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switch how the war changes ukrainian medicine and whether there will be anyone to treat ukrainians, now and after the war, we will try to understand in today's edition of bbc ukraine. olga polomaryuk is in the studio. tens of thousands of ukrainian doctors went abroad after russia's invasion of ukraine. who will replace them and is there a shortage of personnel in ukrainian medicine? tens of thousands of doctors have already left ukraine since the beginning of the war, according to statistics. doctors are leaving.


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