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tv   [untitled]    December 4, 2023 10:30pm-11:01pm EET

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of this tension between zelsky and zaluzhin, it is not personal, yes, that is, from the change of the person in the zaluzhin chair, if the main reasons for this tension do not disappear, but there will be a great risk of some kind of social split and some kind of split in the army and between the army and the government , therefore, if the preservation of this unity is some kind of main message of our text, yes, but what is the real situation, it seems to me, it should be recorded and shown to the readers, accordingly to your viewers and everyone else, roman, you write there, you note with reference to the source about the fact that there is such an impression that after the arrival of the head of the pentagon, lloyd austin, zelensky came close to the decision to replace the lieutenant, let me quote, so that it is clear to our audience, the source tells you: on the contrary, quarrels disappeared on the ponds, jokes began , but this is very cold and caustic humor, the president...
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asks the guy that we are advancing heroically, retreated 200 m, and valera is angrily silent, telling the ukrainian truth the atmosphere at the top, one of the members of the stake, and roman, please explain , and why exactly after the visit lloyd austin, the president came close to the decision to fire zaluzhny, look, first of all, i'll explain right away, i'll answer the question about anonymous sources, yes, if, well, i think you have no, uh, doubt, but the people, which are often said there, and only anonymous sources, it seems to me that these people have simply never tried to take a comment about the relationship there, in general, anything related to the commander-in-chief and his relationship with zelenskyi, and, that is, people are already taken from the question itself in a cold sweat, in any office, so if it is obvious that everyone is ready to talk about this situation, only you. only on the condition of anonymity,
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that's the first, the second, why loy dostin, if you can't say that loydin came and did something here such that zelensky got closer to, well, somehow he got stronger in his desire or something, that's how it happened it's just that the people who go to the pond there, who are there, with whom we communicate, have the impression that after austin came here, there was something... some mechanism, let's say, this road to that decision, zelenskyi took another step on it, let's say this, it is obvious that he is still probably, we hope, not close to this decision, but there is a feeling that it has become closer, including, as they say there our interlocutors , leidost himself, not on purpose, somewhat complicated this situation, because he admitted in private conversations with the ukrainians that his
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american generals say that sometimes in conversations with him, valery fedorovych, he expresses certain doubts about the quality his cooperation, let's say, with the office the president, with some commanders, that is, that he shares with them some of his internal ukrainian fields, and it is obvious that this information from lloyd austin, which he will receive... in private conversations, people in power, they did not like it, because it it means, well, it means that they do not communicate with one voice, let's say, with the president, with their partners, and this may be the cause of some additional tension in their relationship, roman, but we have repeatedly, it seems, it was said on the pages of economist about the fact that this split is between political military, military leaders can certainly become russia. these
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interlocutors with whom you spoke, they realize that russia can and will certainly take advantage of this division. and do you think zaluzhnyi and zelensky realize this, or are they just telling society that let's stick to unity, otherwise russia will definitely take advantage of this. do you think they themselves realize how dangerous this division is. again, i am far from the word schism, but it is obvious that, well, people from the environment of both, well , they are fully aware of the risks of some kind of transition of their usual working there, let's say, tensions into a real split, some kind of conflict, yes, that's why it seems to me that it is precisely this understanding that deters both sides from any drastic actions, yes, as one of my acquaintances said, that our generals hate each other? but killing russians is much
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more important to them than quarreling among themselves, so if it would guarantee us the preservation of unity, at least as long as russians exist, i hope that somewhere the same relationship ... the president and it’s ridiculous that if they understand and are aware of some level of danger, because by and large the russians can, if there is no real conflict, they can wreak it, and in some other place, and in this place, for them, like for their propaganda, reality is not important is it not the reality of the existence of some situation there, they may well invent it, like a crucified boy and take advantage of it, and therefore it is obvious that everything must be done with an eye on them, but the question of some kind of our unity, our readiness, well, to plan some strategic operations and to see the future in a common way, to have a single view of what we should do, this is much more important, and there some
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personal contradictions between the leaders are not so important as their strategic different vision, from their point of view, is there any , shall we say, a civilized way out of this situation? what happened, although you don't call it a split, well, look, there are, globally, two components of this tension between zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi, the first one, if it is military-political, what, zelenskyi brought some elements of political management into the military sphere, where everything is quite hierarchized and everything happens according to the instructions, and if you are a subordinate, then you, well, work for it. your leader, and you don’t work behind his back, behind his back or through his head, yes, volodymyr oleksandrovich, sometimes it is more convenient to work directly with some commanders, some branches of the military, and accordingly, when they start working directly with the supreme commander-in-chief,
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they can’t afford not to share information with the boss there or, well, somehow not to look back at his wishes and his decisions, yes it destabilizes a little... her management of the entire army, at the same time chaslenskyi is stressed because of the fact that he is industrious, if you look at the latest polls, we cite part of them there, in our text, that he is industrious, well, although formally he is nothing for he doesn't do that, he doesn't have a party, or any group, or any charity fund, he doesn't have anything, yes, but nevertheless, ukrainian society sees in him some kind of balancing force. that great power of volodymyr zelenskyi, and the president, and the party itself, but in order to avoid this kind of fear-mongering of the authorities, ukrainian society, ukrainian democracy shows miracles of survival, even in conditions of total war there, it is looking for some
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balancing mechanisms, so as to preserve itself, and here is all this inertia and intention to balancing, it was somehow channeled in the person of luzhlu, and that is why now, if you look at both the presidential and party ratings, luzhlu does not have a party, does not want to, and has never declared any political slogans or desire to participate in politics, has essentially the second rating there , the presidential one, and the party ratings there differ, but also the first or second place is his party, maybe a party that does not exist a party that does not exist, roman, thank you, thank you, very much. thank you very much, roman romaniuk, journalist of ukrainian pravda, roman, thank you very much, i hope it is not yet evening, maybe you will be invited to the marathon today, thank you very much. the head of the ministry of foreign affairs of hungary, peter szijártó, confirmed that
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the former president and people's deputy of ukraine petro poroshenko, he had a meeting with the prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, is scheduled. according to him, orbán is happy to negotiate. with anyone, including former leaders of foreign countries. sijarto also noted that the meeting was supposed to take place at the initiative of petro poroshenko, but he did not discuss the topics of this meeting, especially since it never took place. well, but i will remind you that on friday mp poroshenko said that the border guards did not let him out of ukraine to participate in international meetings in the usa and poland, on saturday the sbu announced that poroshenko planned meeting with hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, and according to intelligence, according to intelligence... russian special services allegedly planned to use this meeting to carry out ipso against ukraine. well, in hungary, the spokesperson of the hungarian government zoltankovich responded, he said that hungary does not want to play any role in the internal political struggle of president zelensky and that there are similar news, i
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will quote here that such news is another evidence that ukraine is not ready for eu membership . this is how peter's journey ended poroshenko abroad. oleksiy koshel, head of the all-ukrainian public organization committee of voters of ukraine, political scientist joins our broadcast. good evening, good evening. oleksiy, what do you think petro poroshenko could discuss. could want to discuss with viktor orban, it seems that their relationship has always been quite tense, well, the issue is not only with poroshenko, that is, there are a large enough number of people in the parliament who have a sufficiently serious baggage, parliamentary life, and this is already a matter of personal friendship, personal contacts with parliamentarians, with members of the government, and therefore these people should be involved, and therefore i wanted us to consider the issue a little more broadly, not only to petro poroshenko. and a number of people's deputies who could now come to warsaw or berlin
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, let's say a few dozen cameras were watching them there, they could attract a few dozen high-ranking officials to the meeting, and this is an important tool that must be used, necessarily, especially when it comes to former presidents, by the way, poroshenko, for example, viktor yushchenko, even leonid kuchma could work quite actively now, personal contacts with... acquaintances, well, believe me, the former president, he will always be a welcome guest at any press conference, at any conference in any analytical center, that is, his presence will be a serious enough factor, well, i think that if viktor orbán, as the current prime minister, agrees to a meeting with the former president, this already says a lot, this is a mechanism of influence, these are very serious things, but the meeting did not take place and it is obvious from you that, in your opinion, there are some political reasons why this meeting did not take place, why poroshenko was not released, or
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maybe the sbu really warned of some evil intentions of russia here, and only with good intentions, so to speak, they did not release petro poroshenko well , first of all, we need to give up this scooping practice, when deputies do not have the right to travel abroad, the result of the work of a deputy abroad will be the result of his work, by the way, this applies to deputies of local councils, many of whom cannot leave as volunteers there are enough wealthy people in local councils, and by the way, this leads to a tendency for female detats to make mandates so that they can take a child and go abroad, especially when it concerns border councils. the question with poroshenko, it is from a completely different area, because i want to remind you that the vice-speaker stated that he received a letter with a seal for official use, for official use, which he cannot... make public, that is, it is obvious that here we have to push this story to
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the end and actually find out what was there, that's why that it is obvious that there are already some political intrigues going on, in which the security service of ukraine may be involved , special services, other bodies may be involved, that is, when it comes to a letter for official use, well , obviously it should have been reported about a certain sabotage, about a certain special operation, about sufficiently serious under...' political games, and the issue of responsibility, including that of the special services, if such facts took place. oleksiy, and the main topic we discussed today is a possible confrontation between zaluzhny and zelsky, which is already being written about the ukrainian media all around say that political quarrels, these confrontations threaten unity, or the confrontation between zelenskyi and zaluzhnyi, which is written about by both western and ukrainian media, is already a sign that unity is destroyed. can everything still be rolled back and this unity preserved? i think even
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worse, we have multiple lines of confrontation. first, the confrontation between the presidential team and local self-government, that is, i want to remind you of the numerous so-called cases of the mayors of chernihiv, atroshenko, and rivne, and sumy, and mukachevo, and kyiv, this all fits into one picture, when, comrade. the president still tried to influence the political position of the mayors, there with different tasks, maybe to reduce their influence , maybe to increase loyalty, it doesn't matter, but this confrontation is taking place, confrontation number two along the lines of the government and the opposition, that's even the question of poroshenko, which you and i mentioned it, it is far from the first, it was not released abroad once, there is a confrontation with other opposition forces, i also have it. and of course it weakens the state, well the worst that can happen is confrontation along
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the lines of civilians and military. well, unfortunately, what we guessed about, what we talked about very carefully in recent months, hinted at, tried to engage in self-censorship, i think every journalist, every expert did not want to voice these very scenarios in order not to to destroy the remnants of trust, but today, unfortunately , all westerners are writing about this... and now the key question is how to get out of this situation, what to do next, what set of steps should be taken. i thank you very much, oleksiy koshel, head of the all-ukrainian public organization committee of voters of ukraine. political scientist, we , it turned out, we talked about the confrontations that now, we see, at least their signs between the government and the opposition, between the government, local government and between the political leadership and the military, thank you very much, that's all we have, i urge subscribe to the radio svoboda page on the internet, like this
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broadcast, in this way, you will support our work, and svoboda live will return to the air tomorrow. turn on well, this is when everything is like you you want click, and now you're in control of the game, bird, and you're on a tv show. oh, what is needed! megogo, turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. water, ordinary water is not enough here, drink reo. titovy, dear, ready, took reo. water for special medical purposes, oh, there are no potatoes, bring it, already, ascin, something has caught, i remind you, ointment with comfrey from dr. tice and you get to work again, ointment with comfrey is a german ointment for pain in the joints and muscles, oops , comfrey restores
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movement, from joint and muscle pain, natural ointment with comfrey from the doctor taisa, try also the warming cream with comfrey of dr. taisa, a proven remedy , congratulations, another traitor from the former party , the opposition bloc, the former is already a deputy of ukraine, the supreme leader, there is one, well, one of the leaders, was found on russian television. faction of the opposition bloc in the verkhovna rada, a certain oleg voloshin, well , it must be said that he joined the ranks of russian propagandists even when he was in ukraine and quite a long time ago, when he even worked on the 112th newsvani channel there and that's all, but but he got lost a long time ago, actually
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since the attack of this large-scale since february 24, nothing much has been heard about him. and you see, he appeared on russian television, he appeared with such, i would say, such interesting theses , which let's listen to, and then tell us, well, let's give you even, well , here's what you are included in the constitution, well, let 's take out the army along these borders, this is not enough, everything is not enough, so today it can destabilize russia, an extremely unfair peace, which would be this is what you said, absolutely correct, well, i am sure that it will not happen, there is a reason to think so, and logic suggests that there will be no such indecent peace, but if it happened, this would be the reason
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for the destabilization of russia, an obscene peace is an even worse war tomorrow, too, so it is necessary to regulate... that’s how it would be there , many people there do not understand it, it is clear that people have emotions there in ukraine and so on, but i tell them, nobody does not want to receive such a peace from the russian side, and you should not want, which tomorrow will lead to a new war, and any such temporary world and absolute right, which will give the opportunity to preserve a situation in ukraine, when i don't even say ukraine again, i don't even want to say, call ukraine, because this not at all the country in which i was born, which is where i lived, where i was a people 's deputy and so on, there is banderstadt, whatever you want to call it, as long as it remains a source of danger from the point of view of purely simple criteria of national security for russia, there can be no compromise. well , you see, the former people's deputy said that ukraine must be destroyed, and this is not surprising at all in the mouth of this person, because
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for some reason he spoke only when... . was in ukraine, when he tried to reduce resistance to russian aggression by all possible means, then he talked about peace, you see, and as soon as he appeared in russia on russian television, he stopped talking about peace, now he says that it is necessary to destroy ukraine, and and all because the security of the russian federation is more important to him than the security of ukraine. and you know, this is this person, this oleg voloshyn, he was during yanukovych's time. the press secretary of the entire minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, such konstantin hryshchenko, and even, i would say , was his closest assistant, it is of course interesting here where konstantin hryshchenko himself and what he is talking about now and whether he is still allowed to the ministry of foreign affairs, because they consider him a kind of respectable person, but no, you see, she is the closest person to him
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he tells himself how to kill ukrainians , and besides that , there is a very strange story related to this deputy, since january 20 , 2022, that is, even before the beginning of the second phase of the war, he was already under the sanction of the us treasury department , that is why absolutely nothing happened to him in ukraine, no one was interested, no sbu was interested in what he was doing there, the fact that he is a citizen of russia was also of no interest to anyone, he continued to be a people's deputy and he stopped being a people's deputy only in january 23rd year, when he voluntarily submitted his mandate, and only after that, when they even voted to deprive him of his parliamentary powers, only then at... in the end, the sbu noticed that he might already be some kind of traitor, and only then did he receive suspicion, actually in treason, and you see, he
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was nowhere to be found for a long time, everyone wondered where, where was voloshin, but he was found, he was found, but here it is interesting not only that he was found, but also interesting theses with which he was found, well, his very conversations about what even ukrainians should not want, the end of the war and the end of the russians killing them, well, there is nothing to discuss here, it is a moral abomination, but it is interesting that he came out with these theses precisely in such, you know, the general trend of russian propaganda, which is now, the external audience is all orbans there, there are also some hired by the russians, western political scientists, there are also some journalists, analysts, everything else, all these people are telling the west... what should be looked for, how to sign some agreements with russia, as it were he can exchange peace there on ukrainian territory, that's all
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russians and russian propaganda broadcasts to the west and broadcasts to ukraine, that such agreements are possible, meanwhile, in russia itself, there is now a completely different trend, they , on the contrary, have strengthened precisely such military propaganda, and here voloshin spoke literally. this is to tell the russians that there is no need to enter into any negotiations with anyone, that it is necessary to fight, and it is also understandable why they are telling this, because actually, well, this is the only thing that putin can offer in the upcoming elections to the russian people, it is waging war without end. more you see, he says that the only thing that can destabilize russia is an unjust peace, as he says, what an unjust peace is, and it is actually a defeat. that is, on the condition that if russia is thrown out of ukraine, then of course, and this is what voloshin informed the russians, then
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the internal, you know, processes of disintegration in russia will begin, by the way, this contradicts all those words that say that russia will never may fall apart, maybe if russia is defeated, it may fall apart and there may depart from the central tendencies, there may change power, anything can happen. and i am actually very glad that voloshin reached them, now the subversive work that he carried out in ukraine, he will carry out in russia, talking the same delusion, you know, telling such things, well, i think they should listen to it, he knows how to undermine any country from the inside, yes, but this idea itself, it is not so stupid, because it is really something that is really dangerous for russia, and that is exactly what russia wants... this no negotiations, no way, no peace, they want capitulation, that's capitulation of ukraine, that's how they see it, and you know them very well now, so all the conversations were livened up
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by the fact that they felt that in ukraine some kind of internal clarifications had begun, clarification of relations, that clarification of relations had begun, with our allies, who put something there, didn't put it, and here they felt such a moment, you know, the window of opportunity is open again. and that's why they started saying all this, that is, in fact, these are not two different theses, i want to explain to you once again, this is what they are broadcasting about negotiations to the outside and about the fact that there are no negotiations inside - these are not different theses, this is the main line, because the negotiations are outside, they mean it as if it were an unconditional victory for russia, this is how they imagine it, and they explain it to their voters that way, nothing else. .. we don’t want to, and if not, let’s fight until we reach the west, we need to reach the west now, and therefore we need to take all kinds of mobilization measures in russia, this is the general thesis, moreover
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, er, in this burning stories about the need to continue fighting and press on, actually they told this, i would say something that, well, refutes all their previous propaganda, well , for example, they told that it turns out that they themselves created the conditions that completely make any, you know, contractual settlement of the situation with russia impossible, that is, themselves they... this story, when either russia loses or wins , and there can be no intermediate option, and this explanation is also worth understanding and hearing, let's get ready to be tempted again to minsk, to istanbul, and so on, and let us return to those conditions, and let us return again to to the negotiations of the council of negotiations and so on , here i have said 100,500 times, 1,500. i will not stop
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repeating, thank you very much to our president, who made a key decision in the fall of the twenty-second year on the acceptance of new territories into the russian federation, this decision put a severe stop to everything these conversations are about returning to minsk, istanbul, and so on. at this moment , as we say, new territorial conditions arose, yes, which make it impossible to agree on the basis of... road maps from a series, and then somehow, and we will do it, we will do it, the decision on ukraine's refusal to join nato is a fake, even if we would have reached it today, we would have signed 100-500 bills, that is, yes, the russians themselves have created a situation that makes negotiations impossible, why i say that this contradicts russian propaganda, but remember that literally in circles , putin repeats, what concerns: the negotiation process,
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if the united states believes that ukraine is ready for negotiations, but let them then cancel the decree of the president of ukraine, which prohibits negotiations, there the decree was issued the president, he forbade himself to negotiate with everyone else, so blinkin says that they are ready, well, the decree, or decree, as it is called, let them cancel, first of all, the first step. well, this is exactly what it seems, precisely because of the fact that there is such a decision of the ukrainian authorities not to hold negotiations, as if that is precisely why they cannot be held, then this is a complete lie, because, as we have seen, the situation is exactly the opposite, and moreover, it was so in principle and in essence, that is , initially, there was this, well, introduction,
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putin's decision, introduction of the territory of ukraine. to of the russian constitution, and only after that zelensky literally the next day met the national security and defense council, which decided that under such conditions it was impossible to negotiate with russia, because there was nothing to talk about, that is, everything happened exactly in such a sequence, and therefore in order for zelensky annulled the decree, then first of all it is necessary that the ukrainian territories disappear from the constitution of russia, so that this inclusion of the territories of ukraine... russia, after that it will be possible to talk about something, and not the other way around, and on the contrary it will simply be an absolute, capitulation, nothing more, and actually, well, about that's exactly what it is, well, that's what they 're saying now, on every tv channel, they 're talking about russia's conditions in order for them to sign some contracts there.
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only an agreement works on the principle that we legally fix what is now in this case exactly on such conditions we will agree on the end of the conflict, fixing the current results, that is, russia liberates all its territories, we cannot negotiate on other conditions, our constitution is prohibits, and tickles, что we are here all the time with statements that we are open to negotiations, we have driven ourselves into a trap, it turns out, but why not, because we understand very well that the ukrainian leadership will never release us. these territories are physical, it doesn't matter to any ukrainian president, whether it's for zaluzhny, whether it's for zelsky, it's like death, they won't agree to it. that is, we are talking about the fact that the way the russians envision the negotiations is for the ukrainians to leave in general, from the territory of all regions, including the city of zaporizhzhia, for example, kherson, which we liberated, and it is not necessary, well, absolutely ob


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