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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 4:00am-4:31am EET

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here it is on the map in red color, it was erected as a temporary solution while the northern mui tunnel was being built. it is marked with a dotted line on the diagram. therefore, it seemed that the bright joke would have more of a psychological effect, since the russians would simply let the trains through this alternate route, which they did, and were trapped a second time. the next day is unknown. the partisans blew up another train, which was let through a detour, which was also transporting fuel. it happened at the moment when he was on this viaduct. railwaymen and locals call each other this construction of the devil's bridge, as it wobbles during movement, and the 35-meter chasm underfoot adds to the acute sensation. now they can breathe out and cross themselves, some parts of the bridge will not work thanks to the service of god. as well as the entire baikalomer
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highway, at least for some time. yes, a second huge railway artery runs parallel to bam, the trans-siberian highway, here it is marked in red, but transip will not be able to pass even those trains that were moving along bam, therefore a blow to the logistics of the russians, who also transported the military along this route goods are essential. add here the psychological effect, they hit where... it seemed that we would never reach, and it will obviously continue, because the unknown partisans who carried out this brilliant special operation have not disappeared, and there are just a lot of such thin places in russia, so the tactic of a thousand cuts continues , but the main blows of the enemy, of course, are inflicted by the armed forces at the front, and ukraine needs to expand and strengthen the army, problems with replenishment, that is, mobilization, the head admitted in the article zaeconom. this is recognized by the country's leadership. which
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changes are waiting for us, whether they will lower the mobilization age, when the long-awaited demobilization will begin and who will fall under it, alla chish explained. new mobilization rules, what and when may change. what personnel does our army need most? and a sniper, and officers, let's say. managers, and even financiers i will tell you, is it really possible to choose a position in the armed forces on my own if i want to become a special forces officer, well, it is not a fact that i will be able to, is evasion of military registration criminalized? a very essential step for twisting the gaye, and when to wait for the demobilization of those who have been at the front for almost two years? the courage and indomitability
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of our soldiers amazes the whole world. they literally hold ukraine on their shoulders. assaults, barrage of fire, swarms of drones. the kremlin spares neither iron nor manpower, but they fight back, choosing every meter of their native land. and this despite the fact that the balance of forces is not equal. according to experts, our contingent on the front line is smaller than the enemy's. we even conduct offensive operations. by a smaller number of people than those on whom we step, it is in general, well, what is in general at all these operations are not failures , and the fact that a lot was achieved is a fantastic merit of our defenders, but if there were more of these defenders, the situation would be radically different, the lack of people is called one of the main reasons why the armed forces cannot change the situation at the front , the mobilization plans launched by the army have not been fulfilled, so what to do, and the first question is who does our army need? the list of specialists is actually
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quite wide, there are a lot of civilian professions in it, and in order to master it purely the military also needs abilities and skills from peaceful life. financial accountants are people who are also in the rear in charge or directly responsible for providing for the army. trunks, especially locksmiths, are absolutely the entire spectrum that can be named. also, for example, the same gunners are in demand, because people, gunners are people who have the task of carrying out mathematical calculations, topographers, and geographers, even, for a more targeted recruitment, the authorities want to attract full commercial recruiting companies, they will place vacancies of the zsu in their databases, they say that this way a person will be able to choose a job in the desired unit.
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divisions turn to us specifically to find specialists for a specific position, and not just to close the staff. these young people also have a contract with the ministry of defense, and the agency has already recruited about 2,500 applicants, the range of vacancies is wide, from infantry and artillerymen to reb scouts. it is through job search portals that the armed forces actively attract aitishniks. they can work according to their profile and be no less useful homeland there are quite a lot of it specialists, there are python, android developers, and penetration testers, it can all be like the specialized units of the defense forces, those. who develop various programs or engage in cyber defense, and directly into combat brigades, while recruiting through private recruitment agencies will only be an auxiliary tool for mobilization. another
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burning question: will the age for men and women subject to mobilization be changed? now it is a category from 27 to 60. and up to 65 years for senior officers, citizens from 18 until 27, if they have not completed military service and the military department, they can go to the front only as volunteers. however, the deputies corrected this norm six months ago, but the president has not yet signed the bill, so it has not entered into force. there is a question that in this category, where there are conscripts from 18 to 27, reduce... their age limit from 18 to 25, that is, the category of 26-27 years can be potential mobilized. ukraine's western allies are calling to recruit young fighters to the front. but in a large-scale bill that
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will offer a new model of mobilization, according to the deputies, this is not the case. although, as our military experts say, the problem of age is felt at the front. currently mostly. at least 40 plus, well, from what i can judge in general to a large extent 50 plus, that is, this is my generation, as a former commander of an assault company, i can tell you that i would not want to lead 18-20-year-olds into battle children, we don't have such an extreme that we have to do this, the ideal soldier is exactly between 25 and somewhere up to 40, but 30-35 is generally an ideal age, here we are, relatively speaking, we lack 30-year-old soldiers, not 18-year-old ones. the age of fighters is the second problem after the number, and here the working group working on the bill proposed several options for its solution. the first is the cancellation of the postponement of service for persons who receive a second or third education.
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since the full-scale invasion, the number of students who have even two degrees and went to study there at a technical school or at ptu or somewhere else at a college has grown dramatically in our country. and now, the study will continue to be allowed, but not anymore will allow for a postponement. they also plan to take firm action against evaders. in these shots from mukachevo, a man is running away from a soldier through a window. now it's tsc. currently, administrative responsibility is provided for this, i.e. ukhyland will only pay a fine. but military veterans have a radical view of it. we need to criminalize accounting evasion itself, not just deserters. employee the draft law does not consider the criminalization of military registration evasion based on the information of experts involved in the development of the document. and here the powers of the central committee are planned to be increased. they were given the opportunity to stop people and check documents, the presence of
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military tickets and identification cards. the first is to make a video recording. by december 1, all employers of the country must submit to the military the lists of their employees of draft age, this will substantially supplement the existing registers. but military experts state that the country should transition to a democratic model to a recruiting system with a guaranteed motivational base and an understanding of what servicemen receive during their service and after demobilization. the question of timely rotations is one of the most painful, some of the fighters spend half a year on the front lines. the profile committee is disappointing, the limits of rotations will not be prescribed at the legislative level, because it is impossible, the risks due to untimely replacement of soldiers are too high. the enemy is attacking, advance, well
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, it is impossible in such conditions to withdraw some part of the fighters, they are involved in the war. with demobilization, the forecast is a little more optimistic. let me remind you that the fighters who went to the front with the beginning of the full-scale war have not yet been demobilized, and this demotivates not only them, but also those who are currently hesitating whether to go to the front without understanding when to go home, there is a fundamental difference, buying a one-way ticket and if we win in a year, then great, but if in 10 years, well, then your problems , but still go to war for a year, for two, maybe even for three, but the main thing is to know that there is this final term, you won it and you will be replaced. the authors of the bill do promise to limit the length of service, the previous term is 36 months, which is a lot, so discussions are ongoing, and there is a chance that this term will be reduced, but again only if... there is someone to replace the boys. our soldiers are highly motivated, because
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they protect their land, their families and the future of their children, but there are also many fears and outstanding social problems. that is why both experts and the military themselves emphasize that every person joining the army should clearly understand that he will have a professional command, guaranteed material support and social support. after all , victory directly depends on respect for the defenders. alla chish, facts of the week, ictv, single news, by polish policemen, the situation on the polish border is approaching a critical limit, 2,500 ukrainian vans are already blocked in queues, the drivers are literally in captivity without... heat, without food, without elementary conditions of civilization, 200 of our guys went to the border this week, they wanted
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to talk with by polish blockers, but they were blocked by the police, just in the field, well , they were scared, which is not surprising, and before that, in polish przemyśl, our carriers blocked the hands of public transport for a certain time, the drivers even had to to declare a hunger strike in order to force the poles to let at least 14 wagons an hour pass, after a long struggle they came to a standstill, just imagine, in such a queue, seven wagons an hour, and how long it will stretch, and at the same time, the minister of transport of poland, and the prime minister er, supported the demands of their blockers, mateusz morovecki said that it is necessary to cancel the transport visa-free for ukrainians, because the old system worked well, well, it clearly worked well, this is the refueling of his government, in the polish government this week, well simply an absurd situation, despite the fact that the opposition... forces won the elections and it was they who were supposed to form the new government, president duda stubbornly reappointed his
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fellow party member moravetsy as prime minister, so what is the main absurdity, the point is that according to the law, in two weeks, morovetsi's government must receive a vote of confidence from the diet, but this will not happen, because, as we have already said, the opposition won, so this murovetsi government will only last until mid-december, and then donald tusk will become the prime minister, who, by the way, accused now. power in inactivity regarding the blockade and cynical playing of the ukrainian map. he called to stop the protest, because it puts ukrainian-polish relations under a tragic threat. oksano. and it also involves others, because on friday, the slovaks still blocked the vyshné ne crossing point , not just one. but a delegation of the ukrainian ministry of reconstruction went to warsaw, and the only thing they managed to agree on was the passage of leek... trucks at the ughryny dolgobychi crossing and the creation of separate lanes for such trucks
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. to unload the pass, but the key demand of the poles remains unchanged, i.e. to cancel benefits for ukrainian carriers, and tomorrow , december 4, it will be considered in brussels, where the meeting of the eu transport council will take place. let's see what the result will be, because next week it will be a month since ukrainian drivers are under blockade, and this has affected not only their health, but also goods and prices. serhiy kostysh calculated how the blockade on the border could affect gas stations and shops. blockade of the border, patience of ukrainian drivers breaks down starving and clashes with the police. so that we wash away everything that is standing there, that has gathered, and the police were there, and you are among the civilized people. as the actions of the polish bloc. can hit the wallets of ukrainians. the problem will affect only imported goods. we found out what is increasing, for which
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goods a deficit is generally expected. this may affect the promotions that retail chains were preparing for the new year holidays. and most importantly, will our drivers be able to return to ukraine before the new year? the ukrainian-polish border has been blocked by the poles for almost a month now carriers queues at the checkpoints of krakivets korchova, ravaruska grebenna and shegyny medica, pode... stretch for 50 km, and our drivers, of whom there are more than 2,500, become hostages, they let four cars an hour, no more, you see how many . to the border, that is, if they are going to let it go at such a pace, then it will be about, well, i don’t know, four days, but it won’t happen sooner, valentyn balaba, a truck driver from podillia, is taking motor oils and spare parts to ukraine, he says, some of the poles’ cars are all same are allowed through, but this is a drop in the ocean, because not a few, but several hundred trucks must pass through each checkpoint during the day, they only
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let the express port go when i arrive for unloading, and maybe someone is waiting for this oil, maybe it is needed... there for the military equipment , what do you want it for, and there are all kinds of goods here, a lot of different ones, you see , well, there is a glass truck in front of me, in the end , a trucker rushes to the patient, they put on signal jackets and go straight to the protesters, because what is happening, they say, is completely absurd . how so, how some incomprehensible, let's say, a group of incomprehensible people. blocked four international checkpoints and no one tells them anything, it is me and the police who stop the ukrainians and do not allow them to break through to the buildings, where there are several blockers who have blocked the highway, you must understand that there are a lot of gasoline tankers, gas tankers that are in those adras, there there may be some kind of powder, but it will be shackled here , the mother will not burn,
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disputes with the police continue for three days in a row, in the end some truck drivers go on hunger strike, some simply park their vehicles, and someone decides break through to ukraine through other states. there we would wash everything that was standing there, that had gathered, and the police were there. but we are civilized people, we think that it should somehow be resolved in a normal way. the ukrainian governments are trying to solve it normally, the first consultations with the polish side have already taken place, and another question arises, how much will the ukrainian market of goods lose before the new year due to the antics of the poles? volodymyr balin, vice-president of the association of international carriers, says that it is about tens of thousands of tons. we believe that. from 3 up to 35 are stuck at the border, some pass through, some enter, some leave their cars in the parking lot and go, waiting for better times, in principle, each car has 20 tons of cargo, we count somewhere under 60,000 cars, we carry out international transportation, although would cross the border once, that is, in fact, it is 5%, in other words, some of the goods simply did not
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enter ukraine, but will this cause a shortage of which goods? oleg penzen, an expert on product prices, says: first of all, this is not a food group, building mixes, there are problems with building mixes in general with the materials that are going , the work deadlines will be disrupted and postponed due to the lack of a quick supply of the same construction mixes, but there is hope that this will not be so critical, however , the situation in retail networks is stable for now, there are goods on the shelves, yet one problematic moment with household chemicals: germany. italy, china, all toothpaste is imported, shampoos, germany, france, of course there is a little ukrainian manufacturer, but practically all these products are imported from european countries or from china through european ports, and they all
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depend on the capacity of the ukrainian-polish border, since the shortest routes run through the ukrainian-polish border. to our state, but there are also positive points: most of the products are domestically produced, and therefore they do not grow, today's prices are 15% cheaper than they were in november 22, this indicates a sufficiently large harvest and the fact that that we have provided ourselves with a complete set of borscht, first of all we must remember that the problem will affect only imported goods , which are brought in, and not domestic goods, that is, this means that, for example, this package of semolina, this or that... all millet will not increase in price, but for example, rice, which is all imported to us now, may become more expensive, the question is only to what extent, the association of retailers says, part of the cars have already gone from poland to ukraine through detours, hungary or romania, that is, there will be goods, just the cost of delivery will increase. if we are talking about transportation across the romanian border, one truck is a plus,
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somewhere from 600 to 1000 €. plus, plus additional. days of transportation, if before the blocking one car could make three or four flights in a month, today, it will be great if it has time to go from ukraine to poland and back at least once. but how will this affect the price of the product? let's calculate, if there are 20 tons of rice in a truck, that is, 2000 kg, then an increase in the cost of transportation by 1000 € will give an increase of 5 €, or plus 2 uah per rice on the shelf, this may affect the promotions that retail chains prepared for the new year holidays. this is exactly what retailers want to avoid an increase in prices, especially since quite a lot of goods are currently sold at discounts. a large number of non-food products , such as hygiene products, are sold at deep discounts, 29, 22, 22, these are all promotional
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products, practically, half of it, and they are all imported, for example, this, this is what we have, china, too goes through the port of gdańsk, and the consequence of the blockade may be that these goods will of course not increase in price, but all the shares will be removed, there are many worries about fuel prices, but for now there are jumps at gas stations not visible. gasoline and diesel prices have not increased, because these types of fuel are mostly transported by rail, and gas prices have stabilized over the last week, because they have not added a penny. the price tag for gasoline and gas will be able to hold if the polish blockers keep their word and still let dangerous cargo through. literally tomorrow, yesterday was their statement that the cargo is dangerous, they are ready to launch the besherges, go around and come straight to us, we will launch, let's see how everything will work, well first of all everything is fuel, including gas. in pursuit of their own interests, the organizers of the polish
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blockade are actually harming their own economy, because they cut off oxygen to many polish enterprises. many polish enterprises have close ties with our manufacturers, and in the automobile industry there are examples of such and such and such and such, that is, in fact, this cooperation is between the state. between the factories of ukraine and poland, they are currently violated, but is it possible to compare the losses incurred by the polish side and ukraine, which is in a state of war, and how to justify the inhumane conditions in which ukrainian carriers have been forcibly detained for a month? while the situation is deadlocked, the only compromise reached by the ukrainian government negotiators who traveled to warsaw is the opening of the hryniv dolgobychuv checkpoint for the passage of empty trucks, as well as the creation of separate lanes for empty trucks in the queue. at checkpoints yagodin dorogutsky krakivec korchova. this will relieve the pass at least a little, but the key demand of the poles is the cancellation of transport visa-free for ukrainian carriers, currently in the hands of brussels. and
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meanwhile, ukrainian truck drivers are preparing to continue the struggle for their rights. serhii kostash, facts of the week. ictv, single news. even president bush feared a war between russia and ukraine. senior at the beginning of december 1991, when 90% of ukrainians supported the declaration of independence in a referendum. at that time, the united states was in no hurry to recognize the state of ukraine, the first, then poland did it, then canada, and the third, by the way, was hungary. the usa congratulated kyiv, when 28 countries of the world had already done so, almost a month later, and before that were waiting to see if the soviet union would collapse. in the world. for a long time, they did not distinguish our country separately, calling it all the post-soviet space, and actually, only a full-scale invasion opened
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the eyes of many, oh, oh, ukraine is not russia, now it is strategically important to consolidate this position, to end the influence of soviet propaganda, professionally to rethink the place of ukrainian history in the global context, to investigate its real influence on history... for this purpose , almost 100 scientists united under the guidance of such world-renowned historians as else university professor timothy snyder, harvard professor serhiy polokhii, lviv professor yaroslav hrytsak, at the british museum in london, this week presented the project ukrainian history, a global initiative, the founder of which was businessman and philanthropist viktor pinchuk. we try to show in this. from the ancient world to the modern world, we try to show how the role of ukraine changes and makes the history
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of europe and the world more understandable. it will give the world such a completely new understanding of ukraine, a fundamentally new narrative, no imperial, not a narrative written by our enemy, but ours, such a suprosist, modern one, and it will be very important for ukrainians as well. history is not only about the past, it is about how we understand today, and this is perfectly understood and used by dictator vladimir putin, who tries to justify russian aggression to the world with historical reasons that are completely distorted. he published another portion of achinea about the triune russian people this week. meanwhile, russia is increasing the number of missiles it plans to launch at whom calls brothers experts say that the aggressors have already accumulated more than 800 missiles. what are they waiting for, how much do they
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really have, what is it and is it worth it. then we should panic because of this, kostyantyn palov explained. the winter missile threat, something unprecedented, is truly a missile tsunami. how much deadly iron has russia cut down and accumulated? production started in three shifts. what could be the new missile strategy of the russians? vorak didn't just crawl there touched. stockpile of ballistics. and what are the objects under the largest a threat? they are constantly trying to find some kinks. almost every day, russia stubbornly attacks us with shaheds, launching from 20 to 75 units, and only sometimes several missiles of one or another. although it was
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the other way around a year ago, the enemy carried out massive attacks on ukrainian energy with dozens of cruise, ballistic, and anti-aircraft guided missiles, and spent almost 1,000 missiles in just five months of bombing. unbelievably many, since the second world war, when the germans bombarded britain with fa1, fa2 missiles, something unprecedented, this really a missile tsunami. so what has changed in the tactics of the russians. for this winter and should we expect massive missile attacks? this tactic did not justify itself, because there are thousands of objects, they destroyed 30%, but they still allowed 70%, so that the whole country would not blackout. only in the spring of this year did the kremlin realize that they managed to spend more missiles than they had at the beginning of a full-scale invasion, but never achieved their strategic goals.
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russia urgently begins to stockpile cruise and ballistic missiles for critical strikes infrastructure in winter - experts say. first, they save the remnants that they managed to produce at the beginning of the great war. in large volleys, we did not have such really massive, really large ones, somewhere from the month of august , one or two pieces were launched, but no more. secondly, as much as possible, they increased the production of rockets. the russians now... have taken a big step and they have completed certain premises and started production in three shifts. according to intelligence data, the rfa is capable of producing up to 25 calibers, about 35 kh-101 cruise missiles, two daggers and up to five ballistic missiles to the iskander complexes. they work both day and night to
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continue the missile terror. and they are also running all over the world for electronics that they do not know how to produce themselves, they are trying in any way to bring them to russia for the manufacture of rockets, they have bought, are buying and will buy for a long time, even if it will cost 10, 100 or 1000 times more expensive, according to the main intelligence department of the ministry of defense of ukraine, the russians were able to accumulate some 550 cruise missiles. in a month they can now in modern conditions to produce about 100-110 cruise missiles. but sometimes it's not a question of quantity, it is extremely difficult for the russians to make a massive salvo with sea-based winged calibers. after the destruction of the rostovnodon submarine and the actions of our naval drones, their ships escaped all the way to novorossiysk, but there is no
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technical possibility to load calibers on board, but it is very scary for the russian flotilla to return to sevastopol, there is a certain procedure that does not allow them to be used there at the same time there, they have 50 calibers there, and they will load, they can, load, for example, only there are five missiles in two days, well, i'm speaking conditionally, there are certain restrictions, the russians are also far from air-based missiles. not ideal , they do not release new missile carriers, and the remaining ones are regularly destroyed by unknown ukrainian patriots, there are 95 mms, roughly 20 are in working order, maybe 31k in working order somewhere within 10 machines, there are no more, strategic missiles on warehouses in arefia are significantly less than 950.
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according to military expert oleg katko.


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