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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 5:00am-5:30am EET

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the papers are referred to the commissions, which are in all structures of the defense forces, for their decision and given the status of bdd. however, if there are problems with the documents during the whole process, the process stops and the fighter has to decide all over again. there are many questions when documents are simply lost, and the serviceman has to collect them himself, it is not the soldier who has to run and carry those documents between, say, combat orders and some kind of rest or combat coordination, and i don’t know to whom they are... for andrii koshchir, the situation became complicated the fact that he was also wounded, it became difficult to communicate with the team, the process dragged on for a year. i reworked the photo five times, because i didn't have the statutory form, because it was burned, i simply don't have it physically, this situation and the attitude towards the military, it just makes you demotivated, and you're just angry at the whole world. there have been so many complaints from the military that the parliament has already started introducing changes that should simplify things.
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the recently adopted law, which transfers this function of demanding documents from the person, is signed by the president on the commission itself, that is, the commission must now demand and interact with the military unit on this matter. specific deadlines are prescribed: the commission has 5 days to write requests to departments and state institutions, another 15 to receive documents in response. in general, the entire procedure for making a decision on the status of the obdd should take no more than a month. the state has all documents about a person, and there is no need to chase a fighter with a copy of a passport or an identification code or something else between offices, if the bureaucratic burden of the fighters is even a little will be removed, it is unlikely to drastically speed up the process. during the two years of the full-scale invasion , 96,000 people received the status of a combatant, and this is a pittance when up to a million defenders are on the defense of the state. the number of requests to receive bde is such that
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neither parts nor commissions can handle it. experts say that there is a way out if the status of a participant in hostilities is granted automatically, but how to implement it is still under speculation. currently , a separate draft law is being developed regarding the automation of this process and maximum digitization. the person who received combat order, or who has received combat pay, 1000 points, which is currently available, means that she is already a participant in hostilities, and this means that she is already entitled to receive this status. however , the so-called electronic ub will appear only when the state provides reliable data protection, and another issue is also important: trust in the information provided by the military unit. even if this process will be somewhat more automated, digitalized, how will we check the data in order to avoid this injustice, this is very important. for the fact that granting the status of a participant in combat operations to volunteers, to people
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who did not officially join the military units, but fought with the invaders in the first month of the full-scale invasion, 34 civilians already have ids in the bdd, and another 54 posthumously can be considered a breakthrough. for example, in kyiv region, people who defended kyiv region, kyiv region were released, they did not continue to serve, but they remained volunteers, they should receive the status of participants of actions, precisely through the commission that operates in the ministry of veterans' affairs. status of a participant in hostilities: this is not only benefits for the payment of utilities or additional compensation, without a certificate of the family of defenders, they cannot become participants in veteran programs, for example, for employment or opening a business, however , defenders say that, fighting the bureaucracy, they are primarily advocating not benefits , and the respect of the state to the veteran. i don't need it in order to ride a shuttle bus for free, but in order to have confirmation that i took part in direct hostilities for the protection of the homeland. and so are a million guys.
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khrystyna velychanska, roman sherbakov, fakty sctv, marathon, edyni news. the german arms concern rhein metal received an order for the supply of artillery shells to ukraine, the amount of the order is over 142 million euros. customer, country, partner of nato, which intends to effectively support ukraine in its fight against the russian aggressor. the ammunition is planned to be supplied to the ukrainian army at the beginning of the 25th year. but 40,000 shells for ukraine from the pre-order will already be delivered next year. at various plants, the company manufactures more than 7,000 artillery shells every year and plans to increase production, because now it is necessary not only to supply weapons to the ukrainian army, but also to replenish the stocks of nato countries. president zelenskyi announced today at the daily selector about the receipt of scarce missiles from partners. to air defense systems
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and anti-aircraft systems, he wrote about this in a telegram. he thanked the friends of ukraine for their help and noted that the expansion efforts are yielding results. production ours for the first time the company began production of six bohdan self-propelled artillery units per month. intelligence reported during the meeting, and the operational situation at the front was discussed. in the bakhmut direction , the russians are not letting up, they are actively attacking the fpv with drones, especially hot under the knife, with the fighters of the 80th brigade, kostiantyn melnikov spoke. infantry. those who cover it, here it is to ages, artillerymen and even sappers, we go under the cover of night, we conduct assault groups on assaults, now most of the combat clashes on the front line happen at night, the biggest problem now
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is not even to be in position, it is to reach the position and come out with a report, one of the crews of the automatic mounted grenade launcher, which works in the hottest direction of donetsk region, is preparing for a night departure, because there is no other way to get to position is equal to death, works in the settlement of klishchiivka, i cover my infantry, ivan recently returned to the war after being wounded, the soldier underwent rehabilitation for almost six months and now he is back where the explosions do not subside, the boy works with an automatic with an easel-mounted grenade launcher, he is reluctant to talk about his effectiveness, instead , his comrades are happy for his return , he was on duty there for the first time, he scored 16 and it was fine, in these shots it is this crew of agesu who is making his way to the firing positions in klishchiivka, we have already passed through the backs, bmpha. the combat duty for them will last at least several days, however , it is not always possible to get out of the position in time, in some places you have to wait for the right moment, you have to wait for several more days.
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we have already run out of water at our positions, and it was just then that the downpour was pouring down to get to noli under the cover of night and the ukrainian sappers have to do the same, it is possible to catch them at work in the light, only a few kilometers from the front line, it is a sign that the enemy is preparing for something large-scale, i would say it like this, they have art working on steadily, constantly, you go to the positions of the guys, he helps to cover them, to sew them up with mines, and the same drones fly, hover over you, make drops, make drops and our aerial scouts are also quite accurate, now effective defense is based on effective interaction between units. so it is thanks to drones that the army not only destroys the enemy, but also covers and helps each other. four men, they went straight to our positions. we noticed them, and we immediately raise the drones, one grenade, two grenades, they are already sitting in place. it is often possible
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not only to put the occupiers in their place, but also to invest them in the donetsk chernozem, and despite the effectiveness of the ukrainian soldiers, the enemy prevails in manpower and sends new and new artillery to the assault. meat fpv drones he also has more of them, their number is very high i don't know why it's big in us, but for some reason it's not like that yet, i hope everything will be fine, but each of us can help the soldiers, so that everything will be a little better for them. on the screens, you can see the details of the next gathering for drones for the fighters of the galician 80th separate amphibious assault brigade. the more birds they launch into the sky, the more enemies will remain as fertilizer in the ukrainian land. from the donetsk region kostyantyn melnikov, dmytro matvienko, yuriy. the only news today was on the ukrainian-polish border, at the hryniv dolgobychov checkpoint allowing empty heavy trucks to poland is the first step to unblocking the border and reducing queues,
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the state border service reported. previously, this checkpoint worked only for cars and buses. meanwhile, more than 2,500 trucks are currently standing on the border with poland , the drivers are simply exhausted, in the cold, in the cold and hungry, without elementary benefits, they are forced to stand for weeks. about the situation on the western borders, our summary report. from ukraine to poland at the checkpoint in hryniv dolgobychuv a new lane for trucks. there are empty trucks weighing more than 7.5 tons. drivers can cross other checkpoints only by registering in an electronic queue, which is said to be much longer and more expensive. if the car is loaded and stands in the queue for 10-12 days, then you can go through it empty in 10-12 hours. the opening in hryniv is the first step towards unblocking the ukrainian-polish border
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by polish carriers. kyiv and warsaw agreed on such a step on december 1. they do not say how long the corridor will be open. more than 100 can be passed here per day trucks meanwhile, in front of this, the largest crossing point with poland, yagodyn , dozens of trucks were lined up, ukrainian drivers staged a peaceful protest about border blockades. mykola has just entered ukraine after six days of waiting. this is what a terrorist says, that's what al-qaeda did, they took hostages, and then made demands, you know, it's all the same. thousands of ukrainian drivers became hostages of dozens of polish strikers. just a month ago, these trucks were carrying goods to europe, but today the drivers attach placards with demands to them unlock borders dmytro stood in line on the polish side for 19 days. we contact him by phone, it's terrible, standing on the road for 20 days without a toilet, a shower, a store and
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nothing in general, in such conditions, at sub-zero temperatures, it's terrible, and oleksandr waited a week while he ate ukrainian food, although he was carrying a dangerous cargo , which the polish strikers promised to pass out of line, they did not keep their word, they are deployed to the front with medicines for the war and that's all, the police seem to say, they ask to go. one man five times, five i drove up once, they turned me back five times, then i paid everything, interestingly, the slovak border is also blocked for the fourth day, in front of the uzhhorod-vyshne-nemetske checkpoint, there is a line of trucks for 30 km, that's almost 700 trucks, there is nothing, no one, no water, nothing, and there is no place to stop in the store , you see, neighbors are like neighbors, and that's what they do, for the past day in the territory of ukraine , only 130 trucks passed through this special checkpoint, although its capacity
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is almost twice as large. the drivers are exhausted and indignant, there are no toilets, and nowhere to buy medicine food and water, on moroz street. the strike of the slovak truck drivers is indefinite, the demands are the same as those of the poles, to return commercial transportation permits for ukrainian carriers, although they were granted to us by the european commission. most of the countries of the european union came forward to support the ukrainian side, every country came forward. with the condemnation of these protests that are taking place on the ukrainian-polish border and the slovak border, which causes economic losses for the entire european union and definitely does not help ukraine to win war, oksana yasnytska, kateryna korbanova, svitlana kovbytsia, vadym shishkanych, facts ectv, the only news, exhausted by the great war , ukrainian business is again counting losses, because every day a large porter company costs an average of a million hryvnias for idle trucks. the ukrainian consumer will also feel the blockade of the border. special report
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by natalie kulyk. in the middle of fields in snowdrifts and 60-kilometer queues, the ukrainian-polish border has been blocked for a month. currently, 2,500 trucks are stuck on the territory of poland. polish carriers blocked it four checkpoints, where 600-800 trucks used to pass a day, they pass several at a time. blocked there, our drivers blocked the road and even went on hunger strike, organized pickets on the ukrainian side, and the polish carriers do not stop the blockade, it is only expanding since friday , the border with slovakia is blocked, there is a queue of 80 km, drivers rushed through hungary, there are also queues. the hungarian police began to block the movement of our cars, in particular, to cross the romanian border. queues from ukraine. whose side there are 17,000 cars in line to leave, transport companies say that there has never
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been such a crisis, if we are talking about the direction of central europe or poland, then there is not a single checkpoint where you could pass freely at the moment and there will not be in the near future, therefore that a very large number of cars have already accumulated, this is the worst situation, perhaps even in the entire history of ukraine, with the great war and russia's blockade of the black sea, the main route of our exports, many ukrainian companies began to deliver goods abroad precisely by road transport, although it is expensive and unprofitable for our business, it was a chance to survive, the main gate became poland, because there are more checkpoints and a large capacity, in a month of the border blockade, our exports through this main gate decreased by 40%, for some exporters one day downtime at the border costs one million hryvnias. completely dependent on the situation at the border, this enterprise is in lviv region, for 16 years it has been making cables for unknown german automobile concerns, raw materials are obtained from abroad, here they are made into cable network, produced in ukraine must
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arrive on time at the german factories, the process has been adjusted over the years, the last month the company's work is under threat, the goods were made in three weeks, stuck in the trucks. our customer, which is the bmw company, and for that the porsche, audi company, our customers see this as a huge risk and question the integrity of further cooperation with ukraine as a whole and with our company. auto concerns have the same plants in romania and slovakia, if there is a problem with supplies, they will simply terminate the contract with ukraine. the factory, where 1,600 people work, will stop, they decided to make more products in reserve so as not to slow down the german conveyors, but it is practically impossible to get them out. logistics companies do not have enough free cars, literally the situation was yesterday, we could not send four trucks of finished products, for the reason
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that logistics companies are busy, all trucks are either on the way or waiting at the border. the blockade of the border will also hurt agricultural exporters, those who sell processed food products and transports everything by motor vehicle. for example, for sugar factories that have been making losses for many years, but in recent years were able to recover a little and began to export the most during our entire independence. it is not only that the border is standing that is critical here, it is not only that there is a problem with logistics, the price itself is also critical here, and the longer it will be delayed, the higher the price, accordingly, there are also sugar producers in the same poland. and the price so far we do not have to hope for the best. now logistics for exporters has increased in price four times five times, lay these exporters cannot increase the price, because no one will buy their goods abroad. here is the main threat that in these conditions, including the risk of bankruptcy of enterprises that were aimed at the european market,
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worked on quality, these are still costs, that is, they are not the cheapest products. for years, ihor invested in his enterprise in the production of frozen berries and fruits, 95% of which he sells for export to 15 european countries. during this year, our berry growers increased their exports by a quarter, now the loss from each refrigerated truck is €1,500. up to 40 trucks per month were sent to the blockade. now our products do not fall under the skoroport code and we are in the general queue, which increases by 10 days, at least one-time delivery. the poles with whom we communicate , they themselves are very dissatisfied with this, they also do not finish, they finish, they do not finish the products, they do not increase the number of workers there, work for their employees, which they would have by 40% in a month , our imports from poland have decreased. ukrainians can feel it, we import non-critical citrus fruits, fish, cheeses, milk, alcohol, household chemicals, hygiene products and
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appliances, large retail chains have calculated that they lose 100 million hryvnias in a week, but now there is everything on the shelves, we import salt from the important ones, because our artem salt was bombed by the russians, and the lack of salt can to slow down our food workers. also , these are other components that can be used, for example, in the confectionery industry, in the meat industry, as well as packaging materials in which the product is packed. in this logistics company, they say, the situation is so critical that even when poland will form a new government, the situation... will not be resolved by the new year. yesterday, ukraine and poland agreed to open a checkpoint in hrynyi dolgobychiv for the movement of empty trucks leaving ukraine. but this does not solve the situation, because when they return, they will still be stuck in queues. no matter what arguments the initiators of the blockade give, the conclusion is the same. this blockade became a knife in the back of ukraine, which is already bleeding because of the war with russia, and such a demarche will definitely not strengthen europe, but will only
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play into the hands of the dictator putin. natalya kulekrent mmchyshyn, oleksandr makushak, facts. tv, single news. an example of reconstruction, during the second world war, the city of gdańsk was destroyed by 90%, and now it is an old cozy place in europe. it was bombed, primarily by soviet troops. there was a catastrophic lack of money for reconstruction, so they started in the 50s, after stalin's death, and this saved the city from architectural socialist realism. before the war, they lived mostly in gdansk. the germans, who then left, and the city was settled by people of working professions, who raised it from the ruins. about what the experience of gdańsk can give ukraine? olga chayko. it's hard to believe, but after world war ii, gdansk looked like most bombed-out ukrainian cities. everywhere there were walls and everything in
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ruins. 90% of the old city was destroyed in 1945. it was the british aviation that knocked the germans out of the streets, and the soviet troops set fire to the houses from the inside, and expelled the residents. mr. tadeusz did not fight the war, he was born in the 50s, but his parents were among those who came to raise the city. after world war ii, gdańsk was devastated. germans who poles and citizens of other countries lived here, fled, and started coming here for reconstruction. my father worked at a shipyard, and my mother at a factory, they were promised a better life, distractions. social assistance. the best result of the reconstruction can be seen from this point. mr. tadeusz shows a photo from 1945. gentlemen, look at that tower, it's a tower. this is how the gate and tower look today, here
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you can see how badly the city was destroyed, these stone elements were found in the ruins of gdańsk. reconstruction did not begin immediately, a lot of money was spent on the restoration of warsaw, so gdansk, which was perceived as a german city, waited its turn, and it turned out for the best, because the center smells of socialist realities! architects hated this style, but after the death of stalin, the requirements stopped being so strict, so they decided to rebuild the center as it was, and make the suburbs in a socialist style. dormitories were created in newly restored buildings of the old town for workers who came for reconstruction. the best apartments were given to the party nomenclature and vanguards production gdańsk also has enough houses of the soviet union. the remains of destroyed buildings were partially used for the manufacture of blocks. another unique phenomenon of gdańsk is a wave maker. an entire
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exhibition was devoted to the appearance of such a house. 6,000 people lived in the building. in fact, it is like our khrushchevs, only longer. here we have a typical layout of such an apartment. 3 mtr room, a little more than a mtr - kitchen, 3 mtr toilet and bath. and then the exit to the balcony. it was necessary to build quickly, the architects admit, nowadays they would have renovated differently. there are a lot of them it is difficult to modernize because they were built using relatively old technologies. the whole area looks like a historical building, but people buy two or three apartments, modernize them and introduce innovations, for example, energy saving. in this modular two-story building, the city housed those who did not have enough money for utilities due to low rates. income, single mother katerzyna lives here with three children, thanks to new technologies, the storage room is 40% lower than in traditional houses, poles already know how
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to extract electricity and heat from garbage, here is this plant on on the outskirts of gdansk is called the port of clean energy, and from january it will process five types of garbage, waste that cannot be given a new life or turned into compost, will be burned, annual energy should be enough for, for example, 3 and a half years of work. that is, garbage that cannot be sorted, but it has a high caloric content, so to speak , so it will release more energy when burned, first we dry it, it neutralizes some dangerous compounds, neither nitrogen nor sulfur will enter the air , thanks to high-quality filters. formerly poland everything was financed by samata, since the beginning of the 2000s it has been subsidized by the eu. ukraine should use this experience - ivan is convinced. i have been a welder here for 20 years, doing three things at the same time, for example, burning garbage, generating energy, generating heat, ugh, as
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a good host who plans to live in ukraine, it is better not to put it up for our children. poles advise ukrainians to use modern technologies during reconstruction, to create new ones, to make cities more comfortable for life, to provide new jobs, so that ukrainians who fled the war to europe will still return home. with poland's olga chayko and yevhen lukyanov, facts, ictv, single news. water imbalance. the russians destroyed almost fifty facilities of water utilities throughout the country during the aggression, some enterprises, such as virpeni, were completely destroyed. now they are being restored. 80% of funds are allocated by foreign partners, but they have their own requirements for these enterprises to be eco-friendly. logical and could earn what is needed for this - olha chchytaylo investigated. this is a station for iron removal and purification of our
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drinking water. the head of vodokanal irpiny shows us the restored iron removal station, it was put into operation a year before the great war, after enemy attacks everything had to be rebuilt anew. during the military aggression, it was hit, and there were significant damages, that is literally the hit itself, during the past. year we restored it , a new water tank is being built next to it, both projects were funded by international partners, the first was financed by caritas, the second by the red cross. the waterworks suffered critical damage. as of now, thanks to international partners, patrons, and our elpin mayor, who also attracts state funds, and local budget funds. we managed to restore our utility company. almost completely. without help from the outside , it would not have been possible to recover - says the head of the enterprise. it is not easy to make money for a water company, the tariff is not the same. our enterprise
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has not had a tariff increase for almost three years. the main component of our tariff is electricity supply, because everything runs on electricity, the tariff for electricity supply has already been raised at least twice in nine months, this year we have a loss of 29 million. it is not the first year that the association has demanded to review the tariff of water utilities, says its head dmytro novytskyi, and the urgent production needs and wishes of foreign partners, on whose help we depend, according to the world bank estimates, for the next 10 years it will be necessary... to attract at least 7 billion dollars to the industry, this is only recovery. foreigners are interested in projects, but they have their own conditions. the policy of the world bank is to rebuild better than it was, but they say something else. we are ready to help you finance the restoration and reconstruction projects of your facilities, but to complete the basic task, perform, solve the issue of current financing.
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the tariff issue must be resolved. in the summer , the national commission, which carries out regulation in the field of communal services, decided to do so. the tariff for drainage and water supply was to be raised for each water channel separately, but on average by a third. for example, in kyiv, a bundle of 30 hryvnias and 38 kopecks had to increase to more than 41 hryvnias. that is, a household that previously paid 182 hryvnias for 6 cubes should receive 246 hryvnias in the payment. then the president was indignant. shameful decision, unprofessional and not agreed with the government, we cannot and will not accept such decisions calmly. the government is instructed to present a solution in response. the prime minister then promised that there would be no promotions until the end of the great war. for ukrainians, who are already impoverished, this is a really big expense. according to the data released by the united nations in june, 65% of households
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saw at least a decrease in income. by 10%. according to the organization, 44% of households cannot afford the most necessary things. there is another way out of the situation - says oksana prodan, adviser to the head of the association of cities of ukraine. either the state finances the difference in tariffs, or enterprises will be forced to raise their prices for tariffs, because the third option is the only closure. as of now they are talking about 97 billion, these are those. the money that the state does not give to the heating and water supply enterprises is the money that the state should compensate. according to her, the parliament did not consider bills that provided for such compensations, another option offered by the government in july was compensation for waterworks from local budgets, but now the military allowance has been taken away from the communities. tax. another way proposed by the head of the association of water utilities is to increase subsidies for the population, following the increase in tariffs.
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and people have a simplified mechanism during the second winter of the war, even at peak hours, shopping centers or cafes shine like christmas trees, in fact, ukrainians can save electricity by about one or two tes energy units every day, - oksana mykhaylova claims. everyone can make a contribution to energy endurance, and therefore to victory, this is the reasoning of the company that makes sunflower ollia, up to 70 tons per day, almost all products are exported. to europe and are 100% dependent on electricity, for the sake of plan b, a solar station was installed in may. this solar station generates 400 km of electric energy during daylight hours, which covers 90% of our needs. the investment cost uah 12 million, but it will pay for itself in five years, and most importantly, the enterprise always works stably and independently. we can


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