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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 7:30am-8:00am EET

7:30 am
midnight and the people of kharkiv all spent this night peacefully, and i would like to say that when shaheds constantly fly into the kharkiv region, our air defense forces are very powerful in all areas, and we see how they work, and i i would like to say that they are very powerful here, well respect, and almost all the shaheds who fly into our region get lost very badly, rarely when they get there by the so-called infrastructural object, but the goal, the goal of the enemy is clear, they want to repeat last year's again their destruction in order to, well , for example, turn off the lights of the population, and what we see later from the reports is that the enemy is trying to... there are contact networks,
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substations, everything related to critical infrastructure, but there is light everywhere, everywhere, and there are no problems, everything works, and the people of kharkiv got enough sleep today, which is very good, they will go to work, without, without, without a sleepy night, and they will go to work smiling, relieved, and so on. mr. oleksandr, we understand that, you are talking about kharkiv, about the region, but now let's go into a little more detail, as for the border area, because the border guards report the activity of russian saboteurs, and in fact, in the kharkiv region, they say that recently there are the most of them from the entire territory of ukraine, even sumshchyna has been spat on, how are they acting, it is some kind of shelling from the russian side, they are trying to cross the border and something here to do what exactly, if this is really
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the case, unfortunately, the enemy did not move anywhere, and sabotage groups, which previously mainly entered from the territory of russia, into the chernihiv and sumy regions, especially in our country, there were many of them, near ours, near our neighbors, the border of the sumy region, and they did really terrible things there. i don't even want to say it on the air , but subversive, professional groups come in, who do their black and white work hard, hard , and kill our military, and they kill the civilian population, and they kill absolutely everything they see on their way. way, at the same time...'
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there are elements of destruction there, there are elements of questioning people and so on, it seems that the task of the enemy is precisely emotional and psychological attacks, so that constantly talked, so that it would be heard by the population and that the population and the armed forces would be intimidated by such and such actions, unfortunately, this is the situation now. in kharkiv oblast as well, and more and more often we see and hear reports about the movement of sabotage groups to our territory, but this does not change the situation, because our border is constantly under fire, the kupyan direction is in constant hostilities , every day there is no there's not a day that goes by that they don't raise their aircraft and drop guided aerial... bombs, because we can see
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the message that the takeoff of aviation, danger, danger, guided aerial bombs, and this, er, alarm will be sent to the entire kharkiv region, and behind this is a guided missile that is flying somewhere and constantly exploding, so the situation in the kharkiv region, it is constantly dynamic on the border constant shelling from artillery, from mortars, from everything possible, plus drones, f-drones, and the kupyansky district, simkivka, the village, there are constant hostilities, a dynamic front line, and they are constantly trying to storm, and now there have also been raids by the drg, which are actually very dangerous, and i would like the entire population, especially on the border. we
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have a lot of people living here so they should be careful. well, it's clear. mr. oleksandr, i can't help but ask you, the yakutat regional council, about a few heroes. well, the first person with him is a person whom the kharkiv anti-corruption center reminds us and the audience reminds us of, a person who was suspected of corruption, a mere bribe of uah 1 million, this is the former head of the regional council, in fact, and so, i even look at photos, like artur tovmasyan, taking the oath with kalash, er, that is, he went to serve, er, this is this is somehow a combination. these two pieces of information, that is, it is something in the style of not bearing any responsibility and not going to the investigation, it is better for me to go to serve, this is an option, i cannot comment on this issue in this context, that this is
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exactly this option , arturovych is our colleague, he is the former head of the regional regional council, so he has a case there, i cannot know to what extent, how dynamically it is progressing there, but what i saw, what a person wrote on facebook that i received a summons and went to serve in the armed forces of ukraine, if this is true and the person really went to serve in the armed forces, then respect and honor, please, this is a regional deputy. council, which will be, he is an active deputy and he went to protect, to serve, but you know, by the way, in my faction, there are three deputies, military men who are at the front, well , you know, i wanted to ask you, mr. oleksandr, because we
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remember other heroes, even cartoons were like that already in the historical archive there are many series of ukrainian cartoons about cockroaches by yehe. and there was a dopkin who loved russian peace so much for berkut, wore t-shirts, loved yanukovych and putin, then he dressed in pixel in the 22nd year and became the greatest defender, well, except that after arestovich in second place, and disappeared somewhere, he serves , where he is, where this hero is in pixel, i can’t tell you, but the pixel he put on in the 22nd year, that military... informative we didn't see the field, and today we don't know where he is, what he does, and we don't even understand, well, where, where this person was, so i don't see any sense in commenting on it, the person
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received hate, because you can't change your shoes to such a person to such a degree, when today you stand with the russian flag, and from tomorrow you wear pixel and talk about your love for ukraine, we have already been through this and i don't believe in sstanislavsky, you know, that's all, that's why there is no, this person is not in information field, there is no, i don't see it in the city, well, we, we are all here in the city we live, we see each other, i don’t see him at all, that’s why i think that people gave him an assessment and a person does what he should do, mr. oleksandr, one short question, the whole previous year we watched how the russians did it, now it is our turn to build defensive fortifications, as it looks like in practice in kharkiv oblast and where , first of all, are these fortifications built,
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by the way, kharkiv oblast was an exception in this matter and defense structures did not stop being built here, why, because the entire kharkiv oblast is border, for during this time, they did not stop for a single minute, not for a single day , the construction did not stop, we have exactly what i see, what i know, that we have it, order, in the region, everything is done qualitatively, a lot, and i think that the people of kharkiv may not worry about it. question, and with regard to other defense structures, in other regions, i personally said a long time ago that let's move from the so-called euphoria of the offensive to reality, does the weather allow the equipment to work, or is everything done manually with shovels?
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the weather today allows that the equipment was working, because it had already practically dried up and we were there yesterday yesterday... we gave a tractor so that, an excavator so that people could work on defense structures, but look, do you need to do this earlier, at another time? regions, where we knew for sure that sooner or later we would need to build a line of defense, and everyone should understand that defense is the protection of our military, defense is saving lives, so we need to deal with this, by the way , the russians, the russians have practice, they involve civilians companies for defense, defense structures, and they are construction, and they are as high-quality as all our military personnel who took their positions tell us that they were built very qualitatively,
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professional, high-quality, defense structures were built, unfortunately, we cannot do this so vividly, vividly to brag, to say that we have this, we have defense forces, but the degree of civilian involvement of civil companies is very low, i believe that the whole country should stand up and build them so that we understand for sure that we have a line, a line of defense beyond which they will not go. thank you sir oleksandr, oleksandr skoryk, deputy of the kharkiv regional council was with us, already from our air forces there is information about four destroyed drones by our air defense in the south of ukraine, two in the mykolayiv region, one each in the kherson region and in the vinnytsia region, and they write that no hits were allowed , with this information, let's take a short break, then we'll come back and talk about ukraine. borders attention, an incredible novelty from
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call, hello. this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this is the shipping district, kherson. live inclusion. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict by serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine. world front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion on the bad day with the help
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of a phone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. we are coming back, and here the air force informs in more detail, 10 bpa of the type of mines. of the 17 that were launched over ukraine that night, six s300 anti-aircraft guided missiles were also flying, they were launched from donetsk region and kherson region, in terms of results, in terms of shooting down, so far. there is no information, it's kind of strange, we have to put together a puzzle, yes, we got it first of the responsible forces in the direction of kherson region, when they flew to vinnytsia region, there, shooting is not allowed, now we have this northern direction, in a word, we are putting together a puzzle for you, about the puzzle that our fantasy is making, this, the biggest fantasists - this ministry
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defense of the russian federation, you can imagine. in them, it is always called the prevention of a mass terrorist attack by the kyiv bpp regime. they shot down like that, first they shot down all 20, then they added 12 more, in a word, they already reached 40 with something ukrainian drones shot down everywhere, we'll wait a little longer and they'll wake up, become agitated and maybe the number will increase, so we're waiting to see what they shot down there with bridges or other things, we'll find out for you. in the near future, and now we will find out what is being done at the borders, the western borders of ukraine, in particular, the spokesman of the state border service of ukraine, andriy demchenko, in connection with our studio, mr. andriy , congratulations, glory to ukraine, congratulations, studio , glory to the heroes, tell us that what is being done on the western borders, we only watched, like the polish slovak blockers joined the blockade, and what
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does the situation look like now on the ukrainian-polish, ukrainian-slovak border from the point of view of these multi-kilometer queues? well, unfortunately , the situation on the border with poland does not change, the blocking of four directions continues, these are the directions where goods vehicles weighing more than 7.5 tons can cross the border, let me remind you, these are ravaruska hreben, ravaruske hrebene, yagodin dorohutsk, krakow korchova and sheginni medica. as of this morning, according to information, we have from the polish side, in queues in all these four directions , towards ukraine, on the territory of poland, there are about three 3,100 cargo vehicles, the largest opposite the shigini checkpoint is 100 and opposite the ravaruska checkpoint 850, of course, there
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is still some traffic of cargo vehicles it still happens, but the intensity and the... number of trucks that could cross the border, as it was before november 6, at the moment, of course, do not exist, because, for example, the berry checkpoint, which a day earlier in about 1200-1300 trucks crossed both sides, about 130 crossed over the past day, the decrease is also substantial at the ravaruska checkpoint, more or less intense traffic continues to be recorded in the direction of the krakiwiec checkpoint, but again with a certain decrease than it was until november 6. mr. andriy, just one moment, i saw how customs officers work, in close contact from both countries, how border guards work, they actually communicate, exchange information, as well as what polish border guards say when they see this bunch notorious carriers, a specific,
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radical right of putin's party, and how the police do nothing. does not do what the polish border guards tell our colleagues in informal communication, understand, they cannot influence the actions of the participants of the action, because they actually perform their tasks at the checkpoints, and the blocking takes place at a certain distance from the polish checkpoints, in fact on the roads connections that lead to the border. uhu, nothing, do you, mr. andriy, have information about, maybe someone from government officials, officials... came from the polish side, of course, to the polish-ukrainian border, and whether from that side, some of the most necessary conditions for truck drivers were provided, so that it was possible to at least warm up somewhere there, maybe wash, at least those sanitary stations, have they been set up for them , well, as far as i know, the conditions of the drivers
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who are in queues are not very... very comfortable, let's put it this way, because they actually run out of food and water, they need medicine, fuel, i can say for sure, that ukraine also takes care of drivers, who are on the territory of poland, because the ministry of infrastructure of ukraine has announced that a driver assistance headquarters has been created, needs are being collected from drivers in various directions in order to deliver them all the necessary things that drivers need in the future, such work is being carried out, that's true. mr. andriy, you are on the slovak, ukrainian-slovak border. it was such a logistical way and an opportunity not to stand for weeks in the cold in those queues and now the slovaks have blocked it, how does the situation
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look on the ukrainian-slovak border and whether are some of our blocked carriers trying to go even further south across the ukrainian-romanian border? well, fortunately, we have information on the slovakian border that the traffic is unblocked, we received such information from our slovak colleagues after 10:00 in the evening, the intensity in the direction of the vyshgermanskii checkpoint on the slovak side and on the ukrainian side of uzhgorod, it is now normal, the traffic is moving as in the direction of ukraine, as well as on departure from ukraine, of course, because of actions to block the polish border, the driver. and carriers choose others for themselves routes, including the border with slovakia, because even before december 1, when they started, the action to block this
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direction also began, there was already a certain queue of trucks that wanted to cross the border towards ukraine. as of this morning, we have about 650 cargo vehicles in line in this direction in the direction of ukraine on the territory of slovakia. of course. what, if we are talking further south or in other directions, then there is a certain increase in the number of trucks waiting to cross the border and along the border with hungary, that is, as of this morning, about 700 trucks of vehicles, this is the direction of the tisza crossing point from the ukrainian side, but again the intensity of traffic is increasing and we hope that it will remain so, uh, actually, what you said about the hungarians, are there any such statements from their side , that maybe they will also join, because in fact we have the entire northern strip of the ukrainian border
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with poland, with slovakia, the entire north is blocked, and only hungary remains, or to detour south to romania, and yesterday we calculated that it is approximately twice a longer route, because you have to drive all the way down and then turn back to the north again, somewhere there, for example, to lviv or to yagodin, in order to go further. well , we do not have information about any actions on the border with hungary , we have not seen such, such information in open sources, and actually, you do not have, we do not have such information from the neighboring party, actually from the hungarian border guards that any actions in the near future regarding the blocking of traffic could take place, well, to complete. with the western border, we each every day we watch various photos of how the right guys for five or even more than a thousand dollars lead people up the mountains in sneakers, and
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then either put on pink hats and, pretending to be children, try to cross into another road, whether on some road or on help, you know how this situation looks like now, the snow in the carpathians there and the snow, they keep walking, here are these deserters, how do you correct them, dodge them, dodge them, aren’t they already being led by the mountains, well , you shouldn’t call them dodgers, just the relevant authorities can say whether a person evades the draft, but actually they are of course violators of the state border , because they try to cross our state border in an illegal way, such cases continue, unfortunately, if we say...' over the last period in general, there is still a certain decrease in the number of attempts to cross the border illegally , probably it is also related to the weather
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conditions, but we see that it is reckless, a certain number of people still try, risking even their own lives, in such a rather difficult way to cross the border, especially if we talk about the border line, which in passes along mountain rivers, well, actually, it should be understood that violators, as a rule , try to use the services of such criminal groups, who promise them to cross the border for money, that everything will be fine, but as we can see, the routes they choose for them are such that a person during such a journey , one can lose his life, recently there was a case when the border guards found... a person in the mountains who had actually wandered for three days, froze to death, he was later taken to a medical facility, but unfortunately, due to his health condition, and and that
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frostbite that a person received, she died, so we call on everyone to think about all their actions, in particular, when they try to cross the state border illegally. mr. andrii, if such travelers , say, there, i don’t know, dressed better , more reliably, warmer, but they were still detained, then what is the further algorithm of action, what happens next, well, first of all, they, of course, how violators of the state. border is brought to administrative responsibility, and all necessary actions are taken with them in order to establish those persons who helped or promised to cross the border illegally, because the organizers and accomplices are already subject to criminal liability for their, and to the northern border, he wanted
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you to tell us more, we just spoke with kharkiv oblast, they have increased the number of drg events, we understand that now, especially in kharkiv oblast , cross-border shelling is intensifying, which we have seen in the last few days, and the number of drgs, how differently they operate, how many more, less, where they are trying advance, passing the ukrainian border guards, and by what, are you strengthening this particular direction, now the border service? well, actually, the entire border with the country, the aggressor, with the terrorist country, it is strengthened as much as possible from a military point of view, because , for example,
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it is practically impossible to strengthen the border in terms of engineering directly along the border line. because of the shelling carried out by russia, i would like to point out that over the past month , more than 2,000 shellings were recorded within the borders of chernihiv oblast, sumy oblast and kharkiv oblast, which were carried out by russia from the territory of its country, using a variety of weapons, and since the beginning of this month more than 150 such attacks have already been recorded, and most of such cases are recorded within the boundaries of kharkiv oblast at the moment, until recently, the enemy also tried to use sabotage and reconnaissance groups mainly in the direction of sumy, but in the last period, we see that they are also reorienting themselves in the direction of kharkiv, even several groups of the drg exposed themselves, fire was immediately opened on them, they later moved beyond the border line, and attempts were also recorded, of course in the chernihiv direction, however, all soldiers
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understand the threat well. posed by russia in general, the threat posed by the drg, those groups that the enemy, in addition to shelling , tries to use, therefore, vigilant service, use, technical means for monitoring the border line, the border, well, anti-sabotage reserves in order to , to counteract such and such actions as much as possible, but the enemy's task is primarily to expose the locations of the defense forces of ukraine, as units of the state of the border guard, as well as other components of the defense forces, in order to fire at these places, then shelling, i.e. sabotage-reconnaissance, actually reconnaissance purpose. mr. andriy, we have to finish the news, but we want to thank you for the information and thank you for your service, the spokesman of the state border service, andriy demchenko was with us. plus 1030
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good ones. russians appeared in the last day thanks to our armed forces, and our colleague kateryna shirokpoyast will tell you more news in a moment, because this is the time to find out about everything most important at this moment. greetings colleagues, in a moment, as you said, i will tell you about the night attacks in ukraine, as well as the attacks in the temporarily occupied crimea. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we are starting the information day with news. kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. russian terrorists attacked ukraine with rockets and mortars at night.


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