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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 9:00am-9:31am EET

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it is now 9:00, the time when we honor the memory of all those who died as a result of the russian invasion, military and civilian. let's honor the memory of ukrainian soldiers and peaceful citizens of ukraine who died in the war started by russia with a moment of silence.
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hello everyone, this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrecha, and in this stream we talk about the following topics: when preparing a counteroffensive plan, the united states and ukraine at times. differed on the strategy, tactics and timing of the operation, the american edition of the washington post claims. authors of the material talked to dozens of officials and officers to understand why the ukrainian counteroffensive did not give the desired results. in particular, they write, it seems that the pentagon wanted the assault to begin in the middle of april and was focused on one strategic goal, a massive attack on the sea of ​​azov. and the leadership of ukraine believed that it was necessary to attack in three different points. was it really like that? meanwhile
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, ukrainian journalists analyzed what might actually be happening between zelensky and zaluzhny, whether the ukrainian president is looking for a replacement to the commander-in-chief during a large-scale war, and how zelsky communicates with the generals by bypassing the commander-in-chief, we will also discuss the material of colleagues from ukrainian pravda about a possible confrontation between the military and political leadership of ukraine. the main question is, what can this lead to? a month has passed since polish protesters blocked the border for ukrainian... trucks, the country's prime minister mateusz morawiecki says that poland will strongly demand from the european union the renewal of permits for ukrainian truckers, while in europe oppose, protecting the interests of ukrainian carriers. all hope for negotiations, at what stage are they and is there a chance to unlock the checkpoints as soon as possible? this is what we are talking about today, svoboda mornings with you, i remind you, every weekday from 9:00 a.m. on youtube on the radio svoboda channel, as well as on the air of the tv channel. tv, support our media,
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like, comment on this video and share it with your friends and acquaintances. russian forces advance south of the area near avdiivka and have partial success there. fighting for the village continues stop, which is northwest of the city. analysts of the deep state project write about it. they also say that the russian military is still unable to capture the so-called strip, despite previous successes in the area. however, some criticism. in pervomaisk, southwest of avdiivka, in the american institute for the study of war and also report on the advance of russian forces near avdiivka, to the north of the city near the reservoir, as well as within the steppe. at the same time, analysts of the american institute for the study of war note that south of stepovoy , ukrainian forces recently counterattacked and restored the positions they controlled as of december 1. the russian telegram channel ridovka writes that the armed forces counterattacked in the area of ​​industrial zones the day before. but allegedly without success. the public
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also declares the successes of the russian army near stepovoy and novokalivka in the north and reports about the battles near the northern one. in the russian ministry of defense, the dovdiivkas reported only about the strikes on the base of the armed forces of ukraine in lisosmuz, in the ukrainian general staff they say about 15 repulsed attacks in the avdiiv direction. what is the situation there, let's talk further. vitaliy barabash, head of the avdiiv city military administration. joined our broadcast, i congratulate you, thank you for joining, can you tell us what is the situation near the steppe now? glory to ukraine, congratulations, glory to the heroes, ah , well , battles are really going on along the entire front line around avdiyivka, the enemy is pressing, the enemy is trying to find, there are gaps in the line of our defense, and the steppe is no exception, of course, a lot of the enemy pays attention to steppe, in that number, except for avdiivskyi koksehi. in the direction
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of koksokhim and promka, steppe as well, well, in principle, it is logical and clear why. vitaliy barabash is in touch with us, we are talking about the situation in avdiivka, i understand that mr. vitaliy, you are back, a little bit, we had some kind of situation with the internet, we are listening to you, we understand the situation, why they are doing this, why for the steppe is very important to them, they want to cut it, they are doing logistics, this is the closest , let's say, direction to cutting our one and only road, very fierce battles are going on steppe. to whom, to say that they are his controlled, it will be completely untrue, literally, yesterday, the day before yesterday, there were such very serious stabilization actions on our part, now there is no enemy in the steppe, of course, they are trying in small groups, there is always something, something, as they say, to grope, something
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to sneak in somewhere, but now the steppe is completely controlled by the armed forces of ukraine, there are fierce battles near the coke plant and the industrial zone, despite the weather, but now, tell me in more detail what is happening there , what is the situation there now, so really, despite the weather, almost enemy around the clock is trying to carry out its assault actions with different numbers of groups, different numbers of the composition of these groups, in the direction of the avdiiv coke chemical plant, sometimes, indeed, sometimes they reach almost to the fence, the avdiiv coke chemical plant, but, well, they also write... very often that we entered kokssokhim, we have two days, three days left, koksokhim will be completely ours, well, this is not true, never once, they did not enter kokssokhim, and at the expense of the promka there are also very fierce battles, it is clear why they go on the run, it's already straight
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the order to enter the city at any cost, at any cost, regardless of the losses, and of course, most of all recently, the enemy used equipment on the promka, because in other directions, the ground does not allow it to be done mostly in in such weather conditions , that is why most of the equipment still went full speed ahead, and of course a lot of it was already destroyed there, a lot of footage was distributed in various telegram channels both in ours and in theirs about this, well, the enemy is really only in that direction mostly uses technique vitaly, you said earlier that the russian forces are waiting idly to use the equipment in the third wave of assaults on avdiyivka and are trying to stretch their attention along the entire line of defense, trying to distract the armed forces from their priority directions, what is the current weather situation, what in general tactics, forces and weapons are being used by the russian
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forces, indeed, they are waiting for the weather conditions , they are waiting for such a serious minus to go away, today... at night it was minus 3-4, of course, under such conditions the soil will be to freeze for a few days, now it's already sunny enough for us a little bit, well , we think that what froze at night will float, let's say, during the day, but nevertheless, they are really waiting for these conditions, these weather conditions are very often asked how they affect for the armed forces of ukraine, how do they affect the enemy, who has priorities in this regard, well , it must be understood that under the same conditions, that our fighters and the enemy perform their tasks, the only difference is that we are simply on the defensive, they are in offensive actions, and so in principle, the impossibility or very limited possibility
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of using the equipment that we have, that they have, well , in principle, the situations are almost the same, at the expense of which use, that is, storm operations, of course, that it is infantry, a lot of infantry, it is different, starting from storm z , storm in chmobikes, mobilized, special forces, trained, just paratroopers, who were once mobilized there, learned a little bit of something, that is, a very different component in these infantry assaults, meat assaults, at the expense of weapons, well, everything flies , which they have in stock, and barrel artillery, reactive artillery, mortars, tank shelling, very frequent, especially in the city, and of course aerial bombardments are also what, well, in principle, a lot of things, lately a little less than there, well, a week, a week and a half,
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probably four or six on average , air bombardments on the territory of the community, by positions, of course, which are many times more. mr. vitaly, i thank you for joining, i told. about the current situation around avdiivka and in the city itself, vitaly barabash, head of the avdiivka city military administration, joined our ether in the city of novogrodivka, donetsk region, a three-day memorial service for those killed in a missile attack carried out by the russian military late on november 29, when s-300 missiles hit a three-story apartment building in the center of the city, according to the ministry of internal affairs. on the first day , the bodies of two dead men were retrieved from under the rubble. however, the rescue and search operation is still ongoing, only the day before, on the fifth day of the search, the body of an eight-year-old girl was found from under the rubble. she was recognized by her grandmother, the police of the donetsk region reported this, but here the child's parents have not yet been found. employees of the state emergency service together with dog handlers continue
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the rescue operation, volunteers are helping to sort out the debris. the donetsk region police showed how it happens the day before. we are volunteers, we are helping, we are volunteers, we are helping here, we are slowly taking apart , after having created these rashists here, we are now taking apart everything slowly so that some materials can at least go somewhere to the people in this house, the windows, at least close now, though something. he noted that simultaneously with novogrodivka in the evening of november 29, russian troops also attacked pokrovsk and myrnograd , donetsk region, in myrnograd the police premises were destroyed, in pokrovsk one of the shells exploded in the yard of a residential building, a family with two children, including an infant, was under the rubble, they were rescued
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, in total six c300 rockets were fired, yes they say in the ministry of internal affairs, and ten people were injured, four of them children. the russian ministry of defense claims that in pokrovsk and novogrodivka they struck the command and observation post of the ukrainian brigades. pavlo joins our broadcast dichenko, inspector of the communications department of the donetsk region police. pavel, i congratulate you, thank you. who joined, congratulations, studio, there is a three-day mourning period in novohradivka, such a tragedy and such a difficult search, tell me, as of this morning, is the operation to search for those killed as a result of that rocket strike still ongoing? yes, indeed, as you showed the footage, the work does not stop, the rubble is being cleared, the emergency services workers, the policemen are fixing it on the spot, the dog handlers are involved, that is, as of this morning, we have information about three dead, among them one child and five wounded.
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this is as a result of this hit on a three-story building, well, the building is destroyed, one part is almost completely, but the debris reaches the first floor and even the basement, the employees of the state emergency service are getting, the work is ongoing, but yesterday they found the body of a girl, and now they are carefully checking all the debris, all of them. .. these are, yes, piles of garbage, but this is construction work, there are slabs, and this is clay, everything must be carefully checked so that, well , later we can fully say that the work there is done, should we continue, pavle, we saw on the footage , that volunteers are also included in these works, tell me how many people work there and those who are qualified to do it and how many people actually joined the search? well, the main work is carried out by specialists , of course, because the machinery involved is cranes,
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loaders, and the rest, it’s really yes, guys, volunteers who carelessly came and help to manually disassemble some of the rubble, but there are safety measures, that is, there is an understanding that everything is normal, pavle, but if we talk. about the practice, how long after such a missile strike there is a chance to find people alive under the rubble? well, every day , unfortunately, the chances are decreasing, but we are working, the employees of the state emergency service, they have great respect for what they are doing, they have been doing all this for days in a row, well, there was even such a thing that manually sifting... manually searching , they find documents or some important
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things, that is, we must do everything to the maximum, what can you tell us about the family of the dead eight-year-old girl, whose body was found under the rubble? well, they are still looking for the parents, the parents are looking for the girl, as i said yesterday, unfortunately, they found the deceased, well, this is such a powerful blow, there are such conditions and she had almost no chance of survival , an identification was carried out, that is, the girl was identified, and now the search for her parents... they are still ongoing. paul, thank you for joining. pavlo dyachenko, inspector of the communication department of the police of the donetsk region, joined our broadcast to tell what the current situation is in the region. the president of ukraine, zelenskyi , and the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine, general zaluzhnyi, have a strained relationship. in addition, the president communicates with some generals in
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bypassing zaluzhnyi, writes the publication ukrainska pravda, referring to sources in the president's office and the general staff. magazine'. note that the president's office pays serious attention to the results of public opinion polls, which show that zaluzhne has a considerable trust rating and can be a political competitor to the current president. up claims that the president communicates with the army commanders bypassing general zaluzhny and the commander-in-chief often learns news from his subordinates already at the stake meeting. this, the journalists write, strongly demotivates the hard worker and interferes with managing the entire army, i.e. performing the main task. sources also said. the ukrainian truth, that zelsky seems to have two types of armed forces, the good ones commanded by syrsky and other favorites, and the bad ones that are subordinate to the deserving, this was a quote, with the names of general syrsky, the commander of the ground forces, and general olyschuk, the commander of the air forces, mentioned in the material of ukrainian pravda, it is said that with these military leaders zelsky
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created parallel tracks for communication bypassing zaluzhny, it is interesting that in the office videos of meetings of the president are periodically published. among other things, with general sirsky, in particular, frontline meetings. one of the authors of the ukrainian pravda article, roman romanyuk , explained to our colleagues from svoboda live why tension in a relationship cannot be considered a conflict and talked about the sources with whom he had a dialogue. the tension between the commander-in-chief and the commander-in-chief, by and large, cannot be a conflict, only to the extent that there cannot be a conflict between his subordinates and his so-called direct supervisor, because the work itself this subordinate depends on the decisions of his superior, and, if i think, everyone remembers that general zaluzhnyi was appointed to the post of chief commissar of the armed forces by none other than volodymyr oleksandrovich zelevskyi, and no one other than him can make a decision on resignation
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or transfer or any other personnel, personnel rotation in relation. bolovkom and any other commander in the armed forces, if, well, i think you do not have , i doubt it, but in the people who often say there, and only anonymous sources, it seems to me that these people simply never tried to get a comment about the relationship there, in general, anything related to the commander-in-chief and his relationship with zelenskyi, and, that is, people are already receiving a cold sweat from the very question, in any...' cabinet, so if it is obvious that everyone is ready to talk , about this situation, solely and exclusively only on the condition of anonymity. also, the journalists in the material mention the dismissal of all military commissions, according to sources, after this decision by zelenskyi , the pace of mobilization, which general zaluzhnyi allegedly talked about at the stage, decreased. like, political the decision determined the consequences for the military.
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the dismissal of the military, in particular the commander of the ssso khorenka, the commander of the medical corps, has a similar effect. ostashchenko and the possible resignation of the commander of the joint forces naiva. they say it undermines the vertical of valery zaluzhny's military administration. another factor that contributed to the rise of tension between zelsky and zaluzhny is the offensive in the south. media -heated expectations, writes ukrainian pravda, did not come true, because the armed forces faced a lack of equipment, the dominance of the russian army in the air and powerful fortifications on occupied territories. real combat operations turned out to be much more difficult than that. was expected, write the authors of the article. in the material, the journalists also raise the question of whether the political leadership can look for a replacement for the industrious one. so far, among the available obvious options, zelskyi has only the candidacy of the commander of the ground forces, colonel-general syrskyi, as the journalists note, but they add that the potential promotion of syrskyi will not be able to medially block the creation of a new superstar
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of ukrainian politics, which he will inevitably become useful simply at the time of resignation. so part of zelenskyi's team. according to ukrainian pravda, he is categorically against zaluzhny's resignation. i would like to add that earlier on our broadcast, responding to articles in the western press, the adviser to the president's office, mykhailo podeliak, stated that situational discussions are taking place in the ukrainian leadership, and not a conflict. the position of the military and political elites in ukraine is consolidated. this is how he commented, in particular, on the material of the economist publication about the alleged deterioration of relations between zelensky and zaluzhny. but the american one. the washington post newspaper published a long article explaining why the ukrainian counteroffensive did not achieve the desired results and what stood in the way, the authors of the article talked to dozens of ukrainian and american ... officials, as well as soldiers and officers from the front line. and here the publication writes that , for example 47, a separate mechanized brigade was supposed to start counteroffensive actions on june 7, in order to advance almost 15 km to
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the village of robotyne in the first day, in order to subsequently liberate melitopol and cut the russian roads supply. however, as the publication states , everything did not go according to plan, the minefields were very dense, the losses of people and equipment were too great, the number of dead and wounded, they write there, undermined the fighting spirit. the vision of the tactics of the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhny and his american colleagues was also different. also, according to the publication, 70% of the servicemen of the 47th brigade, which launched a counteroffensive and was equipped with the latest western weapons, entered the battle without any combat experience at all. the american military, as determined by the washington post, concluded that ukraine has not perfected basic military tactics, for example, in the use of ground intelligence to understand the density of minefields. instead , ukrainian official media said that the americans do not seem to understand how combat drones and other technologies have transformed the battlefield, so the authors add
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that in 2023, ukraine regained only more than 500 km of territory at the cost of thousands of dead and wounded and billions of dollars in western military aid. roman kostenko, secretary of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, joined our broadcast. people's deputy of ukraine. sbu colonel, ato veteran. roman, i congratulate you, thank you for joining us, very difficult topics and we will talk with you, as with an active deputy, as with a military man, with experience, and my first question, do you think that in the office of the president, they really think about the dismissal of the meritorious officer and can they dare to do so given the general's high rating? see if the president's office thinks you should first ask the president's office. but the statements that we have seen lately, they, let's say, give such confirmation that they can certainly
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think about it, and what some politicians themselves are talking about, and what are the accusations against the commander-in-chief there is a plan, there is no plan, there are some questions, we see that there are some troubles between the military and political leadership and of course this can lead to some consequences, but from my point of view, of course, that the commander-in-chief, commanders-in-chief, in them now the task is, first of all, to come to an understanding so that this does not happen in the mass media, any troubles, and to do everything in order to go to victory together, because this is what we need, we do not need any troubles, roman, if we talk about whether the political leadership can and want to blame the failed counteroffensive on the military, is it possible and is it fair, well, again, you know,
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here we have to think about whether they want or can , there is no fault here, we have to understand that - the commander, not the commander, but the supreme head... the commander, he is the head of the armed forces of ukraine, the commander of the armed forces, the commander-in-chief of the armed forces of ukraine during the war, so in fact he, through the commander-in-chief, manages its armed forces of ukraine, of course , the military leadership executes the commander-in-chief, but as far as i know, the bet is up to, let's say, president zelenskyi, he has recently been involved in this, in these issues, i think it's wrong, but he has the right to... , that's why it won't be easy here either to take and put, uh, the blame for the failed counterattack, there are many factors that
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affect it, and then evaluate with those resources that had this successful or failed counterattack, well, it is a very complicated story to say, it was success or failure, with the resources we had, with the fact that we didn't have air superiority, we didn't have long-range weapons, we went in. but in terms of technology, in terms of personnel, therefore, to evaluate it in this way, it is necessary to conduct a broad analysis. but why the practice of communication the president with some generals to bypass the industrious, is it not desirable, is it not desirable, is it possible that this is a normal practice, but how is it regarded by the military? well, in general, the president can call any commander there, whether it's the ssso, whether it's... the air force, whether it's the airborne troops, if he has any questions there, because i say again, he's the supreme commander , but hey, it doesn't
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have to be a taco trend. that all issues are resolved directly with the commander, bypassing the commander-in-chief, because the commander-in-chief is the leader, let's say, for everyone commanders, for all generals , for all soldiers, in fact, and everything that happens must be with his approval, because in the army there is a clear vertical, a clear single principle, if orders are given behind the commander-in-chief's back, and he will not know, what tasks...' are assigned behind his back to other commanders, then this will not exactly lead to effective management, so there, i don't know, i will say once again that of course the supreme can call whomever he wants, he has the right to do so , but it doesn't have to be because of what is there are some differences of opinion with the commander-in-chief, and you know, the question of whether there can be disagreements between
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the commander-in-chief and the command with ... they should not be clearly discussed somewhere in the press and go to such a level, when they say that the supreme commander does not communicate with the commander-in-chief, communicates in a roundabout way with other generals, this will definitely not give us confidence in victory, and especially to people who this is being watched by the people of ukraine, the removal of all military commissions actually had complex consequences from the military point of view, this is a quote from the material of ukrainian truth and there are even quotes from the pond, where zaluzhny says that there was a sharp drop in mobilization due to this decision, or here was happening in your opinion, is it possible, based on your information, to have some kind of communication with general zuluzhnyi, and in general , what is the issue of mobilization, because it is not clear at what stage, and in the committee it seems that it is not being written, there is some kind of working group, which of the deputies deals with this, or should
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the general staff really submit some information so that the government and the council can understand how to move in this direction. well, the fact that it was a political decision, which was to remove all the military committees, it really created problems, big problems in terms of mobilization, and then it was a political decision, and as far as i am concerned, i have information that the military leadership was against such a decision, but they, it was completed, the question now is how to fix it all, and they were there, they appointed there commanders from combat brigades, they are now trying to include this game, which, well, not a game, in this work, they have organized some courses for them there, and now there is gradual work, but let's say, there is not the same pace as before, they haven't learned a lot, let's say so, so of course it is necessary
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to make changes here, i already said that what is now, the time of popular decisions there has already passed, it is necessary to take some responsibility, first of all, the military and political leadership, in order to carry out effective measures that concerns, well, the president gave an order, we all heard, to the ministry of defense and the general staff to work out their proposals for mobilization and demobilization. er , we have a working group in the committee, they worked on a draft law of the bill, it is not there yet, but there are some proposals, both on mobilization and demobilization, i also know that the ministry of defense is working proposals to the president, and the cabinet should also do this, the general staff, so i think that in the near future we will we will see, and when we see it, we will discuss it, and there are issues not only in
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the verkhovna rada, there are issues that can be resolved through legislative changes, there are issues that can be resolved through changes in by-laws, the cabinet of ministers can do this, and there are changes that can the president already at his level do now, having signed some laws that have already been voted on by the verkhovna rada for six months, another such sensitive topic, i understand that for the general staff, given the way its western journalists, namely the journalists of ukrainian pravda , write about it , about there is a criminal case against the commander of the combined forces naiva for the defense of the south, but zaluzhny also has it, it is considered as an attempt to get close to zaluzhny himself, what do you know about this? er, i don't know that there is a case against general naev, i know that there is an actual case in the south in general, how is the case there , well, as far as i know, he is not being processed there as a suspect.


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