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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 9:30am-10:01am EET

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to discuss, and there are issues not only in the verkhovna rada, there are issues that can be resolved through legislative changes, there are issues that can be resolved through changes in by-laws, the cabinet can do this, and there are changes that the president can already make at his level now , having signed some laws there, which have already been voted on by the verkhovna rada for six months. another such sensitive topic, i understand for the general staff, given the way western journalists also write about it, that is , journalists of ukrainian truth, about the fact that criminal cases... against the commander there is naiv's united forces for the defense of the south, and zaluzhny sees it as an attempt to get close to zaluzhny himself, what do you know about this, i don't know that there is a case against general naev, i know that there is a factual case for the south in general , how does nayav pass there, well, as far as i know, he does not pass there as a suspect. but there is
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a case, it's a fact, the prosecutor's office, the sbi, as far as i remember, is investigating the surrender of the south, the military is involved, but from my point of view, it's a complex case, if it's investigated, you need to understand what mistakes there were in order to they should not be allowed, in the future, and if this complex case of hers has already been decided that it should be investigated, then it should be approached and investigated not only from the side of the military, what actions were taken, but also from the side of the military and political leadership, it should be comprehensive, if you have already decided to do it now, and considering it now is the time, then you need a complete, what were the resources, for example, in the armed forces, what teams did they have, when did they have the right to use the armed forces, when did they not the right, who gave them the right when there was... martial law there
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announced, that is , the actions of the military and the actions of the political leadership should be considered in a complex way, and how all this affected the course of hostilities, of course, it is not possible to investigate exclusively from the side of the military, and what did you do, and it is time now in your opinion, this is an investigation, look, it will definitely be necessary to sort out what was there so that in the future there would be no such problems, look, it can be investigated, but the question is, the main thing is not to use it for some political purposes game, from the side of the political party there leadership, and that it should not be there in order to, i don’t know, settle some accounts with the military there, we need to deal with this matter specifically, but in our country, we understand, there is a south, where the enemy is a few miles away days captured 100 or so kilometers and went in very quickly. but we also have
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the north, where the enemy has advanced much further , more than 300 km before, if i am not mistaken, he came to kyiv, and there is also the question of how the defense was there, so i think that here it is necessary to investigate in general how in general, starting from preparation for war, the conduct of war, how mobilization was carried out, how reservists were called up, according to which laws they operated, when the army could deploy, when it could not, when some orders were given, that is , there are many questions that need to be answered, if at all, the political leadership there decided to look into this matter now, well, this is the analysis of the counteroffensive made in the article by the washington post, journalists, they spoke with 30 high-ranking officials from ukraine, the usa and european countries. in general, like yours evaluation of their analytics, to what extent do you think what was written by journalists corresponds to reality? something fits there, something doesn't fit, i read it very quickly,
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i didn't have time to analyze it there, there are some correct things, but they are based on the fact that they offered us something about their tactics, and here you can also say a lot about this, that their tactics are primarily built on - the superiority of er, firepower, firepower, if you can call it that, it is an advantage in the air, it is an advantage on the battlefield , it is an advantage in various forces and means, well as far as i know, i know that we didn't, we couldn't create this advantage, because objectively we were attacking a superior enemy, who also had air superiority, and we remember those moments when the first attacks went, when the enemy was just shooting at our units from helicopters, and we couldn't get them because we didn't have any air defense equipment that could do that, so i think there needs to be
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a lot more depth than just an article in the washington post, roman, speaking about whether there is a war plan, well, that is such a question for them weeks, in a different way, is there a war plan in ukraine, and the military says that it is obvious that there is, but with whom to share it is another matter, you know what i am referring to, another material, the wall street journal, and they wrote about the fact that in the future, next year, ukraine will not have the resources to advance, and there they advise ukraine to defend itself, whether it is possible to defend the territories that are currently under the control of ukraine, such a plan would be for ukraine, for the military leadership, because here i return to the material that we we are analyzing the washington post with you, they also say that when, in the material of the ukrainian truth, when lloyd austin
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heard about, and what is needed in order for ukraine to decupulate and absorb all its territories, he simply said that so much , well, there isn’t that much artillery around the world, yes, that is, a lot of money and weapons are needed in... ukraine, in order to liberate all the territories, so can there be a plan b, it ’s just defense, but anything can happen, and now defense - this is a very important aspect that we have to implement because the enemy is always there is getting stronger, the enemy replenishes resources faster than we do at the expense of our partners and at the expense of the work of our defense-industrial complex there, this is a fact, it must be admitted, we got into political games. both inside the country and in politics , and our partners, we also see how politically, what is happening abroad in the united states and some european countries, which are already starting to have someone there block our borders, someone does not support us, someone
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refused to supply weapons , because some other political force won, and it shows once again the weakness of democratic countries, in fact , we are fighting for democracy, and the democracies themselves, well , i don’t know, support such pacifism, and because of that, because of that, the russians take advantage of it, and it can lead to further problems, so now and from my point of view, we have to direct all our efforts to protect as much as possible the territories that are currently under our control, this is to build a serious defense as much as possible, using engineering forces and means, engineering them by preparing them for this, and at the same time accumulating forces for further liberating territories , but the emphasis should be primarily on preservation, because the enemy is constantly accumulating, he has serious resources and he can go further, and
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it will be quite difficult to restrain him without good lines of defense, there is such a quote in the washington post material that even among the political reluctance of supporters of ukraine to make additional contributions to an unreliable cause is growing. what can fix the situation in your opinion, or after all these high-profile materials, for example, from western colleagues, maybe you heard some, i don't know, advice or concern about the situation , well, this is a very ugly phrase, an unreliable thing, they , well, it speaks of the pettiness of these people who say that, because we are fighting with the second army of the world and we are fighting as best we can with the resources that we have, and this is declared, i would like to see if they fought one-on-one with the russian federation and called it a reliable cause, er, so i say it again, this is politics, which - democratic countries show their weakness and show and only take advantage of it, this uses russian
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the federation, other countries that are far from democracy, and if this continues, let's say, these countries will take over democracy and then there will be completely different schedules in this world and they have to understand that we, what we have to do, we have to do what we are doing, protect our territories and work with these countries, er, with everyone at the diplomatic level, so that we do not decrease, as is happening now, the supply of weapons, on the contrary, they increase them, if it is now this does not happen, then we have a failure in our diplomacy , we need to change the negotiators, we need to change the people who go and talk, i think that people who have military, including experience, and some of their own, let's say, experience, maybe military and political, should go there to talk ,
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roman, you were invited to the delegation that is going to the usa, no, i was not invited, i understand that there were other criteria. selection, that's why we have to understand that look, even if we talk about this delegation, that's where it went many deputies, everyone there, let's say, took their lines somewhere there, took pictures there , talked there, i think that probably deputies should definitely go there to talk, but you need to understand that if we go there people from the united states, probably in parallel with that to involve the military as well, well , soldiers who are fighting, who, for example , have won back, who are wounded, or there are soldiers who want to fight, but cannot because of severe wounds, loss of limbs. or something else, we've got to go, it, it 's not supposed to be some kind of show, but it those people who are supposed to come over there
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and say, see that your soldiers don't fight and lose as much as we do, you have to help us, they shouldn't be there, politicians whose family is in the united states or somewhere is in europe and nothing threatens them, they come, tell us how we need help, these must be people. who are wholly and completely in ukraine, who are fighting for ukraine, who understand that they need to live in this country in the future, and i think this will be a more effective job than those who think differently, that is, so that western officials read about what is happening at the front not from the publications, let's say, not from the pages of the publications, but heard from the first persons who directly saw the war with their own eyes, thank you, roman, for joining , roman kostenko, secretary of the parliamentary committee on national security, defense and intelligence, people's deputy of ukraine, sbu colonel was a guest of svoboda ranok. this is svoboda
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ranok, we are with you from 9:00 a.m. on weekdays, every day, my name is kateryna nekrech, we will talk about such topics later in this broadcast. it's been a month since polish protesters have blocked the border for ukrainian trucks, prime minister mateusz morovecki says that poland will strongly demand from the european union to restore permits for ukrainian truckers. in the european commission, they oppose and defend. the interests of ukrainian carriers, all hope for negotiations, at what stage they are and whether there is a chance to unblock the checkpoints as soon as possible. the number of children who fell ill with covid-19 increased by 21% in one week in ukraine, the ministry of health reports. at three in regions where the number of patients has already exceeded the epidemic threshold, restrictive anti-epidemic measures may be taken there. in general, more than 10 strains of covid-19 are circulating in ukraine, so says the chief sanitary doctor of the country. we will discuss the current situation with respiratory diseases and how to protect yourself. if you watch us on youtube,
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don't forget that this platform works in such a way that thanks to your comments, your views, your likes, this video will be seen by as many people as possible, so support our project. russian ministry of defense states that occupied by russia, the ukrainian crimea and the territory of the sea of ​​azov were allegedly attacked by several groups of bezpilos at night. according to official reports of the air defense department , it destroyed 22 ukrainian drones and intercepted 13 more over the sea of ​​azov. the astra and crimean veter telegram channels also report that the residents of kerch, fodosi, old crimea and simferopol heard the sounds of explosions. according to their data, the kerch bridge was closed to traffic, telegram channels also reported about power outages. and occupation the head of crimea, serhii akonov , has not yet announced anything about the drone attack. the ukrainian side does. she has not commented on these messages at the moment.
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three regions are on the verge of quarantine, 56 people have died in the last week alone, the chief sanitary doctor of ukraine reported. these are the consequences of the spread of the coronavirus in ukraine as a seasonal disease, as previously stated by epidemiologists, but the epidemic threshold has been exceeded in the ternopil, zhytomyr and chernivtsi regions, chief sanitary doctor ihor kuzin said. in addition, the corona virus makes up more than a third of the total seasonal ailments. along with the coronavirus , flu and respiratory diseases are also spreading. according to the center for public health, since the beginning of october, when the epidemic season began, more than a million ukrainians have already fallen ill. epidemiologists say that 14 different strains of coronavirus are currently circulating in ukraine and call for vaccination to prevent a severe course of the disease. the head of the national technical group of experts on immunoprophylaxis, fedir lapii v tele fonu said that by the end of winter and the beginning of spring, the number of diseases may increase even more, and people
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over 60 years old and those with weak immunity are in the risk group. i would like to remind you that after the official start of the coronavirus pandemic in 2020, it ended in may 23, when the quarantine was canceled in ukraine and all restrictions were lifted, at the height of the spread of the disease, every 50th patient in the world died from the coronavirus in all , in all age groups. in ukraine , a total of 11,100 people have died from covid, currently mortality is lower, and vaccination helps, experts say. oksana koshalko joins our broadcast. head of the department of epidemiological surveillance of the public health center, i welcome you, thank you for joining, i have a question for you right away, but can we now say that there is a seasonal surge of respiratory diseases in ukraine, and which diseases are the most common? yes indeed, now we see an epidemic rise in the incidence of respiratory diseases, this is quite
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expected for this time of year, that is, just end of november, beginning of december. this is such a period of increased morbidity, it is mostly caused by the fact that currently the circulation of the virus-2 is really predominant, actually it is ev-19, but we also have other viruses that cause the disease, that is , we have parainfluenza, denerus, res-virus , that is, these are the viruses that cause disease among the entire population, and if we talk about what contributes to this spread, it is precisely this cold season of the year. when people are more in closed, poorly ventilated rooms, they open windows less, there is less air circulation, it actually contributes to infection, plus we have, according to statistics, among children, adults in our country are sick somewhere with regard to covid-19, somewhere 50 to 50, that is, half of children are sick, half of adults, if we talk about other respiratory viruses, then there
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are mainly about 70% of our children get sick, and our children are in educational institutions, that is , the remote form of education does not give much help in our country, and this contributes to the fact that viruses spread between children and then adults become infected from children, that is , the situation is quite expected, and indeed there may be an increase in the incidence, as a rule, it increases somewhere closer to the new year, then it is introduced, er, in our country, according to the calendar, we have a winter vacation, that is , children go on vacation from the sixth... a decrease in the incidence, and then somewhere closer by the end of january, the beginning of february, a second wave of the rise of this respiratory disease is possible , that is, in principle, we observed such a picture in the pre-pandemic times, before covid, and now we are already plus or minus returning to the statistics that we had before the pandemic, about
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that there are 14 strains of 19 circulating in ukraine, says the chief sanitary doctor of ukraine, ihor kuzin, and are there any new strains of covid e now, are they all already familiar to medicine and are the vaccinations and vaccines that are currently available, are they so to speak, protect against all these types of covid? well, 14 is the number of variants of the sars2 omicron virus we have, the one circulating in ukraine is all omicron, the fact that it has 14 variants with different genetic or some deviations in the characteristics of viruses, absolutely not, indicates that in we have 14 different viruses, that's all omicron, fortunately, it causes a mild course of the disease in most cases, the risk groups continue to be people who have chronic diseases, people of older age groups, and the vaccine that we
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have today in ukraine, people can apply for vaccination, here i would like to emphasize that the vaccine does not prevent infection, that is, a person can still get sick, but it warns, actually, of a severe course and the probability of hospitalization in a health care institution, that is , it is primarily recommended for risk groups, persons older, but if you haven't had any vaccinations, please get vaccinated as it can protect you and those around you. ms. oksana, thank you for participating, thank you for your recommendations, explanation of the situation, oksana koshalko, head of the department of supervision of the public health center, was a guest of svoboda ranok. the european commission is in favor of preserving the agreement between ukraine and the eu, which exempts ukrainian drivers from the need to obtain permits for international transportation. about it according to the results of the council of the eu at the level of the ministers of infrastructure and transport, profile european commissioner
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adina velya said. to what extent does this position of the eu bring the solution of the blockade problem closer. border between poland and ukraine, and what the parties are ready to do, our european correspondent zoryana stepanenko will tell. stop the so-called visa-free transport with ukraine. polish government officials voiced the key demand of polish carriers blocking checkpoints with ukraine in brussels the day before. a representative of the polish ministry of infrastructure advocated the return commercial permits for ukrainian carriers necessary for work on the territory of the eu. an exception is offered only for military and humanitarian cargo. according to the polish side, the cancellation of permits, which the european commission decided in the summer of 2022, distorted the transport market, creating considerable problems for polish and not only carriers. while the permit system was in effect, polish companies, according to the then ministry of infrastructure, transported up to 40% of cargo between ukraine and poland, now it is four times less. just because he said
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the official, representatives of the transport market and resorted to blocking the border, showing, according to him, emotions and despair, and to calm them down and force them to retreat, he will be able, according to the government official, to return the permits. the discussion we are reviving today is whether to support ukraine, because it is indisputable and not subject to any discussion. ukraine should be helped with all its forces and the eu should always ensure that this international transport market is not violated by legislation, and we see, ladies and gentlemen, that it is now shaken. how it affected the market of transportation in the eu, the agreement with ukraine on the movement of cargo by cars of the european union at the level of relevant ministers was informed by the polish, slovak and hungarian delegations. the european commission is paying attention. the conditions in which drivers are blocked, temperatures are low, the sanitary situation leaves much to be desired, cargoes that cannot reach their destinations affect the single market
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of the eu and the economic situation, noted the relevant european commissioner. the european commission noted the official in contact with all participants in the process, and on based on what i heard, i have already proposed a list of 13 measures aimed at resolving the situation, and it does not include the return of permits for ukrainian carriers whose cancellation is prescribed in the eu agreement. the european commissioner is determined to firmly defend it and explain its advantages for the european market, as well as ukraine and moldova. this ping-pong game between ukraine and the european commission is unfair. meanwhile , people are suffering on the border, our external borders of the european union are becoming hostages. so the idea of ​​rolling back permissions is not acceptable, because that's exactly what we gave up on permits to allow operations under different numbers and different number of permits in the eu was nezhittezdat. the blockade of the movement of trucks through several checkpoints on the ukrainian-polish border lasts a month.
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the federation of employers of ukraine estimated the direct losses of its economy caused by the situation on the border with poland at more than 400 million euros. from brussels. zoryana stepanenko, radio liberty. yevin that the blockade of the point on the border with slovakia was suspended. the pass, and the deputy minister of infrastructure of ukraine, serhiy derkach, announced this on facebook. mr serhiy has now joined our broadcast, i congratulate you, deputy minister of community development, territories and infrastructure of ukraine, i have the following question for you: the month of the blockade, we see from eu statements that they support ukraine there, nevertheless, and we hear the polish side, here is a new one prime minister mateusz morawiec said that poland will resolutely demand from the european union the renewal of permits for ukraine. what now with the negotiations? today, we have an agreed position with the polish ministry of infrastructure and
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the european commission on the measures that must be done, by both sides , in order to a unblock the border, but globally in order to improve the infrastructure of the checkpoints, the capacity of trucks to pass through the border and generally remove this problem in the future. of course, this will not reduce the number. ukrainian drivers who will travel between ukraine and europe, but this is not the problem, because on the contrary, today, since we already have broken logistics routes, and you hear this from the european commission, we need to be able to move precisely by car roads without any number of limited permits and artificially limit this traffic. as of today, all the demands of the protesters there were related to issues other than the summons. they, we actually fulfilled them, we launched yesterday the checkpoint in hrynyi dolgobuchy together with the polish side, trucks are already passing there, empty, and this traffic
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is quite active, we can see that this will definitely remove some part of the queues, in front of the border, in relation to poland, in addition, we technically worked out all the issues related to the separate lanes for empty vehicles in the system electronic queue, so we are actually waiting for the polish ministry of structure and colleagues from the polish government for them to resume negotiations with poland with the protesters again, because i think everyone was waiting for yesterday, yesterday's council meeting, at which there should be a decision, i i think we have all heard the position of the european commission, here, but we are also ready to continue the dialogue with neighboring countries, to talk about what we are and to show the numbers, even about the fact that we do not compete even with neighboring countries countries in terms of transportation, since european carriers have much more rights to travel within the european union, what our carriers are not allowed even
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under this law. therefore, regarding the negotiations, today we expect some kind of reaction from the polish side after yesterday's council meeting , taking into account the measures that we have already taken and are ready, let's say, to launch and restore the border. serhiy, who will the neighbors listen to, well, first of all, poland, to the ukrainian side and these arguments that it does not interfere with the polish market there, as far as the protesters say it, or , for example, take it into account and whether it is serious. are they paying attention to the comments coming from the european commission? well, what we see, of course, the polish colleagues from the government take into account the arguments of the polish carriers, but the first key issue here is that poland is not a party to this agreement, and in fact this agreement concluded between ukraine and the european the union must act at least until june 30
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of the next year, this is a question... which should not be to be discussed, since we have no grounds to cancel it, we do not have any violations on the part of the ukrainian side or the side of the european union, which would allow us to say that this agreement is not effective, it is used, on the contrary, last time, when the agreement was extended, it was quite effective, therefore the question should not be about the part of this particular agreement, about the part of the extension of this agreement and on which, on which... it can be extended, it seems to us that the situation has not changed, we see that everything logistics ways are not, turned back, the war continues, therefore the issue of roads, it became and still remains relevant , the issue of the agreement also remains relevant, and this was said at the council meeting not only by the european commission, but also by many countries of the european union, which supported this opinion and supported precisely
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the issue of extending this agreement and even for the future, mr. serhiy, there is one and a half minutes left, but can you tell me who in poland shows that they are not interested in extending the blockade, who is ready to go to dialogue, really listen to the ukrainian side and find a way out of this situation, unblock the border? er, it is difficult to say, because at the negotiations with the polish government, colleagues declare that they do not support the blockade, colleagues also point out... the thesis that they cannot do anything now precisely with the liberalization agreement, since poland does not is part of this agreement, but in fact the border is still blocked, that is, there is an issue here, there is an issue of non-support, and the declaration of non- support of blocking and the implementation of real measures to unblock the border , we don't hear support, but real measures to unblock the border, so far we don't see them, the polish government says that this is actually
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an issue, concerns only the local authorities, the local authorities say: we have legal the right to protest and we cannot limit it, that is , it is such a deadlock situation when two subjects , the government and local authorities, point fingers at each other and say, well, we can't do anything, although in the two previous cases, when there were strikes, we saw that the situation was resolved, the decision of either the government or the local authorities to cancel the permission to strike, until the statements do not coincide with the actions, yes mr. serhiy, thank you for informing about the course of events around the polish-ukrainian border, serhiy derkach, deputy minister of community development, territories and infrastructure svoboda ranok was a guest of ukraine. i thank all of you, our viewers, for being with us, and i would like to remind you that if this video was useful for you, please support our project by liking, commenting, sharing this video, subscribe to our channel, already tomorrow at 9:00 on
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the air of the tv channel and here on youtube. on the radio svoboda channel, see you, see you, i congratulate the viewers of tv kanaluso, we start the information day with news, kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. new details of cotton in the annexed crimea. the russians claim one of the largest drone attacks on the peninsula. a series of explosions thundered in feodosia and kerch. as the ministry of defense of the country informs, the terrorists were allegedly shot down at night over the crimea and the sea of ​​azov.


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