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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 11:00am-11:30am EET

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support, and the cotton jacquard top will last you for years, there are elastic bands for a secure fit, we have several standard widths and two length options to choose from, and the casper ortolight is a great solution for a cottage, dorm or rental apartment, it can be rolled up and easy to transport, forget about crazy expenses for new furniture and mattresses, order a stoper casper ortolike mattress for only uah 999, call. greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, we are starting the information day with news, the studio is working kateryna shirokpoyas. two people died during the morning. shelling of kherson, another
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victim was taken to the hospital with serious injuries. the russians fired artillery at the center of the city, reported the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. two more injured due to russian shelling in donetsk region. that night, the occupiers fired four rockets at selidovo, destroying four high-rise buildings and seven administrative buildings. the head of the region ihor moroz said. the russians also struck the village of severnye from aircraft, damaging five apartment buildings. emergency personnel rescued one victim from the rubble. a 41-year-old man was injured as a result of shelling in the kharkiv region. at night, the russians launched drones over chuguiev. three residential buildings were destroyed, oleg synogubov, the head of the region, said. the occupiers also launched drones. in the village of borova, where
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private houses, shops and a cultural center were damaged. russian terrorists attacked ukrainian cities with rockets and mortars at night. the occupiers released 17 drones and six manned s-300s, it was reported air force command. our defenders of the sky destroyed 10 enemy drones. the forces of the pppo, in particular, worked in khmelnytskyi and mykolaiv regions. kherson region and vinnytsia region. previously, there were no casualties or damage. rockets were directed by the occupiers at civilian objects in donetsk region and kherson region. the consequences of the attack are being clarified. in the morning, vorokh attacked an infrastructure object in the lviv region with three drones. the impact caused a fire - informed the head of the regional military administration maksym kozytskyi. according to him, there are minor ruins at the site. however
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people were not injured. retribution for terrorist attacks, a powerful explosion rang out in the russian taganrog. as the propaganda media reported, a rocket was shot down over the city. the russians also announced one of the largest drone attacks on occupied crimea. a series of explosions thundered in feodosia and kerch, as the ministry of defense of the country informs. terrorists allegedly shot down 26 ukrainian drones and intercepted 15 at night over crimea and the sea of ​​azov. the invaders do not report the consequences of the attack, but as the locals write public, drones attacked the offshore oil terminal in feodosia. this is one of the most important russian oil depots on the peninsula, as well as the zatoka shipyard in krchy. witnesses say that they heard not only the work of anti-aircraft fire, but also the sounds of gunshots in both cities,
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power outages, and the occupation authorities blocked traffic on the kerch bridge. and according to operational information from the general staff of the armed forces of ukraine, 73 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the occupiers intensified their efforts in the kupinsky direction the defense repelled 10 enemy attacks there, and another 11 in the liman direction. the hottest so far is near avdiyivka, there the occupiers attacked our positions 18 times, the same number of attacks were repulsed by the ukrainian defenders in the maryansky direction. in addition, the enemy attacked 11 times near klishchiivka, andriivka and bohdanivka. our soldiers continue to inflict losses on the occupiers in the bakhmut area. in zaporozhye , the invaders unsuccessfully tried to restore lost positions near the robot. the armed forces of ukraine continue their offensive on the dnipro and
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inflict damage on the body of the russians, and during the day , the ukrainian aviation made 10 strikes on the concentration area of ​​the occupiers and destroyed two enemy air defense systems, and the rocket and artillerymen hit seven enemy artillery pieces, two anti-aircraft missile complexes and destroyed three areas of concentration of muscovite personnel. our defenders prepared a generous gift for the international day of volunteers for all those who help the army, sent another 1030 russian invaders to the other world, and in general, since the beginning of the full-scale invasion at the hands of armed forces of ukraine, almost 300... 34,000 occupiers were killed, and within a day, ukrainian defenders turned into scrap seven enemy tanks, 15 armored combat vehicles, 39 units of automobiles and special equipment, 26 russian artillery systems and one cruise missile will never attack our positions again.
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three more means of air defense of the russians will not protect them from the ukrainian fury, the general staff reminds, all data are approximate. due to the russian aggression, the volunteer movement in ukraine acquired an unprecedented scale, more than 100 billion hryvnias for humanitarian ukrainians have already donated aid and defense since the beginning of the full-scale invasion, according to research data, in particular, this year, the largest ukrainian charitable funds collected 12.5 billion uah. we also have something to be proud of, thanks to you, our viewers, the espresso tv channel has collected almost two. uah for the needs of our defenders. thank you and we encourage you to continue donating for victory. the spresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua are collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded
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and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigades of the armed forces cold ravine. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military will choose victory every day without leaving it on the field. wounded comrades, with atvs the evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded are much greater. our goal is uah 8,000. thanks to you, we have already collected over uah 24,965. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield, so support, do not remain indifferent, all the props you can see on your screens now. bell of hope in the kyiv-pechersk lavra started a tradition in memory of the prisoners and the missing missing in russia's war against ukraine. starting today, every day on the great lavra day, after a nationwide minute of silence , the bell ringer will ring the largest
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bell of the lavra nine times, symbolizing nine years of war. for the first time, the bells were rung by soldiers, prisoners who returned home and relatives of the missing. tradition says, until all the prisoners are returned from russian captivity. it is the lavra bell on the belfry, on the great lavra bell tower, that should remind the whole world, including those prisoners who are held hostage in russian federation. and it is very important that this action continues until the return of the last victim from russian captivity. now there are thousands of prisoners in polonia, thousands more are missing, are considered missing, we are fighting on the side of good, and it is very important for us to be on the side of light in everything, if we allow ourselves to forget about
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the prisoners, forget about the missing, forget about their families , then it can be considered that some part of the light from our hearts has already been irretrievably lost, another official is a traitor, the security service detained the former deputy head of the community in sumy oblast. the perpetrator held the position until may 2022 . after the occupation of the region, he left for erefi and was recruited by the special services. later , he returned to ukraine and justified himself by the fact that he was allegedly taken prisoner. instead , the man collected data on the locations of defense forces in the border region for future russian sabotage. the law enforcement officers caught the traitor during the attempted handover. occupiers, he faces life imprisonment. and the european commission condemns the blockade of the polish-ukrainian border, it announced european commissioner for transport, adina velyan. brussels will defend the agreement on the liberalization of freight transportation and
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opposes the restoration of the system of issuing permits for ukrainian truckers, as demanded by polish carriers, the official stressed. she also reminded. that the european commission has already proposed a list of 13 measures that can solve the issues that are troubling the protesters. the day before , deputy minister of community development and infrastructure of ukraine serhiy terkach said that our state has fulfilled all arrangements for unblocking the border with poland. in the meantime, one of the checkpoints on the ukrainian-slovak border was unblocked, this is the german cherry blossom, adjacent to the ukrainian checkpoint uzhhorod. protesters closed the blockade the previous evening, and registration of vehicles is carried out according to the established procedure. i will remind you that due to the complicated traffic on the polish border, the number of cars on
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the border with slovakia has increased substantially. so, as of this morning , there were 60-625 trucks in the queue on the slovak side. finland will start production of projectiles for ukraine. such a decision is planned to be made by christmas - the country's defense minister said. he added that he is currently in finland. they announced a general plan and a substantial increase in ammunition production by tens of millions of euros. i should note that this country recently approved the allocation of the 20th package of military aid to ukraine, it is about 3 million euros of support to improve food security. this concludes the episode, read more on our website and also on our social networks. join, put your preferences. next, my colleagues oksana vysochenska and roman chaika are waiting for you on the air, don't switch
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, it's 11:12 on the clock, it's time to remind about our collection and thank you 700 for this morning 7 hours has already flown into the account so that we can buy portable batteries as soon as possible. .. stations for our defenders, we ask you to actively participate, because we need to collect a million and 22,000, and now we are only approaching half a million, you can see the qr-code, the card number will now appear, here it is on the screen, take a photo, rewrite, copy, scan , who is more comfortable and how it is more convenient, it is important that as much money as possible goes into this account, so that it can then be transformed into... with solar panels for our defenders for
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the dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of waste disposal. how much the world has changed, we can judge from such idiotic reports at first glance, you know, when there in skatmanda, the capital of nepal, the government demands money from the russians, the russian embassy, ​​says: give a lot for our six citizens of nepal, yes. here are six nepalis - this is not the end, it is only the beginning, as the armed forces of ukraine say, taking a captive nepalese and eliminating six nepali citizens who fought for the russian peace. such strange things are happening on this planet, against the background of our russian-ukrainian war. let's talk about things close to this war, after all, maybe one of the reasons why this war happened. and for this, we invite to our conversation yuriy kostenko, the minister
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of environmental protection and nuclear safety of ukraine, a former member of the committee on nuclear policy and environmental safety under the president of ukraine in 1995-1998. glory to ukraine, mr. yury. glory to heroes. mr. yuri, let's start with the fact that side by side they stand guard and move along the line. front , the armed forces of ukraine, the armed forces of great britain, the armed forces of the united states, and all together, fulfilling the budapest memorandum, repel the enemy from our territory, this is how we should read the anniversary of the budapest memorandum of action in connection with the violated guarantees on the part of the signatory, namely russia , which guaranteed the territorial and other integrity and sovereignty of ukraine, why do we not see such news, why is the budapest memorandum not read like that today? the thing is that the budapest memorandum has a completely different ideology,
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first of all, these are not legally binding, things that the countries signed, the signatories, but it is only an assurance that the countries that signed the budapest memorandum take upon themselves commitment not to attack ukraine. and not to use force against this state, without also violating the territorial integrity, from this point of view, that the usa, that britain. did not violate any letter of the budapest memorandum, the question is only about of the russian federation, but the russian federation sought exactly this in the budapest memorandum, precisely such wording, and the russian federation categorically refused to sign a legally binding document,
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like the one that the soviet union once signed, providing security guarantees. austria, in exchange for its neutrality. this document, which was signed with austria at that time, was ratified by the parliaments of the soviet union, the austrian parliament , and the united states. as for the budapest memorandum, it is only a political document, not a legal one binding and this is precisely the answer to the question of why the british and the americans are not fighting us today, and for this we need to go back a little in history to the signing of the budapest memorandum. in 1992-1994, i headed a special parliamentary commission that prepared for ratification the well-known
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start-1 agreement, signed by gorbachev , the president of the ussr, and george bush, senior, who was then the president of the united states in july 1991 , but as you know , in august the union began to fall apart, and then it was proposed that e states, newly formed, on the territory of which nuclear weapons were placed, undertook to reduce strategic armaments, which were not implemented by the soviet union, which collapsed. such new states, as you know, were the russian federation, ukraine, belarus and kazakhstan, and this treaty was revived in lisbon in 1992, the so-called lisbon protocol, where
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four states, f, ukraine, belarus and kazakhstan, were recognized as new nuclear states instead of the ussr , this is point number one, and point number two, stated that these states should to destroy what the soviet union did not destroy, which is only 36% of strategic carriers and 42% of strategic warheads. the verkhovna rada of ukraine implemented these decisions by ratifying the star-1 contract in november 1993. according to this treaty, ukraine had to destroy only 36% of its carriers and 42% of nuclear warheads. moreover, the ratification resolution, which had the force of law, clearly stated that if the destruction
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of ukrainian weapons will not take place on the territory of ukraine, then international control over the destruction of ukrainian nuclear weapons, point three, stated that ukraine must receive international guarantees of its security after the complete destruction of nuclear weapons, but ukraine will carry out the complete destruction of nuclear weapons in stages, and such a security guarantee for ukraine should be legal membership in nato and the european union. why is all this not embodied in the budapest memorandum? and the fact is that already in 1994, after the verkhovna rada adopted this law, the executive power began to implement the russian the scenario of nuclear disarmament of ukraine. and it was limited only to the fact that ukraine had to
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hand over to russia all of its own without exception. nuclear -armed and tactical weapons , and strategic weapons, in total, this is almost 500 nuclear warheads, moreover, we did not receive any compensation from russia, the fact that nuclear materials for nuclear power plants, or rather tveli, were supplied by russia, under the so-called peace dividend, which ukraine received from russia, this is a ridiculous price, we received from russia approximately 1 billion dollars worth of fuel oil, and we gave it to russia with nuclear materials in the amount of 100 billion dollars , this is such a fraternal relationship, therefore, when approaching the question, who is to blame, that we have a bunch of security guarantees, in budapest, and we did
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not receive security guarantees, but a piece of paper that can be admired today, or just look at him, it's all the fault not of the usa and britain, but it's the fault of the then executor...' of the authorities headed by the then president kravchuk, and all this, unfortunately , was completely tolerated and tolerated by the ukrainian ministry of foreign affairs and other responsible structures that pushed ukraine towards script of russia, and not for the national interests of ukraine. that is, we cannot talk about some kind of justice that would come for ukraine, because in fact we ourselves are to blame, and it seems that the people who did all this, by whose hands it was all done and from whose input it was all done, could not not to be aware of what the consequences might be in
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the future, maybe they didn't want to think about it, but not to understand what it means to give all these things to russia, they couldn't, right? i think that the problem here, first of all, lies in the fact that after the declaration of independence, the executive power, as well as the parla... remained old, that is, there was an almost constitutional communist majority in the parliament, it continued to exist after the declaration of independence, the executive power absorbed in 1992 only three representatives of the opposition democratic minority, among which i found myself in the position of minister of environmental protection, later of nuclear safety. and there were also ihor yukhnovskyi, the leader of the parliamentary opposition, and penzenyk, who served as the ukrainian baltserovych, toured
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the so-called economic reforms, that's all representation, new forces that understood what the national interest is and that the government should be guided in its actions exclusively by the national interest and the ukrainian decision. parliament , and not by calls from the kremlin and the influence that the kremlin had colossal influences, both in the political and economic, economic and other spheres, until today, unfortunately, so it can be stated that the mistake of the democratic opposition was that , which we did not achieve in 1991 together with the presidential elections before the term parliamentary elections, but on the other hand, already the elected president of ukraine, and i do not apologize, the secretary of the central committee, the communist party of ukraine, kravchuk, the president of ukraine, they did not understand what the national
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interest was, their mentality remained communist, they perceived nato and the integration of ukraine into the european union and nato as the greatest possible a threat to themselves, probably first of all, and they thought that it was a threat to ukraine as well, so yes, but it was the leaders. which corresponded to the majority of ukrainian voters, such and such voters were then, this is only a reflection, i simply wanted you in this one anniversary, or the anniversary of the budapest memorandum, because 29 years pass exactly on december 5, at the same time, in fact, ukraine signs the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, because the budapest memorandum is, in principle, a filkin's letter about a toast to everything good, whether there are juridics..." mechanisms that ukraine, for example, will be in this treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, at least repeat the path of israel, which also
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never said that it was a nuclear state, but there was a nuclear program somewhere, and now israel can also give a nuclear argument the aggressor, or us we can go this way after leaving, or leaving or going in parallel with the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, which went as a package. i think that these are the narratives generated by the same russia in order for ukraine to lose the support of the west. when we were a nuclear power, i repeat this once again, it was recognized in the lisbon protocol, which was ratified, by the way, by all the parliaments of the usa, ukraine, the russian federation, belarus, and kazakhstan, that is, we had the full right to generate. our strategy of nuclear disarmament and no one is pushing everything down our necks to give it to russia ahead of time, moreover, it was forbidden by the decisions of the parliament
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to transfer nuclear weapons to someone for their further use, so when we were legally a nuclear state and so ineptly gave the entire arsenal into the hands of russia, today we are talking about attempts withdraw from the treaty on the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and start a nuclear program somewhere, well, this is completely absurd, the fact is that we immediately become not... a democratic ukraine that fulfills international obligations, but a savage, just like russia now, or for example northern korea, or the same iran, and you know what international sanctions are against countries that somewhere are trying to implement their nuclear program , so this is from the point of view of international law, and from the point of view of economic realities, today the budget is 60%, this is being filled, this in
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the western countries, how and at what expense we will these nuclear weapons, and also the question of where we will develop and produce them, we cannot produce shells in sufficient quantities today, what conventional weapons despite the availability of technologies, despite availability of professional workers, engineers, but we can't, because everything is under fire from russia, and it knows all the secret plants of ukraine, so those who propose such a scenario, i call them either not viglas, or russian provocateurs, i apologize for the frankness, mr. yuri, but that's what it's actually about periodically there is a discussion, and some talk about yuzhmash, others about underground plants, others talk about israel's experience, that's why i asked you, thank you mr. yuriy for the clarification, yuriy kostenko, former minister of environmental protection , nuclear safety
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of ukraine and member of the commission on nuclear issues environmental security policy under the presidency of ukraine in those dramatic times, when ukraine signed the budapest memorandum and became a nuclear-free state, we are now going on a short break, then we will return and talk about ukrainian-hungarian relations, because here, on the eve of the eu summit, orbán threw it out again the grasshopper usual tasks become unreal, heavy bags, not for my sick back. for back pain, try dolgit cream. kremgit relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with the cream dolgit, whatever you want, i will lift. dolgit is the only yellow cream from joint and back pain. damn stairs. my legs can't walk anymore. wait, i'm very old. what, there is no health? but what is the health there, on
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