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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 3:00pm-3:31pm EET

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it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, news time on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. the russians will release six more ukrainian children through the mediation of qatar. this was stated by qatari. minister of international cooperation lolwa al-hater, writes the washington post newspaper. the official noted that ukrainians aged eight to 15 should return to their families in the near future. they will leave moscow and head home through belarus. let me remind you that i used to go to my homeland with the help of a boat bohdan yermokhin, a young man deported from mariupol, returned. meanwhile, it is official in avdiivka. not a single child remained, everyone
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was evacuated, said the head of the city's military administration, vitaliy barabash. he noted that law enforcement officers and volunteers managed to find the last boy and his family and take them to a safe place. let me remind you, the child could not be found for almost four months. the task was complicated by the fact that the parents did not receive humanitarian aid all this time. barabash also emphasized that the children were currently evacuated from almost all front-line communities. romania plans to play a pivotal role in the post-war reconstruction of ukraine - said prime minister marchal cholaku. he noted that geographical proximity, sea, river, railway and road connections will contribute to this. all these possibilities, in his opinion, will be able to interest american investors who will join the reconstruction. bucharest intends to support this. kyiv for as
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long as it takes. čolaku has previously emphasized that romania will continue to help ukraine despite the political costs, as they are less important than the precedent that a russian victory in the war would set. prime minister of hungary viktor orban once again appealed to the head of the european council, charles michel , with a request not to start negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu. a politician writes about it. in the letter, orban points out that the decision on the possibility of starting negotiations is not objective and alleged, therefore it is worth removing this issue from the agenda of the december summit. at the same time , there is a representative in the eu who participated in the negotiations, he said that 26 of the 27 countries still want to start accession negotiations of ukraine. nepal called on russia not to recruit
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its citizens for the war in ukraine and to immediately return all nepalese mercenaries home. as reuters writes, the government of the country released a statement and reported that six of its citizens were killed in ukraine. the statement also said that their diplomats are negotiating the release of one nepalese man who served in the russian army and was captured in ukraine. kathmandu also urged its people not to join the army of any country. which is waging war. israel is considering a flooding plan hamas tunnels in the gas strip with sea water. for this, they plan to use the previously installed system of large pumps, the wall street journal reported. according to them , such a tactic would deprive the militants of their underground shelter, but at the same time it could endanger the water supply of the entire gas. let me remind you, the defense army. israel
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has completed the installation of at least five large pumps near the al-shati refugee camp. this equipment is capable of flooding the tunnels for several weeks by pumping thousands of cubic meters from the mediterranean sea of water per hour. virtue is the future of ukrainian statehood. under this slogan , an anti-corruption forum is held in the capital. our correspondent dmytro didora knows more. he will call me directly. dima, i congratulate you, tell me, please, have the experts found an answer to the question of how to overcome corruption? greetings iro, greetings to our viewers, the exact answer to such a question has not been found, however, today there are active discussions among experts, these are representatives of all anti-corruption bodies, in particular, the national agency for the prevention of corruption, the national anti-corruption today, the bureau discussed
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how they should continue to work, how to act further, and they were reminded that, for example, nabu still has not established, regarding... the ministry of defense for 17 hryvnias. we also talked about the laws that we need to implement in connection with joining the european union, in particular the law on the national anti-corruption bureau, we heard the answer to this, and also talked about the declarations of officials, officials, when they become available, let's hear them. despite i can say that this issue will be considered in the verkhovna rada already at... in the near future, exactly before adoption of a political decision to open negotiations. the ministry of justice should adjust the procedure for selecting declarations for certain checks. we hope this will happen within two weeks and we will launch full declaration checks.
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we carried out monitoring of the way of life even during the war, and as a result , cases of unjustified assets, illegal enrichment of people's deputies and other employees were discovered. bodies, including law enforcement bodies. on monday, we will open access, the mission is up to you agency, so on monday it will become known what the people's elected representatives, as well as officials, declared, and nazk will already investigate their declarations for illegal enrichment. also, today they are talking about digitalization, in particular, the minister of digital was present. of transformation mykhailo fedorov, who noted the importance of transformation in the fight against corruption, but they point out that ukrainians love corruption so much, they blame it all on their predecessors and say that it is a thing of the past from the soviet union, when it was very
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accessible, very actively and was called as belad noted, however , there are 20% fewer people who tolerate corruption in ukraine , since the beginning of the great war, the anti-corruption forum is ongoing, and now they will discuss how to overcome corruption in the field of reconstruction and infrastructure. for now , this is all i have time to tell, iro, i pass it on to you. thank you, dima, it was our correspondent dmytro didora from the capital and he was talking about the anti-corruption forum that is taking place at the moment, and we are moving on. and because of russian aggression, the volunteer movement gained. of unprecedented scale in ukraine. ukrainians have already donated over 100 billion hryvnias for humanitarian aid and defense since the start of the full-scale invasion. in particular, this year the largest ukrainian charitable funds collected uah 12.5 billion. we also have something to be proud of.
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thanks to you, the espresso tv channel collected almost 20 million hryvnias for the needs of our defenders. in ukrainian. this is actually another type of our troops, another of our strength, our guard of the unconcerned, our army of active ukrainians, as long as your hearts beat, volunteer hearts and the spirit of help and support, so far our people are fighting, so far ukraine is fighting non-stop, this is very important, it is fighting non-stop. and we are all fighting, and therefore we will all definitely win. thanks to your support, the espresso tv channel collected uah 4,500 for an suv for the armed forces of ukraine. the car has already been received by the bugar unit
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of the first separate special brigade named after ivan bohun. the previous car was completely destroyed by the defender and the enemy. we collected money for a new one in the river. a short period of only eight days. and espresso tv channel together with the public organization bazai , collects funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine , cold yar. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military will choose victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving. the wounded are much larger. our goal is uah 800,000. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. you can see all the details on the screen. such were the news at that time. we are with you see you at 4 p.m. as
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always, you can read more on our espresso tv website. also follow us on social media and watch on youtube. and then my colleagues antin continue the broadcast. and marta oliarnyk. the president of the european council will cut short his visit to china due to orban's threats against ukraine, the american edition politico writes with reference to an official representative of the european union. so michel, charles michel is going to china for the first in-person eu china summit since '19, but he is expected to return to brussels earlier, after the first day of the meeting on thursday, to continue discussions with the leaders, regarding the future. actions of the publication reminds that michel met with orbán in budapest last week in an attempt to settle tensions
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on the eve of the summit of eu leaders. french president emmanuel macron also invited orbán to meet with him in paris later this week to try to reach a compromise, writes the politician, citing another official. well, they are somehow trying to appease the hungarian dictator or semi-dictator there, well, but the process is not easy, as far as we can see. yes, well, we continue the discussion of the topic that is actually relevant in this one. weeks, it will be relevant until this situation is resolved, i am talking about the actual blocking of the ukrainian-polish border, to which slovak carriers have also recently joined, but, as reported by the state border service of ukraine, the cargo direction on the ukrainian-slovak border has been unblocked, and this did yesterday from 10 p.m., the actions of the participants of the action ended at the vyshne-nemetsky checkpoint, which they blocked, out of solidarity with the polish blockers , actually, this is the situation, it is good that at least
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we already have something like that, a positive in the direction that the slovak carriers, at least now, do not block their checkpoint, and this is already good, if we are talking about in general the situation with the blocking, we even had ukrainian carriers on our airwaves an hour ago, who also expressed their opinion. about everything that is happening, and some of these conditions, yes, to which there were certain questions, some compromises that were reached in the meantime, they are not are carried out by the blockers and , accordingly, it turns out that if we did not agree on some political, diplomatic level, if we are talking about the real state of affairs, then everything was as it was, so it remains, unfortunately, and here i would also like to add, in fact , that... poland, in parallel with the fact that it is ready to sit down and
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negotiate with us, we see the statement of their prime minister, the current prime minister, mateusz morawiecki, who says that poland will demand from the eu cancellation of transport visa-free with ukraine, that’s it, as they say a blow under the breath, because ukraine, but we are strong, we are strong, we will be able to push and derail, well, i hope so vasyl pavlyuk is in touch with us, a diplomat, the former consul of ukraine in lublin. we hope that mr. vasyl already hears us. glory to ukraine, mr. vasyl, good afternoon , we would like to ask you right away about the situation, how you feel about it, that is, there are prospects that it will somehow be possible to reach a healthy compromise that would not harm our ukrainian interests, on the other hand, marta literally a moment ago, she remembered about rather strange for... the statement of the prime minister of poland, the current prime minister , yes, who said that they will try
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to cancel the ukrainian transport visa-free, i promise you, the situation is very difficult, i was just now at the crossings and i looked at the situations our drivers are in, it 's terrible conditions for people, i don't know, our diplomats are working there, of course, to help them, but... the situation is very difficult and really, as far as the polish government is concerned, today it this is actually a blockade of ukraine, an economic blockade of ukraine, and some fault, the government of poland today is also to blame , uh, because these strikers, as they are called , uh, there are a small number of them there, they are not four or five men standing at the border, the police are helping them, playing along, nobody is doing anything, it's just strange to me, because when we were given a visa-free visa, this economic one,
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let's say, conditionally, poland agreed, signed all these documents, and now they actually started to block it, i understand that there is an internal political situation, but interstate relations remain, and today's government there is the prime minister murovechki, he will not leave politics. he will remain a politician, he will remain there , i don't know whether in the opposition in the future or where, but he will be just as present on that field, and that is why today such and such an approach towards ukraine is well, not in a friendly way, not in a friendly way, because you look, both the slovaks and the magyars now, they all began to block ukraine, we are fighting with the russian fascists, we have terrible, terrible economic losses, and they are now economically us are pressed even more economically, this well, it's not friendly, that's not how the neighbors
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behave, mr. vasyl, we'll go now, we're forced to leave for a short break, i'll continue the conversation with you immediately in a few minutes, please wait, a few minutes and we'll be back. tingling and crawling sensations arise spontaneously and disturb you. the doolgit anti-neuralgia complex helps to normalize the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities, without tingling and numbness in the limbs. capsule dolgit antine. help your nervous system. on december 10, i will visit lviv. st. nicholas as his own character in maryana savka's christmas musical, write letters to nicholas. orchestra inso lviv. dudarek chapel and favorite soloists in a festive performance for the whole family. december 10 exclusively at festreblik. live sound. there are
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can express your opinion on the evil of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on the verdict of the ignoramus rudenko every weekday from 20 to 22 on espresso. the ambassadors of the baltic states in warsaw expressed to the polish authorities their dissatisfaction with the fact that polish drivers are blocking the movement of trucks to the polish border, thereby undermining ukraine's ability to defend itself in a war with russia. this was reported by the estonian publication irr on tuesday , december 5. i quote secretary of the ministry of foreign affairs of estonia, brita kikas. we respect the right of truck drivers to protest, but unfortunately, this has caused a difficult situation that creates problems for other carriers and additional difficulties for the ukrainian economy, in short. on the other hand, we raise this issue with poland and hope that a solution will be found in the near future in cooperation between poland, ukraine and the european commission. according to the words briti kickas estonia will continue its efforts
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to find a solution with the new polish government. well, we have the opportunity to return to the conversation with mr. vasyl pavlyuk, diplomat, former consul general of ukraine in lublin. mr. vasyl, let's continue, if you can hear us, then please, we can return to our conversation, let's go. on president andrzej duda, who should approve donald tusk as the new prime minister of poland after he receives the appropriate support in the diet, the actual vote should take place on december 11. by in the most optimistic scenarios, when do you think donald tusk can take office and how much time will he need to resolve the situation with blocking the polish border? well, if it happens, there really will be a vote , i think it will be in one day, the vote is for the tusk government, because they are all ready, the government is actually formed, only the support in the diet is needed, and the government will be formed
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to regulate these issues , you understand, purely politically, and mr. tus won't be able to either one day to do it all, of course, they will try to unblock the border as soon as possible, because it affects not only our ukrainian entrepreneurs, but also polish and other european ones, because the ukrainian market is quite so large and today very many entrepreneurs in poland are also very surprised by the situation at the border, because they lose big, big profits, lose big funds. i want to say, using your show, for the future, i understand that it is a question of whether or not later, in a week or so , it will be decided, but for the future, i would recommend that our government work more closely with its neighbors. rely only exclusively on the european union, the signed treaties and other things with the european union , we need to work with our neighbors, i mean,
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it is with poland first of all, it is with the slovaks, well, it is very difficult with the hungarians today, there with the romanians also, just in case, because you see how things are happening, what situations can be, moscow works because this e the confederation party, it is anti-ukrainian , well, it is, let's say, not, without knowing it, pro-russian, but it expresses the same slogans and so on, like russia against us, and therefore there may still be many such parties and such different organizations, therefore, we need to look ahead a little, and i would recommend that our government, after all, more actively start creating such a regional union, where there will be poland, ukraine, lithuania, latvia, estonia with these countries, because they are sympathetic to us and they, they know , what is russia, what is russian occupation and so on further, that is why we need to work with these countries and work already, the war, it, the war is coming from the side, that’s all, i understand, but economic issues, these are very serious
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issues, if we are blocked economically now, it will simply be the end of us, we will remain alone with moscow, and how will we get out of that, well, this is very difficult, and the second question is what we hope, of course, we are going and will do it, because it is written in our constitution that we we will go to the european union, to nato, but we must understand that it will not happen in one day, and there will be a lot of opponents, and we will have to work a lot more to become members of the european union or members of nato, so this union, such a regional union with poland, with lithuania, with the baltic countries, will be very necessary for us, otherwise it will be very difficult for us to survive it is difficult, today's government must understand this, today's leader must understand this. of our country, and not to relax, because this is what happened, what happened, the blockade of grain, now the blockade of transporters, some of it is also our fault, i
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mean the ukrainian side, because there was a lack of work on the part of the government, a lack of work, and what do you think should be done now as soon as possible, what steps should our government take in order to try to steer clear of this situation? well , look, friends, now the diplomats have done their job, officials and respectable people have been sent from the government in kyiv to negotiate, but they are of a lower rank, they have not agreed on anything, and when they see that they cannot agree, go to a higher rank. let's say so, even at the level of the prime minister, why not, meet the current prime minister of poland, with the current prime minister of slovakia, meet, talk, this is, this is our economic security. there is nothing to be very proud of, that we will sit in kyiv, give out some instructions to someone there, we are not in a state today, you know, to dictate our terms to someone there,
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unfortunately, we are in a state of war, and therefore we must to work in the direction of unblocking, i told back then , when there was a grain blockade, that it was necessary to create the lubin triangle, which was done very correctly, and our minister of foreign affairs dmytro koleba, you did the right thing by signing such an agreement with the ministers of poland and lithuania, so continue this work, create an executive body, and this body would actually work with those countries, with those prime ministers, with the cabinet of ministers, wherever there were no such problems , if any such problems would arise, even now with this blocking, well, that means we would have decided in advance, negotiated and sought a compromise on such issues, and not sat in kyiv and when everything happened, everything was blocked, then started driving well, we have to work in advance, thank you, vasyl pavlyuk, diplomat, former consul general of ukraine in lublin, was in touch with us in 15-22, they talked about the situation with
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negotiations regarding... unblocking the border of poland and ukraine, we see , the situation is quite complicated, and we will continue to monitor what will happen around certain intermediate stages of these agreements and negotiations, and we will inform you about it. now there is a short break, literally a few minutes espresso ether will continue its work. warning. incredible novelty from unpack tv: super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots, perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color, so they will suit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once: for yourself and for your husband. side zippers will ensure a perfect fit even on the widest leg.
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