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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 8:00pm-8:30pm EET

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good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii ordenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours , we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war and our victory, today in the program. called to an online conversation and talked behind closed doors, will the us finally allocate new military aid to ukraine after the closed session of the senate? internal political quarrels, how they will affect the support of ukraine in the world. evil in fashion - the russian dictator is on the list of contenders for the times magazine's people of the year, what it means and what it serves.
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we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine, sbu colonel roman kostenko, political expert volodymyr tsibulek and journalist roman tsimbalyuk. the second part of our program will feature people's deputies of ukraine, elizaveta yasko, iryna friz and yaroslav yurchyshyn. but before we start our big talk, let's watch a video of how the armed forces. of ukraine destroyed an enemy column in the village of hladkivka in the kherson region. the video appeared on the network, artillery strikes managed to destroy more than 70 invaders, and many attackers were wounded, let's see.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please subscribe to our pages and also like this video. in addition, during our program, we conduct a survey, today we ask you about whether you would like to see valery zaluzhnyi in politics, yes, no , please vote on youtube with two buttons, yes , no, or leave your own opinion, please in in the comments under... this video, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote, if you would like to see a good person in politics, vote on 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we are in touch with roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, colonel of the security service of ukraine. mr. colonel, i
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welcome you and thank you for joining our conversation. i wish you health. we ask for a reason about valery zaluzhny and whether people would like to see him in politics, because even despite his will, he is already being pushed into politics by various political forces, and first of all, the president's office is quite active in commenting on what zaluzhny is doing right and wrong, through their people's deputies. you, as a person who came to politics from the security services, or were seconded by the security services of ukraine to politics, do you think there is a place for a meritorious person in politics or not, would you like to see him there? listen well, in our country, every person in the country, a military man, regardless of your profession , has the right to be in politics.
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therefore, i think that now we should first of all talk about the fact that we have him as the commander-in-chief and he should deal with the issues - the liberation of our territories and the defeat of the enemy . let's talk about it, i don't want to talk about it right now, thank you, a comprehensive answer, colonel, literally, right now, congress has to start a hearing, or at least a hearing on whether to provide financial assistance, allocate money to help the ukrainian... state, or rather, the armed forces of ukraine, $61 billion is at stake, and president zelenskyy must speak via video link to congressmen and tell and convince them of that that it must be done. on the eve of all this,
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the washington post published a huge article about the counteroffensive, and there are many conclusions that everything did not go according to plan, and zaluzhny had to change his tactics, conclusion. there about the fact that the united states of america gave 20 on time salvo launchers, 40 mine rollers, 100 torpedoes, 80,000 smoke grenades, 1,500 anti-tank guns, well, i think you know exactly the content of this material and there is no point in retelling it, in your opinion, how do you evaluate this washington post publication, how much what has been stated is true and is it related to this particular package of the next 61 billion dollars, because it is obvious that what appeared in the washington post, it was directed first of all at the internal reader, at the reader in the united states of america, of course it is a bad
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story that , let's say, in two years war and in general on a full scale and 10 years in general after russia, breaking all the rules, annexed part of the territory after the second. world war, and after ukraine gave up its, including nuclear weapons, and the united states was for them, i am not even speaking for russia anymore, but britain and other countries were, they were, well, they were the guarantors of our independence, now in general, there is a discussion in the congress of the united states, and whether to help ukraine, and our commander-in-chief, the president should... appear before them and say that yes, we need, because its aggression against us, and this indicates the weakness of democratic countries, is what putin was primarily counting on when he failed in the blitzkrieg, thanks, among other things, not to our partners, but
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the first months, it belongs to the ukrainian people, not here , not the leader, not the supreme leader, exclusively the ukrainian people, who stopped the aggression, because everything we had then showed that it was not supposed to stop the aggression, the ukrainian people showed that he can do it, and of course the question now is due to the fact that democracy is weak and putin , having entered the phase of a long war, he understands that precisely those trends regarding the change of political leaders in democratic countries, the game on different layers of the population, on their opinions, as it was in the countries that won that let's give humanitarian aid to ukraine, but it won't happen, and we won't give a single bullet, and at the same time they elect a majority in the parliaments there, this shows the weakness of democracy, which it shows, in general, it should have been the other way around, war in democratic countries of ukraine against the russian federation , should have been, should have been, brought out of parentheses
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of any political games, let's say, or political processes, and it had to pass by itself, each political force had to understand... that, that it helps, but now we have what we have, we have to fight first of all on the front, our military front, and also fight on the political front, going to every country and proving that we need help, as if these countries do not see what is happening in our country, i will say that some of these solutions political ones, what can we say about our neighbors in slovakia, who have made a decision, for example, not to provide aid to ukraine, another country, and the same hungary, they certainly weaken us not by a large percentage, because after all, we receive aid and we can
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produce something there ourselves, and, but in the historical perspective, i will go so far now, it will hit very hard... on these countries, on the countries that er refused aid when the aggressor destroyed the civilian population, destroyed the army, destroyed the lands of the neighboring country, and politicians they simply refused it, so once again democracy is what is happening now, including when our president has to speak in the parliament and prove that we need help, when the genocide of the ukrainian people is going on, when we are trying to get our land back , when russia attacked us, it means that the war in ukraine has simply become a part of political processes in democratic countries, and this can end very badly. and for us and for these countries, by the way, today, december 5, 29 years
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ago, the budapest memorandum was signed and this document was signed by presidents kuchma, yeltsin, bill clinton and british prime minister john major, that is , it is not paradoxical, but that on this very day zelensky has to prove in washington that america has its obligations, well at least within the framework of the budapest memorandum, since they guaranteed us security, and it is clear that russia has long since violated all its obligations, but to appeal to the united states of america as one of the guarantors, although you know, making such historical analogies, i want to say that on the seventh of december, 1944, there was ... the allied landings in normandy, so i would like, despite what we say,
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two days later, so that, say, this date also brought us some news, at least like this , which would allow us to feel the resistance forces of france that met at that time, the forces, well, the forces of the allies during the liberation of the shores of normandy, france, all of europe, then... in the future. well, in the meantime, national security adviser to the president of the united states of america, jake sullivan, urged congress to support the request of the white house for additional funding for ukraine, outdated, while refusing to vote for it will help the russian federation. let's listen. i believe that any member of congress who does not support funding ukraine is voting for an outcome that will make it easier for putin to win. that is, a vote against. supporting ukraine is a vote for improving putin's strategic positions. this is simply not a reverse
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reality. voting against additional funding for ukraine will hurt ukraine and help russia. this will harm democracy and will help dictators. we believe this is the wrong lesson of history, and that is why every member of congress, democrat and republican, should vote to support this funding. colonel, jake sullivan didn't say. about the fact that it will also harm the united states of america, that is, this whole story, because they only look at it in isolation, what it will give putin and what else and how it will harm ukraine, but it is not only about ukraine, it is about i think, mr. serhiy, he associated himself with democracy when he said, it will harm democracy, i guess, well, the united states always associates itself with a country that brings democracy to other countries and upholds the model of democracy, i think he associated himself even higher than the country, associated with democracy, right here, but you're right that it will really affect, directly
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hit the to the united states and allies , but look, mr. roman, you say that it is not clear why we have to prove every time, defending ourselves and experiencing war, the great war of russia against ukraine, and proving that we need shells, that we need help that we need help after all. or is killing us, putin is killing us, who else in the world has not understood this, and why does the world put up with it, this is probably where we started, because for many the war is far away, and many in this war are beginning to spend , let's say, their political campaigns and, apparently, to collect their political dividends, including. because even when i was in the united states, a lot of ordinary educated citizens that i talked to,
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they are quite supportive of ukraine, but we see that some congressmen, some senators, they, well, i won't say that they directly do not support ukraine, but they refer to their voters, i think, looking for an opportunity to score some political points somewhere, or, as in politicians say, they can bargain for some, some can... for support or not support, especially information policy, including when the war broke out in the middle east, where from my point of view, i think this is a fact, the russians also intended, when they helped the palestinians, to do it in order to to divert attention, precisely from ukraine, and they precisely chose this direction, because they understood that this conflict can divert attention, it really diverted the attention of ordinary americans, and
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they talked about this conflict more there, although on. .. completely different scales, and such a war is being waged , including an information war, which we will lose, and from my point of view, we will also lose a diplomatic war, because our diplomats are not doing their job somewhere, well, if they started giving us less weapons, that's who guilty, a soldier on the battlefield, no, no, the commander-in-chief and the soldiers, they fight on the battlefield with what they are given, and the task of the commander-in-chief, the minister of defense. the minister of foreign affairs and the verkhovna rada in the face of those deputies who are released abroad probably under a receipt or there under special loyalty to the office, their task is to provide the armed forces so that they have something to fight on the battlefield if the armed forces are not provided, and i believe that they are not adequately provided for now, that is
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a matter for the negotiators, if i i say that if they do not cope, then it is necessary to change, it is necessary to carry out, i don't know , some kind of selection and people, not even selection, but those who have the right, have connections, all have to go and convince our partners, our friends, our colleagues from all the parliaments of the world , europe, america, for the fact that we need help, of course, by the way, russia is very successful in this regard, their people are simply everywhere, and of course that we are holding an election. which is mainly handled by the office of the president and the department - well, what do i call the ministry of foreign affairs, the department of the president's office for foreign affairs is our ministry of foreign affairs, and that 's not enough, everyone, everyone who has some position, some connections, meaning the verkhovna rada,
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the executive branch, should be engaged in diplomacy during the war. and all others, and to do everything so that ukraine has as many allies as possible. mr. colonel, i wanted to ask you at the very end of our conversation about the bill on demobilization, on mobilization, because today vinislavsky publicly said that there are temporary guidelines for servicemen who were mobilized in the first days of the war are 36 months of service, and there is a list of how these 36 months are counted, who serves under martial law, who participates in ensuring territorial integrity and sovereignty, who who was in captivity, how is it all calculated there and how is it all calculated, is there already some, some final version of this draft law that will be presented in the verkhovna rada, because by the end of the year, i understand that this law should appear , no, there is no finite, i don't know if
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it will appear before the end of the year, the group is working there, you understand, these are sensitive issues, if we understand that the bill that was worked on lowering the conscription age, it has been with the president for six months, and it is very sensitive for him , in particular, we understand, well, we can draw conclusions from the point of view of some political issues, because he is, let's say, unpopular, and here the issues are considered more widely, and i think that the president is now waiting for more of this, more... extensive proposals, he has already set the task and to the minister, the minister of defense, and the commander-in-chief, the cabinet of ministers , to submit proposals regarding mobilization and demobilization, so here the question is not only for the verkhovna rada, i think that there will be general proposals, and then from these general proposals it will be understood what is possible, which the issue can be resolved
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by the president signing something or making a new decree, doing something. cabins, and the verkhovna rada will do something, introduce it into the laws, so we have to wait for proposals, and the fact that there is work to be done, such as he said fedir vanislavskyi, yes, but this is not yet the final document, it is constantly changing and it is too early to say, thank you, colonel, for the conversation, it was roman kostenko, people's deputy of ukraine, colonel of the security service of ukraine. friends, we continue to work live on the tv channel, as well as on our platforms. for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please subscribe to our pages and also like this video, in addition, you will take part in our: vote, today we you we are asking about whether you would like to see valery zaluzhny in politics, this is a question , because, as i understand it, rating
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companies measure the trust rating of zaluzhny, well, we also decided to conduct a rating of trust or whether you would like to see him in politics valery zaluzhnyi, yes, no, if you , vote, in front of a tv screen, a phone, then if... you wanted to see him in politics, then call 0800 211 381 no, 080021382, all calls to these numbers are free, either please vote, at the end of the voting we will sum up the results of this vote, and then we have journalist roman symbalyuk on the phone, roman, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. i congratulate sergey. first of all, friends, i urge, and i repeat it again, that roman symbalyuk is one of the most popular youtubers, bloggers and commentators, he has a youtube channel of 1,170,000
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subscribers, and in the description under this youtube video, there will be a link to youtube- roman tsimbalyuk's channel. well, since we're polling our viewers and asking if they'd like to see in politics valery zaluzhnyi. he is responsible for this himself. didn't say anything, but since he is constantly being pushed to do so, we are also interested, what do you think, would you like to see him in politics? i think that it is not necessary to put, ah, the cart before the horse, what i mean is, well, first of all, war, war, and again war, in order to hold elections and, accordingly , participate in ukrainian politics, and not in russian imitation, we must... defend our state, i want to remind everyone that elections are likely to be held in bakhmut there will be no more, the question of whether they will be held in mariupol, and so on, and
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there are many, many such questions, because i don’t know here, it seems to me that people have gone a little crazy recently, when the ratings, there the president is jealous of the rating of the meritorious , one more thing, listen, people, come to your senses, what are you, well, it 's called, are you all fooled? so , regarding the meritorious rating, i want to remind everyone, especially maryana bezuglii, who arranges the castings here, that it is the power of the president of ukraine to appoint this or that person to this position by his decree, and i it seems that either in the servants of the people we feel a mutiny against the president, or someone just got off the hook, to me. it seems that it is important , if the commander, the chief military officer of ukraine, during the war, despite the colossal losses, both territorial and
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human, for the terrible war that continues, has a high rating, then, in my opinion, this only gives the advantages of choosing the president of ukraine , it is precisely on this personality, and it is necessary to proceed from this. what kind of question is this, that the president is one team for us, and the commander is another, i just want, well, again let me remind you, they want to kill everyone here , the russian invaders, both ordinary citizens and high-ranking officials, and you don’t need to forget that, in part you want it, you don’t want it, i want to be in our state, and you were in principle, b, the more experienced leaders will participate in this process, the better, better for
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everyone, better for the state, and whoever is currently in the position of president, who will be in the future, the predecessors know for sure that it is not forever, it is not until death, as at vladimir putin's, that he is being taken out of there, so of course i... in order for us to have the representation of society in the council of all strata, it seems to me that it is normal, it is the norm, but there is no need to hurry with this, especially since i completely agree with you here, and simply our survey is the answer it wasn't us, we weren't the first to start, that's why we just decided to ask if people would like to see a hard worker, yes, serhii, let's just add, in our country you don't have to ask anyone if you want to run for office or not, it's not a joke , sorry for the directness, where do you have, with the office, well in our case with the office,
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in their case, i will agree with the kremlin. do you want to participate or not, with us it is a decision of a personal person, the more so, damn, every day, losses, death, bloodshed, burned equipment, useful, let's just emphasize, emphasize it, well , someone feels that he should once declare his political intentions, what, what is not prohibited in principle, but what is it, he is the same citizen, like you, me, like zelensky? president, something about this, in my opinion, is paying too much attention to it, the commander himself is silent, well, damn, this, this is some you know, some kind of just some such certain level of idiocy, our inner one, and it has a colossal effect on the mood of society, but look at each other, who is looking at us now, everyone is so depressed. disappeared
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, there are no weapons, the americans will not give money, that , that, that, a lot of things are heaped on it, well, and we are promoting it ourselves further, well, there is no need to do this, i completely agree with you, eh, look, roman, in you mentioned about putin , that until he is taken there, he is not taken out yet, and for now, tim magazine is on the short list. put putin, of course, next to barbie, there is xi jinping and the king of britain, and the person of the year, tomorrow they have to announce who will win, already in 2007, putin won, well , hitler also won, in these nominations, the person of the year, and he won , in the 38th year, yes in the 38th, and stalin won in the 39th and 42nd, and ayatollah to me in the 79th, well, me. already mentioned and putin was
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there, so what would you say to your american colleagues, our, or rather, american colleagues, whether or not, whether he has influence, now putin is as they write that he has increased his influence as a result of the war in ukraine and as a result of the rebellion, it is beautiful that he overcame this rebellion, is waging a war against ukraine, and he is the man of the year . pay attention to this, i believe that the man of the year is after all the president of fascist russia, vladimir putin, it is true, and this and he should be put on the front page, of this edition, on the cover, of course, you should not be afraid
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to call a spade a spade , only write why this happened, because our the western partners have been telling us all this time that they will support us as long as it takes, and they support us, which is the most important thing, but everything is related to the fact that there was no counteroffensive, and a bunch of these other american publications write that we had to go to the left, not to the right, they went to the left and that and to the right, the problem is that aviation does not appear from this. and the entire nomenclature of weapons that is required, according to the nato charter, does not appear, by the same token, that's what the matter is, and i really want to see putin on the time tab, maybe then, someone there will start such , you know, brain processes, and people, people will say, that's how it was already in 1938, and maybe someone will think, no, it's better not like that.
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it is necessary, we do not want, we, europe, which was all covered in blood, we do not want, and in order for this not to happen, we must help ukraine, really, here, robky, such a viewer, he wrote that the states transferred to ukraine as many as 31 abrams tanks, for which i thank them very much, there are 600 of them in total, those tanks that have already been produced are standing there, they should, they should be standing, and not all of them are used, half for conservation , half not, well, what am i leading all this to, you wrote there, roman, he wrote that 2,500 of them are on the move, that is, there are weapons, there is money, questions.


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