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tv   [untitled]    December 5, 2023 9:30pm-10:01pm EET

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and not publicly engage, there is a very large diaspora in ukraine, and in fact it would be very useful for the ministry of foreign affairs to more actively use the resources of the ukrainian diaspora, as citizens, in particular of the united states, who can directly communicate with their representatives in congress and in the senate, it is necessary to use the entire arsenal, and the matter of our rescue is first of all... our matter, of course, we have partners, of course, the inclusion of the measure took place much faster, much more fully than, for example, in georgia, or at one time in moldova, or in general , the recent case in belarus, yes, but it is all thanks to the heroism of the armed forces of ukraine, we remember, the initial stage was also a very long stage of uncertainty, we need to be more proactive, and unity is our strength , unfortunately, not all adequate resources are used. the fact that now
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they are trying to use parliamentary diplomacy more actively, although it is quite selective, but better late than never, but in fact this resource is available and it is important to use it in the same way as the diplomacy of our public organizations, mass media, that is, all available resources should now be directed to achieving a key, tactical task, this is a turning point in this... uncertainty in the united states, well yaroslav yurchushin said the key phrase: in unity we can do a lot, our diplomacy, including parliamentary diplomacy has a lot to do, and we must achieve results. mrs. iryna, your leader, the leader of the european solidarity party, petro poroshenko, was not allowed to go abroad, at the end of the week at the ukrainian-polish border, this it was in ukrainian... in the polish,
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that's right, border, uh, it turned out that there are some opinions from the security service of ukraine that he wanted to meet with the current prime minister of hungary, viktor orbán, who is currently opposing the negotiations of the european union with ukraine, and the sbu believed that poroshenko's meeting with orban could be used by russian propagandists and such a method, so they canceled his business trip, although, as far as i understand, he was also supposed to be in the united states of america, that's right, i understand, yes , you are absolutely correct you see, indeed, the representatives of the european solidarity faction will be invited to the idu forum, this is also petro poroshenko, who had speeches there, additional meetings, in parallel , before flying to the united states, he had a number of meetings in poland, the head of the committee on issues
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of european integration, a member of our faction, ivana klemposh censadze, maria ionova, iryna gerashchenko, all of them were actually blocked from traveling due to, from my point of view , absolutely far-fetched insinuations, with which they tried to cover up this scandal, which has already turned into an international scandal, because the speech, in particular of the fifth president, petro poroshenko, was confirmed and in fact such of the decision to disrupt it, you know, you can say that this is a shot in the leg, directly to the speaker of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, you can say that whatever, but the fact remains , we have persecution on a political basis, which does not really add credibility to the representatives of the authorities who take such steps, i am sure that this is not even... not
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a mistake, but this is such a very threatening thing that has already become a trend, yes, that is, it does not exist episodic, has already become a trend, we remember how last year they tried not to let poroshenko attend the nato parliamentary assembly, as well, and i am sure that similar steps taken by representatives of the authorities actually nullify ukraine's opportunities in the international arena, therefore that the experience that poroshenko, ivanna klympushadze, maria ionova, iryna erashchenko has, the contacts and internal communication links that they have established directly on a personal level with many representatives of the political community of the united states of america, in fact, i would play within the framework of protecting the interests of ukraine, any restrictions, their public restrictions. actually leads to mistrust
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of the current government, i think that this is the special favor that was done to the president, including on the eve of his speech, a closed speech before the congress, but it is clear that when ukraine is going to conduct extensive negotiations with the member countries of the european union, and we are standing on the threshold of the european union, and there must be a decision already regarding the negotiation process, whether there will be details on access or on opportunities of various leaders of political forces to negotiations, access to various international organizations or travel abroad, whether they will be discussed in the context of democracy and the possibilities of implementation by various ukrainian politicians of their powers, or of their own,
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certain ideas there or speeches on behalf of the state, mr. and mrs. elizaveta, what do you think, whether they will impose this on us as a condition that ukraine should be more democratic than autocratic, when one group of people there decides who can go abroad and who cannot go abroad, who can meet with orban , who can't meet with orban, i will say once again that orban is the current prime minister of a country that is part of the european union, if we did not treat him well, he is a neighbor, the leader of a neighboring country country, is he the legitimate prime minister of hungary? you know, i've always said that ukrainian democracy and the spirit of freedom are so special that you can't see or feel anything similar anywhere in the world, and
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this is our special feature. of course, with the beginning of the war, the full-scale aggression of russia against ukraine. our freedom now about is limited, including within the framework of the fact that we have mobilization, within the framework of the fact that we currently have a state of war, that our right to actually free movement is limited, this applies to various categories of people, not only men, and including me, and my colleagues who are currently present on this broadcast, really in order to... for example, to go on a business trip abroad, now it is necessary to obtain a lot of different papers, different approvals, and if there is such a vision with from the leadership of the verkhovna rada that this is a business trip now it is necessary, and if it will not make it to
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the plenary days, and if there are no other circumstances that we do not know about. this secondment will most likely be agreed, but, to be very honest, i always openly also say that this kind of bureaucracy definitely does not contribute to the efficiency of our inter-parliamentary activities, and therefore it turns out that there are a lot of meetings that we could hold, one on one, physically we conduct online, nevertheless, we have what we have, parliamentary delegations are actively working, i already mentioned that i am now within the framework of our work of the delegation on the committee, it works next week as well, but if it were my will, of course, i would
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liberalize this whole procedure a little, because it seems to me that the leadership of the verkhovna rada has 100% of it. what to do, not only to constantly sign various papers for permits or non-permissions, of course, i would like it to be quite effective and productive, because our country needs it, nevertheless, i will say this, very diplomatically, i think that in the situation in which we now find ourselves, in a terrible war, we must hold on and be united, if the management decides that someone should not go for some reason and they have evidence, as we know, as we have been told in recent days, then it is the responsibility of the management not
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to sign this business trip, and this is what is written in the law and they have such powers, but by the way, i wanted to ask yaroslav. and how is this in general, does it correspond to the constitution and laws at all, that people's deputies of ukraine, someone can forbid them to go abroad, well, that is, what is this regulation in general. what oleksandr kornienko can cancel a business trip there, if it is not a business trip at the expense of the state, if it is a business trip at the state 's own expense, or at the expense of the receiving party, that is, on what basis do they limit the deputies' powers and opportunities in general? well, actually, during martial law, there are quite a lot of opportunities to restrict, and i don't think any of my colleagues would object to restricting
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rights if it was a logical, clear system, ah, with clear, conventionally speaking , grounds, yes, which can be verified that all work within the same rules, there is an understanding of priorities, there is an understanding of, let's say , evaluations, benefits of this or that action, but unfortunately, it all looks like bureaucracy for the sake of bureaucracy, because on the one hand, from the investigation of the schemes, information appears that former , although the former, there is no representative of the opzhz bort, he went there allegedly on a business trip, stayed for a longer period of time and met with some hungarian leaders, at the same time, under similar conditions... another representative of a political force, a leader of a political force is not released, and does it consist of such, actually
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in such a situation, the impression of double standards is created in such a way that trust in the process itself is lost, trust in the authorities is a key resource for the country, which is very difficult to renew, but i think that we would be, if not... conscious participants now in the protection process let the countries be in their place , if only they would complain, we already as a faction initiated a meeting with the leadership of the parliament in order to once again raise the question of what is needed, even if it is complicated, with a lot of approvals and the like, but a clear procedure, and when they are actually national deputies will be able to perform their functions, according to the law on the status of the people 's deputies, no one can limit us, but according to the constitution itself, but again with the footnote
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that during martial law, not all articles of the constitution are applied and not all rights are guaranteed, everything - after all , the national security priority is placed at the basis of any decisions, so it is also a question about these restrictions, they rather cause, actually, doubts about the expediency, but here again i will return to what i started with. understanding is very important logic, it is very important to understand why certain actions are taken, and even if they are perceived purely from political positioning, well, this is very short-sighted and , i apologize, but infantile, because when the country faces a great threat due to the fact that we have less of our international aid, that we may have questions about the extent to which we practice even in a limited form, but during the war, of course, it is better
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not to give any grounds for doubt in one or the other, so it is very important to work out this issue, to simplify bureaucracy where it is not needed , to reduce the politicization of the process, because any politicization, we see it very clearly in the assessment of society, leads to one thing, it is a loss of trust in the government in principle, which is independent... regardless of surnames, to what does this lead to in a warring country, well, i won’t draw analogies with the beginning of the 20th century, but the fact that when people start fighting among themselves, only the enemy wins, well, this seems to be a well-known truth, thank you, mr. yaroslav, we will be back in just a minute to our broadcast, let's take a short break, do not switch from our channel, we will be with you further. usual
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to see valery zaluzhnyi in politics, yes, no, everything is quite simple on youtube, if you... sit and watch us on tv , you can pick up the phone and vote by numbers if you would like to see him in politics, 0800-211-381, no, 0800 211382, but now we see the proportion, 83% wanted to see, 17% did not want to see valery zaluzhny in politics, we ask about this because the question of whether luzhuj will run for office is constantly being torpedoed. to the presidency, whether he will go into politics, we decided to simply ask whether you would like it, i would like to remind you that today we have people's deputies of ukraine, iryna frys, yaroslav yurchyshyn and elizaveta yasko, as guests, and ladies and gentlemen, i wanted i would also like to talk about a rather difficult period, which is now beginning for the ukrainian diplomat and for
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ukrainians, these are the negotiations that will be held with the representatives of the country. of the union, and the decision that such negotiations should begin, should be adopted already this month. orban, viktor orban, prime minister of hungary, called on charles michel to withdraw negotiations with ukraine on eu accession from the agenda of the upcoming summit of the european council. in response to the criticism of hungarian prime minister viktor orbán, the european commission praised ukraine for its progress in reforms from the statement was made by the representative of the european commission, anna pizonero, at the briefing. let's hear what she said. ukraine has done an impressive job. we do not consider the proposal to start negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union unreasonable the european commission has presented its proposal and now the eu member states must
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decide on the next steps, including the start of negotiations with ukraine on membership. immediately following orban, the head of the slovak foreign ministry juraj blanar said that he does not imagine ukraine in the eu under the current circumstances, that is to say, in the conditions of war. ms. iryna, under these conditions, when, in principle, two countries are talking about the fact that there is no need to start negotiations with ukraine on joining the european union, as it can be perceived in in the context of european security in general. the european community to which we belong , that is, are they playing into the hands of the kremlin in this case, or are they playing along with vladimir putin, or do they have their own interests and we are preventing them from receiving loans from the same european union, such as or aid from the european union, such as hungary, what is the connection
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between such and such a position of hungary and slovakia? you know, i believe that under any circumstances we have to do our own thing, that is , we have an understanding that our country must overcome the path of european integration in order to later to become one of the member countries of the european union, at the same time, you and i are fully aware that the contributors to certain attitudes, destructive attitudes, in particular... whether it is hungary or the newly elected prime minister of slovakia, are directly the capabilities of mr. putin and his of the fifth column to influence those or others. informational or public statements, but i would like to say that the european union in this context, declaring that
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the time for negotiations should not be postponed, speaks of the need to preserve values, the values ​​that ukraine is fighting for today, the values ​​that ukraine shares, the values ​​that the european union also defends, so i am sure that despite... such a destructive position, as we have seen many times, the european union finds levers of influence on the , that mr. orbán, after his loud public statements, is very much his own, therefore, i am sure that we need to expand the support of the european union of various countries and, for this purpose, use, as my colleagues said, all possible mechanisms, starting from the diaspora, the public sector and ending inter-parliamentary relations, government relations, but we must do everything to ensure that ukraine's support in the european union remains the same
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and only strengthens, and we must take note of all kinds of destructive information bubbles from mr. orban, but continue to do our part, mrs. elizaveta , please tell me what is being said not only by the minister of foreign affairs of slovakia, but also by the new slovak prime minister, robert fico, about the fact that they say that ukraine cannot be accepted into the european union, because it is a totally corrupt country, the most corrupt country in the world, he said about it, and, as they say, it applies to all levels of government, whether - the ukrainian side. ready to prove or prove the opposite and show the weakness of the fight against corruption so that there are no such accusations, because orban also repeats and
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fico repeats, well, listen, this is the most corrupt country, wherever you want to take ukraine, we constantly, on in all the meetings, we talk about the progress that... we have in the fight against corruption with all our anti-corruption bodies, the laws that we adopt, as a condition, in fact, of our beginning negotiations on eu accession, as well as a general condition for accession to the european union. i would also like to say that, of course, what we are hearing now from, unfortunately, our sussy for slovakia, as well as the processes that are taking place in hungary, here it should be perceived through the prism of those political processes that are taking place in those countries uh, ukraine
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continues to have an absolute majority, support from the countries of the european union, uh, it has become much more than it was two years ago, and it comes from key countries, as well as regions. germany and france, we saw the speech of ursela fonderlein in our parliament a few weeks ago, who said that we are making incredible progress, it is a very difficult time, and it seems to me that although we ukrainians always want to see the real and the bad, but we also need to learn, to see what we are starting to do, of course, and certain results, of course, i don't want...' to say that everything is great and there are no problems, but we also need to talk about what we have already achieved, this is very important, and talking about corruption ,
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it seems to me that it is very often used, that such a narrative, that it is alleged there is a lot of corruption in ukraine, but nowhere else, there are no problems, this is not true, on the contrary, ukraine is currently building much more institutional solutions to... fight corruption than most european countries have, and we we will be able to really do what we want in the fight against corruption, we will also be an example, an institutional example of the fight against corruption, i really want us to have this, to succeed in this, thank you, mrs. irina, you wanted something to add, as i understand it, one short very... remark about what, well in fact, the issue of corruption is technological, because for a very long time, the russian federation has been using the issue of corruption in order to
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undermine... the trust either in the current government or to divide the society, and this issue is that it is the technology, the corruption that uses the russian federation, last year it was recorded in the resolution of the nato parliamentary assembly, this is the first time, they recorded on paper that the russian federation uses economic leverage in order to use corruption factors and undermine trust in the authorities, so i agree here that we have to be vigilant, that everything is far from being fine, for now it would be desirable to demonstrate more independent work of our anti-corruption bodies, and most importantly, as they say, their effective activity , it would be desirable for society, including for international partners, it would be a good , you know, argument of how exactly we fight corruption, so that not only words,
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thank you, thank you, ms. irina, sir. yaroslav, when will ukraine stop being perceived as the most corrupt country , or a corrupt, simply corrupt european country, and they will stop reproaching us for the fact that we have a sufficiently high level of corruption in the highest echelons of power, well, let's start with the one who is talking about it, hungary according to the data of the world corruption index, shows the worst... results from the countries of the european union, and even last year in hungary they were deprived of access to the resources of the european union due to the actual problems with corruption and the rule of law, and this is all the result of the long-term prime minister, the right-wing populist mr. odman, and which started as a de facto free democrat, with good slogans, and we
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see very clearly how populism is actually used by russia to stop any processes. hungary slowed down finland's entry into nato as much as it could and is still slowing down sweden's entry into nato, but everyone understands that both finland and sweden will join nato, regardless of how hungary feels about it. a similar situation is now in ukraine, orban's statements in the european union are rather perceived as the opposite of strengthening the fact that we are on the right path, but here it is necessary take into account that hungary will vote, and they will now trivially manipulate any methods in order to get their funding back, and it will depend a lot on how the european union will behave in this direction, whether it will accept this blackmail, or whether it will find resources and opportunities
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in order to make... an adequate decision, now regarding the acceptance of ukraine, when we stop considering ourselves the most corrupt nation in europe, then europe will stop considering us as such, because in fact we very often hyperbolize what is negative about us, we are happy to talk about it ourselves , you know, it is such a legacy of the soviet union, you have 20 seconds, excuse me, just when it was time to brag, actually it was dangerous, the authorities would come, well, unfortunately, we have not come out of this state yet. thank you, thank you, yaroslav yurchyshyn, iryna friz and elizaveta yasko were guests of our program today. thank you, ladies and gentlemen, for participating in the program. let me remind you that during the program we conducted a survey, we asked you whether you would like to see zaluzhnyi in politics, 83% of those who watch television voted yes, 17 no, and information appeared about zelensky's speech
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in the united states senate, zelensky canceled the planned speech before the united states lawmakers at the last moment, the chairman of the democratic majority in the united states senate, chuck schumar, announced this. whether it is true or not, well, we will see in the next news releases, and what will be written about it, why the speech actually did not take place, and if it does take place, then of course we will comment on it already at 20:00. friends, thank you all for your attention, this was the verdict program by serhiy rudenko, i wish everyone good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye, problems with the forehead joints limit movement, it's unpleasant and painful. fortify them with
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