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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2023 7:00am-7:30am EET

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greetings to all viewers of the tv channel, let's start information. news day, kateryna shirokpoyas works in the studio. a woman died in the yard of her own house as a result of the evening shelling of the bilozer community in the kherson region. several private houses were destroyed, the office of the prosecutor general reported. also, two people died and six were injured in kherson during the day. russian terrorists hit one of the city's hospitals. among the injured are four doctors. during
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the day, the enemy attacked nikopolshchyna, under the enemy the district center and the marganets community caught fire. as a result of the shelling , the nine-story building and the transport and transport of the administrative facility were damaged, a fire broke out there, which was promptly extinguished. this was announced by the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration serhiy lysak. fortunately, no one was hurt. housing for defenders, soldiers who have the title of hero. of ukraine or the order of the golden star, as well as families of fallen heroes receive apartments from the state, the president of ukraine announced. he handed over the first documents the day before, 21 fighters from various forces received the keys to their new home, among them those who fought before the full-scale invasion. according to zelsky, only since the beginning of the russian aggression , 360 soldiers have received the title of hero of ukraine or the order of the golden star. had
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the honor of handing over the first documents for an apartment to 21 heroes of ukraine, soldiers of the armed forces of ukraine, the national guard, the security service of ukraine, the state border guard, of these 21, nine fallen heroes, and in the near future, the state will provide apartments for all heroes of ukraine. serve subpoenas by registered letter or e-mail. such an innovation can be introduced in ukraine. the verkhovna rada is already developing a corresponding bill. fedir venislavskyi, the president's representative in the parliament, said. it is assumed that the message about the transfer of the registered letter arrives in the mailbox, the letter itself with the summons, the person must personally receive in his hands from the representatives of the postal service, and in the case of e-mail, according to him, they will be used. electronic offices
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conscripts and conscripts. also, the authors of the draft law plan to allow serving summonses not only to representatives of the central committee, but also to representatives of local self-government bodies and executive authorities. in addition, the parliament wants to oblige ukrainians to carry a military id. in order to avoid conflict situations and not, not to give opportunities to military personnel in any way... you know, not to fulfill the legal requirements of representatives of the territorial centers of the recruitment of social support, which the military is obliged to have at the same time during the operation of the legal regime of martial law, at the same time as the documents certifying the identity, they must also have a document that confirms the attitude to military duty, i.e. a corresponding document on fitness for military service on being on the military register, in order to so that there are no grounds for conflict situations and abuse. for every ukrainian word, the russians
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were electrocuted. anatoly garagaty, a blogger from kharkiv region, survived capture and torture during the occupation. all through video. man, on the beginning of a full-scale war, filmed a column of russian equipment and posted the video on the internet, so he received a stigma-corrector. let's see how to survive torture and stay true to your work. there is no one with bread and salt, no one meets them, everyone hid like mice, this video was taken by anatoly garagaty from the window of his own apartment at the beginning of the great war, just then russian troops were advancing deep into the kharkiv region, the man immediately posted the video on social networks, for stories for the archive, as it was, that it was and so on , well, when i posted it, then i already thought that i... why, and
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when friends started calling, neighbors, what are you doing, stop, well, stop doing it, hid in the country, and was hiding there. so he hid in the country for two months, because the russians knew they were looking for him, and on may 28, the occupiers arrested the 70-year-old blogger, the man was taken to the balaklia police station, where the invaders set up a torture chamber. they hung up on me that i corrected, they called me, i transferred everything and so on, and everything, if they proved that i corrected this that's all, i wouldn't talk to you. the man was kept in cell 30. apart from anatoly , there were eight or even 12 people in the cell. we used the wash basin, it was the toilet, the shower room, we stood up here, took a bottle of water , closed it here, closed it so that it wouldn’t
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splash, and washed with that bottle , sometimes we got into it twice, that’s when there was water , three times when there was no water was, then it was necessary to have what to have. for 100 days, anatoly was kept in a torture chamber in balaklia, tortured with electric current for being ukrainian and constantly interrogated, demanding that the man confess that he allegedly adjuster i had all the interrogations, during five interrogations they killed me with an electric shocker, i was beaten with hands and feet, they released me three days before they released balaklia, they already understood that they would not take anything from me, but just like me sat there more, grandfather yes. beard for 100 days, then a rumor spread through the cells that he was sitting there, and they , i think, just let go and everything, the one who was being killed, they didn’t, they weren’t worried about me, they were worried, they knew that if after the massacre irpinya, if someone, someone, then they
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will be counted, being held captive by a man it's hard to remember, there wasn't even a window in the camera in balaklia, we didn't hear the news either, the russians took away the video equipment, and this is his life's work, anatoliy has been filming holidays, weddings, and graduation parties for 50 years. all the equipment that i had, computers, tv, video cameras, cameras, everything was taken away, i came home, there was nothing on the table, the table was empty, i had to, one guy gave me a second camera, another gave me, that they gave, they supplied, i am working now, anatoliy is currently showing the consequences of russian aggression in his own blog on youtube. every day, the man posts videos about volunteers, local residents and the life of his native kharkiv region and believes that russian peace will never return here again, the dream, and the dream is the same in everyone, to win, dmytro didora and oleksandr borlevych, news on espresso.
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a production plant in arkhanelsk, russia, is on fire. the fire covered 1,800 km, the emergency service reported. situations of the russian federation, previously without casualties. the espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine kholodny yar. in extremely difficult conditions , the ukrainian military will choose victory every day without leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield, with atvs evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded are much greater. our goal is uah 8,000. thanks to you, more than uah 2,500 have already been collected. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield, so support, do not remain indifferent. you can now see all the details on
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the screen. write a letter to nicholas. the name of the musical for the whole family, which will be shown in lviv. more than 150 artists will perform on stage. according to the plot of the production, a ukrainian family weaves a net for the military, while the father is at the front, the main intrigue of the play is what will happen to this net next and whether the devils will be able to spoil it, the first musical numbers of the future production were born back in 2011, however, the author of the musical zero wrote the text and music for the production already during a full-scale war, mostly in the dark during blackouts, the screenings will take place somewhere... 10 and on december 11, we planned that during the musical we would collect certain funds and we would collect for the purchase of cars, but it turned out to be charitable because patrons appeared who buy tickets for orphans, in
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fact there are many orphanages in the lviv region, as a result 500 children will be invited to us with the funds of patrons, well , in the dark i sat and wrote to myself, i had melodies and texts, and for example, at one of these moments, the song air alarm was written, it will also be a musician in this . and this is a story about us, this a story about a family that really, like any other family that tries to join e-aid, is trying to summon victory, and these children, they are waiting for christmas, they are waiting for nicholas, they are waiting for gifts, but at the same time they want to be nicholas themselves. this is the end of the episode, read more on our website, as well as on our social networks, join in, put your preferences, then my colleague roman chaika is waiting for you, don't switch, stay with the espresso team.
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welcome to the espresso channel. we are each morning, we know that we meet this morning thanks to and with gratitude to the armed forces of ukraine, and today especially, because today is the day of the ukrainian armed forces, and we and st. nicholas congratulate our defenders and defenders on this holiday, thank you for your service, but there will be more thanks better, if we help not with words, but with deeds, our channel, together with the charity fund man and the right announced a new collection, together with you, our viewers, who know that there are no small donations and large ones, we are simply collecting funds for powerful portable
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battery well stram stations, that's what they are and solar panels, and they will go to the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine. well, in order to effectively destroy the enemy, military equipment must be, as they say, properly charged, stations can replace generators, on fuel, which is called. will not tighten and provide soldiers with energy even in field conditions. our goal is to collect uah 1.22000 for this station, there are already more than 370,000 in the account, so join in, the qr -code is on your screens, the details are also in the description of the video on our youtube channel, on website, so in this way we will be able to celebrate labor day, if you actively donate today. for this help, the power plant
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for the fighters, well, in the meantime, we will gather information with you today from different parts of ukraine and , on occasion, welcome the representatives of the various branches of the military, the armed forces of ukraine and celebrate, as they say on the air, together with them , the day of the zsu and the saint nicholas i hope you were polite, because 35 moscow... drones, which today attacked the southern, central and even part of the western regions of ukraine in various ways, while absolutely, we still do not have official statistics, 35 were mine-type bps, the air defense forces were working, and we will start from the south, well, exactly where did this night attack begin, the spokesman of the ukrainian volunteer army south serhii brachuk is in touch with us, mr. serhiy, good morning, glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, glory to the armed forces, i would like to congratulate all my brothers on this day, i congratulate
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all ukrainians and thank the armed forces for the fact that we have the opportunity to communicate with you today. as a matter of fact, we congratulate you in the same way myself, and your brothers, send greetings, thank you for your service, but i want to start with this, that i even immediately the first video that i managed to include this video in the morning, it was from the commander of the air force, he showed it, and here it is. tonight we protected the sky of southern ukraine, maybe here is the video, maybe tell me what, what, where, how was it and how did the night pass? er, indeed, the enemy has traditionally already begun to attack from the south of our country, air defense means, mobile fire groups are working, especially in the mykolaiv region, in the odesa region, very actively, because this the route that the enemy has cursed, he for some reason considers quite safe for himself. well, this is understandable, because the tactical and technical characteristics of these szlaheds are changing
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, the routes are changing, and i will say once again, the gorog is trying to confuse our units as much as possible on the one hand, and on the other hand, we can see that there are enough hits on the shaheds, unfortunately, there are also misses , but our military will tell about this a little later, as far as i know, 50 unmanned aerial vehicles attacked ukraine today, 50, and we saw the number 35, that is... you have already clarified this number, yes, 41 of these shaheds were destroyed, well , more accurate information is now being monitored by the military, because you can see that what is called has become traditional. yesterday they launched these shaheds, they fly and actually work until the morning, they try to work in the airspace of our country, well, once again we can simply thank the armed forces, the units that operate in cooperation with other defense forces of our country, and special words of thanks, of course, to the air defense forces, this is understandable, but also mobile fire groups, which are very active
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and they work very effectively, and we can actually see the commander of the air forces, constantly showing how both pppo and mobile groups work, because today the protection of our sky, our energy, critical infrastructure facilities depends precisely on the work of these units, so the work is quite done effectively, i hope that we will have reinforcement every time, accordingly , the air defense systems and our defense in general, because today air defense is the most important thing, well, at least in the south of our country, i have already said about the energy infrastructure, there is also ports, let's not forget, because the subject of the maritime corridor, it works, and it works quite effectively, mr. serhiu, but the day before , zelsky actually stated that we are strengthening our defense, in particular in odesa, that is, we are strengthening it in
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the plan, so it will begin, is it already felt, well, i think that the enemy already feels it. and will continue to feel what is happening with his shaheeds and with his missiles, especially since he, he is trying to attack, including that sea navigation route, which i spoke about a little bit, is attacking with air weapons, is trying to launch rockets towards the south of our region, well, actually one bird flew in yesterday and it is very nice that it happened in the district islands of zmiino, which, i will remind you, is...' a white village of the izmaiv district of the odesa region, ugh, this, that is, this there was one of the bombers, which was supposed to hit odesa region, as far as i understand, from hovering in the water area near the island of snakes, and this, and if it is not a secret, this moscow bomber was shot down by the air
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force, or it was shot down with the help of some rocket, land, air? the air force of the armed forces of ukraine acted, and for that a huge thank you, especially, well, as always, it is traditional, such a bomber, such an aircraft, it operates under the cover of a fighter, but we can see that one drying, the second drying did not save, and, well , wanting to ask you, mr. serhiy, there was information that our partners in the usa should provide us with a sufficient amount of the specialized iron metal that should be used to cover energy facilities and other critical infrastructure facilities, well, that's about it information, but we don't know if it was received or if something is being done about it, but in your case, this program for this winter is to protect
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critical infrastructure and facilities with some kind of anti-aircraft protection. mechanical and other things, something like that has already happened, something from america has reached you, let's talk about the fact that any such events, they are happening today, of course, without cutting ceremonial ribbons, without meetings, without orchestras, and it should happen like this during the war, and the fact that we are talking about the physical in that including the protection of energy infrastructure objects, and not only speech, but also practical actions, this is clear, it does not happen yesterday , even more so not today and not tomorrow, although they always say that any defense, it must improve itself, we have to constantly work on this, so i hope that we will pass this energy season no worse than the last one, in terms of the fact that we managed to withstand and recover, and actually
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meet the enemy with accurate fire, especially when i am talking about mobile fire groups, then their tasks include protecting objects of critical infrastructure, and actually there are very interesting situations when, as they say, our rocket is tired and falls into the black sea, why does this happen, why does it get tired, i think that a lot can be said about this already after our victory, but they are getting tired, as military air defense experts say, they are losing combat capabilities, well, god forbid, more and more, but yesterday, the day before... in fact, the day of the armed forces of ukraine, there was a massive ukrainian attack, including on the temporarily occupied crimea , ministry of defense, yes the so-called russian federation. and all the time they were confused in the testimony, the numbers in them were growing, they gradually reached the number 41 and they said that everything, everything, everything was destroyed by the drones of the security service of ukraine, which they
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managed to achieve on december 5, according to your data, so far we have a little information about the radar systems near its coast in the crimea, we also have something about the terek radar system, we were given a little information about the helicopters here, maybe you can tell us a little more about how they were so effective and what and what they shot down with helicopters, rebs, what ? well, first of all, i know , well, that’s how we use such terminology, they have already come up with a kerchilo or feodosilo, and it actually happened at night, because if we are talking about feodosia, then it is a marine oil terminal, it is quite powerful there , it is clear that he does not work for civil shipping, even if he works including for civil shipping, it is precisely for the purpose of stealing ukrainian grain and transporting it to other
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countries of the world, therefore it is a legal object for destruction in including, because he works for the war, there is an instrument of war, and it is clear that this is the infrastructure that works for the black sea fleet of the russian federation, works for the occupying russian troops, which are temporarily located on the territory of our peninsula, so it was burning there, there really was a feodosia, and it was not the first time , that is, the enemy does not have time to calm down, and such attacks , of course, will continue, i did not reveal any military secret, because we say that these are legitimate targets for the armed forces of ukraine, for our defense forces, in this case it is not confirmed of course service security of ukraine, that it was their drones that were working there, but actually, you know, to be honest, it doesn't matter to me what origin the drones or bavovna are from, the main thing is that they had our ukrainian spirit, and this is happening, and as for kerch in that regard , that kerchilo
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also has some damage to this location, to the one located around kirchi, previously there was information that the hall plant was slightly damaged, until it was confirmed from partisans and separatists, our information, but nevertheless, blows were delivered.. on the air defense system, which is located in the crimea, we once talked in your studio about the fact that this pppo system in the crimea is, well, probably no worse than around moscow, but no worse in terms of what also passes through, and yesterday it was about , that the radar station was also hit, and that is, these apartments, which are now in the sky above crimea, they are already becoming such eurowindows, so that our missiles will arrive later, i did not reveal a military secret here either, this is simply a statement of fact of what is happening, so that the work is on
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infrastructure, on logistics, and on pppo, that's it what is very important today, mr. serhiy, thank you for the information, thank you for the morning, our cooperation, thank you once again for your service and congratulations on the holiday, serhii brachuk, ukrainian spokesman. of the volunteer army of the south with information from mr. serhiy, we actually clarified it and heard that tonight the russian occupiers attacked us with 50 bpp drones, 41 drones, our glorious pppo, were destroyed, we will learn about the rest gradually this morning, a small pause and we will continue for you information from the north of ukraine. on december 10 , i will visit lviv. saint nicholas own character in maryana savka's christmas musical,
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, informative project. radio svoboda. top guests every day. this is the shipping district of kherson. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. on weekdays at 9:00. verdict by serhii rudenko, from now on in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts. inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society. and also feedback, you can express your opinion on a bad day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict of the ignoramus rudenko, every day on weekdays from 20 to 22 for espresso.
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saint nicholas said, if you are polite, then congratulate you, but the most polite are the armed
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forces of ukraine, which we will congratulate doubly. from st. nicholas, we personally thank you for your service, because today is the day of the armed forces of ukraine, after information from the south, we will move from odesa to sumy oblast, volodymyr bitsa, commander of the third company of the eighth volunteer formation of the territorial community and deputy chairman, will be in touch with us sumy district council. mr. volodymyr, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine. good morning, the north-eastern outpost of our state's defense welcomes you, glory to the heroes. thank you for your service, but we have to ask you a little bit, the night before went like that, well , traditionally, that is, when muscovites shelled border settlements, unfortunately, it was different, but, i see that there were also certain damages to private property, and were wounded, well, there was such information, but it was for december 5, and how did this festive night go, well, look, first of all, i want to congratulate everyone involved in who
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defends our land with weapons on armed forces day of ukraine and in conjunction with the religious holiday , with the day of st. nicholas, the previous night, december 5, passed, well, relatively speaking, there were shellings in three of our communities of the sumy district, this is bilopolska, yunakovska, this was from mortars, krasnopilsk community was shelled from a helicopter with guided bombs, with us, as they say, with the seriously ill person, everything is bad, but stable, regarding tonight, in principle, the night passed more or less peacefully, at the moment, to the end, how is your weather now, mr. volodymyr, in you now it's snowing, it's not snowing, it's freezing, it's not freezing, the weather is festive, it's wintery.


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