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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2023 7:30am-8:00am EET

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all those involved in those who defend our land with weapons, the armed forces of ukraine, and indeed, a religious holiday, with st. nicholas day, the previous night, december 5, passed, well , relatively speaking, there was shelling in three of our communities of the sumy district, these are bilopolska, yunakovska, it is from mortars, the krasnopil community was shelled from a helicopter . bombs, we have, as they say , that seriously ill person, everything is bad, but stable, about tonight, in principle, the night passed more or less peacefully, for now, and how is the weather now, sir volodymyr, it's snowing here, it's not snowing, it's freezing, it's not freezing, it's festive weather , it's festive weather, it's wintry, a little bit of snow is flying by, so like st. nicholas, god grant that he came, brought us victory,
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peace to us brought to our country, so let's hope, but in such weather, the russian-fascist occupiers, do they mostly drink, or do they shoot? well, i think that they drink, and then they can start shooting, of course, but as for those small groups, drg, who penetrate, they like this all over the northern border such walking was mainly the last week, we focused on the kharkiv direction, how do you now have drgs climbing or not, how dangerous they are, how far they manage to penetrate, well, they are like harmful cockroaches, they climb, there are individual cases of such, well, there are such cases , unfortunately, but they are single, and in order to avoid them, despite this winter weather, fortification structures were and are being built now, especially in... chi of our
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region, and in the sumy region also, in order to protect against such measures, well, we are strengthening our defense, we are building it, so that there are no such unfortunate cases, well, that is, in fact, there was once a discussion about the so-called border wall, it has no meaning, it is an engineering one, but you are being built something more serious, that is, it brings us closer to the dream that between ukraine and this black moscow hole there would be, as they say, a good moat with crocodiles and a high wall, or you move differently, of course, what do you see, the length of the border with rashya of the sumy region 564 km, of course, that we all understand that it is very a large volume, a very long distance , but of course, no one is building the yatsenyuk wall, because it is a waste, i personally think, it is so childish nonsense, it is being built, okay, i won’t
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say which ones, but okay, more serious anti-collision fortifications are impossible, i remind you once again , for the event of the drg , and also for if in the event of an offensive, then the same thing, to make it impossible for the rashists to enter our territory, i see that the day before , very interesting information was made public, even with photo evidence, by the security service of ukraine, they detained one, from local leaders, who turned out to have transferred to the service of the russians during that temporary occupation, and in fact, during work trips, he is gathering information for the occupiers, he, yes, yesterday they made public the information about how he was detained the day before, in general, how is this working out on the border, well, the topic of collaboration, well look, really, unfortunately, we still have a lot left of this head, this deputy
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head, of the slovod otg, really detained, really, there at the time when there was an occupation of sumy oblast, convoys of rashists were passing, ay-yay, we lost our own communication with mr volodymyr, well, but he confirmed exactly this option, as a certain part of these local leaders worked with the occupiers during the occupation, well, they are now being retrained, but the connection has returned to us, mr. volodymyr, it was interrupted, it was interrupted on that at the moment that he really cooperated and, like that, the kolshis were passing through the territory of this otg, and to surrender him in advance, they already knew and planned these actions, where they would take place, therefore, of course, it turns out that they recruited him even before the war. it's a shame, but
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we all understand that 164 russian echelons, good or bad, were brought to the territory of ukraine during the last century, so here are the consequences of this, what we have. unfortunately, but the security service is working, i also have such data, many such people are canned in the ukrainian moscow patriarchate, so the security service is working in this direction and it is very good that these people are being identified. ugh, and by the way, you already mentioned it, we, we, we, too, are always looking for an answer to the question of how you brain during the invasion on the 22nd already in all regions, kyiv region, sumy region, in all other regions of ukraine, they already had lists of who to liquidate, who to throw to the torture chamber, that is, do you have your own opinion, where did they have such ready lists for all regions? in my neighbors, a relative from russia, even five years ago he said that he was waiting for me
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to visit him, even before the war he came to visit just as a guest, but as a military man, he said that he was waiting for me to visit him, it was five years that's why he said to wait for me to visit in the winter, that's why they prepared it for more than one year, i understand, this have been preparing for dozens of years, this is a full-scale invasion, hey, mr. volodymyr , thank you once again, we congratulate you on a double holiday, we wish you a peaceful nicholas day and the day of the armed forces of the sumy region, volodymyr biitsa, commander of the third company, the eighth volunteer formation of the territorial community and deputy head of the sumy district council about the situation in sumy oblast, well, in general, about the situation over the last day from the general. headquarters, we already have consolidated information, 97 combat clashes per day, and this is in the kupinsky direction, in the kharkiv region, so there is a huge group, there, eight enemy attacks were repelled in the areas of sinkivka, as is traditionally the case, and
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novoselivska, in the luhansk region, where the biggest battles took place, in the limansk direction , the defense forces repelled as many as 26 enemy attacks , this is when they are moving towards us in the direction of the silver forestry, belogorivka, vesely, donetsk region, that is where they are trying to work, and of course it is hot in the direction of bakhmut, 10 attacks were repelled by our defenders, in the direction of avdiiv, they continue to hold back the enemy, there is even information about certain tactical attempts by to recapture positions in the avdiiv direction, but we will definitely analyze this today. because sometimes such information is late, and the last number for you, 18 attacks, is in the mariyanka direction, we also told you a lot about mariyanka and will talk about it today and in the future, and again we will shift our focus to the donetsk region, dmytro
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zabavin, the deputy of the mariupil city council is in touch with us, mr. dmytro, congratulations, glory to ukraine, to the heroes, glory, good morning, that sounds fresh from the moment. occupied mariupol in and generally around , how does this direction look operationally, let's say the situation through your eyes, uh, the occupiers are barely giving the consequences of the elements that played out, respectively, in the city, and they proved once again their inability to solve, even urgent issues. in relation to even some small housing and communal issues, the epic with the so-called housing construction continues, and the russians
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increasingly drive themselves into an informational , propaganda bubble, when they said that everyone will get a living, which until this was destroyed. the russians themselves are in mariupol, in other populated areas temporarily occupied, but it did not happen as expected, and accordingly, many people in mariupol are already protesting, and we will not say there now, well, who is who, there are many on pity for those who waited for the occupiers and thought that they would sell ukraine for a very high price, but it turned out that somehow, cheap and their expectations did not come true, but mr. dmytro, and it is you, i watched several such stories from mariupol
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in various in public places, there are posts posted, celibate, sometimes, with tears in his eyes and on his knees, well, that's how all celibates beat in the russian style, or does it work. about this story with one of the symbols of pre-war mariupol, this clock, a house with a clock, so that they are actually building something there, and the residents don't even ask... they will just sell it for a lot of money, and here they are removing the stakes, to putin and to the administration, this is about this story, it is one of dozens of such stories, respectively, yes, indeed, the house with a clock is one of the revealing variants of this situation, in general the situation looks even more funny, they also declared it as a mortgage and accordingly even the vice prime minister of the terrorist country khusnulin
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proudly stated that they have already issued 81 mortgages for the so-called dpr, but i will remind numbers, the russians destroyed in mariupol, more than 1,000 multi-story buildings with direct hits from russian weapons, he proudly... declares how they issued loans, not just housing owned by people there, but mortgage loans, as many as 81, that 's two a drive-thru high-rise, well, that is less than one from that need and all the more from the fact that russia destroyed it with direct hits during a full-scale offensive on mariupol, that is , imagine the situation, the bubble is just
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bursting, and what is happening there in the nevsky residential complex, which they first demonstrated that we issue there , issued loyal to those who immediately received these shameful russian passports, but imagine, many of the houses they built are not connected to the central sewage system, that is, they use... septic tanks, cesspools, like in the private sector, but it three- or four-story buildings, zlaina and palok made, and accordingly there were many cases there, russian feces that flowed like rivers in the streets, yes, well, this is one of the symbols of this, not to civilization, not to the country, i want to conclude: ask , because we have talked about it with you more than once, but in fact this is a fool who imitates
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the occupation administration, as if it is the local government, plus all the crimes that were committed, but according to your opinion, these are the greedy people, i am not talking about those residents of mariupol who left and are waiting for the liberation of the city, i am talking about those who remained, who rejoiced, these zhduns, they have already changed their attitude to the russian world and to the russian occupation, or is it? will horbatov's grave be enough? well , look, taking into account the fact that more than 2,000 mariupol residents left, and about 100,000 remained, somewhere, unfortunately, the russians killed, somewhere, too, the number can be terrifying, about 1,000 mariupol residents, but i am asking about those who deliberately stayed, with of those who deliberately stayed there, let's say this, from those... about 500 people voluntarily received russian passports with joy,
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well, that is, of those who remained, all the others got them only by force, when they were denied even medical services, and i actually asked you about those who joyfully received passports, in your opinion, those who joyfully, they regret now that they are very sold ukraine cheaply, and they even receive wages, they gave us information about their salaries in rubles, well, if you transfer there five sticks of sausage, a case of vodka, which was grown in them, and they are very, very concerned about this, and accordingly they did not get what they wanted were counting when they said, ugh, well , you see, history repeated itself here, as franko wrote, for
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a piece of rotten sausage, or as their lyubymye said, русский, есть такая профессия родинкой торговат, and, well, that's what , unfortunately, the sad truth for for zhduns, there are not so many of them, we hope that mariupol will be rebuilt again, as it was after the second world war, thank you for the information, mr. dmytro, dmytro zabavin, deputy of the mariupol city council, the situation in occupied mariupol and not only a short pause and we back to the conversation be with espresso. attention - an incredible novelty from rozpak tv: super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots, perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost. alaska style boots have a universal design and practical black color, so they will suit both men and women. sizes from 36 to 46. therefore, take two pairs at once, for yourself and
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hello, this is svoboda ranok, an informational project of radio svoboda. top guests every day, this is a shipping district. turn on live. we are somewhere in the vicinity of bakhmut. we tell the main thing. weekdays at 9:00. verdict by the outcast rudenko, from now on in the new one two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests. foreign experts, inclusion from abroad. about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the malice of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, the verdict of the ignoramus rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22 at espresso. congratulations to everyone who has joined our broadcast on the espresso channel now, remember that we are
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collecting, coffee in one hand, donation in the other, how we can, by the way, from the official statistics, which have already become known in the last day, recall that in the hot days of the summer-autumn counter-offensive, the numbers of destruction, that is, what kind of destruction, the numbers of good russians, then reached 600, sometimes 700, for day, 1270 is an extreme day, the armed forces of ukraine, whom we congratulate on the holiday, actually transferred 100 to kopzon's concert, 270 is despite the fact that there is weather and many other things that affect the course of hostilities, this means that there were a lot of clashes, these are such figures that give us the opportunity to realize the scale of hostilities, even in spite of the weather, but there are other scales that may not be so visible in numbers and statistics, but which the spiritual mentors,
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who are also an integral part of the armed forces of ukraine, are definitely aware of, because the military chaplain of the unit is in touch with us now oleg kryshtal of the state special service. mr. oleg, we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to jesus christ. glory be to god forever, please tell me, actually, first of all, we congratulate you, as well as the day of the armed forces of ukraine, because all our defenders, for whose sake, we have the opportunity to rest peacefully in the warm studio to communicate. mr. oleg, how does this second winter look in general through your eyes, how difficult it is, i don't know, from the point of view of the psychological, moral and psychological mood of our defenders, what are your conclusions? well, first of all, today i congratulate everyone who is involved in the armed forces of ukraine, there are also volunteers
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who help and donate, i also congratulate everyone who bears the name mykolay, because today is also the holiday of st. nicholas, so i congratulate all birthday people, well in fact, the winter is harsh, because you just found me in such a deep north of our country, into the forest. and here just with my boys, and in fact, well, the mood is victorious, that is, despite everything, despite all the trials, er, the motivation remains, good, good in the boys, it is obvious that it is difficult, because it requires constant, let's say, such a moral even support, because many of them haven't been home for a long time, it's banal and well, this is one of the factors that also affects the general condition, everything else, but, despite everything, the boys have already become like one family, everyone among
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themselves of course, everyone knows their own questions, some nuances, they try to help each other to always help, so in fact, everything is done to win, and what do they come to you with, and what do you come to our defenders with, that is, what is the most common? some things that need your intervention, well, in fact, the task of the chaplain is very simple and elementary, well , judging by practice, it is to be there, just to listen, because to give advice, well, you don’t always give advice, the chaplain is a person who knows everything, that kind of thing it is unrealistic, and sometimes it is better not to, not to do one very elementary rule, a chaplain should not be a psychologist or a psychiatrist, a chaplain is a person, there is a spiritual person who has the right to administer the first holy sacraments, this is confession, communion, baptism, after all, we have baptized a lot of boys since the time of the full-scale
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invasion, on training grounds, in particular, and in the combat zone, who already at a conscious age chose the path of christianity and simply dared to be baptized, many made their confession for the first time, many took part in the prayer of the divine... liturgy for the first time and the task of simply hearing, listening, because sometimes, for example, the same military serviceman comes, a person simply speaks out, and finds the answer to her question, she says herself: but father, you know, i spoke up, and i understand in principle that i need it now, because you don't always give something advice, sometimes you can give advice there from experience or from some, somewhere like this practice, but there are different life situations, so especially when a person... falls like that, well, no, it is very important to try not to give the opportunity to fall into depression, it is very important, of course, father olezh, look, if even in the times of this protracted war before
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a full-scale invasion , quite often we were told that they encountered problems with that people tried, well, as they say in alcoholism, to go in this way to save themselves from certain types of nervousness from ptsd and so on, now we read that one of the biggest pains, well, it is actually that they invest their income, a large number of people invest on some online casinos and all others, but we don't know if it's true, we read it, here it might just be part of the information and psoo such and such stories, or maybe it 's really a problem, can you tell us about that, well, it's obvious that it's not like that somewhere expert opinion, but also such eye vision. this problem is not only in the military , this problem is in many ordinary people, and it is a big problem, it is gaming addiction,
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it is probably the most difficult addiction, because it is very difficult to admit, because a person seems to think that he is not doing anything wrong , but actually falls into that addiction, into this excitement and this excitement leads to serious consequences, to her families that diverge, to big ... enemies, ultimately leads to the fact that a person falls into the same depression and can have serious problems then, that's why it's not there is even a question not only in the army and not only in the army at all, but certainly in our society, but in the army it is also present, that is, i just want to imagine, i am looking at a snowy forest, what are they sitting there with gadgets, with with mobile phones, a tablet near starlink and sitting in online games, or whatever it looks like. well, it's probably an individual issue, you know, it's up to everyone to say that it's a, you know, global problem, it's a global problem of ukraine, that these things are
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allowed. well, here is a separate thing, you know, there is they have such a patron from the party of regions, who once worked as an assistant to a people 's deputy, and now he sits in the committee and his name is gitmantsev and he pushes very hard precisely for gaming benefits and so on, this is a question there, let society and politicians decide it, and we will return to the occupation forces, then very different sections of the front are rapidly changing in very different ways. information, you, you once again confirm that, as they say, non- believers, the closer to the front, the fewer, er, atheists, and, in this case, as in general, this inter-denominational and inter-religious situation it looks, because there are units where there are probably muslims, where there are , representatives of the orthodox, eastern rite, where there are greek catholics, like this, it is somehow felt, or not? well, first of all, in the month of july of the 22nd year
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, the law on the service of military chaplaincy was adopted, and now all chaplains, official chaplains in brigades, in battalions, are officers, i am also a junior lieutenant of the chaplaincy service, brigade, and eh, there the division is not inter-confessional as such, but inter-religious, i.e. there are separate representatives of christianity, representatives islam, representatives of judaism and other religions. currents, in fact, at the front i communicated with both muslims and jews, so in principle, i was never, in principle, an orthodox greek-catholic or a protestant, as if it somehow contradicted communication, i never had such a problem it was even more that we, in particular, that greek-catholics, that we are orthodox
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recognize each other's sacraments, and we are the ones who identify ourselves with the orthodox confession or with the greek-catholic confession, can go confess and can go and receive communion with a father who represents one or another denomination without any problems, that is, there is no canonical obstacle here, or there is none, well , at the front you don’t choose, there are not even enough boys there, i was never asked there what father , what denomination are you there, you just came. and i tried to help as much as i could, in particular by administering the sacraments, uh, well, i also wanted to ask you, in general, look, well, this is very important in pev, you say, brothers in arms live like a big army family , well, here st. nicholas, there is snow around here, moscow-fascist occupiers, shelling and all things related to the war, nicholas is somehow at zero, at the front. st. nicholas
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, is it, well, who, nicholas, yesterday we sat down to dinner and we think, the boys need nicholas, well, we, we, we thought, and, and such, you know, a banal, small waffle there, well, for example, or some candy, this is already a big gift, because it's just a matter of not, the wrong amount or something else, like the symbols of the holiday, and what came, you saw under the pillow. waffle or a cookie and it already warms your soul from the inside, it is clear that relatives, volunteers, they still send a lot of things and send, and for that i thank them very much, for taking care of our army, of our boys , about my family, friends, friends , etc., we just have to say goodbye, because we will have to pass the word on to the news, but i want to thank you and ask that
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you also thank the boys and girls for their service, oleg kryshtal, military chaplain of the state special transport service unit from the northern borders somewhere, somewhere those lands, ours, information for you, and more information was collected by the espresso team, and kateryna shirokpoya will now tell you what we will hear, congratulations roman, in a moment i will tell you about the consequences of the night attacks in ukraine, as well as about the fire in russia. almost fifty shahedis were released at night by russian terrorists in the regions of ukraine. our defenders the sky is gone


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