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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2023 9:30am-10:01am EET

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will there be such a situation that ukraine will be left without the support of the united states already this year, because in fact there is such an aggravation between the views of the democrats and the republicans regarding such support? of course, there are risks, but literally, this morning we learned about a message from oksana markaroi, the ambassador of ukraine to the united states, who says that there is currently support, bi... party support, and in principle, it gives hope , what, after all, should this happen is another matter, another matter, and i believe that now there are also very big risks associated with the fact that congress can take such and such palliative actions, that is , support the provision of weapons itself, because this is money that will remain in principle in the united
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states, in the form of placement on various enterprises and factories, but not support , let's say to the government, and this is also very dangerous, because we know that this defense budget is ours, it contains 74% of social payments, i.e. maintenance of personnel, and this is extremely important, yes money. for ukraine, in order to ensure this opposition, and by the way, as a matter of fact, and two weeks ago, the eu also said that it would be able to provide only half of such expenses, which, well, were planned earlier, er, so here are exactly, exactly these er, resources, exactly these things, well it seems to me that now the most important element
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of the debate is that which concerns the actual weapons, but it seems to me that the issue will still be resolved and probably by the end of the year, although some are already saying that by the end of the week it may happen this is the vote and the decision itself, before that, i would like one more moment would add, which is also integral, it is a mutual, so to speak, synchronization of help. from the united states and from the european nato countries. in particular, the material that appeared under the signature of general ben hodges in foreign affairs contains a very interesting element that washington can encourage berlin to provide ukraine with taurus cruise missiles, which, after all, are necessary in order to carry out attacks on the crimean bridge as well. and here i completely agree with the honorable mr.
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general, who has said this not for the first time, and in fact, is now repeating once again that the crimea, the crimean peninsula and in particular it, the crimean bridge, is like the tip of a needle, a needle that is in an egg, yes, and which actually contains, so to speak... the death of kashchei, yes, and actually speaking , it looks the same, because there are sacred things, and there are moments from which the regime can really crumble, because, the destruction of the objects of the crimean peninsula and the actual destruction of the crimean bridge, it would be a huge psychological blow, not only to the groups, russian, and actually according to
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the military and political leadership of the enemy country, and it's also very important, in the winter , because, well, let's be honest, the period that began on the 7th of june from the attack by hamas and until today on israel, and until today, it's kind of sad, and when last week, let's say such an article appeared in the economist, where it was written that putin will win the war right now, yes, that is, at this moment he will win, and here we understand that now there is an increase in psychological attacks and informational and psychological operations from russia to the entire western world, and in particular i want pay attention to the fact that the other day, near narva, tentatively, near narva, yes, well
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, near the estonian borders, such an interesting poster appeared, where it is written that the borders of russia do not end anywhere, yes, this is another pressure. after a simultaneous statement two weeks ago by medvedev, another reversal of the russian one, that he said that poland could be punished, and well, that is , what is it about, it is about the fact that the idea of ​​attacking nato is very active in russia right now , not only on ukraine, namely attacks on countries nato, and this is definitely, this idea is being exploited in order to influence the quality of aid to ukraine, and definitely, to this, to these sad events, we must also attribute the events in slovakia, yes, what was the statement , that there will be no arms deliveries yet, and even
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what appeared in vetto in bulgaria, regarding the deliveries of old armored personnel carriers, is also the work of the russian special services, i am not talking about the netherlands, because the netherlands is a very powerful donor to ukraine and on in the 24th year , it was planned that the netherlands would allocate as many as 2 minyards of euros, of which 500 billion, 500 million will be spent on ammunition, and this is a lot, and even more so, the netherlands is one of the key countries in the coalition of f-16 aircraft, yes, and here, therefore, now, russia, moscow is now using these, these nuances, problematic nuances in the power of the united states in order to put enormous pressure on the european countries of nato, this is very important, in zukuren, and i want to ask you in this connection, is it somehow related to , why are you telling such a general, general influence of russia, and such
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events, spontaneously, so to speak, lukashenko visited china, xi, and unplanned, as the media say, he flew out of the united states, and the president of russia, putin, today plans to visit the united arab emirates and saudi arabia, what is it about here, or is it somehow connected ? of course, this is related , but we have such nuances here, regarding china, regarding the arab emirates, china, india, the arab emirates, these are buyers of russian oil, russian energy carriers, and, i think, it is about... continued prolongation of this economic support to russia, because we know that russia put into the budget there 29% of gdp, this is if you take purely the army, if you also take other security structures, then it is already almost 40%, of all, well
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, all of russia's capabilities, and they will need huge resources to cover those economic holes that well, in principle... they exist, but what they provide primarily at the expense of energy carriers, then at the expense of the export of diamonds and metals there, by the way, there are as many as 20, 20 billion of such products going to the eu alone, and it is certain that a speech is planned for today president zelenskyi, in front of the leaders of the big seven, i would really like to i would like the president to raise an issue that could not be advanced in may, namely, the consideration of the introduction of a complete ban on russian exports, if this were to happen on the part of the big seven, then the next step would be a ban on the part of the eu, and this and that would lead to
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, well, much greater restrictions from economic and technological restrictions, now let's go back to china, why so much activity, specifically regarding china, the fact is that the united states and the eu have taken very strong steps in the year 23, starting with g20 summer summit in india, when it was not there, a very large number of positive things were done, the first was to transfer and let's say this, steps were taken to prevent the outflow of investment companies from china and the deepening of the economic crisis in china, we remember that in august 23, biden even said , that china under the conditions of such an economic crisis, which will not be able to attack taiwan now, yes, these are very important things, then india was involved, it is to india that these companies are moving, for the first time in
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a long time, the united states offered india unprecedented production projects in of india, well, in particular stryker cars, as well as super modern. means of the ppu based on the stryker machine, this is an extraordinary system there, literally in the 20th year it was adopted for service and for itself, the united states only had time for a battalion. to order such systems , and this, in my opinion, is a very positive opportunity to influence china, the same restrictions are currently being imposed by the european union, and china is now interested in improving its own economic situation, and valentina, but in summing up, does yermak say that , which is the risk of losing the war without... the us, do you think that risk is really serious, given what you have described, how russia approaches
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the russo-ukrainian war, what visionary plans does it have? yes, there is such a risk, unfortunately , unfortunately, we have to state that this is a huge risk, especially if european countries will focus on preparing for a nato war, that is, they will consider ukraine as some kind of... intermediate buffer that will withstand, conditionally saying 5-7 months, yes, without help, such a situation is possible, i think that london and berlin will keep, keep , so to speak, its commitment to supporting ukraine, especially due to the fact that now the bundeswehr is very weak and weak at the moment, now in europe only poland has a actually strong army, well no no... not counting great britain , because it's not exactly a continental situation,
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yes, when we talk about british troops, but, but, let's look at the situation that has been happening in recent weeks, the german intelligence services said that it would take 6-10 years for russia to recover , forces and means to attack nato, a more realistic assessment was from the polish special service. literally yesterday or the day before yesterday it took place and three years were mentioned there. our center said a month ago that these estimates are insufficient and are shortcomings in the work of western special services. we believe that 2.5 years is the term that will give russia the opportunity to recover. unfortunately, such a situation is happening in the west. tactical capabilities of russia, pereotsi. and strategic ones are underestimated, and this has been happening for a very long time, mr.
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valentin, i thank you for such a global approach and such an analysis, well, it sounds quite serious and dangerous, valentyn badrrak, a military analyst, director of the center for the study of the army, conversion and disarmament, was a guest of svoboda ranok. this is svoboda ranok, my name is kateryna nekrech, we will talk about such topics later in this broadcast. it was registered in the parliament. the european integration bill on the protection of the rights of national minorities can be adopted as early as this week. in the document, in particular, preference is given to the languages ​​of the european union, as well as the norms taken into account, in order not to distribute russian-language products through the media and book publishing, so the deputies say. hungary has been demanding such changes from ukraine for several years. separate recommendations were also provided by the venice commission. what should be understood from this draft law and why its adoption is important. this year, st. nicholas came to polite ukrainians before the sixth. december in ukraine with the official transition to a new calendar, all pre-christmas holidays, and christmas itself in the 23rd year
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are celebrated earlier for the first time, so if you haven't done it yet, check if there is a gift from nicholas under your pillow, and we will talk about the peculiarities of the perception of the new celebration dates by believers. here on our broadcasts there are important news, exclusive comments, join in the comments in the discussion of what you hear on the air, and i will also remind you that from 9:00 on weekdays we are here on youtube on the channel. radio svoboda and tv channel. this week , the parliament can adopt changes to the law on national ethnic groups - this is one of the mandatory requirements of the european commission for the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union. vice prime minister of olha stefanishyna of european and euro-atlantic integration said that the people's deputies decided not to delay the decision, so as not to give opportunities for further speculation about ukraine's ability to streamline its legislation in accordance with eu requirements. it was a quote. ukrinform agency as well. writes that the deputies communicated with the national communities for almost a year in order to take into account all their
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expectations. the law on national minorities was adopted by the deputies back in december 22, but after consideration by the venice commission, there were comments regarding its content, the european commissioners came to the conclusion that the law does not sufficiently protect the rights of national communities, the next amendments concern, in particular, changes to the laws on language, education, media and publishing. for example, on television it is proposed to allow only a third of the broadcast to be in ukrainian, if the tv channel broadcasts in the language of a national minority, or in advertising it is proposed not to duplicate propaganda or advertising in the ukrainian language in the places of residence of national minorities. in fact, the changes that reduce the scope of the use of the ukrainian language also outraged the deputies in society, because enable the process of russification, in particular the return of the russian language to television, and the people's deputies highlight such facts in book publishing. however, deputy prime minister stefaniyshina assured that in order to prevent russification, some safeguards were introduced into the law. however, it was decided to create additional safeguards that
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would prevent the infiltration of russian narratives and propaganda, and there are certain restrictions on the state. the aggressor countries, the occupier countries, they thread the draft law itself with a red thread. we come first communicated with the national communities, it was almost a year of dialogue, and we understood their expectations, their needs, and this law will satisfy them. it also takes into account the conclusions of the commission, that is, we have found solutions to the most painful issues. in the european union , hungary is most interested in the protection of the rights of national minorities. deputies and experts are talking about it. hungarian prime minister orbán has repeatedly stated about the so-called pressures of the hungarian population in transcarpathia, experts note. volodymyr vetrovych, deputy from the european solidarity faction wrote on facebook that he had registered a draft law jointly signed by representatives of various factions of parliamentary groups. he took into account all the norms of the european commission, while making it impossible to extend the norms to the russian language. ivana klympushinsadze, people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity faction, joins our broadcast.
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welcome, thank you for joining. good morning. i want to clarify, but according to the results of the conciliation board. your colleague iryna gerashchenko wrote on facebook that, i quote, a deputy, not a government official, will enter the hall the bill on national minorities , which stops russification, is the bill of deputy vitrovich, which is shared with the government, or what bill is it about, well , look, let's say, the government introduced a bill in which it tried to be more catholic than the pope , and as a result proposed not only to take into account all the comments of the venice commission, but also proposed to de facto return the russification of ukraine in the future, and therefore european solidarity, our colleagues and many language activists opposed such norms, and then the deputy prime minister very quickly rushed together with the speaker of the parliament to accuse the eu of implying european solidarity, of saying that we would disrupt european integration, which was not true, but we managed
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to achieve, through our pressure and our public position, that a group was created : working in the parliament, several deputies worked for us, including vyatrovych, with iryna gerashchenko, with mykola knyazhytska in this group, knyazhytsky in this group, and the draft law, now registered by many of us, we also signed it and many others colleagues from other factions, including the leadership of the parliament, which i hope will now be supported by the committee on humanitarian policy and will be brought to the hall, such as this compromise, which is acceptable precisely in order to satisfy the rights of the national minorities of ukraine, which represent let's say european, european nationalities, european languages, but at the same time it will not allow ukraine to be russified, nor to return to the russification of ukraine, and this is
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not a draft law, mr. vitrovich, but this is a draft law of a large group of deputies, actually a parliamentary law. project from all different factions, and if we talk about that moment, will they be satisfied with these changes, with this draft law, well, in budapest, well , at least this draft law fully fulfills what is from us, the comments that the venice commission has already given us secondly, yes, at first there were some comments, then there were changes in september to the law on national communities and national minorities, adopted by the parliament . have been provided, so i believe that this is a complete fulfillment of our, it will be a complete fulfillment of our obligations in this area, and here it is important that our colleagues from hungary do not
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continue to manipulate this issue and set conditions that do not have any. neither to the practices of the european union, nor to the approaches, nor to the general framework, the convention of the council of europe regarding the protection of regional or national minority languages, so i hope that if there is readiness for a constructive dialogue, it should settle everything, only the question of therefore, to what extent hungary is ready for a constructive dialogue and to what extent it, well , speaks about its real concerns regarding the so-called oppression of national minorities on the territory of ukraine, and does not pursue a completely different agenda that has nothing in fact in common. with the protection of the rights of national minorities. were all these points agreed at the previous consultations with representatives of national minorities, let's say, are they satisfied with such a draft law, can you
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tell me if there is such a reaction, but really, you know, the government officials worked from the national level, with representatives of national minorities before introducing their draft law, and when they introduced the government draft, and it reflects the position of national minorities, what happened, those changes... and which are now registered by the deputies corps to this draft law, they in no way limit those agreements, which were attended by representatives of national minorities. in general, i believe that we should have taken into account all this history, the government, in particular, and understand that in order to make any decisions, it is necessary to consult, including with the deputies corps, through the fact that you cannot impose your vision on the body of deputies without consultation, without understanding what the reservations might be,
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and actually this practice, you know, the expectation that the parliament will simply put, well, such a stamp on the government's initiatives, we must finally stop talking and take into account the fact that we are a parliamentary-presidential republic, i am glad that in this case... even already, although after the registration of the draft law from the government, we managed to find this opportunity for interaction and work on it qualitatively. mrs. ivano, thank you to those who joined, ivana klympushynsadze, people's deputy of ukraine from the european solidarity faction and head of the european integration committee, was a guest of svoboda ranok. today, on the day of st. nicholas , the country's main christmas tree will be opened on sofiyivska square in kyiv. it was completely decorated the day before. in spite of discussion in social networks about whether it is worth installing symbols of new year's and christmas celebrations during a large-scale war, in most ukrainian cities there will still be christmas trees, they will mostly be installed at the expense of
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benefactors, for example, the christmas tree that was presented to the city by the residents was also solemnly lit in lviv the day before, according to the city council, this tree is 14 m high, it was decorated with light illumination, which was purchased back in 2018, according to the analytical portal slovo i dilo in vinnytsia , zhytomyr, kherson, zaporizhia. and there will be no christmas trees in chernihiv this year. in the 23rd year, the celebration of the new year's christmas cycle in ukraine will take place according to the new calendar. so the dates of some holidays have shifted. for example, christmas will now be celebrated on december 25, and st. nicholas day is today, december 6. in the comments, you can share your impressions about whether it was worth installing christmas trees this year and whether you did not forget that this year is st. nicholas day. on december 6 , archpriest mykhailo omelyan, a representative of the press service of the orthodox church of ukraine, joins our broadcast . i congratulate you, thank you for joining, and
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my first question for you, given today's day, is whether st. nicholas put something under your pillow for you. today, congratulations glory to jesus christ, glory to ukraine, first of all i want to congratulate all viewers and listeners of radio liberty on this great holiday in honor of saint nicholas and also on the day of the armed forces of ukraine, which today we celebrate together i was called to the service today, and the fact that i woke up and am alive is such a great gift in ukraine today, not only for the priest, but for many ukrainians, because the priorities of sweets and various... gifts have changed to that we pray for the victory of ukraine, we pray that every person will be safe, that there will be water, the opportunity to eat something
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and so on, that is, the emphasis and priorities of gifts have changed today, and father, how much these changes in the dates of celebrations, christmas and other holidays, how common are they for believers, how did they perceive them, in your opinion? in fact, the calendar reform was already on time, and after his beatitude metropolitan epiphanius became the head, he repeatedly noted that that the church is ready to switch to the new julian calendar, however, there was a part of society that was not yet ready, but as we can see, sociological surveys, for example, in 2022, 44% of ukrainians were already ready to switch to the new julian calendar, but the war also made its corrections and we see that the calendar united
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ukraine and united it. ukrainians, because since september 1 the orthodox church of ukraine has already switched to the new julian calendar, it is also necessary to see that the greek catholic church has joined the gregorian calendar calendar, and thus all of ukraine, the majority of ukrainian christians celebrate holidays , together with all the ukrainian people, for example, today is the sixth day of st. nicholas, and on december 25 we will celebrate the bright... holiday of christmas, but is it possible to celebrate christmas twice, well, the previous ones years, this practice was there, i know that there are such families who are used to these dates and do not want to change them, is this not prohibited? in fact, we are a democratic country, and the church also uses these democratic principles, so believers was given the opportunity, after all, who is not yet ready to switch to the new julian calendar,
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to celebrate... holidays according to the old style, however , we see that out of all the parishes we have only the old style, only 120, that is, this is 15% of all e of all the believers of the orthodox church of ukraine, this is a small number, but there are indeed believers who still celebrate according to the old style, as for the celebration, it must be said that we do not celebrate christmas specifically... as a person's birthday, but we we celebrate as a birth event, that is, an event birth, it does not speak about a specific date, whether it is december 25 or january 7, it speaks about an event, so it is very important that we understand this, and uh, and last year, for example, in the mykhailivskiy golden top monastery, we already celebrated december 25 in the church of john the theologian, christmas. eh, and the great
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council celebrated on january 7, but we see that the calendar reform now unites everyone and we will celebrate on december 25, man, and finally, maybe you want to wish the audience, i understand that the believers there are also watching us, and parishioners, including people, maybe who are unbelievers, but in some way the importance, what is the importance of these dates , what can you tell people, first of all i want to wish us all victory, because today is the day of st. nicholas, who is the winner of nations, and we see that ukraine is already spiritually won, won morally, and the spirit of the ukrainians is winning over this russian aggressor, so first of all, victories and victories are personal to us, and of course, may the lord and saint nicholas be on our side, and
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he is, because the truth is with us, and with us god. i thank you for joining after morning services before the broadcast of svoboda ranok, priest mykhailo omelyan, a representative of the presbytery of the orthodox church of ukraine, was our guest today. such was the broadcast of svoboda ranok , today, december 6, i thank you for actively discussing in the comments what you heard on the air, and i also encourage you to write comments further, share, let us have a lot of such important, serious news, but today, since nicholas, really share how you celebrate these traditions, do you have these traditions in the family circle, do you treat yourself with gifts, maybe your colleagues and relatives, i thank you for being on this broadcast with us, i would like to remind you that every weekday from 9:00 a.m. freedom is morning with you here on youtube, on the radio liberty channel and also on the air of the tv channel, my name is kateryna nekrecha, i and our entire team wish you a peaceful day and see you soon.
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congratulations on the news on the tv channel, kateryna shirokpoyas is working for you in the studio. three people died, seven more were injured. as a result of kherson region - said the head of the regional military administration oleksandr prokudin. occupiers sweated in residential buildings, as well in several settlements and a medical institution in kherson. also , the humanitarian depot and the territory of the tractor brigade in the berislav district were hit by enemy fire. and in donetsk region through the russians.


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