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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2023 1:00pm-1:31pm EET

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congratulations and thank you for joining our program today, congratulations, congratulations , we, we, we didn’t invent this question, and it’s not us, we are promoting a hard worker into politics, he is being pushed out of the office of the president of ukraine into politics, so we ask what people about about 2/3 of people, those who vote on youtube, think so, but i 'm looking now, 68% believe that they would like to see a brave man fly. 32%, television survey 78%, 22% would not. you, you, how do you feel about all this and about this, the story with him in the embroidery, just well, this the whole story is very reminiscent of the story with viktor yushchenko, although there was no war then, now there is a war and it is dangerous in principle for the whole of ukraine, commander-in-chief...
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to constantly push the subcommittee into politics, what do you think about this, well, i, by the way , if you draw analogies with viktor yushchenko, then most likely it reminds me of the situation before the election of kuchma for a second term, but then many national democrats were trampling around yushchenko and asked him to push him out carefully, but the bank won't push him out, and now a very strange story. when ukrainians take a break and do not talk about politics and, well, electoral plans, so to speak, but the bank itself pushes out general zaluzhnyi, and this was done as in the statements of the same zelensky, i will remind you of the interview in tablodim, where he says, if some military men want to be involved in politics, and which military men, whom did he mean,
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inclusion without the knowledge of general zaluzhny himself, inclusion in the survey, in the survey questionnaire by sociologists, and, well , it is read that this inclusion was from submission banking, because no other political force could now carry out sociology, it was simply not allowed, so this is a very strange story, but now it is necessary to... carefully dispose of it, because the high trust in general zaluzhnyi is actually a stabilizer of the entire system of power in if the bank wants to shake ukraine, it is sawing, so to speak, the branch on which it is sitting, because the success or failure of general zaluzhnyi direction is connected with the political perspective of zelenskyi and his entourage. well, you mentioned
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this sociology, and this sociology, it is was closed, and suddenly it opened, and the online publication ukrainian pravda opened, and this is also a big question, and why did this sociology open, and why this, the rating of trust in the hard-working began to correspond with the presidential rating, because well, one word, yes, if i wanted to, well, if i , as a political technologist, had the task of switching the electorate of zelskyi to the electorate of zaluzhnyi, i would act exactly as the bank acts now, well, that is , they, they are sociology, i look at it in the second round, zelenskyi would get 42%, and zaluzhnyi would get 40%, with an error there are two 2.2% and this survey was conducted on november 3-7 among 2000 respondents, but i cannot understand,
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if there is a clear vision that there cannot be presidential elections until the end of the war, then what should be rated and looked at there, well, as potential candidates, this not even a candidate, is this exactly the story that happened in 17-18, when zelensky also appeared in the ratings and everyone said, well, what is zelensky doing there, they were just testing. how he is supported, not supported in the presidential elections, and by the way, the 17th-18th were tested for a year then, let me remind you that the leaders, well, that is, the potential candidates in the second round, were first gretsenko, then savchenko, then vakarchuk, and then zelensky, so now the situation is completely different, because in essence there is only one life...'
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capable state institution, which testifies that there are still effective managers in the system of power, it is the armed forces of ukraine, because of which... well, you can say that hardworking is the personification of such, well, i would say collective traits, armed forces, he is communicative, he is open, he is humane, and probably now appeared, there was a huge demand for such a manager, because because the managers of zelenskyi, that is, every small zelenskyi on every oblast minister... probably not too efficient, not too humane, not too concerned about people, and in in this sense, this is, i would say that this is not a political choice, what we have now is a request of the society for a leader with
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the characteristics that are in the tin, but if there is a request for such characteristics, then now the question or the system: ready to exchange one person's ego for er, let's say the success of the whole society, or to put the success of the country in order to satisfy the ego of one person, it is meant, i am not talking about the hard-working, so it seems to me that the one who muddies the water and all the time imposes, well, such, impossible flight election scenarios. in fact, he is driving the government into a hopeless situation, which may come to the point that no matter who he nominates, well , the collective zelenskyi does not nominate instead of himself, the maximum he can repeat is the result of viktor yushchenko in the 10th year, well,
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but look, actually, pulling this one out case, a hard-working candidate for the presidency, well, in fact, they are doing... worse for themselves, because no matter what they do with the hard-working one now, whether they will suspend him or there, they will remove him from making some decisions, there is something else, they just push him out, and the rating of people 's trust in the armed forces is now equal to the rating of trust, meritorious, that's right, well, serhiy , today is also volunteer day, and among those public institutions, not state, but public, volunteering, and the church, they will determine the future winner, because to the voice to these, well, to these prosherks and public institutions, voters at the same level will appeal to the military, because the military
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will determine the moral framework for the future president, but the voice of the church and the voice of volunteers in this order will be very noticeable. and now let's see how the bank built relations with volunteers and with the church, well, no one, no matter how cool, but no one forgot anything about the thermos, not to mention the fact that no one wants to solve the issue with the occupying fifth column , which is called the uoc mp, especially since now, for example, a servant began, so to speak, another round of alliance with opzh and they essentially stop the consideration of the law, sending it to the valetsian commission there, that is, the party in power so often plays pro-moscow scenarios that it turns even more people away
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from zelenskyi personally and and well, perhaps his chances are not so high today, because among those, well, important institutions of the state, or we can say certain systems in the state, social systems, there is also local self-government, and here the power seems to me to be very, 10 seconds we have on the air , well, well, well local self-government, just as the authorities finally broke the pots. thank you, it was volodymyr tsybulko, political expert, people's deputy of ukraine of the fourth convocation. friends, during the program we conduct surveys. we ask you about this, whether you would like to see zaluzhnyi in politics, now let's look at the interim results, 81% of those who vote yes by phone, 10% say no. attention, an incredible novelty from razpak tv, super warm and very comfortable
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vasyl winter's big broadcast. this is the big ether, my name is vasyl zimaye, let's start, two hours of air time, two hours of your time. we will discuss many important topics today. two hours to learn about the war. now we will talk more about the war. serhii zgorets is with us, and what is he doing world. now yuriy fizar will talk more about what happened in the world, yuriy, good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time for that, talk about money, during the war, oleksandr morchyvka with us, oleksandr, welcome, and sports news, review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much to elina chechenna for the information about culture news, presenters, many of whom have become idiosyncratic. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on the day of prydeshni, as well as distinguished guests of the studio. people's deputy of ukraine, he was also the chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours.
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vasyl winter's big broadcast. a project for smart and caring people. espresso in the evening. congratulations, friends, we will continue the verdict program live on the espresso tv channel. evening broadcast, we talk about the most important things, what was, what is, and what will be, today in the program, military aid from the usa is under threat, who and why is holding back the provision of additional funding to ukraine. zelenskyi vs whether it is a difference of opinion or a real conflict, what is really happening between the most influential people. countries. ukraine's path to the eu. what promises has our state already fulfilled
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and how to establish relations with hungary and slovakia. during the program, friends, we are conducting a survey , today we are asking you about whether you would like to see zaluzhny in politics, yes no, please vote on our youtube channel, everything is quite simple there, yes, no, two options, or please write your comments under this video. if you sit in front of: above the tv screen, pick up the phone and vote if you think that a slob should be in politics, in the future, of course, 0800-211-381, no, 0800-21-382, all calls to these numbers are free , i want to introduce the guests of today's studio, this is iryna friz from european solidarity, people's deputy of ukraine, ms. iryna, i congratulate you, thank you for joining our broadcast. good evening, thank you for the invitation, elizaveta yasko, people's deputy of ukraine from the servant of the people, ms.
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elizaveta, i congratulate you and thank you for being with us today. good evening. yaroslav yurchyshyn, people's deputy of ukraine from the vote. mr. yaroslav, i congratulate you, thank you for being with us today. good evening , today is enough, it's an unusual day and a big diplomatic evening, because the president of ukraine has a video call to the senators of the united states of america at a closed briefing at 10:00 p.m. this closed briefing is to begin. united states of america lloyd austin and other high-ranking american officials , we are talking about, aid, about $61 billion in deferred funding, the needs of ukraine, the ukrainian military, a test vote on the request of the administration of the united states
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of america for aid to ukraine is scheduled for december 6, ladies and gentlemen, today... exactly 29 years since the budapest memorandum was signed, it happened exactly on december 5 , 1994, this memorandum was signed by leonid kuchma, boris yeltsin, bill clinton and british prime minister john major, in your opinion, that's in this day, a significant day for the budapest memorandum, for the guarantees we were to receive. after abandoning nuclear weapons, our president will convince the americans to help us in the war with putin, what do you think - what more arguments do the senators and congressmen of the united states of america
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need to understand that this is about life and death, and now we are talking about the future of ukraine and not only the future of ukraine, the future of europe and the future of the world. what should the president say in order to senators and congressmen made the decision we are counting on. let's start with mrs. iryna. mrs. irina, please. thank you, the question is really not easy, but let's start with the fact that the president of ukraine, by virtue of his position , is a key, main diplomat of ours. state, therefore, in the international arena, he must make maximum efforts to protect the national interests of our state. i am sure that in this message, our president should do his best to get the necessary tranche of aid, i am sure that the arguments for us, for
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ukrainians have plenty of them, but we need to find wording, those words that are completely supported by us congressmen. we see that the usa is now entering the election campaign, and therefore they are beginning to live by other trends, electoral trends, but despite this, we, as a state, must do everything in order to receive the maximum... support from our strategic partner. i believe that mr. zelensky's speech will be successful. i think that the key question that concerns ukraine from congressmen is this directions of use of the aid that comes directly from the usa. transparency,
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control and directions of use. if the president is convincing and can prove. absolute transparency in the use of aid from the united states of america, i am sure that we will receive this support, because the united states of america has repeatedly emphasized, both at the level of president biden and at the level of the state department , that it remains steadfast in its support of ukraine in this war, so i i hope that the president will be to speak, but again, here the occupying media are the first to report that, as it were, this speech will not take place, and the head of the democratic majority in the senate of the united states of america said this, well , no, it is not yet known whether zelensky will speak or not will speak, because the announcement was that he
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must speak, we will still hope that he will speak, because what they say in washington and what they say in ukraine depends on this aid, on the opening of this funding many things at this very moment, in these days and until the end year, mrs. elizaveta, maybe you know a little more, or you can expand, this is not necessary to explain to senators and congressmen, i know that it is big, a delegation went to the united states of america, which was determined by the zelenskyi team and in order to convince the senators and congressmen, whether - is this work going successfully , is this work not going successfully, i.e. and why do you think ukrainians have to talk about it every time, well, listen, we have a war,
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great russia attacked us, you gave us guarantees , let's still somehow help us, that's why that here the question of the future of ukraine is simply at stake. i will start with the last question, unfortunately, the world is political, international, external. the political world is arranged in such a way that you cannot relax for a minute, er, if there is a war in the country, or there is no war in the country, one must always and very actively defend one's national interests. yes, unfortunately, it happened historically, now that we bear, uh, very such, uh, tragic, time, pain, and we choose every day of our freedom. and for us these are completely existential questions normal, and abroad is something that needs to be explained, and it needs to be very actively
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engaged in this, unfortunately, it will soon be two years of a full-scale invasion, and what i see, i am now, in italy on the pariah committee, where we talked, including about ukraine, it is necessary to constantly explain about... even very simple things, because foreigners are concerned about whether we are tired, what is the situation inside us, whether we believe in victory, and it is constantly necessary to explain that we believe in victory, that we fight every day, that yes, of course we have problems, nevertheless, we have progress with the laws that we vote, which fulfill all the european integration requirements. that we are fighting corruption, that we finally have an investigation into corruption cases, this has never happened before, all these things
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have to be constantly explained, of course, this can cause quite a lot of fatigue in us, but we have no other way out, and i know that we, as representatives of the presidential party, as well as many representatives of the opposition are quite actively engaged in this, an important point usa. i want to remind you that president zelensky is incredibly popular in american society. and to talk about whether the americans support the provision of aid to ukraine now , in fact, i think, depends, among other things, on this popularity and the faith that the american people in ukraine have in president zelsky. it continues to be at a very high level. well, but, but, after all, the day before , the white house stated that the money for assistance to the armed forces of ukraine will run out
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by the end of the year, and this was announced by the spokesman matthew miller of the state department of the united states of america, more than 97% of the funds allocated for assistance to ukraine have already been used. let's listen very briefly. we are now relying on the remaining funds which will run out soon, we have already used up over 97% of that money. soon we will have no finances left at all. so yes, we are very concerned, which is why the secretary of state is joining the president and other administration officials in calling on congress to act as soon as possible. mr. yaroslav, may we assume that the congress of the united the united states of america will not make such a necessary decision for ukraine. and how to be in such a situation, to whom to appeal, whether appeals will be considered at all? and we
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have no choice but to act, so under any circumstances, it will be necessary to appeal, it will be necessary to explain, it will be necessary to open up the things that key opponents of the bailout are now trying to voice, including... the republican speaker of congress today asked several questions, which he asked in an intra-political, intra-political section, so what is the strategy of the administration biden regarding the war in ukraine, what are the guarantees of victory, how much is necessary and how is it necessary to help in order to achieve the goals, and i think that our key task is actually to explain... on those platforms where it is possible, within those limits , in which you can actually clarify these questions and give the maximum answer, and to be honest, appeals to
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the budapest memorandum, to the commitments that were once, sound good, strong, but in the existing reality, they have actually been worthless for a long time , and you need to build a new one vision and appeal to those things that hurt americans more, hurt us less, are not so critical for us, in the strategy... of the united states, russia is not considered a key opponent, china is considered a key opponent, and therefore it is very important to actually demonstrate that that if putin is allowed to enter ukraine and putin succeeds in implementing his plans, then this will essentially untie china's hands in relation to taiwan, with which the united states and many other states have
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agreements on support and partnership, and fear of china unites them, not even like that fear, although certainly fear, unites both republicans and democrats, and therefore, based purely, unfortunately, on our agenda, ah, we are unlikely to be able to convince ukraine that it is time to become an adult and understand that the world does not revolve around us, that our pain is our pain, and to feel it, well, in fact , you have to be here and now, and you have to lose your people, the united states does not lose a single person in ukraine, and officially, even volunteers who come, they come at their own peril and risk, so very it is important to find these - let's say - points that need to be answered publicly and
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used privately. there is a very large diaspora in ukraine, and in fact it would be very useful for the ministry of foreign affairs to more actively use the resources of the ukrainian diaspora, as citizens, in particular of the united states, who can directly communicate with their representatives in congress and in the senate, the entire arsenal must be used, and the matter of our rescue, first of all our matter of priority, of course we have partners, of course, the inclusion of the event happened much faster, much on a larger scale than, for example, in georgia or at one time in moldova, or in general, the recent case in belarus, yes, but this is all thanks to the heroism of the armed forces of ukraine, we remember that the initial stage was also a very long stage of uncertainty, we need to be more proactive, well and in unity our strength, unfortunately, not all adequate resources are used, the fact that now they are more
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actively trying to use parliamentary diplomacy, although rather selectively, but better late than never, but in fact this resource is available and important to be used in the same way as the diplomacy of our public organizations, mass media, i.e. all available resources must now be directed to achieving a key, tactical task, this is a turning point of this uncertainty in the state, well, yaroslav yurchushin said the key phrase in unity, we can do a lot, our diplomacy, including parliamentary diplomacy , has a lot to do and we must achieve results. mrs. iryna, your leader, the leader of the european solidarity party, petro poroshenko, was not allowed to go abroad at the end week on the ukrainian-polish border, it
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was on the ukrainian-polish border, that's right. it turned out that there are some opinions from the security service of ukraine that he wanted to meet with the current prime minister of hungary, viktor orban, who is currently opposing the european union's negotiations with ukraine, and the sbu believed that poroshenko's meeting with orban could be used by russian propagandists, and in this way, that's why. canceled his business trip, although as far as i understand, he was also supposed to be in the united states of america, am i right i understand, yes, you understand absolutely correctly, indeed, representatives of the european solidarity faction were invited to the id forum, this is also petro poroshenko, who had a speech there, additional meetings, in parallel , before flying to the united states, he had a number of meetings in poland, yes


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