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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2023 4:00pm-4:30pm EET

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on the right bank, but actually opposite these bridgeheads, the occupiers are massively bombarding these positions with guided aerial bombs, of course, forgive me, we have to finish already, because we have limited air time, serhii khlan, a deputy of the kherson regional council, was in touch with us, we will pass it on word to iryna koval with current news, iro, word to you. thank you, thank you marta, just a moment about the highlights, wait. it is 4 p.m. in ukraine. news time on the espresso tv channel. in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. president volodymyr zelenskyi congratulated the servicemen on armed forces day and presented them with state awards. the head of state noted that it was a great honor for him.
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to personally award the best defenders of the country. according to the president, our fighters are fighting so that despair never prevails in the eyes of ukrainians, so that ukraine will stand up in the fight against the invaders and free our people from russian occupation and captivity. those present also honored the memory of all fallen heroes with a moment of silence. we will never forget our heroes, glory to us ukraine. heroes, glory to all our ukrainian soldiers, glory to the armed forces of ukraine, glory to our brave people, i wish us all strength and victory, once again i congratulate you on your day, glory to ukraine, and also today president volodymyr zelenskyy will join the video summit with the leaders of the seven countries ,
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said the spokesman of the japanese government. this will be the final meeting following the results of this year's japanese presidency of the g7. the topics of discussion will be russia's war against ukraine, the confrontation between israel and palestine by the hamas group, as well as the framework of legal regulation at the international level of the development of artificial intelligence. let me remind you that in 2024 the presidency of the g7 will pass from japan to italy. he became an ox of courage, indomitability and devotion to his country. today, on the day of the armed forces of ukraine, a monument to oleksandr matsievsky was unveiled on the territory of the historical and architectural museum of the kyiv fortress. the video, where an unarmed ukrainian soldier was shot by the occupiers for shouting "glory" to ukraine , went viral all over the world. the author worked on the sculpture for almost two months, watched videos and photo in communicated with relatives to
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recreate him as he was during life. openly, honestly, boldly look the enemy in the eyes, he irritated them, he could not do anything, he called fire on himself, he said: "glory to ukraine." he glorified ukraine to the whole world. about the glory of ukraine with their slogan, when they offered to make such a sculpture, it is, well , for us, it is a great honor, in general as a thank you to the soldiers and in general to the ssu, i am sure that there are a lot of heroes there, and so to speak, both dead and alive, and not born, slovak carriers threaten to completely block
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the checkpoint on the border with ukraine, they say they will be forced to resort to such extremes if they do not cancel the system of permits for ukrainian truckers. at the same time , the carriers thanked the minister of transport of ukraine jozef raz for raising this issue in brussels. in addition, the minister plans to meet with the drivers tomorrow to find a compromise solution. let me remind you that on december 1, slovak carriers joined their polish colleagues and started blocking traffic at the checkpoint near uzhhorod, but on the eve of suspended romania wants to create an f-16 service center on its territory, romanian prime minister marchal ccolaku, who is currently visiting the united states, told the american company locket martin. he recalled the opening of the european f-16 training center in romania, where, in particular,
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ukrainian pilots are trained. cholaku noted that this program is already functioning. the first three f-16 aircraft transferred by norway recently arrived in romania. the united states congress will consider amendments to the defense bill this week budget for 2024. in particular, the us ambassador, oksana markarova, told about the extension of lendlease for ukraine. she noted that the priority is to approve additional funding for ukraine for the entire next year, in which it will be a package of internal issues of the states. markarova also explained that lendlis is only an auxiliary tool that will come in handy if grant weapons programs run out prematurely. where they cannot arrest. russian dictator vladimir putin flew to the united arab
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emirates. later he will visit saudi arabia arabia let me remind you that the head of the kremlin is limited in his travels, because the jurisdiction of the international criminal court extends to some countries that have signed the rome statute, but neither the united emirates nor saudi arabia are among them . in nepal, the police detained ten men who were sending young people to russia for the war in ukraine. according to the kathmandu district police, the detainees collected up to $9,000 from locals. sent them to russia. the path was paved with tourist visas through arab emirates. after that, they were enrolled in the russian army and sent to the front. nepalese law enforcement called it people smuggling. arrogant dictator. north
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korean leader kim jong-un wept when he heard about the country's declining birthrate. he held a national conference. where he urged women to give birth to more children. in the same place, he spoke about the duties of women to work for the benefit of the communist regime and thanked those who obediently endure all kinds of difficulties and suffering. women in traditional korean clothes also cried throughout the speech and gave him several five-minute standing ovations. for the first time, in almost 200 years, a ukrainian prayer was heard in the mykolaiv cathedral in the city of kreminets in the ternopil region. the day before , the court ordered the religious community of the moscow patriarchate to return the temple to the kremenets-pochaiv historical and architectural
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reserve. already this morning , a divine service of the orthodox church of ukraine took place in soboya. the liturgy began with a hymn and a prayer for our protectors. term of validity of the agreement on the free use of uocp these premises ended at the beginning of this year. since then, the reserve has repeatedly asked the religious community to leave the area. ukrainians, all of them. paints football. for the defender in ivano-frankivsk, children from the families of military personnel, as well as children whose relatives died in the war, decorated things for wounded soldiers with drawings. t-shirts will be given to soldiers who are currently being treated in regional hospitals to cheer them up on the eve of the winter holidays. there are children of fallen
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heroes and there is one brother, a fallen hero, we are painting t-shirts, dirtying clothes, soon. well it relaxes, it brings out of depression and stress, we plan to go to ivano-frankivsk to the ivano-frankivsk city hospital, which we will transfer, there are a lot of our wounded boys, we visit them repeatedly, visit them, help them, and this time we will go , we will give them these t-shirts to raise such a new year's and christmas mood. thanks to your support, espresso tv channel collected four uah for an suv for the armed forces of ukraine. the car was already received by the buar unit of the first separate special brigade appointment of the name of ivan bohun. the previous car of the defenders was completely destroyed by the enemy. and a separate brigade of artillery reconnaissance black
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forest needs repair of special vehicles. a faulty car at the front can cost life and health. when performing combat tasks , transport has an important function, but quickly. breaks down and needs timely repair. people hold on, but technology cannot. we ask you to join the collection of 1,000 hryvnias in order to return the special vehicles to the working class. and continue work on adjusting artillery fire. you can pay for props that you see on the screen. that was the news so far, you can read more on our website espresso tv, also follow us on social networks and watch on youtube. then my colleagues marta oliarnyk and antin borkovskii continue the broadcast.
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thank you, iryna koval, thank you to the news editors for always keeping not only espresso's dear tv viewers informed, but also marta ulyarnyk and i, and we will now speak with valery ryabikh, military expert, director of development information consulting company defense express. we welcome you to our air, mr. valery. good day, glory to ukraine , congratulations on the holidays, heroes, glory to heroes, there is such information that the pentagon announced that the development of the direction of combating anti-aircraft missiles is now estimated by them to be on the same level as the expansion of the production of 155 millimeter artillery ammunition, so we understand that the war in ukraine and hostilities in the middle east force the americans to raise this issue to some higher priority, what do you think about it, in general, what plans might there be in our allies, regarding the development of such
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means, and actually what means they currently have, in short, everything about this topic, we would be glad if you would inform us, well, it should be noted that a similar opinion was expressed by the deputy secretary of defense of the united states of america, who is responsible for procurement and supply, and it was expressed at a specialized defense conference where... the challenges of the modern battlefield and how to respond to it with modern technological means were discussed, so it can be seen that drones have now become essential a phenomenon that changes the battlefield and to which we must , let's say, pay a lot of attention, and there are two main points here, this is, firstly, the development of the production of drones, and those that would be, say... of such a modern level, that could to work in conditions of active countermeasures,
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radio-electronic means of radio-electronic combat of the enemy and to perform tasks, despite the replacement of various situations, on the other hand, it is noted that against the background of precisely the analysis of the experience of combat, on the battlefields of the russian-ukrainian war, there is currently a large the role is played by drones, and let's say so, and in order to secure our troops, it is necessary to actively develop countermeasures, and these means should be more effective and should hit drones, cheaply and massively, and moreover, they should counter both drones, those that can operate in difficult conditions,
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in particular countermeasures of radio-electronic warfare, and, for example, drones, which are used according to the swarm principle, and also, well, foresee possible ways of development of both the technologies of drones themselves, and the tactics of their use, and therefore in essence, now here in the united states of america they are talking about the fact that it is necessary to develop counter-drone systems, and they can be of different levels, including, as one of the most advanced systems in advance, for example, a bet is placed on the development of directed energy systems, as we call it, these are laser systems and electromagnetic systems, which can, let's say, affect swarms, and in principle just... these systems can become those systems whose effectiveness and price, the cost
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of application will be much lower than the cost drones themselves, so in principle this problem is so twofold, and it is aimed both at the development of drones and as a striking tool, including as a certain alternative for, say, the same means of destruction in the form of classical artillery, for example, well and also of course , that another direction is the creation of various countermeasure systems, in addition to the lightning energy systems mentioned, as well as complex systems based on traditional means of destruction, such as machine guns, automatic guns, combined with modern means of detection drones and their tracking and targeting. well, russian invaders attacked the car of the headman of the border community in chernihiv oblast, the press service
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of the ministry of internal affairs reported about it. therefore, the head of one of the border forces together with his colleagues left for business. by car to detect damage to power supply wires in one of the bodies of the novgorod-siversky district. during the survey, the enemy struck from a drone, the car exploded and burned to the ground. fortunately, no one was injured in the explosion. the police are documenting one war crime of the russians, and that's it if we are already talking about drones, it is very correct, marta started our conversation with drones, we understand that about 40 billion hryvnias have been allocated to us from the state budget for the next year, you understand. that the program must be effective, well, there will be money for it, but the question of production capacity and the question of procurement, mr. valery, here are some of your considerations, we need to develop our own production, and if we develop it, how quickly can we do it raise to a normal level, or on the other hand try to enter into certain contracts with our foreign friends and potential
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drone suppliers. well, it should be noted that this material... resource, which is purposefully allocated specifically for the provision of the armed forces of ukraine with these modern means in the form of drones, should be used for the development of own production, of course, in parallel, as far as possible, providing, for this very provision, the necessary number of drones, purchasing , however, more and more must be done, let's say, in such a... emphasis on scaling such production, selecting from those that large amount drones, which are already in service, are the most promising ones that can be scaled already under the conditions of, say, attracting the potential of state defense enterprises, including
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using the possibility of their provision of supply logistics, which was also discussed there by the minister of strategic industries of the defense industry and the same head of the ukrainian defense industry herman smitanin, and let's just say that now there is already some progress, and unlike at the beginning, this large-scale aggression only seven drones were adopted , currently, it is noted that by this time, more than 6.5 dozen drones have been adopted, of which about one and a half dozen are fpv, attack drones, which are actively used, and here, let's say, there are two the main directions are the expansion of the range of these drones, and this is precisely where the competition between
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a large number of enterprises operating here, of which there are currently more than 200 in ukraine, comes into play. well , of course, the need to select the most such samples that are subject to scaling and content increasing their production in order to meet all the needs of the armed forces and the requirements of the battlefield of contemporaries. mr. valery, today there was also information that our national guardsmen destroyed the launcher of the newest zrks-350 with an fpv drone for the first time, and according to some data. this kind of machine in general costs 135 million dollars, that is, it turns out to be a penny in fact and half a drone, causing losses to the russians for 135 million dollars, what is known about this c350 launcher, what do you, as a military expert, know? well, this is one of the modern systems,
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precisely which the enemy is developing, in order to counter a wide range of medium and long-range threats, and accordingly, it should be said very strongly that this event is being celebrated now, because according to the same manufacturers , the cost of a half-drone can be from there the same 200 dollars to 700 dollars somewhere on average. and this disproportionate ratio is precisely in such a confrontation, and such examples must be scaled. because the system itself, which seems to be supposed to fight against possible threats from the air, it gives out
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incapable of resisting such drones, which changes the very possibility of resistance and the need, let's say, to put emphasis on, let's say, investing in money in one or another direction. and well, this is one of the most modern systems of achievements, the defense-industrial complex, the aggressor country, including what is aimed at the development of anti-missile capabilities, and here, well, it should be said that a simple fpv drone, and its skillful use by defenders of ukraine, can change entire trends. in this field, and also, by the way, yesterday there is very good information from our air force that yesterday they landed a suskha 24 and it followed this plane after
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a russian warship, how do you think our air force was able to land this plane, what could it have been, your assumptions, well, here we can assume... that this operation was a consequence, firstly, of the increased capabilities of the armed forces to detect enemy targets, in particular, in their actions over the water area in the northwestern part of the black sea, respectively , a spate of enemy aircraft in the form of a bomber 124 and the fighter that was supposed to cover it were supposed to carry out a terrorist attack on the port and grain structure of the odesa
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region . we are talking about the so-called ambush with the use of air defense means, and here it should be said that given the exact distances we are talking about, it is somewhere from 30 to 50 km, the vast majority of western-style systems armed with air forces of the armed forces of ukraine, in particular, they can be used for use in boats. means of destruction, and i think that it was precisely in this way that it was possible to destroy this
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enemy aircraft, which in the future may respond, let's say, by a decrease in the activity of the enemies in this direction. mr. valery, look, i would like to ask you to comment on the message from our glorious pentagon, friendly to us, so for military aid to ukraine , the united states currently has about 5.9 billion dollars left, the spokesman said pentagon chief pat ryder, to quote him: we currently have approximately $4.8 billion in restored presidential authority and cuts to the mechanism that allows the president to transfer military supplies from military bases without consulting congress, and $1.10 billion in available resources for the replenishment of american stocks, according to pat ryder, without additional funding from the us department of defense may soon reach a limit beyond which it will not be able to maintain the current level of security assistance to ukraine. this situation emphasizes
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the importance of continued support from congress for ukraine at a crucial moment in its campaigns to defend its freedom and resistance. almost 6 billion dollars are now available for the needs of the pentagon, in order to transfer this assistance to us. is it a lot or a little and how much is the orientation. it may be enough, well here it should be noted that it is necessary to take into account the goals of such assistance, if maintaining the current level of use of forces, then of course it can be used, let's say, this money can last for quite a long period, because for example, we know that the last few tranches, let's say, were not large-scale and distinguished and were precisely aimed at providing the armed forces of ukraine with various means and were somewhere on the level of several hundred
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million dollars, that is, based on idleness mathematics, this may be enough for several dozen similar tranches, but if we are talking, let's say, about planning a strategic perspective, then of course, without additional allocation, funds and understanding, let's say in financial terms, what it is possible to calculate, and accordingly what and what actions can be planned, then here... we may need to talk about larger sums by several tens of dollars, in particular, somewhere in the region of 60 billion dollars, which would be spent purposefully on those means that necessary to solve the previously announced goals, in particular , those related to the dismissal of the temporary employee.
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territories of ukraine and, accordingly, inflicting a defeat on the russian federation, and of course, despite, thank you mr. valery, valery ryabykh, military expert, director of development of the information-consulting company defense express, was with us, now i want to report important news from the center of luhansk , radio liberty writes, that a car exploded in the center of luhansk, probably a deputy of the so-called lpr faction, oleg popov. of the luhansk people's so-called republic, and local channels publish a video from the place. the russian state news agency riya novosti, citing sources, reports on the possible death of popov, other sources write about injuries, the details of the events are still unknown. well, it would be say, kobzon waited, meanwhile the enemy shelled the city of seredyna buda in the sumy oblast. two people were injured, houses, an educational institution and a medical institution were damaged. the shelling
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happened. the enemy, using methods of warfare prohibited by international law, fired from the territory of the russian federation on the town of seredyna buda, shoskin district. the press center of the prosecutor's office of sumy oblast reports this. at least three apartment buildings, a private household, an educational institution, a medical institution, and administrative buildings were damaged. there was a local fire of the hotel 72-year-old and 47-year-old local residents got. injuries, a small town, well, but the enemy, the enemy began to attack sumy region and chernihiv region more actively. that's how things are, we're going on a short break now, just a few minutes, and we'll be back to you, the espresso information marathon continues . attention, an incredible novelty from
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