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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2023 5:00pm-5:30pm EET

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that today is the day of st. nicholas qr-code you see, help our military, and how they help you. it's 5 p.m. in ukraine, for your attention a news release on the espresso tv channel, in the studio of iryna koval, greetings to all viewers. minus one, in the temporarily occupied luhansk, unknown persons blew up a car with the occupant, the explosion occurred near the local avangard stadium. oleg popov, a former so-called deputy of the people's council of the lpr, was in the car. according to the russian security forces, he died, although earlier, another collaborator rogov assured. that he only
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wounded. let me remind you that this is not the first attempt to blow up a traitor. the previous attempt on popov took place in september last year. there is unrest in occupied donetsk, there were explosions heard a few hours ago, they were heard in the budyoniv and lenin districts of the city. after that, the locals noticed black smoke, which is visible from different points of donetsk. previously , the fire engulfed the gas station, and propaganda media announced. about the shelling by the armed forces of ukraine, the occupation authorities also reported on the telegram channels about the hit. we support each other. peaceful action with such called was held near the sejm building in warsaw. all in order to remind politicians about the still unresolved situation on the polish-ukrainian border. the event was organized by ukrainians engaged in international trade with support. car
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carriers of ukraine, immigrants and volunteers also joined. activists wrote a letter, which was taken to the office of the polish diet. the main theses outlined by the participants of the action are the unblocking of traffic on the border between our countries, the improvement of export and import conditions, and the strengthening of countering propaganda in of poland we have proposals, requests to the polish diet, so that they, at the nearest commissions, at the nearest meetings, should first of all consider the issue that threatens the life and health of people, namely drivers, this is , first of all, also countering russian propaganda, which in our opinion , ordinary people, emigrants living in poland, is very active, and it actually provokes all these situations, all these protests, they have something to rely on in terms of information, and we would like the polish government to also strengthen its opposition. strengthened the work in the policy of opposition.
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camels, tambourines and airplane shows. russian dictator vladimir putin was received with pompous honors in the united arab emirates. the head of the kremlin flew to uea, also limited, because he is limited in his travels, because the jurisdiction of the international criminal court extends to the countries that have signed and ratified the rome statute. obey. although the arab emirates signed, but did not ratify the rome statute, they will not be able to arrest putin there. in lviv , litigation continues over the land near the church of st. george. the review was held today appeals of the city council, they wanted to appeal the court's decision in advance, according to which the area of ​​the lower metropolitan gardens was left under the administration of the state intelligence service. but it was not possible to do this, the judge listened to the positions of the parties
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and postponed the meeting to january 17. let me remind you that the lviv city council transferred this land for permanent use to the ukrainian greek catholic church in 2020, and in september of this year the administration of the state special forces of ukraine declared its right to this plot, after which interest in the lower metropolitan gardens began to show developers, at any time are ready to sit down at the table to settle the dispute, but with one condition, that it should be established by law everywhere, and not in this one, but they do not hear us, they do not hear us, they do not want to meet with us, we believe , that the decision of the first instance as of today is legal, and the appeal is then, within the limits
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of svyatoyura mountain, the metropolitan gardens were always used by the ukrainian greek-catholic church only in the soviet period. special antennas and special towers were installed there in the 16th year were dismantled, and in the 20th year the city council of lviv adopted a resolution necessary for the ukrainian greek-catholic church to be able to use this territory, so that it was returned to it. on december 6 , ukraine celebrates the day of the armed forces of ukraine. the relevant law was approved back in 1991 . instead, the attitude towards this date changed not only. war, but also people who met the enemy with dignity. on the day of the professional holiday of defenders, we will tell about one of the brave warriors. the ukrainian army has been fighting the most insidious enemy for almost 10 years - by russia at the cost of their own lives, our soldiers
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are wresting piece by piece of their native land from the clutches of the occupiers. one of these is a military man with the call sign wolverine. yuriy was our colleague and worked on the espres tv channel. bela tserkov in the position of film crew administrator. currently serves in the 71st airborne assault brigade. yuriy joined her love in 2022 and has long associated his life with military affairs. he completed his military service, and then in the 14th year he became a member of the ato. i was not drafted, my friend was drafted, as he and i served together in emergency service and i joined the army and asked to be taken with him too , it turned out that i ended up in intelligence, he in rimbat, and then granitne, ilovaisk,
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olhenka, avdiyivka, for 2014, everyone thought that it would be for a week or two, well a maximum of a month, no one thought that it would take so long, in the distant 14th, neither we nor the enemy were sufficiently prepared, recalls wolverine, but with that number of people and morally outdated weapons, we still made a colossal contribution to restraining the invaders, at that time he was 22 years old, and he did not know how serious this war can be. at first we watched the arrival of the 95th airborne assault brigade, they told us about it, but of course we didn't believe it. it will be cool, we are cool fighters there, and when the first one left, we heard shots fired at us, well , at first everyone ran away, and then gathered already, well, we understood what we came here for, in 2017, after a serious injury,
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a soldier left the ranks of the zsu , having received a disability, already at the beginning of the full-scale invasion in june he was called up again to the army, he claims that he guessed that he would a big war, so i was preparing for lying down. on february 23, his brothers called him and advised him to take his family away. he recalls that at that time in ato , ukrainians fought with soviet-type weapons, and there were no rockets and aviation at all. nowadays , the equipment of defenders is more modern and adapted to nato standards. a similar situation with the training of fighters, however , one should not forget that the yrog also prepared for the offensive for a long time. more people are professionally trained. well, because of the fact that nato partners are helping us, there are britain, poland, and us we travel all the time to improve our qualifications, we take various courses, in medicine, in tactics, well, it all means a lot. currently yuriy is defending ukraine and has two injuries, and
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the number of contusions he can't even count. returning to relatively peaceful cities , he emphasizes, people forget that the war is going on, and very... cooks the enthusiasm and patriotism that was at the beginning, but fighting at zero, every time he remembers his native home, his beloved and his parents, who are eagerly waiting for him with a dream victory. lyubov gerashchenko, oleksandr kuga, espresso, bila tserkva. and i want to remind you that the espresso tv channel, together with the public organization baza ua, is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate unit. mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine cold ravine. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military will choose victory every day without leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the injured are much greater. our goal is
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uah 8,000. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. so support, do not remain indifferent. you can see all the details on the screen. that was the news for this time, wait for the next edition at 18:00 and read more as always on our espresso tv website, a brief summary of the main things in... social networks and watch us on youtube, literally in a few minutes meet my colleague olga len. tingling and crawling sensations arise spontaneously and disturb you. doll complex. helps in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit anti-neuralgia helps to return to usual
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about spending crazy money on new furniture and mattresses. order matratsperight for only uah 999. call see this week in program judicial control with tatyana shustrova. three years of trials for the metropolitan gardens, what will the appeal decide? the supreme court canceled this decision and ordered a new one. but as the precious land in the center of lviv was threatened by the development of special forces, this is a structure that works for the state, this is another construction office. on thursday , december 7, at 5:45 p.m., watch the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. the dark night is coming, covered with white snow, mykolay set off on his way. he brings us victory, as if ka. in the picture, the snow draws patterns, the whole earth turned white, and the kremlin collapsed.
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nicholas brings greetings, joy, a holiday , a wish that muscovites, brave, steadfast, battle-hardened, who stood in the way of the moscow horde, at the cost of their own lives, fighting for the right to exist, would appear all over our land. countries, the armed forces of ukraine, we thank you for every new day, for the liberated cities and villages, a victorious peace for all of us, an earthly bow to you, happy day of the armed forces of ukraine, congratulations, this is a chronicle of military operations. and let's go straight to the map for the last few days without delay, then we'll talk to ours
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by experts, the map of hostilities for the period from november 29 to december 6, 2023, avdiyivka, bakhmud and luhansk region, the russians want to succeed at any cost, it seems as if the enemy felt that a window of opportunity had opened for him, so he threw a lot of reserves into the assault in order to to increase the pressure... on the entire section of the front from kupyansk to ughledar and at least achieve a result before the new year that will satisfy vladimir putin. the front in the lughan region, in the north of near kupyansk , there is a creeping offensive from liman first to senkivka, in some places our soldiers have to leave. at the same time, this essentially does not affect the front line in the area of ​​yagidnogo and kislivka, where counteroffensive battles continue. neither side can gain a definite advantage, the enemy's attempt to advance near novoselivskii failed. in the southwest of the region, the invaders are again
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trying to break through our defenses in the direction of liman. in the area of ​​terne village, 3 km long. from north to south, the rashists took advantage of the rotation of the ukrainian military and occupied part of our positions, having gone one and a half kilometers behind the front line. subsequently, the zso managed to recapture part of the positions on the northern edge of this offensive. as a result, the russians occupied almost 3.5 km of donetsk region. meanwhile , our drones successfully destroyed an oil depot near the temporarily occupied luhansk. bahmud. extremely fierce fighting continues in the north. and south of bakhmut. the occupiers are pressuring the defense forces in the area of ​​bohdanivka and khromovo, where during the week they managed to knock out our troops from several strongholds points, occupy part of khromovo and further advance the front line to the south of the berkhiv reservoir. the russians intend to push the zsu as far as possible from bakhmut, and also to get as close as possible to the temporary yarut ivanivskyi. however, currently their
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successes are quite local and do not affect the general situation on the front line. on the southern front from the city, the armed forces of the russian federation increased the pressure on the north of klitschivka, where they managed to knock out our soldiers from a number of positions. at the same time, the armed forces moved to counter-offensive and pushed back the occupiers to the north of the railway. nearby, the rashists are trying to regain their lost positions in andriivka, where they came closer to cascade lakes, but it will be extremely difficult for the occupiers to knock out the ukrainian army from the commanding heights that they previously occupied in klishchivka, and they do not have enough... resources on this part of the front now have avdiyivka this is where the attention of the entire high command of the armed forces of the russian federation is now concentrated. the number of airstrikes in the city increased to 18-20. it is carried out daily. 340 above-ground attacks from six directions, that is, actually around the entire perimeter. on the other hand
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, there was no significant breakthrough in our positions this week. the occupiers are mostly concentrated near the village of stepove, where they intend to break through the front enough to cut the logistics routes, but during this time they managed to occupy as much as 700 m in the eastern part of the village, as well as to break through from the southern outskirts. at the same time, north of stepovoy, the armed forces of ukraine conducted a series of counterattacks and drove the enemy back to the railway. in all other directions, in particular in in krasnogohorivka, novokalovo, opitny, northern, pervomaisky and in the industrial zone of avdiyivka itself, the armed forces of the ukrainian armed forces are firmly holding the defense and did not allow the occupiers to realize their intentions. grind the city a slight advance of the enemy can be noted only east of the water, where they moved a hundred meters into the gray zone. in avdiivka itself, the garrison holding the coke chemical plant launched a counterattack and repulsed several positions in the direction of the village of kamianka. marienko heavy fighting is still going on for the city, which has long since been erased from the face of the earth, this week the rashists joyfully announced the capture of the entire
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city, but later it turned out that they managed to reach only the western outskirts slightly. the southern part of maryinka. instead, the armed forces stopped the advance of the russians in the main part of the city and partially pushed them back to their previous positions. so the battle for marienko, which has been going on since 2014, continues. left bank of kherson region. thanks to bad weather and low visibility , the defense forces and the armed forces of the russian federation were able to redeploy troops. we managed to increase the number soldiers in the krynkiv district up to 400, which is quite significant and makes it possible to continue the advance. to the southwest of the village in the direction of the cossack camps. at the same time, our drones, which by the way only on this part of the front are numerically outnumbered by the enemy, are actively scouting and striking east of the oleshkiv desert. in particular , targets in nova mayachka and podokalnivka became their victims. also, drones were directed at the beacon by hymers, who crushed the rashist stronghold. at least
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five more russian officers were killed by the blow in the village of yuvileyne in hladkivka. our artillery smashed. the occupation of the occupiers, which consisted of 11 cars. crimea. the security service of ukraine , together with gur, carried out a mass attack by drones on feodosia and kerch. it is already known about the destruction of a significant infrastructural object of the marine oil terminal in feodosia, where there were almost 30 fuel tanks. it is not yet known where kerch was hit. media resources of the occupiers reported the downing of more than 40 of our drones, but local residents reported explosions at regional airports. likewise bavu. visited airfield in saki, the result has not yet been announced. bam in russia. our scouts managed to blow up two railway tracks on the baikal-amur highway connecting siberia and ukraine. from. the explosion damaged a 15-kilometer tunnel in which fuel tanks burned for a long time, when the russians launched a train to detour through the city, saboteurs blew up the train and on it,
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bam, through which, among other things , cargo from north korea was transported, it was closed to transportation, at least until spring. at the same time , there remains another perspective goal through which the majority of transportation from the east is carried out by the trans-siberian highway, which stretches from vladivostok to moscow and passes through at least such large rivers. such as the yenisei in krasnoyarsk, the ob in novosibirsk, the irtysh in omsk, and the kama in perm. if the saboteurs can destroy the bridges on these rivers, the trans-siberian highway will stop for quite a long time, and the russians have no other means of supplying weapons from the far east. we win daily, death to enemies. well, such an interesting idea with the trans-iberian highway, i hope that our sssos are about it think also, well, we have our guest, ivan yakubets, a military expert and ex-commander of airmobiles, this is the airborne assault troops of ukraine, congratulations, mr. ivan, i congratulate you, glory to ukraine,
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glory to the heroes, and let's, you know, look at the general the situation, in principle, there are heavy counter-battles along the entire front line, and our defense forces are essentially holding back russian offensives, and how would you characterize these plans of the russians and their actions in general, these are some, well, as they say , there is an attempt to gain, a more successful position, in anticipation of something that it is the full-scale offensive that they have launched now, what is it like, how can you describe this situation that we have now on the battlefield, it is definitely an offensive, the russian federation, seeing that. the armed forces of ukraine, well, they did not expire, but i will punish , let's say, reached the level of their capabilities and stopped actively advancing,
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and that is why they kept reserves until now, or prepared them, accumulated them, and are now throwing them into battle in order to to solve their tasks, the tasks they are trying to solve tactically, even operationally tactically, if we say around the obadians. throwing people into battle, into battle, they are trying to advance, squeeze us out of their positions, how can we advance further in order to, first of all, that is, before the new year holidays, to give some kind of gift to their furor, first of all , secondly, in order to elect him this year, he needs to show that they are fighting, that he is managing this process, and therefore... they are trying to show the citizens of russia their activity and successes, such that they would be credited for that , so that, well, let's say so,
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a russian citizen, so that he was i am satisfied with these actions, i think this is the main question, and of course they are still trying to implement the plan they announced, which is to go to the borders of luhansk oblast and donetsk oblast, and that is without an offensive, you can't do it, they are trying to make an offensive, you know, by assault groups, without combat equipment, mainly, or with the support of combat equipment, well , such offensives can certainly be where they throw people into battle, not sparing them, let 's say, throwing our trenches with their corpses, they definitely have some successes, small tactical ones, 100 m, 200, 300, maybe 400 meters will advance somewhere, sometimes, and will continue to do so, because 100 m is
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nothing, it seems, but for their mass media, this is a success that can be displayed in the eyes of the russians and show how combative and successful they are, how well they fight. in general, of course, the situation is such that, neither for them nor for us, the unfavorable conditions for the offensive are not very favorable yet, despite the fact that the frosts creaked the ground and military equipment can move, but with combat we learned to fight very well with technology , by the way, they also learned this from us, and therefore their advances will definitely not be fast, but meager, slowly, as they say, they can overcome our defense, if we allow them to do it, why do i say so, because if the defense , we sit in the defense, sit, then all
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leaders must understand that without... counterattacks or counterattacks in the defense, the defense is doomed to the fact that it will either be hollowed out or pierced anyway, they will pierce a hole and so on, therefore in connection with this, i think that our would she also did not interfere with making counterattacks, that is , counterattacks, if only with the aim of improving her tactical position, and in this way taking away forces from the enemy for further offensive. well, you see, such a situation is emerging that , if you define the points of not so much activity, it is probably terne in the kupyansk direction, where they managed to take advantage of our rotation and advance, it is avdiyivka and mariyanka, actually, and bakhmut, the north bakhmut, but on the other hand, well, probably in all these directions, you can also call it shades, where the ukrainian forces meet. battles
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lead and counterattack all the same, that is, this confirms your second thesis that simply sitting on the defensive is not an option, and our forces, you see, they follow such a plan, but i wonder if this is at all, this is the work of these four directions of the russians, is it connected to some single idea, what is it that is already visible, or can we say, this is exactly how they distribute power, this is their main thing, or there, a secondary direction, so they are fighting on fronts , that is, each front fulfills its task, that is, from kupinsk to lymana, their task is to go to kupyansk in the north, to go to the reservoir of the zerebets river in the south, to the southern okra, not the outskirts,
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but, well, the southern outskirts to the bronilin warehouses, for what, in order to take our the troops that are beyond the zerebets river and the reservoir, from kupyansk to lyman, they are trying to do this on one front, because it will be a significant success for them, we will be forced to withdraw, and now the next avdiyivka is almost a cauldron, almost a cauldron, there 5 km between the flanks of the advancing... russian troops, that is that's why they don't bother to close this cauldron as quickly as possible, but i'm screaming, as they say, and that's why they throw and will throw people there without sparing anything and no matter how much, in this regard it is very important for us to counterattack in this direction with pincers to cut off those who go towards each other, as for the situation under bakhmut, well, under bakhmut, i will tell you this, the situation. it's just
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that it has a very large political color, including in the russian federation, and therefore , of course, they still try there, to advance in the north, we in the south have some success, sometimes, but they are in the north and in this way they supposedly neutralize ours, that is, their own actions, what can i say about that, it means that it is not working in the direction... on takmak, there they have strengthened themselves very strongly and it will definitely be very difficult for us to break through further into the takmak area, that is, to the north of it, well, to the shore of the sea of ​​azov , let's say, it will be very difficult, if at all possible, i would, in my opinion, this direction has already exhausted itself and we need to change direction main actions, and there to hold the defense
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, as far as our troops are concerned on its right bank of the dnieper, which occupied a small bridgehead opposite kherson, but certainly, this would be a promising place, and it would be necessary to increase efforts here in order to penetrate deeper in the defense of the enemy and thus try to break it, the southern left flank, that is, on the left, in this connection, i want to say, in general, the situation, in my opinion, is one of balance, balance, both on their side and on there are no such actions, military actions, so to speak, on our side that one side overpowers the other, albeit on the part of the russians, at the expense of their perseverance and the sacrifices they make on


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