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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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supply for export, and at the same time, about such and such a sale, it will generate some kind of income , some kind of currency revenue and balance now and then that significant negative balance of foreign trade and also develop the defense-industrial complex, therefore, i really support the initiatives that were announced by the minister of defense umerov and the minister of strategic affairs with yakemin at a joint meeting held with suppliers, and the trend is correct, but here it is necessary to work out the correct mechanism for the coordination of tacos, such implementation, on the one hand, and on the other, after all, work on ensuring that the needs of the general staff are satisfied with what they need, and not with what we can produce, because that too, after all, let's fight and here it is precisely the military who determine what is needed for them, mr. vladyslav , thank you very much for the inclusion, for what you are doing
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for our defense capability, may you find more partners at the exhibition in egypt, and i would like to remind our viewers that it was vladyslav belba from the general director of the ukrainian armored vehicle company, which supplies our army with armored vehicles and mortars in combat prospects infantry vehicles. these were the main results of the day, followed by more international and economic news in vasyl zima's broadcast. thank you, serhii zgorts, these were the military results of the day, thank you guests , a lot of interesting things await you ahead, the world about ukraine, the ukrainian delegation in the usa, have you agreed on monetary aid for ukraine, money during the war, how expensive it is, what are the threats, well, sports news
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today and the weather, another cyclone is coming to ukraine, where you should prepare, now about the most important news, at this hour, i i will tell you in detail, i will also have the inclusion of our correspondent from one very interesting location, from one very, from one very interesting event, well, but let's start with the event that took place in the suburbs of moscow near the village of soponiva, kiva was killed there, ex was found dead in russia - deputy of ukraine, traitor ilyuka, as reported by the propaganda media, he was shot with an unknown weapon, the body of the collaborator was found in a cottage town in the suburbs of moscow. the russian investigative committee has already opened a criminal case over the murder. the death of the traitor was also confirmed by ukrainian intelligence agency, at the same time a number of domestic snakes with reference to their own sources. he reports that the liquidation of illikive is a special operation of ours. the special service, after the start of a full-scale war, illakiva fled to russia, where he spoke with russian narratives, in ukraine he was convicted of treason. and one more minus, in
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the temporarily occupied luhansk, unknown people blew up a car with the occupant, the explosion occurred near the local avangard stadium. a former so-called deputy of the people's council was in the car of the so-called lnpr, oleg popov. according to the russian security forces, he died, although earlier, another collaborator rogov assured that he was only wounded, let me remind you that this is not the first attempt to blow up a traitor, and this time it was successful, the previous attempt on popov took place in september of last year. excellent work on the calculation of the stugna anti-tank missile complex. our defenders struck a russian bmp in the direction of bakhmut. the corresponding video was released by the fighters of the first separate special brigade named after ivan bohun. yes, there should have been a video, well, anyway. in nepal, the police. detained 10 men who
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were sending young people to russia for the war in ukraine, according to the kathmandu district police , the detainees collected up to 9,000 dollars from locals and sent them to russia, paving the way for tourist visas through the arab emirates. after that, they were enrolled in the russian army and sent to the front. nepalese law enforcement called it people smuggling. we support each other, a peaceful action with this... name took place near the sejm building in warsaw, that's all in order to remind politicians about the still unresolved situation on the polish-ukrainian border. the event was organized by ukrainians engaged in international trade with the support of the association of automobile carriers of ukraine, emigrants and volunteers also joined. activists wrote a letter that was taken to the office of the polish sejm, the main theses outlined by the participants of the action are the unblocking of traffic on the border between our countries, the improvement of export and import conditions and parcels. countering propaganda in poland. we
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have suggestions, huge requests to of the polish diet, so that they are on the nearest commissions. at the upcoming meetings , the issue that threatens the life and health of people, namely drivers, is first of all considered, as well as countering russian propaganda, which, in our opinion, ordinary people, emigrants living in poland, is very active, and it actually provokes all these situations, all these protests, they have something to rely on in terms of information, and we would like the polish government to also strengthen opposition, strengthen work in the policy of countermeasures. i just want to say that the transport commission of the european the commission supported the decision to unblock the ukrainian-polish border today. meanwhile
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, servicemen of the 74th battalion, 102nd separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the ivano-frankivsk region received two reb portable anti-drone devices, thanks to your support, our dear tv viewers . good afternoon we are the guys from the 102nd brigade, thank you very much for your donations and for helping us do our work for this rap, he makes our job easier, he knocks down petrons, he works, we are very grateful to you, and we are very grateful to our soldiers who continue to hold the front and beat the enemy, to liberate the ukrainian land. the main christmas tree of the country shone in kyiv, it is located on sofia street. square is usual, our correspondent , dmytro didora, is there, my colleague, congratulations, what is the height of the christmas tree and have other new year's locations opened in the capital, please, congratulations to vasyl, congratulations to our viewers, so you can see the main new year's beauty
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behind my back , it has an overhang of 12 m, the chairman, the mayor of kyiv, told about it vitaliy klitschko was installed and opened traditionally on the day of: st. nicholas, i apologize, and this happens live broadcast, you can’t do anything, except for the new year’s beauty tree , they also installed a location called brave hearts, you can see it, behind me, she, there is a big the heart is like this, it is made of illumination, there are also small christmas trees nearby, on which toys hang, these toys. every visitor to sofia square can take it with him as a souvenir, but there is one condition: you need to make a donation, the christmas tree will shine every evening, during all winter holidays, i let me remind you that this year in ukraine the winter holidays
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have all shifted, because we switched to a new calendar, today they celebrate the holiday of st. nicholas and traditionally in kyiv on this holiday they already light... the main new year's tree. state funds, city funds, i apologize, no christmas tree was spent, it was installed at the expense of patrons, as the mayor of the capital noted, and i want to say that the atmosphere in sofia square itself is very festive, there are a lot of people here, they are all walking, taking pictures with a christmas tree, i can show you came, we also saw our defenders, they also came here, to the main christmas tree in the capital, so the atmosphere is festive, i would say frosty, and that's how the opening of the country's capital pigeon christmas tree took place, vasyl. thank you very much, dmytro, dmytro didora, our correspondent from sofia square in kyiv, where the christmas tree was lit up. well, now we
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will talk about events that happened outside of ukraine, there are many events and we need to discuss them, yuri fizer is already with us, yuri, good evening, please, good evening to you, vasyl, good evening. who joined us tonight, there are many events and they are extremely important for ukraine, whether our guys can continue to fight at the same pace they are fighting now, and everything will depend on the vote in the senate on the allocation of aid to ukraine. in addition, i will tell you about what the pentagon said today, well , actually last night, they said that , unfortunately, china does help ukraine and russia in waging... an aggressive war in ukraine, and donald trump promised to be a dictator , he really promised, about this and that, in a moment in the world about ukraine column, well, i'll start with
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the most important. currently, there is a real split between republicans and democrats in the united states congress regarding the president's request. of joe biden's country on the allocation of additional aid in the amount of 106 billion dollars, the day before the senate held an open briefing dedicated to this issue. however , the republicans continued to insist on their point and refused to support the bill presented by the democrats, while part of the republicans left the meeting altogether, and the leader of the republican minority mitch mccone even openly urged one party member not to support the budget request of the white house, all because the democrats did not include in this package a requirement to fight illegal migration on the southern border with mexico. that is, it is repeated once again that 106 billion is the total amount in this package, of this
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total amount, 61 billion 400 million, should have gone to help ukraine, and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyy, was supposed to speak yesterday before the participants of this closed briefing that took place in the us congress, but as they said as they said in congress. some time before the start of this meeting, the president of ukraine still announced that he would not be included in them, but by the way, addressing his colleagues in the congress, the republican senator from the state of connecticut, chris murphy, said about the need to support ukraine, with these words, let's listen, we just need to make a decision now, whether kyiv will be russian or ukrainian. city, i'm disappointed that the republicans are not taking this seriously, it's all about the stakes
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in this situation, and the stakes are, will ukraine exist in 12 months, or will it be part of russia? well, that is, serious words , it is not known whether he reached his fellow democrats, the vote can take place today at 21:00 kyiv time, well , maybe a little later, and as he said in one of his last to... in the expert of the council of foreign affairs in oleksandr krayev, an expert of the foreign policy council of the ukrainian prism on facebook, today it is unlikely that we should expect a positive vote for us, but by the new year, most likely, the republicans will come to an agreement with the democrats , and everyone will make some concessions to everyone, and yet this aid, the allocation of this aid will be unblocked, that is, we can with a high degree of probability, that is , ukraine, get the amount that we need for further actions against hostilities against the country of aggressors, i
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will just pause for yuri, a colleague writes that there should be an address by joseph biden to congress and it should be broadcast, well, not yet, from what i read, i understand that it should be now , well that is, before voting on this, i don't he may have seen yesterday, by the way, about biden, this is complete madness, this is how the president of the united states of america, joe biden , commented the day before the refusal of congress to vote for the allocation of additional aid to support ukraine. he told reporters after a trip to massachusetts on the us east coast. according to the american leader, such actions of lawmakers completely contradict the interests of the united states of america. well, this - says joe biden, is wrong. at the same time, he expressed confidence that a compromise will be reached in the end allocation of money for ukraine will also be found, such a resolution are blocked, well, indeed, maybe he is going to make an appeal to
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the congressmen, in order to convince them once again how important it is, he repeatedly emphasized that this is not only money for ukraine, for israel, for taiwan, but this money also that goes to the security of the united states of america, will it reach us, let's see, maybe my colleague, serhiy rudenko, in the verdict with... this information, maybe it will already appear, if not, then we will wait for the morning, the morning broadcast of the tv channel, i am now yuriy, as a press announcer acted in such a role, joseph biden's address to the congress of the united states of america is to take place , even this broadcast on youtube has already been created, i understand that we will, well, we will at least show the first part, obviously of this appeal, now my colleagues will find out everything about it, well, but in any case, being with us, you will not miss it, please, so stay. therefore, stay with us, and
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the state secretary also spoke about how important it is to allocate money for ukraine of the united states of america, anthony blinken, speaking at an event organized by the washington non-profit organization coalition for global leadership of the united states of america, the head of the us department of foreign affairs, said that we are listening in premium language. we have to do our best. in order for russia to continue failing its aggression against ukraine. if we don't, if putin is allowed to continue to act with impunity, it will open a pandora's box of aggression around the world, other potential aggressors will look, they'll learn, they'll listen, they'll draw conclusions, as jim mattis always liked to say, and as lloyd austin likes to say, in this case, 1 gram of prevention now is better
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than a pound of medicine later, and it really is , well, it's true, this gram of prevention is better than a kilogram of medicine, which will cost much more, and by the way, blinkin said about pandora's box, those who don't know, pandora's box is from greek mythology, pandora, wife epimetheus, the younger brother of prometheus, learned from her husband that there is a box in the house, but it cannot be opened, because if it is opened, all the evils that exist in the world will fall on humanity, she decided not to listen to her husband, opened the casket, in the end, all the disasters , unfortunately fell on humanity, when it closed , then, at the bottom, by the will of zeus, only hope remained, and by the way, to convince the congressmen of how important it is to allocate additional aid to support
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ukraine, took even the minister of finance united states of america. janet yelen, she is visiting mexico right now, and while she was in mexico, mrs. yelen said what exactly, let's listen. i have spoken to members of congress, and my colleagues have also spoken to them. i think the congressmen understand that this is a terrible situation, and that it is we who can be blamed for the defeat of ukraine, if we cannot provide the ukrainian government with the necessary funding, i mean direct budget support, which is in an important, well, one more piece of information, yesterday , the previous evening, returning by plane from by us president joe biden on his way to washington from massachusetts, the adviser, the first deputy press secretary of the white house , olivia dalton, said on board the plane that
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joe biden would never back down from his words that the us would help ukraine so much. will be needed to win, never in life. well, the government of the united states of america has almost reached the bottom of the barrel with the money that goes to help our country, said the official representative of the us state department, matthew miller, during the briefing. by according to him, a little more than 97% of the allocated amount remained and these funds will remain only for a few weeks, - says the spokesman, and without a decision of the congress on the allocation of additional money, he is helping. it will be difficult for ukraine, if at all possible. well, that is, the situation is serious, but there are encouraging moments that will unlock, and by the new year we will receive this money, and we are all waiting for joe biden's address to congress. china can still help russia to wage its aggressive war
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on the territory of ukraine, but it cannot warn about it during a meeting with journalists. in washington, said us deputy secretary of defense for the indian and pacific oceans eli ratner. he did not reveal the details of how russia and china can help russia, but added that such support can be provided in many different ways. well, what the secretary of state of the united states of america, anthony blinken, said about the pandora's box that we will open if we do not help ukraine defeat russia, is on the president of venezuela , zacolas maduro, proves in practice that if putin, excuse me,
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the night before, he showed on live air a map, a new map of the country from its region, essequibo, which is now part of neighboring guyana, according to the odious president maduro, new the maps will be sent to all schools immediately, he called the region itself the 24th state of venezuela and called on the national assembly of the country to pass a law on the protection of the disputed territory, it does not remind you of anything, well, in a way, he repeats the methods followed by putin, at first he there is about the protection of one population, the protection of the second population, then the return, they already want to return, to make the 24th state, until nicolas maduro on... very fortunately does not talk about some kind of military intervention and forceful return of this part of the disputed part, in fact it is not disputed piece , this is the territory of guyana, which is recognized in the world, but
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he says this, well, i will remind you to return this piece to venezuela, voted on sunday during the referendum, 95% of the people who took part in this vote and said that it is so necessary return, and the president of guyana. irfan ali said that venezuela's move to create a 24th state is a threat to guyana's territorial integrity and even appealed to the united nations security council to help somehow, but, but it is, i sympathize with everyone nations that suffer from aggression in one form or another, but as the war in ukraine showed , the united nations, anything, if your army and your people do not... fight at least for some period of time, but very it is difficult to say that someone will help you, this is the reality the world in which we live, well, it's good that at least it is like this, well, unfortunately, but if
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we also take into account that guyana has practically no army, because it is a very small country, and in venezuela, but there is a very cool, but there are very important natural resources, in fact, yes , this is what president nicolás maduro needs, that's why he really wants to return his original... you see, it's about trump the dictator a little later, well actually later, putin started all this, unfortunately. donald trump promised to be a dictator if he becomes president next year, however, he made one small amendment, it only applies to the first one day in the main seat of the country, the 45-year-old white house owner said during a meeting with supporters in the american state of iowa. he said on his first day as president, and then a quote from donald trump: i'm
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going to close the border and start drilling. yes, it is drilling that he is going to drill, well, not me i know, but he will close the border, and it will all be only one day, what else will he do during this one day, well, he did not say, but it is trump, trump is. well, the president of the united states of america, joe biden, also the day before, commenting on the speeches of donald trump, which have become more active recently, said that joe, i am talking about joe biden now, that he will run for a second term in the presidential chair, only because donald trump wants to run for president again. well, let's see, let's see on this one, excuse the words, but the cut, if it will be, if it is, joe biden and trump are going in this duel. and in the end, fortunately, the editors of time magazine had enough nerve, at least not to
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call putin the man of the year, although he was among the nine contenders as finalists for this title. i honestly do not understand why the american singer taylor swift became the person of the year according to the magazine, but it is better than putin, xijin pin and barbie, motivating their decision in the magazine on wrote that she had an incredible year september taylor swift, now she embarks on the world tour of erastur, which has already become the highest-grossing tour for a female performer, the film of the same name, released in october, is the highest-grossing concert film in history. well, we can face the field with the relief of congratulating taylor swift and, fortunately, it's not putin. well, for today i have everything in the column world about ukraine, everything only for today, because tomorrow there will be more and there will be more in our further broadcast, in a few minutes my colleague oleksandr morchevka
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will tell you all the most important things from the world money, and do not forget that we are waiting for the speech of the president of the united states of america , joe biden. i'll say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow. thank you yuri fizer, i remind you once again that we are waiting for the broadcast of the speech of the president of the united states of america, joseph biden , before the congress, on the eve of an important vote on aid to ukraine, as well as to israel, and now, to the day of the armed forces of ukraine, we sincerely congratulate and thank the armed forces of ukraine, we have prepared a material about soldiers, heroes of the armed forces, who today are just in these moments defend our land. i'm just talking about my example, i'm saying, with such an amputation , if you have one leg, then you'll be without soap after a month, my name is denis
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kryvenko, i work... as a specialist in the first contact of superhumans, when the war started, i was at home and my relatives called me, asked me to call, but i already woke up, they say, the war has started, i say, but no, he says, it’s you who came up with something, i say, and then you go out into the street, to the roar of such planes flying, the turntables were raised, and i read the news, and on february 28 he voluntarily joined the army, me at first they refused, on march 18 at 7 o'clock in the morning i was already in lysychansk.
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we, well, were based in the school, they began to scatter who would go where, in whose battalions, someone to repair equipment as a driver, and get to know ten guys, from old people, they say, we are like a volunteer assault in the company, i say, maybe i will go, and so somehow we got to know each other, then he says, you also storm, i say yes, he says, you know, we are not the only idiots who voluntarily left, denys kryvenko for three months. defended luhansk region, the first border point, then the lower and toshkivka, in our group, the guys i worked with, they turn out to be my compatriots, the man is 15, that’s how it was, and we were kind of friends for each other, and it wasn’t scary, you know that now you will go forward and you will be covered from behind, and never , well, i wasn’t afraid to go to the assaults, the position comes out, it wants to fly in, well, you sit quietly, because you know whether you will be the rear of 300 or 200, they will take you out, they... well
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, they recruited in numbers, there are fewer of us, but we constantly repulsed their assaults, after intense fighting, his unit was taken out for recovery, after a short rest lugganshchyna again, this time to defend ustinivka, all the targets were until the ninth day, until one, at first one was 300, on the 10th day, as we started to retreat, i had a battle for 8 hours that evening. they burned two tanks, four bmps and more than a hundred infantrymen, well , our guys in juviliny studied inavs and just rpgs, after luhansk region denys kryvanko got to the kherson direction, there he repaired equipment, tested it abroad, in november the guy was given a few days to rest and went to bakhmut . and i have a little bit of a sense of humor was that something bad must happen, it turns out that i already arrived on december 24. in the donetsk
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region, druzhkivka, and it so happened that our rapid response group was again assembled and sent to the first position in bakhmut , an abandoned fire department, we stayed there for a week somewhere, for the second week. the day we were standing there in podgorodnoye, they started to cover us with mortars, tanks and shot through the street, because we lost a little landing and they had the height, well, what happened was that the offensive began from the sides and the front, i understand, they wanted to to take the ring, but we started to stretch out, i tell the guys, throw away the sleeping bag and say things, i say more cartridges, i say that’s it, let’s go, i
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just went out after the guys who already knew the way, i’m running across the road and there’s an explosion in front of my feet, lng flew at me anti-tank and right away, well, as i remember, i wanted a tourniquet, but i saw that the armored car was burning here, and right away, the hour in which it had passed, i could already see the arm was gone, the leg was gone, it was twisted. and the guys really wanted to save her, but it didn't work out, the guys said that i said goodbye twice, i i don't remember that, but i remember that i was laughing there , and when i was already throwing it into the pickup truck, then he said that you were still half singing the national anthem , he said that he was pointing to the boarding point at the evacuation point, they brought me, they transferred me, they anesthetized me, something like that everything was going so positively, but mechnikov became scared, it was so scary that you were being washed while lying down and


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