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tv   [untitled]    December 6, 2023 10:00pm-10:31pm EET

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put a full stop, i say goodbye to you until tomorrow, until 20:00, i wish you all good health, take care of yourself and your relatives, goodbye, usual things become unreal, heavy bags are not for me. and a sore back, from back pain, try kremgit. long-acting cream relieves pain, reduces swelling and improves joint mobility. with cream dolgit, what you want i will lift. dolgit is the only yellow cream for joint and back pain. oh, there are no potatoes, you will bring them. and already, the back, something caught. i remind you, the mother is dr. tice's live bone and you get back to work. ointment with comfrey - german ointment for joint and muscle pain. from
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dr. tice, try also dr. tice warming cream with comfrey, a proven remedy. there was an accident, nina galamask, your mother, there are other relatives, no, but it seems you have a grandfather.
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and if there are no cigarettes, what will you smoke? and he says, well, if there are no cigarettes , then he will smoke the village council, how long do you need, here you need 10 days, 10, that's what you should do, i didn't come here to look at old farts who collect cones in forest, what will be your shame, i'm asking god to take care of me, i'm asking you to drink, and tomorrow fly with your sunny waist, mykola, don't spill blood on your wedding night, you don't need it,
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go there, chair, i congratulate you, this is svoboda live, without the help of the usa, ukraine can lose the war. the ukrainian authorities openly declare this against the background of battles in the american congress regarding the further financing of ukraine. today we are talking about this, as well as the situation at the front. my name is vlasta lazur, let's get started. russia is trying
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to improve the iranian shaheda attack drones, which it uses to attack the territory of ukraine facilities, british intelligence reports in the current review. according to the agency, russia could supplement iranian drones with weapons manufactured at its own factories. intelligence cites data from the end of november that a ukrainian sim card and a 4g modem were found in one of the downed shaheds. thus, russia is trying to improve real-time guidance using cell towers to reduce dependence on satellite navigation, the review said. at the same time, the day before, president volodymyr zelenskyi stated that ukraine is strengthening its air defense system, in particular in odesa, and later the air force showed how air defense units in the south of ukraine destroy drones launched by russia on december 5. take a look. poles are working in our country, there is
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a distance of 50 km to observe, well, next we will show you a report from donetsk region, where minefields became a challenge for the ukrainian counteroffensive. currently, the ukrainian military is looking for ways to overcome the russian minefields that are many kilometers long. ukrainian military, where they stand in defense, they are also actively changing the terrain, the sappers tell why they do it,
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a report from our colleagues from the tv channel nastoyastchee vremya. this video was shot from a drone by ukrainian soldiers from the 79th brigade of the armed forces of ukraine. in the donets direction, a column of russian. equipment goes to storm their positions, but is blown up by mines. the most effective detonations of enemy equipment take place on magnetic mines of such a plan, that is, the meaning of this mine is that the equipment runs into this mine, passes over it and the explosion occurs already under the roof of a tank or there is some kind of equipment, at this time the tank's ibc explodes and that is, it flies into molecules , now oleksandr shows this mine, and many others, the nomenclature of means for destroying each other is huge, they mine us, we
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mine them, that is, they are trying to bypass ours mine barriers, we try to bypass their mini barriers, that is , somehow, that is, it is like a chess game. the party, that's right, yes, dmytro tells how it works, there, every day, bekha was fired upon, and at close range shot the position, bekha is a combat infantry vehicle, there were no opportunities to hit the enemy's equipment using conventional weapons. the sappers took up the task, laid out its route and went to set traps, we had to enter far from our positions, almost under russian ones, we left in the morning, it was still like that, dusk was like that, we went onto the tracks, set mines and on, a little later on the same day it was blown up, and
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they worked there, and the infantry was already put down, well , it was a very successful job, the sappers say that a significant part of the russian armored vehicles, which do not reach the ukrainian positions, ukrainian infantry, it is thanks to the work of sappers. by the way, this tank was also blown up by a mine. under the sapper, as well as the gunner, the blood of the infantry is preserved, - say the military. it would be most difficult for the infantry, those who sit in the positions, that is, the equipment could freely drive in, drive up and do what they want, in our positions, in the trenches and so on. however , russian troops are also actively mining the area. these ukrainian soldiers had to experience it themselves. the day before, they went to storm russian positions. and there are enough mines there, enough, well, we didn't count them, but saw a lot, along the landings, so all
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two or three curtains. the first battle, everything is not as it seemed, at first glance, fear. it was scary, but it was necessary to carry out the assigned task, they did it, they returned, all alive, happy about it. currently, ukrainian sappers are teaching their infantry to bypass these minefields, they say that the russian military has many new products. they already use six sensors more, for example, that is, they react to movement. she calculates that a person is walking, at some distance from her, she reacts, just explodes and everyone around, they are blown up, that is, it is not even necessary to touch it, the sapper explains the harsh truth of the mine
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war, well, basically our task is not to put many people, not killed, it will cripple them, so that they have an evacuation, so that they will slow down about движения towards our positions according to the ukrainian military, it was the minefields that slowed down the summer counteroffensive. if ukrainian sappers demined one area, russian troops immediately demined it. the other according to the commander-in-chief of the armed forces valery zaluzhny, to change the situation on the field battle ukraine needs new technologies to combat mines. these can be radars, water cannons, cluster munitions for demining and many other remote means. andriy kuzakov, vasyl martyshchenko, oleksiy palii, radio liberty. if you watch us on the internet, put. this broadcast, in this way you will support our work, well , you will support independent journalism, and we
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will continue with our broadcast, mykhailo samuts, director of the new geopolitical research network, will join us, and with him we will talk about the situation at the front and the security situation, good evening, good evening, i'm sorry mykhailo, but i'll start with what you criticize the most, what you criticize us for the most, i'll quote international publications, this week a review was published in the washington post. the other day, such a lengthy article about the counteroffensive was published, and it was noted, stated, more precisely, that it brought very, very little results, achievements for ukraine, and from the very beginning everything went wrong, and tactics had to be changed, and the authors of the publication did the following conclusions that in 2023 ukraine regained about 520 km of territory there alone at the cost of thousands of dead and injured dollars of western military aid, but if you agree
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with these conclusions, then who and what conclusions should be made for the next year, what does this mean? well, of course i don't agree, because where the billions of dollars were calculated from, please explain to me, that is, there is this phrase that they went to the minefields and tens of billions of dollars were lost there, i just want to inform you that, in fact, it was harmful. just a few a few percent of the western equipment that was transferred, including, for example, 10% of the two leopards, or 5% of the same bradleys, that is, in the first offensive operations in the south, so it is not worth tens of billions of dollars, moreover, i i can say that all these armored vehicles are still in service and ready to repeat this operation, repeat the offensive operation in the south, the armed forces have not given up, i am sure that such an operation will be carried out, but it will still be conducted
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more doctrinally to the canons which provide, including dominance in the air. i hope that before the start of the next attempt to conduct an offensive operation in the south, we will already have f-16 aircraft in service with the armed forces of ukraine, which will allow us to change the situation, including, for example, from the point of view of using the same the cabs themselves, which, for example, in november , the russians used 100 of them against us, which is quite and quite dangerous, so i do not agree with the fact that tens of billions of dollars were lost, they are saved, all this equipment is ready, and now, moreover, she is used in the same way, for example, in the avdiyiv direction, in the bakhmutsky direction, in other directions, fiercely opposing... the attempts of the russians to break through the front and win the strategic initiative, they obviously do not succeed, and this is obvious, again,
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contrary to the conclusions of the authors of these article that everything is gone, we have lost everything, there are no soldiers , if it were so, as written in this article, then the russians would probably have captured slavyansk-k kramatorsk by now and were moving towards the dnipro river, and capturing in parallel, probably mykolaiv with odessa, but in fact the situation at the front is absolutely not the same, there is maximum tension on both sides, the russians are attacking frantically, i repeat once again, we know, we are constantly analyzing these situations, the avdiiv direction, what is happening, and the bakhmut and kupian directions, which are crazy, and they throw in meat assaults and armored vehicles as much as possible, trying to show either a direct line between the so-called putin and the people, or before the new year or before the elections in march, but in any case , nothing is included in them, which means that the potential of the armed forces is not only not lost. and the potential of the armed forces will still be revealed , i will repeat again, i will repeat that western equipment is not
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lost, we have hundreds of units of western armored vehicles in service now, that is, they are not lost and there are no phrases, that is, the phrase tens of billions of dollars are lost, this is of course aimed at , so that these tens of dollars are not given to us , but, well, just for those congressmen who may read such articles, i still thought a little and checked this information, whether these tens of billions of dollars were lost, or if they were skillfully used, that is, they really were failures in the first assaults, but in the article itself it is written that general zaluzhnyi stopped... attacks by mechanized columns and began to use the tactics of small infantry groups, that is, the armored vehicles were preserved, and this was exactly what we were reproached for, there it is indicated in the article that they threw to the wind tens of billions of dollars of the western myth, which is fundamentally untrue. mykhailo, you talked about avdiivka, now
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, it seems to me, the most attention is focused on avdiivka, also because there is an assumption that russia wants to seize this town before so-called putin elections, elections, presidential elections in russia. what is the current situation there from your point of view, because , for example, some military experts voice the opinion that the ukrainian forces have several days to leave avdiyivka and that if this is not done in the next few days, then it may be too late, do you share this view? predictions? well , look, in fact, in the last few weeks , the situation there has not changed much, if we talk about control over those. the main artery that provides the logistics of our troops, and in principle, of course, it is above this artery fire control, because the distance from the enemy positions there is several kilometers, and that allows of course the artillery to do fire control, but i don't think the situation has changed that much in the last few
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weeks, at least since october, when the russians started their operation around ... obviously, they were counting on a quick assault for several hours and capturing the ukrainian group that is there, but it did not work out, and therefore they switched to the tactics that they used in the same battle, that is , they actually destroy the city itself and push it out little by little, the ukrainian contingent, the ukrainian troops, so that they leave the city, and then destroy it and occupy these ruins, just as it was there with the ugledar or bakhmut, but at the moment i... i don't see the prerequisites for the ukrainian troops directly took and left there, because the russians do not have any success that would indicate that they broke through the ukrainian positions somewhere, in such a way that they would go out and threaten to block the same logistical arteries, it seems to me that this is still a long way off, especially what the dynamics of the last few days show that the ukrainian forces, on the contrary, are counterattacking both in the north and
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in the south, and in principle, on the same promka, there are no such advances of the russians, where they reached there on the first day, for example, the assault on promka, they captured several hundred meters, but now there is no such trend, and in fact i am not sure that it makes sense to leave the city right now, of course, all this should be decided by the command of the armed forces of ukraine, the command is located on the ground, but i think that the current situation , she did not says that it is necessary to leave immediately. well, the top topic is probably the prospect of american aid, now we will talk about it in detail with the diplomats, but we know that now the ukrainian delegation is in washington, which also includes andrii yarmak, the head of the office the president, and he said that if the american authorities postpone the question of military aid, it will create a great risk that ukraine will lose the war, do you
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agree with this assessment, and how much ukraine can realistically hold without american aid if... it is not approved by the end of this year? moreover, i will say that there is a big, big, if ukraine is not helped now, of course, we know that ukraine depends on the united states of the european union not only on the battlefield, but also in the economy, that is, if they stop supporting us, will not continue to support, then in principle our economic system may collapse, our financial system may collapse, and then, in a war of attrition, of course, ukraine will not be able to ... confront such an enemy as russia, in principle, without our partners, we could not resist the russian invasion in principle , that is, we survived the first weeks, but later, when russia began a new invasion, for example, from april to may 22, it is obvious that we survived due to the fact that , that we were supplied with high-precision weapons, we were supplied with ammunition
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, now millions of ammunition should be supplied to us, because of the intensity of hostilities on... they should supply f16 and provide them, help us maintain them, this is all a lot of money, and of course, only possible provided that ukraine is supported by the united states and the european union, we will not be able to do this on our own, that is obvious, but i will say more, if ukraine loses, then the united states will lose, it is obvious that now the global axis of evil is trying to break that international order , which exists , to completely destroy the values ​​on which the western world was built, and i do not think that it is beneficial for the united states now, because for the united states, of course, there will be a destructive european union and the world... very dark and difficult times await, no know whether the united the states that are really playing fences with mexico, and this is now, it turns out, this is
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a zayu, and behind this problem, what really hides is that the united states, if it does not support ukraine now, risks simply losing, in general, not only there is a battle for leadership, in general a battle for one's existence , here in fact, here we are talking about the interests of the united states, not only there is the fact that 90% of the aid that goes, it settles in principle in the defense-industrial complex of the united states, it's very, very good, in fact, but the very strategic concept of the development of the western world is now, i would say, in a very difficult situation, mykhailo, thank you very much for your comment, mykhailo samus, director of the network of new geopolitical studies, we were talking about the situation at the front. and began to talk about the prospects of american aid to ukraine, and now we will continue this topic. thank you very much.
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the united states of america has less than 6 billion dollars left for military aid to ukraine. this is now reported by pentagon spokesman pat ryder. the us department of defense urges once again congress to approve aid to kyiv. without new supplies of american military aid, ukraine risks losing the war. he announced this today. head of the office of the president of ukraine andriy yermak, while in washington, as i said, yermak's statement was made against the background of the white house's attempts to obtain additional aid for ukraine, while congress has not yet come close to concluding a compromise agreement that would allow further financing of kyiv's military needs. the day before, i would like to remind you, president zelenskyi's speech before the american people was to take place senators, as expected, as expected, volodymyr zelenskyy was supposed to talk about the situation at the front. and call and call on senators to approve the allocation of an emergency aid package, which includes more than 60 billion dollars for ukraine, but at the last minute , the ukrainian
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side canceled zelskyi's speech before the senators. as the minister of defense of ukraine, rustem umero, stated on the air of foxnews that he is also currently in the united states, zelensky was unable to speak at the planned briefing of senators, because there is a war in ukraine and the situation is constantly changing. this is literally a quote from umirov. oksana markarov. the ambassador of ukraine to the usa stated that nothing catastrophic happened, according to her, zelskyi's speech was canceled because there, that is, at the meeting of senators, not only ukrainian issues were discussed, but also internal american problems. well, here it is worth noting that the issues that were really discussed were domestic american issues and problems. in particular, as the ifp agency writes, the briefing in the us senate, at which the speech of volodymyr zelensky never took place, in as a result, turned into a bitter dispute about measures to strengthen the us border with mexico. some senators left this briefing early. republicans demand that aid to ukraine be combined with measures
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to resolve the migration crisis at the us border. simply put, republicans are saying if you want us to support aid for ukraine, support the idea of ​​building a wall between the us and mexico, and change immigration laws. next is the direct speech of chuck schumer, the leader of the democrats in the senate, who first. announced the performance zelskyi in the senate, and then he already announced his cancellation. let's not forget that it was the republicans who put the border issue on the table. we did not do this, they are responsible and if they believe that voting across the border should be a partial vote in ukraine, which is vital for our country, let them propose an amendment that can gain 60 votes. well, in turn, the president of the united states, joe biden, called it a complete meringue the day before. the delay in the adoption by the congress of the law on aid to ukraine, this is against the interests of the united states - he said, well the white house has previously warned that money for military aid to ukraine may run out
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by the end of this year. refusal to support ukraine is simply absolute madness, it is against the interests of the usa, it is against the interests of the world, it is simply wrong, we will deal with it. to ours. kateryna lisunova, a voice of america correspondent, joined the broadcast, katya, my congratulations, what prospects, what prospects are now looming before ukraine, and are there even the slightest signs that the financial package for ukraine will be approved by the end of this year? congratulations vlasto, congratulations audience, in fact, one of the steps to the meeting before approving aid to ukraine is the fact that today the first procedural vote will take place, at least the senate schedule included a procedural vote on the aid package in general to ukraine, israel, taiwan and other issues, which the white house itself previously asked, the current hours, when exactly they will begin.
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the vote is currently unknown, it was not specified in the senate schedule, but it is indicated that it will begin after noon washington time, that is, actually after 19:00 kyiv time at times, and here it is worth noting that this is only a procedural vote, that is, in fact , today's vote will be for the legislators to agree or not to agree to begin consideration of the aid package for partners , which the white house previously requested. he noted that many american media claim that this procedural vote can, in relation to how the actual legislators can vote in the future for the aid package for ukraine, israel, taiwan and in general for the aid package for ukraine, that, whether the republicans will agree, start considering that of the draft law, which is currently on the table, is indicative, and also, although it is not yet a vote actually for aid to ukraine. and note that
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, to soften the situation for the republicans, so to speak, chuck schumer also noted that he would give the right of the first amendment to the republicans, and that they would be able to include in this amendment all the issues regarding the border of the united states of america, regarding the strengthening of the immigration legislation, but to pass it, republicans need 60 votes, and as you know, republicans are a minority in the senate, nevertheless, one way or another, today it is worth expecting... the first procedural vote, which, if it is conducted, will mean that the senate will immediately start considering the package of assistance to partners, in particular to ukraine. please, yes, but what is the american press writing, or perhaps what is being said on the political sidelines, about the cancellation of volodymyr zelenskyi's speech before senators? in fact, it
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is difficult to talk specifically about the reasons why this happened, it remains only to speculate, so to speak, but official statements legislators is the fact that volodymyr zelenskyi was forced to cancel this video message for certain reasons. i will note that the white house briefing for congressional legislators was held not only in the senate, but also in the house of representatives, in the house of representatives it took place a few hours earlier, i was there directly and i will note that the journalist... cnn and fox news had information from speaker of the house of representatives, that the video message of volodymyr zelenskyi was planned even there, not only in the senate, but in both chambers as a result of his was cancelled, for some unknown reasons, as you rightly noted, the official position of volodymyr zelenskyi directly, i apologize, more precisely, of the government of volodymyr zelenskyi, directly the minister of defense of ukraine, is that ukraine is said to
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be in a state of war. and it is not always possible to predict when the president of ukraine will be able to make any appeal or not. yes, yes, we have heard these explanations, of course, but it is difficult to imagine something more important at the moment than the continuation of american aid to ukraine, so, of course, we will find out in the future what they could be reasons thank you very much, kateryna lisunova, a correspondent of the ukrainian voice of america service, joined us live from washington. thank you, katya. and the us secretary of state. anthony. said that ending aid to ukraine would allow president vladimir putin to continue his aggressive plans with impunity and that if the united states did not approve aid to ukraine, it would open pandora's box, listen up.
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we must ensure that ukraine continues to succeed, we must ensure that russia continues to suffer defeat in its aggression against ukraine. but if we don't, we know that if putin is allowed to continue to act with impunity, it will open a pandora's box of aggression around the world. other aggressors will watch, they will learn, they will listen, they will draw conclusions from this. pavlo klimkin, ukrainian diplomat, minister of foreign affairs of ukraine, 2014-19 joined our broadcast, good evening, greetings, ladies and gentlemen, greetings to all, well, look, oksana markarova says that the speech of volodymyr zelenskyi canceled, and this is not a catastrophe, and that it happened because at the meeting of senators they discussed not only ukrainian issues, but also
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internal american problems. but to me, i guess it's not complete.


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