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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 2:30am-3:01am EET

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which is consistently blocked by hungary. and maksym dzhigun, a political scientist, is in touch with us now. maxim, we congratulate you, we have already raised this topic with various speakers, now we will also ask you, this is an opportunity, potential, for the european parliament to make decisions not unanimously, but according to the principle of a qualified majority. we constantly hear about orbán's programmatism, we constantly hear about his arrogance. defense of personal interests, the interests of his country, as he assures, in this case, against this background, can this qualified majority be formed? the fact is that it the issue has already really matured, and it has matured primarily because of the fact that there is a war in ukraine, and the european union realized that this institution was obviously built by romantics who did not come up with tools to bypass such... cunning politicians like orban, who
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is trying to to sit on two chairs at the same time, buying corrupt russian cheap gas on the one hand, on the other hand receiving constant funding from the european union, and about the prospects of making such a decision, well, i think it is quite a difficult task, considering that even among the key players of the european union , there is a fear of what will happen if these rules are changed, we know that one of the initiators of this decision was german chancellor scholz, who, speaking this summer before the bundestag, said that it is necessary to move to other , principles of decision-making, to which his colleagues from france, in particular macron and representatives of the french parliament, began to say almost immediately that, oh, what will happen, in this way, we lose the opportunity to influence the real situation, being at. leaders in this
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of the european union. i would like to remind you that a similar situation now exists with brics, another, sometimes it is called a fundamentally different organization in terms of its values ​​and approaches to international politics, where there has been an opinion about the addition of new members to this organization, and this five not quite democratic countries that formed brics are now very afraid to invite new members, because in this way they will be able to block decisions that will be important for these countries that started this initiative, so it is a question of weakening individual institutions and individual states, and i think that countries such as hungary will be the first to stand in the way of making such decisions, at the same time, hungary is not the only, let's say, determining factor of european politics, if it has its way it is the majority of european countries, and such problems as hungary and orban at
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its head will not become an obstacle, and certainly, for ukraine, this decision is critically important, since the speed of ukraine's integration into the european union may depend on it union, i would say that a similar initiative should be seen by colleagues from nato led by stolteng, since similar principles are also applied there, when there should be a consensus decision by all members of the north atlantic. well, in terms of structures, both the european parliament and nato are in the same place, yes, they are separated by several kilometers, so it is obvious that communication between them will be established if the european parliament first of all makes such a decision, or the european commission, okay, maxim, but about this of these ideas to reform decision-making, within the european union, will this become a serious obstacle to the start of official negotiations. about the accession of ukraine to
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the european union? but no, i don't think so, these are parallel tracks that run independently of each other. by the way, the reason why they want to review the principles of decision-making is also the fact that the balkan countries cannot start negotiations on joining the european union due to similar restrictions, when there are one or two countries that do not allow to unblock decisions that have been prepared for years and because of this, the expansion actually sinks of the european union. and the issue of the same defense solutions that are needed today for the european union in the first place, but at the same time for helping ukraine, so i think that these are things that do not overlap, and it is unlikely that they will be considered in the near future in the eu council , because the european parliament passed the resolution, and again, it is important to understand the context, that they passed the decision, but at the same time the difference in votes between... who was in favor and against, literally several
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dozen, and this indicates the fact that it will not be an easy decision to make, however, i i think that more and more countries of the european union are inclined to the opinion that if structural changes are not brought about in the system of functioning of european institutions, then the internal split will occur even faster, and it will lead to very unpleasant consequences for the european community in general. therefore, i think that all those countries that are eurocentric, that share democratic values, that understand the importance of the unity of the european union today more than ever, should be inclined to think that, after all, such a decision must be made. as for ukraine's negotiations, we are waiting for the meeting on december 13-15, where they should finally give us the green light to start negotiations on joining the european union, and however, even the opening of this
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path does not mean that we will start moving there in leaps and bounds, receiving support from all the countries of the european union, because again there is hungary, there is slovakia, there are many... other players who will defend their own economic interests, their own political interests, well, that is, maxim, you are also inclined to the opinion, well, of course , absolutely no one will name clear dates now, but you too are inclined to the opinion of eurooptimists and foreign and ukrainian diplomats that 2030 is the year of ukraine's probable accession to the eu. i would say that this is a very optimistic forecast, it is very optimistic, you say, which you would like to adhere to, and i actually believe it, you just need to also communicate with society, explaining that joining the european union is not one signed document, it is tens of thousands of integrated of european documents into the system of ukrainian legislation, that is the adoption of directives, these are similar other things, these are difficult negotiations with each individual country,
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but you know, it may seem to some that 2030 is a very distant prospect, but i want to remind you that in ukraine since 1993-1994 ... the first european institutions, the offices of european institutions in ukraine, and from that time we started the countdown to this aspiration to join the european union, so looking at 30 years of this struggle behind, the seven years ahead look like a very cool fast perspective. thank you maksym, maksym dzhigun, a political scientist, was in touch with us, we are moving on, and the soldiers of mobile fire groups, we are also discussing this topic today with vadim on our broadcast, destroy most of the attack drones, launched by russia on the territory of ukraine. the fighters were honored by president volodymyr zelenskyi, russia carried out one of the most massive drone attacks on the night of november 24-25, when the occupiers released 75 shaheeds. serhii nayev, commander of the combined forces of the armed forces of ukraine, showed how mobile groups shot down enemy uavs. the battle continued
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almost 10 hours and the defenders demonstrated their professionalism and skill in destroying targets. with the arrival of cold weather, unfortunately, there will be more flights. and you yourself see from the alarms that there have been more such flights of jaheds in groups, but they are ready to meet everyone , i am hiding a canned food, our butternuts, we will work with them, it is fragmentary, frugal, incendiary, ivan stupak, military expert, former employee of the security service of ukraine in 2004 -15 years, together with us. mr. ivan, congratulations, yes, congratulations, studio, thank you for the invitation, speaking about how russia attacks the civilian infrastructure and ukrainian cities, do you understand what tactics they are following now, using mainly shaheds and, with the exception, quite, quite rarely
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, missiles, and the k59 missile, and the kh-101, which is unusual for us last winter, and x-555. oh, well, here , it’s hard to understand, listen, here, why exactly these missiles, why exactly this modification , for some reason they determined, unfortunately, i don’t have an answer, why exactly these missiles, again, why such a modification, of course, that they are looking for weak points, of course, they are looking for places where there is less concentration of ukrainian air defense, forests, swamps, rivers, where you can fly over, but such massive strikes show that these are not test and reconnaissance flights after all, but such serious attacks , maybe it’s cheaper, or rather... for the russians, it’s cheaper in terms of money, yes , how much does a drone cost 2,000 €, yes , 20-30,000 dollars for up to 50, okay, let it be 50,000, well, it’s not a million dollars for a missile, you can stamp it it is much cheaper to make 50-70 of these drones in one launch than
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missiles, that is, in any case, we see a new scenario, a new approach of the russian federation to attacks this year and the 20-23 season. if we talk about new approaches, those ukrainian air reconnaissance units that use all types of drones, they say that now we we are: at the stage when russia learned from us, that is, we were the first to use half-drones, russia quickly learned, go ahead, and now russia is taking care of protecting all its positions with rebs. in our country, we are constantly catching up with each other, or in some way, let's say, here are aerial reconnaissance and semi-drones, two armies are moving, well, now we are catching up, unfortunately, because the russians went bigger, they did, about this project they scaled and are producing, here
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is a given, according to forbes, they wrote that ukraine produces monthly 50,000, drones , the russian federation under 3,000. okay, you can question these numbers, but in any case, the russians have, well, there are opportunities, capabilities, and electronics to pull more, and pay three or four times more for those spare parts that used to cost a woodshed there. yes, now they are ready to overpay, that is, they are all betting on this year, on this war, once again we are catching up, here the one who has the work systematically assigned wins, for me the strange question remains, why these axes have not yet been put into production shahedis, well, okay, they have shahedis, but the iranians have geraniums, the russians have geraniums , let us have, i don’t know what, viburnums, four, well, what’s the difference, well, if they can be made, if we have access to technology, if we have we have... there are opportunities to attract components, why they are not implemented, it is difficult
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for me to say, and of course the last question, this is important, it is the bureaucratization of the army, unfortunately, this is a very large process with bureaucracy, acceptance for balance, acceptance for service, it is simply, as the military says, several circles of hell , so this is what bothers her really, of course, you said that everything depends on the fact that they have opportunities, only such a large number. drone components, the fact that they bypass sanctions, the fact that we manufacture 50 is solely based on this 000, they make 300, it is only about financial capabilities, well , financial, well, of course, they put, well, they also have bureaucratic problems, but as far as i can see, they overcome certain problems by breaking through the knee, i said and it should be so, yes, and this in certain moments allows them to speed up unfortunately, we have a lot of soviets, well, it must be admitted, unfortunately, there are some contradictions,
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yes, there is a fight for spheres of influence, yes, there is a demarcation , unfortunately, this interferes with many things, well, there are many, many problems in the army, there are no bureaucratic problems with the military, from the point of view of motivation, yes, they are ready, they improvise, but when they start clipping their wings, well, conditionally yes, they have some fantasy that they are trying to make things easier, this is really very bad. please tell me also , the former commander of the us ground forces in europe, benhoj, actively supports ukraine and mercilessly criticizes the west for its insufficient anti-russian position and little aid to armaments, given the fact that they did not provide as much armament as ukraine wanted at the same time, how can this be explained, western the allies did not assess the enemy sufficiently, is this evidence of their capabilities... their defense complex, or are there other reasons, well, a lot has already been said about this, they are also
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in great doubt about their capabilities, so the economies of these countries are simply crazy , they outnumber russia by several times, that is indisputable, but russia was drawn into the war, yes, it dragged people just like it into this war, yes, the tamadrans, this is iran, this is north korea, they have gathered, there weapons, north korea generally prepared for the war in artillery, so for as many as 70 years she stamped these shells to the mamanigar, and now they are using them, by the way, ukraine also receives shells from south korea, yes there is north korea, here is south korea, that is, two countries in the other hemisphere, they were preparing for war, and now the south is helping the koreans, the north is helping the russian federation, that is , there are many, many of these problems, and there are political problems in western countries, that's what i call them. economic giants, but military pygmies, unfortunately, well, we have to admit,
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they prepared for climate change, yes, for gender equality, for many, many things, but they did not prepare for war, we have what we have, of course, and the last question, mr. ivan, considering on the first days of december , taking into account the current situation at the front, answer the question why russia is actively trying to advance during the year, during the whole year, because they do not have any limits to stop, but today, by the way, was , a video appeared from, of course, this is a pensioner, this is the former minister of the interior of affairs of the russian federation with the surname kulyakov, he was in 1995-1996, i frankly say, i thought he had already died, no, he is so alive, he starts saying that we need nikolaev, we need odessa, we need here, so that took ukraine , that is, they have a goal to not take ukraine to nato, and then when this happens, or when they achieve it, they will
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cut ukraine into pieces, and nato, as they see it, will not help in any way, because the boys themselves refused, that is, this is such a simple, unimaginable strategy of the russians. even from those you thought were already dead and on those you call pensioners. that is, periodically, to what extent, mr. ivan , it is also purely up to you, as a person who collects all the evidence, how important it is to monitor the messages of the enemy, how important it is to know what he breathes, but i still do not have a final understanding of this excuse, but you have to know the enemy in the face, right? watch, of course. that we cannot focus our attention on all of them, there are many small, medium, and large individuals of the russian federation on whom i would recommend you and your viewers there to pay attention from the point of view that they are not just telling something there, but they are telling what they heard in the kremlin, for
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example, such a vivid demonstrative example is margarita simonyan, a very odious character, well, it’s just that in places... it’s comical, but she has close business relations with the kremlin, she, her, her family, her sister alice, her husband tigran kisayan carry out orders from the kremlin, there are copper projects, and there are cases when she says something , but we understand that relaying what she heard in the kremlin, and it can be very interesting and useful for us , of course, thank you for the conversation, ivan stopak, a military expert, a former employee of the sbu, since 2004. he was with us on the air for 15 years, we are moving on and will continue to talk about the economy and the blockade of our border, in particular. thus, the strike of polish carriers at the border has already had a negative impact on ukrainian exports. transit of goods at checkpoints decreased by 40%, and the budget lost uah 9,300 million due to non-receipt of customs payments.
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the chairman of the parliamentary committee on finance, danylo hetmantsev, announced this on the air of the telethon. according to him, domestic transfers. also lost 400 million euros in the first two weeks of the blockade. the customs revenue plan is underachieved by 19%. although in october there was an overperformance. this is huge money, which the army did not receive and which the state badly needs. in addition, the strike affects the economy and poland itself, the mp is convinced. ivan us, an expert in international economics, is now in touch with us. ivan, you congratulations good day, studio, good day viewers. so let's talk about the blockade. because only in november the state budget lost 9,300 million hryvnias, and it was not i who reported this, but the chairman of the verkhovna rada committee on finance, tax and customs policy, danylo getmantsev, what will happen to the prices of products, because the ministry of agriculture is already saying , the christmas basket of ukrainians may increase in price, that is , it is like an assumption, but we have the first days
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of december, and we understand that this assumption can become a fairly stable realistic forecast, yes? to materialize, yes, i agree, but a real increase in prices will occur only under the conditions that it will not be possible to diversify logistics, after all, the more poles, let's say, or rather, let's say it, polish carriers, because you know how a person who returned from krakow two days ago and talked with people there, i realized that after all, one should not identify the poles as a nation, and individual, let's say, its representatives, who are under the influence of political... forces of the confederation, which is very opposed to of ukraine even before the full-scale war, and during it, under the instigation of this party, they began to do what they are doing, and this is actually what is happening now, that it is really complicated to move cars on the roads, and that is partly why companies are now looking for opportunities, redirection of flows
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to romania, because there are risks that slovakia will join, we hear similar statements every day, then hungary, which has traditional, let's say, glass-forming relations with ukraine, and romania, at least, we do not hear any similar statements from it , even on the contrary, romania said a few months ago that it is currently developing the possibility of supplying up to 4 million tons of grain per month through its territory, that is, a very important figure for ukraine, because this is approximately our monthly export, that is, we will be able to completely switch to romania, and that is why tim none the less, this problem really exists, and there is another important point, it should be understood that due to the blocking by polish carriers, ah, the border, now it is suffering... not only the economy of ukraine, but also the economy of germany, for example, because the ministry of economy germany has already made a statement that they
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are now considering programs to support their own car manufacturers, due to the fact that certain production facilities may stop, actually due to the fact that certain insulated wires for autocars are supplied from ukraine, and now they are. can't get them, well, we talked about the fact that poland and the polish economy are suffering from this blockade, but we see that the polish government has not yet resolved this issue, it is obvious that the future one already, the opposition before the parliamentary elections, and now there should be a pro-government coalition a new government has been appointed and it, probably donald tusk, should solve this issue, and if we talk about the ukrainian market, it suffers... and polish exports, accordingly , the presence of polish products in ukraine decreases, to what extent it is for us, well, maybe even profitable, yes, to what extent does it allow
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ukrainian manufacturers to be competitive? of course, this will affect the fact that we will not have pressure from polish agricultural imports, as for ukraine, and this will be a certain plus, so you know, when what happens, it should be understood, as we said before that, it is not only ukraine that is suffering, although again, uh, ryri- the risk, so far, let's say, the price increase in december, it is precisely because of this blockade that it has now increased, nevertheless, in fact, in due to the lack of imports, ukrainian manufacturers have the opportunity, let's say, to compete with him more easily on the domestic market, although i emphasize that the fact that the manufacturers win, this means that the ukrainian consumers lose, that is, it is always sacrificed by consumers, for the sake of manufacturers, that is, that although... all foreign relations, not only foreign relations, i have i mean trade, this is exactly the balance between buyers and consumers, when we say that
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we will not have certain goods on the one hand, this will make the situation easier for our producers, on the other hand, it leads to an increase in prices, because in fact there is less competition , so there are opportunities in the homeland for producers to raise prices again, and this translates into the problems of consumers, that is , here... a balance is constantly needed and it is desirable not to interfere in these processes, which, unfortunately , carriers are now doing, i emphasize, individual carriers from individual voivodships poland, and what unfortunately, this is another demonstration of the fact that the world is not ready for trade liberalization, because a certain sympathy for protectionist measures still remains, and so far we have poland, although i agree with you that to a large extent this situation arose due to the fact that in poland, let's say, there is no government yet, because the old government, it is most likely leaving, the new government has not yet come, and this period, while there is no government, that is, the absence
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of power, anarchy, we can even to say, it affects the fact that some are not accepted tough steps, despite the fact that the european commission has already given a clear signal that it does not like such steps, and the neighbors, mr. ivan, and poland's neighbors in the european union also said that such actions undermine support. of ukraine, we named these amounts in monetary terms. thank you, ivan us, an expert in international economics, was with us, and we also have such information, straw ornaments from lithuania, santos from france and sophisticated toys from the czech republic. all this can be seen in the state museum of toys in kyiv. for the first time, in 33 years of independence, ukraine will celebrate christmas on december 25, and the first preparations have already begun for the holiday. at the exhibition , visitors can expect a display of new year's and christmas decorations from different parts of the world, which unique exhibits can already be seen and which country's toys have not yet reached kyiv in the material of oleksandra kulibaba.
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christmas decorations from europe. you can immerse yourself in the magic of the ancient christmas of our ancestors and compare it with modern times in the state toy museum. old toys from belgium, the czech republic, france and lithuania. also here you can get acquainted with... the traditions of celebrating christmas in other countries of the world, as well as with the technologies of making christmas tree decorations in europe and ukraine. we decided to do such an international project to show that ukraine is a part of europe, or europe is a part of ukraine, that we have some common cultural things and we are also different from each other, we have a unique collection of dresden cardboard, which includes more than 150 years, we were also supported at this exhibition by lithuania, which donated its toys, there are a lot of hand-made toys there , the museum presents a copy of the oldest preserved ukrainian nativity scene, as
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well as a grandfather... a christmas spider and a collection of christmas tree ornaments, the exhibition is said to be absolutely unique here, because many embassies and artists from many countries of the world participated in it, but here in the museum, by the end of the year, they hope to dress up such a new year's beauty with polish toys, because of the strikes of transporters at the border, the new year's decorations have not yet had time to reach kyiv, and to see for yourself, and to show the child, all the same, well, there are old toys there, and children can remember their childhood. to show what we had and to look at our past, really, that’s right, you won’t look much in books, but it’s more interesting to look here, i liked the biggest toy made of beads, and it’s in the form of a scorpion, and the technique there is very interesting and that , that it was not easy to make, and the fact that it was made first in the czech republic, it is striking that there are many different toys that can be found, which were before that in our country.
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the straw rolls were very interesting, how they did it, the exhibition is really interesting, i.e. it is quite educational exhibits, there are quite old and very original and czech and our ukrainian ones . you can get acquainted with the christmas culture of european countries and see modern and ancient decorations until the end of january. oleksandra kulibaba and pavlo bondarenko, tv channel rada, all-national marathon, single news. so until the end of january, we have time for beauty, and now we have time for news, and after that we will continue to talk about the topics that vadim and i have planned. chevrons approaching victory. i am a uav operator
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i save lives and teach others, i destroy enemy shaheds during air strikes, i am a driver, i am an infantryman, our tasks are different, the goal is the same. choose your specialty and fill out the questionnaire on the national guard website. we will win together. finding oneself in new circumstances is a challenge that thousands of defenders overcome. to help them in this process, the state created a grant program for veterans and their family members, which is implemented by the ministry of economy of ukraine. applying for a veteran's grant is easy and convenient through action. serve up. and
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receive up to 1 million hryvnias to start or develop your own business. we will be there on christmas night. mentally, in the chat, in the family circle. from now on, together with the whole christian world, on december 25, we celebrate christmas together. strengthen the borders of ukraine without. join the gathering of the border guard, congratulations, this is the only news marathon, the rada tv channel team is working for you, we keep our finger on the pulse and summarize the main points for you, together we are a force, the only news in the center of events. the third night in kyiv, the free and invincible capital of our ukraine, the national marathon continues, in the studio tv channel rada olena morozova, i congratulate you,
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on to the news. the bill on providing assistance to ukraine, israel and taiwan did not pass a procedural vote in the us senate. the initiative provided for the allocation of an aid package in the amount of 106 billion dollars, of which 61 billion dollars will go to help ukraine. the bill was blocked by republicans who insisted on stricter control measures on the us- mexico border. and the decision of the senate does not exclude the possibility of a second one. putting the draft law on the package of international aid to the vote in the near future, ms. oksana markarova, the ambassador of ukraine to the usa, wrote about this on social networks, she emphasized that ukrainian diplomats continue to work actively to ensure that the congress supports an agreed package of documents, which will provide for defense, budgetary, humanitarian and energy assistance, before christmas for ukraine next year.


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