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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 3:00am-3:30am EET

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congratulations, on to the news. the bill on providing aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan did not pass a procedural vote in the us senate. the initiative provided for the allocation of an aid package in the amount of 106 billion dollars, of which 61 billion dollars will go to help ukraine. the bill was blocked by republicans who insisted on stricter control measures on the us- mexico border. and the decision of the senate. does not preclude the possibility of re-submitting the draft law on the international aid package to the vote in the near future, ms. oksana markarova, the ambassador of ukraine to the usa, wrote about this in social networks. she emphasized that ukrainian diplomats continue to actively work to ensure that the congress supports an agreed package of documents, which will provide for defense, budget, humanitarian and energy aid for ukraine for the next year, before christmas. the usa announced a new package of military
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aid to ukraine worth 175 million dollars, this is stated on the website of the state department of the united states, the new package includes ammunition for air defense, artillery shells, anti-radiation and anti-tank missiles. timely deliveries of drones, electronics and pickup trucks for the armed forces are delaying protests by polish carriers at the border, reuters reports, citing representatives of charitable foundations and enterprises. who support the military, all of them say that dozens of night vision systems, pickup trucks, hundreds of drones are stuck at the border, and deliveries of machine parts and components for power units used in drone engines and radios are also being delayed now benefactors are trying to negotiate with the polish authorities about the unimpeded passage of their aid. it's been a month since polish transport... have been blocking the movement
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of trucks at checkpoints with ukraine, demanding, in particular, the cancellation of transport visas for ukrainians, due to this protest, our state's budget has already lost over 9 billion hryvnias, the specialized parliamentary committee calculated. in addition, the situation at the polish border had a negative impact on travel to other neighboring countries. in particular, at one of the checkpoints at the entrance to romania, a long line of trucks formed, our ivan siretskyi saw it. the long-distance runner sergehiy traveled to the european union via poland for cargo and is now forced to cross the border for the first time at the krasnoilsk checkpoint on the border with romania. we used to leave through nyzhanko through yagodin, then they were blocked, we went through nyzhankovychy for the last time, then we had to stand in line there for 12 days, then the logistician decided that it would be faster to go this way, we are going to lithuania in a hurry. the way to the baltic country through romania. twice as long - says the man
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and there is a queue of trucks in front of the checkpoint. this is the third day, we are standing here for the third day, constant tension, lack of sleep about these tracks, you will not understand who is doing what, this whole process is very slow. the krasnoilsk checkpoint was opened a year ago, it is a small checkpoint where only empty trucks and tankers can cross the border. they say, they have never seen such a cluster of heavy trucks here. border guards, if at the end of october we did not observe queues at all, that is, cars drove up and literally immediately drove to registration, now they have to wait a little. the line of trucks starts long before the checkpoint, now it has stretched for about 5 km. at the same time, new trucks continue to arrive. the border guards are persuasive, they process the vehicles as quickly as the capacity allows. checkpoint
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somewhere from 160 to 200 freight vehicles cross the krasnoilsk checkpoint in both directions per day, 3/4 of them for departure, and sometimes more. they are not the only ones suffering because of the blocking of the polish border drivers whose routes pass through poland. yaroslav goes to romania to get diesel fuel for ukrainian gas stations. the first time i drove here literally in half an hour, the second time we drove somewhere around two. hours we waited in this parking lot near the pass, it was almost full and they let us in, today we have been standing for the second day, and we still can't cross the border. due to the delay, both the company and the drivers say they are in the red. we had today increased by a third - the border guards say, but there the queue of vans is not live, but electronic. ivan siretskyi, vadim zarytskyi, tv channel rada, the national marathon, single news. the head of the president's office andriy yermak brought. telephone
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conversation with the minister of foreign affairs of hungary, peter sijart, this is reported on the website of the office of the president of ukraine. andrii yermak called on behalf of volodymyr zelenskyi, the parties discussed the progress of the countries on the path of european integration, as well as the possibility of a meeting between the president of ukraine and hungarian prime minister viktor orban. eight children were temporarily returned to ukraine from russia occupied territories, they are from eight to 18 years old, according to the verkhovna rada commissioner for human rights dmytro lubinets. he noted that four boys and four girls were returned thanks to joint work with the state of qatar. the ombudsman emphasized that each of our children is important for ukraine. the israel defense forces released a video from the south of the gaza strip, reuters reports. we are talking about the large city of khan yunis. in the chehal, it is specified that within a few hours, the troops broke through the defense of the hamas brigade in this city, surrounded and began to maneuver it deep. at the same time
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, the troops captured hamas strongholds, discovered weapons and intelligence materials. a large number of militants were also destroyed and dozens of destroyed tunnels were discovered. individual servicemen. they even began raids in the very center of the city, which tsehal's statement defined as a symbol of the military and administrative rule of hamas. ukraine began accepting its citizens fleeing the gas sector because of the war in november. in the hot spot, israeli forces are now carrying out massive shelling, so people trying to leave through egypt. there are many risks that can affect the breakdown. evacuation, so everything happens according to lists and long-term preparation. odesa has already received the first group of evacuees and resettled people in the aid center. how ukrainians who lived in the gas sector for many years returned home and are building a new life, svitlana dovzhuk will tell. svetlana
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lived in the gas sector for more than 20 years, where she worked as a gynecologist. she herself comes from the donetsk region, she had to flee from shelling with four people children, after all. every day in the hot spot could be the last. we waited a long time for this evacuation , well, probably almost a whole month, because it depended not only on the embassy of ukraine, it also depended on the governments of israel and egypt, my apartment was bombed in the first week of the war, so we lived there all the time , well , they came immediately, let's get dressed quickly, there are no cars to get to the checkpoint, that is. some taxis were found there for a very high price, but nobody saw us saw off, neither my son-in-law, nor our father, nor my husband, it was impossible to get back home afterwards, the ukrainians left through the checkpoint in the city of rafah, on
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the border of egypt and the gaza strip, and exclusively according to the lists, svitlana's husband, who is from he stayed home, the children are also in a difficult psychological state, because he stayed there. and these are constant tears, they talked with dad, they cry, they eat there, there is almost nothing left, we only talked with dad today. ukraine evacuated from sector gasses the first group of its citizens on november 8. odesa received 82 people and now 19 refugees with children have settled in the odesa aid center. most of them are women who married palestinians and ended up in a hot spot by the will of fate. we have a lawyer. works here, there is a psychologist here, what issues do we solve, not all of them, but we can do a lot, well , we help what we can ourselves, we turn to others, institutions of our communal property, state property, to help people. tatiana has not been in ukraine for 15 years, to leave
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it didn't work right away, her son wasn't found on the lists at the checkpoint, so she had to send two more children to egypt on her own, and stay with her son in the gaza strip for another two weeks. and we stayed there, they kept us for two and a half days, without food, there on the egyptian side, they kept us there, then on the third day they put us on a bus and sent us back to the gas, yes, they threw us into the gas without our belongings , without money, without anything, so they knew where we should go, and we went to school, there is the oonov school, many refugees came there, this war, this was horror it was the smell of death, this is a real feeling that at any moment you can die. it is difficult to go from war to war, says tatiana, but from the very beginning they wanted to seek shelter in ukraine, where there are relatives, the most difficult thing now is to realize that you need to build a new life. honestly, we still haven't realized,
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as my friend said, the worst thing is post-traumatic syndrome, we don't have the syndrome yet, we still don't believe it, i watch the news every day now, we worry about my husband's family. i'm looking at my son svoego, i say how we passed, how it turned out, that we passed, i don't believe it, i still don't believe it, because how many of us are there now, girls with children who can't leave. tetsyan has no contact with her husband or his relatives, what to do next, the woman does not know, but does not plan to go back, for now the children are getting to know their ukrainian roots, now i feel much better than in gaza, i don't know, in gas for me, i have been wanting to get out of there as soon as possible for a long time, there is nothing there, therefore, that is, i am looking for something on the internet, i want to buy there, i can’t find it, i want to order some kind of delivery, well, it’s fine there, for example, they don’t sell toys there, which i want to return there again, the ukrainians had a minimum of things, warm clothes, they already received the products in odessa, and now
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they are preparing all the necessary documents for residence. refugees can stay in this center for up to a year if they cannot find other housing, but if necessary, all terms will be extended. even now, residents are starting to learn the ukrainian language and plan their new future. and also families think about what to do with children's education, because everything depends on knowing the language. this question is quite complicated. of course, it is a language issue, if the children were born there and they spoke that language all their lives, but of course, we are also ready to help in this matter, of course the issue of education was discussed, but first of all it is necessary to resolve the issue of the further stay of the mentioned families in the territory of ukraine , in particular odesa, or they will still decide to leave for another country. there are half a thousand ukrainians in the gas sector, of which only 300 have registered for evacuation, at least such data... were provided to the ministry of health of ukraine in october. it is not yet known when the next group will come to odesa
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, and the administration assures that they will help everyone. svitlana dovzhuk, oleksiy beranovskyi, tv channel rada, nationwide marathon, united news. the updated issue is already on thursday. so see you in less than an hour. the broadcast of the marathon continues. chevorons, which bring victory, strength, will and perseverance, have been passed down from father to son for centuries, and i am the one who carries cossack strength and cossack strength engraved on my heart fame i am the one who carries within me the glory of freedom-loving ancestors, whose unyielding will lives
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on to this day, i am the one who, throughout the centuries, carries within me the spirit of struggle and ideas, the one who will never bow down to the enemy, i am a warrior of ukraine, indomitable and unconquered, i will protect the land given to me by god and always believe in my invincibility. step by step, they move from one danger to another. step by step, they free our land from invisible death. fields and forests, houses in which evil visited. without sleet. life will not return here without the courage and dedication of these people
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people, we will not return home, for your work and our safety, we thank the sappers of the state emergency service of ukraine. the tv channel rada continues to broadcast, in the studio, together with you tetyana goncharova, vadym kolodiychuk, and we are in touch. candidate of legal sciences, gennady dubov , mr. gennady, congratulations, i congratulate you , this year is coming to an end, soon there will be two years of full-scale war, and here is an interesting aspect from a legal point of view, because such discussions arise from time to time, as far as ukraine as a whole as a state manages to keep all norms, standards and rights while staying in martial law, such a long period. well, this is such a difficult, big question, because a number of rights and freedoms are limited at the moment
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of martial law, this is directly provided for in the constitution of ukraine, a number of rights and freedoms cannot be limited under any circumstances, but let’s assume that the right to peaceful rallies and gatherings in the conditions of martial law is impossible, well, and much more, undergoes appropriate corrections, including the moments of state administration, including the realization of a number of other rights and freedoms, but again, ukraine as a legal state, it defines a certain amount of rights and freedoms, for example, the right to freedom, the right to life and many other things. and under any circumstances, under any conditions, including, under the conditions of martial law, restrictions are not applicable, this is probably 3/4 of what is provided for by our constitution, but to talk like this about the state, in what way we succeed, well, in general , we succeed, we can talk about it, because we are in unoccupied territories, where there are no hostilities, plus or minus everything happens like this
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same as before from a legal point of view, courts work, state authorities work, social benefits are paid, schools work, universities also educate students, and so on, that is, in general, a big, by the way, and our achievement is in this context preservation of the effectiveness and controllability of the state mechanism, which actually means that the future is good for us, it is possible, and in this case, again, the preservation of ukrainian statehood, first of all, is the father of the rights and freedoms enjoyed by our citizens, and here we really we can state enough, well, maybe not powerful work, but from what is in the circumstances in which you and we found ourselves, we worked solidly in this context with a plus in this context, when we talked with a sociologist or a psychologist, of course the questions were different , but here is a scientific question for you , please tell me, mr. gennady, when the country
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is being manipulated, martial law is being manipulated, and who are the officials also manipulating, of course they can say... cancel the meeting, you cannot go out and save for inappropriate tenders, in the meantime, people are leaving, and this is by no means a reason for local officials to insult these people, calling them different names, no one gave them such a right, neither during peace nor during martial law, but surely that is the area of ​​ethics, this is not the sphere of law, correctly, well , partly law, well, looking at the official, in principle, he works according to the principle, he can do what is directly prescribed. of course, any official of local self-government or the state does not have the opportunity to insult the citizens of ukraine due to the fact that if, well, it it is excluded, not even from the point of view of ethics, but from the point of view of law, i repeat, he can only do what the law and the constitution prescribe to him, as far as manipulation is concerned,
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you know, such a very, very broad question and concept, because , well, not everyone there is trying to manipulate in one way or another , including, i don’t know, with my child, who is asking to go to bed with her parents, because she says, it’s a war, i’m afraid to be alone, although we are trying to teach her to sleep separately, er, therefore, if extrapolated, and the same children, in spite of all the fact that the air alert doesn't actually portend anything so fun, but in places they even want lessons , well, some kind of control, yes to cancel and sometimes they wait for a message that an alert has been announced and you need to go to the bomb shelter, that is, even at this level there are certain such distortions, conventionally speaking psychological ones, which should not exist, but again, we do not see today some kind of, well, psychological breakdown, plus or minus , of course, taking into account and taking this correction into the situation, the citizens of ukraine are behaving according to the law, and even with the pre-war
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period, we see a decrease in the corresponding number for certain categories of offenses, this may be partly due to the fact that there are many refugees, but somehow we do not see any looting, nothing like that in places , where military actions are not taking place , it would happen en masse, so, well, in this context, many people speculate, including pseudo-volunteers, there are those who, unfortunately, steal at tenders, there are those who continue to engage in corruption, but again this is measured on average state, average state and psychology, order today is at a normal level. mr. gennadiy, how clearly defined are the concepts of martial law and state of war in our legislation? not demarcated, because the state of war, it is mentioned, including mentioned in our basic law, but in no way detailed at the level of special legislation. martial law exists at the level of special legislation
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. and in this connection, the state of war is rather such an international legal concept, which was formed over the centuries, precisely due to the fact that states, unfortunately, from time to time, fought among themselves myself, and i do not agree, if many, many people say that if we introduce a state of war, something should radically change, in fact no, let's remember that the war has not been going on since the 22nd year, but in fact since the 14th year, and under the previous president poroshenko , there was generally such a hybrid state of the ato type, although, in fact, there were all the legal grounds for declaring a martial... state, as provided by the law of ukraine on the legal status of martial law, but this was not done , it was not done for political reasons, we we understand that in many ways this is also a mistake, considering our today. but i emphasize once again that from my point of view the conditional introduction of a state of war tomorrow will not affect anything in particular, rather, if it does, it will affect
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the international position of ukraine and the more difficult procedure for reaching certain agreements with our partners. please tell me, mr. gennadiy, is it something with the sound, is there someone else in your room and there are some voices coming out from time to time, or is it you alone, that is, it seems to me that someone is preventing you from speaking, then the last the question that i will ask you, allegations about the conflict in the political... military leadership, tell me, again, as a lawyer, is it time to look for the culprits in these allegations, and is it time to break up, to do an analysis of the flights, in these issues? well, if we assume that this is a targeted disinformation campaign like this, then it's definitely time to look for the culprits, because there could be signs of a number of criminal offenses, ranging from high treason, to ... or much more, but here an illegal purpose, one of its own, must be set anti-ukrainian activity against the state interests of the state of ukraine, if such a company, it really has the signs
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of a centralized one, if it is overseen, in particular, by our internal actors, or by the enemy, or by any other foreign person, and its purpose is to undermine the defense capability and stability of the state of ukraine , here again the security authorities, the security services of ukraine need to take this into account, i am sure that they monitor this situation in one way or another, and if there are grounds to actually bring the culprits to justice, again here there is no need to organize a hunt from the point of view that the one who repeated about the existence of a conflict is not necessarily the organizer of this campaign, but it is definitely worth looking at the situation through this prism, i think that our security agencies are are doing thank you, mr. gennadiy, gennadiy dubov, candidate of legal sciences, was in touch with us. we will speak with diplomat oleksandr levchenko shortly, but after we inform you that ukraine has started consultations with the european union regarding security guarantees, this is an important topic
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for us, and the office of the president of ukraine informed about the first round of negotiations. the deputy head of the president's office ihor zhovkva, the secretary general of the european external action service for peace, security and defense charles freeze took part in the negotiations on the sidelines. exchanged visions of approaches to future eu security guarantees with an emphasis on security and defense issues. ukraine's future membership in the eu is in itself a powerful security guarantee for our country and the european community in general. we greatly appreciate that already at this stage we are discussing concrete steps to strengthen our common security and strengthen the stability of ukraine. ukrainian diplomats are trying to negotiate the ukrainian peace formula announced by volodymyr zelenskyi, and there is some progress in one way or another, but of course we are waiting for the signing
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of bilateral agreements between ukraine and other countries regarding these security guarantees, which he talked about in particular , the representative of the president's office, ihor zhovkva, and as many diplomats say, the first violin here is played by the united states, because they are just signing. agreement with ukraine, many say that it should be an agreement based on the example of israel, that israel is a strategic partner for the united states, accordingly, that is how they take care of the security situation in this country and the attack by hamas, something similar, we probably expect the same from our partners, but in as many countries as possible, not only from the united states, but the visit is ongoing in the united states of the ukrainian delegation regarding the negotiations on providing ukraine. help, because, as stated in the white house, there will be enough money only until the end of this year, of course, not much time, there are only a few weeks left, and now fierce
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discussions are taking place in the congress itself between republicans and democrats, but we will talk about all these diplomatic aspects now with oleksandr levchenko, diplomat, extraordinary and plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the republic of croatia in 2010-17, he is with us live, sir. congratulations, your greetings, well, let's talk about the situation closer to us in the european union, that is , about the signing of agreements, security guarantees, and about the consideration of ukraine's application to join the european union, what should be expected by the end of the year, and do you think there are any chances, what is the probability, here it is more appropriate to say that this issue will be postponed to january after all, well, it is possible that it will be postponed, but it is necessary to do as much as possible, and the head of the european council, charles
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michel, stopped his visit to china and returned to brussels, taking into account the position of hungary, despite the fact that he held negotiations with viktor orbán, you see that the official budapest has now asked itself the question in the parliament, that the parliament made a decision to block the european integration course of ukraine, you also know about the attempt to hold a referendum, will get engaged , as it were, in public support labs. and , in fact, the fact that budapest actually announced through the mouths of viktor orbán himself and the minister of foreign affairs sijarta that ukraine is not ready for negotiations, it is necessary to look for other formats, so it is obvious that there will be on the 14th-15th, there will be a certain diplomatic battle, and we will see its results, meanwhile, you know that the verkhovna rada has adopted two
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anticorruption laws. as part of the commitments to brussels to start the negotiations and we still have one more law on national minorities, this kind of knocks the cards out of budapest's hands to a certain extent, with the fact that it complains that the hungarian minority is limited in its rights, so this new law, where there are very broad rights, and strictly speaking, this argument will absolutely not work, as far as security, things and things are concerned that you really mentioned that if the usa has an agreement with ukraine on security guarantees, then it will be much easier with other countries, of course, it is so. well, as a matter of fact, the format of israel was also mentioned, if we are offered such a format and the states will act in such a way as to help israel, well, you remember, after the invasion of hamas, the united states of america. e
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drove two of their aircraft carrier groups to the coast of israel. this is a real reaction, and in fact, in the us budget , an article in the amount of 14.30 billion dollars was immediately allocated for the struggle for attention, hamas, hezbollah, well, which are still supported by pro-iranian proxies in syria, syria itself, and the houthis in yemen, this is a very large amount... the amount in comparison, let's say with the help of ukraine, which physically seems to be more, but is realistically much much less , so a conditional israeli format would be very good for us if we are treated the way washington is treating israel now, studio, please tell me if on november 8, there are already two options, the european commission publishes a report on progress
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achieved by candidate countries for joining the european union, and here either she says positively, this report is becoming a road for ukraine, there is a road to official negotiations with ukraine on joining the eu, or it is not. please tell me, as a diplomat, is this all background work that has already been done, or is there anything that will be brought out directly when this report is released, that is , to what extent some processes still remain mysterious. well, most likely, what the european commission will recommend is to start negotiations, but at the summit itself, you know the position of hungary, and actually speaking, there, regarding procedural issues, so far there have been no changes in the implementation and adoption of decisions important for the european union itself, so some things will be adjusted on the spot, and it will be...


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