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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 7:30am-8:01am EET

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within five minutes of our conversation, the hryvnias flew into
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the account for the battery stations, we continue in the same spirit, we keep it up, and meanwhile, as promised, we tell you that it was loud in the temporarily occupied sevastopol that night, we heard explosions there, meanwhile the ukrainian air defense forces destroyed three shaheds in the sky of the mykolaiv region, because the shaheds flew south again today and went in the direction of khmelnytskyi, but , well, it’s classic there, it always moves... to starokkonstantiniv, that’s already the case, almost the traditional route, in the south, mykolayiv region - odesa region, but then they restored another route, namely pridunaye, it was offensive, the shahedam, russian-fascists, tried to break through to izmail, as a result they flew all the way to galats, romania, because the anti-aircraft defense worked as ukraine and romania, let's see if they are official. the romanian
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side also recognizes this, because this is again a case when it is the airspace of a nato country, but this is a separate story, and there is another city and territory in the dnipropetrovsk region, where just regularly, every day there are shellings, here is kherson, so daily, and so is nikopol, and here dmytro bychkov is in touch with us, performing the duties of the head of the nikopol district council. mr. dmytro, congratulations, glory to ukraine, good morning. a word, we just looked at how it was there on st. nicholas day with shelling, combined artillery drones, so fresh shelling, so this, unfortunately, unfortunately, the nikopol region, namely the city of nikopol, marganets and rural communities that are coastal, continue terrorists to fire from the areas around the zaporizhzhya power plant, and today's late evening was no exception. and
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the consequences are set final, but unfortunately, the enemy continues to terrorize, but no matter what, the cities, local self-government bodies, communal institutions, all work and try to bring victory closer. we thank you for this, but we are actually asking for details, we read that this night fortunately there were no victims or victims, well, if we have already mentioned kherson, then in kherson very often civilian infrastructure is hit, yes constantly in fields... hospitals, museums, kindergartens, schools, as it looks like in nikopol, residential buildings, infrastructure objects, where are they shooting, are they aiming, or did they just launch and shoot, it can be different options of shelling, they they actively use artillery, kamikaze drones, drones from which explosives are dropped, it is also critical infrastructure, it is also the private sector, but
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recently and as in principle and always, periodically such attacks also affect sleeping areas, high-rise buildings, which are also hit by drones, well, that is, a drone can fly into a person's window there, he can... get on the roof of a high-rise building, well, i can say that sometimes people simply die when they are walking around the city and a drone or artillery flies in, but taking into account the fact that the shelling is such an approach occur until 10, there are 10-14 seconds from the time of exit, and of course it catches a person, he can simply go to the store, he can go to the hospital and at that time there is a corresponding shelling and the person can either die or... slow down, therefore, such shelling is usually dangerous for the residents of nikopol, margants and rural communities around our cities, so this is the situation in our region, but do people who, as you said, are walking somewhere on the road, and at that moment the shelling begins, in some bomb shelters,
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there is no time to hide, but is there on the streets, there are various objects such shelters, at least from shrapnel, there are such mobile shelters, but their... insufficient number, of course, because they are constantly increasing, and local self-government bodies and its large enterprises help in this matter, but for that to ensure taking into account the fact that, in fact, it can fly to any part of the city, then there should be more and more such shelters, the relevant authorities are working on this, in order to increase them, but they are trying in nicopolita in marganka and in rural communities to apply the rules. two walls are trying, let's say, to walk less on the street, this is also, among other things, a certain protection in order to stay less with children, including, of which there are a lot in the territory of our district, namely such mobile shelters, which you show you see, now there are in nikopol and they
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are getting a little more, but i would like them to be much more, because of course such shelling can happen in any part of our city. the day before... there is such an international organization that the russians love, and that loves the russians very much, and on the other side of the dnieper, they just changed their pioneer watchers to the zaporizhzhia nuclear power plant, i'm talking about the magate, and they changed, and what is your report hear on the other side, from the occupied, as, from energodar, from the pebbles of dniprovska, can you tell us what you hear, what is going on there, well, we can state that around the zaporizhzhia nuclear power station in all populated areas, in fact, these are military facilities, russians, terrorists, who actually made some kind of outposts there and are trying to attack our region from various populated areas, around zas , in nearby
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settlements, so we can say that magate is right there, and she must see how they shoot at nikopol from there. rural communities, that is 5-7 km nearby, in fact we are located because of their forces they are bravely silent, you see, somewhere there someone shot from a water cannon, someone directly from the as , someone from under the power supply, someone right there from the embankment, but they are bravely silent, and what are they doing then, well, apart from the troops, well, we can only receive little information, because it is still another area and today that part is a captured part, so a minimum of information, but we see that what they are doing in the nikopol region, we feel that it is actually just a presence in that area, we will tell us, from moreover,
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it is not easier for ukrainians in ukraine and the territory that is being shelled from that side, because they are there, there was a very interesting story here from dnipro, well, dnipro is a proud city, and as i said. mr. pavlo lazarenko , telling the history of the city of dnipro, to bien kolomoiskyi, we always had a strong mafia, but yesterday just that mafia was covered, i was looking at 6 million in cash, a lot of weapons, you know this story, it was covered in a mafia group in dnipro, which traded weapons in large volumes, the sbu worked, and i was in nikopol in calm down in the hall, but there are no such cases, but there is such a mafia, which would be making money in the background... of wars in this way? well, i don't know much about this mafia, i think that times have changed a little in nikopol, once upon a time there were such organized criminal groups in the nikopol region, there are still no such groups today, and let's
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hope that these photos will not be present in our region, we will talk, but if they are present, then law enforcement agencies are working for that and so that you more and more i want to identify and bring these funds to the state, and bring those criminals who are involved in this to justice. thank you, mr. dmytro , petro bochko o, chairman of the nikopol district council, have a peaceful day, less shelling, and to make it easier as much as possible, now we are going for a short break, and then we will come back and talk about kharkiv oblast, about kharkiv oblast, and not only about the front, not only about civilian life, but about how the russians destroy the opportunity for people to remember our history, get to know ours. there is already such a catalog of destroyed monuments that this one of them is very important will be the focus of our attention,
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with serhii rudenko, now in a new two-hour format. even more analytics, even more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and feedback. you can express your opinion on the bad day with a phone survey. turn on and tune in to the verdict of izyy rudenko every weekday from 20:00 to 22:00 at espresso. we 're coming back thanks for watching i don't know are the boys warmer and brighter in the trenches than us, but for this we can make it so that it is not possible for them to be brighter and warmer. but at least a little more comfortable, and that's why we ask you to join our collection, which
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we are conducting together with the human and right charity foundation, for battery stations with solar panels, qr code, number, cards, all this, you see, 222000, this is our goal , that's how much what we intend to buy costs, so please keep this information to yourself, and every day for coffee, what you can, transfer, we actually, too let's look at the dimension of this russian-ukrainian war, through the lens of, in particular, cultural and other losses, because this is a classic, russian... well, the current russian-fascist occupiers are no different from the muscovites of old , who everything was stolen from ukraine after each attack, so you can see everything from coins of prince volodymyr to cossack flags in the russian hermitage. and what they don't take away, they don't grab, they just destroy it, a year and a half ago, they hit the museum,
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the national literary and memorial museum hryhoriya skovorody in the settlement of skovorodinivka, it is not far from kharkov, very close, somewhat to the northwest, and we understand that now there is not enough for weapons, for some such things, the first necessities, respectively, about financing, restoration of architectural monuments, museums , unfortunately, most of the time it doesn't work, but it's a big problem and we're talking about it with nastya ishchenko, the deputy. national literary and memorial museum of grigory skovoroda. glory to ukraine, mrs. nastya. and glory to the heroes, good morning, i apologize for what i look like i'm from the dark, i just don't have any light, and the sun hasn't come out yet to make it brighter, that's why i'm in such semi-darkness, but
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i'm very glad to see you, it 's the lack of electricity, it's something typical for your resident no , i'm in kyiv now, i live two cities away, kyiv and kharkiv, it's just some planned blackout in the morning, but that's why it's good to hear from the destroyed skovoroda museum, i'm always so interested in it and told a lot by the great our fan, a pannadian, serhiy is eager, he will always mention this museum to a friend. it was destroyed in the winter, something managed to cover it, save it, preserve it, how does it look now? well, here i would like to take the opportunity to explain to our listeners, to our listeners, to your listeners, what a destroyed museum is in general, and what, especially, if it is a monument of history and architecture,
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that is, history consists in the fact that you can't touch it... if it's a museum, monument, history, architecture, for example we have the pantry, and the 18th century next to a museum, it is not a monument of history, there, it was also, unfortunately, destroyed, well, not destroyed, mutilated, not as much as a museum, eh, with the funds of our friends there and benefactors, we were able to carry out works , and we opened liberty art there, and in which we receive visitors and in which this famous surviving statue is now located, but with the museum it is a bit more difficult, because it is a monument of history, and you literally cannot do anything with it to make and touch her, that is, this is all a multi-syllabic stage, we, therefore we launched, well, this action and in order to
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draw attention to - to this and to find, perhaps, some... you know, some intersection , where we can unite with all the participants who care and find a solution for the museum , and funds, and how to do all this , well, in general, to start the process, you mean this campaign collection 301, a true friend of the pan, yes, yes, the 31st anniversary of 301, yes, on the occasion of the anniversary, that is, the name is quite logical, we know that you want to collect, plan to collect uah 3 million. to start the most important works with conservation, does it still have to be agreed somehow, because you said that you cannot actually touch anything in such a museum, which has the status of a monument, what should it look like, did the procedure last and what can happen next after conservation, or it will have to wait until
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the end of the war. yeah, here actually, you know, it's a very live process. that is, it can be both conservation and restoration, buildings, here everything depends on the allocated funds, and for this process, these 3 million, and they are additional, they help us in general, simply firstly, they can become part of the co-financing of this project, and secondly , there are still several destroyed objects and statues in the museum, and, because everyone knows only about the incarnated statue... which need restoration, that is , while the collection continues, we still do not have a final decision, because the funds are coming in, we receive them there from uah 25,000 to uah 30,000, these are the largest donations we have had, and from our friends and benefactors,
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so i think , that when we close the collection, and then we will have an exact decision, and, with how can we come out and say exactly which project these funds will become a part of, there against emergency works, whether it will be a restoration project, or whether it is, well, conditionally , you know, all this under the big umbrella of preservation and restoration of the museum, and nastya, now you are on two cities, as you said in kyiv, there are only a few meters separating you from the ministry of culture and information, and they somehow reacted to your collection or, in general, to the fact that this is already a ruined monument for the second winter, and the frying pan museum is in such a state, there are at least some two bodies are observed, and here i would like to say something first, it is very important that we launched this collection, to be honest, we do not
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have such clean, transparent and sincere communication at all, we called it 301 true friends of skovoroda, because precisely hryhoriy skovoroda signed his name in the same way, even in letters to his friends, and that is why we did not , you know, come to this meeting with a claim neither to the authorities nor to the ministries nor to the institutions with which we were told whether they reacted in any way, maybe decided to communicate with you, this object is primarily in their responsibility? actually, well, everybody's reacted to us and everybody 's reacted to us very positively, that's all i can say, at this stage, i mean , we know, it's just important for me to talk, we're out. with clean and transparent communication , and we received a lot of support in general from , well, from all sides and from the state and from
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charitable foundations, and simply from people who collected from uah 5,000 for their banks there, and for the museum, uh, or from the experience from when you already launched this collection, this promotion, or can you recommend to other cultural institutions, museums, theaters that have suffered in the same way as you from russian aggression, a similar scenario, that this is an effective thing, it is also possible to apply somewhere not only within the borders of ukraine, but also further for funding , because the sums are quite large, we are talking about a lot of money in fact, so i advise you to do it, in fact , and one of mine, i am the initiator of the collection and one of my goals, is uh, when the collection was launched, it is also an important part to it was an example for other museums, actually, because i already how
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no one else knows what it's like when you work , well, in a destroyed museum, and you know, it 's when you wake up there in the morning and you see snow or rain, and i always think of two things, the first is how our boys and girls, but now at the front and how is my museum in general, because i understand that it is being destroyed, i, it seems to me that the war is not yet, it does not seem like it is, the war is still going on and it will be continue, and unfortunately, the museum in skovrodynivka is not the only museum that suffered from the russian occupiers, we must talk about it, ugh, we need to communicate about it, we need to... go out into this space, and this is what hryhoriy savych teaches us, that there will definitely be people who will always help you, and of course you can't collect 112 million there,
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and , or there are 100, 150, but you , as a museum, will communicate with the audience in this way, because here we are, on the example of this collection, we just received books as a gift, which will be included in the funds, and this is also nice and important, we... received illustrations, paintings, lithographs with a frying pan, and this is also an important part, you know, of such co-creation, and dialogue, because i really want all these friends that we have as of now, there are not 301 of them yet, but i really want and dream to see them in our museum when they come, when we rebuild it, that's why i - i urge, i ask museums that are in the same situation as us not to give up, lady, please tell me how, in general, in the front-line kharkiv oblast, life is
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a museum, yes, how active are the visitors, how much time and desire do people have, to come to the museum and work, that's what i want to ask if that's how they work are the museums not working, what is the situation with this? it 's a hybrid format, actually, and here i want to say that it's not because i work in this museum, although i love it very dearly, it's actually a very special museum because it, it's a huge museum complex. on the territory of which there is still an oak tree under which hryhoriy savych liked to work, krynytsia, and his grave, and that is why visitors come to us, we cannot receive more than 50 people, and for safety reasons, and also, as i said before, we opened art liberty in komor, here you have a video from this komor,
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you are showing now, and it is 200. who were affected, there is one more, and we sometimes organize celebrations there, but also, what is more important, with this action, we have 301 real friends-scumbags, went to public field, and this year we will still have time, and in the next, we will do a lot of such media projects that will popularize the abomination and generally talk about the life of the museum in general, because if we are destroyed, it does not mean that we there is no, and that we are not doing anything, we will continue to work and popularize our, our main, yes, our main person hryhoriy savych, and while we are still looking for a solution for that, yes, how to start the reconstruction of the museum, 139 objects of cultural heritage, i have already found these statistics, 361 art objects, that too. which
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is already destroyed, or destroyed, or lost forever. we have two minutes, ms. nastya, but this is a philosophical question for an appetizer, it’s just that hryhoriy savych in his time, as they say, showed a virtual middle finger to the russian imperialism and did not serve it, and your museum in that post-soviet zursified operation in environment, but here came the beautiful and good russian world. moods have changed , according to your feeling, in general, in kharkiv , in the kharkiv region, regarding such a cultural, code and self-identification, er, yes, yes, er, changes, changes are taking place, in fact, er, i hear the ukrainian language in kharkiv , and it warms me a lot, because i spent, well, my childhood in kharkiv, conventionally, i came to my uncle and
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i...' i remember, and i myself come from the dnipro, and you understand that they were, well earlier and russian-speaking and, such regions, er, of course, what i remember, here are the first, the first moment after how all this happened, i remember the reaction of the people and residents of kharkiv to this, and there was nothing post-soviet in this reaction, it was ukrainian and sincere. a reaction of despair, rage, and a desire to help, and this is very important, ukrainian anger at russian vandalism, and we will overcome it anyway, we wish to be heard as much as possible, to help one of the many cases, in particular around your museum, so that as soon as possible to restore, and the entire museum space, and to help ourselves, nastya ichenko,
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deputy director, national of the hryhoriya skovoroda literary memorial museum was with us. we thank you. time for news. time for news about the directions of the attack in khmelnytskyi and odesa regions, however, how many drones flew, how many were killed already in a moment. khrystyna paruvii is ready to talk, as well as about other important things at this time. christina, you have a word. greetings, colleagues, thank you. yes, in the issue i will talk about the situation in the regions of ukraine, from the russian shelling, as well as whether to expect new help from the usa, so let's talk about it. miss out news on the air espresso, working in the studio khrystyna parubiy. night drone attack. 18 shaheds were launched by the occupiers in ukrainian cities. our air defense forces shot down 15 enemy. -
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reported the air command


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