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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 11:30am-12:01pm EET

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more important topics, even more top guests: foreign experts, inclusion from abroad about ukraine, the world, the front, society, and also feedback, you can express your opinion at the end of the day with the help of a telephone survey, turn on and turn on, verdict with serhii rudenko, every weekday from 20 to 22: on espresso. continues war, and not only for territories, it is also a war for minds. we are engaged in propaganda. russia is throwing millions of petrodollars into turning ukrainians into little russians. ukraine will become let's counter information attacks russians in the chronicles of information war project, with olga len. on monday, tuesday, thursday at 17:15 on the espresso tv channel. so.
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meni umirova, we just shared a question for the next guest, which we are waiting for every second, a lot of news has already come from the other side of the big puddle, strange things are happening in the united states of america, which the president of the united states criticized, pointing to the actual, ultimate blocking financial aid to warring ukraine and israel, the fact that republicans are engaged in politics. toys and blackmail on immigration legislation, this is such an old game, it formally concerns the us-mexican border, but in fact it is an internal such a debate, a victim of this debate was a large financial aid to ukraine, including because it is blocked, but officially the pentagon, which provides us help, appealed both to the white house and to us, and the money for purchases, because we
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have just received another batch of military aid, there are billions left, that is, it is used up to 100%, and the question there is no unblocking even after consultations and speeches were held and meetings by president of the united states biden, ukrainian president zelenskyi canceled his participation in this closed meeting altogether, but, but now there are others in the united states on a working visit. important ukrainians, in particular rustem umyerov, andriy yermak is there now, so the minister of defense must be, and andriy yermak is also there, yermak is there, and havrylyuk, there are enough people there, but now about umyrov, he met with lloyd austin, the minister of defense of the united states states of america, well, besides thanks to everyone for cooperation and help, they also discussed the strategic goals and plan of operations of ukraine for the next 24 years and
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of course talked about joint production and investments in the military-industrial complex of ukraine. osin himself began the day with the fact that it is a mutually beneficial thing to support ukraine not only in terms of strategic security, but also economically, because 27 billion dollars is exactly the amount of money that went precisely to the private sector of the us defense industry, fulfilling orders from the pentagon in order to provide assistance. ukraine in this war. thus, these funds are provided, some of them work directly in the us economy, and do not fly across the ocean to kyiv and are spent later. we will find out now if we already have a guest with us, there is not yet, but we are waiting for hanna hobkotka to contact us from the previous convocation, she was then the head of the international committee, because whether, the closer to the european summit and the... closer to
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of the new year, the greater is the price of exactly the right international policy of ukraine, we have risks everywhere, here is one american we told, the second is on the european field of action, because there is the factor of viktor orbán and hungary's threats to block ukrainian european integration, there is the factor of the fizo of slovakia, which roughly tries to sing along in the same direction, there is a general mood, for example, pierre mirel, who used to be an adviser specifically on the issues of expansion in the european union, the european union, gave a long interview to our publication, the head of which, in principle, does not understand how to implement this strategy, if there is not at least some kind of peace treaty with russia is also good
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does putin understand that he has appointed a holiday for himself on march 17, he will appoint himself, the holiday of democracy, yes, putin's election will be held in russia on march 17, correct? and here cameron is now actively involved in this whole situation, yes, a briton, who tells that now the whole world and the united states also need to focus their attention on ukraine, on helping ukraine, otherwise, putin simply will not stop and it will not be enough for him ukraine, he will come for the supplement, and actually, this is what the west is afraid of now, we already have a stable connection with the head board network of protection of national interests in the past. the deputy of the verkhovna rada and the head of the committee on foreign affairs, hanna gubko, with us, ms. hanna, congratulations, glory to ukraine, glory to the heroes, glory to the lord , thank you for the invitation, and ms. hanna, we shared here, we shared for a long time with oksana, who is who what will be asked of ms. hanna, i
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got it, the minister of defense, so with us, we drew the fates and mr. umirov, not in his performance, in the narration of deputy oleksiy honcharenko. oleksiy honcharenko writes in his there is a hot message on the telegram channel right there, half an hour ago, umirov publicly at meetings in washington, criticized zaluzhnogo, i.e. central committee, talked about the counteroffensive and the article the economist. that's what oleksiy honcharenko writes. but this is not the first note to arrive from the american shore, where. freely in the united states there are our delegates, including the supreme fair of ukraine itself, what do you say, what will be the american reaction to such behavior of the only safe international voice of ukraine ukrainians in the united states,
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well, you know, glavkom zaluzhnyi has huge confidence in the pentagon and we saw the recent. mr. austin's visit to the heads of the pentagon, where there was a meeting, and then at ramstein they finally saw the military, and not only representatives of the ministry of defense, and this is extremely important, that is, the americans understand who is really a strategist, who is fighting, who knows the real needs of the army and who is an authority , that is why, after returning from washington, three weeks ago, i publicly called for there to be... a joint article by president zelenskyi and glavkom zaluzhnyi, which would explain what the victory plan is, or the 60 billion for which the struggle is currently underway in congress, which we urgently need, will be enough, because general zaluzhnyi already in
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his second analysis for the economist described four strategic directions that will help not to drive the situation into a dead end, into a positional war. and bring closer, let's say, an undesirable scenario, he clearly described what is needed, in particular, for ukraine to intercept and have a strategic initiative and a technological advantage, so it seems to me that now any attempts, those who fear the industrious as a political competitor on potential presidential elections, although i want to remind everyone that while the war is going on, according to the constitution, any presidential, parliamentary or other elections are impossible. not only because it is unconstitutional, only , not only because it is not supported by ukrainian society, that there is no money and so on, so i would like to call for a demonstration of unity, because there are absolutely unacceptable, not just barbaric or harmful steps, as
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preventing the opposition, banning members of the verkhovna rada from leaving ukraine, a deputy local councils, those that we see not just attacks on representatives of the opposition, but also on the central committee, because in the pentagon, i want to say, as well as in other ministers of defense of our european partners, they clearly understand that any political interference in the conduct hostilities and operations, it leads to human losses, and we have seen this many times before, so i really hope that mr. umeyrov will not act on the agreement of the political leadership, deepen... er, the friction between the political and the military, because now the task is to save the country, now the task is how to receive not just 61 billion from the us congress , american aid, the issue of european support as well, and in fact the 24th year
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will be one of the most difficult, and now any aggravation of relations, this is an anti-state , i would say, destructive policy or position, and it is necessary... to be as careful as possible so as not to give additional arguments to either russian propaganda or enemies who are against ukraine in various western governments. miss hanna. we literally have a few minutes, let me ask you so succinctly, for the next question, according to vanislavsky, yes, fire him, fire him, does the president want from the performance of the duties of the representative of the president of ukraine in the verkhovna rada, where can mr. venislavsky walk away, and what can this dismissal be for? well, look, for me the personnel policy in general of the sixth president is very unclear, we don't see professions. people , in general, these reshuffles, rotations
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that took place, or the lack of punishment for previous corruptors, for the scandals blamed by tymoshenko, tatarov is still present, about whom western partners and ukrainian business complain, this is very many others, not that questionable, but people who are connected to the state, the aggressor of the aggressor, so it seems to me that what is being insisted on... the west must be a government of transformation, a government of unity, in order to fulfill those demands from the american list of reforms of the added annual national action program, which is important for advancing in nato, if we open, when we open negotiations with the eu, then we have to think about what the washington summit will bring, and for this we need powerful people, not, not i will focus specifically on this case, but speaking generally, then personnel policy is absolutely doomed and allows strengthening the state's ability to implement the tasks that are before us.
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ms. hanna, why are you optimistic about what you say, as soon as we open negotiations with the european union, we must continue and continue, we listened to you carefully, and a resolution against the negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu was introduced in the hungarian parliament , and the case of orban and fide has already been removed, the blockade of ugorska has been broken? no, actually. and we see that there are attempts to shake the unity of the european union, to disrupt this summit, for which everyone was preparing, and why i do not understand the naivety of some of our eu partners, who did not take into account the factor of hungary in the blockade, the advancement of ukraine to eu membership and, in particular, the opening of negotiations, simply that the levers of influence on orbán are in france, in germany , in the united states of america, that is, it is important here that these partners, which er, since there are a lot of german and french companies working in hungary, it is more than 20%
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of exports, er, the hungarian military-industrial or defense industry also depends entirely from france, germany, that is, they should now use all the economic levers, all the information they have in order to put orban in his place, but this is not how we say it, so we really have to ask the question , does ukraine have a plan b, a plan in the event that congress does not vote by the end of this year on the allocation of funds, and this decision will affect the position of the european union, which will also begin to fall in its decisions and we will not receive money, i am interested in whether anyone in the government is aware of the consequences and what we there will be other ways to fill the budget, if any prolongation or reduction, which is also said in the congress, that it may not be 60 billion, but much less, because the americans say that we will continue to provide support, and
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the european union deals with economic, payments, budgetary, etc., and if in the european union there will not be these 50 billion , the question arises, the government has a vision of where to get the money, it will be money, in the european union it can still be blocked, even financially, or there is a rule of blocking vote, as orban would say, ms. hanno, in we just ran out of time, we want to thank you for the analysis. situation, hanna gubko, people's deputy of the previous convocation , head of the parliamentary committee on international relations, and actually about whether we have plan a, plan b, and who knows it, i know exactly what plan d is. so, in general, about international diplomacy, we will continue to talk about what is happening on the world map, who is talking to whom, about what, and what may or may not happen to ukraine, we will continue to talk with diplomat ruslan osypenko, we welcome you, mr. ruslan, to our broadcast , congratulations, studio, and what,
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let's start, let's start with china, the summit will start there, in which the leadership of the european union participates, of course ukraine will also be discussed, we know that charles michel had to cut his visit to this summit a little short because of orban's case, and in general we ask you to analyze the long-term and short-term consequences of this summit for ukraine? this summit is also extremely important, it is the second step, to the agreements in the implementation of, let's say, china's strategy to restore relations, trade-only relations with the united states and the european union, why, because this summit takes place after the meeting between biden and sidzimpini, if you remember, yes, they did not agree on serious things there, except for the restoration of contacts, ties, and a little bit about the economy, they talked about
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resuming the purchase of soybeans there, lifting the ban on the purchase boeings some other things, that is, the economy has become such points, common points of contact, why is it china, china is now weakened economically, it needs to restore supply to liquid markets such as the united states and the european union, because the largest funds china earns money precisely on these two markets, but given the fact that the geopolitical structure in the world has changed and the world has become divided, it has become bipolar, divided into two camps, the camp of democratic countries and the camp of these regimes, globalization and global trade are no longer possible. that is, you have to agree between the camps in order to trade, for example , well, a good example is huawei itself, which is not sold in the united states of america, because they are suspicious, there is no trust , they suspect each other, the same for the rest, for the rest goods, especially sensitive ones, such as electronics, chips, and all that, but
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china needs to recover, because in china's strategy to recover its political or acquire its political... in the international arena, it must be through economic influence, that is, china sets the task to become the number one country economically, and through economic power, to increase political influence and thus solve some controversial issues there , including regarding taiwan, and for this it needs markets, needs, needs the united states and europe need it, and that is why biden signaled that he will negotiate with china, you understand. or that china became the second country, supplanting russia on this olympus, the europeans followed in the fairway, let's say so, and i do not rule out that some partial agreements will be reached, economic ones will still be reached in order to restore trade and stabilize, let's say yes, and europe and to stabilize the situation
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internally in china, which is bad for us, for us, i will say right away, because china considers the withdrawal of ukraine from the influence of russia, which is already a proxy of china, as an undermining of the status quo that developed after the second world war, when russia was defined as the winner, had its spheres of influence and ukraine was included in this sphere of influence, and now, if , yes, no, we want to listen to you carefully, yes, okay, and if they send it. nato is strengthening europe at the expense of a strong ukraine, which is strong both militarily and economically and in terms of resources, which means that they are weakening russia's security system, which is what she said when she a challenge that took place in december 21st, therefore establishing relations with, but you yourself said that in fact,
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well , a raw material appendage to communist china became... money will be built, and they were told so , to build for their own money and then give it to us through dumping, so in this case, why should the chinese care about the fact that some spheres of influence of russia disappeared due to the consequences of the world, after all , china agreed that they disappeared there such as the baltic states and they became part of nato and nothing. and here all of a sudden there was such a panic in ukraine? they panicked, because this way they got russia in its entirety as a sphere of influence and a rear area for confrontation with the united states of america, let's say, and with its intellectual potential, resource potential, and all the possibilities, and yes, it is strengthened on its borders, so that russia
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is a proxy junior partner of china, it turns out that nato is expanding, strengthening, strengthening the west in eurasia is strengthening , they are considering that it is the united states is strengthening, if it will expand nato, remember china's 12-step peace initiative, where they said that first of all, we should completely abandon the rhetoric and thinking of the cold war and not, let's say, strengthen the security of some at the expense of others. this is what philosophy china has, it considers russia already as its territory, as a zone of influence where it is alone. will be administered, and the exit of ukraine from this zone of influence is a change, in general, of the security system on the eurasian continent, where china will dominate, or wants to dominate, mr. ruslan, we have. literally two more minutes, just what is your forecast with the two impasses that we faced this morning, the first is the blocked in
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the senate by the republican majority the package of financial and military aid to ukraine israel, under the pretext of the mexican border, and we do not know what will happen next, and the second is that the threat to block the beginning, in fact , of the summit of the european integration of ukraine, by the hands of orban and the orbanites, here is your prediction, we have two minutes , well, it is a holiday, the holiday of putin, who will enter the arena on the 14th, to appeal to his society in brilliant decorations, that he will sweep the west, that's all, just to say, ugh, we still have one short question, regarding the meetings of putin, which he plans to hold these days, the president of iran is coming by invitation. to moscow, this is the second such visit, and what can they talk about, we do not expect anything good from iran in principle, whether by sea or
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by sea or by air, they will supply them there with eyes or with shaheds, this will be an agreement on further cooperation on the activation of some kind, or what else there may be, this is coordination of actions, opposition to events, this is economic, military, political coordination of actions, this is uh, there is a strengthening of ties within the personalist camp, this is about chinese proxies, iran, russia, these are iranian, chinese proxies, and they agree on their coordination in order to achieve a further weakened west, the west blinked, as they say, and they will increase the pressure on him. ugh, and in addition to iran, putin is now in very close contact with the united emirates and calls it almost the main thing there. trade partner of russia in the arab world, because there in dubai, in my opinion, arabs are a minority compared to russians. so what are they there discussed what putin
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discussed in the emirates? in the united arab emirates , all the money that did not have time to freeze in the west is hidden, that's what they discussed, this is the financial, financial component, where the rest of the money is hidden, and through the arab emirates, trade is conducted... this parallel import is established, which gives the opportunity to support the military industry and continue the war , to continue putin's aggressive policy, that is, in fact, we have to say that it is not even just a trip there, moscow, minsk, beijing, pyongyang, through tehran, it is already some kind of looms, a new configuration, why am i asking, because, for example, brics began to crack, we look at the behavior of brazil and others, that is, what. the new is being formed right before our eyes, absolutely, these are the followers of china, saudi arabia, to which he will go there or has already gone there, china also guaranteed their
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sovereignty and security, and iran was also guaranteed sovereignty and security by china, these have become proxies , china's junior partners, that is , there is coordination and strengthening of cooperation between china's proxies, and china is definitely on the shoulders these proxies are rising, his role in the international...bags is rising, he is not actually doing anything, that is, he has taken steps to anticipate and is now just sitting, watching how his proxies come to an agreement, strengthening his position in the world. thank you, mr. ruslan, for, diplomat ruslan osypenko was on the air of the tv channel, we are saying goodbye, we want to thank you 2,300 uah for this morning, you collected the battery systems of the stations for our defenders, a peaceful, safe... day, please, support the armed forces of ukraine, take care, see you tomorrow, bye, attention, incredible new product
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12:00 pm
comfortable and dry. universal design, basic black color and a good price for everything from uah 799, call, we will summarize morning in ukraine on the air of the news tv channel, khrystyna porubiy works in the studio. four injured due to enemy shelling in donetsk region. two people were injured in avdiivka, another in turetsk. a resident of the andriivska community was also injured. russian okupts shelled almost two dozen settlements in the region. 10 civilian objects, one high-rise building, three private houses, an enterprise, hangars, and an excavator were destroyed.


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