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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 12:30pm-1:01pm EET

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that is, in principle, i think it is very good that it coincided like this now, and in principle, this will be an additional argument from the ukrainian side for unblocking this issue, so it should be done, it should have been done constantly before, but if it already exists now, so it is good that now, although we will lose two months. anthony blinken, secretary of state of the united states of america, said. that the united states should support ukraine, because the lack of support will lead to significant consequences, let's hear what he said blinken, and we must make every effort to ensure that russia continues to fail in its aggression against ukraine. if we don't, if putin is allowed to continue without...
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well, it will open a pandora's box of aggression around the world, other potential aggressors will be watching, and they will be learning, they will be listening, they will be drawing conclusions. as jim mattis always liked to say, and as lloyd austin likes to say, in this case, 1 gram of prevention is now much better than a kilogram of medicine later. well, andriy yermak, who is in the united states of america, said that ukraine. without the help of the united states can lose the war with russia, to quote him: there will be a great risk that we will remain in the position in which we are now, and of course, this will make it impossible to continue efforts to liberate ukrainian territories and create a great risk of losing this war, yermak suggests that we may lose this war. zaekonmist wrote about the fact that russia is on the verge and can still win
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the war in ukraine, that is, the head of the office of the president of ukraine is already telling the whole world that there is a possibility that if we do not receive this help, when blinken says that we need to do all this, every time many questions arise from about how quickly the united states of america reacts and gives these pills that allow us to destroy the russian occupiers and equalize the balance of forces on the russian-ukrainian front, can we expect, mr. valery, to speed up this process, we are talking about 61 billion dollars in package that should be voted on in congress, and is it about the fact that the moment will come when the armed forces of ukraine will receive as many weapons as is really necessary in order to gain an advantage. and not parity
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with the russian army, well i will start by saying that i think it is not very correct to say that without this current american decision on a certain amount of aid, we will lose the war, i think that is a false thesis, if it were so, then i would say, with all this together, we will win the war, yes, which is also really far... truth, a lot of factors, which affect the outcome of this confrontation, this is a large-scale confrontation, it is, of course, historically, a huge confrontation in europe, and i think that we still do not know how it will end, how events will develop, so there is no need to make such statements , which can then be interpreted so that only with the help, only with the decisions of the usa, er
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, this result was achieved, it is not so, because we will lose this war, if we are not strong internally united, we will lose this war , if not, institutional strength of the ukrainian state, that is, we will lose this war if we lose our vision and goals, if we suddenly decide that we will not protect our homes, that we will not protect our children, our wives, then yes, and yes, well, if today there won't be this... it might make it difficult, it will make it very serious, but the government must think, the government, well, in the sense of government, in this case the office of the president, not to say we will lose this war, but to say we will explain, if there is no american help, what will you cover then with this money, these holes, these weapons, as you will to work in the direction of other countries, germany, the netherlands, norway, to receive, yes, i understand, the usa is a key country, but not the only country in the ramstein coalition, this is key.
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leader, but not the only one, if everything depends only on the decision of the congress, this is a very risky story and it is heard in moscow. i don't think that's the only factor really. it is important, but not the only one, it is much more important that we have with the production of weapons, for example, a very important element, which of course we will not hear now, but maybe someday we will see how much we have produced missiles with a range of more than 1000 km, if we have at least 300-500 missiles with a range of 1000 km, then i will tell you, it will be much more important than 30 tanks, abrams, sorry, tanks rams, or even, even artillery systems. even, that is, the factor of the production of weapons in ukraine , projectiles, armored vehicles, and especially missiles, which, well, we heard officially that this issue exists, and produce more bohdan self-propelled installations, and i think, although we do not know, well, the information, this is classified information,
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but i really hope that it goes as per the conditions war, the maximum mobilization of resources, that is, the production of medium-short-range missiles. because this is what can stop russia, this is what can stop the further development of the war. therefore, i insist that now it is wrong to connect every decision in one or another country with the results of the war. we do not know them, they are not predictable, now we need to transfer, perhaps mentally, the country to the conditions of last year, there in march, april. moods in society in order to win, and such conclusions after promoting information that we we are conducting a counteroffensive, we will achieve the liberation of the territory, and suddenly such a cold soul, ladies , without this decision of the congress, we will lose, i
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believe that this information policy is such, these swings, they do not bring anything good for the psyche of the people, i emphasize once again that there are many other factors and there are other resources from which additional finances can be taken, by the way, about these fiddles, about statements, because not only yermak, but also the american senator from the democratic party, chris murphy, says that ukraine can become part of russia, even he says so, if the united states of america does not agree to help kiev, to quote chris murphy, we just need to make a decision now, whether kiev will be russian. or a ukrainian city, i'm disappointed that the republicans are not taking this seriously, everything is explained by the stakes in this situation, and the stakes are: will ukraine exist in 12 months, or will it be part of
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russia, well, that's exactly what chris murphy's statement is, and more there is a statement from the secretary of the treasury of the united states of america, janet yellen, she said about that the united states will be responsible for ukraine's defeat if congress does not approve the biden administration's latest multi-jurisdictional request for aid to ukraine. i have spoken to members of congress, and my colleagues have also spoken to them. i think the congressmen understand that this is a terrible situation, and that it is we who can be blamed for the defeat of ukraine, if we cannot provide the necessary funding to the ukrainian government, i mean direct budget support, which is extremely important, well , we see that in washington is quite serious this is the situation, and i understand that the internal situation, to which the attention is focused , including the americans, or what is happening in the congress and in the senate, now
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mr. valeriu, well, this is a normal discussion there, republicans and democrats, that we live on this information, because it concerns our lives and our security, whether this is a problem for american society and for americans, whether they are included in all these processes and whether they understand why they constantly talk about what ukraine will be like , there will be no ukraine, kyiv will be ukrainian or will be in russian, you know, in fact , well, the focus of attention somewhat, of course, moved there to the middle east in recent years - this is completely natural, there are other problems, but still serious attention remains, thanks to the same many channels, such as cnn , and many american newspapers, although
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they show the situation there in one version, in another, like the washington post, there are a few articles, or there is politics in the economist, but we thank them very much for the fact that they keep all this in focus and that i urge journalists who do this to be critical everything and to the american media, but the fact that journalists work on this on... keep the european war in focus is very important, politicians too, people, citizens, american in different ways, it depends on their interest in politics in general, to where they live, in which states, in general, if we take gallup’s survey, which has such a well-known social structure, then the majority of americans, although they have become a little less, there for well, this is natural, the attention has decreased a little, but still the majority is in favor of to help... in ukraine against russian aggression, putin's
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decisions, even such questions were asked there, and for support for weapons, that is , according to the idea, at the moment it is unpopular for american politicians not to provide such support, it is not popular, but in some individual republican states in the south of america, well, in particular there in texas partially, i already mentioned louisiana and er... somewhere in alabama and maybe arizona, that is, closer to the border with mexico, or the same north-south dakota, well, you know, this whole story is so far away, so it can be dangerous there , there may be less interest, therefore it is important to work with voters, to work in different states, and this is a job, to keep the focus of attention is a job, sometimes this focus of attention is adjusted by the opponent, doing another stupid thing. some, or such crimes, as we see on the part of russia, killing people, and
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, for example, man-made disasters, such as the kakhovskaya station, the nuclear threat has somewhat receded into the background, but the zaporozhye station and its occupation and the problems that arise, once defeated - this is a problem, we used to worry about the fact that the russians spun up one reactor there in a hot state, and a hot one the state of the reactor is an opportunity to use... for a man-made disaster right in the next less than a day. so now two reactors and the threat of using nuclear weapons last year, when they talked about it, today they somehow forgot about the fact that the russians can use man-made factors. that is, we must take this to work, we must work not only in america, we must work in magatea, where we got a seat on the governing council of magatea, not the minister of energy who wants to go there for this position should go there. i.e. from kyiv itself influence in some way, and a diplomat who handles these issues must go there, very active with
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experience, that is, the ministry of foreign affairs has the support for a diplomat to go there, or a female diplomat, that is , work must be strengthened in every direction now, then there is no need to wait for what will happen in america, whether it will take place in the elections in france or in the elections to the european parliament, we need now the next six months... to concentrate the maximum resources and one more moment, we are talking about finances, yes there from the american side, and we have a solution for missiles , which can so that it will be enough for the kerch bridge to demolish, there are no such decisions yet, that is, finances are one part, finances, the projectiles this year were there, but there was the number of projectiles that were needed, no, there was not, so what is the question, not only money is needed, production is also needed , conversion to military rails, you remember the second world war, the americans closed the car factories, all the car factories started
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producing tanks, 100, if i am not mistaken, more than 120,000 aircraft, that is a huge number, they are converting their industry to military vehicles, no, no also translate like this massively, that is, it is important, not only money, money will be found, money is in japan, money is in south korea, technology. there is money all over the world, the world does not want to let putin and russia win, we will find the money, we must have weapons, we must have weapons, and i claim that the americans can not only give the weapons that are in the warehouses and replace them with others, as they do, they can take a risk and give us massive weapons, but they haven't come to such a decision yet, so the republicans, sometimes they are useful, the main thing is that they put pressure on the white home in terms of providing weapons, not... mr. valery, ukraine has become the most
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militarized country in the world, they came to this conclusion in the bonn international center for conversion, they published a rating, or a rating of the global index of militarization, it is called, since 2007, israel has been leader, that is, after 15 years of leadership of israel, as the bonsky institute asserts. ukraine topped this list. armenia, azerbaijan and russia also entered the top ten. it can be seen that there are a lot of post-soviet countries that are part of it. rating for the year ukraine, if you believe the data of the bolshoi international center of conversion, has risen to 18 positions, but this militarization, which is written about in and in the german bonn institute of conversion, the international center of conversion, does not at all mean that ukraine is so
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militarized that it can defeat russia , so what is the main amendment to this, it seems to me. for the rating, how do you feel about the fact that the world is saying that ukraine has become the most militarized country in the world, and this is some conclusion that politicians should draw from this, that ukraine is so received enough, do we have to constantly say that we are, yes, we are militarized, compared to what was in 2022, but it is still not enough to smoke the russian invaders out of our territory and we need tanks, we need planes, we need long-range weapons, i do not know the methodology of this rating, because, well, if only the dynamics of recent changes are taken into account, it is of course so, because ukraine is at war with russia, and if we talk about approaches,
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if the methodology, for example, had an attitude, well, type , the leadership of the country, that is the transfer of industry to military lines , and there are many such pioneers, i definitely think that we are lagging behind north korea, because that is enough, it is a really militarized country, i think we are lagging behind azerbaijan, because there was a war there and a lot was involved, but definitely from north korea, well, from russia, i also think, in terms of volumes, we are really lagging behind in terms of translation. on military production and in terms of volumes, scales, well, here are the scales, that’s why the rating, there is a rating, the fact that ukraine has now strengthened in terms of the number of weapons, this is indeed true, in compared to the previous period, but i want to emphasize that a lot of the weapons that arrived, they simply replaced what was already
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lost during the first year of the war, that is, it was a huge clash with the russian... army, so in many ways we now we simply replaced what was lost, even in terms of types of weapons, well, we did not replace, for example , airplanes, but we can say that maybe our missile systems caught fire, our situation is maybe better, the same as before the large-scale invasion or in the first period, and i cannot name any different types of weapons, where we have become... well, it is much better than it was before, so i am not a specialist, there are military experts, let them say, but the fact that we have a war, and only because of this we have to be militarized, that is obvious, that is why there is no such negative, here i would not see a negative connotation during the war, if
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we talk about a militarized country in peacetime, then we need to look for an explanation, what kind of storms, where are the funds spent, but for example , a militarized country at war is natural, i would, to be honest, i would if we had been more militarized two or three years before a large-scale invasion, then maybe it would not have happened, well, it must be said that to be militarized when you have such a stubborn neighbor like the russian federation, we have a rather long border line with the russian federation and with belarus, which plays along with russia and russia acts as a bridgehead for an attack on ukraine, then this is quite normal, it seems to me that if we follow the path of militarization, become a military state that will defend itself, this is absolutely normal and there is no negative here connotations, i absolutely agree with you, and i, for example, and i, for example, do not call for this, i believe that after achieving our goals, the country cannot go further by
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militarization, in fact, we should go by the way of joining the efforts of all the country . in the defense system of europe, if we rely only on our forces and we militarize the country, we will then lose any funds for development, economic development, i gave you the example of north korea, where militarization has led to the fact that they can launch missiles and nuclear weapons but poor people who have meat the same once a week in two weeks for. rice, once a week, that is, we do not have internal resources in ukraine to make ukraine a militarized maximum. we have some problems with the connection, now we will redial, valery chalyo, this is a diplomat, politician and former extraordinary plenipotentiary ambassador of ukraine to the united states of america. friends,
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we are working live on tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on youtube and on tv, you can vote in our survey, today we ask you about whether ukraine should make concessions for the sake of peace with russia, yes no, if you are sitting in front of the tv right now, pick up your phone or smartphone and call 0800 2011 381, if you think that ukraine should make concessions, no, 0800 211-382, all calls to these numbers are free, everything is simple on youtube, there are two functions, yes, no, or please write your comment under the video, and we shall know what you think of it, whether it has been restored to us communication with... mr. valery, please tell me, we are waiting, we are waiting for the inclusion of valery chaly, that we have problems with
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communication, so the results are intermediate, should ukraine make concessions, for the sake of peace with russia, 12% yes, 88% no, these are the results, the survey of those who watch our tv broadcast, why are we actually asking about this, because during the last few days, the russians have been quite actively torpedoing the topic of possible negotiations with ukraine in their mass media. yesterday, the propaganda newspaper izvestia wrote that russia does not mind of the negotiation process with ukraine, but somewhere on the international platform, for example, in europe. izvestia does not point to a high-ranking, high-ranking source, but it is clear that izvestia ... could just publish this information under the conditions of total censorship in russia. yesterday, dmytro piskov said that we are not against negotiations with ukraine either,
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only that ukraine refused these negotiations, but if it is not against it, then we will talk with ukraine. we have valery chaly again in touch. mr. valery, forgive me, the connection is not stable, that's why you haven't finished your... opinion about north korea and militarization, so let's continue, i'm very brief, i don't see prospects in ukraine if we develop according to the model of israel or north korea, we need to leave after a large-scale war to the model of collective defense, where we will share responsibility for europe together with other countries, that is, have allies who must fight, not just watch, help with weapons, fight. another way of defense, if it has to be done like that, then unfortunately, the exhaustion of the country, and this will not allow us to develop in the future, because even israel, i will tell you, they have a concept
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of defense, it is from the depth of a small internal, you see, it is forced to go to the territory of the gaza sector further there, because otherwise they cannot look at the sources of danger, and what do we have then in such a case as we are offered deterrence? we need to attack moscow to prevent attacks, or strategic bombers on the territory of russia, this is what is said about escalation, or we need to make it unreachable for the enemy, in the possibility of aggression in the future, that is , what we did not do before the 24th, 22nd year, february 24th, we did not do it, right now, i want to emphasize to you, we already have burns, the head of the cia, a book was recently published . one of the american authors, he says that putin was in a conversation with him, putin was sure that a weak government in ukraine, a divided society,
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would not be able to defend itself, he is on this, this weakness dragged him into ukraine, that is, it is an interesting thing, it turns out , the war could not have come to us two years ago in such a volume, and so on it is necessary to think in this context, if , by the way, i am against considering the prospects of the country's development in this way, and from the point of view of human resources, we will be exhausted, let's be honest, for this large-scale invasion, for this war, a lot of people will already spend two or three years in the war, they need to be transferred to a peaceful channel, work in business, work in the agricultural sector, it is impossible to keep a soldier-recruit for 25 years in the empire, as in tsarist russia, so i am categorically against such a prospect for ukraine, and for us we need to strengthen the work on explaining to our partners that your...' concept in nato, which did not work, deterrence, will not work here, we need a concept of preventing an attack, crossing borders, as they are doing now in nato, at the request of the baltic countries , i categorically
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state that the concept of nato should be transferred to ukraine, even if there is no determination to include ukraine in nato today. mr. valery, yesterday the russian newspaper izvestia, and then the press secretary piskov, once again stated that russia is ready to negotiate with ukraine, but on platform somewhere in europe, they say the ukrainians don’t want it, can it even be perceived as pleas for negotiations with which they always come forward, but on their own terms, does anything change in these pleas, and in 2024, the situation may change, when will have to conduct negotiations through mediators, well, in the same way as the grain agreements, that is, there are two platforms on which there are ukraine and russia, there are mediators on one side and on the other side, and
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what to agree on, they obviously do not ready to conduct serious negotiations, they are ready to accept the capitulation of ukraine, that is, they are ready, and they talk about it in open text, this is the whole mantra about negotiations, it is for the western consumer, who, well, tells russia how many people can be killed, that is, they say, we would not kill that way , if we were given these territories, part of which we naturally need. why do we need them, i don’t understand how you can justify robbery, but they just use it and say, well, let ukraine capitulate, and we will leave something, you give it to us to loot in the future, and everything, and then we will go to negotiations, so there is nothing serious here, unfortunately for us, serious negotiations must begin from the position of the withdrawal of occupation troops, and they are only increasing, that is, if there were somewhere there
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180. 1900 2 years ago, now more than 400 , things to talk about, about what, that is, we will kill you first, well, roughly like that, and if you want us to just cripple you so that you will be without legs, then agree, well, that is, you know the choice here, doubtful, there is a choice, or to live without the limbs of all, further under the control of the occupier, or still fight the future, the pause can be, so what you ask, i, well, i assess the realistic situation, i see all the thoughts now around the pause, there from the summer of next year, the pause on the scale of the war, it will not be the result already , the russian-ukrainian confrontation will not end, because it is an existential confrontation, for survival, and the authoritarian model in europe or, as in russia , the dictatorial, police state or democratic model, which
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ukraine has followed, it will greatly... affect the development of europe and the world , so this confrontation will take a lot years, and the intensity of the military conflict can change, so everyone wants a pause in such a large-scale conflict, and it is categorically unacceptable for us to resolve this by bilateral signing of some documents, because we have already signed documents from russia, we have had enough of it, we signed with it and a friendship treaty with them, and gave them a base in crimea, they cynically... just violated it when ukraine was weak, that is, you can sign anything with russia, get some assurances, and then they cynically just destroy them all , and then they will explain with some interesting, strange explanation, as putin explains, well, he explained how, in the gatehouse in leningrad, i got absolutely my experience, if the powers hit you, then you hit first,
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it will fall into gopnikov , but this is not an interstate level, and they violated this principle, which countries have established for decades, that gopnichestvo does not work at the level of geopolitics, it wants to change the world in terms of establishing the right of force, and there are some countries, as some countries want it can support it, so this is about serious things, and therefore, i warn now and then against any attempts to sit down with putin at the negotiating table. he will definitely use it to his advantage. therefore, such decisions , as you said, somewhere there, er, china from the usa, there, can be regulated by supporting resources, in plus or minus, it can be, and we have to be ready for it, can we ourselves pull out further level of confrontation with russia at such a high level, but under no circumstances, never sit down with these…


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