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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 2:30pm-3:01pm EET

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the brackets keep their shape perfectly, and the air blanket warms up perfectly, the modern sintepon filler does not clump and washes perfectly, and thanks to the zipper, you can adjust the density of the pillow yourself, a real dream. sweet dreams is a complete set of bedding for your comfortable rest, it's enough to sleep on old pillows, it's enough to cover yourself with an old blanket, order a set of sweet dreams for yourself, for your loved ones as a gift, because last year's prices are valid, only from... uah 499, it is beneficial to take immediately a few, call, see this week in the judicial control program with tatyana shustrova. three years of trials for the metropolitan gardens, what will the appeal decide? the supreme court overturned this decision and ordered a new trial. but how valuable land in the center of lviv was under threat of development. special communications, this is a structure that works for the state, this is
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another construction office, watch on thursday , december 7 at 17:45 the judicial control program with tetyana shustrova on the espresso tv channel. grandma is now in veshchansk, and my grandfather is still there, i am with i miss them, i want to come there, help me to keep in touch with them, do you hear what this is about? free psychological assistance to children during the war at the children's voices charity fund. call 0800-210-106. the information day of the tv channel continues, well, there are really many events, the events are important, but let's start with the most important. so, let's start with the gathering at the station for the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces. we remind you. in order to effectively destroy the enemy,
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we need to collect uah 1,220,000 at the station wellstrum, this is the solar panels of the station , they actually help our soldiers in such field conditions, where there is no possibility to use other devices, so every listed hryvnia will allow us to quickly give the soldiers the devices they need, so far we have already collected 573,000 hryvnias, thank you to all our viewers who have joined this collection and we want to ask everyone who has not yet had time to donate, or has the opportunity and has already donated, but still has the opportunity to join the collection, please do so, you see, now on the screen the opportunity to join for with the help of a qr code or a bank card, let's do everything possible to help our armed forces, we understand that the holidays are around the corner, that there are a lot of expenses, but nevertheless, let's also remember who we are thanks to we have the opportunity to have these holidays at all, for our
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armed forces, we would not have all this, yes, and an extremely important and maybe even a little not too pleasant signal from the american president joseph biden, that is, he is trying to convince the republicans in the senate, yes and urged congress also approved a package of additional aid for ukraine. i am not ready to give up my support for ukraine, neither are the american people, if putin takes over ukraine, he will not stop there, well, not too much like me. a good argument that president biden uses, convincing the republicans in the congress in the congress, that it means where , where putin will not stop, what is the difference, that is, the key story is the supply of strategically important types of weapons, well, but by the way, in the context of this i want just add a few words, today there was also information from the kiel institute of world economy that in august-october of this year, the amount of new... promised aid to ukraine from
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western countries reached its lowest level since january 22nd, it decreased by almost 90 %, compared to the same period last year, that's how i feel about march, well, what are we adding to the marathon of serhiy tsekhotsy, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handyuk. glory to ukraine, mr. serhiy, we congratulate you, hero of glory, have a good day. avdiivka: activation of the enemy in the avdiiv direction. we already have, so to speak, the level of intensity and without that which reached the sky, so to speak, they are still raising it, which is now in the avdiiv direction, and more actively began to use everything they have at their disposal, shahedi, aviation, artillery, even they are already making an attempt somewhere there, they are pulling out tanks, straight, well, for now from closed positions, they are afraid
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to go head-on, but they are using everything they can. what is the situation in the north of avdiyivka, in the area of ​​the steppe, what is happening now on this direction. events, i will say this , what i can tell you, absolutely along the entire line , let's say, the active direction, there are active assault actions, both during the day and at night, that is, if there was a period of time when they did not do any assault actions at night at all, then now these attacks have started again and every night there are two, three, four, some more, some less, they make attempts, yes in small groups. so far we are watching in this direction, where the brigade is holding the defense, here, but, one by one , they are trying, trying to break through, to look for somewhere weak points in our defense. mr. serhiy, the nature and specifics of the night battles, now near
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avdiivka, how does it look at night? well, it means that they now have a lot of drones that have devices. night vision, i.e. they use them already at night, that too, plus they use their shaheds there, they adjust to the season and time of day, i.e. they are of different colors so that they are not visible there at night, new modifications in general, i.e. constantly the enemy is using something so new, new on the battlefield, and the fathers are like this, something so new is significant. let's say, in the tactics themselves, we don't see, that is, what else can they come up with, and the fixation of these painted night so-called shaheds, yes, there is information that the enemy is trying to cover them with a layer of cobalt, yes, in order to
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also complicate their identification, there is such a thing, yes, yes, and there, well, we, we will not say , you know what, on the air it is better not to say what we are from what we already know, and how we are from this is what we are fighting, and what we are doing in order to make it impossible for them to carry out these attacks, to reduce them to zero. mr. sergey, there is information that the freedom legion reports that avdiyivka breaks records for the elimination of the enemy in terms of manpower and equipment, can you confirm this, or is the enemy actually suffering a lot of losses in this direction right now? around the clock 24/7 absolutely, if this, this already, this, this, well, i don't know, some kind of absurdity, wherever they appear, you know, we destroy them, it's us, and our brigade, and neighbors, then it is absolutely certain, as soon as they appear, we destroy them, killed, wounded,
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there, now the weather conditions do not allow it there, if it was in the summer, he could still lie down there, giving himself some help there, having done, now they will just tan in this cold. therefore, a large number of fields are scattered, it continues, it is, well, humanly speaking, it is impossible at all, to say that they are some, well, herakles or someone, i can’t, ordinary mortals, but i don’t want to say matom on the air, sir sergius, who wanted to ask whether they take the bodies of their fallen soldiers and in general, in what kind of ekiriya they should replenish these losses, how do they generally look, are they well equipped, or do they go with one machine gun? no, well, the infantry
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, it’s clear what’s going on there, traditionally small arms, there are some rp behind the back, something like that, yes, it’s there, but there’s nothing special, that is... it’s really first of all that they understand who their command understands who they are sending to the assault, that they will die, but they are trying to wear us out, but this is impossible, because let's say this, we will repeat ourselves on our land, we fulfill our tasks, we support, cover each other's backs, shoulder and so on, that's all it's normal, everything is absolutely normal, the gifts are still waiting for them in the new year. and what about whether they take away their dead at all, or whether they remain there, where they can reach, yes, they pull out these pills of theirs, so-called, they try, but this does not
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happen on the conflict lines themselves, i.e. as they were lying, they are lying , and probably they will be lying while we tune sergey, what pills, what pills, pills, i mean cars, yes, because i thought that they were under some kind of drug, well, under bahmut, they were driven with something like that, right? they are there themselves took some drugs, i don’t know, maybe i’ll repeat... yes, there are, there are such, yes, that is , the prisoners who are there, well, everyone has some, some pills, no no, of unknown origin, of this origin, that is, this not striptacid or something, paracetimol, it's something like that, well, a little different, look, mr. sergey, marta mentioned whether the enemy takes away his corpses, his corpses, yes, well, just a couple of minutes ago. oleksiy hetman, yes, a veteran of the russian-ukrainian war, well, he knows
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what he is talking about, he says that they are literally crawling in the guts, because they were exposed very clear deadlines, yes, and when the kremlin sets deadlines, there are a lot of them, corpses appear, in particular from their side, we understand that they must fulfill the order at any cost, otherwise it comes into force, well , there is some additional motivation from the rank of horns in the back. who, what kind of units are they chasing at the firing position on avdiivka, traditional ones, those that were, remained, including, yes, the zetivtsi, remained, this is their army corps, the first, the second, and plus and more already throw such people there, what to call them, the so-called airborne troops are already more like that, let's say how they, specialists, personnel are trained, and such. super, professionals, special forces, let's say, military, we
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don't see ourselves on the front line. thank you for such detailed information, and thank you for keeping a peaceful sky over our heads, over mine and over all ukrainians and our viewers, in particular, serhiy tsekhotskyi, an officer of the 59th separate motorized infantry brigade named after yakov handyuk, was with us on from the avdiivka district, now we will go for a short break, stay with us yes, a few minutes and we'll definitely get back to you, problems with the frontal joints limit movement, it's unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of longit joints, these are bags with collagen and vitamin c to restore joint cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on the health of the bones. painful joints. better motor functions. stretch your joints, move freely. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even
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a vacation, a vacation, novels, i ask you to pray to god, i ask you to drink. and tomorrow fly your sunny dahlia. mykola, don't spill blood on your wedding night. mykola
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where, there, come on, chair, well, for now , disappointing news from the united states, we understand that the american trumpists, so to speak, are blocking in every possible way what is called macroeconomic security assistance for ukraine, as they were not asked by the president of the united states, joseph biden, well but there, that, yes so to speak, a multi-track story. oleksandr kraev, an expert of the foreign policy council, ukrainian prism, americanist, is in touch with us. glory to ukraine. mr. oleksandr, we congratulate you. yes, congratulations, good day to you. well, disappointing news, in simple language, yes, american, americans, part of their political establishment failed what
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is called a big consolidated aid for ukraine and for israel. we will hope that on the 15th it will still work, or until then replay, review, revote, well, you see, the president of the united states has already asked them to do so, you know , it was inconvenient, and they did not give in, well, in fact , the situation is really difficult, but, but, here we must highlight a few important buts to understand the context: first, it was a vote not on the substance of the law, it was a procedural vote, that is, it was simply put on the agenda, if we listen to what mccarthy said, who, by the way, is already leaving office at the end of december and is simply leaving politics, what mcconnell said, what other republicans were saying they have a question not about ukraine as such, but about the lack of money there for the border, that is , one way or another, but we have already moved on purely from the question, we do not want to help ukraine, because
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it is 500 miles from us and it is not clear who is there works, just moved on to the question, give us additional money to protect the border. and all other questions are automatically removed from us, that is, questions about israel are also removed, which , by the way, remain in them, questions about ukraine are removed, the question about taiwan is removed, so in fact some progress is made in these it is present in internal negotiations, indeed , it is a pity that the ukrainian topic was forced to become an instrument of these negotiations and literally became a bargaining chip in many respects in these negotiations between the parties, but we still have a chance that by christmas this assistance will still be accepted the fact is that yesterday, after it became clear that the bill would not be voted on, its author, chuck schumer, the leader of the democrats in the senate, also voted against it, and in fact, this gives him, as the main sponsor of the amendment, the opportunity to submit that same amendment, but as introduced changes, that is, it becomes clear that sometime before the end of this week, schumer and his colleagues
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will talk with the republicans, potentially come to some kind of compromise, and already there on tuesday, wednesday of next week, they will be able to ... resubmit this bill, already refined, for a vote, okay, ah look, it's just our viewers here, and we 're probably not very well-informed either, and you as a person who is in the context, you're an american, then you probably know, and what is it that the republicans are proposing to put in this package, that the democrats absolutely consider it unacceptable, because yesterday, biden appealed to congressmen, asked them, begged them, they did not agree. and i understand that the democrats are not ready to go along with the republican demands, so what are they demanding that makes it impossible to reach a compromise? well , look, the republicans are demanding additional large appropriations for those projects on the border of the united states that are currently in place, and you really need to take a little more context here, let's remember that in the summer biden had one
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moment, if i'm not mistaken, it was august, in whose ratings fell to the maximum, well, they fell as much as possible within a few days. the thing is that at the time there were big discussions about the border, for example, biden was accused that the wall continues to be built so that he does not say there, children continue to be kept in cages, as it was during the trump administration, families are separated , even enough legally arrived migrants, or people seeking political asylum are rounded up and sent back to mexico, and biden said the fateful phrase for himself that the border system under trump was planned in such a way that he, as a president, cannot stop these changes, and that's why they have the budget, they have everything, and that's why it's a very big blow to his rating, because he, as a democratic president, well, for some reason he can't stop the politics of the most disliked a republican president, and what the republicans are demanding now, they say, give
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us even more money for border policy, so that we continue to do what trump is doing, so that we continue as a republican party to do things that will get us political points in the year before the election, and at this will sink biden's rating, that is, essentially for biden and the democrats, well, it's like shooting yourself in the foot under...' this border policy, which they did not find time to somehow change, look, mr. oleksandr, i would also like to ask you about the visit of the ukrainian delegation , we understand that the head of the presidential office yermak and the minister of defense umirov also went there, for some reason i did not see there, in particular the minister of foreign affairs of ukraine kuleba and so on, but we understand that they traveled in a narrow circle and will certainly discuss... not only the issue of macrofin. your visions and overall performance evaluation of the visit? well, in fact, the delegation was really
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incomplete, i want to say right away that there were again absolutely, flagrant violations of the protocol in terms of seating, again it was not clear who was the head of the delegation, who was responsible for what, with whom to talk about what, well, that is, there was a full set that , unfortunately, the americans still do not like in our diplomacy, so from the side of the protocol, from the side of the political message, well, you can immediately put this a significant minus, from the point of view of activity, from the point of view of real influence, it is clear that the military part of the delegation, just in time, just the specialists from the ministry of defense, the military who were in the delegation, their main goal was to very clearly and transparently convey to our american partners what arguments can be used to criticize politicking, i.e. why ukraine right now needs just such support, why what are the plans of ukraine, why does it want to do this, that, that, that is, well, we do not know these plans for sure yet, that is, in fact, the military side of the delegation, well , worked as it should have worked , worked
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on a completely clear agenda, and she really had to do her job, as for the parliamentary part of the delegation, well , in fact, it was, not for unknown reasons , extremely small, there were simply not enough people to cover all those congressmen and senators with whom we had to . to talk, with whom it was necessary to establish contact, and politically, we can see what this resulted in, and what statements and what decisions were made during the voting, that is, from three such political-representative, military and parliamentary sides, i can only be called successful one military, for everything else, well, there are very obvious deficiencies. mr. oleksandr, look , there is still information, writes reuters, that ukraine submitted to the united states a request with a list of weapons that kyiv needs for the war with russia, and among other things on the list... aprams tanks 155mm artillery, that is clear, but there is still we are talking about the f-18 fighters
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, about the f-18, well, this is probably the first such request that has surfaced somewhere in the public space, and i would like you to elaborate on this request, is it in order to bargain for something after all the arithmetic mean, and to at least give us an f-16, i don’t know if it’s some kind, maybe there is a request that will be included, precisely, if we are allocated these funds, this 61 billion, which we are talking about, which should be approved before christmas , well, first of all, this is really a calculation for a large aid package, it is a calculation already in advance, that we are working with much larger sums than we could previously plan for ourselves, but also, let's remember that specifically the american f-16s in ukraine did not plan to transfer, they planned to transfer the f-16 to ukraine european allies with the permission of the united states. the united states was ready to provide armaments for these aircraft, replacement components, necessary repairs, training of our pilots,
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all training facilities and all experts needed. but it was the f-16 that our european allies were supposed to deliver. if there is a request for the f-18, well, that is quite a good, i would say decisive step of our military diplomacy, just to expand our aircraft fleet and to really involve the americans in the air coalition not only on at the level of maintenance, repair and training, but also at the level of providing specific aircraft. mr. oleksandr, look , we would like to ask you to predict a certain course of action, we understand that the situation in the united states is not easy, the european union is also preparing for its historic meetings, 15, 16, 17, we understand that the middle of december will be extremely important, and so on accordingly , we see a rather strange aggressive situation of orban , everyone is trying to lull him somehow, i don’t know, orban is not very successful and at a certain moment he can shoot at ours
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interests, so the prospect of receiving european macro-finance for ukraine, and in general, what do you think will happen with the major negotiations regarding our accession to the european union? well, you started on a very correct note, that in principle the european union is doing a lot to dissuade orbán from such a radical position, and today we saw that even macron, who in principle is one of these, let 's say, european alarmists , what he looked like last year, he is sure that orban will succeed to convince, therefore, despite all the tricks of hungarian diplomacy, despite their favorite maneuver of changing their rhetoric and their information flow at the last moment before some important vote is to take place, we still see that the europeans are sure that they have something will succeed in addition, we understand that the europeans still have quite a good arsenal of diplomatic and economic influence on hungary, and let's say
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the same thing... because let's not forget, not only orbán is problematic for us, but also slovakia, which, despite very correct and good statements, still remains a threatening option for us. the first shot , so to speak, in the diplomatic arsenal of the european union is, of course, economic restrictions, we have already seen that last year, as soon as hungary deviated from the common european course, what was called in brussels an undermining of the common foreign security policy, at this moment europe immediately began to consider the possibility of blocking sectoral and regional development funds, which for hungary, especially for orban's hungary, because the main part of its electorate lives in the regions, for hungary this money is decisive for its development, therefore it is the first such lever of pressure that europe can definitely apply. the second lever of pressure is more bureaucratic, but still effective, it is the seventh article of the treaty on the european union,
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which clearly states that if the state violates. the principles of common policy or common policy, and if the state violates the founding norms and principles of the european union, then according to article number 7 , the right to vote and participate in meetings can be taken away from her for a certain period. the eu has already applied this norm to hungary three times in 15, 18 and 20 years. that is, in principle, the mechanism has been worked out, and against the background of the fact that hungary, well, it really looks like a state that disrupts the implementation of common european policies, it seems to me. it seems that it is quite logical that the eu can also apply this norm in relation to budapest. thank you, mr. oleksandr. oleksandr kraev, an expert of the foreign policy council of ukrainian prism was in touch with us americanist. well, there is a lot of news today, i think that even our journalists and iryna koval will not have time to voice everything, so, i would like to say that the publication in politics, macron is optimistic about the possibility of convincing orban to support ukraine. let's
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hope that the frenchman has. the president has some aces up his sleeve, yes, thanks to which he can put normal pressure on the main hungarian politician, and, well, in principle, if we talk about the situation surrounding support for ukraine, then in the end we understand that now, for example, if we talk about military aid, active donors to ukraine remain germany, finland, ireland, croatia, lithuania, luxembourg, the netherlands and so on, and in principle europeans now. prevail over the united states in terms of support, because if at the beginning of the war and of course the united states remains the largest donor of military aid to ukraine now, they provided us with approximately 44 million euros of aid, but now the europeans are catching up we should know by now, we will now ask iryna koval, she has already is ready to share with us an actual selection of information, we pass the word on to iro. marta,
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thank you. in just a moment, i will tell you about the most important events at this time. it's 3 p.m. in ukraine, and we have a news broadcast on the espresso tv channel in the studio for your attention. koval, i congratulate all viewers: the explosions in the temporarily occupied mariupol were loud in two districts, the adviser to the mayor of mariupol, petro andryushchenko, told about it in his telegram channel. he added that the occupiers had already invented the so-called work of the air and space forces instead of air defense. also andryushchenko said that in addition to the explosions, a fire broke out near the ilyich metallurgical plant. he promised to tell the details later.


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