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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 8:00pm-8:31pm EET

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in the eastern part of ukraine, in the kharkiv region, in the donetsk region, in the luhansk region, there is also a chance of precipitation, of course, the roads are slippery, i think that we will still be friends with ice until the month of march, so always be careful, do not forget about it , and the air temperature is -1-3°, in the central part of ukraine, it will also be -1 -3 0 -4 and also snow in places. it is traditionally warmer in the southern part of ukraine, the maximum daytime air temperature will rise to zero and even to small pluses, and therefore naturally, that here the wet snow will change to rain in some places, and the wet snow will provoke even the sticking of wet snow. there is a chance of snow tomorrow in kyiv, the air temperature in the capital is expected to be within 1-3 degrees of frost. protect yourself. from the cold, dress warmly,
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be careful on the roads and be considerate and kind to each other, dear drivers and pedestrians. i'll say goodbye to you until tomorrow, stay with esso and then serhiy rudenko's verdict, let's watch together. good evening, we are from ukraine. glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhii rudenko, i congratulate everyone and wish everyone good health. in the next two hours, we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory, today in the program. aid on hold, us senate blocks international aid package, what does this mean for ukraine? did the ukrainians
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talk about this and how do they plan to build defense structures? traitors should get ready, kiva may not be the last person killed in moscow, waiting for other collaborators. we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with our guests, the people's deputy of ukraine iryna gerashchenko, teroborona fighter paramedic yehor firsov and general of the security of ukraine viktor yagun. in the second part of our program, we will have people's deputies of ukraine rostyslav pavlenko, mykhailo tsimbalyuk and tavgenia kravchuk. however, before starting our big conversation, let's watch a video of how the burning electric plant, an enterprise that produces transformer and reactor equipment, burns in moscow .
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you can endlessly look at three things, how moscow burns, how it burns... moscow, how
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moscow burns. friends, for those watching now we are live on youtube and facebook, please like this video, subscribe to our pages on these platforms, and also take part in our vote. today we ask you about the following: is it necessary to strengthen mobilization measures in ukraine? yes, no, if you are on youtube, everything is quite simple there, if you have a separate opinion, please write it under this video. if... you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote by numbers if you think that mobilization measures should be strengthened in to ukraine, 0800-211-381, no, 0800-211-382. all calls to these numbers are free. we are in touch with people's deputy of ukraine, co-chair of the european solidarity fraction iryna gerashchenko. mrs. irina, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast today. thanks to the channel, which, despite the fact that the authorities
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turned it off from digital broadcasting, continues to inform ukrainians about the most important events in the world and in ukraine, well, let's start with the world, because the senate of the united states of america failed a procedural vote on allocation of financial assistance to ukraine in the amount of 61 billion dollars. republicans and democrats have not found a compromise on the security of the southern border of the united states of america with mexico. the republicans insisted that the arrangement of the southern border with mexico should be included in the aid package for ukraine, israel and taiwan. president joe biden reacted to the united states senate's failed procedural vote on aid to ukraine, biden said. republicans in congress are threatening to stop supporting ukraine if they
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fail to push through their highly involved border policy. this is political blackmail, plain and simple, the stakes are too high, the consequences too significant. before: in this senate vote, biden said that not providing money to ukraine could lead to russia's attack on europe and warned that the americans would have to fight in europe. in addition to what he said so that there is no doubt that putin will do it, and everything must be done to prevent it from happening, let's listen to what biden said. don't doubt today's vote will be remembered for a long time, history will severely punish those who turned away from the cause of freedom. we cannot allow putin to win, it is in our national interest and in the interest of all our friends, any interruption in our ability to supply arms and ammunition
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to ukraine will definitely strengthen putin's position. we are now running out of money for this aid, and some republicans are playing with our national security by holding... funding for ukraine hostage to a deeply biased border policy. mrs irina, who and why in washington does not understand what biden is talking about, that putin poses a threat not only to ukraine, but also to europe and the world. miss irina, can you hear us? yes, now i hear, sorry, there were problems. in connection, i did not hear your question, i wanted to ask you about who and why in washington does not understand what biden is talking about, that putin poses a threat not only to ukraine, but also to europe, and to the united states of america, including ? i think that, in fact,
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the election campaign has actually started in the united states of america, and ukraine is a hostage of it today domestic political situation, indeed you are right. what about this topic of immigration policy, the wall is fundamental for the republicans, it is a programmatic promise of trump, let me remind you that in march the primaries will be held in the united states and it is obvious that from january the republicans will be even more cautious in matters of foreign policy, and the democrats will also be focused on domestic politics, for the democrats, voting on this migration policy will mean the loss of a sufficient number. voters, and that is why we are really talking about the future today elections, where their fate will be determined, probably by a few percent, and it seems to me that, first of all, for ukraine, this is a very important signal, how turbulent the next year will be for us, because in
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2024, in more than 70 countries of the world, no only in the united states, in russia, in the countries of the european union, the global cock, well , the countries that are important for us, there will be elections to the european parliament and other things, and it is obvious that this will determine very often the nature of the discussions, we must be ready for this and systematically to work with our partners, and not to leapfrog, as it happens now in such cavalier ways, to still understand that foreign policy requires diplomacy, you can't insult all our partners there and hope again for the magic of speeches there or for... those things that worked for the previous two years, but we are entering a different situation that requires such filigree, diplomatically and from ukraine itself, i would say so, it seems to me that there is no doubt in the united states, well, in most elites, what putin is
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but really, when it comes to elections, politicians will focus primarily on the interests of their voters and think about how to win in the country, as in this situation... ukraine must act, because it is clear that at kona, not only, well, conditionally speaking, there is a big bag of money, and the lives of our soldiers are in russia. to the ukrainian front, and we are talking about weapons, we are talking about ammunition, we are talking about aid, about financial aid to ukraine, which is being spent a lot to fight with the russian federation, what what is this means, well, this decision will not be made, for example, before the new year or before the christmas holidays, they plan to vote there again or put it to a vote already in the congress, if, if this does not happen, then... where can ukraine look money and how? well, for us, this help is really
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vitally necessary, and it is vitally necessary to vote it before december 15th, not only because after december 15th the christmas vacation begins in the congress, but also because of our first part of the conversation, because from january 1st there yes , well, they will start from the second of january, in fact the election campaign and everyone will already be focused there on preparing for the prijmaries, for the internal ones. ukraine lost a certain amount of time, because the truth is that it was necessary to work not only with the white house, with dazhdep, but with congress, with democrats, with republicans, to do it systematically, to work with such traditionally conservative states, republican, but do it not at the last minute, when you may know, this ukrainian delegation of 30 deputies went, and at the most unfortunate time, because they went to states, and the system. the political theme in the united states is a little different than in other countries, and they have these regional congresses there, they
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work in the first half of the year, and the places where it was necessary to go, roughly speaking, in march , april, may, appeared in december, the american system, it values ​​democracy, you will not see any delegation of the american congress or senate, which will consist of one party, it is always a bipartisan representative delegation, we see how the congressmen and republicans and democrats are debating there now emotionally inside the country, but externally they speak with one voice, in principle, just like the ukrainian delegations, externally we represent one voice, but one party went to the united states, servants of the people, and this is not normal, and from the signals we receive from our colleagues now and partners and our friends, well, there it finds misunderstanding, and you know , today, for example, i want to say that the iduyu statement that was just voted on is the international democratic union, where petro poroshenko was supposed to speak, where
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our delegation, our team, and idu is it the institution that unites 80 center-right parties of the world, including the republican party of the united states is a part, we were going to work there with the republicans, and despite everything, we did everything so that this resolution, which came into force today, has a call to support the financing of ukraine, to receive , well, this aid is vitally necessary for us, which, as you rightly pointed out, goes to shells, weapons, but at the same time, to support our social sphere, but unfortunately, here is its last paragraph in this statement , where it is expressed worries, i do not allow, i do not allow poroshenko and members of european solidarity, his team, to go on an international visit , these are not the signals that our partners have today, well, in such a zone in these turbulent times, and i think that it is very
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important for us today to take these lessons into account and demonstrate unity, and further, so that not only ukraine itself and ukrainian politicians lobby for our interests, but also work with partners, for example, the conservative party of britain is part of this, they are our friends, and we must work with them, so that they are in dialogue with on the american side, they also spoke from the outskirts. proving that this is joint, absolutely fair, our task now is to prevent putin from triumphing, he really, if he feels that support for ukraine is decreasing, he will not stop in his extortion plans and can go further, including on the country. and you, mrs. iryna, can you explain why they don't let you go to the talks and, well, with petro poroshenko, there was at least some kind of explanation with the security service of ukraine. although it is also very strange that the fifth president of ukraine was suspected, well
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suspected in the labs that he wanted to talk to the current prime minister of hungary , which is a member of the european union, and anyway, in any case, he is our neighbor and is a person from whom will depend on the movement of ukraine to the european union, what did they tell you when you were not allowed to go abroad, that is, it is not in time , you have nothing to do there, and why should you go, and not beuzula or someone else, well , that is, which motivation, well, ivanka klympushensadze and maria uunova and i were already joking. that maybe they suspect us there because kimchynir and i were supposed to have a meeting in washington, i don't know, but in fact this is a systemic problem, and opposition women's business trips are blocked, well, although we are definitely not in the opposition, we are representatives of the faction that takes a statist, pro-ukrainian, pro-european and pro-native position, but for me , for example, since september, all official business trips there have been blocked, starting with
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the parliamentary assembly of the osce, ending with the women's leadership forum there. i had to perform, which is also important, the same thing happens with girls, i think it wears one character, the president's office , and we heard it by hearsay, he forms lists of delegations and puts black marks not only on tv channels, but why espresso was cut from the air of digital broadcasting, you are talking about a ukrainian channel, you are a professional channel, but no one can say which complaints to you from the point of view of content, it seems that everything is fine, you work for ukraine, but you are independent. i think that the motivation is the same, and this is not normal, and by the way , today petro oleksiiovych filed lawsuits against kornienko, who canceled the illegal business trip, and against the border guards who illegally he was not released, to the cabinet of ministers , which should be under the control of the parliament of the parliamentary-presidential republic, at the time, as we can see, he is blocking
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the inter-parliamentary activities of the deputies , to the presidential decree, on the basis of which all this is done and we have a number of deputies, about 10 the deputies of our faction are preparing the same lawsuits, and it seems to me that now, on the contrary, is the time to unite, work together, this is about business trips, now orbán, but at this very moment in the elysee palace there is a dinner of french president macron and of the prime minister, nato countries and eu countries, there are indeed problems with democracy in hungary, but this country has a senate and it depends on it today. our answer is whether december 15 will be a historic and happy day for ukraine, or whether suffixes will be created on our ten-year, well, at least, yes, such an active path to eu membership, and it is obvious that this is such an adult policy that our partners are talking to the prime minister of hungary in order to support ukraine, and that
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the security service of ukraine, and it's not bezuga, you know, if he writes there in post posts some kind of delusion, and then, when it is already published on the pages of the new york times, it is an attack on ukraine, but it is without corners, and here the security service of ukraine writes that it is a meeting, it is some kind of russian dog, someone will recruit someone, a day after that mr. yermak is already talking about president zelenskyi meeting with orban, well, this is very much so, it seems to me that foreign policy is chaotic, and we need to move away from such mistakes, because they can really cost ukraine very dearly, but what? you know, but about what did poroshenko want to talk to orban , if this, well, how to question what the sbu says, that it is a russian ipso, that is, i understand that it is not enough, well, i understand, first of all, that it was not the sbu who said , that the sbu forced bankova to speak on the telegram channel there, because the style of the message was not a message from the sbu, it was
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a message in the style of, well, i don’t know, these scumbags of the bank about the positive bloggers you know there write very strange messages , this is the first. second, petro oleksiyovych gave a briefing the other day, where he once again clearly stated and by the way, it is also in his lawsuits, which he has already filed against the persons and institutions listed there, that from the first to the eighth of december he planned to be exclusively in poland, because today we have a huge problem with blocking our borders with poland and the need to solve. this problem, huge losses are being incurred by the ukrainian exporter, the ukrainian economy due to this blockade, and we have really, as an associate member of the epp, very friendly and good relations with donald tusk's team, whose party is also part of the pp, and they were going to hold just such negotiations on the activation of bilateral relations, then there was
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a very tight schedule in the united states, the most interesting thing is that this schedule completely coincided with the fact that i am now following with interest the visit of mr. stefanchuk with this visit, there was also a meeting with the chairman of the congress, by mr. johnson and the speech at the peace institute, and the congressmen and senators, i think that maybe they didn’t want to, i don’t know, there’s a feeling that mr. stefanchuk usually doesn’t really want to see mr. stefanchuk in the parliament, and especially the fair, the company, maybe there they thought that it was more comfortable for them to be themselves, but i'm sorry, we're not here to please the president's office, we 're ukrainian politicians who work for the state, for ukraine, and do everything to make ukraine stronger, so that...' support for ukraine was more powerful, it is obvious that petro oleksiiovych and our team have the appropriate competence, authority, to strengthen support for ukraine here, it
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seems very, very wrong to me. thank you, mrs. iryna, this was iryna gerashchenko, people's deputy of ukraine. friends, we are live tv channel, as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us on these platforms, please like this video, subscribe to our pages on these platforms, and vote in our poll, today we ask you about is it necessary to strengthen mobilization measures in ukraine, yes, no , please vote on youtube, everything is quite simple there, two functions, or write your comment under this video, and you can pick up the phone and vote by phone lines, 0800 2011-381 for those who believe that it is necessary to strengthen mobilization measures in ukraine and 0.800 2001. 382, ​​if you think that this should not be done, all calls to these numbers are free, and you can vote until 22:00, we have been voting for two hours
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, we have yehor firsov on the phone, a soldier of tro, a deputy of the verkhovna rada of the seventh and eighth convocations, a soldier who is currently on the eastern front, mr. yehor, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast. i am everyone. very healthy, glad to see everyone, because it's been a long time did not see you mr. yehor, here we are asking questions, with our viewers, trying to find out whether it is necessary to strengthen mobilization measures in ukraine, because this is connected, of course, with the law that is currently being developed in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, which provides for a number of measures that , will allow us to speed up, or let's say, improve mobil... mobilization in ukraine, as well as demobilization, what do you think , should these mobilization measures be strengthened
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? are at the front, and i 'm sitting here in the studio, and i'll tell you this, i probably wouldn't have told you this a year ago, but my answer will be the following, and if we want to win the war, to fight... you have to country, but here one aspect is important, it does not mean that the mobilization that is taking place now is effective, it does not mean at all that people who do not want to fight should be caught on the streets, distributed to them with automatic weapons and driven into battle, war has become different, it is modern, we need engineers, we need them technicians, we need a lot of people, this does not mean that we also need attack aircraft, of course, that's it, but
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people should not be treated as a resource, but should be treated according to the characteristics that a person, well is able, knows, according to her, his, her professional abilities and so on, why there are problems with mobilization now, because people are precisely... and they are afraid that they will be used, and the person will be used not for their intended purpose, but just like that automaton and cut tasks that are not characteristic of a person, but here, therefore, the question of course, there will definitely not be a simple solution here, but i emphasize once again that if we want to win the war, everyone must be involved, i just wrote about it today, if we are talking about educational institutions. technical schools and universities, we need to make rooms for assembling drones there , to assemble these drones everywhere, which are at least
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simply necessary there, and this may be our only advantage, but we need to make an advantage in means, now we are inferior to the enemy in everything, simply everything, in the number of weapons, the number of ammunition, the number of people, the number of drones, yes, but it is necessary to concentrate on what we know how to do, whether it is realistic to multiply the production of our ukrainian drones several times, and maybe tens of times, i will answer you, yes, it is real, and it is necessary to deal with it, so, well, it is very difficult for me to answer there during a few minutes on this question, but of course, the mobilization must be changed, and we really need people for the front. i would like to, i could give you certain numbers there, but i will not do that, here, but the approach to mobilization also needs to be urgently and radically changed, well
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, they are trying... in the verkhovna rada, some fyodor vienislavskyi , now a former permanent representative of the president in the verkhovna rada of ukraine, but a people's deputy of ukraine, he is one of the authors of the draft laws, there are two draft laws in the verkhovna rada, to find a middle ground, which, in general , is proposed, it is proposed to oblige ukrainians be at the tck within 48 hours of receiving a summons by e-mail or by registered mail, in addition to, uh, they want to implement, uh, the defender's certificate into effect, and this certificate will allow whoever will have this a certificate during the registration of ownership rights to immovable and movable property, marriage, divorce, for obtaining higher education or medical services, as well as for crossing the state border, and of course, the tsk receive more tools for checking military registration documents of citizens on the streets, delivering them
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you have a wanted ad, you mentioned the chaotic actions of the tsk, when they take people away from gyms, come with assault rifles and try to hand out summonses, this happened in zakarpattia in particular for several days therefore, they then serve summonses to those who violate something there or have become such a malicious violator of public peace, as a kind of punishment, but this system that you are talking about, about orientation, i would say so, it, it is not conducted, that is , the one who knows how to assemble drones or mount these drones, he may not get to where, where these drones are assembled, today, by the way, the work of the ua announced that this career orientation will take place, that it is necessary to sign up, men must decide with the directions with which they can be taken care of in the army, of course, this
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is a rather broad issue, and probably it should still be a major state policy, because these and the tsk and the mobilization system, it is still so, well, semi-soviet, i would say so, and they follow the soviet they are trying to take people away from lekalam, is it generally soviet , not even semi-soviet, but generally soviet , well, sorry, i can't say that, because you know this system more than i do now, but here we are talking not only about those who want to be mobilized. .. and about those who have the right to demobilization, you hear at the front, what are the guys who have been there for two years, some have been there for one and a half years, what, what, what do they say, what should this fair demobilization be like, because it seems to be in the draft law on 36 months, well i don't know if they approve it, that like after 36 months people will have the right to demobilize,
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the current war, that's too much or not? yes, let's go, the first story, which concerns mobilization, let's get back to it, mobilization should be carried out plus or minus as follows: we, the tsk, or someone from the shift defense should come out and say, friends, we need 500 pilots, we need 2,000 tactical medics, we need 7,000 attack fighters, we need 200 cooks and so on and so on , so that people clearly understand and they were already preparing directly at home, they were preparing in training centers on youtube, what awaits them and where they want to go, the second point, which is very important, the deputies should pass
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laws on the mobilization of this non... first of all, i generally think , that deputies should be sent to the front in military units, this not populism, i worked as a deputy, the law stipulates as follows how deputies work, sessions, work in committees, this is important, and weeks are allocated for work in districts, so every deputy must be officially confirmed by law, a military unit, arrive there , he is stamped if he has arrived, and he works this time, week, second, directly in the military unit. i emphasize once again, this is not populism, this is a necessary step for the deputies, before adopting laws, to understand very well the need, problems, how soldiers live, and what happens in military units, i know some deputies,
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they travel along the front even to us.


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