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tv   [untitled]    December 7, 2023 8:30pm-9:01pm EET

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deputies should be sent to the front in military units. this is not populism, i worked as a deputy, the law prescribes as follows how deputies work: sessions, work in committees, this is important, and weeks are allocated to work in districts. so, each deputy must be officially, legally assigned to the military unit, arrive. there, he is stamped that he has arrived, and he works at this time for the second week, directly in the military unit. i emphasize once again, this is not populism, it is a necessary step in order to the deputies, before they passed the laws, understood very well the need, the problems faced by the military and what is happening in the military units, i know some deputies who travel to the front even to us.
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they came to us, i gave them certain such, well, in a good sense, tours, but these are a few, at most a few dozen, period, everyone else is busy with their own affairs, and when they press the buttons, they do not realize what they are voting for, they have no idea , what needs, what problems, they know about this war the half-windows you show are from facebook , from youtube, from the fact that there, in the best case , some of their relatives are talking about the war and everything, so they should come here, work here and after that vote various laws on mobilization, the third point, as for demobilization, of course demobilization is necessary, the guys are tired, very much, the strength is running out, frankly, i am alone now, well, i practically do not go out to any public composition. because you just don't have the energy, that's why
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you're always busy, and i'm sorry that i am the chief sergeant in the bppl unit, this is one of the elites, i am not an infantryman, although i know that i am an infantryman, it is simply difficult to describe it in general, what are the conditions there, how does a person generally break down psychologically, how does he age, how, if he even remained alive , how health is undermined and so on, therefore, of course , mobilization and mobilization are very much needed. also, a certain rotation when a person, well, it's a little bit different than a remobilization, but a rotation is a must, because a person who has gained experience, like there on the front lines in terms of decommissioning drones, in terms of using drones, regarding the needs of the military, she works somewhere in the general staff, in the forces of the administrations, in the central administrations, she has a completely different attitude to the problems of the front line, i have deep
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respect for the senior command, for the officers, but they went through the war 14- th year, it is a slightly different war than what is now, and here, especially with the specification of drones, with communication, well, in general, there are a lot of things that do not correspond to the war of the 14th year, which do not correspond at all to the statute, the statutes, even soviet ones, so of course guys who they will return from here with their experience... they will manage the process much better and share their experience there somewhere in kyiv and in other central cities. but, mr. yehor , tell me, why is the system changing so slowly, well, the russians make decisions quickly, they need to build and concrete three lines of defense in the south of ukraine, they concreted and concreted, we are talking about fortifications, about that it
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needs to be done, and it is already happening a year after they have already dug there and made these fortifications, we are talking about the need to change the system of mobilization and demobilization, well, that is, in the government and in the highest echelons of power, young people are basically young people, it is not wrong that there are people who are in their 70s or 80s, and people are 30, 30, 35, 40 , 45 years old. why don't we have this , speed in decision-making, because you rightly said that war is completely different, it needs quick decisions, quick changes, even for the same production of the same drones, because this is a war of a completely different generation, a war where drones russia is also of great importance is now demonstrating without launching rockets into peaceful cities of ukraine, simply using drones, what kind of drones do they have there in hundreds
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or thousands in russia? i will tell you because i feel that we have two realities as two countries. it's not about age, even if you are 20 years old, even if you are 50 years old, you just live in a different reality. no planes fly over kiev, no fabs fall, there are no stretch marks, in principle, all of this is protected and creates such a mythical impression that everything is under control, that even if there is a war somewhere, it is very far away, and the guys there manage somehow, but if this official would sit for a few days and i apologize again... this is not populism, this is reality, so that he gets from one reality to another reality and feels for himself with his body, heart, and mind that in general is happening, i am convinced, the situation would be completely different, why, and why is the israeli army
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constantly being talked about, that it is so strong and strong, because everyone has been through the israeli army and he understands the needs, and the prime minister ministers used to be civil servants and now their children are fighting in the army israel, risking their lives, their relatives, neighbors, and one reality is being formed in the country, we have this, you said there about a person, an official or a minister, who is 30 years old there, and no matter how old he is, he was not in the army , he was not in the war, but if you ask if his children, parents or relatives are in the war, he will also tell you no, so he just sees it in a picture through tiktok, how is the war there, he is scared, he shuts down and continues to do some incomprehensible business of his own, that's why here is the task of the state leadership to return the entire
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country to the unified reality of war and first of all to do this with officials, deputies and so on, because they make decisions in order for them to be competent decisions, they must be in reality with the military. well, over the past two months, there has been such a big discussion in the country in general and in the media in particular, about the fact that there is a civilian leadership of ukraine, there is a military leadership, and whether they understand each other, whether they make the right decisions, because what we read in the western press, there is some kind of conflict between these two worlds. and the military, the office of the president of ukraine says that there is no such thing, the advisers of the office of the president of ukraine, you somehow, somehow hear about it, you, you, what do you think about it, considering what, what, what is in front of you, these the ranks of these russian occupiers,
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i will tell you this, here is such advice, advice, relatively speaking, to the country's leadership, so-and- so. life hack, habit, i would not meet with any, well, leading, well, more precisely, when i met with leading officers, commanders, i would do as follows: coming to the unit, coming to the unit, i would approach the rank-and-file, the employees, and i would do so, here you are, you, you, and you, come to me for a meeting. guys , you and you are a non-commissioned officer, or an ordinary soldier, and i would ask guys what’s wrong, because that’s exactly it, you understand what the question is, and the face of the one who holds the front is usually an ordinary guy, well in at best, a sergeant,
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some, there, a master sergeant, for example , yes, of course there are officers, but nevertheless, these are people directly, which 99%. can outline their problems, first, the line of defense, there is a difference where to sit in a trench, which is your generation, or in a concrete or iron dugout, believe me, i worked both there and there and i know how you can be of benefit on the front line when you are in a concrete dugout, like you can work, and when you're just up to your waist somewhere in some hole, then what do you have with the provision of a stray, what do you have with drones, what exactly do you need drones and so on, and that's where it actually happens and there's real depth in the usual to an ordinary soldier, and this is the focus of a group of soldiers to understand what is happening on the front lines, management is the first place and you need
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to talk to them, well, frankly, i don't know if anyone here will listen to me, because sometimes i get the impression that we all say the right things to each other. we are in some kind of bubble and most likely, well, i will tell about myself, i have the impression that it is just somehow going nowhere, well, i hope that maybe someone is watching our broadcast now, one of the government officials will take a look and maybe rationally take note. thank you, mr. yegor, i was glad to see you, thank you for the inclusion, this is the tro fighter, yegor firsov, which is located on the eastern front. friends, we are live on tv channel as well as on our youtube and facebook platforms, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, be sure to like this video so that it can be trended on youtube, a string and vote in our survey, today we ask you about the following: do you need to strengthen mobilization measures in
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ukraine? yes, no, if you're watching us on tv, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote if you think mobilization measures should be strengthened, call 0800 211-381 no, 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free, at the end of the program we will summarize this. voting, then with us is the former deputy head of the sbu, major general of the security service of ukraine in reserve, viktor yagun. mr. general, i welcome you and thank you for joining our broadcast. good health. let's start with the liquidation of kive, near moscow, on december 6, the sbu shot dead a collaborator and traitor. interesting discussions among russian propagandists testify to the fact that in kyiv here and there... and there they only want the land to be made of glass wool, let's listen to how russian propagandists commented
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on the murder of kyiv. here are these cries about the fact that the earth is glass to him, i do not share now, well, because he is a man, because all this happened on the territory of our country, there you can treat his political views differently, they were, to put it mildly , doubtful they are shouting, now there is something to be happy about, to be honest, i don't see any possibility and i don't think so correct, to be honest , they annoy me quite a lot, various comments related to what kiva was, it does not play any role at all, it is important that on the territory of our country, this is not the first terrorist attack carried out by the ukrainian special services, this is obtained by the interesting logic of some, in including my friends, who in a telegram
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draw attention to the fact that , well, there is such a guy, no, this is not the case, whatever he was, he was on the territory of our country, the murder of ilya kievy, and well i will honestly say, i have no reason to grieve, in this case, it is still more important to me not who was killed, but where they were killed? of course, our prospects are here in ukraine, in general in a broad sense, yes, it depends on our attitude towards such people as ilya kiva, thank you, and i knew that it would be like that, mr. general, how the liquidation of kiva would affect the behavior of those collaborators who are now in the territory of the russian federation, and whether the murder of kiva can be considered the beginning of a large shooting. guardians of ukraine in russia, and can i have a question,
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please, and there is an official request from the security service, that it took responsibility for this act of retaliation? no, i'm just leading to the security service of ukraine, i'm a lawyer, i don't know, i once received a red diploma, held some position. security, i want to say that the security service does not have the right under our legislation to carry out any actions outside the legally recognized borders of ukraine, so i would still say more correctly that this is karma, i spoke about it today on the air of one of the radio channels, said that let's study, speak logically, you understand, the ukrainian special services are fighting on own territory, and what is happening in the territory of the enemy, well, this is boomerangi karma, who is there, who has left, that is the case, and now the answer to your question, i want to say that
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yes, they are not very comfortable now, it should have been seen by their faces, by what they say, and first of all, precisely the fact that they cannot ensure the safety of those people whom they, i don't know, seduced with money, positions, prospects, some, i don't know, e- eh, no, incredible... took off and now these people are simply in a panic, and others, including them and themselves, the enemy himself, the propagandists themselves, they are in shock, they do not know, uh, how to react, because something is happening on the territory of russia in closed towns, and the russian federation is unable or unwilling to protect these people, from, i emphasize once again, from some kind of karma, well, by the way, about the fact that russia should protect people like kyiv and not only kyiv,
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said oleg tsarov, another traitor of putin's hypocrite, let's listen. i'm watching, now many people are putting up posts, recalling russophobic statements, kiev, and like, well, he's like that was, then in general i don't feel sorry for him, but the point is not in kyiv, the point is that no matter what he was, many were not delighted with the fact that russia accepted him, when he was accepted into the ranks of the police. based on his past, but already if they accepted, then russia is responsible for his security, don't write about the fact that we don't really feel sorry for him, that's why it's okay, it's not okay , it shouldn't be like that, well, but people like tsars in russia, well, if not hundreds, then, well, thousands, that’s for sure, and one way or another, we, we,
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i mean ukraine, will obviously be strive to ensure that every collaborator and every traitor gets his due, whether it will be done by the sbu, or gur or some other structure, ukrainian, it is absolutely obvious, according to you, mr. general, but with russia it is clear, they are sitting there and now everyone thinks about when this or that man in black will come for them. many associates of kiev and tsarev remain in the ukrainian government, including in the verkhovna rada, in local self-government bodies from the same party, the opposition platform for life. why do you think they are, well do not find a certain assessment by the special services and why they are still in the ukrainian government. well,
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a very difficult question, because you have to understand. did we adopt any such, well, why did i mention legality on the basis of the security service, because, well, let's be clear, we are an authoritarian state that carries out some actions, well, force actions of retaliation there, i don't know, according to the model, as it was done once the soviet union, the russian empire, russia, i.e. without trial and investigation, or we will...' this is within the framework of our legislation, the situation here is very difficult, because psychologically we understand that we have an enemy in front of us, the enemy must be destroyed, and no sentiments, but you know, when we go out communicating with our western partners, they say, everything is great, but you follow the same paths as yours, yours
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enemies in russia, therefore... i emphasize once again that this must be very carefully, weighed, if we want to get rid of collaborators in power, we need to prove to the whole world that they are collaborators, do all this through, publicly, some kind of publicity , it is possible to file complaints with the relevant bodies, seek, some court decisions, and for these people to sit. and our situation is very critical in the sense that when we start working, including the public, these people have time a day before they are to be detained, to leave in an unknown direction, this is very disturbing, because we are alone on the same side as the authorities , i would like to believe that yes, well yes, but
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by the way, regarding the authorities, because i came across a post on facebook... the eyes of such an adviser to the office of the president of ukraine viktoria strahova, she said that the sbu has now get busy by arrestovych, because arrestovych, it is not known what he is doing and it is not known whose project, according to the arrest officer here to mr. oleksandr poklad, oleksandr valentinovych, i understand that this dog, and the scout and the pilot are ready to comment on the f-16 and the psychologist and this and that and that, close to you, but once held together by us. the acquaintance from the second floor has already started to harm the acquaintance and most importantly the president of ukraine zelskyi. this is already a job for counterintelligence, right? to be honest, i don't know oleksandr poklad and i don't understand who she is. appeals, but the fact that the office adviser the president of ukraine allows himself in the public space, well, to put , let's say, a question mark, if this happened to kyiv, then
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could it not happen to the same detainee, is there a danger that, mr. general, that the special services will fall under the distribution, and those who interfere with the current government, or at least those who will be pointed at. well , i really, really don't want to, i don't want to repeat the path of america, which has passed in its time, the search for witches with a communist past, so-called through commissions, and this is all very, very unfortunate, once again, i want to make sure, well, you understand, when you read a post from individual journalists who do not understand the difference between counterintelligence and intelligence, what kind of power units there are from special operations forces or something else, well, right away,
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it seems that the person is not even familiar with the head, the former head of the counterintelligence department, the current deputy head, and she should have understood that counterintelligence, in accordance with its powers, in accordance with the law on the security service of ukraine, operates exclusively within the borders of ukraine, perhaps on occupied territory, but not in the states , in europe, even in russia, but in our country, by the way , she, she, she, this mrs. strakhova, she writes about that, and we know your experience in 2016, well, in short, i have a lot of questions as a journalist for strahova, but i don't have the opportunity to ask these questions, that's why i'm asking you if it won't shake things up. service and whether or not the special services will take some steps that will be questionable , to put it mildly, listen, the special service should do
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what it should do, it should engage in countermeasures, reconnaissance and subversive activities, intelligence services on the territory of our country and supervise the resistance forces behind enemy lines, receive information from our sources behind enemy lines. in the occupied territories and that's all, and our special service is engaged in law enforcement activities, it chases racketeers, although it is also necessary, but i think that the police could also do it, they are looking for evaders, they have nightmares about some incomprehensible volunteer structures or something else , you understand, well, there are questions, there are, well, you don’t want to just pretend, you see, everyone has to do their own thing, but here we are. i say, we now have the specifics of war, and when the president praises that the security service is engaged in naval drones, well , we probably already have, well, if others do not
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cope, then fine, let the security service do it, but if, if we have the security service takes responsibility for carrying out special campaigns abroad, i would like to see someone who will come out and say this, because everyone mentions about massad, so i also... i emphasize massad in the extreme case could abduct and bring to israel and bring an open court, but in no way admit that they liquidated someone there somewhere abroad, because this is an admission that the state supports terrorist acts in foreign territories, we do not want to be like our enemy, we well, we want to europe, to nato, well, regarding europe and nato, on the border with ukraine for a month now... there has been a blockade of transport and the border, er, a blockade of ukraine with our lands, our neighbors, who are on the western
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border, in your opinion , could be involved before that, the russian special services , taking into account the importance that the western border now plays for us, taking into account the fact that we do not have air transport, and our ports also have fairly modest capacity, well , without a doubt, i will not say that it is them organized, that they took advantage of it and launched certain processes that may be irreversible, this is a fact, the confederation party does not hide the fact that it is a supporter of certain actions of the russian federation, in poland they do not say this openly, because it is fraught for for some, but what they support some. position expresses some narratives that are picked up by russia, well, no one can even doubt that, you know, when
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the activists of the confederation stand... the parties of the confederation and hiccup, because they were told on the radio that our drivers died, well how, how can you react to it normally? you see, they just took advantage of the lack of power, when the old government has not yet left, and the new one has not yet appeared, and against this background they are making cheap pr for themselves, it is very profitable in europe now, you see that happened, is happening there , let's keep quiet about hungary, we have slovakia, next, the netherlands, there is danger in some other countries, and why in poland and the same, er, incomprehensible, populists do not take advantage of the opportunity, and no, demand that, that it is impossible, already polish, slovak, there are some other countries expressed their concern about
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ukrainian drivers, and in europe they were clearly told, listen, there will be no rollback, when we made the decision to enter poland, german and french drivers we had a lot of complaints, but nothing, we survived it, therefore, get used to it, make an agreement, on a bilateral basis, somehow , i don’t know, somehow make an agreement there, directly with ukraine, but the fact that visa-free will work for drivers, we mean, unknown in the sense that no one will to issue some permits of a certain amount there, it is 100%, so this whole action, it will end anyway, not today, tomorrow, you see, the ukrainian railway took a paradoxical path and just started transporting our, our trucks by wagons, i think it is much more efficient to bypass than to stand there and negotiate with people who do not
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want to hear. no arguments, by the way , mr. general, we have big negotiations ahead with the hungarians and slovaks regarding our accession to the european union or regarding the start of negotiations, what do you think, very briefly, whether we can convince the same orbán that that we are good neighbors and we deserve to be in the european union, well, you know, there are arguments that you want to say, you don't say, just the main thing is not to cross the border and dance hopak in front of them, you know, on their order, there are more arguments serious in europe, when you can put such people in their place, you know, a blackmailer, he does not listen to certain arguments, i do not know what can be expected from sweden, but everyone knows about turkey, and what orban has not organized so far the vote on sweden's accession
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to nato, few people know, thank you, mr. general , for the conversation, it was the general of the lsbu in the reserve , viktor yagun, and we continue our work on the tv on the air of telekanuso and our platforms youtube and facebook, for those who are now watch us live on youtube and facebook and on tv, we are conducting survey, we are asking you, friends, whether it is necessary to strengthen mobilization measures in ukraine, let's see the results of the interim survey, because we will have a second part. programs 80% think yes, 20% no. in 15 minutes we will return to the studio, in our guest studio will be people's deputies of ukraine, rostyslav pavlenko, yevhennia kravchuk and mykhailo tsimbalyuk. do not switch, we will be with you all evening, and vote, we will already conduct the voting results at the end of the second hour.
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welcome to the air of ukraine, i am jafer umerov. nova war, or the pursuit of ratings. venezuela voted in a referendum to join the oil-rich part of the neighboring country - guyana. how will all this affect the war in ukraine? venezuelan president maduro, an ally of vladimir putin, justifies the possible annexation of sskibo. history: neighboring brazil is already sending soldiers to the border, and the united states will conduct military exercises together with guyana. will the fresh crisis divert the attention of the us from supporting ukraine? what started it all. on december 3 , venezuela held a referendum that


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