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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 12:00am-12:31am EET

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what happened to the child, who she was with then and where she may be now is unknown, so i ask everyone who sees this video to look carefully at the boy's face, he looks 3-4 years old, of medium build, has light blond hair and dark eyes, so if you know anything about damyan tyuun , do not delay and immediately report to the hotline of the child tracing service at number 1163, calls from all mobile operators in ukraine are free, also write to our website or chatbot service search for children in telegram. i want emphasize that any, even the smallest, information can become important in the search. let's not be indifferent, and let's try together to find the missing damian tyurin. we are also looking for 16-year-old sashka ivanov. the boy was in one of the boarding schools in donetsk, and on february 20, 2022, four days before the start of the full-scale invasion, all the inmates of this boarding school were allegedly taken by the occupation authorities to... russia,
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grandmother sashka, who is currently in controlled ukraine , told us about this territory and searches his grandson well, many children were taken out of donetsk in the middle of the day, exactly on february 20, and many children were taken there. he studied at a boarding school in donetsk. above all else, svitlana oleksandrivna wants to find her grandson, and if he is really deported to the russian federation, then to return sashka to ukraine and... under his care. the boy's grandmother also said that she has information that sashko is currently in one of the boarding schools in taganrog or rostov-on-don, in the summer they were taken to yevpatoria. no more information sashko's grandmother is gone, but there is a very high hope of bringing her grandson home, and although it is likely that sashko is actually in russia, it is still not accurate information at this time, which is currently being verified. and that's why i'm asking absolutely everyone who is watching this video, please look carefully at
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sasha's face, he looks 15-16 years old, has a medium build, light brown hair and brown eyes. so, if you know anything about sashka ivanov, do not delay and immediately notify us on the hotline of the child tracing service free of charge from all mobile operators with the number 1163. also, it is possible that this program will be seen on the internet in russia, and if you know any information about sasha ivanov, you can confirm that he is real. is in russia, then write to us on the website of the children's search service, or on facebook or instagram of the children's search service. and i want to note that any information about the child is important in the search. let's not be indifferent, let's try to find sasha ivanov together. so i request each of you to share this video on your social media pages as much as possible. in general deportation of children is part of the crime of genocide, so i would like to note that if you
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know of any crime against a child, in particular abduction or deportation, do not remain indifferent and immediately report it to the police, or report it to our website stopcrime ua. you can even do it anonymously. i also ask you to take just a few minutes of your time and go to the website of the child tracing service. here in the missing children of ukraine section, you can see boys and girls who are currently missing. wanted look closely into their faces, and i will i would be very grateful if you share information about missing children in your facebook or instagram, because of course, the more people see the announcement about the search for the child, the more chances there will be to find him. if you suddenly recognize one of them, immediately call our hotline 116.30. we have created a resource through which you can report any crime against. of a child
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anywhere, at any time, just go to the site and report, and we will launch all possible mechanisms to punish the criminal, stop crime ua.
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try phlebodia 600, pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids, lebodia 600, treat hemorrhoids without any pain. vasyl zima's big broadcast, this is a big broadcast , my name is vasyl zima, and we are starting two hours of airtime, two hours of your time, many important topics we will discuss with you today, two hours to learn about the war, right now we will be about the war to talk more, serhii zgurets is with us, and how the world lives,
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now about what happened in the world, yuriy fizar will talk in more detail, yuriy good evening, please, you have the floor, two hours to keep up with economic news, time to talk about money during the war, oleksandr morchivka is with us. welcome, please, and sports news, a review of sports events from yevhen postukhov, two hours in the company of your favorite presenters. thank you very much, elinia chechenna, for the information about cultural news, presenters, many of whom have become idiosyncratic. natalka didenko is ready to tell us about the weather on pride day, as well as the distinguished guests of the studio, andriy parubiy, people's deputy of ukraine, was also chairman of the verkhovna rada of ukraine. events of the day in two hours. vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for smart and caring people. in the evening. on espresso.
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good evening, we are from ukraine. the money was not given, why the congress failed to vote on aid to ukraine, so far it has failed. moscow is on fire, babovna visited a factory this evening,
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when putin is elected in russia, they have decided when the elections for the president of the aggressor country will be held. aid fell to a minimum, what happened with western aid to ukraine. well, zelensky flies a lot. far away will decide, will leave for the first time, during his term of office, the head of the ukrainian state and for what purpose, we will talk about this and other things today for the next hour and 45 minutes, this is the big ether program, my name is vasyl zima, and we will start with the announcement of the gathering. the human and rights charitable foundation, together with the espresso tv channel , are collecting funds for powerful portable velstrum battery stations with solar panels for the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine. to be effective. destroy the enemy military equipment must be systematically charged. this is not always possible due to difficult conditions at the front. velstroom battery stations are designed specifically for military needs. they replace generators and provide soldiers with energy even in field conditions. each hryvnia you listed will allow you to quickly transfer such
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necessary devices to the soldiers. we will protect our home, we will protect ukraine, we will help the armed forces of ukraine to expel the enemy from our ukrainian land as soon as possible. well, we will start the discussion today. from the region which enemy is trying to get it from the sky and also get it with its subversive and intelligence groups and the region where individual people who have the ability and the goal of working for russia still continue to work, how to fight with all this, volodymyr bitsak, commander of the third, eighth company of the voluntary formation of the territorial community , mr. volodymyr, i congratulate you, i congratulate you, i congratulate the northern outpost of the defense of our state, i am glad to see and hear, as soon as... i will ask questions about the situation in sumy oblast, because today i saw such an important thing there, well, here again after all, now there will be a question of non-disclosing details, but the president of ukraine volodymyr zelenskyi on the pond, at the request of the command of the military-political and military command, gave the order to actively
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build fortification structures, and here in sumy region they created a group for the construction of a fortification flood, i am not asking anything about the locations and everything else, just what it has, how it has to approximate. to speed up and ensure the quality and efficient and fast construction of these fortifications, and what possible problems are related to this, are there any problems, please yes indeed... at the moment, despite the cold weather , the construction of fortifications is underway, it was going on, well, right now, if it started at such a greater pace, what kind of thing is it, well, i won't say, well, the fact is, that it is working, the equipment is working, people are working on this construction, in order to ensure as much as possible from a breakthrough, from the drg of those who recently, very often on... began to plant our borders of our district, our region, so yes it is, it is all done, all
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for victory, in order not to make it impossible this action, well, they also write about the fact that the russians have changed their tactics on the border with sumy region, please tell me how they are trying to get out of the way, to evade and cause new problems for, well, first of all , for the border guards, and also for the communities in general, i unfortunately i saw these stories where the enemy entered... intelligence groups entered the battle ukrainian border guards and unfortunately her loss and injuries, it is clear that this is a difficult story, the enemy continues to do this, why is this being done, first of all, and whether and they write that the enemy seems to be increasing the number of these sabotage and intelligence groups , and what is the danger for civilians, who can also, well , get into the zone of activity of the russian drg, well, look, there are indeed such facts, why this is being done, there is such information that on rotation ... they came there there are local groups
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that specialize in this activity , their purpose, i believe, is to sow panic among the local population of the border, so that as much as possible, well, people, when they panic, they run to the authorities, they say, let's do something, so well i'm 100% sure it won't happen also, that the border is being strengthened, and that 's all, everything is being done to prevent this, i will now read the information about the shelling of sumy oblast, then i will ask you to comment, so rescuers came under fire in sumy oblast, they came to extinguish a fire that arose as a result of enemy withdrawals in the shostkin district, but the occupiers opened fire on the firefighters, fortunately they were not injured, but two residents inside the buda community were injured due to russian attacks during the day, the group shelled the border of the region 2 times and recorded 109 explosions, the occupiers fired from mortars
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of volley fire systems and launched fpro, how frequent are these cases, what is happening, well, again, is it possible to have more information, has the number of casualties increased? indeed , twice, a fire would start in the middle, twice the firefighters arrived at the location of the fire and twice they had to leave, as it started. well, they decide to act, as always, according to their animal laws, er, that's how it happens, but our firefighters are the best, they act , despite the shelling, no matter what, and the fire was localized and extinguished, then her apartment, not others, which did not fall under the fire, the fire did not spread to them, and that, let's say, for now ok, everything is done, but yesterday we talked about the liquidation of the traitor of ukraine, ilya kiev , near moscow, and today i am just reading about the fact
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that in sumy oblast, of course, collaborators, traitors, adjusters will be tried there, then constantly these information appears not only on sumy region, but we are now talking about a region where another traitor of ukraine in particular had a serious influence, we are talking about derkach, a deputy of the verkhovna rada of ukraine, and whether there are still people who can be hidden, or obvious, concert sleeper agents or people who simply they can act according to the instructions of their boss, if he is the boss for them there , it means a jerk from abroad, how to deal with this, what is the threat in this, well, in the north of our region , russian culture has been instilled in us for years, russian and that's all , and therefore and including and thanks to such as mr. derkach, well, he is not a gentleman, not a respected gentleman, and he is not a respected gentleman, that’s why you all heard for a while here that you also discovered... such a can, who had already been recruited since the 22nd year, the deputy head of one from otg
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of sumy ra, kanotomsky district , i apologize, also in glukhiv, such a tyutenka was also revealed, so i believe that there are still quite a few of them, so even before the war from the 14th year, when i came there, we always communicated on elevated notes , about the revolution of dignity and other things, they had a different opinion on this matter, and i understand what is there everything is very bad, with ukrainization, with our culture, with the language, everything is very bad, and the time turns out to be just after midnight, so there are such unpleasant incidents, betrayals. and conservation, well, these are the recruited people, there are many , and are there any facts, is there, is it in olivka, not only in olivka, perhaps, but also in the action plans of the regional branch, the security service of ukraine, is it possible that it is correlated from the center , well , it is adjusted in some way, no, of course, the security service works, so if it were not rude, if it were not for their actions, then they would not have appeared these
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unfortunate cases that come to light, that's why i believe that this is already very clear... a clear example that others should not do this, if someone there has a desire, there is someone there who loves the russian peace, then they will think again and again whether to do it or not, and looking at our or not at our former people's deputy in kyiv, kyiv, they will think about it too, once they will think twice, maybe they don't have to do it, they don't have to betray, you don't need any stranger on roscanals about gandonsky, that's why we have what we have, well, you can already see that the way we work, there are results, yes, i only have one question, in short, the christmas and new year holidays are coming soon, i hope that everything was good with the celebration and gifts for saint's day nicholas for the children of sumy region, and again, to what extent the government and the community itself
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prepares to celebrate these holidays so that people can get a little, well, somewhere in this festive mood, maybe as gifts are being prepared for the military, some help for the front, well, again, so that the enemy has no chance to aim on large gatherings of people, especially on the border, please, well, regarding the fact that the city of sumy, as far as it is concerned, they still decided to decorate a christmas tree on one of the squares, but with charity funds, not with budget funds, which is very it's nice, and christmas trees are also installed in communities, well, of course, they are not so large, at least so that the children who are in the border region, well , in general, in sumy oblast, at least have some relief, at least some moment of some joy , which is really a holiday and a little distraction from these everyone from this war, so little by little, and as for gifts to our military, of course it is all done,
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first of all we think about them, we collect different gifts for them, different for their needs, what they need, including drones , and we buy rubber and hand it over, well, warm things , then whatever is needed, we hand it over, thank you very much for joining, thank you for your work, first of all, for your service, volodymyr bitsak was in touch with us, he is the commander of the third company, the eighth, volunteer formation territorial community, sumy region, and now we will talk from new york region. let's say this, from the united states of america, we will have igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, on the call and we will talk about what happened when we had a night, in the states, it was voting day, well, it was a vote for admission to including the debate of the project on the allocation of aid to ukraine, and it did not even reach the debate, because the votes were not found, but i know for sure that the congressman who submitted this
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draft law voted against it, because now he has a chance to submit again, so we still have a chance, mr. igor, very good evening, first of all, good evening, mr. vasyl, greetings to all viewers of espresso, i would like to call the first, well, why did it not work out , to carry out this decision and bring it to the debate in the first attempt, who did not finish the work, ukrainian diplomacy, the biden government, the administration of the president of the united states, please, you know, i, well, it is difficult for me to say how ukrainian diplomacy worked, because diplomats work, eh covers, i think they worked, but i don't think they did could have had a decisive influence, and the problem , the problem is in the position of the republican party, in general, and the republican senators, in particular, because what they are trying to do, they are trying to condition the provision of aid to ukraine, the provision of aid
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to israel, the provision of aid to taiwan, they are trying to condition fulfillment of their, very yes... long-standing such domestic political mantras, regarding non-admission, immigration, well , let's say, not non-admission, but a significant reduction of immigration from latin american countries, central american countries el salvador, honturaza, guatemala, nicaragua, and also from venezuela, they are the ones who have been trying to do it for dozens of years, they are not succeeding. they are trying to put, as part of this law, which was proposed by the white house, to put various restrictions so that there is no possibility to grant asylum. political, to those who cross the border illegally, without proper documents, and
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so that they cannot apply for refugee status, well , this is the demand of the republican party, as senator graham said yesterday after the vote, for him the border of the united states is more important than ukraine, and as the leader of the democrats, senator schumer, speaking in the senate , said that ronald reagan is turning over in his coffin when they see that his party is helping putin. well, actually, there is time, as far as i understand, until the middle of december, well, at the most until, well, actually, the middle of december, these will be the days when politicians, as far as i understand, start to go on business trips, or leave their offices and go for these christmas holidays, and, well , christmas is the main holiday in ukraine, and until then there is still a chance that it should change, that can change in these eight days, which are now available, for this decision to be made, whether biden will leave and the democrats will make certain concessions, there will be some kind of consensus,
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look, the congress can work in principle, it worked last year until december 23, for example, that is, if there is a need, if there is an urgent need to adopt some laws, then they can always work almost until the christmas holidays themselves, they, for example, adopted the budget on february 20 last year, and i think they will continue re negotiations between the democrats and the republicans, they actually went on for three weeks, there was a group of six senators, three senators from each party, and they tried to come to some sort of compromise, but they never did, because the problem was that the republicans insisted on fulfilling their demands and did not want to make any concessions. but two members of this negotiating group, one democrat and one republican, separately told
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journalists that the failure of yesterday's vote was already a fact of history, means that it is necessary to talk further, they both said that it is necessary to look for some compromise option, that is, that they will look for it, in principle, i have no doubt in this that they will continue these victories. but whether they will find it is another question, because the closer to the election, the more internal political politicking will be introduced into everything that is done in the congress, and in this case, the republicans, they want to please their voters, who during for many years, they say that illegal migrants are taking away your jobs, and we will fight them, actually, that's why. it is very unfortunate that the aid to the allies, ukraine and israel , who are at war, aid to taiwan and another ally who is under
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threat of war, is subject to the condition that this aid will be provided if certain internal political, ideological needs, in this case of the republican party, then the question arises, why then are the democrats opposed to this, they do not want to limit the flow of... migrants illegals, yes, well, i understand that it is primarily about illegals, or their voters for the fact that migrants have the right to enter the territory of the united states of america illegally, or questions about something else, why can't we go to the on this com, or is it simply that here, in principle, you should not go on e , on a leash, as they say, from those people who ask for money for the arrangement of the border and the access system, actually money for the arrangement of the border, they were invested in this project, which offered white house, there is almost 14 dollars the same amount as on aid to israel, to strengthen border security, specifically to reduce the number of illegal immigrants who enter the country illegally, not through
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border crossings, you majority of democratic voters are in favor of the fact that once a person has entered the united states, and she wants to apply for asylum, or wants to apply for refugee status, that person should be eligible to have her application considered. if she deserves this status, let it be granted, if not, then this one the person should be deported, and the republicans insist that virtually everyone who crosses the border illegally should have no right at all to actually apply for refugee status, to apply, to apply for asylum, and that's the main difference, actually strengthening border protection and increasing the number of border protection officers and increasing the number of immigration judges, increasing the overall budget of the border service, there is a lot of
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money in this. the project was allocated, but the republicans demand not this, but changes to the immigration bill, and i hope that some kind of compromise will, will, will eventually be found, because it's terrible, what 's being done, and both parties need to understand that, well, especially, it's unfortunate, really, how, how senator schumer said that the party that was once led by ronald reagan is actually helping putin today with its actions, we need to joke about compromise, eulogy, i just want to ask a question for a moment, but is there any power, i don’t know, party sponsors , some large corporations, some public powerful organizations that could say listen, wait, this is the national interest, let's influence as much as possible, this must be decided, then you will figure out these issues with borders, with tolerance, this will not make america disappear or die, but here
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democracy can die here now. in europe, please, who can press the republicans except for biden? i think that the biggest pressure can be exerted by the voters, but if the citizens of the united states are watching us, i simply urge you to write to your senators and and representatives of the house of representatives to immediately consider this bill and immediately approve it, unfortunately, although the ukrainian diaspora in the united states is large, it is not... organized in the sense that it does not know how to lobby for the interests of ukraine in congress unfortunately, this is a fact. as for the party sponsors, well i think they have influence over the parties, although they will never talk about it publicly, so i would very much like to hope that if the senators do find a compromise, they should both for sure parties to make concessions to each other, because if each of them insists on
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something. there will be no compromise, thank you very much for taking the time to join our broadcast, igor eisenberg, a professor at new york university, was in touch with us, we will also wait until the 15th, and we need to work, of course, first of all , ukrainian diplomacy, the ukrainian community abroad, and parliamentary diplomacy, well, everyone who has access and influence should work, because these are now key decisions for the coming year, and now about key events on the front we will talk with serhii zgurets, director of the defense agency , host of the military column serhii, congratulations, congratulations to you, vasyl, congratulations to our viewers, although the vote on aid to ukraine was not supported yesterday, but the united states of america allocated a new package of military aid to ukraine, which we obsessed with what is known, indeed, a new military aid package was announced yesterday, the cost of 175 million dollars, this is the 52nd package, and it basically resembles the previous package, that is, in fact, there are anti-aircraft missiles that we will use from the complexes
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of air defense, there would be supplies , there are anti-tank complexes, that is, everything that is currently needed on the battlefield, and actually these weapons are in the stocks of the ministry of defense and will be transferred quickly, and by the way, the balance for such weapons is about 4.8 billion dollars , which are still in the balance, which can be transferred to ukraine for such an amount, so i think that at this rate we will have enough of such weapons for another quarter. and then in our military column. we will continue to talk about weapons, namely about weapons projects between the usa and ukraine, from an overview to the negotiations that are taking place in washington, about what is happening around avdiivka, through the eyes of our military, and about the purely ukrainian developments to protect our equipment and positions from enemy drones, more on that in a moment.
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so, today the day was spent under the slogan of both the supply of arms and the expansion of arms cooperation between the usa and ukraine, because right now in washington, on december 7, it is the second day, the final day of such a conference of government officials and gunsmiths from the usa and ukraine, which was attended by more than 350 representatives different defense companies of ukraine and the united states, as well as government officials from both sides. the purpose of this event... was precisely to find ways to accelerate the production of weapons for the defense forces of ukraine with the help of the united states. what is known for now? well , the creation of an intergovernmental commission was announced, which will provide support to ukraine and other partners who will conclude military agreements. also, the us state department decided to send an adviser to the ukrainian minister of technology and industry, who will help...


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