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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 1:30am-2:01am EET

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with the supply of not only autogas, but also gasoline to ukraine, and how does this affect the market in general? undoubtedly, the polish border is more important for the market of petroleum products, because 30 to 45% of petroleum products pass through it, but not all, not all of this volume passes by freight transport, road freight transport, a lot of it goes by rail, so... the closed border is currently not so a critical point for the oil products market. yes, there was a problem with autogas, but it concerns more, not strikes at the border, but because the customs strengthened control over the origin of oil products supplied to us in the fall, and it was the russian resource that stopped coming to us, if you know, unfortunately, for more
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than a year we continued to consume propane-butane from russia, there is hope that just these changes to in customs, in the documents that are demanded from importers, our customs officers , now this product is not supplied from russia, but we saw a problem that manifested itself in the price, that is, the lack of this... resource caused the price to rise in november and a little at the beginning of december, but the situation is now stabilizes, our traders found where to transport the resource, propane butane liquefied gas, and the price went down, but in the last two days in the domestic market, the price has dropped in the band by more than 20%, and there is a good trend, er,
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such a small forecast, until the end of december we can see gas at gas stations up to uah 30 per liter. mr. oleksandr, or for a long time, maybe from the new year the prices of autogas will creep up again, because the verkhovna rada is going to raise the excise tax on liquefied natural gas within a few months, the increase may be significant, yes, such an announcement was made by the head of the tax committee, danylo hetmantsev, well , there are several times, now, let me remind you, the excise duty on liquefied petroleum gas is €52, but it should be , gitmantsev says, €160-170, as in europe. what are your assessments of such an initiative? well, i would have the courage to correct the people 's deputy if he looks at the european market, then the directive of 2003 works there, which er, gives er, the ratio of excise taxes on gas and gasoline, if the excise tax on gas increases in our country and
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for according to european standards, we have the excise tax on gasoline will also increase several times, if mr. gitmantsev is ready for such a step, so that you understand, the excise tax on gasoline will increase from the current 213.5 € per 1000 l to more than 600 ee per 1000 l, this will lead to an increase in prices for gasoline by uah 20, compared to the predicted price increase for liquefied gas by uah 5, i do not think that this is the goal pursued by the people's deputy, so i would not rush to raise excise taxes, after all, study the issue of pricing and excise policy in europe, on which it is based. thank you for clarification, your forecasts, at least in such a short-term perspective, autogas will become cheaper, it was oleksandr sirenko, an analyst of the car market consulting company, i
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continue to talk about money during the war. the state property fund attracted uah 702 million to the state budget from leasing assets. the top three record holders among the regions included odessa region, kyiv, and dnipropetrovsk region. currently, the state has more than 14,000 valid contracts, in the first half of the year alone, the agency concluded 760 new real estate lease agreements, as of december, the number of heifers has almost doubled. we can see that now the state is trying to somehow... accumulate more internal resources and collect money for the state budget, either by raising interest rates on the excess profits of banks, or by renting out, or forming a lease there not only of property, but also of agricultural land, looking for ukraine is money, by the way, since the beginning of the year, our state has received international aid in the amount of almost 37.5 billion dollars, 37.5 billion since the beginning of the year. you see, vasyl, these are not the pennies
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that are really available now during the war to accumulate in the ukrainian economy within the state, these are huge sums, and whether this aid will continue, specifically monetary or from the european union, we see that the debate is ongoing now, well, but experts already have certain forecasts about where our state will be in case of problems, will be able to find financing for a certain period of time, well, in the event of a delay in money from the east and the united states, well, the government will cut back on non-critical expenses, it started doing this already this year, when the road fund and most of the capital expenditures were closed, local budgets generally remain in surplus, this is despite the fact that part of the personal income tax has been taken to the center, well, but there are still funds in the localities, well, this is also one of the sources of financing the ukrainian economy, well, they say that it is possible to slightly weaken the national currency
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, but this is not a popular step, the fall of the hryvnia will not bring points to either the government, the current one, or the national bank, well, it will only accelerate inflation, well, really, i agree with you here, because...' he says that with the fact that the war continues, and the situation in the economy is not easy, and people's incomes may also decrease , people may find work somewhere, well, the main thing is that the purchasing power will decrease, and this, too, will not do anyone any good, although, i don't know if you already talked about how many ukrainians want to spend for the new year on well, let me know the number, by the way , the numbers are impressive, today we discussed the price for shopping with you, as i understand it, it’s just for those purchases that you didn’t plan, but just decided to buy yourself something for the new year or for gifts every family, on average, has this on average spend 500 hryvnias on these new year's, well, trips to the shops, it seems not much, but again, this is an average figure, some more, some less, well, according to various estimates, now this is not an indicator, but it is a trigger moment, bokovel, a resort
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in ukraine, everything is sold out there for the new year, and this is the approximate price to celebrate the new year well there with a good place in a hotel, with a place near a restaurant and with food, it is more than 100,000 uah per person, just so we understand about costs and the possibility of savings, but i excuse me, i will also say that 70% of ukrainians, according to the estimates of sociologists, of the money they accumulated for the new year and christmas holidays, 70%, will spend some part on supporting the armed forces, and this is important, well, just about the armed forces, on ua job, one of the most visited job search sites has a section with military vacancies. the company became the third partner of the ministry of defense in the recruiting project. now on the site. posted vacancies of seven employers, including the 12th brigade of the national guard, azov, the state border service, the recruiting center three, individual military units, previously the ministry of defense agreed on a partnership with vorkua and the employment platform lobbix. yes, and here is probby x, i will just add one word
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that this platform has already collected 6,000 applications during its work to join the armed forces of ukraine, it is promising, well, i am promising... i am sure there are sanctions , they are being worked on, they are working, albeit slowly, some say, they say, but canada introduced sanctions against russian diamonds and related goods, they did it in coordination with g7 partners, the minister said of the country's foreign affairs, melanie jolie, according to the head of the foreign ministry of the country of the wedge, the implementation of this ban sends a clear signal to the rfi that the use of russian income will not be reprimanded. from diamonds to the treasury to finance the war in ukraine. let me remind you that earlier , following the results of the virtual summit on december 6, the group of seven states announced their intention to develop restrictions on russian
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-made diamonds and their processing by the beginning of 2024, that is, to trace the entire path of these diamonds so that the kremlin does not receive income. well, that was the last one information from the world of money from today i will say goodbye to you, but the big air is not saying goodbye, there will be more, watch us, i just wanted to say that here is this initiative, which was proposed by the odesa city council, regarding the payment of uah 20,000 to those mobilized to the ranks of the armed forces forces of ukraine, precisely to the residents of odesa who have, well, odessa residents who have odesa residence permits, but the kyiv city council followed the same path, and it was decided to allocate 10 million by the end of this year and 50 million for the next year, that's in general it turns out to be 60 million hryvnias for 23-24 years of age mobilized into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine, who have a kyiv residence permit, of course, well, kyiv residents who have a kyiv residence permit, this will be a one-time
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payment, the person is mobilized voluntarily, or was called to the shopping center, she passed, i hope, that the law, of course, is there, well, with all observance of the parameters of the troops. medical commission, if she is found fit , she goes to train and then to the front, then she will receive a one-time payment from the kyiv council, again, this is not a huge amount of money, we must understand that, but it is some plus, well, there are some changes, but don’t put cobblestones somewhere, don’t invest in some incomprehensible things somewhere, don’t bury this money, don’t release it into the air, don’t cover some bridges there in the 15th of a year, but give it to people, and that creates again at least some motivation, i think that those cities that have similar funds, of course, they can also join this and motivate their members, members of their community, members of their community in these. difficult times and now about cultural news, i know for sure that there will be one
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scandalous news today, i won't even read it announce, lina, they will keep the intrigue, lina, good evening, please tell me, congratulations vasyl, today we will talk about the ranking of the best-selling, most popular books in ukrainian bookstores, as well as about the discussion about what kind of monuments we have put our defenders who died literally in a moment. well, actually, i'll start with the monument, because it's already the second day, well, i wouldn't say out loud there that social networks are on fire, but the discussion is lively enough, by the way, it's quite restrained and factual about monuments, the whole point is, what the day before, on the territory of the national historical and architectural museum of the kyiv fortress , monuments were opened to the hero
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of ukraine oleksandr matsievskyi, that very soldier, who is already in captivity on camera, he was filmed on camera, he said: glory to ukraine, the russians killed him for this, so they opened it for him monument, and actually this monument is criticized enough , well, i don't know, not harshly, enough actively criticized, but i like this criticism very much, because it is constructive , many people from the world, in particular, art and media people did not like that first this one the monument is too naturalistic, you see it was made, as very often there are museums of wax figures, there are monuments like that somewhere, and it was also placed in this glass structure, and well, as if it , well, many people thought that it was not very similar to the courtroom, as you know , people are sitting in such stupid... instructions, and in the end, the authors of this monument, for example,
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oleg tsosin, said at the opening that they wanted to make it naturalistically, but mostly they tried convey oleksandr's look and that's it i believe that they managed to do it, but should there be exactly such monuments to our defenders, in general monuments precisely in the city space, here... there is a big discussion here, well, let's, for example, listen to what he wrote in himself on facebook serhiy gnyazdilov, he is my colleague, our colleague, and also a military serviceman, let's listen to him, memorial monuments should carry a certain symbolism, and not accurately reflect the death scene. this monument is definitely not about commemorating or glorifying the feat of the hero of ukraine oleksandr matsievsky, a glass booth , a realistic wax figure, it seems that we do not turn there in the desire to understand and comprehend the feat, well
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, watchman kipianni also expressed himself on facebook, he also does not like this idea, let's listen to him, he walked around for a day with the thought that this is a way of memorialization the feat of the soldier oleksandr matsievskyi is not ok, it’s kitsch, and the realistic figure itself, as if waxing, this mess around, how is this at all... you could have guessed, you see, mr. vakhtang expressed himself more emotionally, well, i’m sure that the authors only wanted good things, so they didn't want to think about anything, it's just that we really have such a tradition of urban sculpture, it is, well, not very developed yet, so a discussion is needed, a discussion about morals is also needed, because not always we do... successful murals are then criticized in the art community, this is absolutely normal, i also want you
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to listen to my colleague, sofia chilyak, a journalist, she recently lost her close friend, the writer victoria amelina, and here she also wrote a post about this, and briefly too, let's listen to her, sometimes the fact that relatives support some projects does not mean that these projects are useful, the trauma they are going through can drag them into the backstreets that are absolutely not... known to a stable psyche, well, this is sofia spoke about the words of oleksandr matsievskyi's mother. his wife was also present at the open monuments there, well, in the end, i hope that this discussion will continue, because of course we need to have a lot of different monuments and the dead in the city space itself to the soldiers, so that we remember them, but they must be done correctly, of course, how to do it correctly is determined through a professional discussion, and it is currently ongoing, and now
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i will say about reading that the ukrainian book institute, which started this week. reading, yes, the ukrainian institute calls on people to share what they have read on social networks, in particular, they surveyed bookstores and determined the list of the most popular books that ukrainians bought in bookstores in 2023, well, first of all, in the classics section, here absolutely, i think, here are these the books you see from the vikhola publishing house, in particular, a lot of them are bought, first of all, the city of valerian pidmohylny, the notes of the carpathian mephaestofal by volodymyr vinnichenko. the tiger garden of getsemansky by ivan bagryany from the publishing house apriori, they also have the tiger garden of getsemansky in common, as well as the novel about the sanatorium zone by mykola khvylovy, here is also larion pavlyuk in the first place among modern authors, i see you are interested in darkness, a very popular book and this one the name, i see
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you are interested in drinking, has already become, well, almost such a second-hand meme, and among... still popular of books, it is definitely yevgenia kuznyatsov's ladder and it is foreseen, because her previous book was very similar, ask miechka, very popular, the new dark ages, max kidruk's colony, it surpassed simply in the number of pages, even oksana zabushka, it is some kind of megabook, well andrii semyankov's dances with bones also remain in the top, and also, if we talk about translations, it is also predicted that the book... johnson, the churchill factor, as one person changed history, is also in one of the first places in our country , and also very often chose, about mossaat, the most outstanding operations of israeli intelligence, this book, and finally, too, i will say, again, we haven’t talked about the ministry of defense for a long time, and finally someone
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complained to the ministry of culture of ukraine, artists who are preparing for the 60th of the venice biennale, and here they... said publicly, it was a public statement by maksym horbatsky and viktoria bovykina, they said that the ministry of culture does not help them in the preparation, but the goethe institute or private investors, for example, help, and the ministry of culture does not contributes to although the organizers of the venice biennale provided ukraine with a venue for free, it simply needs to be equipped somehow, and the ministry of culture, as the artists say, does not simply go to contact, you see , there is probably no money, well, of course, this is the situation, you know, as always with the ministry of culture , well, that's all, see you in the next broadcasts, keep an eye on what's happening in ukrainian culture, thank you lena for the information about
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cultural news, and now natalka didenko will tell us about what the weather will be like in ukraine tomorrow, let's listen and watch. synoptic hello to all, our dear viewers, today we will talk about the forecast for friday, december 8, but for now we will talk about such an atmospheric phenomenon as an atmospheric front, because i will reveal a little secret, precisely the atmospheric front tomorrow will determine weather in many regions of ukraine, which means , well, i won't be in a hurry, so what is an atmospheric front, it's an imaginary line, an imaginary line between warmer and colder air, and the combination of warm and cold air when it meets, provokes contrasts, and it is precisely these temperature contrasts that often determine
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such phenomena, even dangerous ones, such as heavy snowfalls , for example, increased wind, etc. i repeat, an imaginary line that separates warm and cold air. atmospheric fronts are usually associated with such active meteorological objects as cyclones. therefore, tomorrow we will meet an atmospheric front. for now, let's move on to the behavior of the earth's magnetic field, and we'll see on the forecast chart, which shows that there will be some fluctuations in uh-uh dangerous, especially dangerous magnetic storms, which we have already experienced relatively recently, even observed auroras in connection with such activity... not predicted, so we are watching closely , as always, we move on to the weather for the next day. so, tomorrow in the western
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regions of ukraine, snow is expected, the roads will be icy, slippery, be very attentive, careful, given that it 's getting dark now, don't forget flashlights for drivers especially to warn them, do not forget the reflective tapes, the air temperature will be with little... minuses, the weather will also be similar tomorrow in the north of ukraine, in zhytomyr region, in kyiv region, in chernihiv region, in sumy region, also in places snow, on the roads ozheledytsia , air temperature -1-3°. in the eastern part of ukraine, in the kharkiv region, in the donetsk region, in the luhansk region, there is also a chance of precipitation, of course, on the slippery roads, i think that we will still be friends with ice until the month of march. so always be careful, don't forget about it, and the air temperature is -1-3°. in the central part of ukraine it will also be -1 -3, 0, -4° and
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also snow in places. in the southern part of ukraine, it is traditionally warmer, the maximum daytime air temperature will rise to zero and even to small pluses, and therefore it is natural that sleet here will turn into rain in some places, and sleet will provoke. even sticking wet snow. there is a chance of snow tomorrow in kyiv, the air temperature in the capital is expected to be within 1-3 degrees of frost. protect yourself from the cold, dress warmly, be careful on the roads and be considerate and kind to each other, dear drivers and pedestrians. good evening, we are from ukraine. daily. every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, what is actually happening at the front, what are the losses of personnel and
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equipment on the battlefield, how does the international community evaluate our successes, and what is moscow lying about. from the flow of news coming from everywhere, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and which ones what the russian occupiers are whispering about... behind the commanders' backs. news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant and reliable events. these are analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, in simple language, available to all viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio, and these are the results of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso.
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