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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 12:00pm-12:31pm EET

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both in wet weather and in very severe frosts. high-quality, light and warm alaska style boots will provide comfort and skillful wet autumn, and in frosty winter and unpredictable spring. you will always be warm, comfortable and dry. universal design, basic black color and a favorable price, only from uah 799. call we summarize the informational morning in ukraine in ether espresso news, khrystyna parubiy works in the studio. four cruise missiles and one iskander targeted russian terrorists in the dnipropetrovsk region in the morning. new ones the details of the russian attack - the head of the region serhii lysak reported. let me remind you, one. one person
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died and four were injured in the pavlograd district. there is destruction in pavlograd, ternivka and yuryvska hromada. damaged industrial enterprise. in nivychchyna, more than two dozen private and country houses touched the church. the police showed the consequences of the morning rocket attack on the kyiv region. due to falling debris , several residential buildings, a gas pipe and a car were damaged. three rockets were shot down in the sky over the region. let me remind you, almost a dozen enemies bombers ukrainian cities in the morning. our defenders of the sky have previously shot down 14 of the 19 launched kh-101 and kh-555 missiles that the invaders launched from the area of ​​the engels airfield - air force spokesman yuriy ignat said. the anti-aircraft defense forces worked in kyiv region and dnipropetrovsk region, and this is the first massive russian missile attack. it's almost 3 months. at least two injured as a result of the night shelling by the russians of kharkiv. the 36-year-old woman
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was treated on the spot, but the 25-year-old man had to be hospitalized, the regional police reported. the enemy attacked with six by s-300 missiles, hits were recorded in kholodnohirskyi and shevchenkivskyi districts. in the center of the city, three houses and a transformer substation were damaged, mayor ihor terekhov said. the residents were evicted, there are suspicions of a gas leak. due to the explosions, more than two dozen private cars were also damaged. and i was thinking everything, and the children were crying there too, saying: mom, calm down, maybe we will come now, but how can they come when it’s curfew, we didn’t survive, windows and glass were broken in this room and that room light, but in this way we only have two windows damaged. immediately two underground hospitals are being built in kherson, they should provide residents with medical care, even in conditions of constant shelling, she said. in the regional military
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administration, one of the projects is a prenatal center, it will have a maternity and postpartum ward, halls with an intensive care ward and an operating room. all premises will be equipped with modern equipment, other underground clinics will operate operationally with a resuscitation unit and intensive care wards. all this in the facility's bomb shelter. currently , 12 medical institutions of the right bank already have updated shelters with operating rooms in the region. what can we do, we planned how here we have an operating room, here is a delivery room, here is an operating room , then there is a room for processing instruments, here and there there is also a room, so we have one, two, three, and that fourth room, and this corridor, yes, it blew up, so we will have enough for you no, i'm for a specialist. the director of one of the defense
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factories in ukraine embezzled budget funds for the purchase of spare parts for combat aircraft. him together with his accomplices, he was kidnapped from the sbu. dilki wanted to appropriate uah 4 million during the purchase of modules for ukrainian su-27 fighters. for this amount, they supplied defective components from the company under their control. the director of the plant put the defective equipment on the balance sheet and transferred the first part for it. amount, about 2 million hryvnias. the participants planned to take the money into the shadows and divide it among themselves, but they did not have time to complete the matter, they were detained and already informed about the suspicion. espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua collects funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military
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will choose victory every day without leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs , evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the injured are much greater. our. the goal is uah 800. with your help, we collected more than uah 100,000. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. so support, do not remain indifferent. you can see all the details on the screen. it's been a month ukrainian drivers stand in kilometer-long queues at the polish-ukrainian border. outside , the temperature is sub-zero, there are no sanitary conditions, and the situation is only getting worse. drivers convince. traffic has slowed down, strikers are keeping cars with dangerous installation in line for a long time. our colleague maria chernyakhivska visited the other side of the border. taras has been standing in line at the polish-ukrainian border for 8 days, taking frozen chicken to ukraine, but there is a lack of food himself. from everyday life, it is the most
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basic, the kitchen is gas, on canisters disposable, such shells are enough for a week, well, a kettle, literally so that... to feed yourself, to eat some kind of sandwich with warm tea, to warm up, the refrigerator is already empty under your feet, what time is it, because it is already food, already all the products have long been exhausted, the drivers stand in the middle of the field , there are bio-toilets about every half kilometer, this is where the benefits of civilization end, a toothbrush, warm water, a towel, soap, and wet wipes, nothing else, you can’t think of anything else here, it’s cold now, you can't think of a summer shower now. this is the second time taras has been on strike in this line, the first time he stood at the border for eight days, now it will be at least 12, the guy predicts, because forward movement is very slow. we drive a kilometer a day, it's so systematic, a kilometer in an arc, sometimes 900 m, sometimes 800. rescuers are
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volunteers, poles and ukrainians, who bring warm food twice a day. one of the poles who care is david. this is not the first time that a man finds a job, studies and three children. time to come from warsaw to the border with food and medicine for ukrainian drivers. it worries me, because we are in country of the european union, and we live in a country where human rights are respected, we actually have problems with it, it can be seen here. this time david and volunteers brought 60 liters of goulash, which was prepared by chefs in a ukrainian restaurant in warsaw. in addition, david does not support canapés, canned goods, bread, sweets and medicine, the actions of polish protesters at the border. my building city, in my opinion, is to some extent an artificially created situation, if we are talking about this protest. this protest should be directed to another place, should be motivated by someone else, and these drivers
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have nothing to do with making political decisions here. when it comes to the permits that are required, this is the competence of the european union. also, poland, as a country, can take certain steps to... ukrainian drivers are losing patience, primarily because the rules for passing trucks are constantly changing, and they don't know what to expect tomorrow, now it's getting much worse, well, that is, even if you take , they don’t let them in at all, not refrigerators, they don’t let anything in, no one wants to go, because what’s going on here is crazy, because of this there are few cars and so that there are no cars here at all, they are artificial.
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to find out what the matter is. we are on the territory of poland, not far from the dorogusk jagodyn checkpoint. poles are rallying behind me, on the other side is a 17-kilometer line of ukrainian trucks. at first, the poles did not want to comment, but later they talked. yes, at a certain hour. 1:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 2:00 p.m., 15:00 p.m., 16:00 p.m. and 17:00 p.m.
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they want to restore permits for ukrainian carriers to travel to the eu. the ministry of infrastructure of poland supports this demand. the european commission is in favor preservation of transport visa-free for ukraine. maria chernyakhivska, ihor antoniuk, for espresso tv channel from poland. the white house is ready to make concessions in migration policy so that the senate votes for aid to ukraine and israel, reuters reports with reference to its own sources. the republican majority in the parliament issued an ultimatum to settle the issue of illegal migration across the us-mexico border in order to continue military support to ukraine. in particular, the white house will consider raising standards. primary checks on asylum applicants.
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this was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, i say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow. good evening, we are from ukraine, glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, i greet everyone and wish everyone good health. for the next two hours , we will talk about ukraine, the world, the war, and our victory. today in the program. relief on recess, united states senate . blocks the package of international support, what does this mean for ukraine?
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it was not too late that the fortification of ukraine talked about it and how they plan to build defense structures. traitors get ready, kiva may not be the last person killed in moscow, what awaits other collaborators? we will talk about this and other things during the next hour with our guests, people's deputy of ukraine iryna gerashchenko. teroborona soldier, paramedic yehor firsov and general of the security service of ukraine viktor yagun. in the second part of our program, we will have people's deputies of ukraine rosyslav pavlenko, mykhailo tsymbalyuk and yevgenia kravchuk. however, before we start our big conversation, let's watch a video of a burning power plant in moscow, an enterprise that produces transformer and reactor equipment. let's see.
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you can endlessly look at three things: how moscow is burning, how moscow is burning, how
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moscow is burning. friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video, follow our pages on these platforms, and also participate in our vote. today we ask you about the following: do you need to strengthen mobilization measures in ukraine? yeah, no, if you're on youtube, it's all there. quite simple, if you have a separate opinion , please write it under this video, if you are sitting in front of the tv, pick up your phone or smartphone and vote by numbers, if you think that mobilization measures should be strengthened in ukraine, 0.800- 211-381, no, 0800-211-382, all calls to these numbers are free of charge. we are in touch with a people's deputy of ukraine, co-chair of the european solidarity faction. iryna gerashchenko. mrs. irina, i congratulate you and thank you for joining our broadcast today. thanks to
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kanalus, who, despite the fact that the authorities turned him off from digital broadcasting, continues to inform ukrainians about the most important events in the world and in ukraine. well, let 's start with the world, because the senate of the united states of america failed a procedural vote on the allocation of financial aid to ukraine in the amount of six. republicans and democrats have not found a compromise on the issue of security of the southern border of the united states of america with mexico, republicans are on the sidelines. on that so that the package with aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan included the issue of arrangement of the southern border with mexico. president joe biden responded to the united states senate's failed procedural vote on aid to ukraine, which biden said: republicans in congress are threatening to cut off support for ukraine if they
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don't push through their highly involved border policy, which is political blackmail. real and simple, the stakes are too high, the consequences too significant. before that, in the senate vote, biden said that that failure to allocate money to ukraine could lead to russia's attack on europe, and warned that the americans would have to fight already in europe. in addition to what he said so that there is no doubt that putin will do it, and it must be done. everything, so that it does not happen, let's listen to what biden said. do not doubt, today's vote will be remembered for a long time. history will severely punish those who turned away from the cause of freedom. we cannot allow putin to win. it is in our national interest and in the interest of all our friends. any interruptions in our
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the ability to supply weapons and ammunition to ukraine, certainly strengthen putin's position. i will finish now. money for this aid, and some republicans are playing with our national security by holding funding for ukraine hostage to a deeply biased border policy. mrs. iryna, who and why washington does not understand what biden is talking about, that putin poses a threat not only to ukraine, but also to europe and the world. miss irina, can you hear us? yes, i hear now, sorry, there were problems with the connection, i did not hear yours question, i wanted to ask you about who and why in washington does not understand what biden is talking about, that putin poses a threat not only to ukraine, but also to europe and the united states of america as well? i think that actually in
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the united states of america the election campaign has actually started in ukraine as well. is a hostage today of this domestic political situation, indeed you correctly pointed out that this topic of immigration policy, the wall is fundamental for the republicans, it is trump's programmatic promise. let me remind you that in march already in in the united states, the primaries will be held, and it is obvious that from january the republicans will be even more cautious in matters related to foreign policy, and the democrats will be focused on domestic policy, for... the loss of votes on this migration policy will mean the loss of, well, a sufficient number of voters , and that is why we are really talking about the upcoming elections, where their fate will probably be determined by a few percent, and it seems to me that, first of all, for ukraine, this is a very important signal, how turbulent the next year will be for us,
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after all, in 2024, more than 70 countries of the world, not only in the united states, in russia, in the countries of the european union, in the global south, in the countries that are important for us, will have elections to the european parliament and others, and it is obvious that this will be determined very often , if the nature of the discussions, we should be ready for this and systematically work with our partners, not in spurts, but as it is happening now in such cavalier ways, still understand that foreign policy, it requires diplomacy, you can't insult everyone there ours partners and hope again for the magic of performances there or for those things that worked the previous two years, but we are entering a different situation that requires such diplomatic filigree and from ukraine itself, i would say so, it seems to me that in there is no doubt in the united states, well, in most of the elites that putin is,
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but really, when it comes to elections, politicians will be focused primarily on interests. their voters and think about how to win in the country. how should ukraine act in this situation, because it is clear that at kona, not only, well, relatively speaking , there is a big bag of money, but the lives of our soldiers on the russian-ukrainian front, and we are talking about weapons, we are talking about ammunition, we are talking about aid, about financial aid to ukraine, which is being spent a lot. to fight with the russian federation, what does that mean, but this decision will not be made, for example, they are still planning before the new year or before the christmas holidays. to vote or put to a vote already in the congress, if, if this does not happen, where can ukraine look for money, and as? well, for us, this help is really vitally
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necessary, and it is vitally necessary to vote it before december 15th, not only because after december 15th the christmas vacation begins in congress, but also because of our first part of the conversation, because from january 1st there yes, well, they will start from the second of january. in essence , the election campaign, everyone will already be focused there on preparing for the primaries, on internal problems. ukraine lost a certain amount of time, because the truth is that it was necessary to work not only there with the white house, with the state department, namely with the congress, with the democrats , with the republicans, to do it systematically, to work with states that are traditionally conservative, republican, but not to do it at the last minute, when you may know, this ukrainian delegation from the 30s went there... servants and in the most unfortunate time, because they went to the states, and the political system in the united states is a little different than in other countries, and they have these regional
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congresses there, they work in the first half of the year, and where they had to go, roughly speaking , in march, april, may they applied to december, the american system, it values ​​democracy, you will not see any delegation of the american congress or senate, which will consist of: from one party, it is always a bipartisan representative delegation, we see how they are debating now, how emotionally the congressmen and republicans and democrats inside the country , but externally they speak with one voice, in principle, like the ukrainian delegations, externally we represent one voice, but one party, the servants of the people, went to the united states, and this is not normal, and with those signals that we receive from our colleagues now and partners and our friends, well, there it finds misunderstanding, and you recognize... you know, today, for example, i want to say that the statement that was just voted is an international democratic union, where petro poroshenko was supposed to speak, where
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our delegation, our team was supposed to be, and here iduu is an institution that unites 80 right-center parties of the world, including the republican party of the united states, is part of adiy, we were going to work there with the republicans, and in spite of everything we did everything in order to... in this resolution , which came into effect today, there is a call to support the financing of ukraine, to support, well, this aid is vitally necessary for us, which, as you rightly pointed out, goes to shells and weapons, but in that it's time to support our social sphere, but unfortunately, here is the last paragraph of this statement, where concerns are expressed about not allowing poroshenko and the members of the european union to visit the country on an international visit. his teams, these are not the signals they have today, well, in such a zone, in these turbulent times, to go our partners, and i think that today it is very
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important for us to take these lessons into account and demonstrate unity, further, so that not only ukraine itself and ukrainian politicians lobby our interests, but also work with partners, for example, part of the fact that iduu is a conservative party in britain , they are our friends, and we must work with them. that they should also talk about ukraine in the dialogue with the american side, proving that this is joint absolute justice, our task now is to prevent putin from triumphing, he really, if he feels that the support of ukraine decreases, he will not stop in his extortion plans and may go further, including to nato countries. and you, mrs. iryna, can you explain why you are not being released for negotiations and... well, with petro poroshenko , there was at least some kind of explanation with the security service of ukraine, although it is also very strange that the fifth president of ukraine was suspected, well
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suspected in the pubs that he wanted to speak with the current prime minister of hungary , which is a member of the european union, and in any case, he is our neighbor and is a person from which will depend on the movement of ukraine to the european union, what... were you told when you were not allowed to go abroad, that is, it is not on time, you have nothing to do there, and why should you go, and not, without an angle or someone else, well, that is, what is the motivation, ivanka klympushensadze and mariyanova and i have already joked that maybe we are suspected there of the fact that kimchin and i were supposed to have a meeting in washington, i don't know, but in fact it is a systemic problem and the travel of opposition women is blocked, even though we are now. .. not in the opposition, we are representatives of the faction that occupies the state pro-ukrainian, pro-european and pro-nato position, but for me, for example, all official
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business trips there have been blocked since september. starting from the osce parliamentary assembly, ending with the women's leadership forum there, where i had to speak, which is also important, the same thing happens with girls, i think it has one character, the office of the president, and we heard it by hearsay, he makes lists delegations, and there black marks not only tv channels, but why espresso was produced from the air of digital broadcasting, you are a pro-ukrainian channel, you are a professional channel, but no one can say what you are like... from the point of view of content, it seems that everything is fine, you work for ukraine, but you are independent, but i think that the same motivation is the same, and this is not normal, and by the way , today petro oleksiyovych filed lawsuits against kornienko, who canceled the illegal business trip, against the border guards who illegally did not release him, against the cabinet of ministers, which should be under the control of the parliament in a parliamentary-presidential republic, at the time, as we see, he is blocking
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inter-parliamentary activities . deputies to presidential decree, on the basis of which all this is being done, and we have a number of deputies, about 10 deputies of our faction, are preparing the same lawsuits, and it seems to me that now , on the contrary, is the time to unite, work together, this is what concerns business trips, now orban , right now in the elysée palace there is a dinner between the president of france macron and the prime minister of the nato and eu countries, indeed there... there are problems with democracy in hungary, but this country has a senate and today our answer depends on it, or december 15 will be a historic and happy day for of ukraine, whether suffixes will be created on our ten-year, or at least such an active path to eu membership, and it is obvious that this is such an adult policy, when our partners are talking to the prime minister
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of hungary for support. of ukraine, and the fact that the security service of ukraine, and it is not a cornerless person, you understand, if a cornerless person writes some kind of nonsense in the posts there, and then when it is already lashed out on the pages of the new york times, it is a blow to ukraine, but it is a cornerless person, here the security service of ukraine writes that this is a meeting, it is some kind of meeting russian ipso, someone will recruit someone, a day after that, mr. yaermak is already talking about president zelenskyi meeting with orban, well , it seems to me that this is very... chaotic foreign policy, and we need to move away from such mistakes , because they can really cost ukraine very dearly, do you know what poroshenko wanted to talk about with orban, if it is to refute what the izbu says that it is a russian ipso, that is, i understand that it's not enough, i understand first of all, that it was not the sbu that said it, but that the sbu forced bankova to appear there on the telegram channel, because according to the style of the message, it
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was not a message from the sbu, it was... he clearly stated it once again, and this, by the way, is also in the lawsuits that he has already filed against the persons and institutions listed there, that from the first petro oleksiyovych gave a briefing the other day, where he planned to be exclusively in poland on december 8, because we have a huge one today. the problem and the blocking of our borders with poland and the need to solve this problem, huge losses are borne by the ukrainian exporter, the ukrainian economy because of this blockade, and we really, as an associate member of the epp, have a very friendly, good relationship with the team of donald tusk, whose party is also part of the epp, and we were going to hold just such negotiations on the activation
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of bilateral relations, later. there was a very tight schedule in the united states, the most interesting thing is that this schedule completely coincided with the fact that now i am following with interest the visit of mr. stefanchuk with this visit, there was also a meeting with the chairman of the congress mr. johnson and a speech at the peace institute, and congressmen and senators, it seems to me that maybe they didn't want to, i don't know there is a feeling that mr. stefanchuk usually doesn't want to be in the parliament. to see, and especially the ermak company , maybe there they thought that it was more comfortable for them to be themselves, but excuse me, we are not a creep to please the office of the president, we are ukrainian politicians who work for the state, for ukraine, and do everything to for ukraine to become stronger, for ukraine's support to be stronger. it is obvious that petro oleksiyovych and our team have the appropriate competence and authority to strengthen here support


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