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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 2:00pm-2:30pm EET

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greetings to all viewers of espresso, it's time to learn about the most important thing at the moment, with you is annaeva melnyk and... news, this issue begins with the following: the number of injured due to the russian missile attack on pavlograd has increased to eight. one person died , injured men from 32 to 66 years old, two in serious condition. psychological help was provided to 13 residents, serhii lysak, the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, said. there is destruction in pavlograd, ternivka, yuriivska and mezheritska communities. more than 20 were injured residential buildings, nine commercial buildings. and
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gymnasium, power lines were also affected , i note that in the morning russian terrorists targeted dnipropetrovsk region with four cruise missiles and one iskander. the police showed the consequences of the morning rocket attack on the kyiv region, several residential buildings, a gas pipe and a car were damaged due to falling debris. three rockets were shot down in the sky over the region. let me remind you, almost a dozen enemy bombers attacked ukraine in the morning. cities our defenders of the sky previously shot down 14 of the 19 launched kh-101 and kh-555 missiles, which the occupiers launched from the area of ​​the engels airfield, - said air force spokesman yuriy ignat. air defense was operating in kyiv region and dnipropetrovsk region, and this is the first massive russian missile attack in almost 3 months. two underground hospitals are being built in kherson at once. should provide residents
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with medical aid even in conditions of constant shelling, the regional military administration said. one of the projects is a perinatal center, it will have a maternity and postpartum ward, halls with an intensive care unit and an operating room. all the premises will be equipped with modern equipment, in another underground clinic there will be an operating theater with a resuscitation unit and intensive care wards. all this is in the facility's bomb shelter. at the moment in...
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yes, this will be enough for us, i am a specialist, i think that more, to avoid blackouts, ukraine is attracting emergency aid from romania and poland for the second day, electricity is imported from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m., due to frost consumption increased by 4% and remains at the highest level for the heating season. there are currently no vacancies at the power stations capacity, one of the thermal power plants in the eastern region failed due to russian shelling in the next round, emergency repairs of one of the power units are underway in another region, repairs are also ongoing at some thermal power plant units, ukrenergo notes. collected intelligence and prepared diversions. in odesa, the security service arrested an fsb agent in the act. a local resident conducted reconnaissance near one of the ukrainian facilities. russia recruited a man remotely. in october of this year, at the same time he
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received the operational pseudonym mazepa. also an enemy agent wanted to run for the verkhovna rada of ukraine, for the past month he was actively promoting his own image, joined a local environmental public organization, placed political advertisements on buses, money was allocated for this by the russian special service. for himself, the man asked for a reward of 5,500 dollars every month. it is also documented that... that a russian agent tried to identify the locations of the air defense and coastal defense facilities of the city, including the anti-ship complexes of the armed forces. he bought it on the black market for photo and video recording a special covert shooting device. he transmitted the received information through a popular messenger, and in order to mask the communication session as much as possible, he used different phone numbers and accounts. the conference started in warsaw. dedicated to the reconstruction
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of ukraine, first of all they discuss the current issues of polish-ukrainian relations, my colleague maria chernyakhivska will tell more, she is with us live from the polish capital, maria, good! day and what topics have already been discussed? congratulations anna eva, first of all i want to tell about the fact that representatives of the polish government, politicians from the ruling party, as well as experts from ukraine and poland took part in the discussion about polish-ukrainian relations. but there was some imbalance, because there was only one political scientist from ukraine. first of all, the poles talked about the fact that pop... in case of disagreement on certain issues between ukraine and poland, support for ukraine will be maintained, this is the polish official position, and it will be maintained in the future, regardless of the change of government. but there were such theories that the honeymoon in relations between
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ukraine and poland ended, and we have such issues that are problematic between our countries, their number will only increase, according to the poles, so we need to learn how to solve them at different levels, of course, they also talked about the current situation on the polish-ukrainian border, the poles believe that a compromise should be sought, they believe that the ukrainian government should solve this problem, the european union should solve it, and such a big difference, the poles do not talk at all in the context of this topic about russian influence, so... how differ here the opinions of the polish-ukrainian side on this issue, let's listen. we opened the gates to the european union for export , ukrainian export of grain, for transporters, for everyone from ukraine, but not without
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any conditions, that is, these companies that work, that are registered in the european union, they are subject to all kinds of restrictions, there with ... from policyholders, there are the rights of workers, that there drivers are forced to sleep in hotels, not in their trucks, and so on and so forth, and all these requirements do not affect ukrainian companies, that is, for them, if the border the customs duty has disappeared, and there are no expectations, no standards, they are not forced to apply them, and in such conditions it is not possible. is it possible to compete? first of all, there is an element of skillful russian influence, this, in my opinion, is an operation of reflexive management in polish-ukrainian relations, and this, after all, should be paid more attention to by polish special services than by polish politicians. none of the ukrainian
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experts can influence the polish special services. we will tell more about this hot discussion in the next issues, in general on this. there is still work to be done entrepreneurs from ukraine and poland, who discuss their cooperation, in particular in the context of the reconstruction of ukraine. anna yevo, according to information from poland, maria chernyakhivska, correspondent of espresso, about the start-conference, which is dedicated to reconstruction in ukraine. tomorrow in kyiv , the movement of subway trains on the blue branch between demiivska and terymka stations will be stopped for six months. kyiv city state. the administration reported that trains will run between heroiv dnipro and lebitsk stations. to get to terymki, you will have to use duplicate routes land transport. restrictions on the six-station section are introduced in connection with the urgent repair of the tunnel. the espresso tv channel together with
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the public organization baza yua is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized division. brigade of the armed forces of the kholodny yar. in extremely difficult conditions , the ukrainian military fights for victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs, evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the injured are much greater. our goal is 800,000 uah with your help, we have already collected more than uah 100,000. a donation is the least we can all do for our soldiers, for those who protect us on the battlefield. support our collection. you can see all the details on the screen. that's how things are for the moment. the newsroom monitors what is happening in ukraine and the world. we will talk about the most relevant events already at 3 p.m. and of course, you can read more about important things on our website "espresso
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tv". and also subscribe to our social media channels. be near. the information day of the tv channel is in full swing . over the next hour, we will analyze the internal ukrainian situation and not only the internal ukrainian espresso studio live, marta oliyarnyk and antin borkovskyi. let's start today's ether with news from germany. germany announced a new package of military aid to ukraine, 155-millimeter caliber ammunition, anti-aircraft missiles, trucks and medical kits. here is such information from germany. thanks to the germans for their help, and now we have our first guest, ivan
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stupak, a military expert, a former employee of the sbu, is already in touch with us , we congratulate you, glory to ukraine, mr. ivan, i congratulate you, yes, well, a famous ukrainian scientist, a candidate of some sciences, was killed on the territory of the russian federation, a former, i don't know, pillar of the ukrainian law enforcement system, adviser. the minister of internal affairs of ukraine and so on , he had some kind of high police rank, and then he was also a collaborator of the kivu, so how do you generally evaluate the implementation of such operations on the territory of the enemy, what consequences this could have, we understand that if they did not take responsibility there, well, that's one story, here they said out loud that kyva met the liquidator, so to speak, well... they could, well they could were able, they could not admit it, no , i mean, they were able to reach, that is
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, everyone, well, every time the ability to reach the fast collaborators is more and more, that is, these abilities are strengthened, this must be stated, you see, and arrived at the afima mpz, yes, it's just a drone flew 400 km, hit the krasnodar territory and exploded in a tunnel 600 km from ukraine. and here near moskovye there is such a loud operation, well, the next step is probably already on lubyansk square, right near the headquarters of the fsbshniks , to eliminate, i don’t know, either a collaborator of a well-known local propagandist or a local propagandist or some official of the russian special service, that is, really the ability of our special services, they are growing , and this must and must be stated. ugh. mr. ivan, there was information that the finnish court released the russian militant and refused. extradition to ukraine due to the conditions in prisons, it is meant in ukrainian prisons, we are talking about the militant
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yan petrovsky from the sabotage and assault intelligence group rusych, can you comment in general, how do you perceive this news, well, i am personally somewhat disappointed in in the sense that ukraine is trying to get hold of certain terrorists, but we cannot get, for example, approval from finland, and in fact we cannot bring them to justice. a person who committed crimes on the territory of our state, well, sadness, actually, well look, i will explain why, that is, not betrayal, betrayal, yes, but sadness, in what sense, because unfortunately, a large number of countries in western europe, they live in their paradigm, where humanism is in the first place, these are the countries scandinavia, switzerland, for them , humanism is in the first place, and they believe that if this person goes to ukraine, he will be treated there, it is a violation of honor and dignity. a person, a citizen, this is wrong, it should be left, but with such a policy, well, i think, on the horizon somewhere
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approximately 10 years, but first of all finland will have a lot of problems for her, just the other day there was such an interesting video from a girl who lives in finland, but she wears, well, she is a muslim and says, i don't like it here, finns, finns, finns, no diversity, but we hope that in the near future we will make this diversity very strong and... great diversity, that is, there will be an influx of even larger countries, well , residents of muslim countries, that is, i think, europeans, unfortunately, can play with their humanism, this is a feeling honor dignity, despite what this person has done in the past, that is, he will be in a finnish prison, this is some kind of two-star hotel, and blowing his lips, well, it is not very pleasant for us, but in general, mr. ivan, what do you think now there is a new wave of recruitment in the russian federation... we are talking about additional layers of the population, well, in addition to the convicts, they
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are starting to recruit all sorts of other things, well, but they recruited about 100 thousand, as far as i understand , additional personnel, you mean abroad or inside or inside? well, yes, look, by the time the mobilization was announced, even the russians themselves admit it, you and i once talked about it, they write in their comments that we perfectly understand that they will abandon us, and after the month of march, only putin... will be elected, there will be a mobilization immediately, and we understand that by this time the russians must somehow jump on one foot, and somehow recruit people and not carry out the mobilization and constantly recruit people to the front and there are not the right ones. and by rolling they are recruited, some are pressed, some are put under pressure in prisons, v colonies, there were reports that they are recruiting in the sizo, because it is much easier to recruit there, the person does not have a sentence, neither amnesty nor pardon is needed, nothing is needed, you just come, say that there is a criminal case, there you are , yes, if you go now, we will simply burn this case and everything, and there is nothing against you, debtors are a separate category,
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they are debtors to the budget, they are bankrupts, for them... the position is this, you either pay or leave to the war, you can't pay, you end up in prison, and you have an option, or maybe, or maybe go to war, your debt will be written off, plus you will earn something else, this way, that is, they have to hold out until the month of march, as they believe, then there will be mobilization, and then until the end of the 24th year, when, according to their beliefs , the kremlin will win another a candidate in the elections in the united states and tra-ta, as you and i said about it, that the war will immediately end in ukraine, but look, maybe... we should implement something similar, some such mechanisms, maybe they exist, of course but well, is it productive or not, or is it will deploy units, look , it's counterproductive, i'll explain why, first of all, well, you can ask our military, do you remember when there were such stages in forced mobilization, our military said, wait a second, why don't you recruit policemen to yourself , national police, recruit
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such people, send your units, work with them, give them weapons, if you don't like it, then why are you? you throw this skein at us, well, people who, first of all, don't want to , we don't know what their mood is, these could be people, well, first of all, unmotivated, secondly, they may accidentally have pro-russian views, in this way they are simply artificially infiltrated into the armed forces and they are there, oh, yes, i am already here, i can already report something with my curator, yes, the russian federation is contacted , says that i was pushed into the armed forces here, and now i will tell you where everything is, well, the military says... that this is not a punishment, well, on the other hand, there really aren’t enough people, there isn’t enough ammunition, it’s not enough, but this kind of forced in a way, i think, the situation, well, no, no to improve, this affects the country in many different aspects, both the social situation in the country and the economic one, well, that’s how it is, but i also wanted to ask you, today it became known that
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thousands of people worked in ukraine for years surveillance cameras with servers in moscow, this is reported by the schemes and they say that cameras with this russian software were not only used in private homes of ukrainians, but also , for example, in particular at night, this is a strategic object, let me remind you, the administration of sea ports and business, for example, new post and big pocket, what can you say about this , how do you think, why do we still have such news, firstly, that we are talking about it at all, and secondly, how to fight it, well , look, here it is. .. a twofold situation on the one hand, you mentioned your colleagues from the programs of the draft scheme, they noted that yes, such a situation exists, at the same time, according to the data there, the ministry of statistics, they say no, everything is fine with us, we blocked everything, it's all going well, well, okay, we trust journalists, but i think that the state also introduced something bans, something was cut off, something was blocked, there are also
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cyber units in the national police, in the sbu, that is, it is interesting to hear them. point of view, what will they say there blocked, blocked and not blocked , or in general, oh, sorry, they missed it, although it is unlikely that they will say the second option, because no one will admit their mistakes, the situation is really interesting and, well, here it is important to quickly praise the decision and block so that it does not work for the country of the aggressor, because there are many cameras, for example, okay, in private cameras, if they are there in the apartment, then this is one the thing is, a person watches his family, for example, in... normal families, i don't know about pets, but when there are external surveillance cameras, he just stands conditionally there, i don't know, on the tenth floor and takes panoramas of some city, it doesn't matter, ternopil, khmelnytskyi, odesa, but that's when the alarm starts, flights begin to arrive, the work of air defense begins, these cameras are very, very interesting for russians. mr. ivan, look, well, but marta touched on
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an extremely important topic, that is, well, she touched on it in the aspect of video cameras that can work for a while but listen, they can’t take information from our phones, so when the ukrainians are talking there or we are there, our special services can listen, everyone is not too concerned about this, but the enemy can also listen, well, honest people don’t care, yes, because honest people have nothing to lose, it's about such an opportunity, listen, i'll tell you, it's so uninteresting, especially if you don't know the person, when you listen to what they 're talking about, who this person is friends with. .. yes, what does it mean, what is its importance in a person's life, which you are listening to, it is extremely tiring, it seems that they are listening, yes, who then sits and it's all the same, well, then analyzes all these large arrays. of course, the russians are not interested in information, i don’t know about ordinary citizens there, there are simply no resources to process it, but high-ranking officials
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, yes, e-mail, correspondence of some kind , telephone conversations, they are interested in this, of course they try technologically or technically, this is what they can do, well they are from the territory of russia in the territory of ukraine to work like that, well, come on, well, technically because what do i know, i am not a technician in this matter, it seems to me that not, but of course what can be found, for example, there is the internet , do some interceptions on the internet, yes , i do not know there, if it is encrypted, for example, whatsapp , yes it is forwarded, i cannot say how much it is listened to, but as far as i know , the national anti-corruption bureau has separate chips, how they can break such and such correspondence there and read it, but there, okay, that’s aside, first of all, they are once again interested in these special telephone lines, such as pbx with 100 sotka was called, they are there, for example, the president's office. the cabinet of ministers, the cabinet of ministers, with the regional heads of the administration, that is , all these closed lines of communication to the government, they are really very interesting, because there
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they communicate interestingly about certain interesting moments, and the russians are very eager to get access to such channels of information, and the state intelligence service can somehow help this matter, well, there were perturbations of the personnel plan, because we understand that the previous team was very interested in the possibility... but look the mechanism works, once again there are various cyber units in the sbu, there are in the national police , there are in the main intelligence department, that is, they all work to identify such gaps and completely localize them, but do not forget that there can be even simple physical access access to networks from this state report. when they can simply put a special eavesdropping device on these wires on the cable, it can intercept the conversations of some officials with others, that is, such a story can also be our special services
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i'm sure they also work in this direction , regularly checking all networks for the detection of some third-party, some third -party, third-party, i don't know, a third-party box , yes, there is some kind of box lying inexplicably, something there, some kind of diode, what is it that is so unclear and must be detected and localized. right away, mr. ivan, let's change the perspective of our conversation a little, let's talk about a certain dmitry medvedev, rather scandalous, but nevertheless, the deputy head of the security council of the russian federation, he blurted out again that the threat of a collision between russia and nato and the beginning the third world war has never been so real, says medvidev, and in fact, it is about the fact that russia has already begun to restore its military and economic potential, aimed at confronting nato, regardless. or to the fact that it is waging war against ukraine, how do you generally feel about such statements and do you see, for example, the conditions to the fact that we can really face
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the fact that russia will provoke this third world war, because it is clear that nato countries will do everything possible to prevent this, but russia will most likely, on the contrary, heat up this whole thing, yes look, when they started for dmitry medvedev, an investigation appeared there this morning, well, russian journalists there. who is in exile , yes, and they talk about putin's bodyguards, and they mentioned that among the closest people there is a person with a not-so-what callsign, dima button, well , for the first time when they told me about medvedev, something seemed to me that it was about him dima button, although in fact it is a person who is carrying this nuclear briefcase and look at the matter of this house house that is constantly threatening someone with something, a war with nato, the united states of america rather, for russia, it will be so fast that it will not even have time to run to the military. then not everyone will make it, now they are so hard to find people to join the ranks of the armed forces, they are very active there, we saw how bahmud spent eight months, they were just trying to push
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and push, but, unfortunately, they succeed , but once again, well, the americans didn’t even start fighting yet, 5% of the military budget was spent only on the war and to stop the russian federation, the russians can brag as much as they want about the fact that they have the sarmatians, but wait a second, everyone... the russian vagabonds are going astray, they are being led astray by the old, good patriots there, although this is a production, or rather a project of the 70s, and if indeed the countries of western europe all unite there, then these nuclear warheads will not help russia, i i tell you without exaggeration, so let him threaten, this is such a way to show his loyalty to putin, since i am with you, that i am also barking something at a bad event, and to draw attention to my personality again, because... the position of deputy secretary radbezu is in general, you know such a representative chair somewhere in the administration of president erefia.
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thank you, ivan stupak, military expert. a former employee of the sbu was with us , we thank mr. ivan for his thoughts, now we will take a short break, wait a few minutes , we will continue, i was flying, i was flying, the cough stopped me, the cough is a symptom of a respiratory disease, so we treat it respiratoryly, we do inhalation, lordegial is inhaled cough remedy, lordegil - a direct way to expel phlegm. on december 10, i will visit lviv, nikolai as his own character in maryana savka's christmas musical, write letters to nikolai. lviv orchestra, dudaryk chapel and favorite soloists in a festive performance for the whole family. december 10 exclusively at fest republiblik, live sound. attention, incredible novelty from unpack tv. super warm and very comfortable alaska style boots. perfect fit, water-repellent material and a feeling of warmth even in 30-degree frost.
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national assembly of persons with disabilities of ukraine enable me ukraine. information day of the tv channel. we understand that the key story is now unfolding at the front. and avdiivka is a naked nerve. we are now joining vitaly barabash, the head of the avdiiv city military administration, to our marathon. glory to ukraine, mr. chief, we congratulate you. glory to the heroes, congratulations. well, extreme news from the avdiiv region. everything possible well, the situation in dokarin is unchanged, as hot as it was in our direction, it remains so, the enemy is pressing along the entire line of defense around the city, he is trying to be active, a lot of infantry groups are using, weather conditions, of course, which do not allow him to use now.


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