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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 3:00pm-3:29pm EET

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anna yavomelnyk, we pass the word. greetings, colleagues, thank you for your work, the news team continues to work, we will tell you about the most important things, stay with us. russian troops in the tavriz direction. do not reduce the activity of their infantry - reports the commander of the tavria troops group oleksandr tarnavskyi. in the area of ​​avdiyivka and maryinka, the most clashes occurred. the enemy operates with the support of armored vehicles. enemy aviation has dropped more than 40 guided bombs in the last day alone. according to the general, the enemy carried out 24 airstrikes, carried out 56 attacks and carried out 648 artillery barrages. ukrainian soldiers are holding the defense in the avdiyiv direction. the total losses of the enemy
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amounted to 466 people, and 20 units of enemy equipment were also destroyed. the ministry of veterans' affairs presented the project of the national military memorial cemetery, which will be created within the boundaries of the atna community near kyiv. a military cemetery, a ceremonial square, the trau building, a crematorium, and a museum exhibition will be located on the 260-hectare land plot. complex and other infrastructure. first of all, they will build sector of traditional burials. columbarium, farewell square and other necessary facilities. tombstones will be in a uniform style, taking into account religious features. buses will run constantly from the capital to the cemetery. the number of people injured due to the russian missile attack on pavlograd has increased to eight. one person died. wounded men. from 32 to 66 years old, two in serious
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condition, psychological help was provided to 13 residents, said the head of the dnipropetrovsk regional military administration, serhii lesak. destruction is in pavlograd, ternivka, yuriivska and mezheritska communities. more than 20 residential buildings, nine farm buildings and a gymnasium were damaged. power lines were also affected. i would like to note that in the morning, russian terrorists targeted dnipropetrovsk region with four cruise missiles and one iskander. antirek of the parliament. the verkhovna rada prematurely terminated the mandate of three people's deputies. maksym yefimov, the co-chairman of the deputy group for the restoration of ukraine, was left without a mandate. the powers of non-factional people's deputy dmytro shpenov were also prematurely terminated. places majority members will remain vacant until the end of the war - said yaroslav zheleznik, a member of parliament.
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people's deputy vitaly danilov from the batkivshchyna faction also lost his mandate. instead of him , another person from the list will go to the parliament. 401 deputies remained in the council. declarations of military officers and medical commissions will be public. kateryna budko, the head of the public council of prizk, announced this on radio svoboda. according to her, the position is that such declarations should be open. was fundamental for the anti-corruption committee, in particular, due to the incidents of bribery in military offices and velka. at the same time, declarations of servicemen mobilized into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine and their families remain closed for security reasons. collected intelligence and prepared diversions. in odesa, the security service arrested an fsb agent in the act. a local resident conducted reconnaissance near one of the ukrainian ones.
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russia remotely recruited the man in october of this year, at the same time he received the operational pseudonym mazepa. the enemy agent also wanted to run for the verkhovna rada of ukraine. in the last month, he was actively promoting his own image, joined a local environmental public organization, and placed political advertisements on buses. the money was allocated for this by the russian special service. for himself, the man asked for a reward of 5.5 thousand dollars every month. it is also documented that the russian agent tried to identify the locations of the air defense and coastal defense facilities of the city, including the anti-ship complexes of the armed forces. for photo and video recording, he purchased a special hidden camera device on the black market. he transmitted the received information through a popular messenger, and in order to mask the communication session as much as possible, he used different phone numbers. and accounts. to
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avoid power outages, ukraine is receiving emergency aid from romania and poland for the second day. electricity is imported from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. by. consumption increased by 4% and remains at the highest level for the heating season. at the moment, there are no free capacities at the power plants. one of the thermal power plants in the eastern region was once again damaged by russian shelling. in in another region, emergency repair of one of the power units is underway. repairs are also ongoing at some units of the thermal power plant, ukrenergo notes. tomorrow in kyiv from... the movement of subway trains on the blue branch between demiivska and terymka stations will be stopped for six months. the kyiv city state administration reported that trains will run between heroiv dnipro and lebitsk stations. due to broken sealing of the tunnel,
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there is significant flooding on the rails, so a train speed limit of 15 km/h was introduced. limit on the plot of six. these are circled in in connection with the urgent repair of the tunnel, in order to get to terymki, you will have to use duplicate routes of ground transport. hungarian prime minister viktor orbán said that he had a great meeting with french president emmanuel macron. he wrote about it the morning after his visit to paris. he added that hungary's position before the december summit of eu leaders is very clear. however, do not report. no details of the talks with the french president. before the meeting, according to the media, macron was optimistic about the possibility of persuasion orban, who is going to block all important decisions of the european union regarding ukraine at the summit on december 14-15. more than 60% of veterans
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dream of starting their own business after demobilization. such data is evidenced by a survey of the ukrainian veterans fund. the state already provides financial support to veteran businesses. let's see the story of an entrepreneur who received a grant to develop his business. oleg kashlyak, 25 years dedicated to military service, all his positions related to veterinary medicine. after returning to civilian life, the man dared to open animal clinic in lviv. i was a veterinary doctor for almost the entire service, so i reached the position of the head of the food safety service of veterinary medicine of the national guard of ukraine, from which i resigned due to health reasons in the 20th year. the veterinary clinic treats, operates, vaccinates and rescues pets. specialists take
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up to 15 animals for examination every day, sometimes they have to work with exotic animals. there were foxes, but the other day there was a raccoon, there was a crocodile brought to us for an x-ray. here if, well, in principle there are different animals, but , but our main profile is, if it were, cats and dogs , the specialty of the clinic is the staff, you see, the biggest uniqueness is our staff, because without staff, you can’t do anything at all now, after the start of a full-scale war , oleg submitted an application for the veteran business support program, the entrepreneur was looking for financing for diagnostic equipment, i... submitted a business plan for about 1,600,000, but the veteran fund allocated a million of them, so we bought the same ultrasound, bought a biochemical parser and common parser, general parser. financial assistance to entrepreneurs
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is provided by the ukrainian veterans fund. veterans and family members of fallen defenders can apply for the guard program. the application for financing is selected for competition. on the basis, we look at the financial component of our profile, again, structural units, these are financiers, these are lawyers, then public, various presentations take place in front of experts, public protection of this project, well, then the signing of the contract and the implementation of the project itself project, the project must also be reported. as part of the program, more than 60 veterans have received financial assistance by the end of this. ukrainian veterans fund plans to announce a new competition for businesses. kateryna oliynyk, oleg palyamar, aspresso tv channel. a separate intelligence brigade of the black forest needs repair of special vehicles. a faulty car at the front can cost
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health, or even life. when performing combat tasks, transport has an important function, but it quickly breaks down and requires timely repair. people hold on, but they don't i can stand it machinery. we ask you to join the collection of uah 100,000 in order to return the special vehicles to working condition and continue the work on adjusting the artillery fire. zadonat you can by the details you see on the screen. these are the cases for the moment, i tell you, see you at 4 p.m., you can always read more about important things on our website espresso tv. subscribe to our social media channels. before meeting. the information day of the tv channel continues, well, what important news arrived from the head of the ukrainian government, denys shmygal, i quote
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the prime minister. the european union has identified four additional steps that are important for effective progress. without delay, we prepared the necessary legislative acts, an unprecedented step that was highly appreciated by our partners. already today, the parliament supported three european integration initiatives in the second reading, the deputies voted for a government bill that strengthens nabu's capabilities, a government law. the project on expanding opportunities at the zk. in addition, the draft law on national minorities, which takes into account the council's expert assessments, was adopted as a whole of europe shmyhal reminded that yesterday the cabinet of ministers implemented the fourth recommendation and adopted a bill on lobbying that takes into account modern europe. it is in israel between hamas and israel itself. how do you rate the actions on both sides, what do you think our viewers should know? well, in fact, it is about the completion of the operation in the north. not only the city of gaza itself, but the entire north, on the surface, not all
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the tunnels, but on the surface it is actually controlled by the israel defense forces. tsaal now, well tsaal, the idf is now solving the problem of tunnels, one way out, as far as can be understood, they will be flooded with sea water, pipes are already being laid there and in this way they will solve the problem, in principle, they... managed faster than expected, geland predicted that it would be about two months, well, as we can see, earlier, well if it moves like this, then we are waiting for another truce and another exchange, prisoners on the one hand and hostages, or rather convicts, on the one hand, and kidnapped people, on the other hand, there is an assumption that... the hamasites did not give all the women and children, because they will
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to testify, they will talk about the torture or rape or abuse they suffered. at the same time, you have to understand that the longer the operation lasts, the stronger the pressure will be on israel so that it, well, executes, reaches a certain point, says that the operation is completed, this is pressure from the middle east and the united states. and most importantly, we see a sharp increase in the number of conversations about the need to force israel to enough solutions to recognize and create an actual palestinian state, what to do with the gas sector, after the military operation will end, this is now the main question and the israeli government does not have an answer to it at the moment. mr. serhiy, actually the g7 countries supported the creation of the palestinian. states , but, for example, the prime minister of israel says
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that they want a buffer zone in the gas sector, the united states state department opposes a buffer zone in the gas sector, how do you think diplomatic conflicts around the gas sector can develop , will it still be a buffer zone or not, what are your general thoughts on this matter, well, for now... iago insists on this as an intermediate, well can he achieve this, well now on earth they control the situation, they have an army there, they can actually install it, will it be acceptable no, it won't, how will everyone react, they will , well, support for israel will decrease, and that ardor of solidarity, support for israel, which was after... the hot terrorist attack on october 7, it will very quickly turn to the very opposite of
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condemning israel as an aggressor that increases the number of occupied territories. mr. serhiu, look at the iranian president, tracy arrived to putin, and so to speak, they are starting to draw something, think and so on, we understand that on the one hand, maybe they are going to synchronize in the near east, on the other hand, we understand that this story can also be about... . energy and in general about the increase of supplies from iran to russia, in particular it is about certain military technologies, and here the key story is, how far do you think iran will be willing to go? in assisting and playing along with moscow, on the other hand, are there any clear ones left? resources to deter certain iranian initiatives, other than the two united states aircraft carrier groups, which will be ready to unload on iran in the event of something? well, the closer the election is, the more likely it is that carrier groups will be used, the election in the united states, i mean, the
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less likely it is that two carrier groups will be used, no one will get involved. into yet another war in the middle east with an unclear outcome, there was a period when the administration, a year ago the biden administration first strongly stated that all options were on the table, having on keep in mind that it will be possible to use force against iran, but of course now the probability of this is decreasing, accordingly, this argument ceases to play, it will rather pass to the next administration, which... it was not, what putin was talking about from the broadcast, well, in principle , more- it is less clear, they need each other now, they are back doors for each other, they have complementarity in certain weapons, that is, russia has something, iran does not and vice versa, they have a common need
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to circumvent sanctions and find ways to earn and ... and these countries have a serious enough influence on the oil market. it is also about the development of the transport infrastructure around the fairytale sea, which will allow to meet the increase in trade. well, this is a symbolic visit. well, for the time being, it is necessary to understand that there are groups in the iranian establishment that would like the lifting of sanctions, and would not like further sanctions. escalation of relations with the united states, which of these parties will win, well , it is difficult to say at the moment, but what are the chances of a completely confrontational scenario, they are not are so large, that's why we can expect the delivery of iranian ballistic missiles to russia at this
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stage, well, we can say a little. a positive prediction that this will not happen. mr. serhiy, let's shift the emphasis a little on the relations between russia and the united arab emirates. on wednesday, putin arrived in dubai, if i'm not mistaken, to the sheikhs, he was accompanied during the route by four russian su-35s fighters, and we know that this was one of the few foreign trips of the russian dictator during a full-scale war against country, why do you think putin dared to go on this trip in the first place and what can it bring in the end, negative for us, but positive, unfortunately, for the russian federation? well, this is quite a powerful, informational, such a psychological step that increases the authority of russia, so there can be no
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doubt. the united arab emirates, in particular the emirate of dubai, in particular. this is the real black door to russia and russia's back entrance to the world. it is through this emirate that conversion takes place, the bulk of gray and black exports go, and most importantly - financial flows. they have greatly increased mutual trade since 24.02.22, and most importantly. this is cooperation in the financial sphere, and it is profitable for the emirates, they cynically use it, they earn good money from it, now they are going to earn, in principle, putin's message was precisely that with us you will earn, we will give you more money, more opportunities, this is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the emirates
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found an excuse, since the position of... russia on the palestinian issue, in particular on the war in gaza, agrees with many opinions on arab street, and thus, the emirates received, as it were, an indulgence for this unpopular step, an unpopular step in the world, and actually under the nose of the american aircraft carrier group. ugh, mr. sergey, how do you hear us? yes, i hear. see, the key story is no less important than the intricacies of the international politics of the middle east, the left bank. i know that you monitor everything that is happening there extremely carefully, so everything you can on the left bank, but we understand that the situation is hellishly difficult there, yes, the situation
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is difficult, i will not comment on the military there part, although there are rumors about the ukrainian landing on the kinbur spit, we are waiting for the reports from the general staff, they will tell everything there, there were very accurate landings in the last ones. a week on the left bank, and in genichivsk, and strilka, and in other places, and in the skadovsky district, a rotation took place, new people were brought in, the departure increased, when it finally became clear that this season is suitable for an offensive, summer-autumn, yes , ended, and people no longer have anything to wait for, so they began to leave even more, in fact, disappeared... was, well, if not all, then the main elements of the civil administration in the coastal zone were taken away by the russians. there, the pension fund, all kinds
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of social services, yes, some clone, filipchuk kakhovtsi, remained there, yes, instead, well, they actually gave up on civil administration and creating the appearance of civil administration. on the near ones, well, on the near distance on the left bank, and what does this mean? yes, we understand that it is serious if they evacuated their occupying administrations, but what do you think that shows? well, this indicates that there is the same well, the russians are working to a large extent, remember, a month ago there was an attack on, well, they fell into the fragments of a missile that they shot down. and this one, as it is called there, the labor department, or in the village of cheplinka, at one of the institutions that
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takes care of the labor market, and who died, people died from st. petersburg, there from chelyabinsk or something else, that is, workers, workers are brought from russia, locals don't go, or there aren't enough of them, well, as a result. russians who work in civil administrations, carry out their own administration of pension and other funds, are obviously afraid now to work, it has become dangerous, are they afraid that they can meet with very specific our fighters there, yes, yes, they can meet with danger, thank you, mr. serhiy, so what, we understand that the situation there is hellish. difficult, but mr. serhii delicately marked several very important directions, in particular, they talked not only about the near east, but also about the left bank of the dnieper, there are ongoing battles, so it is hard for our boys.
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serhiy danilov, an expert of the center for middle eastern studies, was with us, and now i want to report one piece of news: information has appeared that the russian federation wants to grant the sea of ​​azov the status of an internal sea of ​​russia in order to nullify the effect of international law there. he stated this. the head of the zaporizhia regional military administration, yury malashko, and in this way we understand that russia wants to sow absolute lawlessness there in the sea of ​​azov, in fact, it is doing everything contrary to common sense, but such things are not just contrary to common sense, but to international law, that is, on the one hand, this means that no one in the world recognizes this, well, except for certain people there banana republics that rule. advisers from moscow, on the other hand, we understand that, well, they have marked for themselves, so to speak , the minimum of their program, in particular, it is about control over the sea of ​​azov, and they
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are trying in one way or another to simply deduce it, mark it on one or another possible , someday, if there will be any negotiations, we understand that these are all worthless russian attempts, well, but the azov basin is extremely serious for them, well, now we will have a pause, yes, yes, now there will be a pause, several. wait a few minutes, let's continue ours conversation, let's talk about what is happening in the kupyan direction, an equally important, no less important direction, just like all other directions, so wait, the tingling and crawling sensations arise spontaneously and disturb you, the doolgit antineuralgia complex helps in normalization functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia promotes the return. to the usual things without tingling and numbness in the limbs , long-term capsules, anti-neuralgia, help to your nervous system, water here, ordinary water is not enough, drink reo, are you ready, dear? finished,
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valid from only 490. uah 9 is profitable to take several at once, call, i congratulate you, this is svoboda live on radio svoboda. we have already come to the snake itself. the following shots may shock you. live news from the scene. kamikaze drone attacks. political analytics. objectively and meaningfully. there is no political season. winter interviews, reports from the hottest points of the front. svobodalai is frank and impartial. you draw your own conclusions. when i hear the air trioga, i want to go somewhere, go somewhere, suddenly something will fly. because it happens that when rockets fly, they also fly over lviv. support me when i'm scared. do you hear what this is about?
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free psychological assistance to children during the war at the children's voices charitable fund. call 0800 210 106. yep. information day of espressu tv channel in rozpala. well, extremely important and serious news, in particular, it is about the line front, not only in donetsk region, but also in the kharkiv direction. so. we have already contacted ivan shevtsov, head of the press service of the steel border assault brigade of the lieutenant colonel of the state border service of ukraine. we welcome you, mr. ivan, to our airwaves. glory to ukraine. glory to the heroes, i congratulate you. so, the kupyan direction. the russians are moving assault units in this direction, the ground forces say.


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