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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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news and sports news, two hours in the company of favorite presenters, presenters who have become like-minded to many, as well as distinguished guests of the studio, events of the day in two hours, vasyl zima's big broadcast, a project for intelligent and caring people, in the evening at espresso. good evening to all viewers of espresso, this is the final news release, annaeva melnyk is with you, and i will start this release with the situation at the front: it is steadily tense, the enemy is trying by all means to break through the defense line in the senkivka area in the kupyansk direction. there , the occupiers concentrated a large number of personnel and techniques, the russians tried to storm our positions seven times during the day. all attacks were repelled, the head of the press said.
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ivan shevtsov of the steel border assault brigade. the intensity of the fighting in the kupyansk direction has not changed significantly. the enemy continues artillery fire, drone attacks, kamikaze and assault actions under the cover of armored vehicles. the verkhovna rada adopted a draft law on the location of the national military memorial cemetery. its construction will be moved from the side to gatny near kyiv. and today the ministry. in veterans' affairs presented the project of the memorial. a military cemetery, a ceremonial square, a funeral home, a crematorium, a museum-exhibition complex and other infrastructure will be placed on the 260-hectare site. first of all , a sector of traditional burials, a columbarium, a farewell square and other necessary structures will be built. tombstones will be in a uniform style, taking into account religious features. report from the capital.
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buses will run constantly above. the verkhovna rada increased the number of the national anti-corruption bureau of ukraine by 300 more. number employees will increase from 700 to 1. the relevant bill was supported by 332 deputies. naboo will increase its numbers for three years by 100 detectives each year. the competition for additional vacant positions will be held in stages. the number of management staff is also increasing from 500 to 750 people. the draft law is one of the prerequisites for starting negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu. declarations of military officers and medical commissions will be public. kateryna budko, the head of the public council under nazk, announced this on radio svoboda. by according to her, the position that such declarations should be open... was fundamental for
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the anti-corruption committee, in particular because of the incidents of bribery in the military headquarters and velka. at the same time, the declarations of servicemen mobilized into the ranks of the armed forces of ukraine and their families remain closed for security reasons. anti-record of the parliament. the verkhovna rada prematurely terminated the mandate of three people's deputies. the co-chairman of the deputy recovery group was left without a mandate. maxim yefimov. it was also stopped early powers of non-factional people's deputy dmytro shenov. majority seats will remain vacant until the end of the war. people's deputy vitaly danilov from the batkivshchyna faction also lost his mandate. instead of him , another person from the list will go to the parliament. 401 deputies remained in the council. collected intelligence and prepared diversions. security service in odessa. beijing
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red-handedly detained an fsb agent. a local resident conducted reconnaissance near one of the ukrainian facilities. russia remotely recruited a man in october of this year. at the same time, he received an operational nickname blockhead. the enemy agent also wanted to run for the verkhovna rada of ukraine. in the last month, he was actively promoting his own image, joined a local environmental public organization, and placed a political advertisement on a bus. money for this was allocated by the russian special service, for himself the man asked for a reward of 5,500 dollars every month. it is also documented that the russian agent tried to identify the locations of air defense and coastal defense means of the city, including against the naval complexes of the armed forces. for photo and video recording, he bought it on black a special device for hidden shooting on the market. in the transfer of received information. carried out
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through a popular messenger, and in order to mask the communication session as much as possible, used different phone numbers and accounts. athletes from russia and belarus will be able to... perform at the olympic games in paris next year, the international olympic committee made such a decision. to date, only 11 athletes from these two countries, eight russians and three belarusians, have met the eligibility criteria for participation in the competition. they will be registered and will compete as individual, neutral athletes. the teams of these countries are not allowed, as well as those athletes who actively support the war. the games in paris will also be banned. russia and belarus. hungarian prime minister viktor orbán said that he had a great meeting with french president emmanuel macron. he wrote about it the morning after his visit to paris. he added that
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hungary's position before the december summit of eu leaders is very clear. however, he did not report any details of the talks with the french president. before meeting according to the information of the makrom media. kron was optimistic about the possibility of persuading orbán, who is going to block all important decisions of the european union regarding ukraine at the summit on december 14-15. a conference devoted to the reconstruction of ukraine was held in warsaw. it was attended by polish politicians and experts from both countries. the poles assured. that the misunderstanding between our countries does not affect the support of ukraine as a whole. poland's position here is unchanged and will remain so in the future, they also talked about the situation on the border. poles believe that the conflict should be resolved by ukraine or the european union, which canceled the
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return permits demanded by the polish strikers. but radical changes in the ukrainian issue should not be expected in the near future. first. first, nothing will happen until the new government takes office. secondly, it was rightly said here, at the beginning, the government will have a lot of domestic policy issues that need to be solved urgently. in the ukrainian issue , i believe there will be no radical changes, and the solution to the transport problem will not the border requires concessions and empathy from both sides. currently, this empathy and willingness to compromise was lacking. it is impossible to solve this issue without a compromise. i don't believe that at least one wagon with grain, wagon with grain left ukraine for poland, not knowing where they will be unloaded there, business does not work like that, as far as the transportation blockade is concerned, i
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am sure that this is an element of russian reflexive management, russia is great , thoroughly studies how... the movement of trains on the blue branch between the terymka and dymyivska metro stations of kyiv was stopped after the tunnel large cracks appeared. this was reported in the kyiv city state administration due to the broken sealing on the rails, significant flooding, and this poses a threat to transportation. currently, trains run only between heroiv dnipro and libitsk stations. restrictions in this area are introduced for a time. urgent repairs, which will last for about six months, as noted in the kmda, the teremky station and other stations can be reached by ground transport, which duplicates the movement of metro trains, a few weeks ago there were the first such
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calls regarding leaks, large amounts of water, and the situation unfortunately worsened in such a way that there was ... deformation of the tunnels, which means that there is a danger, and the safety of passengers is a key priority, the outbreak of hepatitis a in vinnytsia was managed to eliminate , but doctors will detect isolated cases of the disease for several months, said the chief state sanitary doctor ihor kuzin, the outbreak was triggered by two factors, the first asymptomatic course of the disease among market and production workers products, that is, without suspecting the disease, they could infect others. the second factor is water. bacteriological parameters were exceeded in one third of the samples from the centralized water supply system. therefore, the disinfection of water supply networks was strengthened. the
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espresso tv channel together with the public organization baza ua is collecting funds for a quad bike. for the evacuation of the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military chooses victory every day without leaving the field battle wounded comrades, with atvs evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded are much greater, our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we have already collected over uah 100,000. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us on the battlefield. you see the details on the screen. that 's all for now, read more about important things on our website "espresso tv, subscribe to ours". in social networks and watch vasyl sima's big broadcast.
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delivery of fairy tales for residents of ukrainian cities. in kyiv, a festive space was presented from nation in such decorated trucks , nova poshta will deliver the holiday all over ukraine. for children, a performance was arranged by the fairy-tale department with actors, elves and dances. all participants of the event received gifts that the children were able to collect on their own. positively. look how happy the children are, and this is the main thing at such a time to make children happy. they are incredibly happy. look at those smiles. well, that's cool. the holiday should be made for children, especially in such difficult times, when there is a war in ukraine. because of the war, not all children can experience magic christmas, so nova poshta decided to deliver the new year's holiday to places where it is lacking.
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during december, decorated trucks will tour 17 cities across ukraine. every child visiting the fairy-tale departments will be able to take part in interactive activities and receive gifts. a holiday fair is planned for parents, where everyone can buy craft souvenirs, goodies and gifts. we 've all forgotten about childhood by now, right? we are all very much here and now, and we want... to help here and now, but to create something for children filling childhood with a fairy tale is actually a very long-lasting, but very important effect that we must not forget: children received the emotions that are most important now, yes, these are positive emotions, these are some memorable moments that will remain with them for life , and will give them the resilience to pass all subsequent tests and grow. cool adults entrance to the event will be free, but pre-registration is required to participate.
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to do this, just go to the event website. choose the date when the fairy tale will be delivered to your city and enter your phone number. today we start, our new year's truck will travel through 17 cities of the country and bring miracles and fairy tales to children. this social project, which was made by nova poshta, is very important for our grandfathers at the moment. we want these difficult... children to be happy and rejoice at least a little, and today our elves, our main wizard of the new post office will make gifts together with the children, which they will receive. the organizers promise that there will be a shelter next to each magical branch. in the event of an airstrike, wizards will lead children and their parents to safety place.
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herovital energy. even more iron for good deeds. herovital energy - reception once a day. try flebodia 600. pink french pills for acute hemorrhoids. phlebodia 600. treat hemorrhoids without any pain. oh, there are no potatoes. will you bring and already, askin, something has caught on. i remind you, apply dr. tice's vitreous ointment and get back to work. ointment with comfrey is a german ointment for joint and muscle pain. there is movement from pain in the joints and muscles natural base of comfrey from dr. tice, also try the warming cream with comfrey of dr. tice - a proven remedy. good evening, we are from ukraine. putin
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nominated, finland disappointed, ran amok. the russians are going to paris and the horrors of the underground, what happened? in the kyiv subway and why klitschko closed, we will talk about this and other things for the next hour and 44 minutes, this is the veliki eter program, my name is vasyl zima, today we will sum up both this day and this week, the military summaries of the week with sergiy and gurets and the economic summaries of the week with oleksandr morchivka, and many other interesting things are waiting for you in the future of our almost two-hour program, well , we will start with the announcement of the collection, we are collecting at... stations, charging stations of wellstrom, we and the charitable foundation man and right, they are needed by the fighters of the 108th dnipropetrovsk separate brigade of the territorial defense forces of the armed forces of ukraine, in order to effectively destroy the enemy, military possessions need to be systematically charged, this is not always possible due to difficult conditions at the front, they are especially difficult now, and because of heavy battles, and because weather conditions,
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battery stations are designed specifically for military needs, they replace generators and provide soldiers with energy even. in field conditions, every hryvnia you transfer will allow you to quickly transfer it to the soldiers these are the necessary devices: let's protect our home, protect ukraine, and help our soldiers who protect us. we have already collected more than half a million hryvnias, we need more, but i believe that we will be able to close this large-scale collection, i understand that it is not easy now, for all of us who actively participate in helping the armed forces of ukraine, give a significant part of our earnings to this , but... but we have no other way, i sincerely thank you for being such a person and donating to the needs of the armed forces. yes, now we will start a conversation with khrystyna kalyushik peltyk, she is a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council. mrs. khrystyna, i congratulate you. greetings, good evening. at night, the enemy launched attacks on dnipropetrovsk oblast, in particular on
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pavlograd and nikopol. let's start with pavlograd as the consequences of an enemy hit. and the number of victims, i checked , this number was constantly increasing, what is known as of now, please, as of the evening, it is known that 20 buildings were damaged, a gymnasium was also damaged, there were flights not only in pavlograd, it is, let's say, pavlogradskyi district, ternivka, pavlograd itself, and nearby, two small villages, eight people were injured, two are... in serious condition, four are in hospitals, and two, they will be treated at home, all men of different ages, so this information is now, with regard to nikopol , there were also hits there, they even pretended, a russian munition hit a house, a woman was pulled out from under the rubble, were there
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more large-scale events in nikopol, well , please, nikopol... let's say that we fly there every day, and it can be and heavy artillery, and lately more and more more drones, and there were also injured, here we see in the photo a woman, people were injured, in nikopol, the situation in the morning, with regard to the injured, has not changed, and also the destruction of buildings and... structures, let's say, auxiliary structures. ugh. i want to ask about the situation in the front-line areas of dnipropetrovsk region, those bordering the areas where hostilities are taking place , and possibly more flights, and the humanitarian situation is more difficult. are there certain problems with electricity, electricity supply, heat energy supply, other humanitarian problems? please? eh,
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well, of course, when there are flyovers and they are so massive, then even today, in fact, too. electric power lines were affected and the waterworks are also suffering because the infrastructure is being targeted in the first place, in order to make the life, excuse me for such a word, the life of local and civilian residents even more difficult, precisely on this occasion today at the session of the regional 600 million was allocated to the council in order to... reconstruct, restore the damaged, damaged parts of the infrastructure itself, this water supply, heat supply and power transmission, electrical networks. now i want to ask about how the region prepares for the holidays, whether it refuses to allocate funds for possible celebrations in favor of the armed forces of ukraine, or perhaps for some humanitarian needs, donations, support
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for displaced persons, whether there were any discussions on this matter, let's say, we spend money on it, and then we say no, we don't spend, let's give it up, it won't happen, so let's limit ourselves, we won't put a christmas tree there, there won't be any events, in general, this, well, the preparation is certainly safe, because we understand very well that the gathering of people in any place in the region, this can potentially lead to, not even cruise missiles, but relatively speaking, ballistics that arrive in seconds and can cause a large damage, well, restrictions, it is meant for the citizens, the fair in dnipro was refused, it is also still prohibited for such events of mass gathering of people, uh, that's why there will be no fairs, in dnipro they announced that there will be two christmas trees, one ... the christmas tree will be money patrons and one christmas tree will stand in the exact place where it always stands in the dnieper, let's say such transit zones, and
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there will not be an even greater number of people near them, because there, in principle, they are always in such a part, where, in principle , there are always people, both on a day off and in... or not, ugh, i would also like to ask about the water supply in dnipropetrovsk region, it is 85% completed there, are there any problems with the completion of this work and again well, well, without revealing secrets and details, after all, security water supply, it is important, because you know, you can invest money, you can do everything, we have an enemy who can once again try to destroy, destroy, damage what is now vital for entire communities, eh, well, it's still in the summer told about problems specifically about dry soil, and now in the winter the rains were very heavy, now there are frosts, but the work is being done on
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the connection and on the connection to electricity, to, say, alternative pumps, alternative means of powering the pumps, and we hope... that of course what will happen everything is as safe as possible, but we cannot be sure now, in principle, it seems to me, about anything for 100%, because unfortunately, let's face the truth, the enemy is watching, in the dnipro, in the dnipropetrovsk region very often the eyes of the enemy fly. and they are watching, of course they are being shot down, but of course they are watching everything. i will ask one more thing, the very end, the fact that the tax
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on the incomes of individuals, well, first of all the military, the police, the state emergency service, in the region, somewhere in certain communities, was taken away, this led to a critical, the lack of money to fulfill the budget, for some specific needs, is it generally so on average in... did it particularly not hit or hit, please, well, i will say that in principle, the budget of the region, if we count from last year, it decreased by 18%, and that's almost all, it's exactly this tax, the lion's share, it's exactly this tax. thank you very much for your comments, thank you for joining, take care, khrystyna klyushyk peltyk, a deputy of the dnipropetrovsk regional council was in touch with us. and we go further and will discuss the topic, which, well, maybe today someone didn't even see her, but we saw her, right now, no, we don't have one
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second now, yes, we will discuss that topic later, now we will talk about another important topic, which maybe we didn't agree on, didn't talk about, but it is worth talking about. iryna fedoryev, journalist, public activist , contact us. mrs. iryna, i congratulate you, good evening , so ilya kivu was eliminated, well , let’s believe that they did it anyway, ukrainian avengers, and somehow he was like that and perished, you know, and no one particularly remembers him, no thinks, but you wrote about him, and there are some important aspects that should be reminded to our viewers about ilya kyva, so what would you like to remind, or what would you like to emphasize in relation to... this ambiguous treacherous character of the once ukrainian politics ? well, you know, when we were told the wonderful news that
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the kiva was gone, then... first i looked at his entire political path, when he was in the swamp, i saw that the first time it was 2013, i understand that in 2013 there were no parliamentary elections, so it must have been before elections and it was the 223rd district, and if it is the 223rd district, who does not know, it is one of the most scandalous districts then it was during the revolution of dignity, that is, when people stood on the maidan, there were tents in the center of kyiv , the election process continued there the struggle in the shevchenkiv district between kiva and yury levchenko, who was running for people's deputies. and kiva was a technical candidate there, and polypyshin was the main candidate. polypyshyn is essentially the personification of yanukovych's times, there were falsifications, beatings, ballots disappeared somewhere, so it was a very difficult district there. and basically for the role of a technical candidate.
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then no one paid attention, but it was very important, because then he was spreading black pr against levchenko, but i literally called before the broadcast, mentioned with levchenko how it was, and they pushed narratives that they were fascists, but what about levchenko , he always had a pro-ukrainian position in the ukrainian language, that these were the fascists, they are coming, they are attacking kyiv, that is, back in the 13th year, kyiv gave these narratives , and if we had monitored him properly... then we would have understood the danger he is, well and of course, then avakov let him into big politics, and he ran for president from the social party in our country, and then he got into the parliament from opzzh. well, it seems that after using kiva in various capacities in ukrainian politics, the people who invested in him, actually fulfilled him, or he himself decided to change his
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political. and human destiny, and to escape to russia, what do you think? well, i think it was from the very beginning, because, well, values, they are obviously in a person or not, when you go as a technical candidate to the district and when you spread fuck you with narratives, the nazis, and then when you write in 2022 on december 1 about the fact that nato occupied ukraine, well, it's 2013 and 2022, it's with an interval of ... years, you sow the same thing, that is, it's nobody nothing has changed, we just did not notice, and here it is very important that we understand that there are two aspects: first, it is necessary for the parliament to adopt lustration laws, and secondly, there will be a lot of such kivs in ukraine, and only local communities , local activists can know and see what they spread during election campaigns other candidates, and it is necessary
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to collect this information, because... the fact that we understood during the maidan that we had issues of a different scale, we really fought to ensure that our statehood was not taken away and that we were not captured, then now we have the opportunity, for example , to analyze those who walked, what, what they did in order to later give information to people, well, this is very important, but the parliament 100% must adopt illustrative laws, these two components must be synchronized, kyiv , i say kyiv, kyiv is so visual... and an example of the irresponsible choice of ukrainians, who knew anything about him, where he was, bright, charismatic, somewhere, maybe he somehow helped to improve his psycho-emotional state with other different drugs, well, what he used there, and it affected people, we saw it in the last parliamentary elections , to which the irresponsible choice of people can lead, that is, when you choose a person whom you first see in the eyes, if not someone, if not others, if not those, and certain people who were so
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chosen, well now i... what well, there is much less if we play about a servant of the people, let's say a deputy who became a traitor and was also, well , died in the kherson region, kovalov is there, and there are people who now continue to voice rather strange slogans, and they continue to be in politics, these people who appeared at the polling stations with a portrait of the president and actually came to the verkhovna rada under his banner, and here it is important, you are talking about activists, but still, if at the legislative level, well, lustration, again , it works for those to whom should... let's say mr. tatarov, a person from the time of yanukovych, who worked in the structure of the ministry of internal affairs and actually beat the maidan, and, let's say, now works in the president's office and makes decisions, well, he has a huge influence on the law enforcement agencies, on the law enforcement agencies in ukraine, that's the question of where lustration is here, yes, then maybe it is necessary to act differently so that people do not forget, because unfortunately, most people, especially in ukraine, have a very short memory, or simply do not know information about certain characters, well, look, probably
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the key aspect you... named tatarov: tatarov appointed when we...


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