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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 7:00pm-7:31pm EET

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shelling, ukrainian soldiers are holding the defense in the avdiiv direction. the total losses of the enemy amounted to 466 people, and 20 units of enemy equipment were also destroyed. the verkhovna rada of ukraine adopted a draft law on the location of the national military memorial cemetery, its construction will be brought from the side to gatny near kyiv. and today, the ministry of veterans affairs presented the project "of this memorial, on the plot of 260 gaz, there will be a military cemetery, a ceremonial square, a house of mourning, a crematorium, a museum and exhibition complex and other infrastructure. first of all, a sector of traditional burials, a columbarium, a farewell square and other necessary structures will be built. tombstones will be in a uniform style, taking into account religious characteristics. buses will run constantly from the capital to the cemetery. tragedy in
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zhytomyr oblast : three children died in a fire in the village of verbivka, korostyna district. age from two to five years. when the firefighters arrived at the scene, the house was already engulfed in flames, firefighters from the local fire department helped extinguish the fire guards from two villages. however, it was not possible to save the children, their mother received burns. the cause of the fire was improper operation of the stove. the verkhovna rada increased the number of people by 300. the verkhovna rada did a lot of things today, but it also increased the number of people. the corresponding draft law
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was supported by 332 people's deputies. naboo will increase its population within three 100 detectives every year. the competition for additional vacant positions will be held in stages. the number of management staff is also increasing from 500 to 750 people. the draft law is one of the prerequisites for the start of negotiations on ukraine's accession to the european union. well, i will remind you that these negotiations have. to start already less, well , somewhere in about a week, somewhere in a week. the construction of the main water pipeline to the cities affected by the russians' detonation of the dam of the kakhovka hydroelectric plant is 87% complete. it was reported in the ministry of development of communities, territories and infrastructure. the length of the water pipeline is 145 km, work is currently being carried out at 11 pumping stations. 1,250 people work around the clock in three shifts at the construction site. water supply will be provided.
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cities such as kryvyi rih, nikopol, marganets, tomakivka, and more than a million people will have access to water. let's move a little outside the borders of ukraine and talk about what happened today in poland, we paid attention to at least one event: a conference dedicated to the reconstruction of ukraine is underway in warsaw. they take it the participation of polish politicians, as well as experts from both countries. the poles assured that there is a misunderstanding between our countries. does not affect the support of ukraine as a whole. poland's position here is unchanged and will remain so in the future. talks at the highest level are taking place, although their intensity has decreased, politicians say. they also talked about the situation on the border. poles believe that the conflict should be resolved by ukraine or the european union, which canceled the permits, the return of which the polish strikers demand. but radical changes in the ukrainian issue it is not worth expecting in the near future.
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firstly, firstly, until the moment when the new government starts work, nothing will happen, secondly, it was rightly said here, at the beginning the government will have a lot of domestic policy issues that need to be solved urgently, in the ukrainian issue of radical changes on i will not be convinced, and solving the transport problem at the border requires concessions and empathy from both sides, at the moment this empathy and desire for compromise was lacking, without compromise it is impossible to solve this issue, unless... i don't i believe that at least one wagon with grain, a wagon with grain, left ukraine for poland, not knowing where they would be unloaded there. business doesn't work like that. as for the transportation blockade, i am sure that this is an element of russian reflexive management. russia studies perfectly. i always want
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to thank our polish friends who actively help ukraine, and officials and... those who repair military equipment, and those who, by the way, went to the front as volunteers, many poles went to the front as volunteers and many died, unfortunately, someone and is still fighting in the defense forces against the enemy, but there are people who want, as they say, to pull chestnuts out of the fire, maybe even gold bars, and here just these people should imagine and those politicians who say that we do not want to interfere , we cannot disperse 15 people , because this is the situation, let the ukrainian military wait for the drones that are currently stationed there or the thermal imagers on the territory of poland at the border, let them wait there at the front, and we will solve our issues here in the skin, we always have to imagine, what if let's say that some country attacked poland , well, i won't say which one, because no one has attacked it, but it attacked, and we block the border with help, or we simply block and make a disaster for
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the polish economy, and our official sits and sits and he says, it's okay, well, we're here , we're waiting, let it be decided somewhere in the european union, in brussels, but we can't do anything, so we're dying, and what can we do, it's the same, it's always necessary. .. turn the situation around and then everything, everything becomes much easier, the movement of trains on the blue branch between the stations of the kyiv metramka demiivska was stopped after large cracks appeared in the tunnel, as reported by the kyiv city state administration. due to broken gremetization on the rails, there is significant flooding and this poses a threat to passenger transportation. currently, trains run only between heroiv dnipro and libitsk stations. restrictions are introduced in this area. for the duration of urgent repairs, which will last approximately six months. as noted, ground transport will soon be operational in kmda, which will duplicate the movement of matra trains to teremky station. a few weeks ago there were the first such
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calls regarding leaks, large amounts of water, and the situation unfortunately worsened to the point where the tunnels were warped. what does it mean to be dangerous, and safety for passengers is a key priority, among other topics, about the book and for the sake of the book, the kyiv book weekend book festival is taking place in the capital, during which they talked about the activities of the ukrainian institute of books. my colleague tetyana golunova is currently there, so tell tanya what events have already taken place and what are still worth waiting for. please. greetings colleague, greetings viewers of espresso. tonight at the international exhibition center is very special. good music sounds here, good emotions are felt here, and of course there are a lot of books here.
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and all because a book festival has started in the capital, during which today we had time to talk about the ukrainian translation, as well as the popularization of the ukrainian book. i would like to note that within the framework of this festival, they also talked about the ukrainian book institute, namely , summing up the results of its five-year work under chaired by its director oleksandra koval, we talked with her, so i suggest you listen to what she told us directly. we did everything we could within the given framework and with the funding we were given, sometimes we did. even more, it is in particular this year and last year , when the full-scale invasion began, that year we had no funds at all, and we turned to our foreign partners for help, and thanks to them we managed
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to do a lot, including ukraine's participation in international fairs, that year there were nine of them, this year year nine, too, and this... everything happened at the expense of foreigners, and i will also say that literally right now a creative meeting with the author of the aimless history and war, veteran of the armed forces of ukraine, yuri gudymenko, is starting. if the people who come to this event make a donation, then yuriy will give his book with an autograph and... i will note that all the funds that will be collected from the purchase of such books will be given to children under the care of the charitable foundation, this children of all fallen ukrainian soldiers, and also those fighters who were captured.
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well, let me remind you, i will also say that the festival will last until december 10, inclusive, so everyone who wishes still has the opportunity to visit it and buy books. that 's all i have for now, colleague, thank you very much, so such an event took place in kyiv, kyiv, by the way, i want to say that my book, war and customs, also. was published this year with the support of the ukrainian institute of books, well, what is not exactly with support, a certain stage was won there, a certain stage was passed and all selections were made, but the important thing is that the work on the publication of ukrainian books is also financed, it also continues, because we have to win the war both on the battlefield and in the cultural, cultural, i don’t want to say the front, but in the cultural aspect as well, because it is important , and of course it is important to know what happened in the world today, yuriy fizar came for this, to tell everything. how is it, good evening, good evening to you vasyl, good evening to everyone who joined us, i will say how it is, in particular about this, again
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about aid to ukraine from the united states america, orban explained why, in his opinion, europeans do not want to see ukraine in nato, and putin said that he is nominating his candidacy for putin's election, about this and other things in a moment in the column world about ukraine. well, let me start with this: the leadership of the united states of america has stated that it is making every effort to ensure that by the end of 2023, russia understands that it is necessary to sit down at the negotiating table on the terms that ukraine will put forward. this was said by jonathan, the first deputy assistant to the president of the united states of america for national security finer. according to him, washington. is trying to put the leadership in the kremlin before a choice, either they sit down at the table
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of changes on the terms of ukraine, or - says mr. first deputy, they will deal with a stronger ukraine, which relies on a more powerful industrial base in the united states, europe and inside ukraine, and is also more capable of starting offensive, and then mr. jonathan feiner said, quote: i don't know what the russians will decide in the end, but we would like to create such a dilemma for them. well, we also need to give us weapons, equipment and ammunition for that this dilemma be accelerated by our brave soldiers on the front lines. a dilemma for russia, obviously. passing the draft law on the allocation of aid to ukraine will not only allow it to achieve success on the battlefield, but will also strengthen the morale of servicemen on the front lines. this is the minister of foreign affairs. britain, david cameron said during a visit to washington. according to him, he does not doubt the
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courage, strength and unity of ukrainian soldiers? no, mr cameron says he is more concerned about the west's failure to do what what he should do in this situation, i.e. continue to help ukraine. at the same time , the head of the british foreign office said that the majority of american congressmen, with whom he had the opportunity to talk, support the division. aid to ukraine, because, as he says, this is the right thing to do. well, then we listen to the minister of foreign affairs of great britain, james cameron, in direct speech. financial aid to ukraine is an investment in its success, and the worst thing you can think of in this situation is let putin win, not only because that's bad in itself, he'll just come back to grab more, well, it's already been commented on in the kremlin, but i don't even want to say what they've commented on, so... because it's so standard russian blah blah blah. after all, the allocation of aid to ukraine, the fact that the allocation of aid is
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an investment in ukraine and not only in ukraine, but also in the american economy - also said the secretary of state of the united states of america , anthony blinken. according to him, about 90% of the money allocated for support kyiv, actually went to the american military-industrial complex. according to mr blinken, this has led to the creation of a large number of workers. and at the same time he added, further his quote: "our own economy is growing, it's definitely a win-win situation for everyone, and therefore we need to continue in the same spirit. well, i hope that it reached the american lawmakers, i hope that the ukrainian landing force reached them, and as far as i understand from all that i have read, it seems that the administration of joe biden did go to certain concessions on the issue, which is very annoying to the republicans in the congress, and this is precisely the change
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in migration legislation, i don't know what the concessions are, but it seems that they have gone, and it seems that there will be a vote in favor of ukraine before the new year, for sure. viktor orban spoke again today about ukraine not on the air of his beloved, unfortunately, radio station kosut, but he spoke poorly. in an interview with the french publication lepoint, during his visit to paris, he called ukraine one of the most corrupt countries in the world, although he added that this is a joke and called management of the european union not to start negotiations on ukraine's accession to the eu, and this was motivated by the head of the hungarian government, quote: firstly, because they are not ready for negotiations, that is, the ukrainians, secondly, because we, the europeans, are not ready for them accept, ukraine is a big country with significant agriculture, if you allow this agriculture to enter the european agricultural system, it will destroy it the next day. viktor
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orban's honesty is impressive, and he also... he was obviously talking, he couldn't help talking about it, he was talking about moscow and let's listen to what viktor orban said directly to russia. russia belongs to a different form of civilization, historically, politically, geographically, traditionally it is a different country. the question is, are our differences a reason not to cooperate? my answer is no. the russian war in ukraine, although he is already with did not call it russian and did not call it war, it took a back seat. the president of turkey, recep tayyip erdogan, said this today during a speech at the trt world forum. according to him, the world in general, it is experiencing very difficult times, and now conflicts are taking place in other parts of the planet, which pushed the war in ukraine from
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the forefront. moreover, recep tayyip erdogan said that those who started the fire in ukraine cannot. to solve the problems that arose because of it, but he added that, further, quote, in a just world there would be no losers, i don't know, really, why he added that, what he meant by a just world, a world in which one country could enter the territory of another country, kill people, destroy and threaten everything else around, well then it's an unfair world, as if one day is not enough. in russia, putin will be elected president within three days. yes, it is putin, because the main terrorist of the world said that he will again run for this position in the elections that will be held next year. he said this during a meeting with russian military assassins in the kremlin. and so he will be elected for three days from march 15 to 17. this
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was announced at a meeting of the central election commission of the country of terrorists. powers. ends on may 7, but due to amendments to the constitution of russia, his previous presidential terms were reset to zero and now he can serve two more terms of 6 years each, that is, putin can rule russia until 2036. well, that's it. the transnistrian conflict will be resolved only when all russian troops are withdrawn not only from transnistria, but also from ukraine. although it is possible earlier from ukraine, and then from transnistria. the prime minister of moldova, dorin rechan, said this on the broadcast of the tv channel "journal tv". according to him, any discussion about the settlement of the conflict in the so-called transnistria should start with demilitarization, and then he explained in detail what he meant. in practice, this means that russian citizens, servicemen, must leave there, and
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military equipment too, this will happen in a normal way, after demilitarization. russians in ukraine. and finally, the singaporean company forier intelligence presented a video in which it showed its 12 newest humanoid septohuman-like robots. they are even ready to be sent to customers. as they say in the company, these works have perhaps the most advanced robotics in the world and are entangled. connection, and they can lift up to 50 kg, despite the fact that they themselves weigh only 55 kg. what do these works look like? let's see.
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we need one such robot, well, at least one, so that he somehow sneaks into the kremlin and shows there what he can do with his hands, putin. well, what about us? today i have everything in the column world about ukraine, everything this week, there will be more next week, but not everything is on our air, in a few minutes meet my colleague oleksandr morchavka, morchavku, who will tell. you about all the most important things from the world of money, i 'll say goodbye to you, until next week, my name is yuriy fizar, as always, good evening, we are from
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ukraine, yes, well, we, back to the conversation, before i introduce the guest , i want to... tell you what we are going to talk about, this is a topic that today, again , may have gone unnoticed by many, but it raises many questions, causes considerable resonance in the future, so the finnish court refused to extradite ukraine such a man, called yana petrovsky or voyislav tam torden, is a war criminal, one of the leaders of the rusych subversive-assault group, who is involved in the murder of ukrainian soldiers, participation in an aggressive war against ukraine in the 14th year, and then his most famous
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story was the story of the ambush created by him and the shooting of a column of aidar fighters, the aidar battalion, then more than 40 ukrainian soldiers were killed, plus they also ambushed the 80th brigade, but... the landing brigade was able to break through this ambush, well, the most odious thing was, the worst thing in this story was that then together with melchakov, another nazi and maniac, they took pictures against the background, against the background of the killed ukrainian soldiers, whose ears were cut off, swastikas were carved on their faces, and so on, this man the finns are being sent home, we will talk about it with oleksandr pavlichenko, the executive director of so human affairs, sir. i know, just to refresh my memory, i just re-read the story of this,
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petrovsky, who is released by the finns, from a legal point of view, i will not now moral aspects to appeal to, we will appeal to them later, to some common human concepts, let's see from a legal point of view, how can you explain such a decision of the finnish judiciary or justice, well, i think... you have to look at the text of this decision in order to interpret it and to explain, this is the first, but the second and important thing is that there actually was such a threat, and when we talked about the extradition arrest that was imposed on petrovsky, we immediately put forward the assumption that this could happen precisely because of such reasons, because repeatedly. claims are already being made regarding ukraine regarding non-compliance with standards of detention in places of detention, including in remand detention centers, and the conditions of detention are considered to be such that they
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exceed the level of cruel treatment or the use of torture, and this is actually a reason for refusing extradition, so this is a conclusion for ukraine , what should be done with the penitentiary system, and in fact, when we move further in this direction, then... in fact, there is not even a possibility to file such extradition arrests, hopefully, hoping for their satisfaction in a positive kind of productive way, because well, roughly speaking, we are seen as some such a cruel country with conditions of detention that are equal to the middle ages there, to say the least, and because of this there will be a rejection from such democratic civilized countries with reference to the first, as was said, to the decision. of the same european court of human rights on reference to the norms of the convention, article three of the european convention, prevention of torture to inhumane degrading treatment or punishment,
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analysis of the practice of holding ukrainian prisoners and those who are in ukrainian penitentiary institutions, all this plays precisely against ukraine. well, what's more, we now see video footage of how russian prisoners are taken, there the united nations provided information that 25 russian soldiers and only 21 ukrainian soldiers were tortured and killed in... captivity during this war, for some reason only 21, although we well, recently we saw two ukrainian soldiers who simply went out with their hands raised and were shot, that's all such a story is rare, there are certainly such stories, but the un always kills more , the russians torture, well, that's obvious, and the ukrainians are somehow much more brutal, it's obvious in this war. here is another question, we see how russian prisoners are received, people who can monitor the situation come and see. they are clothed, fed, i don't think that even one russian prisoner of war was tortured in ukrainian prisons, maybe you know such facts, i don't know. about the facts
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of tortured russian soldiers, but there were several facts in the past, when there were a little like that, let's say, the dubious cases of death of those who were accused of or aiding the russian occupiers, and we remember there were cases of strange suicide or falling from the stairs with serious fatal consequences. this too, i think that if the lawyers of this pniatrovsky did a good job and they found all these cases and provided them as evidence of what might happen to him when he is placed in ukrainian penitentiary institutions, then this also does not play into the movement of the ukrainian side. when we talk about prisoners of war, then of course this is the case better, today we spoke with ms. noel colhoun, who currently works in
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the monitoring mission of the un. and yesterday she visited this very camp for prisoners of war, she once again confirms that the conditions of detention there are of high quality and satisfactory for the standards set forth by international humanitarian law, and actually there are no complaints about prisoners of war, but this person, about in question, she will not have the status of a prisoner of war, he will be a war criminal, let me remind you, a war criminal who committed a war crime in relation to ukraine and to the ukrainian... combatants, in whose death and brutal treatment, with whom he is accused. well, here, i will just remind you once again that this is a man who tortured ukrainian soldiers, took pictures against the background of tortured ukrainian soldiers, he ambushed the aidar battalion in donbas, luhansk region, and they actually ambushed the positions that were released by ukrainian troops, displayed ukrainian flags and then actually shot at those people who did not expect this attack.
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and... then they also mocked and tortured in fact, they bragged about it, it’s just about who jan petrovsky is a nazi from desherg rusych, there’s also milchakov, the same maniac, but he’s still at large, this is a vivid example of a war crime, when symbols, clothes and identifying marks are used signs of the opposite side, and this is called the crime of treason, it is defined as such in this international humanitarian. very briefly literally, and the fate of a political decision here can be from the side of finland? actually, i think it can't be has already been appealed, and accordingly, here we will look at the further actions of the finnish side, what it will do with this detainee , who may have already been released today, but there was information that the same...
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border guards arrested him due to violations migration legislation, this was actually the reason for placement in finland. thank you very much, mr. oleksandr, for the clarification. oleksandr pavlichenko, executive director of the ukrainian geltsin union for human rights. and this milchakov, oh, not milchakov, but at one time, petrovsky planned to leave for nice, but he was stopped in finland, he lived in norway for a long time, and it is alleged that he should be returned to the territory of russia. well, there was a chance, let's say, to get to the ukrainian one. we will put an end to this for now, but now i want to say that in just a minute we will talk with oleksandr morshivka about money during the war, these will be the economic results of the week, don't miss it, stay with us, we will be back soon. tingling and crawling sensations arise spontaneously and disturb you. the doolgit antineuralgia complex helps to
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