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tv   [untitled]    December 8, 2023 11:30pm-12:01am EET

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schenla was built in two or three weeks, then it was an mvp product that was so primary that we still needed to work on it, but we could already take it and drive it in parts and demonstrate it and provide an opportunity for fighters to train, that is, we had such an ideological component, we didn't think of it as a big production or business or anything, we currently have a policy that we don't monetize the military, today, everything we do, we integrate new developments and everything else, today are simulators are already being purchased, but we devote quite a significant part of our time to this volunteer training in different parts and travel with our mobile trainers and provide the opportunity for military personnel to train on the ground or in our fields. which are built precisely so that
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fighters can train. mr. igor , thank you very much for these explanations, for the work you do for our armed forces, and i will remind our viewers that this was igor bilov, co-owner of pss by logic 7, which develops simulators for various weapons systems, from small arms to manpads, dzhevals, other areas used by our armed forces in order to increase the effectiveness of the use of these weapons in... any way and to reduce the actual training of our soldiers. so, if we can draw conclusions after talking with our experts and industrialists, then we really have the potential to interact with our partners, receive help from the united states, as the main partner in the development of ours, including the defense-industrial complex, and for the first steps have already been taken are related to the creation of many models, including primarily in the field of air defense, and as for our own companies, the initiative of our small...
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companies, it is still an important basis for the troops to receive certain services and certain patterns that really help on the battlefield. these are the main conclusions from this program, then stay tuned to the espresso channel, where there will also be many more interesting news and details. congratulations, the program of the ukrainian voice of america chas time is on the air, i and the host oleksiy kovalenko. the white house emphasized the importance of supporting ukraine for the national interests of the united states and all us allies in europe. if the us does not support ukraine, it will be a gift to russian president putin. john kirby, a representative of the us national security council, made a corresponding statement on board the presidential plane on friday.
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he also noted that the us expects that russia will continue to use winter as a weapon against ukrainians and attack civilian ukrainian infrastructure. the day before , a sky security was held in washington forum, is one of the most important security platforms for us and foreign government officials for national security experts. our colleague tetyana voroshko worked there, and she will share his conclusions with us. tatyana, congratulations, congratulations. tatyana, as the minister of foreign affairs of the great. britain's david cameron, he was one of the keynote speakers at the aspin forum in washington. what was the main point he was trying to convey to the audience and is great britain ready to take more leadership in helping ukraine, especially if the issue of additional aid to ukraine from the us gets stuck in congress. undoubtedly, the speech of the former prime minister, minister of foreign affairs david cameron received the most attention at the as-spanish security forum. he devoted most of his speech to efforts to... appeal to the americans
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to continue supporting ukraine, he said that he does not doubt the loyalty and determination, bravery of the ukrainian people, but the support of the allies causes him concern, he said that if you put together all the resources of those countries that support ukraine, they exceed russia's 30 to one, but the question is political will. i also tried to respond to those arguments, and people who do not support, do not support ukraine, in particular, some say that they say it is a european matter, there is... they do not do enough, to which he said, what if you count all the support , which european countries provide to ukraine, it will more than double the support provided by the united states. speaking of possible objections regarding corruption in ukraine, he said that , of course, ukraine is not a perfect country, but these laws regarding, regarding the limitation of corruption, regarding the fight against corruption that they adopt there, and they are tougher, he said, than in our country and your country, and after his speech , i asked him... he asked if
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the united states would not support ukraine for a while, would great britain's allies be able to close this gap, to which he said that of course we are committed to supporting ukraine, but the contribution. of the united states is decisive. as as a rule, representatives of the us administration participate in this forum, were they there now and what did they answer to these theses of cameron and in general, what and in what context did they say about russia's war in ukraine? government representatives spoke surprisingly little about support for ukraine. and the speech of the deputy chairman of the national security council, john feiner, was mostly devoted to this topic. and he considered it in the context of the debates that are now in... taking place between the administration and republicans in congress, who want to tie support for ukraine to security southern border. he said that this debate is ongoing, the administration is willing to make concessions, they have already put money to strengthen the security of the southern border in the request that they sent to congress, but they will not go,
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they will not respond to ultimatums, he said, the radical part of republican congressmen, in general, speaking about the need to support ukraine, he said that it is even difficult ... to imagine that anyone can vote against this, against supporting ukraine, which needs this money, these resources are needed to defend, to defend our own cities, and this money that the biden administration is trying to allocate should go to maintain parity on the battlefield, to defend the cities, in order to get to a situation by the end of next year where ukraine will be able to imprison russia during the negotiations so that these negotiations are held on terms acceptable to ukraine, that is indisputable. tanya, but was it possible to get a response to the statements from the republicans and democrats present at this summit. you know, i was there, i was there republican jim risch, a senator, a very influential senator, during the debate, he talked about what he actually criticized about the budapest memorandum, he
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said that if ukraine is not supported, then the entire system of nuclear deterrence, which the united states has been building for decades, it will be nullified, i approached him and asked, i say. you say this, you support ukraine, but you did not vote on wednesday to only start a debate on the consideration of this bill, which may include support of ukraine, i also asked him, why tie the urgent issue of support to ukraine, which is needed right now, with the issue, the consideration of which can last weeks and months. let's hear what he answered me. this is a really good question. the ones you talk about behind, not in front of us. we talk about it not only for weeks and months, but also for years. and it's time to take it seriously. this particular package is focused on the border of ukraine, on the border of israel. first of all, it should be our border of the united states of the states and as i said,
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10,000 people cross it every day. this has to stop. this cannot continue. even the other party agrees that it cannot last that long. they should take it seriously. democratic congressman david brandon ball, who participated in the debate there, he said, well , of course he supports ukraine, he represents a district where many ukrainians live, he said that some republicans do not support ukraine, some because they are really against ukraine, such as marzhe telegrin, and others simply because they are they are afraid, they are afraid of what their voters will think, who are actually against ukraine, why they are against ukraine, because they hear... statements from tucker kartsyn and other media personalities. and let's listen to how he explained the answers in our interview in a little more detail. the biggest challenge today is that former president donald trump and some
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right-wing forces in the us are pressuring republicans in congress to vote against funding ukraine. this is the biggest delay. tucker carlson one of them, but he is... the only one, there are others on fox news and similar media who are putting a lot of pressure on the republicans in congress, and they are afraid of losing the next internal party election because of those loud voices of the right who are openly cheering against ukraine. realistically, there is little anyone outside the us can do to convince my fellow republicans to do the right thing. i think that only the members of the congress can cope with this challenge. thank you very much tatiana for your work. i will remind our viewers that our colleague tetyana varoshko was in touch with us. ukraine has become a hostage of the internal political dispute of the usa. and the far-right republicans in the us congress are probably deliberately delaying aid in order to add trumps to their leader
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, donald trump, in the political struggle with the incumbent democrat joe biden. this is how serhii kudelya, a professor of political science at baylor university in texas, assessed the republicans' conditions for voting with the help of ukraine. in an interview with my colleague yulia yarmonko, the political scientist told what, in his opinion, ukraine should prepare for in the election year the president of the usa. it should be noted that already within months. and the representatives of the so-called coconut of freedom, that is, the far-right wing of the republicans, they speak from the position of reducing support to ukraine to zero, this is their new campaign, which they are conducting, that their goal is to completely stop any financing of ukraine's needs in the war against russia , and it's not entirely clear to what extent this position reflects the position of donald trump himself, but the fact that these people ... calmly continue to insist on this, to me seems to indicate that there is indirect
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weather, donald trump's agreement to such a position, and it is already becoming clear that ukraine will be used by trump during the debate with biden, if they take place, and during the campaign itself, already directly presidential next year, as evidence of the failure of biden's foreign policy, that is, on the domestic domestic front, he will emphasize economic problems on the... on the foreign front, foreign policy, he will emphasize ukraine, as an example of why war, why foreign policy biden was unsuccessful, and therefore, unfortunately, it is profitable for republicans to continue delaying or reducing support in order to deprive ukraine of the opportunity to conduct new successful counteroffensive operations until the end of next year. so you're saying that the 2024 presidential campaign of the united states is already having an impact on the united states' support for ukraine, and in particular,
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you can see that in what's happening right now on capitol hill? it is certainly part of the election campaign and the excuses we hear about what is necessary to support the southern border of the united states, and that is why they are not voting, this seems to me to be a rather cynical manipulation of the republicans, part of the republicans. who are actually pursuing completely different goals in this game, they are making demands on biden that they know he will not be able to fulfill, and they understand that the main result of this will be the lack of continued funding for ukraine next year. does biden have any trump card to counter these arguments? biden can oppose from one on the one hand, unfortunately, only rhetoric , that is
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, he can blame the republicans for the fact that because of... it will be extremely unpopular among democrats, and it seems to me that, unfortunately, on the list of priorities, both democrats and republicans, ukraine is in second place, in first place, it is actually domestic politics, and that is why domestic politics is being done with ... now this one struggle, mr. serhiu, the very end remains one question, what should be prepared for in ukraine in the 2024 election year. ukraine should prepare for the fact that there will be very unpleasant surprises, when ukraine once again becomes a hostage of the political struggle, and we will hear more and more demands. review the strategy of the united states in relation to ukraine and force ukraine to
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negotiate with the russian federation. it seems to me that some republicans, in particular donald trump, have already spoken about this publicly. and it seems to me that these demands will sound more active and louder. what should ukraine do in this case? well , ukraine needs to look for alternative sources if the united states reduces funding for ukraine, it seems to me that ukraine needs, on the one hand, to increase its military production, but on the other hand , to look for new allies and strengthen its relations with europe. it was an interview with professor kudele on the air of our daily briefing program. you can watch the full version on our website and on youtube voice of america channel in ukrainian. in the meantime, the first of international coalition for the return of ukrainian children illegally deported and forcibly
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relocated to the russian federation from the temporarily occupied territories of ukraine. representatives of more than 90 countries took part in the conference. the presidents of lithuania, slovakia, portugal, and the prime minister of ireland spoke in a video message. the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, notes that the world knows that this russian crime against ukrainian children is an organized work of the russian state system. journalists of the voice of america asked... the commissioner of the verkhovna rada of ukraine for human rights about the goals of meetings and cooperation with the united states of america. i really want this conference. found concrete mechanisms for the return of ukrainian children. we are used to the fact that there are many activities where the problems of ukrainian children, the deportation of ukrainian children, are said, said
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, said. yes, an obligation to help us verify ukrainian children. how should we return them, so from the united states we expect help in the entire spectrum, i hope that my arguments, which will be seen on the territory of the united states, may become an additional argument why it is necessary to vote both in the senate and in the congress for the allocation of financial assistance to ukraine, because in this aid there is not only military aid, there is also a large part of humanitarian... projects, and we also need them very much. there is no such court where russia could challenge the transfer of its own frozen assets in ukraine. this was stated by a washington lawyer, a specialist in international law, paul reichler. at the meetings of the helsinki commission dedicated to the confiscation of russia's sovereign assets and their transfer to ukraine. in addition to american
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experts, ukrainian officials also testified. in particular, chairman of the verkhovna rada ruslan stefanchuk and prosecutor general of ukraine andriy. boston. the latter noted that, according to the world bank's assessment, more than 400 billion us dollars are needed to restore ukraine, just for the first year of the war. in total countries of the group of seven froze about 300 billion dollars of russian assets. currently , negotiations are underway on how to legally transfer these assets to ukraine, as there were no such precedents, experts explain. after the hearings , danylo halperovych, a journalist of the russian voice of america service, spoke with the legislators and speakers. i believe that this will only encourage europe to transfer these assets to the ukrainians, if we make a similar decision now, i think that we should act one way or another, even without the consent of the relevant bill to make these assets available to ukrainians. i think it's
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because of the leadership of michael mccaul, who is the chairman of the house committee. of foreign affairs and under the leadership of senator jim risch, and with the strong support of top democrats in the senate, legislation to seize russian assets will move quickly, and i hope it may even be included in the bailout package, that would make sense because we need to make every effort to keep the assets of the war criminal putin and use them to restore ukraine. i think the usa is the leader in many decisions regarding ukraine. it is very important that one of these leaders now shows good will and passes new legislation, such as the rippo act, giving the state department the authority to transfer russian seized assets to ukraine, because we, as the legislative branch of government, understand that a new mechanism needs to be prepared, because the current international order, unfortunately, does not allow to solve this issue, so we need a new way, a new mechanism, and me
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i think that here, as always , the united states will be the leader. the appearance of tens of thousands of people with limb amputations as a result of the russian invasion creates a new reality for ukrainian society. rehabilitation centers and prosthetic technologies are only part of their full return to life. in lviv, monks of the salesian greek-catholic monastic community created a football club under the umbrella of amp, whose players are exclusively military veterans. it's a frosty tuesday morning and bohdan melnyk starts the engine, the head coach himself gets behind the wheel to bring a group of five players from the rehabilitation center to the training field. you need to be on time in an hour to start the class at noon. in order to fix the process, you have to understand yourself who gets there by himself, and
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who needs to be picked up, who should be brought there under the tram or train, who is from other cities. some travel 300 km there to get to the training, we live these days together and it forms a team, come on, come on, come on, let's go, we met bohdan in mid-october, then his team for military veterans with amputations pokrov amp held the first exhibition match. one of the players is the 33-year-old goalkeeper herman zolotaryov. he was wounded by a tank. the projectile landed near me a couple of meters and almost immediately tore off my arm, the surgeon did not have much work, after six operations the former machine gunner chooses between several adaptive sports. in addition to football, there is also golf and table tennis. with a mechanical hand prosthesis , everything became a little easier. the function it can perform is, well, to unload the right hand,
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leave the store, drop the package there. i can use it, that's all feature of my trauma. if you don't want to do more here. there is nothing like jax's hand in mortal kombat. unfortunately, this has not yet been invented. herman's teammate petro kornaga made his debut for... despite the fact that his leg survived after a serious injury, it needs special attention, i have this leg all in plates, they fought for this leg in odessa for three months, but it was saved, thank god, and and i run to football, the main thing is not to lose heart, before the match petro tried out new boots, the team captain kostyantyn kashul helped the shop i say, you can have one left, she says no, like a pair , i say the boys... then i will bring the right one and someone will take it, either way, but i remembered that peter already has a right leg, i think i will call peter, i say petya, i took you some coins brushes, good
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, two months later, kostyantyn is one of the first to be picked up by the head coach in his minibus before winter training, he covered 300 km from transcarpathia to lviv, and so every week, you order... a car for yourself already once to get to training , and then a double-decker bus arrives, and you see and you're an hour late, it's very difficult to get there by bus, it's even more difficult by train , because the train takes even longer , a lot has changed in these months, uniforms, a club emblem and a full-fledged coaching staff, an assistant coach, a goalkeeper coach, a physiotherapist, and captain kostyantyn kashula visited the national team of ukraine among the players for we went to belgium for the left nation, took second place, i came back motivated to play football
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even more than i did before, i saw that everything is possible and at what level the boys perform, it's just space, glory to ukraine, glory, now the first time that there were three military men, the upper shoulder belt, top, top, and it stands still. currently, bohdan melnyk's team has 14 veteran players from all over ukraine. today , passing and long serves are practiced in training. we will practice starting with the initial elements, how to put the crutches at what level, how to hit the ball, and what point of the foot to hit it. to make a shot at the ball, they need completely let go of the whole body and load. hands, if at the beginning they thought about the fact that they need to move, somehow not to fall, they already think how to play football, how to pass,
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how to get open, they already start to get high from football, and this can be compared to small children, when the progress is when the child was walking there yesterday on his knees and climbing, and today he stood on his feet and walked, or he is just standing, here he is already walking, well, this is incredible progress, these are cool guys, they are from... different brigades , mostly these are attack aircraft, which are a meter behind they are liberating ukrainian land with the subway, most of the guys have leg amputations, well, this is a consequence of dense shelling, dense minefields, people should have not only medicine, not only prostheses, but also some kind of leisure, lying on the bed you can't train your muscles, serhiy ivanov. lost his arm after being wounded in bakhmut, a few days after the interview, when ukraine was covered with heavy snowfalls, he sent a video of one of his winter seykhs. omalian
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shudlyak, yuriy dankevich, for the voice of america from lviv. glory to ukraine! glory to the heroes. december in miami - it's art time. now one of the biggest art events of the year is taking place there - the american artazel. gallery artists yuliya and maksym voloshyn have been presenting works of ukraine at art exhibitions for many years. mytsiv, and this year the couple opened the first gallery of ukrainian and eastern european art in miami. they see it as their mission to introduce americans to the often political and conceptual works of ukrainian artists. and they are working to ensure that every major american museum has works by modern ukrainian artists in their collections. from julia yarmonko and dmytro melnyk met as gallerists in maidama. this is the work of oleksiy sai, an artist from kyiv from the "bombed" series. he started this series back in 2014. yuliya voloshina shows us the works of ukrainian
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artists from... the first exhibition at the new gallery, which she and her husband maxim opened this fall in miami. it shows the bombed-out landscape in donbas, as a view from a height, or from a bird's eye view, and when many, many times we see the detonation of bombs, which exploded and those craters. now there are many such photos on the internet, but at that time in the 14th and 15th years many people somehow did not even realize that the war was going on. full-scale. the war found gallerists yulia and maxim on this side of the ocean. in miami this winter, they presented the works of ukrainian artists, first at art basel, and then at a separate popapa. meanwhile, in their gallery in kyiv , preparations were underway for the february 25 opening of the exhibition with bombed-out works by oleksiy sai. no one expected that they would have to hide from the bombs. and when the war started, instead of opening, we invited friends, artists,
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our team. they are at their worst of events in kyiv, when it was very cold, they stayed in our gallery, some even for a month and a half, like a bomb storage. the voloshyns themselves, after long discussions, decided it was time to open a second gallery, but already in the usa. well, while we were living here, we realized that we needed to work, continue our program and support our artists, that we still needed a space, a place where we could show our... projects. there was no such place in new york and los angeles, so they settled on miami. this is the district of alapata, now it is such, one might say, an artaion, and important institutions such as the ruble museum and the superbulb are located here. also, on our street , where the gallery is, there are three more galleries, hardly, that is, four galleries in a row, and it is so, and it is very attractive to
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come and visit. gelery became not only the first ukrainian, but also the first eastern european gallery in miami, and it was deliberately decided to open it with a political exhibition. this exhibition is called bezsirizon, and it is about wars in the world, about the end of wars, about the danger of such things of cartographic imperialism, we have an example of the russian-ukrainian war, vryve, nikita kadan, mykola rydny's miniature bomb shelters, the moment of the shot and... the identified figures of lesya khomenko. the artist's works are reflections on the role of images in war. lesya khomenko's works, which she created while in residence in maidama, her husband, maksym robotov, is also an artist, and when the full-scale invasion began, he decided to volunteer in the army, and he serves in the army, for her this topic is a personal topic, and that personal experiences, and these works, they
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are so great. and they are powerful, powerful, but they are sensitive. together with ukrainians , the works of foreign artists are also on display, in particular, a political installation by the hungarian adam albert. blue is the color of the flag of the european union. hungary, it's a member of the european union, but it's like, well, it doesn't support ukraine, it would if it should, and we can even go through it and look at the photo. ugh. and also, by the way, a very unusual look, as if such a toy is hiding behind the flag of the european union pistol. ukrainian art , gallerists say, is political, complex and conceptual, but the topics raised by the artists are global, so one of the tasks that the voloshyns set before themselves is to set up an intercultural dialogue, and miami is an ideal place for this. we want to have a dialogue between ukrainian, eastern european art and
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american, latin american art. and many artists from latin america, they work, by the way, with the post-colonial, this is also a society that is being formed now is being built democracy, in some countries that are not yet being built, and in this there is a certain similarity with ukraine. in 2016, when the voloshins just started bringing ukrainian artists to art exhibitions in the usa, not everyone knew where ukraine was. now the situation is completely different, and their main goal is for every major museum in the world to have its own. lectures on the work of modern ukrainian artists, we want, first of all, the works that we sell, so that they get to the institution first of all, it is important for the artist's career, and for ukrainian art in general, that it will be shown there is presented, it would put it on the world map, after a year of closed doors, the kyiv gallery of voloshenikh resumed its work in mayamsk.


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