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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2023 12:00pm-12:30pm EET

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oleksandr prokudin injured woman, damaged residential blocks and a critical infrastructure object. russians killed a local resident of stepnohirsk in the zaporizhzhia region. the enemy attacked the village with artillery. during the day , the enemy made 56 strikes on the region. 17 settlements came under enemy fire. from drones, the russians fired at gulyaipole, robotine and molutok machka, - noted the head of the region yuriy malashko. damage to residential buildings and infrastructure. and 1,253 people remain in avdiivka, donetsk region. after exacerbation hostilities, the evacuation of locals intensified, but then slowed down again, - said the head of the city's military administration, vitaly barabash. one of the reasons is road safety. people don't want to go for fear of being shot at. however, there are those who cannot explain the refusal to evacuate. as well as a small
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percentage of those who are waiting for the russians. in avdiivka , the biggest problem is logistics. necessary things are brought to the city by one route. there is a supply of food, but there are problems with drinking water. and operational information from the general staff armed forces of ukraine: 95 combat clashes took place at the front during the day. the hottest is in the avdiiv direction, the enemy does not stop trying to surround the city. defense forces fought back. 35 attacks, the russians are also trying to storm in the kupyan direction. the armed forces repulsed 11 attacks in the areas of senkivka, northeast of petropavlivka and ivanivka in kharkiv oblast. our missile forces struck six enemy concentration areas and hit one enemy rep station. the polish government denied that the carriers blocking the border with ukraine obstruct the flow of military aid to ukraine. deputy minister of defense of poland
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martin ochepa said that the military convoys are crossing the border accompanied by the police and are not hostage to the protests. this is how he responded to the publication of the new york times that due to delays at the border, ukrainian troops felt the consequences of the blockade. also , the government says that they allegedly do not receive signals from ukraine and emphasized the search for solutions in negotiations, and not through the press. in support of all defenses'. prisoners and missing persons on a peaceful action of our native defenders is taking place on independence square. we will hear the details from our correspondent kateryna galko. katya, congratulations, tell me what is happening and what is being demanded? greetings khrystyna, greetings to the viewers of the tv channel. in the center of the capital , another peaceful action in support of the prisoners of war and defenders of ukraine. every time such actions are collected.
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more and more people, and now we have the opportunity to talk with one of the participants of the action , ms. kateryna, ms. kateryna, i congratulate you , please tell me who is here today, how many people gathered and, in particular , representatives of which brigades? well, today about 200 people gathered for the rally, all brigades are not only defenders of mariupol, but there are also brigades, for example, those who are missing, the 30th brigade, the 56th brigade. well, i am a representative of the public organization union of families of prisoners of war of the 501st battalion, that is , we are fighting for the 501st battalion, unfortunately, it so happened that the 501st battalion does not change for exactly one year, and with this action we want to remind, first of all, the society that has become to forget because someone's relatives are in captivity, that firstly, secondly, we want...
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the red cross may finally start working and will not look for excuses why they cannot get to our ukrainians... and why they turn a blind eye to the same atrocities, that russia is doing , well, that is, we want to draw attention to this problem now that there are no exchanges, it has been five months, complete silence, guys are dying there, have there been any official appeals to the organization or to the authorities and has there been any response this year ? well, of course we turn to the red cross. we write and we write to the un constantly
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we go to a meeting with the coordination headquarters, well, that is, the coordination headquarters, for its part , performs its functions. er, there are certain difficulties with negotiations, let's say, er, the red cross, the red cross is just an inactive organization that has no right to exist. that's all. thank you very much for your comment. in turn, i will remind you that the action of native prisoners of war continues on the independence square in the capital. now they stand along the main street of the capital. they shout slogans to draw attention to the absence. exchanges of prisoners, i remind you that such actions systematically take place not only in kyiv, in various cities of ukraine, they take place not only in relation to prisoners of war, but in relation to demobilization, etc., so join us and we hope that we will still be able to get
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some result, or at least the answer from, in particular, international organizations, this is all the information as of now, khrystyna, you have my word. thank you, katya, it was our correspondent katryna galko, she told about the peaceful. action in kyiv in support of our military. venezuelan dictator nicolas maduro signed a decree on the annexation of the territory of neighboring guyana. according to him, these are a series of official decrees on the development and protection of the new state of venezuela, gayane essequiba. at the same time, maduro asked the venezuelan people for a blessing, a creator and all kinds of support. on december 6, maduro announced that, according to the results of the referendum, the controversial oil rich people in guyana will be part of the country. in response, the authorities of guyana brought the armed forces of the country to a state of full combat readiness. the usa expressed support for the sovereignty of khayana. donald trump overtakes joe biden by 4% in pre-election polls. this is reported by
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the wall street journal. according to the publication's poll, the percentage ratio is 47% for trump against 43% for biden. previously, joe biden said that he agreed to run for re-election only so that donald trump would not become the next owner of the white house. in order to avoid a transport collapse due to the closure of six metro stations in kyiv, traffic on the most congested roads will be changed, - reported the minister of internal affairs ihor klymenko. public there will be more traffic, where... bus stops will be moved, timings will also be adjusted, traffic lights will be changed and some road signs will be changed, increased patrols will work. i would like to remind you that yesterday, train traffic between demiivska and terymky metro stations in kyiv was closed during the repair of the distillation
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tunnel. the restrictions are likely to last for six months. about the book and for the sake of the book. a book festival has started in kyiv. during the events, they talked about one of the most important book structures in ukraine - ukrainian book institute. this year it celebrates its fifth anniversary under the chairmanship of oleksandra koval. during this period, the institute made a lot of efforts to develop and support the ukrainian book, as well as to popularize reading. we did everything we could within the given framework and with the funding determined for us. sometimes we are with or even more, it is in particular this year and last year, when the full-scale invasion began, that year we had no funds at all, and we turned to our foreign partners for help, and thanks to them
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we managed to do a lot. tv channel espresso, together with the public organization baza ua, is collecting funds for atvs for the removal of leeks. and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the kholodny yar armed forces. in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military will choose victory every day, not leaving wounded comrades on the battlefield. with atvs , evacuation will be faster and easier, and therefore the chances of saving the injured are much greater. our goal is uah 800,000. with your help, we collected more than uah 100,000. your donation is a thank you to those who protect us. on the battlefield, so support, do not remain indifferent, you see all details on the screen. such was the morning in ukraine, read more on our website, also on our social networks, join, put your favorites, and i 'll say goodbye to you, see you tomorrow.
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glory to ukraine, this is the verdict program, my name is serhiy rudenko, greetings to everyone! wishes everyone good health. for the next two hours we will talk about ukraine, the world, war, peace and our victory. today in the program. missile terror - the consequences of the morning shelling of ukraine, will the intensity of enemy attacks increase in the future? ultimatum biden, under what conditions will the us congress approve funding for ukraine and what will our government do if... no one stopped the counteroffensive, what can change on the front in winter and what are
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the scenarios for the development of the war in 2024? we will talk about this and other things for the next hour with our experts, guests, military expert valentyn badrak, diplomat oleksandr khara and general serhiy kryvonos. in the second part of our program, which will begin after. issue of bbc news, we will have the best journalists of ukraine, olga len, maryna danylyuk yarmaleva and oleksiy mustafin. however, before starting our big conversation, i suggest you watch a video of the consequences of a missile attack on kharkiv by the russian invaders, the enemy attacked the city with six s-300 missiles. in the center of kharkiv, three houses and a transformer substation were damaged due to explosions, and more than two were also damaged. dozens of private cars and hits were recorded in the kholodnohirsky and shevchenkivskyi districts
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of the city of kharkiv, let's see. i woke up from the fact that something so terrible had happened, because i did not understand, i did not hear anything, and a man turned to me and said, why are you shouting so much, because i was barking at a dog, but i don't understand something well.
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friends, for those who are currently watching us live on youtube and facebook, please like this video, subscribe to our pages on these platforms and participate in our vote. today we ask you the following question: will putin become the next president of russia? today, putin announced that he will run for the presidency of russia, why do we... ask the question yes or no, well, unfortunately, it is impossible to put more options, if he lives, i think that in the comments
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on youtube you can add what you think about putin's next candidacy, in the phone mode you can vote either yes or no, whether he will become or not, if you think he will become the next president russia 0.800 211381, no 0800 211 382, ​​all calls to these numbers are free on... at the end of the program we will sum up the results of this vote. we are in touch with a military expert, director of the army conversion and disarmament research center valentyn badrak. mr. valentin, i congratulate you and thank you joined let's start with today's massive missile attack on ukraine by the russian federation. the air force command reported that the enemy had launched strategic bombers here. 95 ms, missiles
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of the type kh101, kh-555 and kh-55 flew from the caspian direction. in total , 19 of them were launched. the russians launched the first group of missiles at kharkiv and dnipropetrovsk regions, there were also strikes at kyiv, but they were shot down in the kyiv region. given that russia has restored its stockpile of cruise missiles, and we see, it starts again... to use cruise missiles, what and when should we expect from the russians, well, during this difficult, winter period, when it is clear that the main goal for them is... infrastructure and tets, and hes and others generating companies? well, first of all, i would like to draw attention to the fact that we ourselves handed over to russia a batch of 95 ms and tu-160. if i'm not mistaken, it was
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a debt of only 275 million. our debt at that time consisted of... it was like this, and that's what we paid for, and now they're using these planes, that was 20 years ago, let's clarify that not yesterday and not the day before yesterday, yes, of course, it was more than 20 years, it was 23 years ago, well, but the fact remains, our frivolity worked, and now we are facing such challenges, well, as for the fact that russia is stockpiling and rebuilding its missiles, then this is not surprising, because in fact, in fact, the technological deterrence of russia has not succeeded in the world, sanctions practically do not work, and its russian economy does not fall, did not fall and will not fall for sure, that is a very long time, because her
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oil is being sold, even more than that, it is breaking russian records. and even took first place in the chinese market, pushing saudi arabia, that is why putin had to fly to the arab emirates to saudi arabia and tell that he does not lie when he works with opec and that he is such an honest player there, although, well, in the middle east, he is very seriously suspected and issued a warning. as for oil production, which everyone has reduced, but russia does not, it seems that it has not reduced, but may even have increased. well, it's a matter of russia's economy is not falling, technology is not restrained, and therefore there is an accumulation of such weapons, including missiles.
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well, what to do, well, it’s clear to us what to do, to us , that... we can, within the limits of the art of the possible , take anti-aircraft anti-missile defense systems and try to destroy them as much as possible in the conditions of a shortage of supplies of military equipment among the positive things, there are also news, well, for example, all 14 in... there will be such very modern american systems and they were developed by el, they were developed by l3 harries technologies, a very powerful company, which, by the way, provided us with a lot of military communications for free, and now such systems have been developed for us, they will all be
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supplied, but they will mainly work against drones, against... heads , they were even called a chess match. there is another piece of positive news that is directly related to anti-missile defense, just a few days ago, literally, we received this information on armed forces day, the seventh, or rather, well, the next day, after armed forces day, we received it, and it was signed on the sixth in day of the armed forces, and we received the information of the next day. number, that ukraine will use western missiles for soviet systems, s-300 and buk, and such a project as joint, as joint production, launched within the framework of military-technical cooperation with the united states, and
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it is possible that this will be one of the first projects within the new. security guarantees that are currently being discussed, including with the united states, and with france, with the big seven, and in principle this is directly related to our anti-aircraft capabilities anti-missile defense, because before that we had a huge shortage of missiles, they were simply used in 22, 23 years, missiles are available for... and for s300, and now there will be missiles of western production, which they have a lot of in the west, that is, we will be able to receive it and use it for defense'. of our cities from attacks from the sky, that is, i understand correctly, mr. valentin, that soviet installations, former soviet installations,
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will launch the latest missiles and protect the cities, that is, it is air defense, or is it some more missiles that can fly, not only to shoot down other people's missiles, this is the frankensem project, the first bilateral project. of military-technical cooperation, there is another one concluded, and when two american companies will help us produce 150 and 155 millimeter ammunition on the territory of ukraine in the framework of joint production, it is also a very important project, but what is most important here, the first, of course, is that you mentioned that this is the protection of our sky, but secondly, it can become, so to speak, the first step in the development of huge joint projects, and if we reach the possibility
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of concluding an agreement with the united states based on the principle of israel's security model, then, as we expect, there will be specific financial resources and specific joint developments. we know that israel is leading the most advanced developments. with the united states, for example, the anti-missile defense system arrow third version, and we know that the united states has invested, invested in this israeli development huge funds, well, about 50% of the entire development, there are billions of dollars, and we know that ukraine is now leading developing their own anti-aircraft missile systems, including the deputy minister. of the defense of ukraine mentioned that it is about an air defense system with a range of 100 km, if so, then we can, due to
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joint production, obtaining technologies, make very significant progress in reality, and, for example, our missiles, and now i want to emphasize that ukrainian rockets, the missile program involves the creation of wings. missiles with a target, a surface target, yes, that is , the neptune missile complex, a land-based missile complex, where he had whole ships, that is, surface targets, now it is being reoriented, modernized above ground to hit ground targets, and its range will probably be significantly increased, let me remind you that neptune had a range of 280 km, now it can be increased to 500, ukraine is creating more. is actively developing, as well as creating a ballistic missile, and the range can be these, it is quite possible that the range can be increased to 1000 km. we need
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certain technologies to accelerate these developments, both for anti-missile and anti-air defense, and for missile programs, because, well, i want to remind you that with in november, ukraine also improved a little... its tactics of waging war and not only, if earlier they attacked inside russia, they attacked, let's say, airplanes, separate airfields, some small objects that could be hit, well, let's say, we remember we believe that the tu-22m3 long-range bomber was killed by a small drone from a meter to a meter. length yes, i.e. such things, if now the ukrainian defense forces are already attacking the enterprises
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of the defense industry of the enemy, and in this way, it is very possible to seriously reduce the capabilities of the defense potential of this muscovy, let me remind you that there were such attacks even on such a powerful kb. mechanical engineering in kolomna, it is about 100, well, a little more than 100 km from moscow, already east, more east, and this is a very demonstrative case, and there have already been many such cases, and such enterprises that are involved in the production of rockets were also attacked , including and this is something new in ukrainian tactics and... something that can be a turning point in the whole, so to speak, era of defeats,
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because it is now... becoming the most important, the most important factor in the conduct of war high-precision damage, first of all, to all military facilities on the temporarily occupied crimean peninsula, and the main goal is to isolate the peninsula from a logistical point of view, so that the bridge is also hit and those ships that are capable of transporting... either personnel or some cargo are hit, which are needed for waging war, and then the occupation forces who are trying to keep this peninsula in their hands, in their captivity so to speak, mr. valentin, you mentioned cooperation and the fact that we are waiting for technology, well i am i understand that from the americans
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now in the congress of the united states of america there is a draft of a new budget on the desks of the congressmen, where 61 billion dollars have been allocated for ukraine, well , actually not for ukraine itself, of course, because here is blinken, anthony blinken, secretary of state of the united states of america , turned to the americans and explained, in fact, what kind of money we are talking about, because the republicans constantly speculate on it. let's listen to blinken. a few more words, mostly for the american audience. if you look at the capital investment we have made for defence ukraine, it will become clear that 90% of the military aid we have given has actually been spent here in the us with our manufacturers, and this has led to more american jobs and growth in our economy. mr. valentin , it is clear that the american economy and military machine produces what we then...
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use on the russian-ukrainian front, but i wanted to ask you in the context of this, are you a supporter of the further militarization of ukraine, or still the search for new allies in creation or renewal of the existing security system in the world, that is, either we are completely armed with weapons and lead the ratings in terms of militarization , or we still have to go the way when we choose this umbrella, where we will also provide security to other countries with this umbrella, but and we will be protected as well, either under the umbrella of nato or, let's say, under a bilateral partnership there with great britain, the united states of america, and germany. we would gladly choose an umbrella, and we longed for it and wanted it, and we constantly talk about it, i am in favor of full membership in nato, of course, but we realists understand that it is impossible now,
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at this time. of this great war, when some of our territories are occupied, in russia they openly say that as long as there are occupied territories, ukraine cannot count on membership in nato, although even on your channel there was an idea from mr. portnikov that it is necessary to urgently raise the issue of joining nato with those territories that are not uninjured, rather unoccupied. well, i don't want to comment here, just that as one of the opinions , but there is another idea, these are security guarantees that will make the country so strong that the enemy will not dare to attack, and here it is assumed a technological advantage and the ability to deliver asymmetric strikes, and i am in favor of further
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militarization, especially since this ... further militarization can bring ukraine the creation of a powerful economy, because we know that , well, take countries like south korea, due to militarization, huge militarization, almost complete, and south korea is now emerging, i think, somewhere can take the fourth or third place in the world arms market, more than 17 billion dollars of orders for arms. south korea now sells more than russia, in the last most productive years, russia sold 15-20 billion dollars to the world arms market, but we see that this is very seriously related to the economy.


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