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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2023 1:30pm-2:01pm EET

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we work because we have a common big goal. i think that you and i will see more joint greetings for the new year, and somewhere all these distant people will start to turn us back, they already calmed us down before, we just didn't believe in their calmness, zelensky needs to show certain steps, no matter how much it is desired, but it is necessary to demonstrate the steps and in no way in any way try to do now in the middle of such a defining stage. in the war to create problems with the military, these military do not deserve it and do not like it very much, no, just that when you mentioned the orange coalition, its disintegration and so on, that is, there were forces that worked separately under viktor andriyovych, under yulia volodymyrivna, and this whole thing could not stick together, because this or that contractor constantly appeared. now we see openly paid for, manipulative articles that appear in some or other semi-respectable western media, and we also see a certain...
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synchronization, certain things are thrown in there that we cannot verify, we understand that if they refer to anonymous sources that they say some absolutely mind-blowing unworldly things , well, suspicion often arises accordingly, but people are all politicians, they are emotional people, generals are emotional, everyone is on emotions, everyone is on nerves, and it is clear why, well, the price is very high, and here something like this appears , this is part of that campaign, you probably remember that our president also talked about some kind of maidan 3 anti-maidan. three, that is , our intelligence warned that there is a preparation of 1.5 billion allocation of funds, which will now be carried, well, it is carried, so it should not be an indicator of authenticity for us problems, the real problems that we have, they can be completely different from what we read about in these mass media, well , it's already frank information that this is part of a hybrid war, and we, for example, i'm already there, i don't know, my brain. this critical
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component set the stage that any information should be defended first, and then checked , and then you will see what is true and what is not, but i think that ukrainian society is not very good at such things, i recently had a conversation with with military personnel who are in the trenches, and i and they just told me that they are very er, they react very painfully, but who reacts painfully, whose psyche suffers, these are the military people who read father's stuff, there is also the internet, they they say, i was fine , they say, we all find a place, we have the internet there and we pass it on to each other, and when they hear about these reductions in arms, there is already a lot of information there, about these scandals, about threats of some kind of resignations, it is very depressing precisely those people who should simply fight with the firm conviction of those they have competent government and that the world is with them, but they are suffering. thank you sir. for this
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extremely important and interesting conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that oleg rybachuk, former deputy prime minister for european integration of ukraine, former head of viktor yushchenko's office, and co-founder of the chesno movement, was currently working for them on the air of the tv channel. problems with the joints limit movement, it is unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with the help of long joints. these are collagen and vitamin c sachets for joint restoration cartilage dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect on bone health. dolgit joints facilitates motor functions. extend the joints, move freely. turn on well - it's when everything is as you want. click and now you control the game. the bird and you are in a tv show. oh. what is needed. mego.
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turn on hundreds of channels, thousands of movies and sports. every day, every hour, every minute we receive a large amount of information. the most anticipated event of the year, which is actually happening on the front. what are the losses of personnel and equipment on the battlefield. how is it evaluated? our successes, the international community, and what moscow is lying about. from the stream of news coming from all over the world, we single out the most important ones. the world is closely watching whether there will be weapons for ukraine and what kind, and what the russian occupiers are whispering about behind the commanders' backs. news, summaries of the week - this is a review of only important events, significant and reliable events. these are analytics, fact-checking, professional comments. about this and much more in today's issue. about important things, simple. language available to all
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viewers. greetings, iryna koval is in the studio and this is the summary of the week on the espresso tv channel. news, summaries of the week, every saturday at 21:00 on espresso. now on the air of the tv channel, i am glad to welcome anton , i am glad to work with mark fegin, a former member of the russian state duma, now a member of the russian opposition in exile, a famous video blogger , glory to ukraine, mark, i congratulate you, glory to the heroes, welcome all the viewers, and i wanted to ask you about putin , that is, putin reanimated such an impression into a political one. plan from this refrigerator, where professor solovei put it, so putin sometimes speaks at the g20, then time magazine started a little, so to speak say, consider his candidacy as a person of the year and so on. mark, what do you think is happening now in the macro-political space?
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well, you know, several factors have come together here, we must soberly state that putin is really, well , today... he is using all the opportunities provided to him to the maximum, in particular, which ones? the fact that the counteroffensive did not achieve its results, did not reach the borders between the two fronts, eastern and southern, and at the same time to the sea, did not liberate a number of cities, well, such inflated plans can be and there were, on the other hand, real changes within the west, into which putin pushes all his other limbs into this gap, that is
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, this change is connected in america with... and so on in the west, because it doesn't matter at all inside russia, well, the third factor seems to me, you know, it is connected with middle eastern history, in that after the events in southern israel, after the events of october 7, well, how - the pendulum is somewhat wrong to swing, and he changed the situation in the sense that those who considered the ukrainian issue separately from the rest, well conditionally, yes, here is the aggressor, here is the victim, here is the attack, and so on, regardless of whether it is in the global south, in other places, suddenly they began to consider the position of ukraine itself, the united states,
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the collective west and so on through the prism of middle eastern support from ukraine, that is, he played the role of splitting, let's say, not so much even staunch allies in support of ukraine, but a circle.
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large settlements along the front line east, for example, from kupinsk to svatovo, kremenoy, liman, yes, battles are going on in a number of places, but i would not say that there is some unworldly progress there, and this is reflected in the position of the west, no, the changes are only exclusively within the west, within the system of support created by ukraine and its allies, yes, but where are the ramshteyns with the same purity that manifested themselves, and where are their solutions embodied, implemented, you understand, it is understandable. that this is such a restrained criticism of the west, but it is relevant, because, well, listen, of course, you can talk about contradictions as much as you like within the ukrainian leadership , moscow is certainly also using it, it is also obvious, but they are also the result of this failure, maybe in the sense
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that the ukrainian leadership was hoping for, connected with the counteroffensive, and it, in turn, is still in the decisive to a large extent depended on the supply of weapons, the timely start of this... the role in the position of public opinion, the western press, which, you know, how the politicians themselves begin to convince voters of something, and then the voters return to them, already disturbed this opinion, and it consists in the fact that negotiations are better than war, the problem is that there are no negotiations, and no one offers negotiations, capitulation is offered, because negotiations are mutual compromises, i do not see a single compromise from moscow, therefore putin, as well, the main beneficiary of the war, as the main source of it, he is definitely trying to survive as much as possible from
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this situation and the one connected with the middle east with the elections in america and the west as a whole, well, this is the concept of a protracted war that no one in the west likes. how can we to encrypt putin's statement at the g20, that's how he started talking about butso calling the war a war, firstly, an important point, secondly, he started babbling something about the need to stop the tragedy, even though he is the culprit. who attacked ukraine , i.e. well, the tragedy did not come from the sky, from some conspiratorial concept and so on, it was a very clear russian position and there were very clear military criminal orders, in particular on the implementation of aggression, i would say that no let's negotiate on another signal the conditions that we propose are not there, the main central issue of these conditions is not even the division of 80 into 20 territories of ukraine, 20 geopolitical realities.
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he occupies all of it, whether through political or directly military influence, but he will not let ukraine go, from this point of view, nothing has changed, and what he - notice, at this g20 speech, you remember, he said, generally speaking, who regrets the tragedy of the children in the middle east in the gas sector, but he does not consider the children a drama, i don’t know whether or not he mariupol, any other place, he does not regret, for example, and there many times... more children died from his hands, not from someone else, precisely from him, that is, he is,
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of course, the master of this jesuit rhetoric, well these texts are written to him, but they are blowing in that direction, well, listen , against the background of the tragedy in gaza, as he says, fists are clenched, something else is clenching in him, then ukraine, well, don't dramatize it, that's the same yes, what he calls a war, well , he can allow himself not svo, not military conflicts, not some other the term will denote it. and he says it as it is, it is war, that is his responsibility under article 207, as they will not bring me under the article of the criminal code for fakes against the russian army of the svo, so i would not attach importance to words, i would attach importance to meanings, there is only one meaning, let’s go negotiate, yield to me, give it to me, but first of all i will understand the territory of this entire demilitarization, it is clear there the reduction of the army of the ukrainian withdrawal, of all weapons sent there, please, be kind.
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what will happen after the war when it ends, so let's immediately remove this question from the agenda, that is , after the vilnius summit in july of this twenty-third year, the summit, which in washington is waiting for its seventy-fifth anniversary, america will be its host, in general the perspective is clouded by at least some advancement of the millimeter-scale ukraine towards nato membership, that is, the perspective is rather the opposite, and this causes an additional...
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all the same, moscow is the main enemy, ukraine, we are a part of the western community, it must be protected as our own, the supply of weapons, the creation of the format in ramstein, and then included. on the brakes, you know, on the brakes, and now we are reaping the benefits of this brake. why do you think the united states is starting such an obscure discussion there, right? the discussion is not just unpleasant, it is not fully understood by many. yes, we understand that there is trump, there is isolationism, there are some negotiations before the election, whether the united states joins the campaign and so on. but the key story,
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yes, that is, it is such a feeling that they begin to actively trade. and the end.
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in the wave of this success, of course, the americans and europeans declared that the issue would be resolved on the battlefield, we will provide ukraine with all the necessary weapons to complete this story in the next year, the same was said at different levels, in different ways, and indeed they promised the world, planes, all this since december, i emphasize, since december, and they were preparing this spring counterattack, its preliminary plans were initially for march, then slightly moved to...
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no matter the cease-fire, the liberation of territories, regroupings, and so on, suddenly the concept by the end of spring is yes, well, by spring, it generally changes, changes to the subject of what, listen, let 's look at it somehow with weapons, everything is not so clear-cut here , the first echoes began back there in february-march, but by now i have taken the position that not everything is so clear-cut here, we cannot collapse the collapse of moscow, this will lead to the saddest post... and the events of june 24 with prigozhin's campaign, they convinced them that it was impossible, that they needed to be more careful, that it was appropriate in the event of his military defeat , completely ungovernable figures can come to putin, even worse than putin himself, i always think that it can be worse than putin, but okay, and on august 23, when prigozhin was already killed, they sighed with some even relief that
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now the threat is like that, it has disappeared, so it is possible to negotiate. ubl, by the way, stayed. at the same level as it was very high last year, but this does not scare moscow, an economist who is involved in the same thing said that we are faced with an incredible problem, that that the losses do not in any way affect the change in the tactics and strategy of the moscow leadership in relation to ukraine, so this all came together in a position, now it is already quite clear and firm, i talked about it a lot in the summer, but then maybe many people did not see it, but i already saw that this position would be imposed on kiev, and... the instrument of pressure on kiev, well, what else could it be, the supply of weapons and ammunition and financial macroeconomic assistance, financial assistance, of course, including, because, well, the economy of ukraine is not self-sufficient, it is in the conditions of war , it cannot be such an eastern european state now without help, it is obvious, leave it, well , wait, why did you start supporting
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then, so really, frankly speaking, taking into account the situation in the united states in ... europe reflects this situation, you know, the victory in slovakia, the situation in the netherlands is unclear now in connection with the freedom party, which won the election, and it is not clear what the final version of the government will be formed of the coalition, this is all an expression of all the same change of position as such, in this situation, of course, moscow, seeing that it will not receive more than what is necessary for the defense of the territory already held by ukraine. she decided, well, if not at the front, at the front she does not have such deafening successes, no one can boast that they took a local woman, there for a time, even i was there, it is a small town, actually, that he... will determine , if i take it, but nevertheless, so to speak, the rhetoric is as if already they are standing near kiev, you noticed, as if right here they are surrounding and shooting with cannons a bank and other places, and this is
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the atmosphere, this is not reality, this is such an ephemeral reality, online reality, well , actually they are constructing such a certain simulacrum, but from the other side someone surkov was pulled out of some secret drawer there, so surkov was silent for a long time, well, at least he was not silent, but ... give me some extremely murky, strange signals, now he wrote a rather characteristic and interesting note, and again he dedicated it, well of course, the ukrainian issue. surkov, that is, he is trying to remind himself of himself in this way, or he has already returned to the cage and is now starting to draw certain, i don’t know, methodical directions for the kremlin, maybe surkov now wants to suppress dugin himself, i think that he is definitely as an official, and... he is first of all an official, and then a fantasist, as he presents himself in his articles in current politics and their retellings in various other editions, he is certainly any action,
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he is still in the seventh decade, he in my opinion , he passed 60, he matches with the next ones plans, well, that's how the officials work, the brains of the managers of the officials work, that they somehow never leave the hope of some new cell of occupations, i think he wants to return to the position of adviser on ukraine. i will explain why, the fact is that this is his only quality that is in demand, because of all the others , kyriyenko is the first deputy to his position as the head of the administration, it is clear, the vice-premier, he is not needed at all, he is not in this position at all hey, he's trying in ukraine, after all, it's all about articles him, if you noticed, all the latest articles are one way or another about ukraine, that is , he does not write there as before, he writes about skolkovo, new technologies, he devoted a lot to this, being the chairman there, in my opinion, of the board of directors of this skolkov or something like that with all this nonsense, corruption, now he is only focused on ukraine, he is there with veterans, unions of veterans, donbass, with other structures,
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as if he were their creator, and so on. he wants his ego to be noticed and taken, but all his content part of the texts , it is so truly fabulous, he talks about ukrainians, that they are fairy-tales, he is really a storyteller himself, such a postmodernist storyteller, there is no practical plan, he is trying to convey a message to putin about what? about the fact that the war is yes , in its turn, although he says in the last text that it can be achieved only by military means, but he - surkov himself - is the protagonist of the peace plan, he is also the architect of the minsk agreements, and he was an adviser, the last his act is a meeting in paris in h4, norman format, now no one remembers, on december 9 of the nineteenth year already together with zelensky, which turned out to be a failure, this is a meeting of four, because ukraine refused moscow's version, to agree on the road
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the map of stanmayer's plan, remember this one, and he refused it too, he burned on it, now he believes that he can minsk - 3, 4, 5, 10, impose it again, and he is the best architect of these peace agreements, he better than kozyk, which was until recently assistant for ukraine, and any other, there is kyriyenko. they can be promoted, this is what he is trying to convey to putin, and i think that the main purpose of writing these articles is precisely this, and not to once again tell some literary stories about the ukrainian people and him mythology, you see, so you shouldn’t expect any breakthrough plan from surkov, it will be the same set, he, i repeat, was an opponent of a military solution until a certain moment in the nineteenth year, he... work out a single
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the core of the political plan is like this , yes, act together, everything will break sooner or later, so it is possible to achieve everything in ukraine through elections or, so to speak, their manipulation, which cannot be achieved purely by war, you know, bring the new yanukovych to... i am saying, i am exaggerating, that he himself will go to all the agreements and then we will iron out all of this, that is the meaning of his texts, you see, there is certainly imperial bravado, this is the tone of the mentor, we see all of this, all of this we read in these interspersed in the lines, but once again the main message, after all, the main addressee, i think that putin is still, because frankly speaking, the ukrainian people absolutely dope what he writes there, yes, well, in any case, if surkov's main addressee is putin, which means from... a favorable atmosphere is also brewing in the kremlin. thank you very much, dear mark, for this extremely interesting conversation, i want to remind our tv viewers that mark fegin, a former
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russian deputy, was currently working for them on spresso. state duma, and now an activist of the russian position on emigration. it's our time programs have run out, stay with the espresso tv channel. my colleagues have prepared a lot of interesting things for you. take care of yourself and your loved ones. see you on air. tingling and crawling sensations arise spontaneously and disturb you. complex. dolgit antineuralgia helps in normalizing the functioning of the nervous system. dolgit antineuralgia helps to return to usual activities without tingling and numbness in the limbs. capsules dolgit antineuralgia. helping your nervous system. laughter, physical activity, sneezing. even during such a small time stress, urinary incontinence can make itself felt. feminost uro helped me. thanks to the natural components of feminost uro , it helps to restore control over
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we support each other, share useful information and learn new things. together we grow. join us, become part of our enable me ukraine family. with the support of the national assembly of people from disability of ukraine, enable me ucraine. it's 2 p.m. in ukraine, and we bring to your attention a news release on the espressu tv channel in the studio of iryna koval. greetings to all viewers. and we start with the situation in the kherson region. the russians dropped explosives from a drone on berislav in the kherson region. one person died, another was injured. the occupiers also
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hit... a private enterprise in kherson was damaged.


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