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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2023 6:00pm-6:31pm EET

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let's take the king, the king of britain and so on, there they have no power, in fact, everywhere there is a prime minister. now we have news, as i promised, with a trembling, trembling heart to irina koval, i give the word, she will tell you all the news that she learned, she and all the people who are currently working on the news that happened in kyiv, while i bred terevini here, in kyiv, ukraine. only in kyiv, also in various regions of our country and i will tell about the help to our country, please wait until 18:00 in ukraine, for your attention issue news on the spresso tv channel, in iryna's studio.
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greetings to all viewers. two women died as a result of enemy shelling in kupyansk, kharkiv region. another 30-year-old man was wounded, - said the head of the regional military administration oleg sinigubov. the attack damaged a private house, a garage and a fence. also, the occupiers were hit by a hurricane in the village of podola. a local resident was injured there. the russians once again attacked the residential quarters of kherson. one of the enemy shells. aimed at the high-rise building. rescuers evacuated an elderly woman from the house in a state of shock, and later they helped another resident, the state emergency service said. 11 modular shelters have already been installed in kharkiv region. this was reported in the regional military administration. a total of 65 protective structures will be installed in the region in bogodukhiv, izyum, kupyan and kharkiv districts. the cost of one such. shelter
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about 2 million hryvnias. explosions rang out in the temporarily occupied makiivka in donetsk region. the propagandist media reports that the fuel depot is burning there after the flight. a large-scale fire broke out on the spot. germany will take on the additional burden of aid to ukraine if other coalition members cut it. this was stated by chancellor of germany olaf scholz during a speech at the congress of the social democratic party of germany. currently , germany is the largest supplier of weapons to ukraine in europe and the second after the united states. we will continue to support ukraine in its defense struggle. we do this through financial means and through the supply of arms. and of course this is a big financial challenge. for us too, no
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this war probably won't end as quickly as we all hoped, that's why we should be able to keep doing what we 're doing today, this year, next year, and the year after that, so if others hesitate, maybe we should increase your share from now on, they will bear criminal responsibility. the verkhovna rada passed a law on the criminalization of contraband and excise goods, as well as on untrustworthy. declaration, it is about raising the thresholds for goods smuggling by five times, and for excise goods - twice. this law should regulate the payment of customs duties. the corresponding decision was supported by 248 deputies. trolleybuses and buses that duplicate the traffic of the closed six metro stations of the capital will be stopped during an air alert. ruslan kandybor, director of the transport infrastructure department of the kmda, told about it. ground transport will take
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passengers to the nearest shelter . 77 buses and 20 trolleybuses have been launched to transport passengers from the lybitzka metro station to the telemki metro station. let me remind you that since yesterday, the movement of trains through the demiivska terymka metro section has been closed for the urgent repair of the distillation tunnel. there is a decision of the kyiv defense council, this decision is collective, people who are responsible. for the safety of the residents of kyiv , the safety of tourists of kyiv, citizens who are in the city of kyiv, and the fact that transport should stop and people should be in shelter, this is clear, accordingly, such buses that will work on this branch, they will transport people to the nearest shelters, and people have to be in shelter. but shuttle traffic can be started through the closed section of the metro, and train services are planned to be organized through the undamaged tunnel on the section between
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the lybitsky and terymky stations. the same train will travel in both directions on the same track. the movement interval can be from 30 minutes, the timing of the start of such a movement is currently unknown, it is from the lybitsky station to the teremka station, a shuttle option, it will be somewhere up to half an hour, the movement interval of such a train will be up to half an hour, uh, we want it to be all not so, you know, people hope that the subway runs every half hour and can take a huge volume of people, we have to work it out on a certain schedule and we will definitely do it. the dismantling of the monument to mykola shchors was completed in the capital. specialists of kyiv public works worked on the dismantling of the seven-ton structure for six hours. traffic on
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taras shevchenko boulevard had to be partially blocked. the monument will be kept in the antonov state aviation museum. the monument was erected in 1954 according to the legend for the sculptors. leonid posed makarovych kravchuk. more than 60 monuments related to the history and culture of russia and the ussr have already been removed from the capital. in poltava, fifty citizens rallied against the christmas tree in the center of the city. previously, the regional defense council allowed the installation of festive trees on the condition that budget funds would not be debited for this, or connected. illumination to the general power grid, and there will be shelters nearby. the regional center financed uah 4,000 for installation and dismantling, business representatives agreed. however, the people of poltava gathered with slogans that any funds should be directed to the needs of the army, and now
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is not the time for celebrations. poltava does not want a christmas tree. poltava does not want a christmas tree. people are not thinking about that now. now there is no need to celebrate new year's holidays and put up christmas trees in the center of the city, when we have a war there, and for some reason people say there, not here, now thousands of boys are in captivity, thousands are missing, boys are sitting in cold trenches, and people are celebrating, now this is not the time, money should not be spent on christmas trees, not on paving stones, or something else, money is needed spending on boys, buying drones so that we can win, the biggest holiday for me... of course will be the return of both my husband and all the other soldiers who are currently there, safe and sound, and then this long-awaited holiday will really come. i think that such christmas trees, well, despite the fact
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that it is justified there by the economy and everything else, it is immoral. the second day of the book festival kyiv book weekend in the very district. our correspondent kateryna galko will tell you what is interesting happening at the event. katya, me i congratulate you and i am waiting for details from you, what special events you have already managed to attend and what is interesting to see. the kyiv book weekend book festival continues for viewers of the tv channel in the international exhibition center. and this is a real paradise for book lovers, because more than a hundred publishing houses are represented here, the real value of such events is the opportunity for live meetings with authors, discussions and. lively conversations, and today we were lucky enough to join one such discussion, the phantom of maria prymachenko, for three books of roman prose by ms. lyudmila lysenko, who can tell about the book better than the author himself, mrs. lyudmyla, i congratulate you
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, please tell me about the work, about the genre, about the search for inspiration, do you imagine what i have now, what i have now a problem that i have 50 years on i can't answer television, dear ladies , it's a novel biography, it's a novel biography, it's a work of art based on documentary facts of my friend, with whom i had the closest family relationship for 50 years, i wrote a dissertation, i wrote a novel, and now it's scientific, now a work of art, the work is written as, like a biography, but in the circumstances very subtle, so to speak, essential social circumstances, and you know, these are only three books, three books, the creation of the world by mary, before the day of introduction and manifestation, and now the fourth book is being written and there will be a fifth, yes, you know, it was written as a film saga, and i dream of exactly this book format, as
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well as an abridged and audio version, i think it will also be very important, well, at least i really want you to love it, so that you will eventually get to know it, and thank you very much, mrs. lyudmila, so i will remind you. i grant that this event takes place in within the framework of the kyiv book weekend, and it is really very important, to be able not only to buy a book, but also to talk to its authors in person, so we are hurrying to... to the next discussion, iro, i give you the floor. thank you, katya, it was our correspondent from the capital, kateryna galko. well, the best thing you can do now is to donate. the espresso tv channel, together with the public organization of the ua base, is collecting funds for atvs to transport the wounded and other needs of the 93rd separate mechanized brigade of the armed forces of ukraine cold ravine in extremely difficult conditions, the ukrainian military chooses victory every day, i will not leave it. on the battlefield of wounded comrades, with atvs the evacuation will be faster and
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easier, and therefore the chances of saving the wounded are much greater. our goal is uah 800,000. you can now see all the details on the screen. we thank our viewers for your donations and support for the armed forces of ukraine. wait for the next news release already at 7 p.m., or literally in a moment. my colleague mykola veresen will continue the broadcast. joint problems restrict movement, it unpleasant and painful. strengthen them with doolgit joints. these are bags with collagen and vitamin. this is for the restoration of articular cartilage. dolgit joints contributes to the normal functioning of the joints and has a positive effect
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on bone health. dolgit joints - facilitates motor functions. with stiff joints, move freely. on december 10, i will visit lviv. st. nicholas as his own person in maryana savka's christmas musical, write letters to nicholas. orchestra from lviv. dudaryk chapel and favorite soloists in a festive performance. for the whole family december 10 exclusively at fest republic. live sound. porto shakhtar on megogo. the battle in the dragon's lair will decide the fate of the miner. will the miners be able to reach the playoffs of the champions league? find out on december 13th at 10pm exclusively on meego. a good tradition: during the christmas holidays, caroling together with the picardy carol.
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evacuation trains were organized, and these trains went through kyiv to the west, a lot of people went to the carpathians, everyone understood that the carpathians are far away, and the chance of missiles arriving there is very small, we are there for the first time met maria, but you can't get out here with an ordinary car, a shelter is a shelter, it's... a shelter from a disaster, it's a shelter from genocide, it's preservation, it's preservation of yourself in order
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to preserve the future, it's preservation of others who will be with you this is the future to rebuild. we have to be strong, i tell myself this every day, and so that we can help others. good health once again, until the 19th. hours, as i promised, we will work, now we will go to china with you, we will be accompanied by natalia plaksienko butyrska, an expert on of east asia, master of foreign policy , good health, mrs. natalya, thank you for joining us this saturday evening, congratulations, mr. mytkolo, greetings to all the viewers, look, this is a joint summit of the european union and china, we can do something.. . something there , what happened there, as far as we can, is it such an ordinary story, it is not, not something
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extraordinary, well, we got together, met, talked, exchanged ideas, and that was the end of it, well, we know that there is a list of chinese companies , which are related to the russian federation, we were told by the politician that the eu gave sydneypin this list, and besides, this is not an improvement in the relations between europe and china, not a deterioration, just such ... freedom, as mr. putin likes it very much. well, actually, for china, the relationship with the european union is important, and let's put it in numbers, if you take more than 700. of their trade, china has 400, 400 billion of merchandise, its positive flip, and it's a big problem for the european union, so that's why that they understand that china sells a lot of goods to their markets, while, for example, in european companies do not have similar conditions
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for the chinese market, and for example, this is one of the issues. trade, the two sides, the european union and china, are very closely linked by trade relations, but they are disproportionate, and in the european union they began to understand that, well , somewhere they are making mistakes, as was the case with russia, on the one hand, it this disparity, and on the other hand, the great dependence of the european union on critical materials that china possesses, and china influences. to supply chains of these goods for the european union, the first thing to think about is how european leaders became a problem even during the pandemic, because it turned out that masks and some medicine, minimal medicine, turned out to be supplied to the european union from china, and when china blocked these supply, because
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he needed it for his needs, then in the european union they began to feel a problem, a shortage and... from that time they somehow began to think that, well, everything was not entirely good in their relations with china, and the war was added to this . for us, for ukraine it is important that our european partners constantly emphasize to china that relations with the european union will be built depending on how china will react to russian aggression, and here in the final document it is said that china is... a permanent member of the security council un, so he must eventually, as a serious global player, begin to be responsible for serious global processes, and somehow, by all possible methods, influence russia in this context. in addition, the european union constantly insists that china should not to supply lethal weapons to russia, we know
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that certain elements are slipping through there, and also very strongly... criticizes that china is helping russia in the re-export of important various elements, particularly european companies, and therefore warned that this re-export, it is now will be very seriously controlled, and you mentioned 13 companies about these companies, the european leaders took them on a turnkey basis, under the handle and went with this list so far, well, that is , this is the first such a weighty list to indicate what these specific companies are, they deal with the bad. and here we have two choices: either you, the chinese authorities , influence these companies, or we will use sanctions against them. and this story has a little background, because when the talks were being prepared, well, that is, the summits, they have the peculiarity of preparing for a long time and practicing. so, in the summer, 12 chinese companies were already on the list of
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the sanctions package of the european union for the fact that they help re-exports. and then. the whole chinese ambassador who is in the european union, he is very much so insisted that china is willing to cooperate with the european union, and there is no need to introduce sanctions against each other. to some extent, he even promised that china would influence these companies and this would not happen again. the europeans took into account these words of the ambassador, they took away the list of companies, just chinese ones, and left only some other countries there. but after some time , the ambassador said, well, actually, this is a matter of business and the chinese government, of course, it cannot influence business, that is, it was very nice that he removed the responsibility, so we see that european leaders began to talk more concretely with china about the purpose of this support in re-exports as well, that is
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, it is important for ukraine that relations with the european union and china should still be built from this point of view. because it is a certain safeguard against china joining in full assistance to russia, because you and i see such certain elements of this support, and they are weighty, unfortunately, for the fact that russia can continue the war against us and can stay afloat with a lot of help from china, in particular, unfortunately, ms. natalya is here, i have a clarifying question for you, you said turnover, this trade imbalance. between europe and china, it is due to the fact that china simply produces more, that is, there is nothing to sell, or is it the chinese who do not... let european goods in, what does this mean, that is, what, what, that europe is so poor that there is nothing to sell , is china not
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buying, well, because of the communist party and so on, it is clear why, it is connected with unequal conditions, because the chinese market, it is protectionist, the chinese government very heavily subsidizes certain industries, which, well, with on the one hand, for example, chinese goods are cheaper, on the other hand, there really are... companies cannot enter china on equal terms, and this problem has existed for a long time and is being discussed, but unfortunately, until now, europeans were not able to knock out such equal conditions from china, moreover , there was another problem between them, the first main one , what they now have in their circulation, is that in china, china produces a very large number of relatively cheap electric cars , and this electric... and these electric cars flooded the markets of the european union, and the europeans realized that this way of their auto business, it simply will not be able to withstand competition,
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and why, for example, this happened because china now pays great attention to green energy, green technologies and very seriously subsidizes this industry , accordingly , europeans cannot compete on price, for example, and there on... what elements with those cars produced by china. and now the europeans are thinking about imposing tariffs on chinese goods and starting to protect their market, as it does china, because china seriously defends its market and in particular from european goods. the chinese, of course, are very dissatisfied with this, and they are threatening the europeans that they will also use certain sanctions, that is, this is such a very debatable issue, and we will see more. there are many such problematic moments in the relations between china and the european union, in particular, those that will concern precisely trade, because that is ms. natalya, ms.
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natalya, that is, mr. trump, the former president of the united states, who is criticized in ukraine, he was right in this , when he said, something china trades unfairly, and so i will introduce some some there, well not sa... but also some safeguards there, and biden continued this story, he did not cancel it all, that is, now we understand that in the in industrial policy, in trade policy, the civilized world, let's call it that , it sees that china is quite aggressive and does not play very fair, yes, yes, in fact, the fact that china did not play fair was seen by everyone, and moreover , the europeans, the americans contributed themselves and... paid china extra for the fact that it is not dishonest played, because both the europeans and the chinese actively invested in china, developed production there, in return, you know
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, for example, china in order to place production on their territory, it demanded that technology be shared with it, accordingly, in this way china , the former factory of such consumer goods is turning into a country that has certain innovations, a high-tech country, with the help of... european investments, technologies, this dishonest policy, when technologies were taken away, and europeans and americans for to place their production, well, this is capitalism and it, to a certain extent, they cannot influence their business, if the business finds places with a large market and with great opportunities and potential, and accordingly in this way they themselves helped china rise, and then trump, he's really the first one to say i'm going to fight it and started fighting it. we see through tariffs and through certain restrictions, and of course china doesn't like it very much, because from globalization, from open markets, it, as
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no one else has gained a lot for its development, and accordingly he is now saying that the americans and europeans are resorting to protectionism, which is wrong, and is acting as a country that wants to support open trade, well, but if you take it inside china itself, then this is far from the case. and its legislation is made in such a direction that most of all contribute, of course, to the development of china itself and its company? well, this is a natural way, you know, i want to tell you that there are such jokes among economists that the usa is very prominent against protectionism, but for many decades, if not centuries, they were crazy protectionists on their lands, at least in the 19th century, half of the 20th, they didn't let everyone in either. to put it mildly, and now, so when they swelled up, they said: no, no, no, we, we are against protectionism, we want equal trade, now china is going in fact the same
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way, but here is my question: so flashed such information, you can confirm, if you know, you can deny, i don’t know that such surprises are negative for china, because italy came out of that one belt, one road project, this is literally either this morning or last night, i read somewhere, that is, not everything is going well in china, we see there are problems in pakistan, and we see in the country there are problems, that means , one belt, one road , is it correct, i understand that this fashion is no longer in fashion in the world, that everyone wanted to join, thank god, the ukrainians did not join, and they did not even join under yanukovych, and so on, what do you say , well , actually, look, 10 years is already time to reap the results, and the results have appeared, there is a case of european countries, you mentioned
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italy. italy, like many european countries, believed that such an opportunity to join the belt and road would give, open the way for chinese investment in the development of their infrastructure, port, railway and so on, and signed the belt and road, this is one of the western countries, there are not many of them , who signed, joined, but then they weighed it up, took a look and realized that there are no high-quality chinese investments in the country, but this trade, let's go back again, 16 billion italy exports to china, instead about 60 or more than 60, 61 billion to italy, and then in italy in italy, their economists and politicians say, after all, what did joining this belt and road give us, well, we see a big imbalance in that chinese goods have seriously gone to our market, well, actually
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speaking, everything. therefore, this economic component, as well as general politics, and thanks to melonia, who now understands that it is necessary to build relations with china in a completely different way, i.e., separately, only trade is transferred to politics and geopolitics and on security, now this is the basis for relations. mrs. natalya, the last question, what was mr. lukashenko doing, we can guess something, why he rushed there, what is he there, what is he there? was looking for, well, mr. lukashenko, you know, he is looking for a guarantee in china for his, well, little leadership political independence, let's say conditionally, if it is still from putin. china is a guarantee that lukashenko will have the elements of statehood in belarus, this is the first. second, of course, being under such chinese sanctions, belarus also needs certain ones trade with china, market search and...
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investment funds to attract your country. well, one more element that, for example, i noticed is that lukashenko, who was very seriously involved in this belt of the road that we mentioned, given that belarus is next to the european union, and it served an important logistical route for the transportation of chinese goods to the european union and vice versa, now that it has joined putin's game, it is losing its... logistical attractiveness possibilities, well, not only because the war in ukraine, it diverted many paths to other places and from russia itself, and this reduced the flows through belarus, but also because lukashenko himself, well , first of all, he is creating a migration crisis on the european border, well of course, the europeans have threatened that they will completely close these ways, accordingly , a problem will arise for china that it will be completely blocked by lukashenko's hands,
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besides... the location of the cores of tactical nuclear weapons, and this to some extent is inconsistent with china's non-proliferation policy, how not how in some of them still have such dogmas regarding nuclear elements, that is why lukashenko was not invited to the belt and road forum last month, at least he was not there among the 26 leaders who were present, and of course he needed to somehow rehabilitate himself, he needed to re- to negotiate with his friends from china in order to establish these relations. well, to a certain extent, you see, lukashenko calmed down, stopped waving nuclear missiles for a while, let's hope that very much, thank you very much, natalia plakcienko butyrska, expert on issues of east asia, master of foreign policy, we were in touch, we talked about china, now to israel from the far east to the near east, vadym polishchyuk, historian and political commentator.


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