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tv   [untitled]    December 9, 2023 9:00pm-9:30pm EET

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cold weather is coming and will it cool the situation on the front line? our country has become a hostage of the mexican border in the us congress, what will happen to the funding of our state? and about what method ukraine found to bypass the blocking of the border. by polish carriers, about this and much more in today's issue. the war with russia is entering a new phase. winter dictates its conditions, so in addition to the influx of invaders, the armed forces have to fight the elements, lack of shells and even rodents. pay off energy. after an almost three-month break the russians attacked ukraine with missiles from strategic bombers. how ready are our... energy facilities for enemy
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strikes. the fall of soviet leaders. 10 years ago, a monument to lenin was torn down in the center of the capital. how is decommunization and de-soradization going? congratulations. iryna koval is in the studio and this is the news, the results of the week on the tv channel. espresso. and let's start with the situation at the front. the russians continue to attack the positions of the defense forces in the lymano kupyansk direction. the hottest situation is in the area of ​​sinkivka settlement near kupyansk. there is an enemy concentrated the largest number of personnel and equipment. the russians are trying with all their might and means to break through in this direction. in the direction of bakhmut, our soldiers repulse the attacks of the invaders and continue to storm. south of bakhmut of the donetsk
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region, cause losses in manpower and equipment to the enemy, and are entrenched at the achieved boundaries. ukrainian defenders continue to restrain the occupiers in the avdiiv direction. to the north, along the railway, the muscovites are trying to surround avdiivka, using armored vehicles and aviation to try put pressure on ukrainian positions. our soldiers stand firm in defense. on the mariana direction. the armed forces of ukraine continue to hold back the russian troops in maryinka and novomykhaivka districts of the donetsk region. in zaporizhzhia, the defenders repelled enemy attacks in the areas west of verbovoy and robotyny. at the same time, in the melitopol region , the defense forces of ukraine continue to actively inflict losses in manpower and equipment on the occupying forces, depleting them along the entire front line. on kherson. defense forces
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in the future, they will hold their positions on the left bank of the dnieper, continue counter-battery fighting, and inflict fire damage on enemy forces. so, everything indicates that the winter at the front will be hot. but in addition to the onslaught of the enemy horde, our defenders have to fight the elements, lack of shells and even rodents. what will be the war on the front line. in the cold season. let's see further. digging trenches in winter is a cossack's stinking power. in general, i wouldn't even want a chukhryn to do this, but a ukrainian would, even more so, why? because the ground was frozen, and that's it horror. dmytro serves in the airborne assault troops. last year, bakhmud from soledar passed in the winter. he knows very well how at the front you have to fight not only with the occupiers, but also with... bad weather in winter, you definitely waste time
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trying to get a source of heat for yourself, since you are waiting for the time when you will be passable. the passability of military equipment at the front is a painful issue. for example, the weight of the most common t-72 tank is more than 62 tons. in order for it to pass, the ground must be hard and dry. the ground wet from the snow makes the equipment heavy. all puppies they are heavy, but we had christmas trees there, 200 mitsubishi christmas trees, nissans, well, with all-wheel drive , we used to have them, we were in such a way that we got in, just like that, the vbayurs pushed on the chest, and you don’t push, you just stand, and while the offensive the equipment is standing, the artillery has to fight, our maltmen were working, the assaulting mortars were in honor of mikhola, so every night a shot was fired. fire shot, he already
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started there in the afternoon, by 6:00 in the morning he had nothing to say at all, he was already in a bath, and shells. for positional warfare is lacking, the fighters complain, despite the constant explosions at enemy warehouses , the russians have an advantage in the number of weapons, they do not spare the shells, that is, they simply destroy us there, they will, well, they pour a lot of shells, they pour a lot of shells, that is, at our one projectile they release 10, there was hell happening there. i was silent for about 15 minutes a day, until there was a normal amount of weapons in normal quantities, not drops. another problem of the winter company is the invasion of mice in the warm positions of the military, the network is full of such
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video from our fighters. pests not only eat food, but also spoil weapons. we have two problems, slides and mice. they ate the weapon, it was the rats that gnawed the weapon, so we ate more. according to bloomberg, in the budget for next year, the kremlin will allocate 6% of the gross domestic product, which is 112 billion dollars, for military aggression, so there will be no war as cold as the weather. artem logutenko, oleksandr burlevich, yulia belska, espresso tv channel. so, winter creates new challenges. the military-political leadership of ukraine assures that there will be no stops during the cold season counteroffensive actions will not take place on the territories occupied by russia, and the armed forces of ukraine will maintain a strategic advantage at the front. the fighting will continue, but the tactics
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will change, - the center for combating disinformation notes. in particular, the role of drones and anti-tank systems is increasing, and actions will also be important. in small groups with the support of artillery and bets on anti-tank complexes and the use of uavs instead of armored vehicles. the winter campaign will be characterized by positional battles, active counterbattery measures and destruction of logistics chains, supply of personnel, equipment and ammunition. military expert serhii zgurets assures that there are significant advances and advantages for ukraine and russia. parties should not be expected. russia will try to use the situation on the front line to its advantage, but we can hardly expect any significant changes compared to what is being done now, because in fact all the main reserves that the russians
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have accumulated are now stretched across the entire front line. now russia is trying part of these reserves, which were, in particular, in the south, will be reformed again. to attack and create new groups there, and this direction will most likely be taken by the enemy in a certain way in order to suppress our advances in the robotic zone, but all this will be only after these offensive operations of the enemy in the audio zone, which remains for the enemy , are completed well, the most priority task. in the usa, parliamentarians have been unable to decide the fate for several weeks. financing of ukraine. these events created the impression that our state has lost the bipartisan support that allowed her to count on american help for the past two years. however, this is not the case. while the discussions continue, the administration of president joseph biden
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on december 6 announced the allocation of a not so unified, but still important package of support in the amount of 175 million dollars. it included rockets. for air defense systems, additional ammunition for hymars, artillery shells and other much-needed weapons. but what will happen next? the us senate did not allow the bill on aid to ukraine, israel and taiwan to be put to a vote. because of the demands of the republicans regarding the migration situation on the southern borders of the usa. 51 senators opposed. and at least 60 votes are needed, the most important thing is that the leader of the democratic majority in the senate, chuck schumer , also voted against it. fierce talks between republicans and democrats have been ongoing, but it was announced earlier this week that they had broken down.
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the situation was exacerbated by the closed session of senators on tuesday regarding ukraine. but it turned into a controversy surrounding the migration issue. sprat. they even left as a sign of protest meeting, and the president of ukraine, volodymyr zelenskyi, canceled his participation at the last minute. leader of the democratic majority in the senate. shomer spoke frankly: republicans hijacked the hearing and demanded to talk about the border issue, not the needs of ukraine. republicans want to include the border protection provision in the aid bill, out of concern that international politics are overriding domestic priorities. there is not enough time to pass at least some decision regarding aid to ukraine in... the congress. from december 14, the legislators of both chambers will go
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on christmas weekend. after that date, congress cannot approve additional funding. ms. ambassador of ukraine to the usa, oksana markarova, stated that the blocking does not eliminate the possibility of re-submitting the bill to a vote in the near future. after all, the white house is ready to make concessions on migration policy. for the senate to vote for aid to ukraine and israel, reuters reports with reference to its own sources. the republican majority in the parliament issued an ultimatum to settle the issue of illegal migration across the us- mexico border in order to continue military support for ukraine. after all, the white house understands that if the united states stops supporting ukraine and russia comes to ... non-nato, they will have to start acting in accordance with the fifth article of nato and pay with the blood of americans. the coordinator
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of the national security council of the white house, john kirby, noted that the president of russia is counting on the fact that the united states will stop supporting ukraine. this will be a great gift for him. president joseph biden called it after the failure of the vote madness, the inability of the american parliament to vote for. appropriate decision and political blackmail. history will severely punish those who turned away from the cause of freedom. we cannot allow putin to win. it is in our national interest and in the interest of all our friends. any interruptions in our ability to supply arms and ammunition to ukraine would certainly strengthen putin's position. we are now running out of money for this aid and some republicans are playing with our national security. che financing of ukraine is extremely hostage biased border policy. in
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this heating season, the russians will obviously try again to extinguish the ukrainian energy industry. the military, government officials, and specialized experts have been warning about this for several months in a row. however, with the onset of cold weather, the invaders massively beat only shaheds. but this week, after almost... a three-month pause, the russian federation attacked ukraine with strategic bombers. 14 out of 20 cruise missiles were shot down by our anti-aircraft defense forces, including all those flying towards kyiv. as of now, ukraine is an occupier for its terror accumulated more than eight hundred missiles. this is half as much as the enemy had last year at the same time, an air force spokesman said. yuriy ignat, however, our energy infrastructure does not currently have such
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capacities, because it was not possible to completely restore it after the attacks of the invaders. this year, thanks to western aid, ukrainian air defense was significantly strengthened, american patriots appeared, the number of german arst systems increased, together with the united states , it was possible to adapt soviet anti-aircraft missile systems, which is still the basis of defense. of the ukrainian sky under western missiles, because the soviet reserves are almost exhausted, all this gives reason for optimism, which the president spoke about during the online summit of the group of seven countries. this winter, we have a chance to win the energy battle. last year, russia tried to blackout ukraine. its missiles and iranian shahedis, which became weapons of russian terror, tried to destroy our energy industry. now we will deploy air defense, particularly with your support, and if we continue to do so, if we survive this winter energetically, the russian terror suffers one of its greatest defeats.
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at this time last year, ukraine had already experienced six massive enemy attacks, each with 50-100 rockets, as well as a number of shahed raids. in november, there was even a blackout in the country. as a result of another attack, all nuclear units in the controlled territory were disabled, and the power system lost its integrity. millions of ukrainians were left without electricity. i had to adapt to life with emergency shutdown schedules. a new characteristic sound appeared on the streets of the cities: the noise of an activated generator. according to. ministries of the energy sector, 50% of the energy infrastructure, thermal power plant turbines, distribution networks and scarce transformers were affected by the shelling. in the spring and summer , the energy industry carried out a large-scale repair campaign, but the energy system met this winter in a much worse condition than last year. to restore everything completely, of course, it is impossible, and unfortunately there are damages and
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destructions that are not recoverable at all, and in... something is happening there that does not make it possible to generate the necessary amount of electricity, for this there is import. exactly thanks to the import of electricity from the european union, in particular romania and slovakia, ukrainians have not yet had to remember how to use light according to the schedule, and such a risk exists, even without massive attacks: a slight decrease in temperature to -4-5°, or an unscheduled repair of a power unit and there is a deficit in the damaged electrical system, it is the first time... it goes through the winter without power reserves, so any russian strike can become especially painful, the partners understand this and help not only with air defense systems, but also with appropriate equipment. one of the vectors of our efforts is to provide ukraine with spare equipment and spare materials, these are high-voltage transformers, industrial gas generators and mobile
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autonomous equipment that will increase resilience and prevent losses of heat and electricity. another area of ​​assistance is the physical protection of critical infrastructure. in particular, the state agency for reconstruction and development of infrastructure takes care of this. the agency assures that, together with ukrenergo, they have developed a three-level system for the protection of energy facilities, gabions and big bags, special constructions, houses of peaceful ukrainians are filled. almost 300 high-rise buildings have been demolished in northern saltivka. dmytro didora will tell you how people live and whether they are rebuilding their homes. this is not a political action in any way, because it is hopeless. this is how mrs. svitlana and her husband had to live in the summer, they spent the night in a tent on the street and returned home in the afternoon. the couple was afraid that the ceiling would fall on their heads while they were sleeping, but
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the weather allowed them to sleep outside. their house was damaged in march last year russians directly. hitting the fifth floor. of course, this cannot be passed on. they could not extinguish the fire for a week. the entrance was completely burnt, the woman's apartment too, the ceiling, walls and floor, everything was engulfed in fire. until now, the building has been partially restored, the apartments on the floor above, where the woman lives, were additionally filled with concrete in some places to make the structure more reliable. the buildings have already been restored, and construction work is underway. the tab was put, lo and behold, and the wall was also made here, lo and behold , these cracks are all over the place, mine was sewn up, then it is covered up, this crack widens, further, it is covered up, and then, you see, it is transparent, maybe you
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can see, there you can see what is happening in the apartment, in... or they built new walls with concrete and in ms. svitlana's apartment. the builders did such rough work for us, they patched up our cracks. upstairs, in these two rooms , we have poured ceilings, well, the ceilings reinforced with these have been licked up there. the corridor, the second room, and the kitchen, nothing has been filled in there, it is all in a state of emergency, because they glued the net. they missed with remsmes, well i'm sorry, it's not a repair, it's not a restoration, the woman also had new windows installed, but despite such a restoration, it's impossible to live permanently in a burned-out apartment, so svitlana decided not to wait and start interior work with her own efforts and funds. more than uah 20,000 have already been spent on this, it is puttying, leveling the floor and
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laying linoleum. the works are still ongoing, they plan to have time by the new year. already. you see, the curtains have been hung, because yes, well, somewhere at least we will meet the new hour, even though the curtains are already light, but all efforts can be under a threat, because the house did not receive centralized heating, although more than 200 km of main pipes were laid in the city before the heating season, so the couple warms with electric heaters and gas, so even such an unfinished repair already has consequences, here are my cracks, which are sewn through, that's it. .. you see, here it is, and it is already visible through this putty, because there is no one there, there is nothing there, so there is nothing from me about... there is nothing, so we are melting these cracks here, and there is cold, and it is here manifests itself, ugh, and fungus, poly, no
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i have time to wipe up, puddles, puddles, puddles, puddles, more than 400 residential buildings were damaged in kharkiv, in total, the russians destroyed more than 800 objects in the city, this year it was possible to overhaul 38 objects, work is planned for seven more. will be heard in the coming days, city funds and state subsidies will be allocated for repairs. we have developed projects for the restoration of the city, there are already 118 potential objects, which we will also submit a subvention to the state, or seek to attract funds from international funds, donors, and so on. and the third, well, if there is an opportunity, we will add to these objects also the city budget, well... that is, if there is an opportunity. half a thousand houses in kharkiv cannot be restored at all, - said the mayor of kharkiv, ihor terekhov. he noted that kharkiv provides dormitories to those
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citizens who are left without a home. nowadays, all houses in kharkiv, which were prepared in advance with heat. however, local authorities are predicting a difficult winter, because last season utility workers were forced to completely restart the heating system of the entire city eight times, due to hitting in critical infrastructure facilities. as of the letter. 1,300 people live in kharkiv. dmytro didora, oleksandr burlevich, espresso tv channel. more than a month of strike. ukraine found a way to bypass the blocking of the border by polish carriers. ukrzaliznytsia sent the first contrailer train with trucks to poland. truck drivers will be taken to the polish city by bus. similar flights are organized in the reverse direction, so the authorities are returning to the long-forgotten practice of the 2000s of counter-relay transportation of trucks by trains to poland. by
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full-scale war, ukrainian ports are practically blocked, and railway and road routes across the western border have become the way of life for all types of transport. the blockade of the border became tangible for our soldiers as well. taras chmut, the head of the largest charitable organization for the provision of military aid, return alive , said: critically important deliveries of drones, electronics and parts for cars have been stuck at the border for several weeks, because they are being transported by commercial trucks, which are prohibited from passing through blockade trade associations and chambers of belgium, austria, the netherlands and italy called for a boycott of the polish. carriers, namely not to renew transport contracts and not to conclude new contracts with polish transport companies while they continue
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to block the ukrainian border. this is stated in the open letter of the mentioned trade associations and chambers. the authors of the letter hope that polish transport companies will quickly end the strike if companies in western europe boycott them. meanwhile, the international association. carriers of ukraine filed the first complaints with local authorities in poland. according to yaroslav romanchuk, a lawyer and head of the management of the association of ukrainian business in poland. the first stage is the submission of official statements that the blockade threatens life, health and safety. after receiving complaints, the leaders of polish territorial communities are obliged to appeal to the organizers of the blockade . to stop the action, yaroslav romanchuk says that while both business and lawyers do not plan to bring the case to court, but at the same time
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notes that with the advancement of ukraine to the eu, such there will be more and more disputes, conflicts and actions. the monument to lenin in kyiv on shevchenko boulevard was erected in 1946 on... opposite the bessarabian market. the monument to the soviet leader was erected at the site of mass executions during the second world war. he decorated the center of the capital, so to speak, for a long time, but then he collapsed loudly. his fiery overthrow took place on december 8, 2013, during the euromaidan. and it was the beginning of mass destruction of monumental propaganda throughout the country. how the fall of this, lenin. entailed the demolition of the row other soviet figures, kateryna halko will tell. for more than half a century, in the heart of the capital
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, at the corner of shevchenko boulevard and khreshchatyk street , there has been a tall monument to lenin, there have been several attempts to demolish it, but it was finally demolished exactly 10 years ago. it was the toppling of the lenin monument in kyiv that caused a chain reaction across the country, which was later called the fall of lenin. people rejoiced, people took hammers, well, when they knocked him down with a crowbar, when they had already knocked him down, people there directly led dances, collected pebbles as a memory, took pictures, well, that was really what it was all about lenin, it was a symbol of the ussr, the almost four-meter pedestal of ilyich on basarabka
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in 2013 was tried to be taken down at least three times. the first two times the law enforcement officers resisted, but the third time they simply watched. lenin in the center of kyiv dragged everyone else along with him. only in december 2013 , three more of these were demolished in ukraine. they overthrew lenin and felt everything. now let's overthrow yanukovych. indeed, viktor yanukovych fled in two months. and since then, the process accelerated, and monuments to soviet figures began to be torn down in southern cities as well. and south-eastern regions. in particular, in 2014 , the second tallest statue of lenin in ukraine fell in kharkiv. and already in 2015 , decommunization officially began. thanks to the package of laws, it was possible to remove thousands of soviet toponyms, names, memorial signs and monuments. from the beginning of the full-scale invasion, de-radinization was joined by de-russification. so we finally got rid of not only lenins and stalins, but also
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pushkins and others. after the full-scale invasion, it became clear to everyone that there should be nothing russian in the capital of ukraine, no there should be russian propaganda, there should not be russian symbols, we have enough of our own heroes. the capital, as of the end of 2023 , is 98% free of colonial signs and figures. in particular, several high-profile and long-awaited demolitions took place this year. motherland has lost the soviet coat of arms from its shield, and pushkin has finally disappeared from bagryany park, they even deposed the horse rider for whom leonid kravchuk once posed, and they promise not to stop there. paton's bridge, a few others that need a long time there, and us we have several dozen more commemorative plaques, which will be removed literally in a few days after the decision of the city council.
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in order to preserve the memory of ... atrocities and colonial policy of russian figures, they planned to create a museum of monumental propaganda, but later it was forgotten and incomplete: each, even a fallen pedestal, has its owner, mostly local authorities, so dismantled workers, stakhanivites, soldiers and poets are in temporary storage, after the victory they still plan to implement a museum or totalitarianism or something to the soviet regime, today as such a museum of totalitarianism there or... there is no other name, there were indeed thoughts of creating it on the territory of the former vdnkh, but this is the site that i mentioned, namely the aviation museum in the zhulyan district, it was also considered as a possibility a place to organize such a space, and it is possible that after the end of the war, it will be organized there.


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